How psychologists work with children. How does a child psychologist work?


Psychologists do not work with problems that are psychological diseases (neuroses and psychoses). This is already the sphere of activity of psychiatrists and psychotherapists.

You can safely contact a psychologist, if you do not have the following symptoms:

  • hallucinations, unusual perceptions
  • sleep disorders, appetite disorders
  • hypersensitivity that has become chronic
  • uncontrolled aggressiveness
  • chronic depression that lasts six months or more
  • withdrawal into oneself (when normal communication with other people and work, social contacts are difficult)
  • global changes in the external and internal world, obvious to you and the people around you (for example, sudden weight loss, careless attitude towards oneself, a sharp decline in activity, etc.)
  • mania and obsessive thoughts or actions

The list can be continued, but these signs of the disease are the main ones. In most cases, the help of a psychologist is exactly what a person needs to solve his problems. Also, you should not worry that the psychologist will send you for treatment to a psychiatric hospital or make any diagnosis - he will do this has no right.

The most common problem topics: what do psychologists work with?

According to statistics, the most common topics of problems with which people consult a psychologist-consultant for an appointment are:

  • self-doubt and self-esteem problems
  • problems in relationships with loved ones
  • fears and anxiety
  • difficulties in making decisions
  • love addiction
  • unwanted emotional states (guilt, sadness or depression, resentment, anger, irritation, etc.)
  • problems communicating with important people
  • stress and problems at work
  • family conflicts
  • sexual problems
  • loneliness and searching for a partner
  • unpleasant behavior of loved ones
  • and etc.

Topics of problems by group

What else do they turn to a psychologist for? The list, as you may have guessed, can be endless. But in general, we can divide all the topics of problems with which a psychologist works into the following subgroups:

  1. Dealing with unwanted conditions
  2. Working with relationships and communication
  3. Achieving significant goals and states
  4. Resolving a specific unpleasant situation that has arisen in a person
  5. Formation of necessary skills (for example, protection from manipulation, breaking habits, etc.)

How do I know if a psychologist is working with my problem?

Please note that you can usually go to the personal page of the specialist you like, where it is indicated what problems the psychologist works with and what you can contact him with. This is almost always done, because every psychologist has specialization , which is determined by these topics.

The best help will be provided to you by a psychologist who has extensive experience working with your topic! Therefore, if you have not found your topic with a particular psychologist, but want to be sure that the specialist is working with it, then you can do at least two things:

  • Call the psychological center (or write by email) and find out if the specialist you like works with such and such a problem
  • Select " For the better on my topic"(in our center, the highest possible quality of psychological assistance is organized in this way, since the most experienced psychologist in this field is selected for the client based on his request).

And remember: the likelihood that we can help in your specific situation is equal to 90%, because Our center has specializations covering most areas of practical psychology.

– How often are these problems associated with the intrauterine development of a child?
– As a pediatric neuropsychologist, I always monitor and study the perinatal history and I can say that in 60-70% of cases the problems are associated with an unsuccessful pregnancy, with complications during pregnancy and childbirth. And also with the not always prosperous early period of a child’s development, when parents, due to their ignorance, incorrectly organize and carry out rehabilitation work with the baby.

For example, a child with intellectual problems is brought to me, and it turns out that he has immaturity in the interhemispheric interactions of the brain. The first level of interhemispheric interactions is formed in the first year of a child’s life. Many parents do not know this and do not help form this basic level, which allows them to further build the correct vectors in brain maturation. And this is very important! And we have to do this when parents begin to encounter problems and come to a neuropsychologist. And if parents knew and carried out this work earlier themselves or with the help of specialists, then development would be more effective. Very often they treat problems with memory, speech development, sense of space, and coordination. And the source of the problems is the same immaturity of interhemispheric connections. Although parents believe that he remembers poorly - memory problems, cannot name the days of the week - problems with speech, “knocks all the corners” - problems with coordination.

– What exactly needs to be done?
– For example, cross step, crawling. When you ask parents how your child crawled, they remember that he did not crawl at all, “he sat, sat, stood up and walked.” And it turns out that such a child has missed a whole stage of development, when interhemispheric interactions begin to form.

– How does a difficult pregnancy affect you?
– Quite often, after a difficult pregnancy, children are born weakened. Most often, they have a history of perinatal encephalopathy, hemolytic fluid dynamics disorders, and are at risk. Often these are children with normal intelligence, but at the same time they cannot withstand intellectual stress for a long time. That is, scientifically speaking, these are children with a low level of mental performance. Emotionally, these children often have a tendency to affective states, a violation of emotional control, which manifests itself in frequent mood swings and “hysterics.” Of course, it is very important here that parents understand the essence of the processes and act correctly!

– Can the help of a psychologist help correct this situation?
- Yes, sure. There are various psychological approaches to correcting a child’s emotional states. I work within a humanistic approach, i.e. working with a small child through your condition, “through yourself.” Those. we ourselves must be calm and balanced if we want to achieve this from the child. We also have to talk with parents about the fact that it is important for the child that they become that good environment that understands, helps, loves and acts as a buffer. Those. parents help process these negative emotions and change their intensity and sign. Although it is very difficult! And the reasons are different. It happens that actively working parents themselves are very tired, and they themselves need support. It happens that they do not spend enough time with the child, and more often this is communication with the nanny.

It is important that early development is properly organized. Many parents believe that early development is primarily associated with learning to read and count. This is teaching letters, syllables with access to reading. But it turns out, and child neuropsychologists are very actively talking about this, that this disrupts the natural course of the child’s development. Because before the age of 3, other processes must develop. And when active intellectual learning occurs, we can say that the nature-conditioned sequence of maturation of the functional systems of the brain is disrupted. And in the future, such children very often experience stuttering and tics of varying complexity. Of course, parents can understand and explain this situation of “doing everything as early as possible” with the demands of society. The question is “the price of training.” Quite often, children at an older age, before going to school, stop withstanding these loads and get tired. A malfunction appears in the form of severe health problems, or problems with the emotional state, in the form of protest behavior, affective states.

However, there are situations when earlier learning does not harm, but is precisely due to the very nature of the child’s development. To understand this, it is advisable to see the baby and the whole family as a whole and discuss issues that are important specifically for your child and your family.

– Are there problems in the early period that can be easily corrected by a psychologist and family?
– Yes, now very often parents come to us with emotional problems in their child, and the reason lies in the disruption of sleep and wakefulness. Today, many parents structure their child’s routine in a way that is convenient for them, but is not beneficial for the child, which does not have the best effect on his psyche. For effective restoration of the nervous system and emotional health, a certain, properly structured daily routine is required, taking into account the psychophysiological constitution of the child, his workload and even the time of year. Of course, this is discussed individually, and if parents are ready for changes, then working with a specialist can be very effective and problems with “wrong” behavior and emotional reactions are eliminated.

– Do people come to you with problems in children who were born through IVF?
– Yes, now there is a large flow of children 5-6 years old who were born as a result of these operations. According to various experts, this is a very important stage in the development of science, but ambiguous from the point of view of the health and development of children. Practice shows that very often there are changes and disturbances in the health of children born in this way. Changes in emotional development, neuropsychological and psychosomatic health. I have a wish, my personal one, that you need to think very seriously before undertaking this type of operation. After all, the hormonal therapy that a mother receives during preparation for IVF and during pregnancy also affects the fetus. Such children are often born with dysfunctional hormonal levels, which leads to emotional problems in the future. If parents are ready, this can be corrected by working with a psychologist. But it takes time and energy, first of all, of the family. In my opinion, the problem of natural conception is not only medical, but also psychological. In my practice, there were such happy cases of natural conception after 3-5 years of “silence”.

Parents also need to understand that most health problems in children are of a psychosomatic nature. For the successful development of a child, emotional comfort is very important, which he receives, first of all, in the family, from his loved ones. The reasons for the violation of emotional comfort and, as a consequence, the appearance of functional, psychosomatic disorders are different, and it is necessary to understand each specific case separately. In particular, people come to me with such psychosomatic problems as VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia), biliary dyskinesia (biliary dyskinesia), bronchial asthma in remission. They often treat one problem, for example, an emotional one, and after a cycle of classes the child begins to suffer from fewer colds and learn better. Other problems that the parents did not see, but that were visible to the specialist, go away.

– What problems in children should be addressed to a neuropsychologist?
– I believe that a child with an unfavorable perinatal history, living in a metropolis, must undergo neuropsychological diagnostics, and the sooner the better, that is, at about 4 years old. It is important to contact at the age of 5-6 years about readiness for school, and in cases where parents feel that something is wrong with the child, and they cannot understand the reasons.

– You often talk about the readiness of parents, that is, one psychologist cannot solve a child’s problem?
- Of course not. There must be work together with the family, their active help. Personally, I adhere to the position of working in homework mode. When we do something with a child during individual work, then we tell it to the parents, and they repeat what they have learned to consolidate the effect. And it is also very important that the child sees that this is our common, family thing. This motivates the child in a different way and gives very good results.

– And if the parents brought the child to a psychologist and believe that they have lifted the burden of the problem from themselves, now another person will solve it?
– There will be a result, but it will be short-lived. The effect will be during the lesson itself and for some time after it. Parental support and a sense of unity are really important for a child. And we know that the most important motives for a child are laid in the family.

In this article I will talk about the most common children's psychological problems, reasons their appearance and ways to solve them.

I will answer the questions:

  • Why are you mostly fed only myths and offered solutions that don't work?
  • Why are psychological problems in children difficult to solve?
  • What can parenting mistakes lead to?
  • What can you do to make your child grow up healthy and happy?

Any parent or person planning to become one should know this if they realize that children are our future.

Why children's psychological problems are difficult to solve

Are you familiar with the situation in this joke?

One farmer's chickens began to die. He came to a consulting company that dealt with poultry farming issues so that they could solve his problem.

“Start feeding them only oats,” they told him, taking a decent fee.

A week later the farmer returned to the company and said:

- I fed them all week just as you said, but they continue to die!

“Then let them drink only slightly salted water,” was the answer.

And again the farmer left to follow their advice, having lost another amount of money.

And he came again a week later:

- I followed all your advice, but now all my chickens are dead!

“What a pity,” professional consultants answered him. - We still have so much advice left for you!..

If you come to a child psychologist with your problem and ask what to do, you will definitely receive advice. He will tell you that children at this age can behave this way and this happens for such and such a reason. And that you need to do this.

You will do what the psychologist said. So what will happen? In most cases nothing. Misunderstandings with your child will only increase.

And again you will come to the psychologist, and he will explain why this happened and give new advice, and this will happen again and again.

Why is this happening?

Why is it so difficult to solve seemingly ordinary problems?

Why are there more and more psychologists, and at the same time more and more problems with children?

The main misconception is to blame:

Main misconception:

All children are the same!

Yes! Professional psychologists most often “haircut” all children with the same brush. Because that's how they were taught. In fact

Children are different!

Children are mentally structured differently. Just like adults. And also, each specific psychologist is mentally structured in a certain way. And this device matches your child’s device only in rare cases.

When a psychologist gives advice, thinking that everyone is built the way he is (and this is very difficult to get rid of), this advice is either useless or harmful.

Often psychologists are people who lacked love and attention. And they also often advise parents to love their child more in order to solve a particular problem. Without knowing a terrible secret: excessive, inadequate care and love can spoil a child just as much as their complete absence.

Read the recommendations of most psychologists on the Internet - most of their problems come down to a lack of attention. Because psychologists themselves lacked this attention or continue to lack it. And this is just one example.

Psychologists also often suggest talking calmly and confidentially with your child so that he can tell his parents the reasons for his problems. This assumes that the child knows the reasons, but the psychologist does not! And this is another misconception:

Often the child does not understand the reasons why he performs this or that action.

For example, ask your child why he picked the pockets of his classmates and stole money from them. At best, he will answer the truth: “I don’t know... Suddenly I wanted it and that’s it...”. And in most cases he will start lying so that you do not punish him.

Adults, especially parents, should understand the causes of psychological problems in their children. They are responsible for the child.

Parents, going to a professional psychologist with a psychological problem of their child, believe that if a psychologist has received a higher education, he understands the human soul as well as a person who graduated from medical school understands medicine. And so this is where the danger lies. A psychologist who has graduated from college understands practically nothing about the psyche, unlike a physicist who understands mechanics.

Want to check it out? Find several psychologists and ask them, for example, the following questions:

  • Why do suicides take their own lives?
  • Why do children start using drugs?
  • Where do depression come from and how to get rid of it?
  • Why do people change sexual orientation?
  • Why are certain crimes committed?

You can ask any other questions that interest you.

What will you hear in response?

Firstly, you will hear different answers from different psychologists. Doesn't this seem strange? What would you think if physicists gave different answers to a school problem about calculating the time of a weight falling from a height?

Secondly, you may be told that there are different theories on this topic. And each of the theories offers its own way of solving it. Which again means there is no answer.

When the country's chief psychiatrist says that he does not know where pedophilia comes from, this means that he does not have complete and accurate knowledge of the human psyche. Not to mention the fact that other psychologists who have received only a classical education do not have such knowledge.

They will tell you that psychology is not an exact science and there can be no specific answer. No! Just they don't know him. And at the same time, mental processes proceed in accordance with the most precise laws. And those psychologists who know about them are able to solve most psychological problems in children.

I will tell you further how to recognize such a psychologist.. In the meantime, let's look at what inaction can lead to when children's psychological problems arise.

What are the consequences of inaction?

In childhood, both our body and our psyche develop. In childhood, the foundation is created for

How happy will we be in adulthood?

What happens if a child’s psychological problems are not addressed in time?

At a minimum, the child will not live as happy a life as he could.

As a maximum, throughout his life he will, to one degree or another, make not only himself, but also other people unhappy, making the world around him only worse.

Here edge cases one who grows up from improperly raised children:

  • Thieves and kleptomaniacs
  • Prostitutes
  • Killers, including serial killers
  • Schizophrenics
  • Autistic people
  • Tyrants and sadists in their families
  • Scammers
  • Transvestites and transsexuals

You can continue for a long time.

Will they tell you that these deviations are genetic? Or that people only become like this in terrible families? Or that if a parent wishes well for a child, then the child will never grow up to be any of the people described?

Those who say this simply do not know how small children grow into such adults if they are not raised correctly...

How to solve psychological problems in children?

How to notice a child’s psychological problems in advance? How to solve them correctly?

I will describe the types of problems, their causes and solutions below. And now I want to pay attention to one important point. Before you apply these methods, you need to know about two ways.

The first is to contact a psychologist who divides the mental structure of people into 8 measures. A system-vector psychologist is able to see how your child works and what should be done to solve this or that psychological problem. Such a psychologist will easily answer any question, including those that I voiced above.

This method is convenient because it is enough to describe the situation to a psychologist, answer all his questions about this situation and, as a result, receive accurate working instructions. By doing this, the problem will be solved.

But this path has its drawbacks:

  • If new psychological problems arise in your child, you will have to contact a psychologist again.
  • Without feeling the essence of the problem, you will not be able to apply the instructions more creatively if the need arises.
  • The instructions may not be as effective in changing the situation compared to what you described to the psychologist.

The second way is to become such a psychologist yourself. Moreover, it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

You will be able to understand your child, see the reasons for his actions, his train of thoughts, what problems are in his life and help him solve them in the best way for him.

What is needed for this? Study the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan. It will take you less than two months of online training. And in order for you to decide whether you need it or not, you can attend three open classes. You can do this by following this link.

And now, as promised, I will describe the types of psychological problems of children.

Types of children's psychological problems

To explain the causes of psychological problems in children, I will use the terminology of system-vector psychology.


The reasons for lying depend on the type of child.

In a child with the oral vector, lying is a consequence of the fact that they do not listen to him, they do not allow him to speak. By inventing fables, he thereby finds topics that will pique your interest. If you don’t want to listen to the truth, you will listen to lies; it's simple...

If you want to prevent your oral child from lying, listen to him, ask questions and direct his conversation in the right direction. There will be no need to lie.

A child with a skin vector lies for his own benefit. When he wants to avoid punishment or receive encouragement. Let him understand that it is more profitable to tell the truth - and he will begin to do it.


A child with a skin vector begins to steal when he is beaten. This way it relieves stress. The more you beat such a child, the more he will steal. Parents often punish theft with beatings - so it turns out to be a vicious circle.

Stop physically punishing your child. For skin children, there are their own methods of punishment that will not cause injury to him or lead to other, more serious psychological problems.

Eating problems

Does your child eat little? Then remember once and for all: the greatest psychological trauma that can be inflicted on a child is trauma from force-feeding.

Firstly, based on the child’s vector set, he has certain food preferences. And he should be fed the food that suits him (naturally, I’m not saying that if a child only wants to eat candy, he should be fed candy).

Secondly, the child himself must experience hunger and want to eat. The exception is a child with an olfactory vector, who still needs to be slightly encouraged to eat.

Hyperactivity in children

Both urethral children and some skin children can be called hyperactive. Depending on this, different actions need to be taken. A skin child should be taught discipline. Urethral - never; he should be guided in a special way, not like all other children.

Remember that hyperactivity is not a disease! Prescribing medications will most likely lead to a change in the mental chemistry of the child’s brain, as a result of which he will no longer be able to be happy.


Sadism can only manifest itself in anal children. The reason lies in the inappropriate upbringing of such a child. They pull him around, don’t let him complete things, don’t thank him or praise him for his achievements.

Start raising him the way you should raise an anal child and the problem will disappear.


If your child is afraid of the dark and loneliness, then you have a child with a visual vector. He is born with inner fear, which, with proper upbringing, can easily be replaced with compassion and love.

Lack of contact, desire for loneliness

This psychological problem in children is most often associated with the fact that the child has a sound vector. And in addition to this, the child is pulled at home, not allowed to be quiet and concentrate.

If such a child continues to be constantly tugged (“strangled” with attention, called every fifteen minutes to eat, talk loudly or swear in front of him, turn on music), then he will withdraw more and more into himself, to the point of losing the ability to learn, autism, schizophrenia, moral degeneration, depression and constant suicidal thoughts.

If he is truly a sound specialist, educate him accordingly and, as a result, grow him into a future genius.

Deterioration of vision

There is a huge misconception that children's vision deteriorates from watching TV, reading books excessively in low light, and so on. All these reasons have an insignificant effect on vision.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the cause of deterioration (and sometimes complete loss) of vision in a child with a visual vector is a breakdown in emotional connection. This could be a beloved teddy bear left on a tram, or a deceased hamster, or the departure of one of the parents from the family, or an unhappy love... All these (as well as many other) cases of severing an emotional connection lead to varying degrees of vision deterioration or immediately after how the situation occurred, or during puberty.

Don't let the emotional connection break - and your child's vision will remain good, no matter how many books he reads.

Other psychological problems in children

Other childhood psychological problems such as:

  • Escape from home
  • Tendency to hypochondria
  • Learning difficulties
  • Disobedience
  • Sleep disorders
  • Different types of stuttering
  • And any others

They also have exact reasons depending on the vector set of a particular child. The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan will help you recognize this set, find the reasons and solve them.

Remember that not all parenting mistakes become visible psychological problems. Some will not make themselves known until the child grows up. And then little can be corrected... Help your children now - contact a system-vector psychologist or take training.

There are significant differences between psychologists for children and adults. We cannot always clearly formulate what things are bothering us. Moreover, this cannot be expected from a child. That is why the urgent question is: how to find a highly professional specialist? To do this, you need to be clearly aware of several points. Find out what issues a child psychologist deals with and what to look for when choosing.

What problems does a child psychologist solve?

It is necessary to contact a child psychologist in the following cases:

  • there are obsessive fears, phobias;
  • the child experiences obvious difficulties in communicating with adults or peers;
  • have learning problems;
  • There are constantly recurring conflict situations.

Important! A visit to a child psychologist is needed not only in the situations described. The specialist helps to deal with numerous childhood emotional traumas and grievances. It teaches you to understand others and helps you build relationships with loved ones. Pay attention to stressful situations. The help of a psychologist is necessary when changing residence, school, or kindergarten. The reason for visiting a specialist may be the divorce of parents or death.

How to recognize a good child psychologist?

A qualified child psychologist in Yekaterinburg must meet the following points.

  • Availability of appropriate education. The profession of a psychologist is common. This trend is facilitated by many universities that are not related to this field. For unknown reasons, their management is confident in producing highly qualified specialists. Find out what educational institution the candidate graduated from and his or her specialized specialty.
  • Long-term experience in the field of child counseling. A psychologist is like a chess player. The more problems he solves, the better specialist he becomes. This can only be achieved through extensive and long practice.
  • Pleasant appearance of a specialist for a child. An important point: the child must feel a sense of empathy and trust the psychologist. When a consultant's appearance is annoying or intimidating, it is impossible to achieve the desired effect.
  • The manner of communication is also important. First, talk to a psychologist yourself. Feel if you trust him. Does the conversation cause feelings of awkwardness or anxiety? Did you like the psychologist? There is a possibility that the child will also have a positive attitude towards him.
  • Documents confirming recent advanced training. New technologies and techniques are constantly emerging in the world of psychology. Possession of them provides significant assistance to the patient. Excessive conservatism is unacceptable. It is advisable to take additional courses and seminars: art therapy, sand therapy.

Our center employs qualified child psychologists. They have vast practical experience behind them. They will help the child deal with a problematic situation and promote personal growth. The specialists on staff specialize not only as psychologists, but also as speech therapists and psychologists. Their efforts are also aimed at correcting and eliminating speech defects in the child.

Why do you need a psychologist in kindergarten? What are the requirements for it, and what functions does it have the right to perform? Many parents ask themselves these questions. A little man finds himself in an unusual, strange and new environment for him in a kindergarten. There are a lot of children and adults around, you should follow a routine, eat on your own and play with other children, learn to communicate with peers and interact with adults. A teacher-psychologist in kindergarten should help the child adapt and monitor his condition. For many children, such an institution is the first serious stress. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you should not leave the problems of little pupils that seem at first glance unattended.

Who is a psychologist?

A teacher-psychologist in a kindergarten is a very important specialist for children, their parents and the staff of the institution. Parents should not be afraid if a psychologist works with their child - he is not a doctor and does not diagnose children. His tasks are different.

The psychologist works in three directions:

  • Working with a child. The specialist evaluates the child’s personal characteristics, his psychotype, mental and behavioral characteristics, his natural inclinations, and fears. Knowing the characteristics of each individual child, a kindergarten psychologist helps to adapt to new conditions, find a common language with peers and teachers, resolve conflict situations and help if the child has problems. The work of a psychologist with children combines the functions of psychological management and pedagogy.
  • Working with the child's parents. Perhaps kindergarten is even more stressful for the child’s parents than for the child himself. The psychologist’s tasks include working with mothers and fathers in several directions: helping them understand the child’s new status, explaining how to behave with him, how to work in the development of their baby, and resolving conflict situations. The specialist advises parents on the further path of education. The psychologist’s tasks also include identifying developmental abnormalities and informing parents that their child needs medical consultation.
  • Working with kindergarten staff. There is an opinion that the work of a teacher is low-skilled, simple, and does not require special strength or special skills. This is a huge mistake. A psychologist in a kindergarten works with the teaching staff, helps with problem children and performs mentoring functions in terms of working with children. Each teacher must find a common language with the entire group of kids, pick up the key to a little heart, become a friend, patron and mentor.

Functions of a psychologist

It is worth considering in more detail what functions psychologists perform in kindergartens. They are as follows:

  • adaptive;
  • diagnostic;
  • pedagogical;
  • consulting;
  • analytical;
  • problematic.


A psychologist helps each child adapt to the conditions of kindergarten. As a rule, most children cannot immediately realize where they are, what is happening and how to behave. The child is in a state of stress, and the psychologist’s task is to work with him so that the conditions of the kindergarten become natural and comfortable for each child.

The work is carried out both with the team as a whole and with each child. To carry out these functions, a psychologist’s diary is created in kindergarten. In it, the specialist notes the points of the plan for the adaptation of younger kindergarteners and children who entered the institution at an older age. He outlines an action plan for working with both children, parents, and teaching staff.

The task of this stage is to help each child realize that he is part of the team and feel comfortable in the kindergarten environment.


As part of this function, a kindergarten psychologist diagnoses the child’s psychotype, his abilities and inclinations, and possible problems. In order to successfully work with each child, you should know how he lives. Knowledge and skills are also diagnosed (how well children can go to the potty, use cutlery, behave in a group, interact with other children, etc.).

In addition to the basic skills, needs and characteristics of children, the psychologist identifies the problems of each child during the diagnostic process. It can be:

  • speech therapy problems;
  • nervous habits (biting nails, picking your nose);
  • developmental delay;
  • behavioral disorders;
  • other problems.

Taking into account the results, the psychologist’s classes in kindergarten with children are structured. If necessary, he will refer the child for consultation with a specialist.


A psychologist is, first of all, a teacher whose task is the comprehensive development of each child. To accomplish this task, psychologists in kindergartens:

  • develop developmental and educational programs for children of all age categories;
  • draw up a schedule of educational games;
  • conduct play psychotests to monitor the development of children;
  • develop methods of social adaptation and mastery of basic skills (this includes: rules of behavior, interaction in a team, ideas about the world, etc.);
  • conduct training work with staff;
  • talk with the children's parents;
  • are developing measures for the adaptation of problem children (with behavioral disorders, without serious mental or physical disorders).


A psychologist works through communication. Consultations with a kindergarten psychologist may include:

  • personal (conversation with each child);
  • general (working with children's groups);
  • personal (conversation with each parent);
  • general (with a group of parents);
  • personal (with the child and his parents);
  • general (with parents and educators);
  • general (with teachers and children).

Within each consultation, certain nuances are considered. A psychologist can advise on the following issues:

  • How to help a child adapt?
  • Basic advice for parents - how to behave with a kindergartener?
  • Playful activities with children, imitation of various situations.
  • Working with each child to analyze his personality, needs and problems.
  • Resolution of conflict and problem situations.
  • Working with parents and educators on personal issues.
  • Identifying problem children and notifying parents about difficulties.
  • Much more.

All consulting work of a psychologist is based on helping children and their parents grow and develop together.


As part of the analytical work, the psychologist:

  • analyzes children - their behavior, skills, problems;
  • prepares reports to higher organizations;
  • performs analytical tasks provided for by law;
  • keeps diaries and journals in the form prescribed by law;
  • submits reports required by law.


A kindergarten psychologist also solves problem situations. His competence includes:

  • identifying problems in children;
  • analysis of problems and decision-making - whether specialist consultation and specific treatment are required, or whether the problem can be solved by a psychologist;
  • assistance in resolving conflict situations;
  • working in problematic or unusual situations with children, their parents and kindergarten staff;
  • Conducting private lessons with children to solve their problems.

As a rule, clear restrictions are established for the psychologist and functions are prescribed that he no longer has the right to perform. Let's look at them in more detail.

What a psychologist has no right to do

The functions of a psychologist do not extend to:

  • Making a diagnosis for children.
  • Carrying out specific treatment or prescribing it.
  • Drawing up a mandatory program for parents to raise a child. The work of a psychologist is of a consulting and auxiliary nature.
  • Working with children to identify certain behavioral and situational issues in them that are obviously dangerous for the child.
  • Any work that is aimed at “digging” in the baby’s head without the knowledge of the parents or that can harm the child.

Advice from a kindergarten psychologist is aimed at helping the child adapt, develop and interact with the world around him. They are not of an obvious therapeutic nature. Also prohibited at the legislative level are any actions that could cause harm to the mental or physical health of the baby.

Therefore, a kindergarten psychologist is a specialist who helps children, their parents and staff live in harmony, study together and feel at ease and comfortable.