Promise of fidelity. Wedding vow of the bride and groom

Other celebrations

We all understand that what the auntie says at the registry office is very important! “Love each other... support each other... your marriage is registered... please leave the premises.” This is all great, BUT... but let's break the mold! Let the auntie at the registry office speak only for those who came to the registry office to “put a stamp for a tick” and those who could not come up with anything better.

For those who want to express their feelings on their own, who do not need the support of the civil registry office, I suggest coming up with your own unique oath of love and fidelity! This is what is truly wonderful! Tell everyone around you about your feelings and love!

Below I suggest you familiarize yourself with some options for wedding vows. No, I'm not saying that every newlywed couple should memorize the vows below. No! This list of wedding vows is intended to tell you what they can be, so that it will be easier for you, dear newlyweds, to make your own vows.

Wedding vow 1
I ______, take you, ______, to be my wife/husband, to be with you and to support you from this day forward in joy and sorrow, in poverty and prosperity, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.

Wedding vow 2
I ______, I take you, ______, to be my wife/husband. I vow to openly share my life with you. Tell you only the truth about my love. I promise to respect you and tenderly care for you, cherish you and support you for the rest of my life.

Wedding vow 3
I ______, take you, ______, to be my wife. I will loving husband. I promise to respect you as a person. Every day you make me better and better. I will love you through good and bad as long as we both live.

Wedding vow 4
I ______, I ask the guests present here to witness the fact that I take you as my wife/husband

Wedding vow 5
______, I openly declare my love for you. I encourage you to share my life as a husband/wife. I promise to respect your needs and accept you as/as you are/as you are. I will be kind, trusting and selfless. And I will do everything possible to ensure that our family life is happy.
Wedding vow 6
______, I want to be with you always. I chose you over others to share my life with you in marriage. I love you as myself and want you to become all you can be. I promise to honor this oath as long as I live.

Wedding vow 7
I______, take you, ______, as my wife for life. I will do everything I can to keep our love alive. I will talk to you and listen to you. I will give you everything and expect the same. Your successes and happiness, sorrows and adversities will be mine.

Wedding vow 8
______, I feel proud to take you as my lawful wife. We have always had those feelings and understanding that can only be experienced with true love. You helped me cope with all the difficulties that faced me. Contributed to my personal growth, increased my self-esteem and helped me become a better person. You helped me become who I am now. And with your help, tomorrow I will become better than I was yesterday. I love the way you love and care for me. I love the way you believe and trust me. I love how beautiful you look for me. I love you and love my life with you. Today, as we begin our lives as husband and wife, I declare that I dedicate my life to you.
Wedding vow 9
______, I take you as my lawful spouse. To say that I love you is to say nothing. It is impossible to briefly express the depth of my feelings. Words cannot express all the respect and love I have for you.
I won't tell you how much I appreciate you, how gentle and caring you are, nor the joy I feel when you laugh, nor the tears I hold back when you hurt, nor the support you give me when it is necessary, nor the pleasure I feel when touching you.
But if I say I love you, it means all of the above.
So let me say, my love for you is getting bigger and bigger every day!

Wedding vow 10
I will hug you when you need it. I will listen to you when you need to talk. I will laugh with you when you are happy and support you when you are sad. I will love you for who you are and help you become who you can be. I will meet old age with you.

Wedding vow 11
______, you are my favorite best friend and my only one real love. When I'm with you, I feel like I'm who I want to be and I can't imagine my life without you. You make me smile, support me, take care of me, and are always interested in what I have to say and do. Today, I want to promise to myself and to you, in front of our friends and families, that I will love and honor, protect and respect you all my life.
I vow to trust you and value your opinion and help you. I promise to treat you like my very best friend, as an equal. I will ask for your help when I need it and offer my own. Let's be friends and lovers and grow old together. Let's make ours years together become best years life. Once and for all.

Wedding vow 12
You are my best friend, the one I can always trust. You make me cry and laugh, you are honest and wise. You are my strength and you are kindness itself. No matter what, you always love me. You always helped me cope with difficulties in bad times, and I can't imagine my life without you. Today, I want to promise to myself and to you, in front of our friends and families, to love and honor, protect and respect you all my life.

Wedding vow 13
I promise to remain your friend, always be with you, take care of you, and love you no matter what. I will always share your interests and ideas. I will be with you in your heart and I will cherish you in mine. When you are happy, I will be happy with you. When you feel sad, I will do everything to make you smile and not be sad. I will help you develop as an individual as we work together towards common goals. I will be your friend and spouse, I will recognize that your choices are as important as mine. I promise you love, honesty, loyalty and to be obligatory towards you, and in general, to make your life the happiest.

Wedding vow 14
I______, take you, ______, to be my lawful spouse. I will be a loving wife/husband. I promise to respect and support you.
By marrying you, I vow to continue building the love and friendship we have developed throughout our time together. I also want to be happy that I am with you.
I will love you through thick and thin until death do us part.

Wedding vow 15
______, I take you as my legal spouse. I value the bonds of love that bind us. This is a relationship I haven't had before. I feel your care for me, and I miss your smile and touches when we are far from each other. I love your sensitivity, caring nature, enthusiasm and optimism. I promise to support you in joy and sorrow. I promise to appreciate you and us as we journey through our lives. I am very proud to be your husband/wife.

Wedding vow 16
______, I am proud to be your wife. When you are near, you make me glow with happiness. Knowing that I can lean on your tenderness, support and strength if I need it, my fears recede. You have given me a lot. I love your calmness. Like your smile. I love the way you love me. This is exactly how I always wanted to be loved. You contribute to my personal growth. You listen and support me like no one else. Today, on the first day of our new life, I promise to always be with you.

Wedding vow 17
I ______ promise to give you ______ all my love, comfort and support. Be open and honest all the time.

Wedding vow 18
______, I want to always be with you, wherever you are. I chose you over others to live my life with you.
I will hug you when you need it. I will listen to you when you need to talk. I will laugh with you in moments of fun, and support you in moments of sadness. I will love you, no matter who you are and help you become that in all your endeavors. I will meet old age with you, and will be with you until the end of our days.

Wedding vow 19
I promise to give you the best I have and not to ask for more than you can give me. I promise to respect you as myself and understand that your interests, desires and needs are no less important than mine. I promise to share my whole life with you and bring joy, strength, resourcefulness into our relationship. I promise to be open and honest with you. I promise to go with you through life in the same direction. I promise to love you and be with you through the best of times and the worst of times.

Just imagine: a violin is playing quietly, captivating all the guests with its song, trees and flower beds are blooming around, the scent of roses is in the air, beautiful arch, standing in the most picturesque corner of your city, and you, dressed in, intoxicated with passion, holding the hand of your loved one and looking into his eyes, say: “I swear to love you in sorrow and in joy, in wealth and in poverty, in illness and in health until death do us part'...

Examples of vows

Option #1

Even the smallest joys that you give me mean a lot to me.

I absolutely love it when you take my hand when we cross the street, when you always hug me when we meet...

Sometimes seemingly ordinary things, when you don’t forget to grab something nice for me in the store, make my heart melt with tenderness and again remind me of how caring and attentive you are.

I don’t always tell you this right away, but I see everything and feel everything, I keep these little joys in my heart...

I can only thank fate that we are together - now definitely FOREVER!

I love you.

Option No. 2 Oath in verse

Him: I found you in the city of dreams, my love

She: I’ve understood everything for a long time without words, my love

Him: You have captured my soul, beautiful

She: You, like air, are with me everywhere, my beloved

Him: I will love you forever, my soul

She: I can’t live without you now, my destiny

Him: I dissolve in your love

She: Save my tenderness forever

Him: Be my wife, my friend

She: I'm yours until the end of my days!

Together: I swear to be with you forever. Let's be happy together - ALWAYS!

Option No. 3 Oath-dialogue


Beloved, since you came into my life, my days have been filled with the light of happiness. And now this light has flared up so brightly that its rays can warm the whole world. I will forever cherish in my heart this golden moment when you became my wife.


Beloved, I bring you my love as a gift. I swear to be a faithful and tender wife, to share with you joys and worries, hopes and dreams.


I swear to cherish the light of our love like the apple of my eye. I swear to be a loving and gentle husband, an honest and reliable friend, to take care of you, support you and share with you everything that fate sends us.


Everything I have in my life will be yours from now on. I will devote my whole life to you and will carry my love to you until the end of my days.

Together: I love you.

Option No. 4

I, (name), am united with you, (name), in legal marriage, so that you become (a) my constant friend, my faithful partner, and my love from this day forward. In the presence of God, our families and friends, I take my solemn oath to you and promise to be your trusted partner in sickness and in health, in Good times both in bad times, and in joy, and also in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, support you in all your endeavors, honor and respect you, laugh and cry with you, and cherish you for as long as we both live.

Option #5

I (Name), with all my love, take you as my wife/husband. I will always love you in good times and bad, in joy and sorrow. I will try to be understanding and trust you completely. Together we can face all the difficulties of life and share each other's dreams and goals. I promise that I will become your equal partner in a loving, honest relationship for as long as we both live. From now on, you are my best friend, and I will always love and respect you!

Option No. 6 Bride's oath

I love you. You are my best friend.
Today I am marrying you.
I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you
And comfort you in your sorrow.

I promise to love you in good times and bad,
When life seems easy and when life seems hard
When our relationships will be easy and when we will have difficulties.
I promise to take care of you and always deeply honor you.
I promise all this today and all our days life together.

The romance of a wedding vow

Your quiet whisper is carried by the warm wind to every corner globe, thereby telling the whole world that you have forever linked your destiny with another person and from today you will begin to build your bright future together with him...

Wedding vows are one of the most beautiful moments of any wedding, the pronouncing of vows is rightfully considered the most sincere and romantic episode of your celebration, because the words spoken by the newlyweds at this moment come from the very heart, the souls of the spouses are completely open to each other, the nerves - naked to the limit, and love sounds in every word...

Vows should be pronounced during the bride price or during the outdoor ceremony. If you are planning a regular wedding, then the wedding vows are pronounced either immediately upon the newlyweds’ arrival at a cafe/restaurant/hut/etc. or before the first wedding dance.

This beautiful ritual was borrowed from the wedding ritual a very long time ago, but during communism it lost its sacred meaning and began to be used as one of the entertainment moments wedding celebration. Today it is regaining its former popularity and, most importantly, its meaning - dinners of eternal love are increasingly heard at modern weddings.

A wedding vow is a song of the soul, the voice of the heart, a verbal frame of your feelings for another person. It could be a poem or a song, just a short story about love or dialogue, a dance to music with corresponding text, or even a short theatrical performance!

There are many options and they are all beautiful in their own way, and are also appropriate for a wedding! We have already introduced you to some examples of oaths.

The only principle you must follow when making an oath is to listen to your heart, using the words that it whispers to you!



The parents, in whose house the wedding is taking place, are greeted with bread and salt. A round loaf of black bread or a loaf with a salt shaker well secured in the middle is placed on a long, beautiful towel. The welcoming speech is given by the mother-in-law or mother-in-law:
“We congratulate you on your legal marriage, we wish you happiness, health, long life married life. You are welcome to our home - to your home. Try the bread and salt, and we’ll see who’s boss in the house.”

The young break off or bite off the bread, dip it in salt and eat. They believe that whoever bites off the most is the owner. Once again they are congratulated and kissed. This ritual symbolizes true and sincere consent and is a sign that the young will from now on be like crumbs of the same bread.

When meeting newlyweds, we can say that on this day another family ship sets sail across the endless sea of ​​life. Let the endless expanses not frighten him, do not encounter the Bermuda Triangles, strong storms and the ninth wave. And according to tradition, before the ship sets sail, you need to break a bottle of champagne for good luck.

You can arrange a “social reception” on your wedding day. Let the guests, located in a “living corridor”, greet the newlyweds with glasses of champagne. Then the advancement of the newlyweds to the wedding table will be very solemn, beautiful and sonorous.

The boatswain on the ship keeps order and helps the captain. Who will be the "boatswain" at the wedding? Let the guests, at the signal, try each under their chair (from the bottom side) to find the whistle attached with tape. Whoever has a whistle under his chair is obliged to whistle before each toast, calling everyone to silence and order.

Behind wedding table in Rus', a cupbearer was chosen - the one who made sure that as much remained in the guests’ glasses as the one who raised this glass wished the newlyweds harm. Today, a cupbearer at each wedding table can be chosen as follows: under a chair, attach a card with this word - “cupbearer”. At a certain moment, at the command of the host, the guests try to find this card to the music - they turn over the chairs, look under them.

It looks romantic when, during the first family dance of the bride and groom, witnesses sprinkle rose petals on the newlyweds.

After the “stealing the bride” ritual, the bride returns to the hall, to the groom, and guests - in a second, pre-prepared wedding dress.

When it gets dark outside, witnesses hand out candles or sparklers to all guests (several for each, as they burn out quickly). The lights in the hall are turned off, the guests light candles and form a circle, in the center of which the newlyweds dance a slow composition.

Oath of the newlyweds

Swear by Cupid's arrow,
Like Shakespeare's Desdemona,
Be a faithful wife to your husband.

I swear to be his soul.

You will go with him anywhere.

Like a Decembrist wife.

Wash dishes, cook food,
And give birth to a baby,
Swear to wash his clothes.

I swear to collect my salary.

So that we walk forever on the same road,
So that you can help him.

I won’t climb my husband’s neck,
I swear to love him forever!

Groom, since you called yourself husband,
In family matters, don’t be lazy!
Do you understand how much the bride needs you?
Come on, swear too!

Like an angel, be kind and sweet,
You haven't loved anyone like that?

And I'll never fall in love,
I solemnly swear in front of everyone.

And if anything happens,
You are her protector, you are her stronghold!

I swear to always be a support
And never contradict.

Being together is such a joy
Understand everything and forgive everything.
In both weather and bad weather
To love equally.
Don't bend from the blows,
Don't become pessimists.
Stay young.
If it's sixty.
And let the festive pattern
Your life will sparkle.
All we have left is a choir
It’s just BITTER to tell you!


From now on husband - (full name of the groom)
I swear on my honor and soul,
That (bride's name) and I will live together
Golden until the wedding.
I swear to be an excellent husband,
An exemplary father to his children.
I swear not to forget my friends,
I will call you for all birthdays.
I will babysit the kids
Any grass I will be below.
I will sew, wash and darn
And I won’t stomp on my wife.
I will be an angel, not a husband,
I ask guests - believe me.
His wife, well, that means (name of the bride),
I will not allow you to offend me in my life,
And without hiding, I will give my entire salary to my wife.
And if he suddenly starts swearing,
To put out the quarrel,
I will smile silently
Of course, he will understand and forgive.


Yesterday there was me (maiden name),
Today I am (new last name).
What can you do here, friends?
This is probably fate.
I take command into my hands.
I swear, there will be no boredom in the house,
I swear, I'm not very capricious,
So, every other day, by the way.
I promise to keep my spouse busy every day
And every month regularly
Accept his salary.
And I promise carefully
Prepare breakfast and lunch.
So that we live peacefully in harmony,
I will take trouble away from home.
I (groom's name) will never leave,
Because he is very good
And I love him very much!
Well, if necessary,
I'll beat him myself!


Oh, you beautiful girl!
Oh, you are a good fellow!
You are entering a new life!
Into a new life - unapproachable.

You are on the road, on the long road, walking hand in hand until you reach a hundred years of age!
Yes, that path is not smooth in a hurry, but you should walk along it and not quarrel.

You have gold on your hand - the shine of a ring, your happiness has no end in sight.
So that your home will always be a full cup for the joy of your eyes.

To make people smile in it!
So that children are born in it!
This is the order we give you now!
And now we’re drinking with you.


Do you swear, (name), to be an exemplary husband, a protector, a friend, a faithful helper. (I swear!)

Do you swear, groom, to love (name)?
Sweep the floors and wash the dishes? (I swear!)

Do you swear to take care of her?
Always kiss before leaving for work? (I swear!)

Do you swear to give money to your wife? (I swear!)

Swear to always be good and sweet, so that there is no room for discord, resentment... (I swear!)


Do you swear, (name), do you feel sorry for your husband, and be friendly and affectionate with him all your life? (I swear!)

And bake pies for him more often. And in the morning, pour some sweeter tea.
(I swear!)

And after lunch, if he goes to bed with the newspaper, swear that you won’t swear for it.
(I swear!)


Mother-in-law is like a bride herself
From the richest dough
Lips like honey sugar
Eyes - ready to argue with the sun.
Words - that halva - this is necessary
And the voice is a delight to the ear
I'll say it more clearly and simply -
The newlywed and his mother-in-law are lucky.

We give the mother-in-law the "Caring Mother-in-Law" medal

Mother-in-law is like a creation of heaven
You see for yourself - what it is!
Wouldn't a blind person notice?
It will pass - as if the sun will shine
If he looks, he’ll give you a ruble!
Well, just a divine view!

We give the medal "Wonderful Mother-in-Law"

You have a daughter-in-law
It's not a trifle, it's not nonsense
Look at her right and left
Not a bride, but a queen!
We ask you to respect her,
Don't grumble or lecture
And help with everything!

We give the father-in-law the "Caring Father-in-Law" medal

Father-in-law, you are a hero!
Be strong for your son-in-law!
Invite me to visit more often,
Treat yourself to delicious beer!

We give my father-in-law the "Wonderful Father-in-Law" medal


The mother-in-law is obliged:

Get up before dawn and, creaking your heart, brushing away a careless tear, do the housework.
- Son for the threshold, mother-in-law for the daughter-in-law.
- Always remember that grandchildren are the flowers of life and joyfully collect them in a bouquet.
- Love your daughter-in-law, but know when to stop.

The mother-in-law is obliged:

Respect and fear your son-in-law.
- Son-in-law on the doorstep - mother-in-law for pancakes.
- Remind your son-in-law every year that the mother-in-law also has a holiday on March 8th and her birthday.
- Unbeknownst to others, help your son-in-law save money for a car.

There are two more close relatives.
This is the father-in-law and the father-in-law.
But they prefer not to go anywhere.
For this they are honored and honored.

The father-in-law is obliged:

Once a month, remember your daughter-in-law (on payday) and give her gifts.
- Entrust all household chores to your daughter-in-law, because your own “old woman” is more expensive.
- During lunch, without the knowledge of your wife and son, add tidbits to your daughter-in-law, not forgetting to
this yourself.

The father-in-law must:

Feed, water.
- Dress, put on shoes.
- Help with money.
- Buy a car.


We, the undersigned friends and associates of the unfortunate man:
The Witness..., the Drinking Buddy..., the Iron Bachelor..., on the one hand, and the Bride... on the other hand, constituted a real act in that the Groom..., who had a surname from birth... was miraculously preserved and quite suitable for legal marriage. Based on this conclusion, the act of handing over the groom for exploitation and as a husband is performed.

The transferred individual is equipped with:

1. The head is sober (at the time of transfer);
2. Hand (left, right) - 2 pcs;
3. Leg (right, left) - 2 pcs.

Everything else is also present and in good condition. Particularly important places have a guarantee stamp, and the groom also has:

1. Jacket and trousers are ironed;
2. Buttons are sewn on (almost all);
3. Face and neck are washed.

Personal data:

A). Didn't fight;
b). Not involved;
V). Didn't get carried away;
G). Does not have;
d). Can not;
e). Reads with a dictionary.

Operating data:

1. Operating mode - intermittent and short-term;
2. Tropical design, frost-resistant;
3. Resistant to alcoholic liquids.

Possible applications:

1. For carrying string bags;
2. For washing diapers;
3. For hanging laundry and “Noodles on your ears.”


Provided in the original packaging, good condition is guaranteed for 100 years.


The groom is transferred by deed
Witness: ...........
Drinking buddy: ............
Iron Bachelor: ...........

Accepted according to the act. I commit to love.
Bride: ................... Date, month, year.


Groom's vow

I. . . (full name of the groom), I am getting married, in the face of this noisy company I SWEAR!

1. Love your wife (but not with brotherly love).
2. Keep it as the apple of your eye (and from someone else’s eye).
3. Cultivate devotion and love in your wife (God forbid towards your neighbor).
4. Eat and praise EVERYTHING that your wife cooks (if it is at least edible).
5. Warn your wife against using alcoholic drinks(and yourself from non-alcoholic ones).

Groom's signature:
Witness signature:
Bride's vow

I. . . (Full name of the bride), getting married, in the face of this noisy company, I SWEAR:

1. That I will never knit “iron gloves” for my husband.
2. Raise your husband according to the principle “where you put it, there you will take it.”
3. Create a library at home about tasty and healthy food, because “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”
4. Resignedly let your husband go to training with friends so that he doesn’t get in the way while cleaning!
5. My oath will not be forgotten until the end of my days, and that every point in it will come true - I SWEAR!

Bride's signature:
Witness signature:

Family Constitution

1. . . . And. . . . They have the right to connect their roads and create a healthy, beautiful family. They are obliged to preserve and protect it until the end of their days.

2. The wife is the supreme legislative body. Her husband is her deputy.

3. The wife is the Minister of Finance, Culture, Trade, Food Industry, health care. The husband is the Minister of Electrification, gas industry, meat and dairy, Agriculture, Minister of the Interior.

4. The wife has the right to rest, the husband to work.

5. The wife must prepare a light dinner every evening. The husband is obliged to serve his wife hot coffee in bed every morning.

6. Spouses have the right to kiss at least once a week.

7. Spouses have the right to have from 1 to 15 children. Children are required to know who is their father and who is their mother.

8. Subject to compliance with all articles of the constitution, husband and wife have the right to celebrate after 25 years silver wedding, in 50 years - gold.


Order to the groom

So that your honeymoon lasts for 5 years,
The code is complex and harsh, you will have to follow:
Provide financially and warm your home.
Don’t forget that you should be good morally too!
As an athlete, you must carry your family on your shoulders,
And to keep and please your wife, even though it is difficult.
Run to the store without asking, don’t forget to give flowers,
And don’t even think about asking for lunch ahead of time, friend.
Shave often and for a long time, wash your hands before eating,
And don’t be particularly strict with your young wife.
When the child appears, which undoubtedly must happen,
Don't be afraid of those diapers, learn to wash your baby.
If there is a reason for a quarrel, make it a joke,
Be a man in small things, don’t start an argument in vain.
Hold the family steering wheel firmly, don’t forget our code,
The course for happiness has been chosen accurately. Keep it up, move forward!

Order to the bride

And now, without interruption, let's talk about...
To prevent us from future mistakes:
Learn to cook deliciously, in any style and manner,
So that, say, a cabbage leaf looks just like a grape.
Spend a third of the budget on relatives and tailors -
If you are dressed fashionably, your husband is as happy as a groom.
If you sometimes disagree with your spouse’s opinion,
Be as resilient as a twig, don’t say no or yes.
If your husband is tired or upset, calm him down and caress him,
To become calm again, give me a little rest.
Never be strict, just casually
Masterfully removing the shavings, plan them little by little.
Don’t persist in the sense of shavings, always be nice to him,
Be your wife and friend, not a rusty saw.
Give three-quarters of the day to your family,
But in the midst of days, hours, minutes, don’t forget your friends.
Be strong, always love your friendly family.
For long years and good health to you. Be happy, friends!!

Decree of the bachelors society

It is with deep regret that we inform you that the bachelors have suffered a bereavement: he married... (name of the groom), an honorary member of the Bachelor Society. With pain and indignation, we learned that recently, he often visited the address... (the address of the bride), where he lured him into the net of love and persuaded him to legal marriage... (name, surname of the bride). And therefore the society of bachelors decides:

1. Exclude... (last name, first name of the groom) from the society of bachelors.
2. ... (name of the groom) went through many tests, showed courage and courage. We award... (name of the groom) with the Order "Saint... (name of the bride)" (photo of the bride).
3. We wish happiness to the “traitor” and his bride.
4. ... (name of the groom), remember: if you take your wife, forget the silence!
5. Carry your wife in your arms, she will sit on your neck.
6. Don’t argue with your wife, she will always think you’re right.


Once upon a time the guy is single,
Handsome, smart, young.
May he always be like this
We will give you advice.
You must take care of your husband.
Let him lie down
To read the newspaper
Or just flipped through it.
If you're grumpy,
Wayward and jealous,
Don't wonder why
You won't find your husband at home.
So that life seems like paradise,
Don't find fault with your husband.
Laugh more often, smile,
Never be arrogant!
And now, bride-light,
Listen to our advice.
So that your husband is faithful to you,
To live with you alone,
Always be his bride
Not a grumpy wife.
Contrary to to my own husband
Don't say a word
But in the hands of your beautiful ones
Hold your power tightly.
Improve yourself in the arts
You're at the kitchen stove -
A voice in the stomach of emptiness
Dulls feelings in a husband.
Peace in the family is needed like air,
So that there is peace and harmony,
You create for your own husband
Your own home kindergarten.
So as not to quarrel in vain,
So that things go more successfully,
So for you how bright holiday
Life flowed together!


Women don't need much
These truths are simple
Only beautiful outfits
Decorations, flowers.
So that my husband has a Volga,
At worst - Fiat,
To have a lot of money,
There would be blat in the stores.
To have an apartment - a fairy tale!
A dacha somewhere in Crimea,
So that the husband is always affectionate,
I would understand what's what!
Well, so, dear comrade,
Do you want your wife to love -
Don't be late from the first days,
Create all the conditions!
Good wife, dear.
To always be like this,
Remember, you are our dear,
Be careful with your wife.
Never contradict her
Do everything right
Then you will live
Long, peaceful, glorious!
The wife needs help:
Fry, steam and wash.
Don't wake up early in the morning
It's up to you to go to the store.
And the kids will appear,
So that you wash their pants.
On my leg to rock them,
Loudest of all so as not to shout.
So that on holidays and on weekdays,
So that in summer and winter,
No matter how difficult it may be,
He protected his wife's peace.


You swear to love only your husband for the rest of your life,
Should I be friendly and affectionate with him?
Wife: I swear!

You swear that you will make cheesecakes more often,
Pour a cooler and sweeter cup of tea?
Wife: I swear!

After lunch, when he lies down with the newspaper,
Swear that you won't fight for this!
Wife: I swear!

Do you swear not to pout?
Don't even let the wind blow on him?
Wife: I swear!

Do you swear to us that at any cost
You will be good and faithful wife?
Wife: I swear!


Swear to take care of your wife,
Always kiss when leaving for work!
Husband: I swear!

Sometimes these things happen.
My wife will spend half her pay on stockings.
Swear that this is your business - side -
Your wife won't go to work wearing skinny clothes!
Husband: I swear!

You swear that you will be an exemplary husband,
Protector, friend, faithful assistant!
Husband: I swear!

Swear to your spouse in words and deeds
You will not give offense, no matter who is in front of you.
Husband: I swear!

Do you swear together life to go by,
Stick with each other along the way?
Husband: I swear!


I. The responsibilities of husband and wife in marriage are clearly delineated.

1.1. The wife exercises supreme, legislative and executive power. The wife is entrusted with the duties of the Minister of Finance, Trade, Food Industry, Culture, Health, and Foreign Relations.

1.2. Wife claims family budget. Subsidies are allocated for the husband's needs. The wife must remember that timely mercy, attention, moderate severity and encouragement adorn and strengthen the supreme power.

1.3. The husband is the wife's substitute. He is given the right of an advisory vote in matters of legislation.

1.4.The husband is entrusted with the duties of the Minister of Defense, Electrification, Installation and Construction Works, road transport, Agriculture, and the Supply Committee.

1.5. The husband must voluntarily always be shaved, cut, washed, passionate about his wife, as on the first day of meeting, attentive to her, as on this gala evening.

1.6. The wife and husband, according to a mutual agreement, exercise the functions of the Ministry of Consumer Services in the family.


1. Must love husband wife,
Not someone else's, but your own.

2. A wife should be a wife,
Even if my head hurts sometimes.

3. Don't criticize, don't humiliate,
Count your mistakes.

4. Don't show superiority -
It will look like a peacock.

5. Don’t make decisions for your spouse!
Decide together, not for each other.

6. Strive to please your mother-in-law
It's easier to please your wife.

7. Don’t command, ask
Use kindness in your request,
The husband will perform from the heart
All desires are yours.

8. Laugh with your spouse, not at him:
Tact in relationships is necessary.

9. Don’t be quick to accuse
After all, you are not the prosecutor in the family.
Remember: reproach to one -
The whole family bears the shame.

10. Claims, hints and reproaches
Love and marriage are shortened.
Let's learn other people's bitter lessons:
Such vices cannot be allowed.

11. When patience runs out,
Endurance is included in the fight.

12. Remarks to the wife
Only do it in private
And teach your children
When there are no people around.

13. So that your arguments become weighty,
Don’t strengthen them with painful techniques.

14. When virtues are applied inappropriately,
From them only shortcomings are obtained.


1. So as not to grab your head later,
Come to your senses right away, from a young age.

2. A last minute start to life -
Get married, but then hold on!

3. A wise, good wife
There is no price for any husband!
About father-in-law and mother-in-law
She never backbites.

4. If smart wife,
She does not scold her husband.
And he saws it, like sawdust
Can't take it out of the apartment.

5. The wife and husband are honest friends.
They don't need a third in friendship.
He is her friend, she is her friend,
Not a personal servant.

6. If one question is raised often,
Maybe he will rise up to his full height in the family.

7. Don’t rush to burn bridges:
Did you choose the right shore?

8. When the hearth went out in the family,
There is a TV in reserve.

9. Wanting to live on a grand scale,
Be careful that you don't end up barefoot!

10. Born to crawl
They can't fly.
But how they crawl -
No one can catch up!

11. You still can’t earn all the money,
But you can spend everything brilliantly.
So is it worth it to the detriment of your family?
Outside the home, be faithful to your concerns?

12. You need to feed your husband with spiritual food,
And it’s good to remember about our daily bread.
But if he's fed up, he can barely breathe,
So what can you expect from this in bed?

13. We wish you long-lasting love -
But so that it doesn’t become a hundred-year war!

14. “I’m good myself,” said the boa constrictor.
The wife is a snake,” and he was partly right.

15. To be a family without children -
You can't keep your house warm:
What is it like in winter without firewood?
Living in a cold dacha.

16. When the heart is happy,
The face blooms with beauty.
In a quarrel, the opposite is true.
So let's make peace quickly!

17. Reasonable wife
It will add honor to your husband.
And the evil one will destroy
Bad news about him.

18. Family circle really so good,
That you won't find any corners in it.
Create a triangle from a circle -
It's stupid to look for trouble.

19. Don't build family relations
On nerves every time:
My husband has a spare place
Will be found for reassurance.

20. It’s easier for the young in the world,
Kohl and his relatives live in the council.


The presidium of our solemn meeting received a greeting from the World Association of Family and Marriage named after Hymen Mendelssohn. In addition to traditional congratulations, it contains useful tips young spouses.


Treat your wife like your boss: respect and be a little afraid.

Don’t disappear from home for a long time, otherwise your wife will place an ad in the newspapers: “My husband is missing, there are no special signs, but if he is found, there will be.”

Remember that a wife is not a camel, and a mirage will not replace her oasis.

Always take care of the shape and contents of your refrigerator. If it is empty, feed your wife compliments.

Stand strong for your wife, because for you there is no more beautiful wife, and make her happy for many, many years to come.

Try to complete your stroller driving course in advance.


Don’t be too strict with your husband: out of many women, he chose you and therefore deserves leniency.

Don't stop him from flirting: it elevates a man in own eyes and will create the illusion that he still has the right to choose.

In financial matters, establish a clear distribution of responsibilities and observe the division of labor: the husband is obliged to earn money, the wife is obliged to spend it.

Remember that everything should be equal in the family, but do not allow equalization: a tie for the husband, a fur coat for the wife.

Any encouragement should be proportional to the coefficient of participation in the creation of the final product - family well-being.
Make your husband happy.


1. Remember that love is not an axiom, it requires proof!
2. Don't forget that a gift is attention for one day, attention is a daily gift.
3. Before throwing money down the drain, make sure it is blowing in your direction.
4. Don’t give your wife a reason to think that she has exchanged the attention of many for the inattention of one.
5. Don’t forget that when you have many children, they are obedient; when you have one child, you are obedient!


1. When saying “You are mine!”, immediately specify what exactly to wash!
2. Remember that Honeymoon ends when your husband stops helping you with housework... and starts doing everything himself.
3. Don’t forget that convolutions are given to a woman in order to go around sharp corners.
4. Know that a man is a ball. If you give it too much freedom, it will unravel, if you give it too little, it will retract!
5. Don't let your life partner go!


1. May there not be a single bitter day in your life. /Workers of the Strela confectionery factory/

2. I will arrive with a gift exactly on time. /Your Stork/

3. Dear Newlyweds! Jealousy is a great evil!
Trust each other! /Othello/

4. We cordially congratulate you on your arrival at the port family life! We inform you that from now on, throwing anchors and nets in foreign waters is regarded as poaching and is condemned by law. /Rybnadzor/

5. Young!
Congratulations and a reminder that warm hugs to wedding night and then allowed at a distance of no closer than one meter from flammable objects. /Voluntary Fire Society/

6. ________ To sleep peacefully at night, teach your child to say “daddy.” /Girlfriends/

7. Dear _______! Remember, marriage for a man is a life sentence with complete confiscation of property (salary) without severance pay. Therefore, take care of your man like a deposit in a bank; in your old age you will receive a significant percentage. /Bank/

8. Your order has been completed and a new clamp has been sent. We'll send the bridle later. /Stud farm/

9. There is no turning back for a traitor!
/Society "Bachelors Club"/

10. My dear and still beloved ______, I am sending you this telegram from the station, my phone will ring soon last call, and I will leave your life forever. Although, no, I’m sure you will never forget me! Never! Is it possible to forget all that beautiful time the time we spent together? Remember how much fun we had together, what happy days they were, how much we loved each other. Remember how you swore to me that you would be faithful to me until the end of your life, but now she is next to you, young in white elegant dress! So be happy with her, love her, and never leave her like you left me.
/Your single life/

11. If you want your wife to be an angel, create heaven for her. /Angel/

12. Congratulations on your good catch!
/Hunter Society/

13. What, are you crowing? /Poultry farm/


1. Drink to the bottom!

2. Eat to your heart's content!

3. Shout “Bitterly” until you are hoarse!

4. Dance until you drop!

5. Sing until you get tired!

7. You can't be bored, you can joke.

8. You can’t be sad, you can sing and dance.

9. Look at other people’s wives and husbands, but don’t forget about your own.

10. We forbid you to swear,
Fight, argue under the table.
If you've had a little too much to drink,
It's better to go to sleep in silence.

11. To everyone, without further explanation,
Keep your place
Pouring into your neighbor's pocket
Juice or wine is prohibited.

12. Don’t grumble or swear,
Don't try to kiss everyone,
Don't get angry under any circumstances
Everyone has fun from the heart.

13. If someone makes a mistake
I took my sadness with me,
Put it in the refrigerator immediately
For cutlets to the cook.

14. If you are about to leave
Found slightly
Wearing other people's things
This is really not a problem.
But we strictly prohibit
Go home then
When next to you will be
Someone else's husband or wife!


1) There were 50 candles burning in the room, 20 of them were blown out. How many will be left?
Answer: There will be 20 left: blown out candles will not burn out completely.

2) If it is raining at 12 o'clock at night, can we expect sunny weather 72 hours later?
Answer: No - in 72 hours it will be midnight again.

3) They placed it on the edge of the table tin can, tight closed with a lid, so that 2/3 of the can hung from the table. After some time, the can fell. What was in the jar?
Answer: A piece of ice.

4) As you know, all native Russian female names end in either “a” or “ya”: Anna, Maria, Olga, etc. However, there is only one thing female name, which ends in neither “a” nor “i”. Name it.
Answer: Love.

5) Name five days without saying numbers (eg, 1, 2, 3,) or names of days (eg, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday).
Answer: The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow.

6) When is the best time for a black cat to get into the house?
Answer: Many people immediately say that at night. Everything is much simpler: when the door is open.

7) There are a ruler, a pencil, a compass and an eraser on the table. You need to draw a circle on a piece of paper. Where to begin?
Answer: You need to get a sheet of paper.

8) One train travels from Moscow to St. Petersburg with a delay of 10 minutes, and the other from St. Petersburg to Moscow with a delay of 20 minutes. Which of these trains will be closer to Moscow when they meet?
Answer: At the time of the meeting they will be at the same distance from Moscow.

9) Three swallows flew out of the nest. What is the probability that after 15 seconds they will be in the same plane?
Answer: 100%, because three points always form one plane.

10) How fast should a dog run so as not to hear the clink of a frying pan tied to its tail? This problem in the company is immediately identified by the physicist: the physicist immediately answers that she needs to run at supersonic speed.
Answer: Of course, it is enough for the dog to stand still.

11) There is an elevator in a 12-story building. Only 2 people live on the ground floor; from floor to floor the number of residents doubles. Which button in the elevator of this building is pressed most often?
Answer: Regardless of the distribution of residents by floor, button "1".

12) The boy fell down 4 steps and broke his leg. How many legs will a boy break if he falls down 40 steps?
Answer: Just one, because... his second one is already broken, or no more than one, if he’s lucky ;-)

13) Kondrat was walking to Leningrad, And twelve guys met him, Each had three baskets, Each basket had a cat, Each cat had twelve kittens, Each kitten had four mice in its teeth. And old Kondrat thought: “How many mice and kittens are the guys carrying to Leningrad?”
Answer: Stupid, stupid Kondrat! He walked alone to Leningrad. And the guys with baskets, with mice and cats, walked towards him - to Kostroma.

14) Is it possible: two heads, two arms and six legs, but only four in walking?
Answer: Yes, it is a rider on a horse

15) Which wheel does not spin when turning right?
Answer: Spare

16) Under what tree does the hare sit when it rains?
Answer: Under the wet

17) How far into the forest can a hare run?
Answer: Until the middle. Then he runs out of the forest

18) How many months of the year have 28 days?
Answer: All 12, because If there are 30 days in a month, then there are 28 days among them.

19) What do you drop when you need it and pick it up when you don’t?
Answer: Anchor

20) Is it possible to light a match underwater?
Answer: If you are in a submarine, then yes.

21) When can the net pull out water?
Answer: When water turns into ice.

22) How is a horse different from a needle?
Answer: First you sit on a needle, then you jump, and first you jump on a horse, then you sit.

23) What is the difference between a circus audience and a balloon?
Answer: Balloon first they inflate, then they let in, and the public is first let in, and then they are inflated.

24) What do money and a coffin have in common?
Answer: Both are first nailed up and then lowered.

25) How do day and night end?
Answer: Soft sign.

26) What is it: red, big, with a mustache and completely stuffed with hares?
Answer: Trolleybus.

27) The hunter walked past the clock tower. He took out a gun and fired. Where did he end up?
Answer: To the police.

28) A crow is sitting on a branch. What should be done to saw off a branch without disturbing the crow?
Answer: Wait until she flies away.

29) How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach?
Answer: One, because after the first egg, the stomach will no longer be empty.

30) What disappears when you eat a bagel?
Answer: Feeling hungry

31) You only have one match. IN dark room there is a kerosene lamp, a stove and a candle. What will you light first?
Answer: Match


HOW TO DECODE ______________ WOMAN?

An avant-garde woman is one who goes into the bedroom ahead of her husband.
An adventurous woman is one who turns any adventurous undertaking into a love overture.
A neat woman is one who licks ice cream and doesn't bite it.
Active woman- the one who has many glorious victories to her credit.
Current woman- one that never loses its relevance.
An angelic woman is one who will make an angel out of any devil.
A fragrant woman is one who brings delicate aromas of love into a man’s life.
Asymmetrical woman- the one that looks better from the back than from the front, and better from the front than from the back.
An ascetic woman is one who leads a solitary life in a monastery.
An astral woman is one who flies off to the astral plane every time she hears a compliment, not forgetting to leave her address to the person giving the compliment.
A limitless woman is one who goes beyond the bounds of decency without violating boundaries.
The sinless woman is the one everyone has heard about, but no one has seen.
A silent woman is one who knows well who is worth what, and therefore remains silent.
A serene woman is one who longs for the storm of love and finds peace in it.
A reckless woman is one who rushes into the pool of passion without looking back and always comes out unscathed.
An urgent woman is one who does not put off until tomorrow what can be done today.
A waste-free woman is one from whom men do not leave, and if they do, then for a very long time.
An undivided woman is one who does not divide men into good and bad, but accepts them as they are today!
A crazy woman is one that many people are crazy about.
An impeccable woman is one who can hardly be blamed for wanting to look better than she really is.
An inconsolable woman is one who cannot remain without comfort for long.
A selfless woman is one who has everything a man needs, even without having the most necessary things for herself.
A merciless woman is one who asks for one wish to be granted three times.
A disenfranchised woman is one who drives a car without a license, relying only on her appearance.
A fearless woman is one who, after 20 years of marriage, can ask her husband what he did at work.
A priceless woman is one for whom it is difficult to name a price.
An unceremonious woman is one who does not like ceremonies and immediately takes men by the horns.
A pious woman is one who firmly believes that men are a blessing.
A gracious woman is one who allows you to taste her blessings.
A well-meaning woman is one who only intends to give good, but has not yet decided.
Faithful woman- the one who always believes in her husband’s fairy tales.
A mythical woman is one about whom myths are written.
A lyrical woman is the one about whom songs are written.
A fairytale woman is the one about whom fairy tales are told.
An obsessive woman is like sugar in your mouth: you want to eat it, but you can’t eat it anymore.
Positive woman- the one who can put a man on his shoulder blades with a glance.


Forget Calm and other baby care books. Here's how to truly prepare to become parents.

1. Women: To prepare for motherhood, put on a robe and place a bean bag in the front. Leave for nine months. After the specified period, add ten percent of the beans.

Men: To prepare for fatherhood, head to your local drugstore, empty your wallet onto the counter, and let the clerk take as much as he needs. Then go to the supermarket and arrange for your entire salary to be transferred directly to their central office.

2. To get a feel for what the nights will be like, do next exercise. Walk in circles around the room from five to ten in the evening with a wet bag weighing from 3 to 6 kg. At 22:00, put down your bag, set the alarm for midnight and go to bed. Wake up at twelve and walk around the room with a bag until one o'clock. Set your alarm for 3:00. Since you won't be able to fall asleep, get up at 2:00 and drink something. Go to bed at 2:45. Get up at 3:00 with your alarm clock. Sing songs in the dark until 4:00 am. Set your alarm for 5 o'clock. Get up and make breakfast. Repeat throughout the year. Look happy.

3. Remove the pulp from the melon by making a small hole in the side, about the size of a table tennis ball. Use a string to hang it from the ceiling and swing it from side to side. Take a bowl of soaked corn flakes and try to spoon them into the swaying melon, bouncing like a grasshopper. Continue until half the bowl is gone, pour the rest into your lap. Now you are ready to feed your one-year-old baby.

4. To prepare for your baby’s first steps, spread jam on the sofa and curtains. Tear off the long curtains along with the cornice. Bite into a fish cutlet, place it behind the stereo and leave it there for a couple of months.

5. Learn to dress small child. Buy a string bag and a live octopus. Try to put the octopus in the string bag so that none of the tentacles stick out. Time to complete is all morning.

6. Get ready to go out for a walk, then wait by the bathroom for half an hour. Go outside. Come back in. Get out. Go inside again. Exit and walk along the path. Come back. Walk along the path again. Walk very slowly along the road for five minutes. Every ten seconds, stop and look at the cigarette butts, remains chewing gum, dirty papers and dead insects. Go back. Scream loudly that you've had enough and that you can't do this anymore. Get your neighbors to stare at you. You are ready to try to take your baby for a walk.

7. Forget about sports cars and buy yourself family model. Don’t think that it will stand in front of the house, clean and sparkling. Family cars don't look like that. Place a chocolate ice cream cone in the glove compartment and leave it there until it melts. Wedge the cassette window in the tape recorder with a coin. Above back seat crumble a full bag of chocolate chip cookies and pour onto the resulting crumbs big bottle Coca-Cola. Run a baby rake along both sides of the body. That's it, great!

8. Go to the supermarket, taking with you the creature that looks most like a preschooler. An adult goat is ideal. If you plan to have several children, take the appropriate number of goats. Buy your usual assortment of goods for the week, without letting the goats out of sight. Pay for everything the goats eat or break.

9. Always repeat everything you say at least five times.

10. Just before you have a child, find married couple who already has children, and criticize their ways of teaching discipline, their lack of patience and the fact that they allow children to behave wildly. Suggest ways to improve children's sleep patterns, potty training, good table manners, and general behavior. Don't forget to have fun with it!"


Marriage is like a besieged fortress; those inside would like to get out of it; those outside would like to break into it.

Marriage is the peaceful coexistence of two nervous systems.

Getting married means halving your rights and doubling your responsibilities.

Prudent wife! If you want your husband to spend time with you, then make sure that he does not find such pleasant pleasure and tenderness in any other place.
A woman can create three things out of nothing: breakfast, a hairstyle and a scandal.

Marriage - when a woman gets married, she exchanges the attention of many men for the inattention of one.

Marriage is something like the history of a colonial country: it is conquered and then forever faced with the struggle for independence.

Marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman, where the independence of both parties is equal, the dependence is mutual, and the obligations are mutual.
Marriage opens women's eyes to themselves.

Marriage with a good woman is a haven in the storm of life, and with a bad woman it is a storm in a haven.

Marriage is a community consisting of a master, a mistress and two slaves, with a total number of two people.

He who knows women feels sorry for men, and he who knows men is ready to forgive women.

My wife and I have an exchange of opinions: I come with my opinion, I leave with hers.

Lovers quarrel - only to make peace!

Singles should be double taxed because it's not fair that some people are happier than others.

Don't marry for money, you can borrow it much cheaper.

Terrorism no longer scares me! I have been married for 2 years now.

It's not true that married people live longer than single people! Their lives just seem longer to them!

The first marriage often turns out to be unsuccessful because the woman is in a hurry to enter into it, and she is in a hurry because she wants to have time to enter into a second marriage if the first one turns out to be unsuccessful.

A man and a woman are two boxes that hold the keys to each other.

In the edifice of human happiness, friendship builds the walls, and love forms the dome.

Men love women, women love children, children love hamsters, hamsters love no one.

From love comes love.

Love is the most powerful of all passions, because it simultaneously takes possession of the head, heart and body.

Love is communication, joyful for both, but incomprehensible to everyone.

Just one word “love” can change the whole world.

Love is the very thread that connects two souls.

Love is something that cannot be expressed in a single word. So know, if there are such signs, you have found the most expensive gold in your life. Make sure you don't lose it!

Love is when your husband gets up at 4 am to calm you down crying baby and tries not to wake up his beloved.

Love destroys the most sacred things in a person, “pride” and “self-love.”

Love is a state of mind when you cannot live without your loved one, he is necessary like air, like life... and the moment of separation from him seems like an eternity...

Love is the real and only correct state of a person.

Love ─ is not a drop of air without a loved one.

Love is the patience of kindness, it is never jealous, it is not boastful and vain, it is not rude and selfish, it never takes offense or is indignant, love forgives sins and illuminates the truth, it is always ready to forgive, trust, hope and endure.. matter what happens....

Love is a feeling of great affection for a person. When this person is not around, it is sadness and sadness, and it is great happiness when you are together. You can’t live without him for a minute, just as he can’t live without you. Love is passion, it is a constant extreme. This is what we live for...

Love is... having a poem brought to your table in a restaurant.

Love is... sending her a card every day when you're not together.

Love is a state of mind. If the shower is designed correctly, you can even clean the bathroom with love; if something is wrong with the soul, even walking through the flooded moonlight the beach can be turned into fighting.

Love is the harmony of two souls singing together.

Romantic actions are an expression of love. It is not the same as love, but the language of love.

Romantic courtship is a process. Love is the goal.

True love has no happy ending because true love never ends.

Love is like fire. You will never know whether it will heat your fireplace or burn down your house.

Valeria Zhilyaeva July 28, 2018

Probably one of the most touching moments of the ceremony marriages are marital vows. This is a kind of declaration of the newlyweds’ love for each other. This is actively used in everyday life in the West. In Russia, the vow of newlyweds is outdoor ceremony attribute. The bride and groom can come up with their own text of a declaration of love or use an already ready-made option. The article presents wedding promises in different styles.

What you need to know about vows?

Conditionally all possible marriage confessions can be divided into several groups. Newlyweds should agree in advance which version of the vow they will use.

There are religious, romantic, comic and traditional vows

The text of the wedding oath can be drawn up in prose, in the form of a song or in poetic form . Original solution– make up a dialogue where the bride and groom exchange remarks, love confessions and promises to each other. Such options need to be rehearsed in advance.

Typically, marital promises are made at an outdoor ceremony. However, it is possible to carry out traditional wedding. In this case, funny or touching oath the bride and groom are pronounced during the banquet. For example, you can do this before the first dance or during the lighting ceremony hearth and home.

Bride and groom at a wedding

Marriage vows between spouses are a popular tradition. It is used in many countries of the world, but has its own characteristics in each state. For example, in India it is customary to make seven promises, while taking seven steps towards each other.

Groom's oath to the bride

Of course, men are usually less emotional, but if your wedding program includes the “groom’s oath,” then it’s worth trying. The text of the promise must be thought out in advance.

It is important not to allow ambiguity or insult to the bride in the text of the oath

Eg, not a very good comparison: “Darling, you are the best woman I have ever known.” Even if we assume that this is great news, it is unlikely that the bride will be happy about these words.

You need to focus on those qualities of your beloved that made her your chosen one. The groom's oath in prose must be pronounced sincerely, from the bottom of his heart. Even if the confession is said in her own words, the girl will definitely appreciate it. remember, that best words- these are the ones that spoken from the heart.

Groom's oath to the bride

Groom's oath text could be like this:

“My beloved, I am very glad that our paths in life have connected, we have found each other and have reached the moment when our relationship is officially registered. I promise you that my love will be with you in any situation, in sorrow and in joy. During our life together, I promise that I will be your support and will always support you. I will take care of you, I will protect you and I will do everything in my power to make you always smile. Believe - with me you will be the happiest! And I’m already happy because you’re with me.”

If bride and groom believe in God and live according to His Word, then you can use this version of marital vows from the groom to the bride:

"My sweetheart! I have confidence that we are predestined for each other by God. Our love is the highest grace and an incredibly valuable gift from Heavenly Father. I believe that despite all the difficulties that lie ahead, God will always protect our union. In return, I promise to love you, protect you, and care for you as Christ loves and cares for His Church. The Lord Himself united us; He created us for each other. I promise you that I will worthy husband and I will carry our love throughout all the years of my earthly life.”

If you don't want to be serious on your wedding day, you can come up with fun vows for the bride and groom.

Husband and wife at a wedding

For example, funny oath of the groom might look like this:

“Before our cheerful guests, I promise that I will give my precious wife love (not at all brotherly). I guarantee that I will save her like the apple of my eye, and especially from the eyes of others. I will raise devotion and love in my wife, but somewhere away from the neighbors. I will always praise my beloved’s culinary delights, even if it is impossible to eat.”

These are approximate options for promising eternal love for the bride. Once you understand the direction, you can come up with your own text. To do this, remember your entire path to the altar together, starting from the moment you met, and the right words will definitely appear on their own.

Oath from the bride to the groom

Before the wedding, emotions are overwhelming, so it is quite difficult to concentrate and come up with a worthy oath to the groom. Perhaps our tips and examples will be useful.

Before writing your text, spend the evening in a quiet environment

Create a “reboot” evening for yourself and listen to your own thoughts. Think back to how you met and what made you happy during your relationship. Memories will help you understand What in fact you need to tell your future spouse.

Here's ours example beautiful oath brides:

“My beloved husband! Today is our family's birthday and I want to say thank you. I am grateful to you for your love, care, support. I'm happy that I have you. I promise you that I will best wife in the world. I will protect our home from all adversity, take care of you and support you in everything. I will not leave you in sorrow and in joy, I will be honest with you and promise to listen to your opinion and accept any of your decisions. I love you, my dear!"

Bride's oath at a wedding

For Christian marriage The following text of marital vows would be suitable:

“My dear husband, I love you with all my soul. I spent a lot of time in prayer and fasting, hoping for the Lord’s help in arranging my destiny. Our Heavenly Father answered my request. I promise you that I will become a faithful and caring wife. I will obey you as Lord throughout our entire lives. May God bless our marriage!”

Well, let's give an example funny vows for the groom from the bride:

"I promise before all of us cheerful company, What:

  1. I will do handicrafts, but I will never knit “iron gloves”.
  2. My husband will live by the principle “where you put it, you will take it from there.”
  3. I’ll buy myself a bunch of books about cooking, because I know that the road to a man’s heart lies exclusively through his digestive system.
  4. I’ll let my husband go to meet friends so that he doesn’t interfere with me while cleaning.”

This is the approximate direction of a funny marriage vow. Important don't overdo it and choose your expressions carefully so as not to offend your spouse.

Oath of the bride to the groom at the wedding

Usually the moment of mutual confessions and vows is very romantic and touching. However, nothing prevents you from creating a relaxed and fun atmosphere with the help of humorous vows. It is better to compose the text yourself - this finds a greater response in the hearts of all those present.

In many countries around the world family celebration There is an obligatory tradition - a wedding vow. In our country, this tradition is only gaining momentum and many young people do not yet know how to make it correctly.

Why do you need a wedding vow?

Previously, the wedding vow was pronounced by a registry office employee, and the newlyweds only confirmed the spoken words, or denied them. Today, the newly-made husband and wife themselves want to tell each other exactly what they feel and experience, ask their partner for what they want to see in their family life and promise something.

Just imagine how romantic it is when the bride and groom stand in beautiful outfits, their parents and guests look at them, and the young people swear eternal love and constant support. The wind will spread these words throughout the world and tell it that you have bound your destiny forever.

Wedding vows are a touching moment in this event of love, saying the vows is considered the most sincere and tender moment. The newlyweds pronounce words that come from the depths of their souls, they say such speeches that ordinary life rarely heard.

When should you say your wedding vows?

To pronounce this touching speech There are several points, and it’s up to you to decide which one to choose. Initially, you can swear love and fidelity to each other during the bride price. The groom comes to his beloved's house, goes through a lot of comic tests, answers tricky questions, and then the moment comes when he sees his future wife. Thoughts may get confused in your head, a state of confusion sets in, but you need to pull yourself together and say those desired and touching words that every girl looks forward to. The bride, in turn, having heard the oath, must reciprocate and utter no less sincere words of love.

The second right moment to pronounce a wedding vow is outdoor ceremony paintings. Every day it becomes more and more popular to legalize relationships not at the registry office, but to independently choose the place where the marriage is registered.

Or they also say the wedding vows before the newlyweds’ first dance. At this moment, such words sound especially touching, and all because the first dance itself is the highlight of the evening, everyone is waiting for it, both the guests and the newlyweds themselves.

How to write a wedding vow?

Many people are afraid to say an oath; it all starts with the fact that the bride and groom simply do not know how to write it. The wedding vow is yours inner voice, your thoughts and feelings. There are no specific rules for writing an oath as such. You just need to write and say what you really feel, listen to your heart and put it all on paper. You need to initially write the oath, just sit alone, concentrate, think about everything that is happening, remember the wonderful moments spent together and write everything that comes to mind. In an oath you can, and even need to write why you love this person, why you decided to get married, promise eternal love and stay close no matter what. For men, writing an oath is especially difficult, but it is the groom’s oath that they look forward to. This is because men are not verbose by nature, they generally do not like to say beautiful and touching words, but here you have to really try.

There are a large number of options for writing a wedding speech; this article will give some examples, but it is worth remembering that these are just other people’s words. And you should say only what your heart tells you!

Groom's vow

“My beloved, I am glad that our paths have converged, we have met, and now the moment has come when the relationship is officially registered. I promise to love you both in joy and in sorrow, to constantly support, care and protect. For such a beautiful woman, I will do everything in my power and even more. I promise to make you happy every day and if there are tears on your face, it will only be from joy.”

Bride's vow

“My beloved, today is our day with you, and I want to say thank you! Thank you for everything, for your care, love, worries and support. I am grateful to fate that she sent you to me, and in turn I promise to be the most better wife in the world. Our family path It’s just beginning, and everything depends only on us and our behavior. I promise to be a good housewife, a homemaker, and I will work on our relationship every day so that it becomes better and better. I will be with you in sorrow and joy, I will be honest, listen to your opinion, fulfill your desires, accept any of your decisions.”

After writing an oath to each other, reread it so many times that you remember it by heart. But even if all your thoughts are confused due to excitement, do not be afraid, but simply trust your feelings.

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