Lesson on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories. Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the formation of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech in the preparatory group for children with STD Topic: “Pets

For teenagers

Summary of a subgroup lesson on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories on the topic: “Relative adjectives.”

Novokuznetsk 2015

Summary of a subgroup lesson on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories for children with speech impairment.

Topic: “Relative adjectives”

(Senior group.)



Correctional and educational:

    teach children to name the signs of the seasons;

    learn to form relative adjectives and select nouns for them.

Correctional and developmental:

    develop in children the ability to notice inaccuracies in a spring picture and highlight them;

    develop thinking and coherent speech;

    consolidate the skill of using prepositions in speechwithout;

    to train children in the formation of plural nouns in the nominative and genitive cases.

Correctional and educational:

-to cultivate in children an interest in the changes that occur in nature and the surrounding reality in the spring.

Methods and techniques: riddle, visual methods (illustrations), verbal methods (conversation, story, questions), game exercises.

Equipment: subject pictures depicting thawed patches, puddles, streams, flowering trees, thunderstorms, melting icicles (drops), bright sun, cockchafers; plot paintings on the theme “Spring” and “What did the artist mix up?”

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

The sun is shining brighter. A warm wind is blowing.

Birds have arrived from the south.

Drops are dripping loudly.

Winter is over.

She came to us again...(Spring.)

M. Kartushina

The speech therapist shows the children the plot picture “Spring”. There are some inaccuracies in the picture (in addition to spring signs, signs of other seasons are drawn). The game “What did the artist mix up?” is played. After this, the children sit down in their places.

2. Announcement of the topic.

Speech therapist: Guys! Finally, the long-awaited spring has come to us. Today we will celebrate her birth. How is spring different from other seasons? Listen carefully.

3. Introductory conversation.


In spring, the sun appears more often and is warmer. Under the rays of the sun, thawed patches appear in the snow. The sky in spring is blue, high, and clear. The clouds in the sky are light, fluffy, feathery - like feathers.

Trees wake up in spring. Buds and leaves appear on them. The buds are green, sticky, odorous. The ground thaws in the spring. It is loose, warm, soft. The grass in spring is young, light green, silky. Birds arrive in spring. They chirp, chirp, build nests, and look for food.

Animals wake up in spring. They jump, run, look for food. Some animals change the old one

a new winter coat. The nightingale whistles and clicks in the bushes. Frogs croak in the puddles, cockchafers buzz between the branches, butterflies flutter from flower to flower, and the cuckoo crows. People put on spring clothes. Everyone is happy about spring.

4. Development of lexical and grammatical categories.

Speech therapist: You listened carefully to my story, and now try to say what spring cannot exist without. To do this, use the pictures that are in front of you.

Children: Spring cannot exist without bright sunshine.

Spring cannot exist without puddles.

Spring cannot exist without streams.

Spring cannot exist without a thunderstorm.

Spring cannot exist without chafers.

Spring cannot exist without thawed patches.

Spring cannot exist without a drop.

Spring cannot exist without snowdrops. Etc.

Game "Form a new word." Selection of nouns for adjectives and their gender agreement.

Spring(what could be spring?) - spring rain, spring sun, spring rainbow. March(what could be March?) - March day, March thaw, March holiday, March puddles. April - April flowers, April sun.

May - May holidays, May bug, May thunderstorm, May sun.

Rain - rainy day, rainy sky,beforerainy weather. ;

Thunderstorm - stormy sky, thundercloud.

Sun - sun rays, sunbeam | sunny sky, sunny meadow.

Physical education lesson “Colors of Spring” . Performing movements according to the text of the poem.

Again there is no rest for the streams - Day and night they gurgle in the bushes.

They run in circles after each other.

The golden sun is walking

In pure, pure skies.

They walk calmly one after another.

Sheds rays on the forest and meadow

They squat and stand up.

And all the flowers around.

B. Asanalis

"Flower" above your head.

Speech therapist: A Now let's see what happens a lot in the spring.(Based on pictures.)

Game "One - Many". Agreement between numerals and nouns. One what?(Puddle.) If there are several, how will we talk about them?(Puddles.) And a lot of things?(Luzh.) Stream - streams - streams. Tree - trees - trees. Cloud - cloud - cloud. Thawed patches - thawed patches - thawed patches. Icicle - icicles - icicles. Lawn - lawns - lawns. Kidney - kidneys - kidneys. Thunderstorm - thunderstorms - thunderstorms. Etc.

Speech therapist: This morning a message from spring came to our kindergarten. But the message is encryptedANDyou and I need to decipher it.

Game "Make a story." Word agreement

among themselves, making proposals.

It's warming, the sun is brighter.

Outside the window, the snow is melting.

The sun, the icicles, are melting.

Dripping, window, ringing, behind.

On the trees, buds appear.

Children, together with a speech therapist, combine sentences into a story and several children retell it.

5. Summary of the lesson. Speech therapist: Whose birthday are we celebrating today? What happens only in spring? Why do you think people are so happy about spring?

teacher speech therapist Kolesnikova A.E.

MDOU combined type

d/s No. 399 of the city district of Samara

Subject:“Poultry” (final lesson).


  • Correctional educational : clarification, consolidation of subject vocabulary on a lexical topic (names of adult birds and their young); strengthening the skill of agreeing numerals and nouns; improving the skills of syllabic analysis of words and drawing up a sentence diagram of 5-6 words with the inclusion of a preposition;
  • Correctional and developmental: expansion of attention span; development of auditory attention; development of logical thinking;
  • Correctional and educational: ability to concentrate on tasks in class; fostering the ability to rejoice at a friend’s successes; developing the ability to work in a team;


Demo : subject pictures with adult birds and their chicks (hen - rooster - chicks, goose - goose - goslings, duck - drake - ducklings, turkey - turkey - poults);

Dispensing: subject picture with an adult bird (mom or dad) or chick; picture with a number (from 1 to 10); multi-colored strips of thick cardboard for drawing up a sentence diagram;

Progress of the lesson.

I. Introductory part.

1. Organizing time:

The one who correctly names the poultry will sit. Listen carefully as I ask you to name the bird.

– name the turkey chick;

– call him “mom”;

– his “dad”;

- “Mom” is a goose, and “dad”...?

- name his chick;

2. Announcing the topic of the lesson.

Today we will continue to talk about poultry and, I hope, we will learn something interesting about them.

II. Main part.

1. Audition poems with instructions for identifying the main character(read by speech therapist).

I had a beautiful chicken that lived with me.

Oh, what a smart chicken she was.

She sewed caftans for me, sewed boots,

She baked delicious, rosy pies for me.

And when he manages, he sits at the gate,

He will tell a fairy tale, sing a song.

Tell me, who will be a mate for my chicken? (Rooster)

2. Listening to a poem with instructions search for words with a given sound(child reads).

L.: Dashenka Ivanova knows a poem about a cockerel. Dasha has learned to pronounce the sound (SH) very well and will now show you this. Listen carefully and remember words with the sound “SH”

A child recites a poem.

Name words with the sound “SH”.

Now let's congratulate Dashenka (clap) and rejoice at her success.

3. Exercise “Who is screaming?” (clarification of verb vocabulary).

L.: Guys, our mother is a chicken, our father is a rooster, and who is their chick?

Rooster…? - crows, hen... - clucks, chicken - squeaks, etc.

4. Game “Guess, name” (development of logical thinking, auditory attention, activation of the names of adult female birds in speech)

L.: The cockerel and the hen take great care of their chickens, making sure they don’t get lost. But they are not the only such caring parents. Guess and name the mother bird that addresses her babies this way.

  • Quacks - kids, my restless ones... (duck);
  • He babbles, he babbles, he wants to gather them all into a heap... (turkey);
  • I cackle, cackle, I want to gather everyone to myself... (goose);
  • Where, where, where, where?

Come on, come on, everyone here!

Come on, come under mom's wing!

Where did you go?... (chicken)

Naming an adult bird, followed by clarification of the word - a hint (quack, chatter, cackle, cluck-cluck).

5. Exercise “Who lives in the poultry house” (clarification of the names of poultry chicks, composing sentences using the skill of inflecting nouns by case - Accusative case).

L.: And who can’t mothers—birds—gather around them? Let's go to a poultry house where many birds live and tell us who lives there.

Children, pointing to the picture, make sentences according to the example:

SAMPLE (given by speech therapist): The goose cannot gather her goslings. The hen can't gather her chicks. Etc.

One child makes a sentence based on one picture, which he chooses.

6. “Syllable problem” (synthesis of a word from individual syllables, division of a word into syllables)

Remember who always scared our birds in the poultry house? (Cat). Who is our mischievous cat chasing? How do you think? (behind the mouse) Do you want to know who he caught?

On the board there are individual syllables of the word, put them in the right order and you will find out who the cat caught. SHO - NOK - WE (Mysho-nok).

7. Dynamic pause (logorhythmic exercise “Duck”).

In the morning with a joke - a joke

(spring squats with half-turns of the torso to the sides)

The duck preened:

(showing a “mirror” in front of the face - two palms together)

"I'm pretty and slim

(running hands over face, then over body)

And endowed with intelligence!

(head tilts to the right - left, with palms on the head)

Smooth gait -

(hands on the belt, transition from one straight leg at the knee to another)

Nice young thing!” (arms down, to the sides)

8. Game “There is and there is not” (work with handouts , improving the skill of agreeing nouns with numerals in R.p.).

L.: While we were walking like ducks, guests came running to each of you. Look what animals came running to you.

– Raise the cards for those who have pets as guests. Tell me who came running to you (all children ask).

– Raise up those who have poultry as guests. Tell me who came running to you (all children ask).

The numbers will tell you how many of these guests came running to you. Which each of you has. We play the game “There is and there is not” (children are familiar with the rules of the game)

One child says: “I have 3 chickens.” Another child answers him: “I don’t have three chickens, but I do have 5 goslings.” Children speak in chains.

9. Collective drafting of a proposal followed by drawing up a proposal outline.

L.: Guys, make a proposal diagram. But which one? I do not know myself? (provocative behavior) Let's make a sentence together.

– Who did we listen to poetry about today? (about a chicken, about a rooster - clarification of the endings of words).

– What is the name of their chick? (chick)

-Where do they live? (in the poultry house)

– Do you think there are only one rooster, one chicken, and one hen living in the poultry house?

Synopsis of a frontal speech therapy lesson on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories in children of the older group with general underdevelopment of level 3.

Nesterenko Irina Anatolevna, teacher - speech therapist, KGOKU "Kamchatka boarding school for students with disabilities"

Target: formation of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech based on the lexical topic “Furniture”.



Update and activate the subject dictionary on the topic “Furniture”;

To consolidate knowledge about objects related to furniture (names, individual parts) and the generalizing word “furniture” itself;

Improve the grammatical structure of speech: consolidate prepositional - case constructions; fix the endings of singular and plural genitive nouns; form nouns with diminutive suffixes; form adjectives from nouns; agree numerals with nouns.

Corrective and developmental:

Develop fine motor skills;

Develop phonemic awareness;

Develop visual and auditory perception, attention, thinking, memory;

Develop coherent speech.


Develop the ability to listen to your own speech and the speech of others;

Cultivate interest in classes and a positive emotional response to classes.

Vocabulary material:

active: - subject - furniture, table, chair, sofa, armchair, wardrobe, bed, legs, back, seat, lid, doors, handles, armrests;

-signs - furniture, desk, dining, kitchen, wardrobe, book, wall, wooden, glass;

-verbal - sit, lie down, sleep;

passive: wardrobe

Preliminary work:

Excursion to a furniture store.

Equipment: subject pictures for performing self-massage of the face; object pictures depicting furniture, doll furniture; toy - sun; typesetting cloth; lotto; ball; room layout.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment. Self-massage of the face.

Speech therapist: “The sun came to visit us and wants to play with you.” On a typesetting canvas, the speech therapist displays pictures of the sun with different movements, accompanied by text, the children perform certain movements in accordance with it.

“- The sun woke up, touched my forehead, stroked and stroked my rays. - The sun woke up, touched my cheeks, stroked and stroked my rays.

The sun woke up, touched my chin, stroked and stroked my chin.

The sun woke up, touched his nose, stroked and stroked his rays.”

Speech therapist: “Sunny liked the way you played with him. It smiles. And you will smile at each other."

2. Main part.

A) Game "Fourth wheel".

The speech therapist invites the children to carefully examine the cards that are in front of each child, name the extra object and explain why it is extra.

The cards show:

Apple, pear, banana, table. Dog, cat, horse, chair.

Dress, skirt, trousers, sofa. Cabbage, carrots, onions, chair.

Cow, pig, horse, bed.

The speech therapist asks you to remember and name the items that turned out to be superfluous.

Speech therapist: “How can you call all these objects in one word? (Furniture) Today we will talk about furniture.”

b) Game “Magic Bag”.

Speech therapist: “Our sunshine brought a “Magic” bag containing doll furniture. Each of you must, without looking into it, by touch, find and get that piece of furniture that was superfluous on his card.”

Speech therapist: “Lena, name your subject.” (This is a chair). What does a chair have? (A chair has: a back, a seat, legs.) What is a chair for? (A chair is needed to sit).

(The rest of the children should answer in the same complete sentences when talking about their subject).

c) Lotto game “What is made of what?”

Children are given lotto cards with pictures of pieces of furniture. The speech therapist names the object and the material from which it is made. For example: “Glass table.” Children look for the image on the cards. The one who has this item on the card must name the combination of adjective and noun, i.e. answer the question “Which one?” Children's answers: “Glass table, wooden cabinet, leather sofa, iron chair, etc.”

d) Dynamic pause.“Call me kindly” (with a ball).

I have a closet, what about you? (Cabinet.) I have a chair, what about you? (High chair.)

I have a sofa, what about you? (Sofa.) I have a chair, what about you? (Armchair.)

I have a table, what about you? (Table.), etc.

d) Game “What types of tables and cabinets are there?”

Speech therapist: “What is the name of the table at which they write, which one? (Writing.) What is the name of the table where people dine? (Dining.) What is the name of the table on which magazines and newspapers lie? (Magazine.) What is the name of the table on which food is prepared? (Kitchen.) What is the name of the closet in which clothes are stored? (Closet.) What is the name of the cabinet in which books are stored? (Book.) What is the name of the cabinet that hangs on the wall? (Hinged.)

f) Game “Two and Five”.

Speech therapist: “Sunny wants to play with you some more.” Hands out cards to children with pictures of two and five pieces of furniture: two chairs, five chairs; two sofas, five sofas (tables, beds, armchairs). Then he names the object. Children find its image on the card, determine the number of objects, and name the combination of a numeral and a noun.

g) Game “Let’s arrange the furniture beautifully in our room.”

The speech therapist places a picture depicting a room on a typesetting canvas. Asks questions about the location of various pieces of furniture in it and asks children to use the words in their answers: right, left, front, behind, between. Children then arrange the toy furniture on the model in the same way as in the image. At the same time, they comment on their actions: “I’ll put a chair to the left of the table,” etc.

3. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist: “What did we talk about today? What new did you learn? What did you like most? Say goodbye to the sun, it will definitely come visit us again.”


fix the names of poultry and their chicks, expand knowledge about poultry, enrich and activate the vocabulary on this topic.



Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech for older children with special needs on the topic:"Poultry".

Teacher-speech therapist Kosheleva S.A.

The purpose of the speech therapy session:formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language.


Correctional and educational:consolidate the names of poultry and their chicks, expand knowledge about poultry, enrich and activate the vocabulary on this topic.

Correctional and developmental:develop verbal and logical thinking, fine and general motor skills, the prosodic side of speech, continue to develop children’s skills: to form the diminutive form of nouns; form plural nouns; consolidate the ability to correctly use simple prepositions in speech. To develop creative abilities, aesthetic perception, color perception, imagination, fantasy, interest in drawing using the pointillism technique.

Correctional and educational:cultivate a love of nature, a caring attitude towards poultry, teach to listen carefully to your interlocutor, develop skills of benevolence and independence.

Equipment : TV, illustrations with the image of poultry, an image of a picture of a poultry house, a picture of a “poultry yard”, masks-caps with the image of a house of birds, a ball, a recording of the voices of poultry, an outline image of a rooster, gouache, cotton swabs, an audio recording of the children’s song “Dance of the Little Ducklings” "

Preliminary work:Reading the fairy tale by V. Suteev “The Rooster and the Paints”, learning the poem “The Cockerel”.

Progress of the lesson:

  1. Organizing time.

1 - Hello, dear children, you are the most beautiful in the world. With such good looks, I propose to form a circle.

“All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let’s smile at each other.”

Guys, with a handshake, I convey to you all my kindness, positive emotions, good mood, friendship, and it goes from me to Katya, from Katya to Alyosha, from Alyosha to Tikhon, etc. in a circle and returns to me. I feel that each of you added a piece of your kindness and friendship. Let it warm you and not leave you throughout the day!

Guys, look how many guests have gathered, let's welcome them.

2.Message about the topic of the lesson.

(on the TV screen there is a picture “Bird Yard”.)

Today, guys, we will go to the poultry yard.

The speech therapist offers to examine it carefully and asks the children the following questions:

-Who lives in the poultry yard? What can you call these birds? (Poultry.)

– Why are they called pets? (Because they live next to a person, and the person takes care of them.)

What is the name of the profession of a person who works in a poultry yard? (show a picture of a bird house). What does the bird lady do? (gives the birds food and water)

– What benefits do poultry bring to humans? (Birds give humans eggs, meat, down and feathers.)

  1. Lexico-grammatical games and exercises

1. Game "Magic Transformations"

I suggest you turn into birds by solving riddles. Whoever guesses the riddle about the bird first will become that bird, and our group will become the bird yard. (Children guess the riddles, the speech therapist puts masks-caps with images of poultry birds on their heads.)


1. Long neck, red paws, nipping at the heels, run without looking back. (This is a goose.)

2. He clucks, fusses, calls the children, gathers everyone under his wings. (This is chicken.)

3. Walks around, chatters, and puts everyone in fear. (This is a turkey.)

4. He goes fishing leisurely, waddling: his own fishing rod, who is it? (This is a duck.)

5. I live in the yard and sing at dawn. There is a comb on the head. (This is a cockerel.)

Children stand in a circle (cockerel, goose, chicken, duck, turkey). The speech therapist says the following:

“I’m walking in a circle, I want to pick out a bird.” Who are you? (I'm a cockerel.)

- Cockerel, sing us a song. (Crow!)

-What is the rooster doing? (The rooster crows.)

(Verbs for other birds are formed in the same way: the duck quacks, the turkey chatters, the chicken clucks, the goose cackles, hisses.)

4. Exercise “Cheerful Family”:Name the father, mother and chick of each bird. (a picture with families is displayed)

Rooster, hen, chick.

Goose, goose, gosling.

Drake, duck, duckling.

Turkey, turkey, turkey.

5 . Didactic game "One - many". -Let's play the game "One - many." We are little wizards, there was one, but there will be many.

chicken - chickens, chickens,
rooster - roosters,
chicken - chickens,
goose - geese,
goose - geese,
gosling - goslings,
duck - ducks,
drake - drakes,
duckling - ducklings,
turkey - turkeys,
turkey - turkeys,
turkey poults - turkey poults,
6. Game exercise “Call me kindly”

- The birder loves her birds very much and calls them affectionately. Children, I will call the poultry, and you will call them what the bird calls them: (ball game)

Chicken - hen, duck - duck, rooster - cockerel, chick - chick, duckling - duckling, gosling - ..., chick - chick, wing - ..., beak -..., feather -..., paw -..., tail -… .

7. Exercise “Who’s the odd one out?”:Look carefully at the picture. What did the artist get wrong? What birds don't live in a chicken coop? Tell where each bird is and how the items in the chicken coop are located, using the prepositions on, about, at, with (with), for.

  1. Fizminutka

Dancing begins in our poultry yard, I invite everyone to dance. (Children imitate the movements of poultry and perform the “Jolly Ducklings” dance.)

IY. Art therapy (stick drawing technique, pointillism)

Children, look what an unusual cockerel came to visit us. Did you find out what fairy tale he is from? (Yes, he is from the fairy tale “The Rooster and the Paints” by V. Suteev.)

Do you think it’s good for him to walk around unpainted? Can we help him?

Of course we will help him! It will become colorful when we complete various tasks.

Let's remember the rules for working with cotton swabs and gouache. The drawing is created using individual dots (or strokes) of different colors. In this case, the paints do not physically mix with each other. The points can be placed close to each other or, conversely, leave more free space. Correctly hold the shaft of the cotton swab with three fingers and dip the cotton swab into the paint. We don’t put a lot of paint on the stick; we put it on a sheet of paper and let it go.

Dip a stick into the paint
Let's start drawing dots.
You can draw them in a row
Or poke at random.
Let's outline the outline first,
To make it easier for us.
Dots, it is now known
Everyone is interested in drawing.
Exciting, funny
And a little capricious!

A sheet of paper and cotton swabs,
Paint, water and pencil
That's what we need. And it's a nice time
To make our drawing.

Take your “magic wands” and get to work.

Let's say the magic words.

Spin around a little and turn into a multi-colored cockerel.

(an uncolored rooster “turns” into a multi-colored one).

You kids are great!

Y. Reading the poem “Cockerel”.

(Oksana S. and Tikhon B. recite a poem.)

The cockerel came to visit us

And he brought his family:

A pestle hen and a Dyushku chicken.

How decorated is the cockerel!

Sharp beak and comb,

Bright tail with patterns,

Boots with spurs.

Petya likes to get up early

And scream cuckoo!

The cockerel crows loudly

Doesn't let the kids sleep.

He walks importantly around the yard,

Finds grains in the grass.

How good is the cockerel -

You won't find a better Petya!

The cockerel has a girlfriend -

This chicken is Pestrushka.

The cockerel has a son -

The chicken is a yellow lump.

A cheerful family lives in a chicken coop,

Slumbering on a roost

Yes, he pecks at the grains.

YI. Summary of the lesson. Assessment of children's activities.

– Well, it’s time to say goodbye to the birds. Let's say thank you and goodbye to them and the bird lady.
- Guys, what birds did we visit today?
– Which domestic birds have you met?
– Are poultry healthy for humans?
- How?(They give meat, eggs, feathers, fluff)
– Does a person need to take care of birds?
- Why?
– We remembered and repeated a lot today. Well done!.

Sections: Primary School

Explanatory note

Currently, the number of children with special educational needs is increasing significantly. Among these children, the largest number are children with speech pathology.

General speech underdevelopment is a very common type of speech pathology. In modern speech therapy, general speech underdevelopment refers to various complex speech disorders in which children have impaired formation of all components of the speech system related to the sound and semantic aspects of speech.

The experience of working in a national school with children of indigenous indigenous peoples of the tundra convinces us that children brought up in conditions of a limited number of speech partners come to school with general underdevelopment of speech, with reduced phonemic awareness, insufficient development of lexical and grammatical structures and underdevelopment of coherent speech.

Uniformity of approaches of speech therapist and teacher to speech work, continuity in the requirements for students, as well as in the content and methods of correctional, educational and educational work, complexity and diversity of means for developing speech and eliminating its shortcomings, the use of the leading type - educational activity - is the key to success in speech therapy work.

The relevance of the presented cycle of speech therapy classes lies in the fact that the system of a teacher-speech therapist is aimed at the formation and development of the speech of children of indigenous indigenous peoples of the tundra entering the first grade. Such a teaching system is effective not only in terms of forming and enriching children’s vocabulary, but also can significantly improve the understanding and practical use of words representing different lexical and grammatical categories, intensify speech and cognitive activity, and accelerate the process of development of speech skills.

The novelty in practical terms is the definition of the content of selected concepts, highlighting not only the names of the objects included in this concept, but the qualities and grammatical categories associated with it. A series of speech therapy classes is built on a thematic principle in a playful form, since play is the leading activity throughout primary school age.

Speech therapy classes are part of the correctional educational process in a group of 1st grade students with general speech underdevelopment of level III.

The presented material includes 7 lesson notes, during which students’ lexical and grammatical skills are consolidated and deficiencies in cognitive processes are corrected.

The content of the notes meets the requirements of the program of correctional education and education of children with speech underdevelopment. When compiling notes, both general didactic and specific principles of speech therapy were taken into account. The speech material used in classes is selected taking into account the high frequency of words in the vocabulary of a 6-7 year old child, as well as taking into account the sound and syllabic content of these words.

The use of various didactic games and gaming techniques during classes awakens children's cognitive interest, activates mental activity, and stimulates the development of memory and attention.

For corrective action, it is always important to familiarize students with a certain minimum of abstract vocabulary that causes them the greatest difficulties in understanding, in isolating those properties or relationships that are expressed in words associated not only with life experience, but also with activity.

Children with general speech underdevelopment belong to the category of students who especially need speech therapy help. Without it, they not only experience difficulties in the learning process, but also often find themselves among those who fail in all subjects. Timely and systematic assistance makes it possible to overcome this disorder and, to a certain extent, prevent the negative consequences caused by them. The number of understood words gradually increases, the structure of their meaning is formed, and the connections between words in a sentence are strengthened.

This series of classes represents an experience of working with children-speech pathologists to activate and enrich vocabulary and logical-grammatical categories.

Lesson notes for speech pathology students on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories.