Recommendations for parents and educators on the development of sound pronunciation. Recommendations for parents on the development of phonemic processes and correction of sound pronunciation disorders

Choice of colors

Dear parents!

Does your child “lisp”, “burr”, “lisp” and generally have “porridge in his mouth”? These troubles can be fixed! Have you decided to help your child overcome “fiction defects”? This is the most correct and wise decision of loving, caring parents! Let me give you some advice that, as it seems to us, will allow you to look at the situation with “different eyes” and more consciously determine your place in such a difficult, daily, painstaking, but at the same time, such a necessary process of speech therapy correction. We think that following these simple “wisdoms” will help your son or daughter master “pure”, correct speech much faster. In addition, your joint efforts in overcoming emerging difficulties will unite you and your child. He will feel next to him an understanding loved one, sensitive and attentive to his problems, a true friend. Believe me, it's worth a lot!

So, there are few conditions for successful correction of sound pronunciation disorders. Here they are:

♦Try to communicate as often as possible with the speech therapist working with your child, carefully and strictly follow all his tasks and recommendations.

♦Repeat all articulation exercises studied in speech therapy classes daily and train at home. Only in this way will the child learn the movements of the speech organs necessary for the articulation of certain sounds.

♦Articulation movements must be precise. Inaccurate articulation will result in a fuzzy, “smeared” sound. In order for you to be able to efficiently help your child practice the necessary movements at home, you need to have a good idea of ​​how these movements should be performed. Therefore, whenever possible, try to attend classes with your child, or additionally consult with a speech therapist.

♦At the stage of sound automation, pronounce all the speech material assigned for home training (syllables, words, phrases, tongue twisters, etc.), memorize the given poems, prepare retellings of texts. When performing all tasks, constantly monitor the “purity” of the sound being practiced, and correct the child if necessary.

♦At the stage of introducing sound into independent speech, try to talk with your child as often as possible, use every opportunity for conversations: joint walks, “trips” to the store, leisure hours in the evenings and on weekends. Constantly monitor the correct articulation of the “new” sound. Don't be scared! If you devote several months to correcting your baby’s speech development, your costs will more than pay off.

We wish you optimism and great success in achieving your goal!



Dear parents!

Does your child “lisp”, “burr”, “lisp” and generally have “porridge in his mouth”? These troubles can be fixed! Have you decided to help your child overcome “fiction defects”? This is the most correct and wise decision of loving, caring parents! Let me give you some advice that, as it seems to us, will allow you to look at the situation with “different eyes” and more consciously determine your place in such a difficult, daily, painstaking, but at the same time, such a necessary process of speech therapy correction. We think that following these simple “wisdoms” will help your son or daughter master “pure”, correct speech much faster. In addition, your joint efforts in overcoming emerging difficulties will unite you and your child. He will feel next to him an understanding loved one, sensitive and attentive to his problems, a true friend. Believe me, it's worth a lot!

So, there are few conditions for successful correction of sound pronunciation disorders. Here they are:

♦Try to communicate as often as possible with the speech therapist working with your child, carefully and strictly follow all his tasks and recommendations.

♦Repeat all articulation exercises studied in speech therapy classes daily and train at home. Only in this way will the child learn the movements of the speech organs necessary for the articulation of certain sounds.

♦Articulation movements must be precise. Inaccurate articulation will result in a fuzzy, “smeared” sound. In order for you to be able to efficiently help your child practice the necessary movements at home, you need to have a good idea of ​​how these movements should be performed. Therefore, whenever possible, try to attend classes with your child, or additionally consult with a speech therapist.

♦At the stage of sound automation, pronounce all the speech material assigned for home training (syllables, words, phrases, tongue twisters, etc.), memorize the given poems, prepare retellings of texts. When performing all tasks, constantly monitor the “purity” of the sound being practiced, and correct the child if necessary.

♦At the stage of introducing sound into independent speech, try to talk with your child as often as possible, use every opportunity for conversations: joint walks, “trips” to the store, leisure hours in the evenings and on weekends. Constantly monitor the correct articulation of the “new” sound. Don't be scared! If you devote several months to correcting your baby’s speech development, your costs will more than pay off.

We wish you optimism and great success in achieving your goal!

Dear adults!

Incorrect pronunciation brings a lot of grief to both preschoolers and school-age children. Adults, and especially peers, do not understand what the child is saying, and communication difficulties arise. Moreover, shortcomings in oral speech also negatively affect writing, since clear pronunciation of sounds is the basis for learning to write at the initial stage. Moreover, shortcomings in oral speech in the future when studying at school will also negatively affect writing, since clear pronunciation of sounds is the basis for learning to write at the initial stage.

Adults often show two polar points of view regarding children's incorrect sound pronunciation, although both of them are incorrect. Some parents turn a blind eye to the existing problem for a long time, since they do not always detect speech defects by ear, or they believe that everything will go away with age. Others, on the contrary, already at 2-3 years old require the child to correctly pronounce even the most complex sounds, correcting him and making comments. Such excessive demands from parents can cause a negative reaction on the part of the child and even serve as an impetus for the appearance of stuttering. You should know that according to the “laws of nature,” a child of 2-3 years old has the right to pronounce some sounds incorrectly!

This is important to know!

  1. First, the child masters the pronunciation of simple sounds (vowels and simple consonants, such as [p], [b], [m], [n], [t], [d]...).
  2. As speech hearing develops and the articulatory apparatus (especially the muscles of the lips and tongue) strengthens, all other sounds become available to it.
  3. Later, whistling ([s], [s], [z], [z], [ts]), hissing ([w], [z], [h], [sch]) and sonorant sounds appear and are most difficult for the child. sounds ([р], [рь], [л], [л]). Normally, the assimilation of all sounds of the Russian language ends by 4-5 years.

Main types of speech disorders:

  1. No sound. For example, instead of a hand, the baby says uka or instead onion - uk;
  2. Sound replacement. For example, a child can replace [ts] with [t] (little lamb);[w] to [s]; [R]
    on [l]; [s] to [s]; [l] to [th], etc.;
  3. Sound distortion, such as:

In the interdental pronunciation of certain sounds (the tip of the tongue is pushed between the teeth);

  • in the lateral pronunciation of sounds (an unpleasant “popping” sound is heard);
  • in the throat pronunciation of the sound [r] (it is produced by vibration of the palatal curtain, and not the tip of the tongue).

Violations of sound pronunciation of the first and second types (absence of sound and its replacement) in children under 3-4 years of age can be considered as physiological tongue-tiedness that passes with age (with normal mental development of the child and full hearing). But if these

violations are observed in children over 5 years of age, it is necessary to urgently seek advice from a speech therapist and begin classes under his guidance.

Pronunciation disorders of the third type (distortion of sounds) do not go away on their own even with age. In this case, it is necessary to contact a speech therapist for advice as soon as possible.

The main reasons that cause disturbances in sound pronunciation and prevent children from independently mastering the pronunciation of the sounds of their native language (in the presence of normal physical hearing and intelligence):

  • poor discrimination of sounds by ear, i.e. the child has not developed phonemic (speech) hearing;
  • insufficient development of the muscles of the lips and tongue, necessary for the correct pronunciation of complex sounds;
  • defects in the structure of the speech organs (bad bite, high (“Gothic” palate, shortened frenulum of the tongue, etc.);
  • lack of the right role model (incorrect speech of others, “lisping”, etc.).

Speech examination.

This examination will help determine what speech disorders the child has. Sometimes, when repeating after an adult or when reading poetry by heart, a child can pronounce sounds better than in ordinary speech. Therefore, invite him to name the objects shown in the pictures (see at the end) and listen carefully to how he pronounces the sounds. Note for yourself how the baby pronounces this or that sound, and if you find errors in pronouncing words, determine which group of violations this can be attributed to.

Be sure to consult a speech therapist to identify the reasons that are interfering with the formation of normal sound pronunciation. You can determine some reasons yourself. To do this, invite your baby to perform several movements.

  1. 1 . Stick out your tongue and place it on your lower lip.
    You should be concerned if:
  • the child cannot keep his tongue wide and spread out; the tongue is restless, twitching;
  • the tip of the tongue trembles and curls towards the lower or upper lips;
  • the tongue deviates in one direction or another;
  • increased salivation is noted.
  1. 2 . Open your mouth wide and pull the tip of your tongue alternately to the left corner of your mouth, then to the right.

You should be wary if:

- the tongue moves with its entire mass, it is excessively tense, salivation increases during movements;

  1. 3 . Open your mouth and raise your tongue to your upper lip. You should be wary if;
  • the child cannot raise his tongue at all;
  • raises the tongue using the lower lip.

If your baby exhibits the listed difficulties, then he needs a consultation not only with a speech therapist, but also with a neurologist (neurologist). You may need special speech therapy massage and drug treatment.

In speech therapy practice, there is a strict sequence in the work to correctstudy of sound pronunciation, which is carried out in three stages.

  1. Preparatory stage, in which the muscles of the lips and tongue, with the help of articulatory gymnastics, are prepared to pronounce complex sounds. Work is also being carried out to develop phonemic hearing and develop the skill of forming a directed air stream to pronounce many sounds.
  2. Sound production and its initial consolidation. At this stage, the speech therapist, using special techniques and devices, produces sound.
  3. Automation (fixation) of sound. The delivered sound must be consolidated through repeated repetitions, first in syllables, in words, and then in phrases, verses and coherent speech.

Only after this can the child be expected to correctly use sounds in speech, without adult reminders.

Since the production of sounds and their primary consolidation requires special knowledge and skills, it is advisable that this work be carried out by a speech therapist.

You can complete the tasks of the first and third stages either under the guidance of a speech therapist or independently, using special literature on correcting sound pronunciation.

The speech therapist and teachers wish you and your child good luck!

Work on the prevention of speech disorders should be carried out literally “by the whole world”:

parents (primarily);
pediatricians (identifying speech pathology as early as possible and referring children to a speech therapist);
speech therapists.

If we analyze the situation with , then we can come to the conclusion that in addition to objective social, economic and environmental reasons, there are also subjective reasons, namely:

parents, Unfortunately, problems with children’s speech development are often underestimated or completely ignored. They don’t get sick - and that’s fine! At best, they listen to the advice of relatives, neighbors and, to be honest, some not very competent educators who assure the alarmed mother that it is too early to pay attention to the child’s speech and “everything will resolve” on its own;

pediatricians Children are often not sent to the clinic’s speech therapist for an annual examination. Children four to five years old remain unexamined. And closer to the school there is a “collapse” of examinations, alarms and overcrowding of speech therapy groups with children of six years of age who should already be in school;

educators began to pay less attention to children’s sound pronunciation. The time is not far off when enough attention was paid to the sound culture of speech, retellings, composing stories based on pictures, etc. And this despite the fact that the situation with speech pathology was not so critical. Violations of sound pronunciation are often not paid attention to at all.

The question of who should “sound the alarm” about this remains open. Thus, a huge number of children with speech disorders study at school.

Classes on sound culture of speech are carried out sporadically in preschool institutions.

Educators experience difficulties in developing correct sound pronunciation in children, often confuse the concepts of “sound” and “letter”, do not know articulation patterns, and do not regularly work on speech development;

speech therapists Clinics are not always able to detect and diagnose speech pathology in a timely manner, since not all children, for one reason or another, are examined by a speech therapist annually. Continuity between speech therapists at a clinic and speech pathologists at preschool institutions is most often based only on personal contacts supported by enthusiasts.

Thus, we can say that there is almost no system of measures taken to prevent speech defects in children.

Formation of correct sound pronunciation- this is the systematic work of the teacher with all children in the group, promoting the timely acquisition of the pronunciation of all sounds of the native language and the development of phonemic hearing.

Correcting sound pronunciation is the job of a speech therapist.

In order to conduct classes on the sound culture of speech, the teacher must know what is necessary:

Prepare the articulatory structure of sound;
to form auditory attention, phonemic hearing;
carry out work on the sound culture of speech only on correctly pronounced sounds;
During the lesson, practice only sounds that are similar in articulatory structure (preferably one sound); for differentiation, paired sounds are taken:




pairs of sounds that children most often do not differentiate in pronunciation:

Have an idea of ​​the sound pronunciation of all children at the beginning of the year, at the end of the year and identify the risk group.


Younger age

Dear fathers and mothers!

Pay attention to your baby's speech!

The child masters speech gradually, by imitating the pronunciation of sounds and words of adults. He cannot pronounce most sounds correctly right away. The sooner parents pay attention to the child’s correct sound pronunciation, the faster it is formed and normalized. Modern parents begin to worry about speech problems when their child reaches 2.5-3 years of age. Watch your baby. You should be concerned if your child:

Very lethargic, reluctant to react to his surroundings;
often shows restlessness, sways his body from side to side;
has a strong flow of saliva;
does not follow simple verbal commands (go to the kitchen and get a cup, etc.);
does not play with other children or feed the doll from a plate, but puts the doll on a plate, etc.;
says “ma” instead of “mama” or refers the word “mama” to other persons;

instead of “girl” he says “de”;

“bunny” - “for”;

“go” - “di”;

“look” - “api”;

Uses fragment words, i.e. those in which only parts of the word are stored:

"ako" - milk, "deka" - girl.

All this is a serious reason to immediately seek advice from a specialist - a speech therapist at a clinic or speech group in a kindergarten.

It is a mistake to hope that pronunciation deficiencies will spontaneously disappear as the child grows, since they can become firmly entrenched and turn into a permanent violation.

Average age

Speech therapy examinations carried out annually in kindergarten show that the state of speech of middle-aged children (4-5 years old) often does not correspond to the age norm, but by the age of four all sounds should already be fully formed and used correctly in speech. We will not dwell on the reasons for the trouble. We will try to highlight the activities that parents who want to hear their children’s clear speech should perform. So:

Every year, starting from the first year of a child’s life, undergo an examination by a speech therapist at a children’s clinic;
be critical of the speech manifestations of children, starting from birth, and in cases of any deviations from the norm, contact a speech therapist, without reassuring yourself with the belief that everything will work out on its own;
Be sure to consult your child with an ENT doctor about the presence of adenoids, since adenoids significantly affect speech, and with an orthodontist.

If a child is indicated for adenotomy or bite correction, then do not delay in solving these problems.

Most children suffering from sound pronunciation disorders have impairments in phonemic hearing, with the help of which we distinguish sounds that are similar in sound or articulation. The speech therapist you contact will teach you how to develop phonemic awareness;
Attend speech therapy classes with your child, doing homework carefully. Without completing these tasks, without constant monitoring of the assigned sounds, it will be impossible to achieve positive results;
six months after all the sounds have been delivered, show the child to a speech therapist to check the reliability of the results;
in case of severe speech disorders, do everything to ensure that the child gets into a speech therapy group in a timely manner. Do not put off resolving this issue year after year by listening to the advice of incompetent people.

Older age

6 years is the age when a child should go to school. At school, the child will have to be independent, so in the remaining time before school, the child must be prepared for school.

From time to time, talk to your child about school, setting him up for a serious and responsible attitude, but do not intimidate him with school, but, on the contrary, arouse interest in learning.

The child must have developed speech readiness, i.e. the ability to:

Correctly pronounce all sounds of the language;
highlight the first and last sound in a word;
divide a word into syllables;
determine how many syllables are in a word, how many sounds are in a word;
come up with words for a given sound;
merge the two named sounds into a syllable: M+A=MA;
repeat a syllable chain like TA-DA-TA;
determine the number of words in a sentence, taking into account “short” words - prepositions.

It is important to find out:

How rich is the baby’s vocabulary, can he coherently talk about what he saw and heard;
How developed is the child’s horizons, does he know his last name, first name, patronymic, age;
what he knows about the world around him, can he name the days of the week, seasons of the year;
whether he has formed generalization words; Is he oriented in time? whether he knows how to exclude “extra” from the proposed series;
Can he arrange the plot pictures in order and compose a story based on them?

Do more drawing with your child. Check if your child can draw a person, that is, a figure with details of the face, clothing, and clearly drawn limbs. This skill indicates how developed the hand is. Invite your child to “copy” a phrase like “He ate soup” that you clearly wrote in cursive.
- Repeat numbers from 1 to 9 and counting within 20 - quantitative and ordinal.
- Repeat the learned poems with your child from time to time.
- Always take an interest in the child’s life in kindergarten.


Game "Arena".

Imagine yourself in ancient Rome. Before you is the “arena of sounds”. The gesture - thumbs up or down - is familiar to you. Let's use it. We name the sounds, and you raise or lower your thumb, indicating the position of the tongue in the mouth when pronouncing these sounds.

S, S', Sh, Z, Z', Zh, Ch, Shch, C, R, L, J, R', L.

Ball game “Name the first sound in the word.”

chalk whisper

mom cup

the dog drank

shelf mesh

spruce phone

Christmas tree slippers

apple iodine

acorn skirt

ribbon beetle

Ball game “Name the last sound in the word.”

nose Maria

frost is everything

cat motor

husband dictionary

eyebrow saying

branch mole

Game "Relay race with a flag".

Pass the flag to your neighbor, repeating the syllable chain:

a) ta - yes - ta

ta - ta - yes

yes - yes - that

b) pta - pto - ptu - pty

vba - bwa, etc.

Game “Highlight with your voice”

sound "m" mom

sound "s" son

sound "l" polka

The sound "e" is (vowel sound)

"m" is...

Summary of a subgroup lesson on teaching literacy to children with general speech underdevelopment.

"Visiting Bukvoezhka." Sound and letter K

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about words, sounds, letters; develop phonetic hearing; learn to find the place of a sound in a word (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end); learn to conduct sound analysis of the word MAK; learn to read open and closed syllables (AK, KA); consolidate the ability to form words with a diminutive suffix.

Equipment: Bukvoezhka doll, box with toys; cards, chips of two colors (red and blue); stripes, counting sticks, ball, speech therapy alphabet.

Progress of the lesson

Getting to know Bukvoezhka.

Educator (V.). Say your name affectionately so that the sound is heard "TO"(Nastenka, Slavochka, Vovochka, etc.).

Game "Catch the Sound".

IN. If there is a sound in the words that Bukvoezhka says "TO", clap, "catch him."

Jacket, duckling, pyramid, goose, choir, poppy, mushroom, com.

Game "An Extra Word".

IN. Name the “extra” word. Listen to Bukvoezhka carefully!

Ditch - ditch - cocoa - ditch.

Cat - cat - cat - cat.

Duckling - duckling - kitten - duckling.

Bookworm brought a box.

IN. What sound does the word “box” begin with?

There are items here in the box.

Everyone will now get theirs.

Examine the object, touch it

And think about it - what is he like?

The teacher gives the children objects that are in the box: a doll, a cube, a chestnut, a pencil, a bell.

IN. What sound does the word begin with? Where is the sound "K" hidden? Describe the item. What is he like? (Choose at least 5 words.)

Game "What's gone".

No cube, no pencil, no chestnut, etc.

Game "Find out the word."

IN. Help Bukvoezhka find out the word

...from, ...ompot, ...they.

Which letter did Bukvoezhka “lost”?

Game "Press the Sound".

Highlight the sound “K” in the words cat, house, broom, secret, man, turkey, bruise. (Determine the place of the sound in the word: at the beginning, in the middle, at the end.)

Game "Place in Places".

Now I'll give you the task

Put everything in its place.

What did we roll in winter?

What did they build with you?

Got hooked in the river?

Maybe everything, even if you’re small?


IN. Which word has a sound "TO"?

Physical education minute.


Snail, snail,

Stick out your horns

I'll give you sugar

Piece of pie,

Guess who am I?..

IN. Those children who correctly repeat the syllable chain will sit.

Ka - ga - ha;

ta - yes - yes;

ka - ga - ka;


Sound analysis of the word "MAK"


A- vowel, red chip.

TO- consonant, hard, blue chip.

Where was the sound hidden? "TO"?

Sound "TO" Which? (Children give a complete description of the sound.)

Game “Sticks are my helpers.”

Make the word poppy out of the sticks. What did you post? (Word.) Read. The word can be written, read, posted.

The word is made up of letters. Letters can be seen and written. Sounds can be heard and spoken.

Ball game "Big - small".

IN. We not only know how to hear and speak words, but also turn one word into another. Let's change the words so that the sound appears "TO".

A coin is a coin, a hole is a hole, cotton wool is cotton wool, a shovel is a shovel.

Game "Do as I do."

“Clap like me” - ta; ta-ta.
“Jump like me” - ta - ta; ta.

A. Kochmareva, N. Sasova, L. Selitskaya

In corrective work on sound pronunciation, introducing a new sound into a child’s speech becomes a long and difficult process, requiring patience from adults and diligence from children. Due to the fact that the newly developed neural connections are still weak, the child uses the acquired sound extremely irregularly.

Therefore, it is necessary to develop his internal self-control over his speech.

The process of normalization of speech and the extinction of the pathological process are possible only with increased attention of the child to the speech of others and to his own. Adults also need to carefully monitor children’s sound pronunciation and correctly correct mistakes not only in class, but throughout all routine moments. The process of automating sounds is very difficult for some children, self-control over sound pronunciation can be low, and sometimes the child quickly loses the acquired skill. Therefore, such work requires patience, tact, composure, and constant ingenuity from adults.

For this purpose, we can use the following stimulating techniques.

For example, the game exercise "Parrot".

If a child pronounces a sound incorrectly, we ask him:

“Repeat the word after me 2, 3, 4 times and “click” on this sound.

Come up with a sentence or phrase with this sound."

At the beginning of organized activities, giving instructions for correct, competent, clear speech, we use the following poem:

"Every day, always, everywhere,

in class, in games loudly,

we say clearly,

We are never in a hurry!"

Learn it with your children.

To stimulate and activate self-control of sound pronunciation in independent speech, we conduct a game with children - the “Speaking Correctly” competition in different versions:

"The Christmas tree is a beauty."

“There are a lot of colored balls and golden cones on the Christmas tree” - children receive multi-colored balls and cones as a reward for correct pronunciation, and each decorate their own branch on the Christmas tree with them.

“The frost was wrapped in snow” - snowballs and snowflakes and so on.

Also, the correct pronunciation of sounds is ensured by good mobility and differentiated functioning of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Articulation exercises are best performed in conjunction with hand movements.

In this case, the movements of the hands can duplicate the movements of the tongue or be directed in the opposite direction.

Yes, in the exercise "Watch" First the movement is performed:

tongue to the right and hands to the right, tongue to the left and hands to the left.

When the movement is mastered, a complication is introduced:

tongue to the right and hands to the left, tongue to the left and hands to the right.

In the exercise "Swing" - first, tongue up and hands up, then with complication - tongue up and hands down.

In the exercise "Turkey" simultaneously with the movement of the tongue back and forth along the upper lip, perform soft movements with the hands of raised hands.

"Ring" . Alternately and as quickly as possible, move your fingers, connecting the index finger, middle finger, etc. in a ring with the thumb. The test is performed in a straight line (from index finger to little finger) and vice versa (from little finger to index finger) ok. First, the exercise is performed with each hand separately, then together.

"Fist-rib-palm" . The child is shown three positions of the hand on the plane of the table, successively replacing each other. Palm on a plane, palm clenched into a fist, palm with an edge on the plane of the table, straightened palm on the plane of the table. The child performs the test together with an adult, then from memory for 8-10 repetitions of the motor program. The test is performed first with the right hand, then with the left, then with both hands together. When mastering the program or if there are difficulties in performing it, invite your child to help himself with commands ( "fist-rib-palm" , spoken out loud or silently.

Consultation for educators “Raising correct sound pronunciation in children”

The full development of a child’s personality is impossible without teaching him correct speech. However, fulfilling this task is associated with certain difficulties.

The child masters the speech function gradually by imitating the pronunciation of sounds and words by adults: he does not know how to pronounce most sounds correctly. This is the so-called physiological period of age-related tongue-tiedness. It is a mistake to hope for spontaneous disappearance of pronunciation deficiencies as the child grows, since they can become firmly established and turn into a permanent violation.*

Time limits for mastering the pronunciation of speech sounds by preschool children:

Vowels, including the sound Y by 2 – 2.5 years;

Consonants except hissing sounds, sounds L, R, Rb - by 3 years;

L sound by 3 – 4 years;

Hissing sounds by 4 - 4.5 years;

Sounds P, Pb up to 6 years.*

The pronunciation of whistling, hissing, sounds L, R, Rb most often suffers. This is due to the more complex articulation of these sounds. You need to know and remember the correct articulation of the listed sounds:*

The general rule: in Russian, all sounds are pronounced in a dental position, i.e. If the tip of a child’s tongue “peeks out” between the teeth when speaking, it means there is a violation of sound pronunciation;*

General rule: a stream of exhaled air passes through the middle of the tongue, if a squelching sound is heard, when speaking one corner of the mouth is pulled back, speech is untidy - this indicates a pathology of sound pronunciation;*

General rule: you cannot push your lips forward too much; excessive lip work compensates for the low mobility of the tip of the tongue*

As a general rule, clarity of speech is achieved by clear pronunciation of vowel sounds, and not by the volume of the voice.

To summarize: *

The tongue is always behind the teeth,

A stream of air passes through the middle of the tongue, there are no extraneous sounds in speech,

The lips actively move, but do not form a “beak”,

Clear vowel pronunciation.*

Correct articulation:

Whistling sounds - the wide tip of the tongue rests on the lower front incisors, teeth, lips in a smile, the exhaled stream of air is cold;**

Hissing sounds - the wide tip of the tongue is pushed towards the front of the palate. The lips are slightly rounded and pushed forward, the exhaled stream of air is warm;**

L – the wide tip of the tongue is raised up and touches the front of the palate, lips in a smile;

P - the wide tip of the tongue is raised up and comes into contact with the front of the palate, under the pressure of exhaled air, the tip of the tongue vibrates at the alveoli, the lips are in a smile.

Work to correct violations of sound pronunciation, despite a certain specificity, is based on general pedagogical principles, first of all

gradual transition from easy to difficult, conscious mastery of material, taking into account age-related abilities.

If a child cannot reproduce a sound (in isolation, in a syllable or word) even by imitation (example), he needs a full cycle of sound correction - production, automation and differentiation.*

Work on speech development in a kindergarten begins with the first early age group, and with the first junior group and on the sound culture of speech in particular.

The work of developing correct pronunciation begins with an examination, preferably carried out by a speech therapist.

What is the responsibility of a teacher:

Exercise children in clear pronunciation of sounds, in accordance with age norms;

Develop speech breathing, auditory attention;

Form phonemic hearing /the ability to distinguish speech sounds/.

I advise you to study your educational program more carefully and focus your work on the time-tested and practice-tested manual of M.F. Fomicheva “Education of correct pronunciation in children.” This book describes in detail the forms of organizing work on the formation of correct pronunciation, its methodology, and provides theoretical and practical material. In addition, the Internet is a great help in work.

And of course, all defects are uneven. Some are corrected relatively quickly, by imitation, others require long-term work.

Let's move on to practice.

Articulation gymnastics. Thanks to timely articulation gymnastics and exercises to develop speech hearing, some children themselves can learn to speak clearly and correctly, without the help of a specialist. Children with complex sound pronunciation disorders will be able to quickly overcome their speech defects when a speech therapist begins to work with them: their muscles will already be prepared.

Articulatory gymnastics is also very useful for children with correct but sluggish sound pronunciation, about whom they say that they have “porridge in their mouth.” Articulation gymnastics classes will allow everyone, including children, to learn to speak correctly, clearly and beautifully. We must remember that clear pronunciation of sounds is the basis for learning to write at the initial stage.

How to do articulation gymnastics correctly?

First, we introduce the child to the basic positions of the lips and tongue with the help of Funny stories about the Tongue. At this stage he should repeat the exercises 2-3 times. Don’t forget to do tasks aimed at developing your voice, breathing and speech hearing. This is very important for correct sound pronunciation.

It is useful to ask your child leading questions. For example: what do lips do? What does the tongue do? Where is it located (up or down)? Then the pace of the exercises can be increased and performed countingly. But at the same time, make sure that the exercises are performed accurately and smoothly, otherwise the exercises are meaningless.

When working with children 3-4 years old, you need to ensure that they master the basic movements. For children 4-5 years old, the requirements are higher: movements must be clear and smooth, without twitching. For children 5 years and older, exercises are carried out in front of a mirror so that the child can control the correct movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. At 6-7 years of age, children perform exercises at a fast pace and are able to hold the tongue position for some time without changes.

If during classes the child’s tongue trembles, is too tense, deviates to the side, and the baby cannot maintain the desired position even for a short time, you need to choose easier exercises to relax muscle tone, and do a special relaxing massage.

If you identify the violation in a timely manner and start working with the child using articulatory gymnastics, you can achieve positive results in a shorter period of time.

Exercise with children daily for up to 10 minutes. It is best to conduct articulation gymnastics in the form of a fairy tale.*

There are a lot of complexes of articulatory gymnastics, but there are basic exercises that are found in almost all complexes - these are exercises for

Whistling setup: “Shovel”, *Snake”, *Swing”, *Slide (explanation of exercises)*

Setting up the sizzling ones: “Spatula”, * “Tube”, * “Horse”, “Mushroom”, * “Cup”, “Hug the sponge”, “Sail” (explanation of the exercises)*

Production of sounds L, L, R, Rь: “Spatula”, * “Hug a sponge”, “Delicious jam”, “Cup”, “Drummer”, * “Mushroom”, “Accordion”, “Horse”, * “Steamboat” (explanation of exercises)

The complex of articulatory gymnastics includes exercises for the lips, lower jaw, tongue, tongue switching, breathing and vocal exercises.

Articulatory gymnastics can be performed in the first half of the day, during the NOD, individually or in a subgroup in the second half of the day. The number of articulatory gymnastics exercises on GCD is reduced to 3 – 4.

If a child can pronounce a sound, but does not use it in speech:

Correct, persistently; systematically correct, first by showing a sample of the correct pronunciation and encouraging the child to repeat, then (if the child is 4 years old or older) we only pay attention to the incorrect pronunciation, giving the opportunity to correct yourself (say correctly, this word has the sound R, I didn’t understand). The child speaks correctly to those who encourage him to do so. Don't be afraid to waste time, your time and energy will not be wasted. Your work with your child will bring satisfaction to both of you, because it is so pleasant and joyful to speak correctly.

If a child has just acquired a sound, it may sound exaggerated, “heavy”, we must be patient and begin work on automating it in syllables, words, sentences, text and, finally, in free speech. These are very monotonous classes, so it is better to conduct them actively, using visual material, consolidating knowledge in practice (“Tell me what you see”, “Where is the sound hidden?”, “Finish the word, sentence”, “Guess”, “What has changed?” , “4 extra”, familiar games in a new way, we set ourselves not only the tasks of expanding and activating the vocabulary, developing thinking and memory, but also automating sound pronunciation, developing phonemic hearing, speech attention). The main thing here is not to get carried away and remember what priority you have chosen in the game.*

We have fixed the sound in words, sentences / the child’s speech corresponds to age-related development /, we work further, introduce the sound into speech, remember:

Do not simplify your speech (“do not lisp”);

Do not shorten your speech, speak in extended sentences;

We speak at a calm pace, articulating sounds well, trying to ensure that the child sees our articulation;

As an adult says, so does a child! The basis of learning for preschool children is imitation.

Do not indulge yourself during the NOD (children's answers are complete, example from school);

While listening to a child’s story, follow the sound pronunciation, even if it confuses him with his thoughts, you will remind him of the sequence of presentation;

Use games - dramatizations, board games to work on strengthening the pronunciation of sounds in speech;

Who systematically corrects a child’s speech, children begin to control themselves faster, who likes to be interrupted.

Teach children to listen not only to your speech, but also to the speech of their peers, tactfully correcting it;

Teach children to analyze their own speech and develop a desire to improve it using methods of encouragement and praise.

Sound pronunciation defects are becoming more and more common, so educators should pay great attention to preventive and corrective work. However, even the most careful work of a kindergarten does not exclude the need to help at home children who pronounce certain sounds incorrectly. The teacher should help direct parents to properly organize work in the family: conduct consultations, prepare visual material, organize a “Correct Speech” corner, prepare folders for moving, prepare open events with children, where they show the results of their work to eliminate pathology, invite them to articulation gymnastics , NOD.


    A.I. Bogomolov “Speech therapy manual for classes with children”

    M.F. Fomicheva “Education of correct pronunciation in children”

    Edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva “From birth to school. Approximate basic general education program for preschool education"