Speech therapist session visiting a fairy tale. Summary of a lesson on speech development in the preparatory speech therapy group “Visiting a fairy tale”

Church holidays

Prepared by: teacher - speech therapist Yaskova Tatyana Gennadievna
MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 9 of the Yashkinsky Municipal District"

Target: development and improvement of articulatory and finger motor skills necessary for producing hissing sounds using “bioenergoplasty”.

Equipment: presentation “Cheerful tongue visiting a fairy tale”, mirrors, napkins.

Progress of the lesson:

Speech therapist: Hello guys! Come in, sit down at the tables. Look what's standing here (mirrors). Why do we need them, do you think? (perform exercises for the tongue).

Speech therapist: Well, let's stretch our tongue. (poem) Oh, where have we ended up? (SLIDE No. 1)

Children: Magical forest.

Speech therapist: Somehow no one is visible (mouse click, Vovka’s voice is heard). Guys, do you know who this is?

Children: This is Vovka from the distant kingdom.

Speech therapist: Vovka got lost or what? Or he really liked traveling through fairy tales that he decided to continue the journey. After all, he has learned a lot, what if someone else needs his help? (mouse click). Vovka walked and came to a beautiful clearing (SLIDE No. 2). Children, whose house is this?

Children: This is where Cheerful Tongue lives.

Speech therapist: Right. Let's go to a fairy tale together with Vovka and Yazychko.

Speech therapist: Guess the riddle and find out what fairy tale our heroes ended up in:

Granny baked for grandpa_

Grandfather was left without lunch:

The boy ran into the forest.

It hit the fox on the toe. (Kolobok)

Speech therapist: That's right - this is the fairy tale "Kolobok". (SLIDE No. 3) What did the grandmother do with Kolobok when she baked it?

Children: I put it on the window to cool.

Speech therapist: Yes (SLIDE No. 4). So that the bun can cool down faster, let’s blow on it (Exercise “Blow on the tongue”). Our Kolobok cooled down and rolled away.

Speech therapist: Maybe someone else needs our help?

A princess lived among the swamps,

but it was green...

You probably know...

She was reputed to be a needlewoman.

I'll tell you in your ear,

that the princess (Frog) (SLIDE No. 5)

Speech therapist: Guys, we know this exercise “Frog”. Now our Tongue and Vovka will show it to the frog princess, and we will perform it together with them. (Exercise “Frog”)

Speech therapist: There's another mystery on the way. Whatever you call the answer, you will find yourself back in a fairy tale:

Grandfather and grandmother are crying with tears of grief -

Why are we suddenly having such failure?

There was a golden egg lying on the shelf.

But the mouse is such a punishment...

broke it. And I’m not happy myself.

But she calmed everyone down (Ryaba Hen) (SLIDE No. 6)

Speech therapist: Well done boys. What happened in the fairy tale?

Children: The grandmother beat and beat, but did not break.

Speech therapist: Let's help her (Exercise “Punish a naughty tongue”). Who hit next? (SLIDE No. 7), we’ll help grandfather too.

Speech therapist: Children, I think that our heroes are hungry and it’s time to drink tea. But what kind of fairy tale will they find themselves in now?

Lives in Prostokvashino

All the farming is done there.

I don't know the exact address

But the surname is naval. (Cat Matroskin)

Children: Three from Prostokvashino.

Speech therapist: Correct (SLIDE No. 8). Only here there is only Matroskin, and Vovka and Yazychko are already at the table and will be drinking tea from beautiful cups. And we know this exercise “Cup”. Let’s do it.

Speech therapist:(mouse click) Oh, what is that sound?

Children: This is Carlson!

Speech therapist: True (SLIDE No. 9). As you remember, Carlson has a big sweet tooth, he loves jam very much. Look, he’s already finishing it and his whole mouth is dirty. Let's help him lick the jam and do the “Tasty Jam” exercise.

Speech therapist: It's time to hit the road. Oh, who's on our way? (SLIDE No. 10).

Children: Little Red Riding Hood.

Speech therapist: Where is Little Red Riding Hood going?

The granddaughter went to her grandmother,

I brought the pies to her.

Walking along the path

He dances and sings a song.

Let's warm up a little (mouse click). Get up.

Physical exercise.

Speech therapist: Take your seats and let's continue. Somehow we got dusty on the road. The next hero of the fairy tale...

He doesn't like dirty people very much

He wants to make everyone cleaner.

Washes everyone down with soap

Washbasin (M...r).

Speech therapist: Yes, this is Moidodyr! (SLIDE No. 11). What is he holding in his hands?

Children: A toothbrush.

Speech therapist: Children, and Yazychok and Vovka, are friends with a toothbrush and brush their teeth well. Let's show you (Exercise “Brushing your teeth”).

Speech therapist: Oh, it's starting to rain. We urgently need to find shelter; our heroes found it under a mushroom (SLIDE No. 12). While they wait out the rain, we will do the “Mushroom” exercise.

Speech therapist: Some music calls to another fairy tale (mouse click).

Children: This is Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka. (SLIDE No. 13)

Speech therapist: What does Gena play? Yazychok and Vovka will help him and perform the “Accordion” exercise.

Speech therapist:

The horse gallops is not easy,

Miracle golden mane.

He carries the boy through the mountains,

But it won’t reset him.

The horse has a son

Amazing horse

Amazing horse

By nickname... (The Little Hunchback). (SLIDE No. 14)

How do children hear the sound of a horse's hooves? (Exercise “Horse”)

Speech therapist: While we were traveling, evening came, it was time to return home. (SLIDE No. 15). Vovka saw off the Merry Tongue, and he returned to his fairy tale. And it’s time for you and me to return to the group. All the best.

Municipal educational institution "Gymnasium No. 2"
Ostashkov, Tver region
Extracurricular speech therapy session
“Out there on unknown paths...”
3rd grade
Integrated subjects: Russian language, literary reading, surrounding world
Lesson duration 40 minutes.
Author: Dmitrieva M. E.,
teacher speech therapist
Topic: Adjective
Form of the lesson: game - journey (quest)
Educational: - expand the active vocabulary and dictionary of adjectives,
- learn to determine the lexical meaning of a word depending on the context,
- learn to understand the meaning of polysemantic words (homonyms), select synonyms and antonyms.
Developmental: - develop phonemic hearing, “language sense”,
- develop the ability to use words in accordance with the context,
- develop conversational speech,
- develop memory, voluntary attention, thinking.
Corrective: - correct lexical inaccuracies in statements of different types,
- self-control of speech utterances,
Educational: - to cultivate interest in the Russian language, literary reading, and the world around us;
- cultivate a sense of collectivism, responsibility, mutual assistance, love of nature, a sense of beauty;
- instilling in students an attitude of success.
UUD: cognitive, general educational, regulatory, communicative.

Preliminary preparation: the speech therapy group of students is divided into 3 teams, work places are organized for the teams, a team captain is selected, the teams come up with a name for themselves (or you can put a colored flag on their desks for each team), buy white marshmallows. One student prepares the message “What is a quest.” The guys repeat excerpts from I. Surikov’s poems “Childhood” and “Winter”.
Methodological equipment:
PC, screen, projector
Presentation “There, on unknown paths...”
Vocabulary board "QUEST"
Tokens for calculating points earned by a team, diplomas for teams
Handout: cards with tasks Snezh. queens, for the game “Synonyms”, cloud-shaped signs cut out of white paper for the game “Clouds”
Sets of photographs with images of animals for the game “Clouds”
Snowballs cut from colored paper in three colors for express diagnostics
Event plan
Org. moment. Team presentation.
Repetition of what has been covered on the topic “Adjective”.
Didactic games on the topic:
Pick a sign
Words are twins
PHYSICAL MINUTE in a playful way
Express color diagnostics.
Progress of the lesson:
Org. moment
- Stand up straight, pull yourself up,
Everyone smiled at each other
They looked at each other
And they sat down quietly.
Our day continues, the fairy tale begins...
Command View
- What time of year is it now? (Winter)
- Name the winter months in order. (December January February).
- On this winter day we will play a quest. What a quest is, he will tell us... (A student comes out and tells the meaning of the word “quest”. A vocabulary board is attached to the board. See Appendix 2).
- Dear captains, introduce your teams. (Captains introduce their teams.)
- Attention to the board. What is the name of our quest? (There, on unknown paths...)
- Where do these lines come from, who is their author? (Excerpt from the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila. A.S. Pushkin”) - We set off on a fabulous journey, full of dangers and adventures, in search of treasure. What kind of treasure do you think we will look for? (Children's suggestions are listened to).
- Which of you is right, we will find out at the end of the journey.
- To pass all the tests and solve all the riddles, travelers must be... what? (Brave, friendly, quick-witted). I’ll tell you a secret that you will still need to know a lot of adjectives. What do you think is the theme of our trip? (Adjective). Can we handle it? (Yes).
- So, let's go. Where should we go? How to find out the right path? Look at the board, maybe you can guess what we need.
- Who guessed what we needed? (You need to read the word from right to left - “map”).
The journey map appears
- Remember the fairy tale words to get into the world of fairy tales and adventures. (Cracks-pax-fax; aba-cadabra; sim-silabim, etc.)
4. Repetition of what has been covered SLIDE 3. ICE HALLS OF THE SNOW QUEEN
- Who is this? From what fairy tale? Who is the author of the fairy tale? (The Snow Queen from the fairy tale of the same name by H. - C. Andersen).
- The Queen will tell you how and where to go next if you complete her tasks. Don't worry, I will help you.
Question from the Snow Queen: - What is an adjective? (An adjective is a part of speech that denotes a feature of an object, answers the questions - “Which? Which? Which? Which?”, in a sentence it is most often a definition). A reference diagram appears on the board. (See Appendix 3).
It is always winter in the halls of the Snow Queen. Please remember the signs and phenomena of winter in nature. (Cold temperatures, freezing, snowfall, flight and migration of birds, black ice, hibernation of animals).

Match 3 signs to the words.
Find words - signs in the story “Winter”. The text is written on the card. Remember excerpts from I. Surikov’s poems “Childhood” and “Winter”. Find words in them - signs, write them down, separated by a comma.
Morning (what?) ...
Day (what?) ...
Night (what?) ...
A cold and snowy winter has arrived. The ground was covered with white, soft, fluffy snow. The guys are riding down the mountains on new sleds and skis. They are making a big snow woman in the yard. Children are excited about winter fun! Passages are read from memory.
9 signs 9 signs “Childhood” - native, cool.
“Winter” - white, fluffy, dark
Assignments are checked.
5. Educational games
- The Snow Queen let us go and told us to follow the wide plain to the highest snowdrift. It’s boring for a snowdrift to stand alone on a wide plain. Let's play with him! But first, let’s remember what a plain is and where do the snowdrifts come from? (A plain is a vast area of ​​land without significant rises and falls in the surface. A snowdrift is snow that the wind blows onto an obstacle).
The task “Twin Words” is hidden in a snowdrift. Listen carefully to the poems. Find the words - twins. Tell us about who or what the poems are about.
1 team 2 team 3 team
The mink crawled out of the hole
And she went to a familiar mink. The mink went into the mink’s hole, I didn’t find the mink in the mink. If there is no mink in the mink, Maybe there is a mink near the mink? There is nowhere! There was no trace. There is a mink, but there is no mink! -Who you are?
-We are foxes -Friendly sisters! - Well, who are you? - We are foxes too. - Like, with one paw? - No, also - with a hat. - Don’t be sorry for a penny, -
The cow says.
You will buy milk -
Delicious, steamy!
The piglets are right there:
-We have a whole mug!-
Piglets stick theirs
Little pigs...
MINK-MINK FOXES-FOXES PIGLE-PIGLE-What are these words called? (Homonyms).
- Snowdrift thanked us for the game and suggested where to go next: into the snowy forest. An echo lives there. Guys, how will the echo work out? (It cannot be seen).
He is sad that no one can see him. Let's cheer him up!
- We play “Echo”. Listen carefully. What word is hidden in the spoken word? You are an echo. Teams answer in turns.
speech therapist children
vacuum cleaner tire
sos - What does the word “sos” mean? (This is a distress signal).
- And if trouble happens to us, what number should we urgently call? (112)
- Echo doesn’t want to let us go. Offers to play riddles. Choose answers based on the meaning of the riddle text.
1 team 2 team 3 team
I am the antonym for the word “HEAT”, I am in the river in the thick shade, And in a bottle of lemonade, and my name is... I am the antonym for the word “SUMMER”, I am dressed in a warm fur coat, Although I love the frost myself, Because I... I am the antonym noise, knocking, Without me you will suffer at night, I am for rest, for sleep, I call myself...
- What are the names of the words - guesses? (Antonyms)
- What are antonyms? (Words with opposite meanings).
- Well done boys! Echo says goodbye to us and shows that our path lies up a high hill to a green stone. Please remember what a hill is. (A small hill with gentle slopes. Our hometown is located on a hilly plain). - The path is not short. Let's rest first.
We are seriously tired
Let's have some physical education!
Speech by a speech therapist Children's movements
Snowflakes are spinning, spinning on their toes around themselves, smoothly waving their arms and wiggling their fingers.
In the frosty air, They fall to the ground, Slowly crouch, showing with their hands the smooth fall of snowflakes.
Lacy stars. Here one fell. They get up, catching an imaginary snowflake in their palm.
On my palm. Oh, don't hide the snowflake! Carefully cover an imaginary snowflake in the palm of your hand with the palm of your other hand.
- Here we are. Look, there is an inscription on the stone: “In order for you to go further, you need to find synonyms. How to play synonyms? We need to make pairs.”
- Guys, words are written on the cards. Your task is to make pairs - synonyms.
- What are synonyms? (Words that answer the same question are close in meaning, but different in spelling). Each team is given identical cards (See Appendix 5).
HOT – Sultry
- Which of these signs characterize people? (Savvy - smart).
- What kind of people do they say that about? (About smart people, about those who think quickly and correctly). - Guys, look, the stone is moving, and under it is a casket.
- There is an old message in the casket: “You haven’t found the treasure yet. Look at the clouds..." Why do we need to look at clouds? (Clouds can be similar to something or someone. You need to show imagination and observation). SLIDE 9. CLOUDS
- We play “Clouds”.
Clouds were floating across the sky, And I looked at them. And I wanted to find two similar clouds. I peered upward for a long time and even squinted my eyes, And what I saw, I’ll tell you everything now. (N. Ekimova)
(The speech therapist lays out clouds cut out of white paper on the floor. The name of the animal is written on the back of the cloud. On the teams’ tables there are sets of photos with animals. The song “Clouds are white-maned horses” is played. Children dance freely to the music.
As soon as the melody ends, the children raise the sign). - Assignment: find a photo with an image of an animal, depict it, answer the question “What kind of animal are you?” Teams deliberate for 1 minute.
(Animals: hare, mink, stork, rhinoceros, oriole, raccoon).
- Guys, write down the first letters with which each word begins, make a word from them - this is the treasure that we were looking for (Z, N, A, N, I, E).
-What treasure did we find at the end of our quest? (Knowledge).
- Who was right in their assumptions at the beginning of the lesson?
Speech therapist: But wherever the scientist goes, He knows no barriers: He is rich in inaccessible and invisible treasures. Knowledge will not be secretly stolen by a thief, Knowledge will not be taken away by an adversary. Knowledge is useless to fools, For intelligent people, knowledge is a treasure.
(David Guramishvili)
6. Relaxation
(There is snowfall on the screen. The speech therapist reads a poem. At this time, the teacher collects tokens and counts the team scores). - Guys, you did a good job. Now relax, look at the screen and listen to the poem.
Everything is white, white today, And it’s light, even though there is no sun. Cold, White, white soft snow is falling from the sky.
It was snowing this morning
The kids are happy about the snow.
Snow on the cheeks, snow on the faces,
Snow on children's eyelashes,
It's very difficult for us to stand
We're going for a walk soon!
- Before we go for a walk, we will find out the results of the teams. (The teacher announces the results and presents diplomas).
- I thank you for the lesson and treat you to delicious snowballs. These are the only snowballs you can eat - they are fabulous. (The speech therapist distributes marshmallows).
- Leave your opinion and mood from today's lesson. You have carved snowballs on your desks. Let's build a snow fortress out of them. She is a symbol of your strong knowledge, friendly work and mood.
White - everything turned out great, I liked the lesson, I’m pleased with myself.
Blue – there were difficulties, but I managed.
Gray - I am not happy with myself and my activity.

Compensatory group for children with speech disorders from 5 to 6 years old

Explanatory note

Since I work as a teacher with children in the compensatory group (for children with speech impairments), the goal of my professional activity is to create conditions for eliminating speech deficiencies in children with general speech underdevelopment. As one of the effective means for carrying out this work, I use theatrical activities.

The use of theatrical activities as a means of correcting the communicative sphere of children with speech disorders has a positive effect on the formation of all structural components of speech, ensures the effective development of speech as a means of communication, cognition, and self-expression of the child. Thus, the idea arose of creating a system of pedagogical activities to develop the speech of preschool children through theatrical activities. As part of this area of ​​work, the “Magic World of Theater” project was developed and implemented, with the involvement of parents.

The presented event was developed and carried out as a final event for the project “The Magical World of Theater” with children and parents of a compensatory preparatory group (for children with speech impairments). The event was held in the form of a game-based organized interaction between the teacher, children and parents.

Target: to activate and enrich the educational skills of parents in developing children’s speech through theatrical activities;

support parents' confidence in their own teaching capabilities; create an atmosphere of community of interests, emotional support and mutual assistance.

- consolidation by children of practical skills in improving the grammatical structure of speech, its sound culture, monologue, dialogical forms of speech and speech expressiveness in the process of play-based organized interaction with the teacher and parents;

Develop the skills of coordinated actions of all participants in joint play and productive activities related to the coordination of gross and fine motor skills, speech breathing, speech with movement;

To introduce children and parents to theatrical culture, to enrich their theatrical experience (knowledge about the theater, theatrical attributes, etc.);

Creating conditions for joint creativity of children and parents in productive activities;

Promoting the harmonization of parent-child relationships.

Preliminary work with children:

  1. Memorizing short poems; use of chants “Cockerel”, “Rain”, “Ladybug”; exercises “Polite bow”, “Roll call”, “Pump and inflatable doll”, “The steamboat is humming”, “Pinocchio and Pierrot”, “Swing”, “Drummers”, etc.
  2. Articulation gymnastics, games and breathing exercises: “Echo”, “Bird Yard”, etc.
  3. Sketches for the expression of basic emotions: “sadness”, “joy”, “fear”, “anger”, “surprise”, etc.
  4. Reading Russian folk tales, works by A.S. Pushkin, K. Chukovsky, C. Perrault, P. Ershov, N. Nosov and others.
  5. Preparing for the performance “Naughty Boys”.
  6. Games: didactic “Good-bad”, “Guess the fairy-tale hero”, “Magic seven-flowered flower”, “Visiting a fairy tale”, finger and logarithmic games “Hello, golden sun”, “Cockerel and ear of corn”, “Bear is reading a newspaper” " and etc.
  7. Games with imaginary objects “We won’t tell you what we did, but we will show you”, “Birthday”, “Forest inhabitants are preparing for winter”, etc.
  8. Conversations: “What is theater?”, “What types of theaters are there,” discussion of works read, etc.
  9. Showing fairy tales using various types of theaters: tabletop, flat, finger, mitten, bi-ba-bo, etc.

Preliminary work with parents:

  1. Prepare fiction for reading with children, a selection of poems for memorization.
  2. Set up the “Magic World of Theater” stand.
  3. Prepare instructions for parents “Home theater”, “Logorhythmic exercises”, “Tongue twisters and tongue twisters”, “How to develop a child’s speech”.
  4. Design folders on the topics: “Finger puppets”, “Developing a child’s speech by playing”, “There are different theaters”, etc.
  5. Consultations “Speech development of children 6-7 years old”, “Development of a child’s speech through theatrical activities”.
  6. Master class for parents “Do-it-yourself theater.”
  7. Parents' help in making theater screens and various types of theater.
  8. Open Day “Learning by Playing”.
  9. Classes at the family play center “It’s fun to play together”
  10. Distribution of roles among parents for participation in the theatrical skit “Naughty Children”.
  11. Implementation of the project “The Magical World of Theater”.

Material and equipment: screen, projector, stereo, audio recordings of songs, chest, flower (Scarlet flower, walnut shell, mirror, pipe and jug, 6 kitten theater hats, apron, doll table, napkin, plates, cake, gloves (according to the number of kittens) sheets of paper, paints, pencils, felt-tip pens.

1. Progress of the event

Educator: Guys, today we will go to a fairy tale.

(Children enter the hall where the lights are off, lanterns are sparkling, and fairy-tale music is playing.)

So, are you ready? (The light turns on.)

A fairy tale is knocking on our door,

Let's say to the fairy tale: “Come in! »

Anything can happen in a fairy tale

What will happen next?

Educator: Guys, you probably all love fairy tales?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Moms and dads, grandparents often read them to you, and someone already reads them themselves. Who knows what kind of fairy tales there are?

Children: Children's answers.

Educator: There are fairy tales, fairy tales about animals, and fairy tales about everyday life.

Today we will go to visit fairy tales and check how well you know them, whether you listen to them carefully when they are read to you. Everyone who answers correctly knows fairy tales better than anyone else.

You are ready?

Children: Yes, we're ready!

Educator: So, first task.

Guess the fairy tale and insert a word.

1. It was baked from flour

It was mixed with sour cream

He was chilling at the window,

Along the path he _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

He was cheerful, he was brave

And on the way he sings _ _ _.

The Bunny wanted to eat him

Gray Wolf and Brown _ _ _ _ _.

And when the baby is in the forest

Met a redhead _ _ _ _

I couldn't leave her

What kind of fairy tale? "_ _ _ _ _ _ _"

2. Once upon a time there were seven guys

Little white_ _ _ _ _.

Mom loved them

Milk _ _ _ _ _.

Here teeth click and click

A gray _ _ _ _ appeared.

That beast sang like a goat:

Unlock it, kids, _ _ _ _ _.

Your mother has arrived

Milk to you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

We will answer without prompting

Who managed to save the guys

We know this from a fairy tale

"_ _ _ _ And _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _".

3. Once upon a time in a dense forest

The house grew under _ _ _ _ _ _.

Happy mouse - scratching

And green _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Glad and runaway

Long-eared _ _ _ _ _ _.

It's okay that he's short

Fur house, -

And the boar got there

And the fox and _ _ _ _ _.

There was enough space for everything -

This is how wonderful _ _ _ is.

The titmouse sings ding-la-la

This is a fairytale " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _".

Educator: See what it costs? (Chest.) Oh, guys, this is probably not an easy chest, but a magical one. Let's open it, but to open it we need magic words.

We are in a fairy tale, and magic can happen there. What magic words can we say to make the chest open?

“Cracks, fex, pex.”

“At the behest of the pike, at my will”

“Sivka-Burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass,”

“Farewell to earth, good luck!” »

“Open sesame! " etc.

Educator: Come on, little chest, show us what’s inside... Yes, this is not an ordinary flower. It is magical. Which fairy tale is the flower from? (The Scarlet Flower.)

And this object is from which fairy tale (walnut shell) Thumbelina.

Tell me my light, mirror. (From the fairy tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.)

And this item is from a fairy tale (Pipe and jug.)

Wow guys, well done. Let's all get up and play.

Breathing exercises:(Children do breathing exercises.)

I'll blow high

I'll blow low

I'll blow far away

I'll blow close

Educator: Well done, you have completed this task! Now let's check how you know the characters from fairy tales.

1. On unknown paths

Her house is on chicken legs.

(Baba Yaga.)

2. Almost became the mole’s wife

And a mustachioed beetle!

I flew with the swallow

High under the clouds.


3. Above my simple question

You will spend a lot of effort:

Who is the boy with the long nose?

Did you make it out of logs?

(Papa Carlo.)

4. I bought a samovar,

And the mosquito saved her.

(Fly Tsokotukha.)

5. The granddaughter went to her grandmother,

I brought the pies to her.

The gray wolf was watching her,

Deceived and swallowed.

(Little Red Riding Hood.)

6. To solve our problem

Think about it seriously:

What the bear once wore to Masha

Did you bring it with the pies?

(In a box.)


We have loved fairy tales since childhood.

The fairy tale sends its greetings to us.

Both girls and boys -

Everyone reads fairy tales in books.

A fairy tale teaches us goodness

Always help in times of trouble.

The heroes are waiting for us to visit,

They call you to a good fairy tale.

They need our help

Are you ready, children?

Well, friends, it's time to hit the road,

Let's hurry to help!

Educator: Guys, you were at the theater. (Yes.) Before the performance, the performers prepare backstage for the start of the performance. Our artists will now come out and get ready to show the fairy tale “Kittens”

Guys, I invite you to play a game

Game "Up, Down"

Well done boys!

Well done adults!

And here are our artists!

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Kittens”

(5 children come out.)

(In the center there is a doll table covered with a napkin. There are plates and a pie on the table. To the side, on the floor there are small gloves (according to the number of kittens.)

(A musical intro is played. Mother cat sets the table. Cuts the pie.)

Leading: Kittens lost gloves on the road

And they ran home in tears

Kittens : (they run up to the cat’s mother and sing)

Mom, mom, I'm sorry!

We can't find

We can't find


Meow, meow, sorry,

We can't find

Meow, meow find


(They squat at the table, the cat and mother sing.)

Cat: Lost your gloves?

Those are bad kittens!

I won't give you any pie today!

Meow-meow, I won’t give you any pie

Meow-meow, I won’t give you any pie

I won't give you any pie today!

(The kittens run away, meowing pitifully “Meow! Meow! Meow!”)

Leading: The kittens ran and found the gloves

And they ran home laughing!

Kittens : (they come back and dance and show their gloved paws to the mother cat)

Kittens : Mom, mom, don't be angry,

Because they were found

Because they were found


Meow-meow, don't be angry

Because they were found

Because they were found


(Mother cat strokes kittens)

Cat: Did you find the gloves?

Thank you, kittens!

I'll give you some pie for that!

Mur-mur, I'll give you some pie,

Mur-mur, I'll give you some pie

I'll give you some pie for that!

(Hands out a piece of pie to everyone, the kittens eat the pie and dance merrily).

(A general dance is performed)

"Dance of kittens - cooks" (music by M. Yu. Kartushina)

The children bow and sit down in their seats amid applause.

V.: Well done! You did a great job, now the next task, it’s called “guess the fairy tale.” Your task will be to carefully examine the illustration for the fairy tale, name this fairy tale, (Illustrations for the fairy tales “Thumbelina”, “The Ryaba Hen”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”.)

Educator: Now I’ll tell you riddles and you try to guess them.

1. Red - the girl is sad,
She doesn't like spring
It's hard for her in the sun,
The poor thing is shedding tears. (Snow Maiden.)

2. She is the most important mystery of all,
Even though she lived in the cellar:
Pull the turnip out of the garden
Helped my grandparents... (Mouse.)

3. We were waiting for mother with milk,
And they let the wolf into the house...
Who were these?
Small children? (Kids.)

4. There is neither a river nor a pond,
Where can I get some water?
Very tasty water

In the hoof hole. (Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.)

Educator: Well done boys!

Game “Say the Word”

Guys! In almost all fairy tales, heroes are called by a double name, I will start, and you will continue:

Koschei the Deathless

Vasilisa – Beautiful

Sister - Alyonushka

Boy - about the size of a finger

Ivan Tsarevich

Brother - Ivanushka


Tiny - Khavroshechka

Educator: So our journey through the land of fairy tales has ended. While traveling, we remembered fairy tales that you already know. I invite everyone who liked our trip, and who would like to be in a fairy-tale land more than once, to draw fairy-tale characters whom you would like to meet, (children are offered sheets of paper, paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, finished works are reviewed and discussed).

Educator . And now I propose to place your wonderful works in a magic chest. The guys and I will look at them and choose heroes for our future productions.

Goodbye! See you again!


speech therapy lesson “Visiting a fairy tale”

teacher-speech therapist of the MADOU "Atyashevsky kindergarten of combined type No. 1" Kuznetsova L.V.


Correctional and educational:

Summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about vowels and consonants: their acoustic and articulatory features;

Improve sound analysis skills by isolating the first sound from words;

Practice sound-letter analysis;

Strengthen the ability to compose sentences and sentence diagrams;

Improve reading skills.

Correctional and developmental:

Automation of correct pronunciation and differentiation of all delivered sounds in free speech activity;

Activate and develop vocabulary and lexico-grammatical structure of speech;

Develop auditory attention, memory, activate mental activity;

Develop gross motor skills, learn to coordinate speech with movement.

Correctional and educational:

Develop the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and complete the assigned task;

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other;

Develop skills of cooperation, mutual understanding with peers, activity, and initiative.


Dolls Alyonushka and Ivanushka, chest, baskets, “river with banks”, “Apple tree with picture apples”, “bumps” with syllables, “caterpillar”, sets for making sentence diagrams, sets for making sound diagrams, cards with words.

Progress of the lesson:

I.Organizing moment.

Today we will visit a fairy tale. Alyonushka came to us. Her brother Ivanushka was carried away by the swan geese to Baba Yaga. She locked it in the chest and went to bed. To open the chest you need to complete difficult tasks. She came to ask for your help. She can't cope without you. Well, what can we do to help her?

II.Main part.

1)Assignment from the apple tree.

There are pictures on the apples. You need to collect apples in two baskets. One with pictures whose names begin with a vowel sound, the other with a consonant sound. We characterize the vowels and consonants and move on. (Remove the first lock)

2)Cross the swamp.

There is a swamp on the way. On swamp hummocks there are syllables. We read the syllables and jump from bump to bump. Come up with words that begin with these syllables.

(Remove the second lock)

3)Physical education minute.

In the service of Baba Yaga there is a flock of geese and swans. Let's stand up and show what they are like.

Swans are flying

They flap their wings.

Bent over the water

They shake their heads.

They know how to stand straight and proud,

Quietly, silently they land on the water.

4)Assignment from the caterpillar.

She asks you to decorate her. You need to make a sound diagram of her name, and what her name is - living sounds will tell you - the game “Living Word”. - Lina

One child decorates the caterpillar at the board, the rest at the tables.

(Remove the next lock)

What are words made of?

Why is this word written with a capital letter?

What other words are written with a capital letter?

5)We are building a bridge.

Come up with a sentence with the word BRIDGE. Create a proposal outline. This will be the bridge.

Sentences are drawn up on the spot, then one child builds a bridge across the river on a flannelgraph, the rest - their own diagrams on the spot.

What do the proposals consist of?

What does the stick on the first word mean in the diagram?

(We remove the last lock. Ivanushka comes out.)


Alyonushka and Ivanushka thank you for your help. They couldn't have done it without you.

Let's remember how we helped them?

What did you like about the lesson?

Municipal preschool educational institution "Combined kindergarten No. 54"

Muravyova Natalya Vsevolodna Pskov 2013.
Goal: Development of coherence, content and expressiveness of speech and speech creativity.
Type Speech development
Type of activity - game

Strengthen retelling skills based on signal cards reflecting the sequence of events
Expand and clarify vocabulary on the topic “Wild Animals”
Exercise the ability to identify the characteristic features of an object, correctly denote them verbally and find similar objects
Exercise the ability to make assumptions, formulate conclusions, develop speech - explanation, reasoning
develop attention, auditory and visual perception
stimulate the desire for speech creativity
cultivate independence and initiative
develop the ability to work in a team, develop cooperation skills
develop a respectful attitude towards your interlocutor

Demo material
magnetic board and easel
signal cards (schematic images)

geometric shapes (reference signals for creating a retelling plan)
subject pictures
A4 sheets with blots of different shapes
cards with words
cards with numbers

adjectives red, fluffy, tall, cool, chiseled
noun (names of animals) goat, wolf, fox, marmot, squirrel, cat, monkey
krynka, mammals

Scientific and encyclopedic training
S.I. Ozhegov “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language”.
Krinka is an elongated clay pot for milk that expands at the bottom.
Mammals are a class of higher vertebrates that feed their young with milk.
Progress of the lesson
Organizing time
Game "Chain of words"
"Encrypted name."
Teacher: Guys, I brought you some interesting pictures. Would you like to see! The word is encrypted in the initial letters, let us read it and find out what kind of word it is. (The teacher accidentally scatters the pictures).
Teacher: - Oh, look, all the pictures are mixed up, help me, lay out a chain of words. Condition: each next word must begin with the letter with which the previous one ends.
(Juice - goat - watermelon - castle - strawberry - alphabet)
Teacher: Read the word that came out. "FAIRY TALE".
Teacher: Let's look into our chest of fairy tales, we will probably encounter an interesting fairy tale.
The children look into the chest and find a book with a fairy tale there.
Teacher: The guys again invite us to visit a fairy tale. Do we accept the invitation?
Children: "Yes."
Educator: “The name of this fairy tale is strange...”
Children read: “Hi...ko...”.
Teacher: “It’s probably encrypted - only the first syllables are indicated, try to decipher it.”
Children: "Sly goat."
Teacher: Now we know what fairy tale invited us.
Teacher: Make yourself comfortable, let's go.
Educator: “Is this fairy tale familiar to us?”
Children: “Yes, we started reading it.”
Educator: “Let’s remember what she is.”
Educator: “There lived a goat with my grandfather,
The old one is gray-haired.
He was sitting under the stove,
Ate pies with cabbage.
The goat wanted to take a walk in the woods,
Show your prowess."
Educator: “Friends, it turns out that we were not just invited to visit, we were given tasks to test our ingenuity and resourcefulness.”
“Lay out a semantic path.”
Retelling based on the “meaning path”
Educator: “Here is the first task: “Lay out a semantic path. Retell the passage using it."
Let’s do this, I’ll tell a fairy tale, and you’ll put in a path of geometric shapes.”
1 line. Once upon a time, one owner had a goat. Sly goat.
2nd line. The forehead is high, the horns are steep, the hooves are chiseled, the beard is white and wavy. Everyone has a good goat, just an unlucky one.
3rd line. The hares will gnaw the apple tree in the garden, and the owner will leave the goat without lunch. If the cat knocks over a jug of milk, the goat gets it too.
4th line. The goat got tired of answering for other people's sins, and he decided to leave. He took the bag, put a cracker in it and left.

Educator: “This is what the path turned out to be. Now retell this passage.”
2-3 retellings.
“Choose “relatives” for the squirrel” selection of objects similar in some way
"Write a riddle"
Educator: “Let’s move on. Hold hands. The goat walks through the forest, through the fields, wanders through the mountains and slopes. How long was it short? I went out to the forest edge. He sees a squirrel sit and cry. She’s completely lonely.”

Educator: “And here is the second task for us: help the goat find “relatives” for the squirrel
selection of animals similar in some way to a squirrel.”
Children call:
Fluffy like a cat
Redhead like a fox
Sheds like a hare
Stocks up like a woodchuck
Jumping through trees like a monkey
A squirrel has squirrel pups, and a wolf has wolf pups.
Educator: “It turns out there are so many animals that look like a squirrel.”
Educator: “Next task: write a riddle about a squirrel.”
Children: “Fluffy, but not a cat,
Red, but not a fox,
The hare sheds, but not
Makes provisions and lives in trees.
Who is this?"

Game "Good - Bad"
“What does it look like?”

Finger and breathing exercises
Teacher: “The squirrel was delighted, thanked the goat and gave him a mirror. The goat took a mirror and looked at it, wondering whether this was a necessary thing or not.”
Here's your next task: try to convince the goat of the usefulness of the mirror.
Children make guesses.
You can look at yourself and put yourself in order
If you meet a goat, you can give it a mirror
You can exchange it for something
You can look at the sky and stars without raising your head
You can let in sunbeams
If you look in the mirror you can see who is walking behind you

Can be broken and cut
Educator: “The goat decided that this was a necessary thing; he would handle it carefully. So as not to break or cut yourself.”
Teacher: “He took the mirror and moved on. And the sun was sinking towards the ground, the shadows from the grasses became so huge that the goat began to stumble over them. And what the goat couldn’t imagine in this dark time.”

Educator: “One more task for us. Look at
these cards and tell me what you think scared the goat.”
Children's answers.

Educator: “The goat was brave and was not afraid. Whether the goat walked for a long time or for a short time, evening came. The goat decided to look for a place to stay for the night. He sees that the house is standing. “Whoever lives in the house will not refuse a traveler an overnight stay.” The goat opened the creaky door and was stunned....”
Educator: “Who do you think the goat saw in the house?”
Children's guesses.
Teacher: “Yes. A wolf is sitting near the stove.”

Once upon a time there lived a wolf
Gray wolf, Making a wolf's head from a palm
The gray wolf howled and howled
Days and nights long
Samon thought he was singing
U-u-u Sound pronunciation inhale-exhale
I sang the same song over and over again
There is nothing worse in the world
I'll grab it - wow!
I'll bite you! Word pronunciation inhale-exhale
I'll drag you away!
I'll choke you - oooh! and eat it.

Educator: “The wolf saw the goat and laughed. Why do you think the wolf laughed?"
Children list:
I was glad that I wouldn’t be alone in the house at night.
That the goat will be his dinner
That the goat will live with him
Educator: “I was just thinking about what I should have for dinner, and dinner itself came to my house. Then the goat, although shaking with fear, decided to outwit and scare the wolf.”
Educator: “Help the goat, figure out how to scare the wolf.”
Say that the owner is standing behind the door with a gun
To say that the goat is skinny let him gain fat
Throw some crackers at the wolf while he gnaws on it and run away
Educator: “Well done.” Listen to what the goat came up with. The goat took out a mirror, looked into it, and turned it this way and that way.

“What are you looking at there,” asks the wolf.
- Yes, before I die, I say goodbye to my father.
- Well, show me what kind of parent you have.
The wolf took the mirror, looked into it and saw………
Educator: “Who did the wolf see?”
Children's answers.
Educator: “I would never have thought that wolves could have such children. Why didn't you tell me before? That you are my relative. But I could eat you. That's how the wolf mistook the goat for his brother. And the goat is glad - glad that the wolf himself is among his relatives.”
Educator: “They began to live well and make good money. The fairy tale has come to an end. We have completed all the tasks, it’s time for us to return as guests.”

Educator: “So the fairy tale ends. It’s not without reason that they say: “Do not boast that you are strong, but boast that you are smart.”
Educator: “The goat turned out to be not just cunning, but also how?”
Children's answers.
Educator: “Never give up, you can always find a way out of any difficult situation.”