Project in the preparatory group of a kindergarten. Water transport

To mom

Summary of cognitive educational activities in the preparatory group "Transport"

Program content:

1. Expand ideas about species transport(land, water, air, special); introduce people to professions, whose work is related to these types transport.

2. Introduce children with a history of automobile development transport. Strengthen children's knowledge about modern transport.

3. Improve dialogic speech, enrich and activate dictionary:

chariot, carriage, steam engine, "self-driving car", kinds transport:

land, air, water, passenger, cargo, special.

4. Develop informative-mental activity children: produce mental

operations (comparison, generalization); develop creative thinking.

5. Cultivate perseverance and respect for people working for transport.

Material: presentation « Transport: water, land, air", a set of pictures of various types transport and people of different professions working on it (driver, driver, pilot, captain, individual task cards (drawing by dots, simple pencils, a game "Halves Pictures", fire engine in a wonderful bag.

Preliminary work :

1. Reading books by V. Zubkov "From Wheel to Robot", "Cars around us", "Great Discoveries".

2. GCD according to the following topics: "Ground transport» , "Water transport» , "Air transport» , "The History of the Wheel".

3. Virtual tour of the city streets in a mini-museum “Borisoglebsk is my small homeland”.

GCD move:

1. Organizational moment.

Today a parcel arrived at the d/s addressed to the children of our groups. Let's see what's in it? (cut pictures). Probably its contents are somehow related to the topic of our conversation. Here are pictures of halves, to find out what is drawn on them, you need to collect them. Tell me what is shown in your picture? (airplane). What about Vita? (bus). And Andrey? (steamboat). How can you describe what is shown in the picture in one word? (transport) .

There is both water and air, the one that moves on land

It carries cargo and people, what is it, tell me quickly!

Have you guessed what we will talk about today? (1 slide with song recording "We're going, we're going, we're going"). Today we will learn everything about transport, what it is like, why and what it is needed for.

2. Main part.

What is it needed for transport? (to transport people and goods - SLIDE No. 2). What are the names of the professions of people who drive cars? (driver, chauffeur). Who controls the train and electric trains? (driver - SLIDE No. 3). What types of trains are there? (fast, freight, passenger).

Name the types of terrestrial transport(bus, trolleybus, tram, truck - SLIDE No. 4). Why is it called that? (he moves on the ground).

Guys, which one? transport runs underground? (underground).

Where are cars made? (at a car factory).

We solve riddles.

1. Where does it happen that the earth is above your head? (Metro) SLIDE

2. Early in the morning there was a knock, and a ringing, and a commotion outside the window -

They walk along straight steel paths different houses. (Tram)

3. A house is driving along the asphalt, there are a lot of children in it,

And there are reins above the roof - he cannot live without them. (Trolleybus)

What were the riddles about? (about ground transport) -Have you ever wondered if there were cars many years ago? What did they look like? Want to know how they came to be?

Many, many years ago, ancient people carried loads on themselves, dragged them along the ground. Then, in order to move the load, they began to place logs and push them with long poles. It was very difficult. And then man invented the wheel, which is where it all began. People built carts on solid wooden wheels. (Slide). They were slowly dragged along the roads by bulls and oxen. In order to travel faster, horses began to be harnessed to the carts - and thus the chariot was born. (Slide). The ancient Greeks inserted spokes into wooden wheels to make their carts lighter and faster. But it was inconvenient to ride the chariot, because it was unstable, and you could only ride it while standing. Later, chariots were replaced by carriages. Four-wheeled, closed, they could transport many people, they things: luggage, mail. But the carriages could not travel long distances without stopping, because the horses got tired, could not do without food and water, and people also got tired from the bumpy ride. A steam engine appeared. And the man called this unusual invention "automobile", which means it moves itself - "self-propelled". Such a car drives around the city, a copper boiler is suspended from it, and the driver sits on a bench and turns the steering wheel. It will drive a little and stop, which means the steam in the boiler has run out. No steam - the machine does not work. The driver had to get out of the car and work as a fireman - lighting the firebox and boiling water. Since then, such a driver-stoker began to be called a driver. Such a car was also inconvenient, because it was heated with wood, the boiler could explode, which created a danger for the driver and pedestrians. Therefore, the steam engine was soon replaced by the first car that had a motor and was fueled with gasoline. This car had wheels different: two large rear wheels and one small front wheel. It could only be driven by one driver, who controlled the car using a handle. Later, the car got a roof, the wheels were made the same size, and there were four of them. For strength, the wooden wheels with spokes were covered iron hoops, but there were no doors, no glass, and they often broke. Gradually, the cars got doors and windows, they began to carry more passengers, but, most importantly, they put rubber inflatable tires on the wheels. Every year there were more and more gasoline cars. Changed them appearance, improved design, the speed of movement increased, the cars became more comfortable for both the driver and passengers.

Exercise 1: circle a modern car with a pencil using the dots

Imagine that you are engineers - constructors, creating the car of the future. What will it be like? I hope that in the future we will see such cars on our roads. 2. Modeling transport of the future. What familiar parts did you put it together from?

3. Physical education minute.

One, two, three, four, five - we will transport name: (walk in place)

Passengers are transported across the land by car, bus and train. (rotate an imaginary steering wheel in front of you)

The plane is about to take flight (raise your arms to the sides and swing them like an airplane’s wings)

And the ship is sailing on the sea (join your palms in front of your chest, then spread your arms to the sides in a wave-like motion, imitating sea waves)

Main part (continuation).

Guys, what kind of air do you know? transport? (plane, helicopter, airship). Slide

Why transport called air? (because he flies through the air).

Why do you need an air transport? (To transport people and goods faster).

Who flies the plane? (pilot). Slide.

Where do planes land? (airport, airfield). Guess the riddles.

There are no wings, but this bird

It will fly and land on the moon. (Rocket) Slide.

Boldly floats in the sky, overtaking the birds in flight.

A person controls it, what is it? (Airplane) Slide.

It's crackling, not a grasshopper,

It flies, not a bird, It carries, not a horse. (Helicopter) Slide.

Well done! About which transport riddles? (about air)

The game "Flies - does not fly" (I call transport, if the air children show “wings”, and if not, they clap their hands)

Helicopter, subway, plane, rocket, tram, bus, trolleybus, satellite, parachute, boat.

A fairy tale about an airplane in verse (with a look at the illustrations, if there is time).

What is the name of transport that moves on water? (water).

What aquatic transport you know? (ship, boat, steamer). SLIDE.

Who controls the ship? (captain). What is the name of the place where ships sail? (port). SLIDE.

Where can you find aquatic transport? (sea, river, ocean).

A game "Guess by the sound"(if children find it difficult to guess transport by sound, then I tell them riddles)

1. At sea, in rivers and lakes, I swim, agile, fast.

Among warships it is known for its lightness. (Boat)

2. First they felled the tree, then they hollowed out its insides,

Then they provided us with shovels and let us walk along the river. (Boat)

3. A small horse carries a hundred people. (Ferry)

4. He doesn’t hide from the wind, but with his chest exposed, he rolls. (sailboat)

5. The house floats under the water, brave people live in it,

Even under polar ice this house can float. (Submarine)

6. A white goose is swimming - its belly is wooden, its wing is linen. (Yacht)

Well done! Sounds produced by what transport, have you tried to guess? (water)

The game "Third Wheel" - a child uses a computer mouse to select an answer, depending on it, a happy or sad emoticon appears with the command try again.

Guess by description transport, which is hidden in a wonderful bag.

This transport painted bright red. It is very necessary for performing special and dangerous work. Several people move on it at once - a brigade. This car has a siren so that it can quickly drive to a dangerous place. This kind transport can be called by phone 01.

INTERNET – educational cartoon about special transport – 1 min. 20 s.

Summing up the GCD

What new have we learned today?

What did you like most? – Where do you think the knowledge gained today can be useful to you?

Encouraging children to work.

Irina Dubyshkina
Abstract of the GCD for familiarizing yourself with the outside world “Ground Transport” in the preparatory group

Directly - educational activities

on familiarization with the outside world in the preparatory group

on the topic "Ground transport".

Compiled by: teacher Dubyshkina Irina Anatolyevna.

Educational area: "Cognition".

Target: Expand your understanding of types of ground transport.

Program content:

consolidate knowledge about types of urban transport (bus, trolleybus, tram, taxi, minibus, metro);

types of urban transport, road and rail transport;

rules of conduct in transport;

learn safe behavior on streets and roads;

introduce the importance of transport in human life;

enrich vocabulary with words denoting the professions of people related to transport: driver, driver, carriage driver, motorcyclist, cyclist;

to cultivate respect for the profession of people who create vehicles.

Integration of educational areas:

“Social and communicative development”:

Form the concepts: ground, cargo, passenger, special transport;

Show children the importance of using transport to make human life easier;

Introduce children to the emergence of various types of transport.

Strengthen your knowledge of the rules safe traffic as a pedestrian and vehicle passenger.

"Speech development":

Activate children's vocabulary with words - names Vehicle, professions of people driving these vehicles;

Improve speech as a means of communication;

Improve monologue and dialogic forms of speech;

Develop phonemic hearing, attention, memory, thinking, imagination, fine motor skills.

Progress of direct educational activities

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Good morning, Guys!

You woke up? Yes, we woke up.

Did you smile at each other? We smiled.

I'm glad you're in a good mood.

Before class, the teacher places pictures of ground transportation on the board.

Guys, I suggest you solve the riddles. Listen to them carefully.


Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz,

A beetle is running down the street.

And they burn in the eyes of the beetle,

Two shiny lights.

Not a dog - but with a chain.

Not a horse - but with a saddle.


The red car is in a hurry,

Without turning off the headlights,

For dangerous service,

Hurry to put out the fire!

(Fire engine)

The brothers are ready to visit,

They clung to each other,

And they rushed off on a long journey,

They just left some smoke. (Train)

What a miracle - a long house!

There are a lot of passengers in it.

Wears rubber shoes

And it runs on gasoline.


I am at any time of the year

And in any bad weather

Very fast at any hour

I'll take you underground.

It rushes faster than all the cars,

Guys, what is his name?


Guys, what can you call this transport? (Ground transport).

Teacher's story. Slide No. 3-10.

Transport – a set of means of transportation (train, cars, buses, metro and others, as well as separate species funds.

There is railway, passenger, and city transport.

Types of transport: land (rail, city, underground, air, water. Today we will focus on land transport:

urban: passenger car, bus, trolleybus, tram, bicycle, motorcycle, scooter;

railway: train (car, steam locomotive, diesel locomotive, electric train, metro.

trucks (truck, dump truck, van, tank,

special machines ( ambulance, fire, police, emergency, taxi).

Freight ground transport transports goods.

You probably like to walk with your mother in the park. Buses, trams, trolleybuses and taxis also have parks where they stop at night. A park for buses and other cars is called a fleet. Trams are parked in the tram depot, and trains in the railway depot. Taxis rest in the taxi depot, and trolleybuses rest in the trolleybus depot. The place from which trains depart is called the railway station, and buses depart from the bus station.

TYPES OF TRANSPORT: cargo and passenger. Cargo – goods, things that are transported somewhere. A passenger is someone who is traveling or intending to ride something.

TRANSPORT PARTS: headlight, body, cabin, engine, wheel, doors, tires, trunk, steering wheel, seat, pedals, brake.

TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE: driver, driver, driver, driver, motorcyclist, cyclist, passenger.


Children move throughout the group, loudly repeating the words:

I'm puffing, puffing, puffing,

I'm knocking, knocking, knocking

I'm rocking, rocking, rocking,

I don't want to be late.

The teacher gives the command “stop”, the children stop.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Questions for the conversation:

1. What kind of transport is called ground transport?

2. Does it move by rail?

3. Does it move on the ground?

4. List ground transport (rail, city?

5. What types of cars do you know? (truck, passenger, special)

6. What types of trains do you know? (passenger, freight).

7. Show and name the parts of machines? (wheel, cabin, body, headlights, steering wheel, doors).

8. Who drives a car, train, motorcycle, bicycle? (machinist, cyclist, driver, motorcyclist).

9. What should a driver, driver, etc. be like? (attentive, polite, courteous, neat, strict, efficient).

10. Do you like traveling in public transport? Which one has the most?

11. What transport do you use to get to kindergarten?

Game "Fourth wheel". Slide No. 11-13

Choose an extra vehicle and explain your answer.

Game "Guess the transport". Slide No. 14-33.

The picture is covered with 6 rectangles. The guys guess the transport in parts, which are revealed gradually.

In conclusion, the teacher asks what new the children learned today in class, what they were interested in talking about.

Presentation slides

Ground transport.

Transport that travels on land is called ground transport. This includes:

Ground transport is divided into passenger, cargo and special. Passenger transport transports people – passengers. This includes: bus, trolleybus, taxi and tram.

Freight ground transport transports goods. This includes vehicles such as a dump truck, truck, flour truck, cement truck, etc.

TO ground transport special purpose include: ambulance, police car, fire truck, aerial platform, snowplow, pipe layer, various construction and military vehicles.

You probably like to walk with your mother in the park. Buses, trams, trolleybuses and taxis also have parks where they stop at night. A park for buses and other vehicles is called a vehicle park.

Trams are parked in the tram depot, and trains in the railway depot.

Taxis rest in the taxi depot, and trolleybuses rest in the trolleybus depot.

The place from which trains depart is called the railway station, and buses depart from the bus station.

No type of transport moves without a person. Buses and other cars are driven by a driver, trams are driven by a driver, a train is driven by a driver, a motorcycle is driven by a motorcyclist, and a bicycle is driven by a cyclist. All machines help people a lot.

Slide 11 - 13

Game "Fourth wheel"

Slide 14- 33

Game "Guess the Transport"

Internet resources

Lesson notes

in a preparatory group for school on the topic:


Speech therapist of the first category

Orsk, 2014

FULL NAME. teacher:Trapeznikova Yulia Vladimirovna, speech therapist teacher

Development direction: cognitive-speech.

Dominant educational field: cognition.

Lesson topic: "Transport"

Age group: preparatory

Target: Consolidating ideas about transport.


Extension vocabulary on the topic: “Transport”, consolidating the skill of using complex words.

Development lexical-grammatical sides of speech.

Consolidating knowledge about transport-related professions.

Consolidation of general concepts in speech.

Development of coherent speech: writing a descriptive story about a truck using: “Alarm clock correct speech».

Formation of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis.

Consolidating the skill of working in pairs (the ability to ask questions about the composition of a word).

Cultivating interest in the features and types of transport.

Developing the ability to work in pairs.

Methods and techniques:

methods of forming consciousness (frontal conversation);

methods of organizing activities and forming behavioral experience (speech problematic situations, development emotional sphere, work in pairs);

methods of stimulating behavior (encouragement, surprise moment);

methods of control, self-control and self-assessment (survey, analysis of the results of one’s own activities);

health preservation methods (alternating different types of activities).

Integration of educational areas: social and communicative development; cognitive development; speech development;physical development.

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, motor, productive.

Creating an environment for conducting GCD: laptop, video projector; presentation; video recording; cut pictures, colored chips for sound analysis and flannelographs for each child; subject pictures depicting symbols and modes of transport; “An alarm clock for correct speech, a projector, object pictures depicting the actions that vehicles perform.

Time spending: 35 minutes

Planned time of the lesson: the second period of study is the 3rd decade of January.

Preliminary work: looking at pictures about transport, repeating types of transport, professions related to transport; writing a descriptive story about various types transport.

Lesson notes


I . Introductory part.

1. Organizational moment.

Hello guys, look we have guests today. Say hello.

2. Motivation.

Guys, our kindergarten received a video letter from the children from Sunny City. Let's listen to him.Presentation. SLIDE No. 2


Hello guys, I'm Vintik, and I'm Shpuntik. We are from a sunny city. We are designers - mechanics. We are working on a project for a new car, but we don’t know what it is because we have lost the instructions for assembling it. Help us remember the types of transport, maybe this will help us in our work. And we will communicate with you using the Internet and SKYPE.

Shall we help Vintik and Shpuntik?

II . Main part.

1. Let's remember where transport can move? (motorway, sea, Railway, sky)

2. Game: “Modes of Transport”

So what types of transport are there?

There is air transport.

There is a water mode of transport.

There is a ground mode of transport.

There is a railway mode of transport.

3. Game: “Match the transport”

What kind of transport can we classify as ground transport and why?

A car (bus, dump truck) travels along the road - this is a land form of transport.

To the railway?

A train (tram, electric train) travels by rail - this is a railway mode of transport.

To the water one?

A ship (boat, cutter) floats on water; it is a waterborne form of transport.

To the air?

A rocket (plane, helicopter) flies in the sky - this is an air mode of transport.

4. Game: “Why are they called that?” Presentation. SLIDE No. 3-8

Why was it called that?

The plane flies on its own.

All-terrain vehicle - goes everywhere.

A steam locomotive carries steam (it works with the help of steam).

The dump truck dumps the load itself.

The scooter rolls on its own

These are the guys Difficult words, consist of two words.

5. Exercises to develop vocabulary grammatical side speech. Game: “Who controls what” Presentation. SLIDE No. 9-16

Guys, do you know who drives the transport?

Who drives the bus?

The driver drives the bus.

Who flies the plane?

The plane is controlled by the pilot.

Who controls the train?

The train is driven by the driver.

Who flies the helicopter?

The helicopter is controlled by a helicopter pilot.

Who controls the ship?

The ship is steered by a captain.

Who controls the rocket?

The rocket is controlled by an astronaut.

6. Exercises to develop the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech

Shpuntik and Vintik cannot understand the actions of the modes of transport.

Name the type of transport shown in the picture and its operation.

This is a bus.

The bus pulls into the garage.

This is a bus.

The bus leaves the garage.

This is a dump truck.

A dump truck drives up to the house.

This is a dump truck.

The dump truck drives away from the house.

This is a truck.

The truck drives up the mountain.

This is a truck.

The truck drives down the mountain.

7) Phys. Just a minute.

And now you and I will have a rest and go on a truck, performing the movements.Presentation. SLIDE No. 17-20

(The speech therapist reads a nursery rhyme, accompanying the speech with an animated motorcycle. Children repeat the text after the speech therapist and imitate the movements of the motorcycle.)

We drove, we drove, we reached the hill,
We moved in, moved out and moved on.
We drove, we drove, we reached the pit,
We drove around the pit and continued on.
We drove and drove and reached the bridge,
We crossed the bridge and continued on.
We drove, we drove, we got home,
We drove into the yard, and here we are.”

8. Sound analysis of words.

And now, according to the depicted type of transport, let’s do sound analysis words These words are difficult, be careful.

Ask questions about the composition of sounds in a word.

Say the word. How many sounds of vowels, consonants. How many syllables are in a word.

This is a dump truck. This word has 8 sounds, 3 vowels “a”, 4 consonants: “s, m, v, l”. There are one more consonant sounds. Three syllables 3 syllables sa- ma- dump. Clap.

What is the first sound in this word?

The first sound in this word is “s”, it is consonant, dull, hard. We denote it with a black chip.

What sound comes between the sounds “s” and “m”?

Between the sounds “s” and “m” there is a vowel sound “a”, we denote it with a red chip.

Other words are analyzed by analogy.

8. Riddle. Presentation. SLIDE No. 21

Dasha makes a riddle about transport.


This is a ground mode of transport, like a bus.

It's metal, like a nail.

It transports cargo like a dump truck.

9. Writing a descriptive story. Presentation. SLIDE No. 21

Let's make up a story - a description about the Truck, using the correct speech alarm clock.

This is a truck.

It refers to land transport.

Consists of parts. It has 4 wheels, a cabin, an engine, a body, 2 headlights.

It is made of metal.

This truck is green.

The truck runs on gasoline.

He transports goods. (bricks, sand, vegetables, boards)

The driver drives the truck.

I like this type of transport. My dad works on a truck. And once my dad and I went to a gas station.

It is proposed to compose a story for the 2nd child.

The alarm clock liked your stories. And Vintik and Shpuntik turn to us again.

III . Completion of the lesson, reflection.

The video turns on. Presentation. SLIDE No. 23

Guys, thank you for your help! You helped us assemble a truck from parts. We need it so much for transporting vegetables. This year we harvested a large harvest of cucumbers! And for the fact that you helped us, we treat you.

Here is the treat that the guys from Sunny City gave us.

Guys, what did we do today?

We met Vintik and Shpuntik and helped them assemble a truck, solved a riddle, worked from pictures, identified types of transport, performed sound analysis of words, and wrote a story about the truck.

What did you like most about our work?

Topic: “Transport, its types”

Program content:To reinforce in children the concept of “transport” and its types: air, land, water, underground. Learn to describe transport, its purpose, develop imagination and creativity.

Materials for the lesson: large drawings on a cardboard base of a steam locomotive, a steamship, an airplane, children's tickets with a schematic representation of the mode of transport, pictures with various transport, a manual “Modes of Transport”.

Vocabulary work:transport, trolleybus, tram.

Progress of the lesson

1. Goal setting.

- Guess the riddles and you will find out what we will talk about in class today.

A) So that I can take you,

I don't need oats.

Feed me gasoline

Give me some rubber for my hooves.

And then, raising dust,

Will run... (car)

b ) A steam locomotive without wheels!

What a miracle locomotive!

Has he gone crazy?

He walked straight across the field.(steamboat)

V) Soars up without acceleration,

Reminds me of a dragonfly.

Takes flight

Our Russian...(helicopter)

— How to call a steamship, locomotive, helicopter in one word? Today we will talk about transport.

2. Main part

2.1. Conversation about the importance of transport.

— Why does a person need transport?

- And also needed to travel. Today we have an airplane, a ship, a train. You can sit wherever you want, but you need to buy tickets first.

2.2. Classification of types of transport. Working with the “Transport” manual.

Children, why is our conductor crying?

(Transport is not in its place).

Let's help him sort out the resulting confusion.

(Children place pictures with transport correctly.)

Take exactly the ticket for the type of transport you would like to travel on. Check if you are seated correctly. What type of transport is an airplane (steamboat, steam locomotive)? Why?

2.3. Writing travel stories.

Where would you like to go? What can you see from the window of a ship (locomotive, airplane)? Name what other types of land, water, and air transport you know. I hope your dreams come true someday. And you will sit on a real steam locomotive, steamship, or airplane.

3. Physical exercise.

A ) Driver early in the morning

Spins the round steering wheel.

b) We got into the boat and - let's go!

Along the river back and forth.

V ) The locomotive shouts: “Doo-doo,

I'm going, I'm going, I'm going!

And the wheels are knocking,

And the wheels say:

"So so so!"

(Children imitate the movements.)

4. Word games.

4.1.Game “Name it affectionately.”

plane car boat

helicopter tram steamship

rocket locomotive

4.2.Game “One - Many”

plane rocket bus

steamship truck trolleybus

car motorcycle

4.3.Working with tongue twisters.

The ship was carrying caramel

The ship ran aground.

(Surprise moment, distribution of sweets.)


Place each type of transport in its place (on the aid).

What types of transport do you know?

Lesson notes onspeech development

in the preparatory group


Prepared by teacher: Krivoguzova N.I.



    Consolidating children's vocabulary and knowledge on the topic “Transport”.

    To clarify concepts about various types of transport (land, water, air), as well as the names of some professions in this area, to consolidate children’s knowledge about the details of transport.

    Continue learning:

Use the comparative degree of adjectives correctly

Form adjectives from nouns,

– use the verb “to go” with different prefixes,

Make up misspelled words

Precise use of prepositions

Compose descriptive story


    Development of visual and auditory attention and memory phonemic processes(syllable structure and syllable analysis)

    Logical thinking.

    Development of constructive praxis.

    Development of tempo-rhythmic components.

    Development of articulation, fine and gross motor skills, directed air jet.


    Formation of cooperation skills, a sense of camaraderie, goodwill, and mutual understanding.

    To develop children’s ability to work independently, negotiating to achieve results.

Progress of the lesson:

    Org moment

“All the children gathered in a circle,

You are my friend and I am your friend.

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other"

    Main part

I received a letter today. Do you want to know who it is from?


Hello guys! Vintik and Shpuntik are writing to you - brilliant inventors from Flower City. We had a problem, we designed new transport for travel, but a strong wind came and mixed up all our drawings. We ask you to help us create our transport.

Children, are you ready to help Vintik and Shpuntik? Great, then you are all included in the team of designers and inventors.

Tell me, why do we need transport?

What is convenient for traveling?

What do you think, is it convenient to go on a long journey by trolleybus or tram?

What 3 types can all transport be divided into?

Look at the screen, what do you see? These are parts of what transport?

Game “Which from what?”

If a wheel is made of rubber, what is it?

Metal door (what kind?) -...

Plastic steering wheel (what kind?) -...

Leather seat (what kind?) -...

Glass window (what kind?) -...

Well done, now let's remember the story about the car, which, like the residents of the Flower City, loved to travel.

Be careful and look at the screen.

Fairy tale “The Journey of a Little Car!”

Tell me, who is driving the car? Now come out into the circle, we will be the drivers.


We're going, we're going by car,

We press the pedal.

We change the speed

We look intently into the distance.

The wipers clear away the drips.

Right left. Purity!

The wind ruffles my hair.

We are drivers - no matter where you go!

Children, what are you hearing now? What is this the sound of?

The plane moves on...

So what kind of transport is this? What other air transport do you know? Who flies the plane? What about a rocket?

Let's compare an airplane and a rocket.

Ball game “Finish the sentences”

The plane flies high, and the rocket ... (higher)
The plane flies far, and the rocket...(more)
The plane flies fast, but the rocket...(faster)
The plane is powerful, and the rocket... (more powerful)
The plane is big, and the rocket...(more)
The plane is heavy, and the rocket...(heavier).
The plane is spacious, but the rocket...(more spacious)
The plane is long, but the rocket...(longer)
The plane is fast, but the rocket...(faster)

Breathing exercises

Everyone take the plane, we will now send them flying.

Look at the board, something bad happened - the words fell apart. Think about how to connect these parts to make words.

Read the words, how many syllables are in each word?

Do you think it is possible to travel by ship?

Yes guys, this is very exciting and interesting, you can visit different countries, cities, see a lot of new things.

So let's design a ship for Vintik and Shpuntik, on which they will go on a journey with their friends.

    Independent work(design)

I invite you to the workshop. Sit down comfortably, there are parts of the ship in front of you. I suggest the boys take on the most important work - collecting parts, and the girls will help you and make the ship beautiful.

Let's see what we got. Children, what do you think our ship is missing? That's right, every ship has its own name.

Composing the name of the ship

D – what is the first sound in the word house?

R – what is the last sound in the word ball?

U - name the sound that is located in the middle of the word beetle.

F – what sound does the word giraffe begin with?

B – name the first sound in the word letter

A - name the sound that is located in the middle of the word poppy.

Read the word we got.

What is friendship?

    Lesson summary

Well done, I really liked how you worked today, what masters you were. We worked together, harmoniously and were a team.

Awarding medals.