The best way to meet a girl on the street. Dating methods


Ways to meet girls can be completely different, and no matter which one you choose, if you approach in a good mood and smile confidently, then in 99% of cases the girl will not send you to hell...

The whole difficulty lies in whether the girl wants to continue communicating with you, or, having thrown her name at you, she will turn around and go in the other direction.
To tell the truth, the fair sex is tired of unceremonious, ill-mannered guys who approach them with an impudent look and hackneyed phrases.
Every girl wants to meet a nice, adequate young man who knows how to interest and maintain a conversation.

Let's look at all the easiest ways to meet girls in order.
It all starts with a look. Before approaching, look at the girl with interest. The look should express your sympathy, and a gentle smile should speak of your best intentions. Girls also like it when guys are embarrassed. Look at her point-blank and when you see her gaze back, smile shyly and turn away after a couple of seconds. If a girl is interested, then you will definitely catch her glances. After that, you can safely come up and get acquainted.

How to meet a girl at a disco.

A great reason to meet a girl is to ask her to dance. During the dance, do not be silent, but have a nice, simple conversation: “Do you come here often? ... My friends and I are celebrating a successfully completed hike in the mountains, what are your hobbies? ... I also like to go to the movies (ride a bike, visit the skating rink), by the way, one of these days there will be an interesting program, I’ll be there, come and you too...”

Girls are interested in learning something new, forgetting about everyday worries and having fun, which is why she came to the club. No need to ask about her job or where she lives. If after the dance you are not disappointed in the lady, ask the waiter to take a bottle of champagne (wine) to her table and say: “That person (name) wishes you a pleasant evening. The main thing is to find a middle ground between coldness and intrusiveness. It should come from you: “Yes, I’m interested, but if you’re against it, I won’t insist.” But give me a sign and I will go to great lengths for you.” Eloquent looks and smiles will do the trick.

How to meet a girl in a store.

While shopping, you can also meet a pretty girl. If a lady is concentrating on choosing something, come up and ask: “Girl, I’m sorry for distracting you, I’m choosing a juice (toy) for my little sister (nephew), could you help me?” Men's care for children always causes affection in girls and puts them at ease.

How to meet a girl on transport.

Here you can ask how to get to the cinema (theater, club). Adding that you are going there to buy tickets, because there will be an interesting performance (group performance) soon, and you are very interested in the work of this actor (singer). After which you can ask what she is interested in and, supporting her hobby, offer to go somewhere together. An unobtrusive conversation about leisure time always makes you happy, and a guy who has hobbies inspires respect, especially if it’s the theater and not beer with friends at the bar around the corner.

You are walking down the street, without any special expectations, and suddenly you notice your future girlfriend going about her business. It instantly attracts your gaze, filling your heart with a slight thrill. You want to get to know her, stop her, approach her, and spend many pleasant moments with her.

But then you start to think how she would react if a rake like you approached her in the middle of the day, in the middle of the street. Because if you were in her place, you would feel anxiety, irritation and slight fear.

Well, if you are trying to stop a woman on the street, then this is approximately what it looks like. Everyone wants to feel busy, busy, and important, so a woman busily hurrying down the street about her business doesn't look all that unusual. An unfamiliar guy interrupting her from her work will be somewhat similar to a beggar pestering you for money. It is unlikely that this will be very pleasant for her.

Due to the fact that a woman is focused on her own affairs, the success rate of trying to meet her on the street is close to zero. The woman doesn't want to be stopped. Even if she is not in a hurry, she still thinks that she is busy with something. The idea of ​​meeting a woman on the street in most cases does not work.

What then should you do? Just let her disappear from your life? Not if your entire future life depends on it! There is a better way than trying to approach a woman on the street. A way that makes your chances of meeting her much more successful.

First of all, don't try to stop her as she goes about her business... follow her. Don't approach her, don't rush after her, and certainly don't chase her! Just carry out some reconnaissance mission and go after it. Follow her as the people walking down the street don't go far. If they were going far away instead of somewhere nearby, they would use transport. So, if you see a woman walking down the street, then chances are good that she is walking somewhere nearby.

Be cool and stealthy like 007 and follow her. Once she has stopped and you have determined her destination, you can regroup and map out your strategy. Once she has actually reached her target, you can calmly approach her in an environment that is much more conducive to getting to know each other. How you approach her and make an acquaintance will depend on the location and circumstances, but it will happen in a much more relaxed atmosphere, where you will no longer be a street bum pestering her.

A stationary target is much easier to hit than a moving one. So be patient, get in touch with your inner James Bond, complete your reconnaissance mission, and move towards your intended goal.

Creative dating #1. Saving a life.

Probably every guy at least once in his life dreamed of saving the girl he likes. And this is understandable, because after this the girl will simply present her savior almost to her idol. From now on, you will be her hero, but here’s the catch - there is no such option, and needlessly putting the girl in danger is not an option.

And yet there is one effective way, in such a situation you will win her not with heroism, but with originality and partly arrogance. When you meet a girl you like, grab her hand and say something like this: “Beautiful girl, be careful! There's a ladybug here!!! Oof, I almost ran over her! Now I'll write you a fine for speeding! What is your name"? If the girl is smart and smart, then the answer may be negative: “There’s no cow here,” but don’t be confused and say, “Wow, you’re so big-eyed!” So what's your name?" Believe me, this method is very creative and the girl is simply obliged to get to know you better.

Creative acquaintance No. 2. Fear of being rejected.

If you are very afraid of being rejected, then there is one unusual method; when you use it, the girl will simply be in pleasant bewilderment. Take any 20 girls as a basis, and also mentally convince yourself that you are afraid of not being rejected. If you do this correctly, then go to the girl you like and say: “Beauty, I bet with my friend that it is very difficult to be rejected by a girl. Help me please! This is very important to me!” Even if this method didn’t work, you will have forever overcome your phobia of first acquaintances.

Creative dating #3. Invitation to a cocktail party.

Go to a prestigious club and talk to the administrator there about receiving flyers. As a rule, the distribution of invitation cards is accompanied by a bonus in the form of two tickets to a cocktail party.

After receiving the agreement, go outside, look for the girl you like the most and ask if she likes going to nightclubs. After which, admit to her that she is very sweet and beautiful, invite her to a party. When communicating with her, you can act cunningly - take her number. In this case, you are guaranteed success.

Creative acquaintance No. 4. An original gift.

If you really like a girl, and you know where she most often hangs out with her friends, then you can meet her and pleasantly surprise her. For example, she is walking in the park. Before you go there, buy beautiful balloons, a marker and helium.

In the park, sit opposite your beauty and start inflating the gifts, then sign them all with confessions. Your actions are guaranteed to interest her. Then, approach her with them and give them as a gift. Voila, your acquaintance was successful!

Creative acquaintance No. 5. An artist is a talent.

If you know how to draw beautifully, then meeting a beauty will not be difficult for you. In a public place, or where you can be as close to her as possible. Take a piece of paper and draw something beautiful. After completing the work, subscribe, you can say: “You are very beautiful! Let's get acquainted!". Or something else, only the drawing should fully reflect the meaning of the words. She will 100% like this!

Creative acquaintance No. 6. Who will stand it?

It is practical to use in educational institutions. Sit down opposite the girl you like, or catch her eye and look intently. With up to 99.9% confidence, we can say that she will do the same in return. After a long visual battle, she loses and reflexively blinks her charming eyes. You need to take advantage of this moment, say: Dear girl, you are just flirting with me!

In contact with

The methods of meeting a man are quite varied, but not all of them are effective and put into practice. In general, for almost any woman finding a suitable man is not an easy task. Everyone has their own tastes, their own preferences. And yet, if a woman discovers a man she likes, she often experiences difficulties when trying to meet him. Many girls don’t know how to start a conversation and begin to feel insecure in front of the man they like.

As a result, a more confident woman who knows how to behave in such situations meets this man. As a result, the girl is left alone. Youth is very fleeting and you just need to know how to make new acquaintances correctly. From all this we should conclude that you should not wait for a miracle, but you need to be able to take the first steps yourself. Everyone's dating methods are different and they are all different from each other.

For a successful acquaintance, it is better to come up with not something banal, already known for a long time, but some original idea. The first thing you need to do to get started is order business cards. Business cards should indicate the girl’s name and coordinates where she can be contacted. On the business card you can indicate your mobile number, ICQ number, and email address. It is advisable that the business card is not designed in a strict official style.

Leaving a man your business card is an ideal option. A man is unlikely to lose his business card. He will be intrigued and will definitely call. Girls rarely leave their business cards. In principle, few girls even have them. Therefore, a man will definitely remember such a girl. If, after all, a man is in no hurry to call, then you can take the initiative and call first.

It is best to meet people at all kinds of holidays, parties and get-togethers. If the party is at your friends' place, then you shouldn't miss the opportunity to meet a nice guy there. As a rule, it is precisely such acquaintances that develop into permanent relationships. Before you go hunting, you should study all existing methods of dating. What actions to take if a girl meets the man of her dreams not from friends, but, for example, on the street or on public transport?

Here, the method with business card. Of course, the most important condition when meeting someone is to feel confident and speak in a firm voice, while smiling welcomingly. You need to win a man over with your openness and unobtrusiveness. The main thing is to act decisively and quickly. It is better to start the conversation with a greeting. Then you should introduce yourself and tell the man that you want to meet him.

Next, the girl hands the taken aback man a business card with an offer to call her. With such an unexpected act, a girl will definitely interest a man. The main thing is to pronounce the right words clearly and decisively. For a man, these words will definitely be deposited in the subconscious, as it will come as a surprise to him. This is a kind of hypnosis that has an amazing effect.

Perhaps, during her first attempts to meet a man, the girl will not feel confident enough and the results that she would like will not be achieved. But in this matter, as in any other, training is important. Not every girl can apply dating methods in practice. The business card option is the most effective and does not cause any particular difficulties.

You can also note a very important advantage of this method of dating. A girl who has a business card positions herself as an accomplished person. Such a girl will probably succeed in her profession, she is independent and does not look for easy ways.

December 28, 2014

There are many ways to meet a girl. Each of them suits certain guys for certain girls. Therefore, we will try to choose the optimal and successful option for guys. To do this, you also need to reduce the fact that in any case you must be a calm and confident person. Girls almost always love respectable and brave men. So let's look at a few ways:

  1. Method: Ask the girl - “Hello! Can you tell me how to get to Pushkin Street?” This method is one of the popular dating methods. After all, you have nothing to lose by asking this, and you have the opportunity to start a conversation with your companion. Or at least you will please the girl by thinking that she helped you find the street.
  2. Method: Ask a stranger - “What time is it?” - of course, a fairly frequently used method. Firstly, the girl helps you. And secondly, after meeting you, you have the right to thank the girl by inviting her, say, for a cup of coffee.
  3. Method: Dating with the help of a trusted friend. Let's imagine a situation: you are walking with a more persistent friend who approaches the girls and introduces himself, introducing you. In the process of communication, you also begin to participate in acquaintance. The good thing about this method is that you have an ally next to you, and he will be able to make up for any mistake you make. Well, of course, if you make more serious mistakes, then even your friend won’t help you.
  4. Method: Awkward accident. Let's say you are walking and accidentally touch a girl's leg with your foot. It is advisable to do this very casually and easily, so as not to harm her health. After this, you begin to apologize, and also ask her to allow her to make amends to you. For example, invite you to a nearby cafe for a cappuccino or other drink.
  5. Method: Error. Let's imagine a situation: when you made a mistake and confused a person with another. We use this method only specifically. We approach the girl and start talking to her as if we were talking to an old classmate. During the conversation, the girl will experience some confusion and a state of shock. But this is exactly what you should take advantage of. Namely, you need to lure her into your conversation, where at the end of the conversation you say with uncertainty that you were probably mistaken. And we also need to continue the conversation. And tell her that you were interested in talking to her. That's why you want to continue your meetings.

My sonnet for you: In life, everything depends on the situation. But it never hurts to have a couple of templates. After all, in life people are very nervous, and the right option may not come to mind. And so you will already be in full combat readiness when you meet a new person. I hope my dating methods will help you meet an attractive girl.