How to increase points. How to increase your retirement points and earn a decent retirement

March 8

This year, universities enroll applicants according to a new scheme and add points for personal achievements. Representatives of universities, institutes and branches of higher educational institutions spoke about changes in the admission rules-2015 at the round table.


Sergey Umanets

Moscow Academy of Entrepreneurship under the Government of Moscow.
Director of the Tula branch

Irina Tsekhmistrenko

Russian Economic University. G. V. Plekhanov.
Deputy director of the Tula branch for educational work

Angelica Zhukova

Tula Institute of Economics and Informatics.

Anna Bolobova

Tula Institute of Management and Business. N. Demidova.
Responsible Secretary of the Admissions Committee

Nadezhda Stempin

Tula State Pedagogical University. L. N. Tolstoy.
Responsible Secretary of the Admissions Committee

Admission campaign will start soon. Are there any changes in the order of admission to universities this year?

A feature of this academic year for graduates was the division of the USE in mathematics into basic and specialized levels. If mathematics is listed in the list of entrance examinations of the university for any direction, then it should be mathematics at the profile level, the minimum passing score for which is 27.

It is also important that it is enough to pass the USE in the Russian language with 24 points to get a certificate, but for admission to a university you need to score at least 36 points.

Another important innovation is that universities have the opportunity to set points for individual achievements of applicants when enrolling. In addition to the total points for the exam, you can get a maximum of 20 points. Additional points for individual achievements significantly increase the applicant's chances of admission.

Of these twenty points, a maximum of 10 can be obtained for an essay that graduates have already written in schools. The university rechecks the essay and gives its grade (evaluation criteria are developed at the federal level).

The second 10 points can be awarded for sports achievements, participation in the volunteer movement, academic achievements. For what exactly and how many points - each university decides on its own, the same rule for all - the sum of all these achievements cannot exceed 10 points, even if the applicant has sports victories, a certificate with honors, and a prize at the Olympiad. In this case, he chooses those achievements that are most highly valued in this educational institution.

How to find out what exactly a particular university awards points for, and how to present evidence of your achievements?

All information about the registration of individual achievements should be posted on the website of the university as a separate document. When submitting documents, the applicant must indicate his achievements in the application for admission and submit diplomas, certificates, etc. confirming them. As for the essay, the commission of the university takes it in the federal information system.

An applicant can apply to several universities at once. How many educational institutions and how many specialties can you enroll in 2015?

There are no changes here: 5 universities, with three areas of training in each. At the same time, enrollment, as before, goes according to priorities - each applicant who indicates several areas of training must rank them from more interesting to less interesting for himself. Documents can be submitted to universities both in person and by mail or through an online application if the educational institutions are located in other cities. When sending by mail, consider the time: documents must be received by the selection committee no later than July 24.

What is the enrollment scheme in 2015? What changed?

Traditionally, applicants for state-funded places are enrolled in two stages, and this year these stages have received quantitative confirmation. Applicants are enrolled in the first wave for 80% of the total number of budget places, in the second - 20%. As before, only those who submitted original documents to the selection committee are enrolled. But if earlier applicants who did not bring the originals to the first wave could not get into the second, as there were no places left, then this year there will definitely be 20% of the places.

Nevertheless, it is very important for the applicant to correctly navigate where to submit the original certificate. We advise you to prioritize and decide on the choice of university in advance. If you have high scores in the Unified State Examination and you understand that you have every chance of getting into the first wave of a particular university, we advise you to immediately submit original documents there so as not to miss your budget place.

If you do not do this, an applicant with lower scores may take your place, and there will not be enough places for everyone in the second wave.

Have the deadlines for filing documents and enrollment changed this year?

Yes, in 2015, the acceptance of documents begins at all universities on June 19 and ends on July 24 for the first wave of applicants. The deadline for accepting original documents, common for all universities, is set: strictly 18.00 on August 3. This applies to admission to budget places, and for training on a paid basis, the terms of enrollment are set by the decision of the organization. As a rule, this is the 20th of August.

Do universities raise the minimum USE scores set by Rosobrnadzor?

Each university decides this for itself: we have the right to raise the minimum scores relative to the scale of Ros-Obrnadzor, but we cannot lower them. In a number of educational institutions, these scales coincide, but many universities set their own minimum: for example, 30 points in mathematics instead of 27, 40 in Russian (the minimum of Rosobrnadzor is 36), and so on.

In 2015, did the number of state-funded places for applicants decrease?

Statistics show that in many universities the number of state-funded places, on the contrary, has increased. I would like to note that there are budget places for part-time education.

Another interesting point: today there is an opportunity to study for free even in commercial universities. Educational institutions have developed benefits for successful applicants: with a high score on the unified state exams, the student is given a 100% discount for the first semester, and with excellent results in all sessions, you can not pay for studies for the entire period of study.

Is it true that now you can enter a university only on the basis of the results of the Unified State Examination? That is, people who graduated from school before 2009 will have to take a unified state exam?

Yes, indeed, persons with only a secondary general education can enter a university (both full-time and part-time) only on the basis of the USE results. In this case, the year of graduation does not matter.

We wish future graduates success in passing the exam and entering the university they have chosen!

What are the extra points for?

10 points- maximum for individual achievements:

  • silver/gold TRP badge
  • certificate of secondary general education with honors
  • participation/prize places in olympiads, etc.
  • volunteer activities
  • the status of the champion and prize-winner of the Olympic, Paralympic and Deaf Olympic Games, etc.

10 points- the maximum mark for the final essay written in the final grade of the school. An essay written at school will be rechecked by the university commission and evaluated in accordance with federal criteria.

A total of 20 points can be obtained in addition to the total points for the exam.

Admission dates-2015

  • July 19-24 - acceptance of documents.
  • 18.00 On August 3, the acceptance of original certificates ends.
  • August 4 - order to enroll the first wave.
  • 18.00 August 6 ends the acceptance of original documents for the second wave.
  • August 7 - order to enroll the second wave.

One of the most common reasons for losing points on the exam is a banal lack of time. For example, a graduate spent 40 minutes solving a math problem that was difficult for him, and as a result did not have time to solve the option for the end. Although those 2-3 tasks that remained unanswered, in total they would take less time - and would bring more points.

In order to prevent this from happening, you must adhere to a simple tactic that allows you to answer the maximum number of questions.

  1. Do not try to solve the tasks in the order in which they are given in the KIM USE version. First, give answers to all the questions that are easy for you - those where you can give an answer right away or have no doubts about the decision. If you're floating around in a question, don't know the answer, or realize you need time to think, move on to the next question.

  2. Once you've reached the end, count the number of unanswered questions and decide how much time you have left to deal with them. Divide the remaining number of minutes by the number of tasks, and you get a deadline allotted for you to think about each of them.

  3. Work through the remaining tasks in an easy-to-hard fashion, first with the things that can be done faster, then with the harder questions. If you cannot find the answer in the time allotted to yourself, go to the next task. If you have some time left at the end of the exam, you can go back to thinking about them. This way you will keep the number of unsolved tasks to a minimum.

  4. In a situation of lack of time, all other things being equal, choose those tasks that can bring you more points.

What to do if the answer is unknown

" Chicken grain" - this principle is the best suited for the exam, the final score is gained from the "little things". Therefore, even if you are not sure of the absolute correctness of your answer, use the chance to get a score for "partially correct".

If you have a choice, for example, of four answers to a question, and you don’t know, discard the options that seem the least plausible to you, and then answer at random. If you need to establish a correspondence between two series of statements - act similarly, find "pairs" that seem true to you and rely on fate in the main part of the task. If you need to list the main signs of a phenomenon, but you don’t remember which are the main ones, list at least some, this can also “work”.

Do not leave tasks with short questions without answers. Even if you have no idea what it is about - write at least something, even if the chance of guessing is very small. A task without an answer is zero points with a probability of 100%, and it will not get worse, but it can be better.

Time planning: reserve "for the unexpected"

When people calculate how long it will take them to complete a given task, they tend to be optimistic and underestimate labor costs. This is a scientifically established fact, called the “planning error”. When we make plans, we assume that everything will “go well” and do not take into account possible difficulties or losses - and as a result, we do not fit into the allotted framework. On the exam, this can play a fatal role - especially if, for example, you left the transfer of answers to the forms for the end.

To avoid trouble, when planning your time for the exam, it is necessary to provide for an “emergency reserve” of 20-30 minutes just “just in case”. If the exam lasts 3 hours, proceed from the idea that you should complete it in two and a half. The “reserve” will remain for you to check your work or think about tasks left “for later”.

What you can not "save" on the exam

Despite the fact that during the exam every minute counts, and you want to reduce the "formalities" to a minimum, winning a little time to complete the tasks, there are things that you cannot save time on.

  1. Checking barcodes on blanks and CMM options. They must match. If a mistake was made when compiling packages, and you did not notice it, your work can be checked according to another option, and, naturally, the answers in this case will turn out to be incorrect.

  2. Reading the text of tasks with short answers. Pay special attention to whether you must choose correct or incorrect statements, write down the answer in numbers or letters, and so on. You can emphasize the requirements for the answer right in the question - this will help to avoid mistakes.

  3. Transferring responses to forms. Do not put it off until the last moment, it is better to fill out the forms in stages, as you have finished working with one or another block of tasks. Pay special attention to the part with short answers - forms are checked automatically, so letters and numbers must be written clearly and legibly. If you made a blot or accidentally struck a pen on the form, duplicate the answer in the part of the form that is intended to correct erroneous answers (“dirt” can lead to incorrect recognition of answers by the computer). Follow the numbering of tasks.

  4. Check and recheck. It is especially important for the math exam, where USE students often make “hurtful” computational errors. Therefore, it is better to carry out the calculations again before transferring the answer to the form and, if the answers do not converge, look for an error. But also, when taking an exam in other subjects, do not transfer the answers mechanically - read the task again, correlate your answer with the condition, make sure that everything is written correctly.

But what, if necessary, you can “save” on is writing drafts of essays. Impeccable literacy and “licking” of each sentence is critically important only for an essay in the Russian language, but even here points for strikethroughs in the text and blots are not reduced. Therefore, if you feel that there may not be enough time, sketch out only a plan or the main theses of the work on drafts, and write the text immediately on the form.

Shows which learning practices are the most effective and how many points they add to the overall “piggy bank” of the result. The biggest contribution is made by good studies in high school.

4-6 points will ensure successful study at school

USE points, in fact, are earned quite in advance - by regular good study. High grades for the tenth grade of the school allow us to hope for success in the exams. Four - six points - this is the average difference in the results of the Unified State Examination among excellent students and good students compared to three students.

But tutors and preparatory courses at universities, contrary to all the myths about their importance for success in exams, are by no means so effective.

1-2 points will add lessons from tutors and courses

To prepare for the exam, high school students are actively engaged in tutors and preparatory courses. However, the benefits of these activities are greatly exaggerated.

Tutors, according to laboratory research, do not give a significant effect at all (see). Courses, on the other hand, can increase a graduate's performance by only one or two points on average. But only strong students can count on this increase.

“If a person has not paid attention to studying for ten years, then, probably, gaps will form in his knowledge, which then will be problematic to quickly close,” Andrey Zakharov explained. Another reason for the inefficiency of additional classes is the insufficient quality of services.

3-4 points in the "treasury of results" - from specialized training

In profile classes, where students come after the ninth grade (and pre-profile training begins even earlier), maximum attention is paid to the selected subjects. More hours are devoted to them in the curriculum, and the content of the training is more intense. Children go through more topics, and at a deeper level. Hence the impact on exam results. The contribution of this factor is plus three or four points.

2-5 points will provide intensive preparation for the exam at school and at home

Teachers cannot be reproached with indifference to the successful passing of exams by graduates. Both classroom work and homework are often devoted to “targeted” preparation for the USE. Children perform tests of previous years, train in creative tasks. Such work gives from two to five points "plus".

“At the same time, for students from specialized classes, the effect is given by the frequent completion of tasks, mainly from part C,” commented Andrey Zakharov. “There are complex tasks in mathematics and exact sciences that require reasoning and explanation of the solution, or an essay on the Russian language.”

However, there are other factors for success in exams. This is the education and cultural needs of the parents and, of course, the abilities and motivation of the student himself. In short, educational history is made up of many stories. “And what happens in the last few months before the exam is very important, but may not always be decisive,” the researcher emphasized.

Vika Details 05/17/2018 15:02 Details

Life hacks for applicants: how to increase your scores in addition to the exam?

With all the possible disadvantages, the Unified State Exam opens almost all universities for the child - just send copies of documents and exam results. But school graduates were lucky not only in this - now it is possible to score the required passing score not only with the help of the Unified State Examination.

And how, read the advice of the head of the Autonomous non-profit organization "Center for the Psychological Health of Citizens", a development consultant Yu, organizer of career guidance games on the "Atlas of Future Professions" (Skolkovo) in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Valentina Lukina:

  1. For a gold medal upon admission to different universities, you can get an additional up to 10 points.
  2. The final essay - absolutely all schoolchildren write it in December. The essay is an admission to the exam and is stored in the database. For example, at the National Research University "Higher School of Economics" you can get up to 10 points for this essay. It is important to indicate in the application upon admission that you have a final essay.
  3. Points for various achievements - intellectual (olympiads), sports, creative. In some universities, the results of Olympiads for the last 4 years are taken into account. And the victory at the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren is a guarantee of admission to a state-funded place. However, it must be understood that if a student is the winner of the Physics Olympiad, for a specialty where physics is not a core subject, he will enter the general competition, but his results in physics will be equal to 100 points.
  4. For passing the TRP standards in some universities, you can get an additional 5 points.
  5. New this year - points for volunteering. To do this, you need to sign up in one of the social organizations, a volunteer book will be opened for the student, where all the results of volunteer activities will be recorded.

Important! All achievements must be documented.

And what about NEFU named after M.K. Ammosov?

In 2017, in NEFU, one could get an additional 1 point for the final essay, and 2 points for passing the TRP standards.

What is the minimum score?

The score can be minimum, passing and average. The minimum score is the lower threshold of scores in subjects; with a lower number of scores, the university will not accept documents. Each university sets its own minimum score threshold for each subject. The passing score of 2018 will be known only in August, so you need to focus on the passing score of the previous year - this figure increases slightly every year. The average score is not the most important and necessary indicator, it is calculated by adding all the scores and dividing by the number of exams passed.

Medical certificate, is it needed?

Under federal law, a medical certificate is not required for most specialties. There is a list of specialties where a medical certificate of form 086 is required, there is also a second list of specialties where a certificate of form 302H is required. This is a reference from a large number of specialists. It may be needed in those specialties that place high demands on health. For example, to some technical universities or to psychological and pedagogical education. If a student plans to enter the central university of the country, it is better to issue a medical certificate in advance at the place of residence.

My scores are high, why didn't I get in?

In 2017, there were cases when an applicant was second in the ranking of applicants for a state-funded place, but was still not accepted. The reason is that you did not submit the original documents and the application for admission to the university on time. Enrollment in the university takes place in two waves. In the first - you need to hand over the originals before August 1, because on August 3 an order is issued to enroll applicants for 80% of budget places. In the second wave - originals are accepted until August 6, an order is issued to enroll the remaining 20% ​​of applicants.

Do copies of documents need to be notarized?

It is a myth. The admission committee needs copies of your documents, and I recommend keeping the originals with you while the rating of applicants is being formed. A notarized power of attorney may be useful to your relative or friend who will submit documents for you.

How can I apply?

Documents can be sent to the selection committee by mail, e-mail, by proxy through relatives, through the applicant's headquarters, or brought in person.

If you sent the documents in one of three ways, be sure to call the selection committee in a couple of days, find out the date of receipt of the documents and the registration number that was assigned to your documents. It is very important to make sure that your documents are received.

After registration, your data is entered into the database and immediately reflected on the website of the university. An important point - do not delay the submission of documents. On July 26, at 18:00, the acceptance of documents ends, the databases are closed.

Application for admission.

The application form is quite voluminous, so I recommend downloading the form from the university website and filling it out at home in a relaxed atmosphere, not forgetting to enter all your achievements, for which the university gives extra points.

Now you can apply to five universities, three directions in each - a total of 15 applications for admission.

How can I get a discount on tuition fees?

In NEFU, the cost of education per year is about 200 thousand, not every family can afford such an amount. However, the university provides big discounts. If the child has scored a certain number of points, then the discount can be 50%. Also, discounts are given for studying at the school of associations. For example, in 2017, for many applicants, the cost of education was not 200, but 100 thousand rubles or less.

In addition, in the first year there is often a dropout of students, if you study well, then in the 2nd-3rd year you can transfer to a state-funded place.

General Tips

Many students prefer to study alone, without adults. I still recommend going with a parent. When a child is alone, he may not pay attention to something, not hear important information or not ask the right question.

To be sure of admission, you need to realistically assess your capabilities. If last year the passing score in the university was 250, and you have 190, the chances of enrolling are minimal. For convenience and clarity, you can make a list of desired universities indicating the desired specialty, the number of budget places and the passing score.

And you should always study the website of your university - the rules and admission requirements for many universities vary.

Good luck on your final exams!

Based on the materials of the newspaper "Your Right. Far East", Victoria Sunthavong.