How to wash winter leather gloves. How to clean leather gloves? Care after washing


Leather products have a noble appearance, are reliable and have high performance qualities. Such a wardrobe item must be looked after, periodically cleaned of dirt and the material must be treated with care. Today I’ll tell you how to wash leather gloves and properly care for them.

Features of care

The very concept of “washing” is not applicable in principle to leather products, and here’s why:

  • water, soaking the skin, makes it rougher, which radically changes the properties of fine and soft skin for making gloves;
  • after washing, the product may shrink and become several sizes smaller;
  • dyes, especially unstable ones, can be washed out, which does not affect the appearance for the better;
  • after improper drying, creases and cracks may form on the product, and the surface itself will become dull and faded.

It is for these reasons that leather gloves are suggested to be dry-cleaned periodically, but it is also possible to maintain their presentable appearance at home.

Proper storage is an important factor for leather gloves. When putting them away for seasonal storage, insert a cardboard inside suitable size and pack in a fabric bag.

Cleaning heavy stains: 3 methods

If gloves require radical cleaning, they can be “washed” in a fast way with your own hands. Full wash this type It’s difficult to call cleaning, but in this way you can clean the gloves from dirt.

Instructions and visual photos describe the process in detail:

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Method 1
  • prepare soap or soap solution, cotton pads or a clean cloth;
  • put the glove on a clean, dry hand;
  • take cotton pad or a clean cloth, soak it in soap or a soap solution and, after squeezing it thoroughly, walk over the surface of the glove;
  • rinse the cloth in clean running water and remove any remaining soap;
  • dry the glove with a dry towel or clean cloth;
  • repeat with the other glove.

Method 2

If you only need to wash the lining, try to turn it inside out and wash it without touching the leather trim.

If the lining is sewn, then:

  • take a slightly damp cloth and wet the lining from the inside, but try not to wet the skin;
  • lather a cloth or walk over the lining. You can also soap your hands and put on gloves, fidgeting a little with your palms and fingers inside;
  • Remove excess soap with a damp, clean cloth and wipe dry.

Method 3
  • fill a basin with warm water (up to 40 °C), add a little soap and glycerin;
  • place one glove in the basin and quickly walk over it with a soft brush or cloth inside and out, then wipe with a damp, dry cloth and wipe dry with a towel;
  • repeat with the other glove.

Drying washed leather goods should only be carried out naturally- without using heating devices and away from direct sunlight.

If you have something on hand to lubricate leather gloves after washing (rich cream for leather care, hand cream, can be wiped with olive or castor oil), then do not delay this procedure. After the product is completely dry, rush to generously lubricate the skin with a moisturizer, so it will become softer, shiny and more pleasant to the touch.

Easy cleaning and shine: 3 ways

If you need to refresh the appearance of leather gloves, then it is enough to use the following techniques:

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Option 1: aqueous solution ammonia

Just add a couple of drops of ammonia to a glass of warm water, moisten a cotton swab and walk over the problem areas.

After this, wait until it dries and treat the product with a sponge soaked in glycerin.

Option 2: lemon juice or acid

Cotton wool soaked in lemon juice, quickly attaches rich color and shine to the gloves.

Moreover, the acids found in the juice of this citrus are able to remove simple stains.

Option 3: Hydrogen Peroxide

Clean leather gloves light color can be done using an aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide. To do this, add 1-2 teaspoons of peroxide to 100 grams of water, moisten a cloth or cotton pad and treat the stain.

It is important to first do a test on an invisible area: if the skin does not lighten or wrinkle, then you can continue cleaning.

Glycerin is great for skin care after cleansing. What else can you use to lubricate your gloves? I advise you to use regular hand and nail cream. Perfect cosmetics for winter care: It is fattier and denser.


Leather products are prohibited from being washed even by hand. However, the above methods allow you to care for leather gloves yourself, without leaving your home. If you still doubt the success of the event or the gloves are too expensive, then it is better to turn to the services professional cleaning. The price of dry cleaning is rather high, but the item will definitely not get damaged.

The video in this article clearly demonstrates the features of washing leather gloves at home. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask in the comments!

During the cold season, leather gloves are very actively used. That's why they need proper care so that they please longer with their beautiful appearance. If you don't take care of your gloves regularly, they can become rough, wrinkle or crack, lose their shine and shape, and shrink. Leather gloves must be dried immediately if they become wet, and cleaned if dirt gets on them.

It is advisable to start caring for your gloves immediately after purchase. To do this, they are treated with a special spray for leather goods, which has the properties to repel moisture and dirt. The treatment should be repeated once a month. Thanks to this protective impregnation, the gloves will not require cleaning and washing longer. How to clean leather gloves

When the gloves are already fairly dirty, they are cleaned with gasoline. high quality, but this method will not suit gloves made from thin skin. You will need two containers of gasoline. First, the gloves are dipped into the first container and rubbed thoroughly, then they are immersed in another container and rinsed with clean gasoline. Then gently wring out, wipe with a dry cloth and sprinkle with talcum powder. Gloves dark colors dip in gasoline once and immediately wipe dry. Treatment with gasoline greatly degreases the skin, so after cleaning the gloves must be lubricated with glycerin.

Very thin leather gloves are cleaned with a mixture of turpentine and the same amount of milk.

To clean colored gloves are useful bread crumb. The crumb should be slightly moistened with water and rubbed onto the stain.

If the pollution is very strong and traditional methods If they don't help, you can buy a skin cleanser at the store. The composition of such products is selected specifically for gentle cleansing all skin types. This is important, first of all, for thin skin. It’s not easy to find a way to clean them without the risk of spoiling them, especially if the contamination is significant.

Can leather gloves be washed?

Since water does not have a beneficial effect on the skin, washing should be done quickly. Soaking is excluded. For washing use soft detergent, “Fairy”, and shampoo, and baby soap, and powder for delicate fabrics. Dissolve the chosen product in a little warm water. During the washing process, it is not recommended to immerse the gloves entirely in water, for this reason machine washable Not suitable for leather gloves. You need to take a sponge or a piece of flannel, moisten it in a soapy solution and gently rub the dirty areas first, and then walk over the entire surface. Then use a clean, damp sponge to remove any remaining soap. If you pour a little vinegar into the water, it will give the gloves elasticity. Now the gloves should be left to dry away from heating devices. To remove excess moisture, you need to blot your gloves paper towel. Ideally, gloves should dry on a hand-shaped object. A homemade form will suffice. You will need aluminum wire approximately 2 meters long. Trace your hand on a piece of paper. And bend the wire according to this stencil. Pull the glove over the resulting form and leave to dry. Dried gloves should be treated again with protective spray or cream.

If the gloves get very wet during the washing process, and after drying they become stiff or wrinkled, you need to lubricate them with castor oil or Vaseline. This will help them regain their softness and shine.

Caring for white leather gloves

It is necessary to remove stains as soon as they appear, this way you have a better chance of getting rid of the stain without damaging your gloves. First, try scrubbing the stain with a regular eraser. If that doesn't work, clean your gloves with a mixture of a teaspoon of baking soda and milk. For a whitening effect, you can drop a little hydrogen peroxide into the mixture.

For next method to clean white gloves you will need whipped egg white. Soak a piece of flannel in it and wipe your gloves.

For more thorough cleaning, dilute ammonia in water in a ratio of 1:4. Take a cotton pad and rub the stained areas with this solution.

Some stains, such as ink stains, can be removed well with lemon juice. Place a few drops on the stain and after a minute, wipe the stain with a soft sponge. Then wipe the gloves with a clean damp cloth.

And another way to clean white leather gloves. Mix gasoline and magnesium carbonate to form a fairly thick paste. Apply the mixture to dirty stains, wait until it dries and remove with a brush.

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In the cold season, you can't do without gloves. Leather gloves - universal accessory, present in almost any wardrobe and suitable for any style of clothing. But, like any other things, they need care and cleaning. Over time, dust settles on them, stains appear, and the housewife is faced with the question: how to wash leather gloves at home? Moreover, leather is a very practical material, but expensive, and with the wrong approach you can easily ruin a good and expensive thing. So, let's figure out how to clean leather gloves from dirt.

If you have not encountered this issue before, then it is better for you to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of specialists before starting cleaning:

  • Fresh stains are always easier to remove than old ones, but the dirt that appears is easier to remove. The sooner you do this, the less effort the entire cleaning process will take and the better the result will be.
  • If you have expensive gloves and you are afraid of ruining them, take them to the dry cleaner.
  • When cleaning leather products, try not to allow moisture to penetrate deep into the leather, otherwise it will become rough and deformed. If this happens, click on the link to a separate article in which we have prepared a selection for you effective ways, .
  • It is better to first test any aggressive agent in an inconspicuous area somewhere with wrong side.
  • Do not iron leather items. Even from the wrong side and at low temperatures. This will cause the item to deform.

Cleaning leather gloves

The main source of problems is street dust and dirt. They are the main culprits behind the formation of blemishes on the skin. How to clean leather gloves at home?

Important! You can buy it. They will be useful to you not only for gloves, but also for jackets, sheepskin coats, and shoes.

Soap solution

Make a soap solution, and it is better to use neutral soap. Further:

  • Put a glove on your hand.
  • Soak a napkin or cotton pad in the soapy solution.
  • Carefully clean the surface of the glove with soapy water.

Important! Do not wet the skin too much so that it does not become completely wet.

  • Remove any remaining soap solution with a cloth soaked in clean water.
  • Wipe the product dry.
  • Treat the second glove in the same way.


Very effectively cleans such material from ordinary dirt onions. Treat the entire surface of the product with a cut from the onion. Please pay attention special attention seams and top edge.

Important! If any odor remains, it can be removed by wiping the product. wet wipe, or just ventilate in the fresh air.


  1. Mix water and ammonia in a ratio of 4 to 1.
  2. Soak a cotton pad in the solution and treat the entire surface of the product.
  3. Change discs as needed.
  4. To remove any remaining solution, wipe the product with a cotton pad soaked in clean water.
  5. Dry the product.

Hydrogen peroxide and powder

How to clean leather gloves from dirt at home? You can make a mixture from washing powder and hydrogen peroxide:

  1. Mix the powder and hydrogen peroxide in a ratio of 1 to 1. You can add a few drops of ammonia.
  2. Apply the mixture to the surface of the product. This can be done using a cotton pad.
  3. Leave on for 5 minutes and then remove.

How else can you clean leather gloves at home? You can also use the following products to clean your skin:

  • Dissolve 3 tablespoons of vinegar in 1 liter of water.
  • Special products - shampoos, sprays, wet wipes - will cost a little more, but will give an excellent effect.
  • Gasoline with turpentine in a ratio of 2 to 1. But keep in mind that you need purified gasoline, and it leaves an odor that is later difficult to get rid of.
  • Coffee grounds work great for dark colors.
  • Bread crumb perfectly cleans and refreshes colored gloves. Soak it in water or milk, apply the resulting mass to the surface of the product, and after a while remove it with a damp cloth or sponge.

How to clean light colored gloves?

For white and light skin not all remedies are good. How to clean white leather gloves at home?


Milk does this job well:

  1. Soak a cotton pad in milk.
  2. Wipe the surface of the product each time changing discs until the discs stop darkening.
  3. Wipe the product dry.

Important! It is better to take a product with the lowest percentage of fat content.


This is very good way for light leather gloves:

  1. Separate the yolk from the white.
  2. Beat the egg white until foamy and apply to skin for a few minutes.
  3. After removal, wipe dry.

Lemon juice

Soak a cotton pad in lemon juice and wipe the gloves with it. Lemon juice has a whitening effect; it will remove dirt and grease from the surface of the product.

Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

How to clean light leather gloves at home? Use a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia:

  1. Add one tablespoon each of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide to a glass of water.
  2. Treat all problem areas with this solution using a sponge or foam rubber.
  3. Wipe the product with a damp cloth and dry.

Important! You can add liquid soap instead of hydrogen peroxide.

Cleaning from the inside

Unfortunately, gloves get dirty not only on the outside, but also on the inside. The cleaning method depends on the material from which the lining is made:

  • If there is fur inside, then you cannot get it wet. Pour talcum powder or baby powder inside and scrub. Then turn the gloves inside out and shake them out.
  • If the product is unlined, you can wipe the inside with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.
  • The fabric lining is cleaned with soapy water.

Washing gloves correctly

In extreme cases, with very heavily polluted, you can wash leather gloves, but this must be done in compliance with the following conditions:

  • do not soak or leave for a long time in a bowl of water or under running water;
  • water temperature - 30 degrees, no more;
  • do not twist the products, do not rub or squeeze them, but simply knead them lightly or rub them with a soft sponge;

Drying gloves correctly

It is not enough to properly clean leather products; they need to be dried properly:

  • It is not recommended to dry them near heating sources, on radiators or in the sun.
  • You can dry them with a hairdryer using the cold air setting.
  • Most best option- hang them in a well-ventilated area or in the fresh air.
  • From time to time you need to put gloves on your hands and smooth the skin.

Leather gloves can be washed by hand using wet cleaning, there are also several folk ways, allowing you to remove dirt from the product. The accessory takes the brunt of pollution, because we touch many objects with our hands: handrails in transport, door handles in stores, money. Handwear requires cleaning more often than any other item in your wardrobe.

Can leather gloves be washed?

Women's and men's leather gloves cannot be washed, no matter what material you are dealing with - natural or artificial. Real leather impregnated with part of animal fat and various substances that nourish the fabric and give it softness and shine. When washing under the influence of water and detergents protective layer the skin is washed away, causing the item to immediately become hard.

In the case of leatherette, the situation is even worse, because there was no layer of fat in it initially. Artificial material always much thicker and rougher than natural. And when washed, it cracks and becomes very wrinkled. These damages cannot be corrected later and the products will have to be thrown away.

Advice. If you are not sure that you can cope with the procedure yourself, but you think that things definitely need to be washed, then contact a dry cleaner. Everything is there necessary funds and special equipment for safe wet cleaning.

Washing in an automatic machine is strictly prohibited, since you will not recognize your gloves after cleaning. But hand wash considered more gentle. If, despite the warnings, you still want to do this yourself, then remember that leather gloves can only be washed by hand.

Hand wash instructions

If you want to wash leather gloves yourself at home, you should resort to manual cleaning. However, this method is only suitable for removing fresh dirt and fine dust deposits.

Advice. If on leather items there are ingrained or old stains, then you should first remove them, and only then start washing.

Helps remove stains small quantity refined gasoline. Soak a cotton pad or cloth in it and walk over the leather surface.

Hand washing is carried out as follows:

  1. Pour warm water into a small container.
  2. Pour in 2-3 tsp. liquid soap or 1/3 bar of Dove cream soap. Shake until foam forms.
  3. Add 8-10 drops of sea buckthorn, castor or burdock oil. If these are not available, you can replace them with 4-5 drops of vegetable oil. Stir again. Soap contains alkali, which dries out the material, and fatty nourishing oils compensate for these losses. This trick will keep your skin looking nice and make it softer.
  4. Place gloves in the basin and leave for 5-7 minutes, maximum 10 minutes. Then rinse the items lightly, but do not rub.
  5. Drain the soap solution and rinse the accessory in cool water with added oils. Reduce the number of drops when rinsing by half.
  6. Leather products cannot be wrung out. Place them on a towel and let them dry on their own.
  7. After drying, be sure to lubricate the outside of things thick cream or glycerin. Leave for a while and then remove excess with a dry cloth.

Attention! Do not use stain removers, bleaches, balms or conditioners when washing leather gloves. They negatively affect the products, leaving them in a hopelessly poor condition.

Rules for safe drying

Gloves should dry naturally, that is, place them in a ventilated, dry area and wait. There are a few more recommendations:

  • You cannot use hair dryers, irons, heaters and other electrical appliances to dry leather products;
  • It is not recommended to place things on hot or warm radiators;
  • open sun and direct rays will damage the accessory and discolor it, let better place will be cool for drying;
  • If you want to dry the lining faster, do not turn the gloves inside out, as after drying it will be difficult to return them to their previous shape.

First you need to look at the special label of the product, which indicates what types of washing or cleaning are possible for this material. The degree of contamination should be reasonably assessed. It may be possible to avoid a full wash by cleaning only particularly dirty areas. Leather gloves are washed in a mild soap solution no higher than room temperature, you can scrub contaminated areas with a soft brush.

Keep it in water for a long time, much less soak it, as this will seriously deteriorate the skin.. You can put on gloves, wet them and, without taking them off, wash your hands with soap, paying attention to contaminated areas. Then you need to rinse very thoroughly, changing the water several times to avoid white spots and streaks after drying. In the last rinse, add 3-5 drops of glycerin to the water. Dry gloves away from heating devices.

If your leather gloves are slightly dirty, you can clean them with a mixture of 1 teaspoon of ammonia, 5 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide and washing powder dissolved in 100 ml of warm boiled water. Soak a cotton pad in the mixture and wipe the contaminated areas of the gloves. After about 5–10 minutes. the remaining mixture should be removed using a soft cloth and the gloves should be wiped dry. This recipe is only suitable for dark skin, since on a light color it will leave yellowish stains. For white gloves, a slurry is prepared from gasoline and magnesium carbonate, which is also used to wipe the contaminated areas and remove with a brush after drying.

Light-colored kid gloves can be washed in gasoline, dipping them into it for a few minutes, and then, after rubbing the dirty areas and making sure that the dirt has come off, squeeze out lightly without twisting. If necessary, repeat the procedure until all contaminated areas are removed. Gloves are wiped with a soft cotton cloth, for example, terry towel and carefully straighten it to its original shape. To ensure that gasoline residues are absorbed faster, sprinkle things inside and outside with talcum powder, which prevents streaks.

Leather gloves cannot be kept in water for a long time, as this will seriously deteriorate the leather. Photo:

If kid gloves are dark, then when washing they are dipped in gasoline for short time and once so that the skin does not discolor. Quickly remove, wipe with a soft cloth, straighten and dry. In this case, you don’t need to sprinkle talcum powder, since gasoline stains will not be noticeable on black leather. To ensure that the skin regains its former elasticity and softness, dry leather gloves are wiped with castor oil or glycerin, and then allowed to rest for several hours. You need to wipe quickly and as evenly as possible, otherwise stains and stains may remain.

To prevent the leather from drying out excessively, use special leather boxes or paper bags. You cannot take tightly sealed plastic bags, as the skin needs to breathe. For better preservation leather can be cut out of cardboard and inserted inside a stencil in the shape of a glove without thumb. If all these washing, cleaning and storage rules are followed, the gloves will last for many years and will look like new.