Do I need to cut my hair every year? Should a child have a haircut every year? Is it possible to cut hair in winter?


Every girl wants to be a happy owner of healthy hair. However, not everyone knows how to achieve this. Basic care includes washing, drying, combing and, of course, cutting. We are interested in the last option. The procedure should be carried out regularly; the condition of the mop directly depends on it. Let's consider the main aspects in order, let's talk about how often you need to cut your hair.

Stages of hair growth

Follicle formation and hair growth can last up to 1.5 years.

The second stage involves stopping hair growth or slowing it down. The duration of the process is 4-5 weeks.

The last stage involves stopping hair growth, which contributes to hair loss. The period lasts about 3 months.

  1. As soon as hair loss begins, a second stage of new hair generation occurs. The faster cell division occurs in the bulbs, the better the hair grows. When examined in detail, the follicle resembles a sac; the hair root originates in it.
  2. The growth and transformation of hair directly depends on the vitamins, minerals and trace elements received by the body. Also, the intensity of mop development depends on the time of day and yearly quarter. After conducting research, experts have proven that hair grows more strongly at night, and in the morning the process practically stops.
  3. During the warm season, an active process of hormone formation occurs in the body, so during this period, curls gain maximum growth. If we take into account the average statistical indicators, hair development in humans is about 9 mm. per month. For some individuals, hair growth can be as small as 5 mm. up to 15 mm. at 4-5 weeks.
  4. It is also worth considering that the thickness, health and speed of hair in most cases depend on heredity. In such situations, there is only one way out - careful care and constant nourishment of the hair. Such actions especially apply to weakened and split hair. If you have a colored mop, you can easily determine how quickly it is growing. Measure the length of the released roots.

Why do split ends

To prevent your hair from becoming brittle and fragile, and to prevent the growth of your mop from stopping, you need to trim the ends on time. There can be several reasons for split ends.

  1. You should not overuse frequent hair washing; this manipulation leads to washing away the protective substance that envelops the curls.
  2. The problem with long hair is that the hair follicles cannot deliver the nutrients produced by the sebaceous glands to the ends.
  3. Also, one of the reasons for the deterioration of hair condition may be organ diseases or the body’s susceptibility to chemotherapy. In this case, nutrients are washed out.
  4. If you have chosen a comb that does not match your hair type, or wear a backcomb frequently. Frequent use of thermal devices also affects the condition of curls.
  5. In addition to the above reasons, hair weakens due to weather conditions, regular dyeing, bad habits, running water, poor environment, and poor nutrition.

The regularity of haircuts depends on many factors. An important factor is the length of the hair, the condition of the ends, the type of curls, frequent coloring and perm.

  1. Long hair. If the mop is healthy and without damage, it should be trimmed once every 3-4 months, cutting off no more than 15 mm. length. This way you get rid of dead ends. If your hair is prone to split ends, it is worth visiting a specialist up to 3 times every six months. Then return to your normal cutting schedule - about once every 4 months.
  2. Section. If you notice severe splitting, contact a professional for help. Trim the unhealthy ends with hot scissors, then repeat the manipulation after a couple of months. The frequency of haircuts for split ends is carried out throughout the year. After this, you should switch to normal hair cutting once every 3-4 months.
  3. Short hair. With short hair length, the ends should be trimmed once a month. If you consider yourself to be the owner of a complex fashionable hairstyle, you should visit a specialist up to 2 times every 3 weeks. In the case of a perm, you need to visit a hairdresser once a month. This move will help prevent dry and brittle ends.

Features of hair growth

  1. Before growing healthy hair, get rid of brittle and split ends. Avoid dyeing altogether and minimize the use of thermal devices.
  2. You should think about healthy eating and create a daily diet. Consume quail and chicken eggs, dairy products, cattle meat, nuts and seafood.
  3. Make it a habit to drink at least 2 liters. filtered water. If necessary, take a complex of vitamins and minerals. It is also worth giving up bad habits. If possible, start going to the gym.
  4. Use restorative balms and masks. Choose detergents based on your hair type. Don't be lazy to make homemade compresses. Rub natural oils and essential oils into your scalp.
  5. Perform a head massage, it helps increase blood circulation. The follicles begin to receive more nutrients, which promotes accelerated hair growth. Massage for 10-15 minutes a day.

If you are someone with long hair (shoulder-length or below), you should only trim the ends if your curls have become brittle or split. Otherwise, your hair will begin to spoil your beautiful image, making your head look unkempt. After the manipulation, the curls again acquire their original appearance.

Video: how often should you cut your hair ends?

Do you need to get a haircut to grow hair? How and when to do this? Is it possible to trim split ends myself? We will give answers to all questions right now!

There are two main reasons why the ends of your hair need to be trimmed regularly.

Reason 1

By trimming a couple of centimeters, you will get rid of split ends, which are constantly tangled, electrified and give your hair an unkempt and unkempt look. And don’t fall for advertising traps! Split ends cannot be cured and glued together with either balm or shampoo! This is a dead part - it has not received useful substances for a long time.

Reason 2

There is an opinion that hair is capable of accumulating negative energy, which we have to deal with almost every day. A haircut also helps to get rid of this negativity! Surely many of you, after going to the hairdresser, feel unprecedented lightness and a surge of vitality. Perhaps the reason for this amazing phenomenon lies precisely in the negative energy that you got rid of along with the cut off ends.

How often should I trim my ends if they split?

To make medium and long hair look well-groomed, healthy and beautiful, the ends need to be cut approximately once every three months by 1-2 centimeters. In addition, be sure to use homemade and store-bought masks to strengthen, grow and restore strands.

As for short hair, it requires no less care. Firstly, it is also prone to splitting, and secondly, a short haircut requires regular shape correction. It needs to be refreshed once every 2 months.

Burnt hair that has been subjected to frequent dyeing, straightening and perming needs to be cut even more often. And exactly until the entire damaged length is cut off.

Video from YouTube on the topic

Why cut the ends of your hair if you want to grow your hair?

This will seem strange, but that’s exactly how it is - if you want to quickly grow a long braid, you will have to cut the ends. Visiting the hairdresser once every two months not only accelerates the growth of strands, but also prevents their increased loss. Therefore, if after installation the bathroom floor is literally covered with hair, hurry up and sign up for a good beauty salon. Do not be afraid, it is enough to trim only a few millimeters - this will allow you to maintain a healthy curl structure.

How to cut the ends of your hair yourself at home?

Trimming your ends at home will not be difficult. We offer 4 popular haircut methods that any woman can easily handle.

Method 1 “High ponytail”

With this simple method you can quickly cut off an inch or two.

  1. Comb thoroughly.
  2. Tie a neat and very high ponytail. It should be placed almost at the forehead.
  3. To make it more convenient, wet your hair with water from a spray bottle and comb well again.
  4. At the desired level, tie another thin elastic band.
  5. Carefully cut off the tip.
  6. Unwind your hair.

Method 2 “Low ponytail”

Another effective and affordable option. Each of you can cope with this task!

  1. Comb everything back carefully.
  2. Tie a low ponytail – it should be perfectly smooth.
  3. Wet it with water from a spray bottle and comb again.
  4. Tie several thin elastic bands at a distance of 2 centimeters from each other - they will allow the tail to hold on and make the cutting process easier. Leave as much as you want to trim at the bottom.
  5. Make a straight cut just below the bottom elastic.
  6. Unwind your hair and check the results.

Method 3 “Using a hairdressing level”

This unusual device allows you to make a clear, perfectly even cut.

  • Comb and go through your hair with a straightening iron.

  • Make a center parting that will divide your hair in half.

  • Gather your strands under your chin and put on a level.

  • Lower it to the desired length, making sure that the bubble is in the middle.
  • Trim the ends with scissors.

Method 4 “Flagella”

This method takes much more time, but gives an excellent effect.

  1. Use a horizontal parting to separate some of the strands near the neck. Pin the rest so it doesn't interfere for now.
  2. Separate a thin curl and twist it into a braid.
  3. Run your fingers over it from bottom to top.
  4. Carefully cut off any stray hairs from the strand.
  5. Peel off the second layer and continue the process.
  6. Continue the process until all the hair has been processed.

Video on the topic

Will hair grow faster if I cut the ends of my hair?

Regularly trimming your ends really affects the rate at which your hair grows. It awakens dormant follicles and literally makes them grow a little faster.

This statement was made based on simple observations. You yourself have noticed that sometimes the hair does not grow at all, as if it stands still. But if you trim it even a couple of centimeters, the required amount grows within a month. There is another fact that speaks in favor of a haircut. Short hair grows very quickly - to maintain its shape, the ends need to be cut at least once every 30 days. Of course, on long and medium strands the growth is not so noticeable, but it is still necessary to cut them.

When you decide to trim your ends, use these helpful tips:

  1. First, decide on the length that needs to be cut. Don’t be sorry, but cut off all the split strands. If this is not done, hair separation will continue, conquering new length and territory. This especially applies to those ladies who constantly wear makeup, use ironing, or do chemicals. Hair in these cases becomes more susceptible to environmental influences, and therefore requires special care;
  2. Do you want to cut your own hair? Then choose only high-quality tools - well-sharpened professional scissors and a comb with rounded tips. You cannot cut hair with ordinary household scissors - this will lead to problems;
  3. Be sure to wet your hair before cutting;
  4. Remember, after drying, the hair will jump up and become a little shorter;
  5. To cut your hair less often and grow gorgeous hair faster, regularly apply moisturizing masks and apply special oils to the ends;
  6. Owners of stepped and cascading haircuts are better off not taking risks and freshening up their hair at the hairdresser. This also applies to those who have no skills and have never held hairdressing scissors in their hands;
  7. Trim your ends only when the moon is waxing - days favorable for cutting can be found in a special calendar;
  8. Scissors should not be held at right angles to the hair. Hold it diagonally - this will prevent the tips from quickly separating;
  9. If the ends split 3 cm upward, remove a little more - up to 4 cm. This small increase will provide your haircut with a neat and well-groomed look. If you are greedy and cut strictly 3 cm, the section will return very quickly - almost after a couple of weeks.

If you ask grandmothers why they should cut their baby’s hair at 12 months old, the most common answers will be the following phrases: “To make the hair thicker,” “That’s what our great-grandmothers did,” and “This will help drive away evil spirits.”

Such signs and superstitions encourage many parents to adhere to a ritual, the meaning of which they still do not understand. It is necessary to separate myths from the real state of affairs and have an idea of ​​how to properly care for children's hair.

Why do children get their hair cut every year?

Today, many parents implement rituals and ceremonies associated with a small child, without thinking about their meaning and purpose. And almost no one thinks about whether this or that procedure is necessary or whether it is just another superstition.

Most ancient peoples have traditions that require children to have their hair cut at a strictly defined age.

These rituals are associated with religious or mystical beliefs:

  • for example, Indian parents and today they cut the hair of one-year-old babies, as if saying goodbye to their past life and “programming” them for a more successful entry into the future;
  • Mongolian parents All relatives are invited to the child’s first haircut. The celebration consists of all guests cutting a lock of hair, giving some gift to the baby and saying wishes;
  • in Israel Little boys brought up in religious families wear sidelocks until they are three years old. However, ordinary parents also adhere to this rule. At the age of 3, the most respected relative cuts the hair first, then other guests join the ritual.

The ancient Slavs also had a ritual based on folk beliefs. Thus, parents were warned against cutting their children’s hair, because people believed that early haircut (before 12 months of age) would lead to weakness, pain, unluckiness, and poverty of the child.

Slavic rituals

In Ancient Rus', cutting the hair of a one-year-old baby was intended to symbolize the transition to a completely different life and protect the child from the evil eye, damage and the pranks of small demons.

The haircut of a one-year-old child was carried out according to strict rules and specific algorithm:

  1. They started picking up scissors at 12 months. If you are late or rush with a haircut, then it will lose its sacred meaning. That is, the ritual will become a regular hygienic procedure.
  2. In order for children's hair to grow back faster, a haircut per year had to be done on the growing moon. This rule was especially true for female infants.
  3. Usually the godparents performed the ritual, since they could not trust such a thing to a stranger. A sheep skin was spread in the middle of the nursery and the baby was placed on it. The intended parents cut off the baby's locks in four places, like a cross.
  4. Afterwards, the hair was hidden behind the icon and was considered a kind of amulet that protected against diseases and damage. There is also information that the strands were buried in an anthill (for wealth) or placed under the ceiling.

And today, parents continue to believe that the strands cut off at 12 months should be kept at home. They take it out and put it under the pillow if the baby has nightmares. Another use case is to demonstrate a curl to a first grader for better learning.

Grooming one-year-old children is still a popular procedure, because many parents are confident in the usefulness of such actions. Moms and dads once heard from grandmothers that children's hair would become thicker, fuller and healthier.

It is necessary to understand whether parents’ opinions about the benefits of an “anniversary” hairstyle have any basis or are common common misconceptions:

Read below for a more detailed debunking of popular myths about children's hair. However, it is safe to say that such superstitions are quite tenacious and have been passed on from generation to generation for several centuries.

Pros and cons of cutting children's hair early

In Soviet times, one-year-old children were usually cut bald, without thinking about why such a procedure was necessary. And if the child was wearing a pantsuit, then it was almost impossible to understand who was in front of you - a boy or a girl.

Arguments against

Modern experts are convinced that cutting a child’s hair at one year old is not only not beneficial, but can even cause significant harm to the child’s health.

Hair, as noted earlier, is formed in babies while still in the mother’s womb, which is why children are born with fluff on the head and even all over the body.

After some time, the newborn hair begins to fall out, and more mature hairs appear in its place. By the way, they often have a completely different color. It is also normal that new hair is delayed.

Trichologists lead Several arguments refuting the importance of a child’s haircut per year:

  1. The basis of the hairs are bulbs, which are located inside the skin. Therefore, everything that happens outside to the hair can in no way affect its formation in the inner layers.
  2. Some mothers and fathers are convinced that after cutting their hair becomes thicker. However, this impression is deceptive, since the density is created due to the equal length of all children's hairs.
  3. Hair follicles at 1 year of age are excessively weak and susceptible to damage. That's why even the most careful parents can accidentally pull the scissors and injure the hair follicles. This, on the contrary, will harm hair growth.
  4. One-year-old babies have very delicate skin, including on their heads. Often a child feels severe discomfort as a result of irritated skin, especially since prickly stubble begins to grow on the head.
  5. Using a shaving machine results in small scratches. These microscopic lesions become a “gateway” for pathogens. And this is already fraught with infection and inflammation.

There are no scientific studies that would confirm that after a haircut at the age of one, children’s hair grows faster, looks healthier and thicker. The appearance of hair depends on good nutrition, rich in vitamins, genes and proper hygiene.

Despite the fact that cutting a child's hair at 12 months will not have a positive effect on the hair structure, in some situations a haircut may still be necessary.

When getting rid of excess hair on the head is justified:

  1. Because of his long hair, the boy is often mistaken for a baby. In this case, mothers, tired of explaining that there is not a “beautiful girl” in the stroller, but a future man, decide to use scissors (it’s still not worth shaving the child).
  2. Hot summer is another reason to get rid of excessive vegetation. Usually children whose first anniversary falls in the summer months get their hair cut. With a short hairstyle, it will be easier for an active baby to survive hot weather.
  3. A haircut is also acceptable if the long bangs cover the eyes. Firstly, hair constantly gets into the child’s mouth while eating, and secondly, overgrown curls can reduce the child’s visual acuity.
  4. Head injuries are an important reason to cut your hair. Many children are curious and constantly explore the world around them. Unfortunately, the process of learning is often accompanied by scratches. To treat the head, you will have to cut your hair.
  5. Many children have infantile scabs on their heads, which are extremely difficult to remove. It is not recommended to comb them, but for better treatment, you can cut the hairs short. Of course, in this case you cannot shave your head.

The desire of parents to see their child neatly cut hair is understandable. However, for this it is absolutely not necessary to cut it bald; it is enough to simply cut off the bangs that cover the eyes, or trim the strands that get into the mouth.

How to cut a one-year-old child's hair?

If you still decide in favor of cutting your one-year-old child’s hair, you need to understand how this procedure is performed correctly. Usually, excess hair is removed from a child’s head at home, and not in a hairdresser, by performing a few important rules:

  • no need to shave the baby. The machine is suitable for adults only. At the age of one, the clipper can injure the hair follicles due to clinging to the hair. In addition, the noise it makes can frighten a child;
  • take the right scissors. This tool should have rounded tips. These scissors will not scratch your scalp. As a last resort, you can use a trimmer, the sound of which is not as strong as that of a machine;
  • wet your hair first. It will be easier to cut a one-year-old child's hair if you wash his hair before the procedure. Wet hair is more convenient for trimming;
  • wait until the child calms down. In order for the haircut to go without any problems, you need to choose the most suitable time for it. For example, wait until the child has had lunch or taken a nap. If the baby cries or is sick, the procedure is postponed.
  • create a comfortable environment. It is important to make sure that the baby feels comfortable. To do this, you need to prepare new interesting cars or dolls or certain delicacies. You should also communicate with the child in a calm voice at all times;
  • wash the child. As soon as the procedure is completed, you need to wash the baby in warm water to get rid of hairs. Be sure to carefully inspect all folds so as not to forget sharp stubble.

A mandatory item is to treat the child’s head with an antiseptic (chlorhexidine), if you did not use scissors, but a shaving machine. You should also lubricate the skin with baby moisturizer.

As a conclusion

If the baby is categorically against a haircut, there is no need to insist. A similar procedure can always be carried out after a couple of months. A child's haircut must be postponed if he has recently been ill or has undergone any medical manipulation of the head.

Is it necessary to cut a child's hair every year? This is not at all necessary. But if for some reason you decide to resort to hairdressing manipulations, you need to firmly know how to cut a baby’s hair, with what tools, in what environment. This will help avoid possible negative consequences.

A question that many parents of children ask: . A child's first haircut is a responsible process, around which there are still a huge number of questions.

It would seem that just recently you saw your baby for the first time, but now a whole year has flown by, which, with all the different troubles and worries, seemed to you like an instant. It's time to learn to walk, master primary skills, and the baby's needs are becoming more and more similar to those of adults, such as cutting a haircut. Many parents believe that it is necessary to cut their child’s hair for the first time when he is one year old. The reasons for this stereotypical opinion are different: some are guided by traditions, some by the advice of family and friends, and some even rely on folk signs and superstitions.

Let's analyze this issue and try to figure out whether it is necessary to cut a child's hair every year, why it is popular among people, and how to do it correctly for the first time.

Superstitions and signs that relate to a baby's first haircut.

Since the times of ancient Rus', the first haircut of a child was not considered a simple hairdressing procedure. Special days of the week and phases of the moon were chosen for her, and the reason for cutting the baby’s hair always depended on the beliefs of the people. Many considered this event to be a kind of ritual, for which they prepared in advance and treated it with great seriousness. After all, as you know, hair has always been identified in many cultures with human health, vital energy and strength. The most reverent attitude was towards the child’s first haircut in his life. Let's take a look at main beliefs, which came to us from antiquity regarding How to cut a one year old child's hair:

If a baby is cut completely bald, leaving no hairs, then signs indicate that with age he will have beautiful and thick hair;

If parents cut their child’s hair before he turns one year old, this can lead to illness, infertility and health problems, so the child should only have his hair cut when he reaches one year of age;

When a child gets his hair cut for the first time, it is associated with his transition to a new stage of life, to the next stage of growing up. Therefore, it is customary to treat such manipulation as a holiday, to solemnly organize the process;

To the question: “ Is it necessary to cut a child's hair every year?“Many ancient beliefs say that it is with the help of the child’s first haircut that all negative memories of pain and discomfort that he experienced during birth are erased. Also, in this way, evil forces are driven away from the baby, so it is advisable to carry out this procedure as soon as possible, that is, at one year old.

Children's hair was often perceived as a symbol of prosperity, wealth, and if the baby had thick and strong hair, this was considered a sign of subsequent luck. What they did with the hair that was cut from the head of a one-year-old baby in order to comply with traditions and superstitions. Some combed them with a coin to attract wealth, others sent them to ponds or hid them in anthills. According to other beliefs, it is necessary to weave a wattle from these hairs or roll them with a chicken egg. These traditions are now preserved in few places, perhaps only among very superstitious people or in distant villages, but one sign is observed by the majority of the population of our country. There is still an opinion that a part of his soul lives in the hair of any person, therefore, after the baby's first haircut, parents often keep a handful of their baby's hair.

These are not all the signs that took place in the past, and despite the fact that many of them have already become history, some grandparents still persuade young mothers to follow the manipulations that are familiar to them. Particularly often disagreements arise over haircuts bald. For a modern mother, it seems rather illogical to cut her baby’s hair, especially if it’s a girl who has beautiful, thick curls by the time she’s one year old.

Is it necessary to cut a child's hair every year?

After we have studied some traditions, it is worth talking about whether they are really so important and relevant for our time. Of course, no one holds rituals like they did several hundred years ago, and in a modern metropolis you won’t meet people who carry a lock of a baby’s hair to a crossroads so that the moon will give him beautiful curls in the future. But some superstitions still make young mothers think about whether they might still follow the advice of their ancestors. Whether it is worth paying attention to the above signs, we will try to figure it out later in the article.

In order for a person to have strong and healthy hair in the future, when the baby is one year old, it is necessary to cut his head. Here we should resort to scientific justification. Hair follicles are the basis that forms the structure, strength and density of curls. They are formed before a person is born, from which we can conclude that no matter how much you cut your baby’s hair to zero, if he is not designed to have a thick head of hair, then you will not be able to influence this in any way.

If you shave a baby at one year old, the hair will be thick and strong. The scientific fact above can be reiterated here. But besides this, using a razor can destroy the hair follicle, so you not only will not improve the baby’s curls, but you also risk depriving the beauty inherent in nature. It is advisable to shave a baby's head only in case of urgent need.

If you don't trim the fluff on your baby's head, the hair will remain thin and fluffy forever. The fluff that forms on a baby's head before he turns one year old begins while the baby is in the womb. This is an absolutely natural and normal process. Hair, like all other organs and parts of the human body, grows stronger and matures over time. Therefore, you should not be alarmed if your baby’s hair looks like fluff at the age of one, and another child has real curls on his head. The time will come, and your baby will become the owner of the same hairs.

It is important for young parents to know some of the features that they will have to face when they decide to cut their child’s hair:

All children, like adults, are individual, and each of them develops their hair differently. While some children's hair grows evenly, in others it may appear in tufts. This is not at all an indication that this will always be the case. Uneven hair appearance– a feature of the baby inherent in nature, since after the fluff falls off, hair growth occurs on the basis of the genetically inherent characteristics of the person;

The way you cut your one-year-old baby's hair does not in any way affect the structure and thickness of his hair in the future;

A small child’s hair follicle is immature, so even after you shave the child’s head or trim it, a thin hair will still remain;

Grooming a one-year-old child will in no way affect the number of hair follicles on the baby’s head;

Many parents notice that after a haircut, their baby's hair looks thicker and more frequent. In fact, this is explained by the fact that after the fluff is cut off from the baby’s head, real, stronger hairs begin to appear;

All pediatricians unanimously say that a one-year-old child should not have his hair cut short, much less shaved. This can damage fragile bulbs, which can lead to infectious irritations and bacteria entering the damaged areas;

If you want your child to have thick and beautiful hair, first of all, you should pay attention to a healthy diet, scalp care and adherence to the regime. To stimulate hair growth, you can regularly comb your baby with a special massage comb.

But no matter what signs or superstitions say, haircut for one year old child yet necessary and useful, according to some facts. Let's look at the nuances that determine the need for this procedure:

If the baby's bangs grow too long, this can negatively affect his vision;

The baby's appearance will be more well-groomed and neat if his hair is cut;

Haircut is one of the factors that helps distinguish boys from girls. It is unlikely that parents will like it if their son is called a doll or a princess;

A baby with short hair feels much better in hot weather conditions.

What is a child’s first haircut, what to do with the hair and how not to harm the baby.

Of course, in order to keep your baby as safe as possible during the first haircut, it is better to contact a specialist. In a children's hairdressing salon, workers know how to carry out the procedure correctly so as not to harm the child or damage the bulb. Children at this age are usually afraid of getting a haircut, and the children's salon provides special distracting and entertaining elements. These could be toys, cartoons or special children's chairs. In addition, specialists who are trained in handling children will easily find a way to approach them and will carry out the procedure carefully even with the most capricious and active visitor.

If, for some reason, you do not want to go to the salon, and decide to start cutting your hair yourself, then a number of recommendations must be taken into account, in order for the procedure to be safe for the baby:

During the haircut process, it is advisable for the baby to sit on the lap of someone close and dear to him - this way he will feel safer;

Try to carry out the procedure in a game format. For example, imagine that you are playing hairdresser: show your baby safe devices, for example, bright children's combs, let him play with these devices;

Play a cartoon for your child or give him an interesting toy to distract his attention;

Use special children's scissors that have rounded ends;

Any haircut is easier to perform on wet or damp hair, so you should lightly spray your baby’s head with a spray bottle;

Try to cut the strands quickly but carefully, holding them between your fingers;

It is necessary to start the procedure from the most difficult areas, while the baby is not yet tired and distracted by a game or cartoon;

Remember that the child is very sensitive to the moods of his parents, so take the haircut as calmly as possible. If you panic and take the hairs with trembling hands, it is likely that the baby will feel it and begin to get nervous and cry;

You should not start this procedure if the baby is sick, has not had enough sleep, or is simply in a bad mood;

A trimmer is the most optimal tool for cutting boys' hair, and it is also the safest.

After the manipulations are completed, be sure to reward your child for good behavior during the haircut. You can give him a new toy, something tasty, and also show him in the mirror what he looks like now and praise him.

We hope that we were able to answer the question of Is it necessary to cut a child's hair a year?? A child's first haircut is a pleasant and interesting process that must be made enjoyable for both parents and the baby.


How often should you cut your hair, what technique will help you choose bangs, do the phases of the moon affect your haircut, and what will help you get rid of split ends? BeautyHack collected the most pressing questions about haircuts and asked them to the best stylists in Moscow.

Alex Nagorsky Creative partner of L’Oreal Professionnel, winner of the world Style & Color Trophy L’Oréal Professionnel 2017, art director of the Brush salon

How often should you cut your hair?

You need to cut your hair as it loses its shape. When your haircut starts to look different and no longer fits well, then it's time to get a haircut. And if you just have a long length and an even cut, then go to the stylist when your hair stops looking well-groomed. Split ends, “broken” strands, unobvious cut density - all this will be a signal to action.

Is it true that the more often you cut your hair, the faster it grows?

This is a myth! A haircut does not affect the rate of hair growth in any way; it is rather an aesthetic component. Therefore, the more often you cut your hair, the better it looks, it’s true. If you often do styling, your hair is “killed” very quickly - its appearance becomes worse.

And everyone’s hair grows approximately the same - 1 centimeter per month. You can resort to the help of various growth stimulants - then there is a chance to speed up this process, but a haircut will definitely not help here.

Do the phases of the moon really affect the result of a haircut and hair in general?

I can say for sure that the moon affects the ebb and flow of the tides. But its influence on haircuts has not yet been proven by anyone. Although there are girls who strictly adhere to this theory - they cut their hair only according to the lunar calendar. But if it really was related to the phases of the moon, hairdressers would only work on certain days, and beauty salons would be closed the rest of the time. What's the point?

Is cutting with hot scissors effective?

No, it is absolutely not effective. This is a commercial story, and very well promoted. When cutting with hot scissors, the ends are supposedly sealed, and all the nutritional components remain inside the hair. But let's face it: the temperature of the scissors is almost the same as that of a straightening iron - but it doesn't seal your ends. Strange, don't you agree?

You are mistaken if you imagine hair as a glass tube or rubber hose. It has scales that are located along the entire length and tend to open.

Even if you manage to somehow miraculously seal the tip, all the nutrients will easily come out through these scales. Therefore, I believe that there is no point in spending money on this. It is better to rely on quality care aimed at nourishing, strengthening, moisturizing and restoring your hair type.

What are the disadvantages of cutting hair with hot scissors?

There are two obvious ones: absolute inefficiency and high cost. That is, you get the same haircut as with regular scissors, but at a higher price.

Yes, no one says that any haircut will save your ends - there is always a chance that you will end up with a hairdresser who does not take care of his tools. If he has dull scissors, they will not cut, but break the ends, and most likely the need to cut the hair will soon arise again.

Is it true that styling with hot tools slows down hair growth?

It spoils - partially yes, slows down growth - definitely not. It rather slows down the normal growth of length - that is, hair grows from the bulb, and not from the ends. New hair will grow regardless of whether you use a straightening iron or not.

But if you use hot tools very often and without additional thermal protection, then naturally you damage your hair with high temperatures. In this case, it is primarily the keratin that suffers. When it breaks down, the hair begins to break. This is why the tips are the most vulnerable area. But even without the intervention of a straightening, the hair suffers - from the sun, water, air. These three natural oxidizing agents also affect the breakdown of keratin.

Daniel Ferrando Art director of beauty salons "Moskvichka Brow&Beauty Bar"

Which haircuts are forever outdated?

Everything that requires serious daily styling is irrevocably a thing of the past. Haircuts that always look natural are in trend - and it doesn’t matter whether you used several styling products or simply dried your hair hastily.

What anti-trends in men's haircuts would you highlight?

Aggressively shaved heads and square haircuts are no longer relevant. Now the trend is moving towards calmer, classic hairstyles - it will be difficult to “miss” here. But it’s definitely time to give up the “a la footballer” style.

Should you cut your hair with a straight razor?

Personally, I never use this technique in my work - I prefer classical methods. They resort to using a straight razor when they want to get a rough, even cut, but this technique destroys the ends of the hair. As a result, they begin to split. But you can work with a razor inside the length to create volume and texture.

Which haircuts require minimal styling afterwards?

Today there are hundreds of haircut options that don’t require styling at all. For example, an uneven square. This is especially applicable to haircuts with some kind of obvious contrast or graduation - and you can choose one for absolutely any hair length and texture.

Is it true that split ends can only be removed by a haircut?

There are many hair oils that can nourish split ends and help put off a trip to the hairdresser. But still, I advise you to cut off two millimeters at least every 2-3 months - then this problem will not bother you at all.

Elvira Toiskina Hair stylist at the INHYPE BEAUTY ZONE beauty space

What to do if your hair grows too slowly?

In this case, I always recommend that my clients contact a good trichologist and do a full analysis of the hair and hair follicles. Your doctor will explain why your hair growth has slowed down or, for example, you are experiencing hair loss, and will be able to prescribe an appropriate course of treatment.

How to correctly explain to the hairdresser what kind of haircut is needed?

If you encounter this problem and end up with a different haircut than you wanted, try changing your approach. Instead of explaining what you want to see on your head, talk about what you don’t want to see - for maximum clarity, show photos saved on your mobile phone.

And only then explain what kind of haircut you want - again, with clear examples from the Internet. Then the likelihood that you and the master will understand each other will increase.

How do you know which haircut is right for you?

In fact, there are many factors: face shape, hair thickness, hair quality and your personal preferences. You can analyze your face shape yourself by simply looking in the mirror, and Google beauty images of celebrities with the same shape. You should show the haircut that you like best to the stylist - this way there will be more chances for a successful result.

How to determine when it's time to update your haircut?

Personally, I advise updating your haircut once a month - this is the most ideal option, which does not force you to determine anything at all. But if you don’t want to get your hair cut so often, just watch the quality of your hair.

When the ends begin to tangle, the length of the hair becomes uncomfortable and, in principle, the appearance is no longer satisfactory, then you need to visit a hairdresser.

Is there a haircut that will add volume?

A haircut physically cannot give volume to the hair, but there are techniques that lighten the hair - for example, cutting in layers. In any case, for the effect to be truly noticeable, it is worth additionally using styling products for root volume. Then the haircut in combination with styling will give the desired result.

Who is suitable for a current haircut with an even cut?

This is one of those options that suits absolutely everyone - especially girls with thin hair (look for other universal options). An even cut visually adds thickness and looks good on both straight and wavy hair.

Alina Belyaeva Stylist Beauty Detox Bar

What to do if your hair quickly begins to split after a haircut?

To begin with, it is worth adding moisturizing hair care to your beauty routine - for example, making nourishing masks more often. And don’t forget about thermal protection in the form of a spray or cream when using hot tools.

Does coloring affect the choice of haircut?

Some people think that only a layered haircut is suitable for girls with balayage, and coloring on straight hair looks less advantageous. I don’t agree with this opinion - coloring largely depends on the client’s color type, and you can’t ruin it with a haircut.

What haircuts are suitable for owners of fluffy or curly hair?

In fact, those with curly hair have no idea how lucky they are. They are the easiest to style - the main thing is to choose the right styling product. As for haircuts, the hairdresser always starts from the shape of the face. In my opinion, you can choose absolutely any hairstyle, from a cascade to a fashionable bob.

Does short hair suit everyone?

Short haircuts suit everyone, but it's important to choose the right one. Here, a competent stylist must take into account the shape of the client’s skull and facial features, and only then decide whether to make the haircut more round or slightly triangular.

How to cut bangs so that they require minimal styling?

A well-chosen bang can significantly change a woman’s image, but even here it is very important to choose the shape and pay attention to the natural structure of the hair.

For example, perfectly straight thin hair will always take on its usual appearance - in this case, straight and graduated bangs are suitable (especially if the face shape is elongated). This technique will also help you look several years younger. For girls with thick and dense hair, elongated bangs that take the form of a haircut are suitable.

What face shape doesn't suit bangs at all?

In the 21st century, the beauty industry does not stand still - there are so many types of haircuts and bangs that everyone can choose their own. There are no limits, just do what suits you! For example, any bangs will suit an oval face shape, oblique, asymmetrical and graduated bangs will suit a round face, and elongated oblique bangs will suit a rectangular face to soften the angularity.

Olga Martynenko Stylist at the White Garden health and beauty center

Is it possible to “try on” bangs?

Yes, for this you need to do the appropriate styling. Create a high ponytail - if your hair is medium length, do it at the very top of your head. Throw the tail forward over your face and secure it at the base with bobby pins to secure it in this position, and press the ends with your hand to your forehead.

This way you can “try on” your bangs, adjusting the length and thickness. This is one of the most effective ways to understand whether bangs suit you or not.

How to style bangs while they are growing?

If you decide to grow your bangs, then it is better to give it a shape and lengthen it from the face - let it be a little shorter in the center and longer towards the temples. You can style your bangs away from your face, lightly fixing them with varnish. This way it will grow back beautifully and neatly.

How to make sure your bangs lie well after a haircut?

It all depends on the shape of the bangs, but in any case it is better to dry them with a hairdryer using a round brush, setting the desired direction. All you have to do is choose whether to give your hair volume at the roots or make your bangs straight and smooth. You can be inspired by stellar ideas.

Why is haircut always done on clean hair?

A haircut should always be done on clean, freshly shampooed hair - and this applies to both women's and men's haircuts. When the curls are clean, they have a uniform texture - this allows you to comb them well and thoroughly from roots to ends and divide them into equal and symmetrical partings. Only in this case can you get a good and high-quality haircut.

In what cases is thinning your hair really necessary?

Thinning is already much less commonly used in women's haircuts. There are many techniques that help you get a very good result and a fashionable texture without it. But in men's haircuts this technique is still often used.

Which haircut can be considered the most popular?

This is a trend that looks set to become a classic. Most often, a haircut is made with tight ends around the perimeter and at the same time a well-developed shape - this helps to give the hair volume. One of the fashionable options is an elongated bob.

Text: Anastasia Speranskaya