How to choose lipstick to suit your face and eyes. How to choose dark lipstick: purple, black, blue and green


Lipstick is an important component women's cosmetic bag. With its help, you can correct the shape of your lips, refresh your entire image, or in the blink of an eye transform from an angelic young lady into a femme fatale vamp. The range of products today is huge, and the number of shades is amazing. Let's try to find out how to choose lipstick according to the color of your eyes and hair and how not to make a mistake when choosing.

When choosing a lip product, any girl expects that it will serve her faithfully and never let her down. In order not to be disappointed in your choice, you need to approach this process carefully and responsibly:

  • A good quality coating is not felt when worn, lies smoothly and easily and does not spread under the influence of sunlight;
  • The smell of the product should be pleasant and unobtrusive, the texture and color uniform, and there should be no droplets of moisture on the rod;
  • When testing a sample in a store, do not paint your lips with it! Try it on your fingertip. This way both color and texture will be visible. You can also put your finger to your lips without touching them and see whether a particular color will look good;
  • Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date, specified by the manufacturer on the package.

The shelf life of the opened product is one year, because over time it chemical composition may change, rendering the product unusable.

Mistakes when choosing lipstick

Very often, when thinking about which lipstick to choose, girls make the same mistakes. Here are the most common ones:

  1. Buying the same product as a friend. A fundamentally wrong principle. After all, you are the owner of completely different lips, a different tone and type of skin, a different color of hair and eyes, which means that what is ideal product for one representative of the fair sex, it will not necessarily suit another. It is important to know how to choose lipstick based on your individual characteristics;
  2. Choice out of habit. Many girls, having made their choice once, remain faithful to it for a very long time. But the problem is that the shades of the same number in different batches may differ slightly. In addition, over time, the tone and condition of the epidermis, the color of the curls change (for example, lipstick for brown-haired women is not always suitable for red-haired young ladies), and the change of seasons also affects how to choose lipstick. And, of course, the event you are going to, be it work, a romantic date, a business lunch or festive dinner, dictates its own terms on how to choose a shade of lipstick.
  3. Spontaneity and thoughtlessness. The purchase should be an informed decision with an understanding of what texture and shade the product should be. Before purchasing in a store, you should definitely do a test of the product on your fingertips, which we talked about above, so as not to regret wasted money.

How to choose lipstick taking into account individual characteristics

We discussed the general principles of selection of funds above. Now let's see how to choose lipstick, taking into account individual appearance features.

Color of the skin

All lipstick shades are divided into:

Skin undertones can also be cool, warm or neutral. To find out your undertone, hold silver and gold foil to your face in turn and determine with which shade your face looks most harmonious and advantageous. If silver color suits you more, it means your skin has a cool undertone, and if golden, then you are the owner warm undertone. If both colors are equally good for you, then your dermis is neutral.

There is a general rule by which you can learn how to choose the color of lipstick to suit your face.

Warm shades are selected for warm skin tones, and cool shades are selected for cool skin tones. Any paint goes well with a neutral undertone.

The photo below shows a diagram, by looking at which you can understand how to choose lipstick depending on the tone of the skin.

Eye color

Another nuance of appearance that affects how to choose a lipstick shade is the iris of the eyes. How to choose lipstick for brown eyes, and what is best for gray eyes? Let's figure it out.

  • WITH gray eyes beige and plum shades get along well;
  • If you have a blue iris, we advise you to prefer pink, cherry, and wine tones. It will be an excellent option for you No. 370 In A Rosegarden;
  • The best shades for green-eyed people are terracotta, pink and red-orange;
  • Light brown eyes can be emphasized with bright red, beige and brown tones, and darker ones - pale pink and light beige.

Bright shades require perfect skin condition and tone, so prepare your face thoroughly before applying them!

Hair color

How to choose lipstick to suit your face based on your hair color? It is important to know that hair also comes with cold and warm undertones.


First, let's decide on lipstick shades for blondes:

  • Platinum blondes with cool undertones will suit pink and lilac finishes;
  • For blonde with dark skin great options are peach, light brown, coral;
  • TO wheat hair orange and translucent pink are suitable for golden skin and “cold” skin;
  • For those who have “warm” curls and a dark complexion, you can choose lipstick in peach and red shades. pay attention to №051 Muse Red.

Take a look at these photos of celebrity blondes:


If you have dark hair, check out how to choose lipstick for brunettes:

  • White-skinned girls with blue-black hair bright scarlet and cold wine tones are optimal;
  • Lipstick for dark-skinned brunettes with ice in their hair – brick red, warm scarlet, brown;
  • The best shades for dark hair with a warm tint, but pale face– bright pinks and rich reds;
  • If both your hair and skin are “warm”, then try to choose a lipstick with a warm, rich color.

You can understand how to choose the right lipstick for brunettes by looking at photos of dark-haired celebrities:


Lipstick colors for fair-haired women vary according to the same “warm-cold” rule:

  • Great options for brown hair and skin with a cold tint will have red, pink and beige shades;
  • For “cold” fair-haired beauties with olive skin, you can choose pink and nude tones;
  • If there are warm highlights in your light brown curls, and your face is pale porcelain, then it is better to choose golden and pink-beige shades;
  • “Warm” brown hair and skin can be emphasized with rich wine, plum, and red products.

Look what lipstick suits the light brown locks of famous young ladies:


Now we’ll find out which lipstick suits red hair, given that such curls are always “warm”. Therefore, red-haired girls only need to decide on the undertone of their skin:

  • If the undertone is warm, then you can choose brown, orange and soft lipsticks pink shades;
  • If the skin is snow-white, then lipstick for redheads will have translucent pink and nude tones.

These fiery-haired stars know exactly how to choose lipstick to match their luxurious locks:


In, how to choose a lipstick shade according to your age, also has its own secrets and rules:

  1. At all young girls Makeup artists also recommend that girls use translucent glosses.
  2. Girls a little older can safely experiment with colors and textures. And when, if not in youth? Bright neon colors, fuchsia, shades of ripe berries, bold lilac - all these tones are yours. Finishes can be either glossy or matte, metallic or satin. Bold decision#08 Toxicity;
  3. Young, confident women can choose shades: classic scarlet, brick, brown-red, crimson, coral. The assortment is truly colossal.
  4. After 40 years, delicate, powdery, dusty shades will look good, but deep, rich tones will also be appropriate. It is worth abandoning matte textures. They have drying properties and focus attention on wrinkles.
  5. How to choose lipstick taking into account external factors

    Not only individual parameters influence how to choose a lipstick shade, but also environmental factors.

    Times of Day

    For daytime makeup the range of decorative products should be close to the color skin, and the texture is light and delicate. It can be soft pink, light brown, soft salmon, peach, beige.

    The following video provides an overview of nude lipsticks for daytime makeup:

    Evening make-up involves using more bright colors. Red, terracotta, brown, wine, burgundy options are ideal for an evening out.


    In spring and summer, juicy and bright colors. Nude tones will also be good.

    You should prefer a darker and deeper range of decorative products. Also, don't forget to lightly exfoliate your lips weekly and use moisturizing balms to keep your lips in tip-top condition. After all, sloppiness in application decorative product It will only ruin your appearance.

It's no secret to any woman that lipstick color is considered the main touch of makeup. With one stroke it is easy to transform beyond recognition and create a new image, but in the absence of experience, the wrong choice can easily spoil all the efforts made in advance. Before choosing lipstick, you need to study some rules and recommendations of cosmetologists and makeup artists, who will certainly help you cope with this difficult task with dignity.

Common mistakes and important rules when choosing lipstick

Before choosing the color of your lipstick, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the most common and even dangerous mistakes that can lead to serious trouble. One of the mistakes that women make is choosing a lip product without even thinking about how it suits them. They are guided by the opinion that it is bright and rich, which means beautiful. You shouldn’t do this - not all the products you like look great on your lips.

Using a tester is a must before purchasing a new cosmetic bag accessory. Cosmetologists warn that you should not apply the product directly to your face, as there is a risk of contracting quite dangerous diseases. One stroke on the pads of your fingers is enough to determine the desired tone - just put them on your lips and see how the chosen color will look on your face.

Another common mistake is that for many women it is enough to choose an accessory once, then they try to purchase the product, paying attention only to the number. Then you only have to wonder why with each new tube your makeup looks worse and worse. It's simple - despite the formulas, manufacturers are unable to accurately reproduce shades, so there is a risk that each batch of products will be different. We should also not forget about changes in the skin - if in summer some shades look exquisite on a tanned dermis, in winter they will look rather ridiculous.

There are several rules to consider when purchasing lip products:

  • choose the color of lipstick to match the skin of your face;
  • in summer or spring use warm nude tones, in winter - darker and more saturated;
  • if a remedy is chosen evening makeup, pay attention to extravagant bright colors, for daytime use - light natural ones.

Do you know? There is a little trick that is recommended when buying lip products. You need to swab your wrist (in the area of ​​the veins) and see if the vessels are visible. If even two strokes are not enough to hide the veins, it is better to refuse the purchase.

Main types of lipstick shades

The artistic environment is the main source of the concept of shades, which cosmetology borrowed. Thanks to different colors easy to create new looks - create makeup for every day, for festive events, romantic dates, business meetings.

Lipstick shades are divided into several groups - neutral, warm, cold. In turn, each of these categories is divided into subgroups - saturated, medium, bright.

Warm shades of lipstick (calm, vital, gentle):

  • coral;
  • peach;
  • orange.

Cool colors include the entire palette of pink shades. Even the ash-pink color, which many women consider warm, is classified by cosmetologists as a “cold” color. Neutral shades terracotta, beige and all shades of brown are considered.

Red lipstick, which many women like so much, is also considered cool. The only exception is tones reminiscent of a scarlet poppy. They belong to the warm group.

Important! One of the makeup rules that women need to remember is that the shades of lipstick should be in harmony with the overall appearance. The color type is usually determined by the pigment of the skin, the color of the hair, and the color of the membrane of the pupils.

How to match lipstick color to hair

If you focus on your hair, choosing the color of lipstick for your lips is not too difficult. There are combinations that have become classic in cosmetology, but every rule has its exceptions.

Do not forget that the color of lipstick should be selected not only to match the color of the strands, but also to match the tone of the eyes or skin. The combination of lip product and hair shade is not all the requirements that will have to be taken into account when purchasing.

For blondes

What lipstick suitable for owners light strands is a question that worries many blondes who cannot independently choose the most effective shade. Cosmetologists recommend taking a closer look at caramel, peach and lilac colors. Pink shades look no less attractive on the lips of blondes.

To ladies who are proud not only blond hair, but also snow-white skin, you should pay attention to scarlet tones. Choose the right saturated shades - a pale palette in such cases will play a bad role.


It is not difficult for owners of black hair and light skin to choose a lipstick tone - you should choose scarlet and wine tones. Required condition- cold tide.

For warm-toned black hair, a rich red lip product is perfect. The bright pink color scheme looks no less impressive on the face, but only with suitable makeup.

A warm tone suits all brunettes, but provided that the product has a rich pigment. It is better not to use faded and pale palettes - the makeup will look rather unattractive.


Red-haired young ladies are advised to study their skin tone before choosing lipstick. Since copper hair color almost always has a warm glow, it is the dermis that you have to focus on.

If the skin glow is warm, it is recommended to stick to orange or light brown lip products. A pink range of shades is also allowed, but not too saturated.

Those with cool undertones will have to stick to nude colors. Pink light palette also looks great on the lips, but you have to be careful when applying the rest of your makeup - it’s easy to overdo it.

Lucky are the ladies who can boast golden hair and olive complexions - they are recommended to use richer and brighter colors. Wine, bright red and even plum palettes look great on the face.


Pale skin combined with light brown hair is an excellent background for red lipstick. For light brown hair, beige or pink colors will also serve as an excellent service, but subject to suitable makeup.

What lipsticks are suitable for fair-haired girls with porcelain-white skin? Golden or even beige lip colors will also perfectly highlight your style and look.

Before choosing a lipstick color, fair-haired young ladies are advised to carefully examine the tint of their curls and the pigment of their skin. If there are cold highlights in the strands, and the skin warm color, you'll have to stop at pink tones(you can use the whole range) or nude shades.

Rules for choosing lipstick according to skin color

There is one more rule on how to choose the right lipstick. You will have to take into account the shade of the skin, which can also be cold, neutral and warm.

Based on skin color, ladies are conventionally divided into the following groups:

  • porcelain tones (pink dermis, with thin reddish veins);
  • olive ( dark skin with a hint of olive);
  • dark (owners of black skin);
  • neutral (ladies with fair skin).

It is quite difficult to determine the color of lipstick based on the color type of the skin without additional requirements, and not all women succeed in this correctly. You also need to take into account the cold or warm tones of the dermis. In order to avoid mistakes and lipstick that matches your skin color does not spoil the overall impression of your makeup, it is recommended to use a simple test. You need to remember which metals predominate among jewelry - gold or silver. If a woman wears gold with pleasure, most likely her dermis is of a warm shade. Love for silver is a signal that skin colors are cool.

About existing color types and correct selection lipsticks described in the video:


Ladies with light skin (porcelain, neutral) are recommended to replenish their cosmetic bag accessories with a pale palette. Nude tones go well with the skin, especially if you apply makeup in a similar style, focusing on the eyes.

Red or raspberry lipstick for fair skin is also a godsend, especially if you need to create a festive or romantic image. Pale pink color scheme is another necessary addition to mysterious image. Light lipstick combined with bright makeup will decorate any owner of a porcelain delicate dermis.

Cool shades of lipstick are also welcome. It is recommended not to overuse and determine in advance how well they suit your eyes or hair color.


Choosing a lipstick to match your hair color is not always an ideal option if the shade of your skin has not been taken into account. Those with dark complexions will have to work hard and become familiar with the basic rules that will allow them to make the most effective lip product.

Ideal lipstick color for dark skin– brown or plum tones. Do not use a palette that is too pale - it combines rather unnaturally with bright makeup and olive skin.

Advice! Goes great with a tan and bright orange or scarlet poppies. By adding such accessories to your cosmetic bag, you can be sure of success with the opposite sex - your lips will look seductive, standing out on your face with bright and attractive curves.

How to choose lipstick based on eye color

The easiest way to choose a lip product is to match your eye color. Of course, you shouldn’t forget about the shade of your skin or hair color, but it’s the eyes that often tell you which color scheme designed to decorate the face and complete makeup.

The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that after applying makeup and its finishing touch on the lips, a woman should look not just beautiful, but also natural. Abuse of products will lead to the fact that even the most sophisticated cosmetics will give a hint of vulgarity and unnaturalness, and the wrong lipstick color will only aggravate the situation.

Lipstick to match your eye color is usually determined simply - there are time-tested rules that need to be taken into account when going to the store for a new accessory for your cosmetic bag.

For the green ones

For green-eyed beauties, rules on how to choose lipstick, not too much. Cosmetologists recommend adding accessories for “war paint” with terracotta, orange, and pink colors.

More suitable for romantic parties or dates bright shades, but it’s better not to overuse it, especially if you have no experience in applying such makeup. A brown palette also goes well with green eyes, but be sure to make sure that the product is matte - shine can reduce the effect of overall makeup.

For brown

Owners of brown eyes are also often faced with the problem of how to choose the color of lipstick to match their face so that the makeup looks stylish and skillfully complements the pre-planned image. Image makers recommend choosing the following shades:

  • brown;
  • chocolate;
  • Bordeaux;
  • plums

Attention! The red palette goes no less seductively with brown eyes, and you can purchase all shades - from light to almost black.

For gays

When asked what lipstick suits blue eyes, image makers will confidently answer that women need to be careful when adding to their arsenal. You should stop at beige shades, take a closer look at the cherry palette.

Cool tones of lipstick will make your eye color icy. If you are planning a romantic meeting or date, it is better to refuse such a choice, but for a business conversation this image is perfect.

For the gray ones

Gray-eyed beauties are also not too lucky with the color of their main facial decoration. If you overdo it and make the wrong choice, it is easy to create the effect of “glassy” eyes, which often happens when using a cold palette of lip products.

It is recommended to select a lipstick color from the cherry palette. As with blue-eyed women, you should take a closer look at beige tones. Plum lip products will no less effectively make an accent, decorating even everyday discreet makeup.

Advice! Nude will also decorate the face well, but only if the hair color is light or brown. Brunettes are better off avoiding such experiments - the nude color scheme does not go well with blue eyes and black curls.

Experts also have a considerable arsenal of useful tips that you need to consider when going to the store for a new item for your cosmetics bag. Makeup artists recommend taking into account not only the eyes, hair and skin color, but also the shade of the teeth and even the size of the mouth.

Ladies who cannot boast of a snow-white, chic smile should avoid bright red, beige or brown palettes. Which lipstick to choose for yellowish teeth? It’s better to stick to nude, pink tones, always matte. Subtle colors will partially disguise the yellowness of teeth. If the smile is snow-white, any tone will suit your face, especially if you take care in advance that the product matches the hair, eyes and skin.

To choose a cosmetic bag accessory according to the shape of your lips, you should familiarize yourself with the following recommendations from makeup artists:

  • light colors skillfully emphasize the shape, give new images, and, if necessary, straighten the lines;
  • Gloss can easily add shine, which will decorate your makeup for an evening date;
  • dark shades visually make the lips smaller, making them strict, toned; if you use the gamma wisely, it’s easy to create a seductive and promising image;
  • It is better not to overuse mother-of-pearl tones for women who have imperfections on their lips - such experiments will highlight the defects, even if the imperfections were minor, mother-of-pearl will make them too obvious;
  • matte palettes have their drawbacks - they relieve swelling of the lips, so those with thin, inconspicuous mouths are better off not using such products.

There is a little trick that makeup artists often use when they need to achieve the effect of lip augmentation. It is recommended to make an outwardly inconspicuous part of the face brighter and more expressive using a simple technique - apply an even layer along the contour dark tone, and in the middle it is almost transparent. The effect of this makeup is amazing - even thin lips will become plump and acquire seductive lines. Another technique that allows you to visually enlarge the part of the face where nature has saved a little is to complete the makeup with the use of glitter. The main thing is not to overdo it; too dark a shade in combination with shine can create a vulgar effect.

Makeup artists also recommend that when choosing a lip product, you should be guided by age characteristics. Young girls are better off sticking to light, warm shades. Older ladies will have to create their image with dark colors, but it’s better not to overdo it. It is not recommended to get carried away with an expressive palette - it will play an evil role. Little secret for older ladies - pastel shades should not be used under any circumstances. Such shades emphasize wrinkles too clearly - even if you managed to hide the signs of age, a pastel palette will highlight all the imperfections.

When asked how to choose the right lipstick color, makeup artists will give you another helpful advice– be sure to test the product when purchasing. It is not necessary to use a tester, which is a rather dangerous accessory (there is a risk of contracting serious diseases, especially if there are wounds or cracks on the lips). IN good stores Disposable probes are offered that are perfect for such purposes. Applying the product will determine whether the selected tone is suitable. If doubts remain, it is better to refuse the purchase and turn your attention to another tube.

Plus 6 lipstick tricks every girl should try:

Choosing a lipstick color that perfectly suits your face and complements any makeup is not at all easy, as many women believe. To look like a stylish, well-groomed young lady, you will have to put in a lot of effort and be patient. You should not buy the first lip product you like - intuition is a bad helper here. Only strict adherence to the recommendations of specialists will allow you not to make a mistake and replenish your arsenal of cosmetics with the necessary and suitable accessory.

Let's try to figure out who lipstick is coming beige and how to choose it. After all, this color seems boring at first, but on the lips it can look absolutely gorgeous!

It’s worth noting right away that nude lipstick and beige lipstick are different categories of lipsticks. Any lipstick of a natural shade can be nude. Beige is light tone with obligatory dominance of brown.

General rules for choosing lipstick color

Who would have thought that choosing a color is similar to analyzing the economic activity of an enterprise. Likewise, there are many factors to consider. Namely:

  1. Skin, eye and hair color.
  2. Contrast of appearance.
  3. Color and shape of teeth.
  4. Fashion style.
  5. Lip shape and size.
  6. Properties of the lipstick itself.
  7. Age and color type.
  8. Times of Day.
  9. Lighting.

Beige lipstick shades

This color can have the following shades:

  1. Grey-beige.
  2. Neutral.
  3. Lilac-beige.
  4. Pink beige.
  5. Brown-beige.
  6. Peachy beige.
  7. Yellow-beige.
  8. Green-beige.
  9. Orange-beige.

Of course, in the names of lipsticks there are more delicious and imaginative descriptions: caramel, peach. Beige lipstick can also be found among nude lipsticks with the description “flesh”, “natural”, “natural”. Green- beige lipstick- a huge rarity, but this tone called Shroom can be found, for example, in Lime Crime in the Velvetines series. A very original shade that can look amazingly soft and warm on girls of the autumn color type and appear ridiculously swamp-green on anyone else.

Lipstick and skin color: general rules for choosing

All shades should be selected taking into account skin tone, but nude lipsticks are the most demanding in this regard. If the classic red color makes almost any skin lighter and more aristocratic, then a universal nude simply does not exist.

Beige lipstick suits any skin and hair color, if, of course, you choose the right shade. Which is not easy - beige is considered capricious. Many bloggers have found their ideal beige or nude color solely through numerous and not always cheap samples.

It is important to consider not only your skin tone, but also your undertone. Undertone is the radiance that gives individuality to skin color. This nuance may be disharmonious with the chosen shade of lipstick, even if it matches the main color. It is more difficult to determine the undertone, but it is possible: you should study the veins on the wrists. If they are lilac or bluish, then the undertone is cold; if they are greenish, then the undertone is warm. If you find it difficult to say whether they are warm or cold, then your option is neutral, you are lucky, you can have the most beige lipsticks in your arsenal different shades, duochromes will look especially interesting, for example beige with silver shimmer.

In general, beige lipstick suits Europeans much less often than dark-skinned or tanned women, but you can use the negative effect, that is, choose a beige lipstick that does not match the tone of your lips, but is much darker.

Beige and skin color

Let's consider in what range of beige shades girls with different skin colors should look for their color.

  • Very bright skin. This is also called porcelain. Beige shades are not recommended, except for very light and translucent shades. Full beige on such delicate skin can look rough and dirty. It is advisable to choose light beige-pink or dusty pink.
  • Girls with very fair, but not white skin should also pay attention to beige with a touch of pink. And also lilac or peach, depending on whether the skin tone is warm or cold.
  • considered neutral. So suits girls Almost all. Certainly, beige color should be more intense than for the previous two categories. It is worth paying attention to caramel and apricot-beige shades.
  • Medium skin color - in this case shades of caramel, beige and lilac are suitable.
  • Dark skin - shades of milk chocolate or latte.

Lipstick finish

Texture is very important. An illiterate choice of texture can “kill” even the most successful shade.

So the finish could be:

  1. Glossy.
  2. Matte.
  3. Wet.
  4. Translucent.
  5. Pearl.

A matte finish is rarely recommended in beige, although plump lips oh he looks amazing. But if your lips are thin, it is still better to use lipstick with gloss. Matte beige lipstick can completely “kill” thin lips, making them completely invisible, while gloss will add much-needed volume.

Pearlescent beige is very beautiful, but requires well-prepared lips and perfect smooth face, otherwise it will highlight all the wrinkles and strengthen them.

Choosing lipstick depending on age

General rules for choosing lipstick depending on age:

  1. For young girls - light and gentle.
  2. For young women - juicy.
  3. For mature women- rich matte.

Beige lipstick is no exception. Despite the fact that this color is definitely light and neutral, it can be delicate, glossy, rich, matte, contrasting, etc.

How to choose a shade

If it is not possible to purchase a tester and try it directly on your lips, you can focus on:

  1. Testers in stores.
  2. Reviews.

There are several important points to consider:

  1. Under artificial lighting (in a store), the impression of color changes quite dramatically. If the light is cold (in most stores), it distorts cool shades most of all: beige-lilac, beige-pink. If the light is warm, then you should be even more careful - it can distort the beige color beyond recognition, especially if it is warm golden-cinnamon tones.

Skin and hair tone - the main guidelines when choosing the right one decorative cosmetics. This is especially true for lip coverings, which are the finishing touch perfect makeup. An incorrectly selected product can easily ruin even a well-thought-out image.

How to choose lipstick color?

Before the purchase cosmetic product The following individual characteristics should be carefully studied:

  • mouth shape and size;
  • woman's age;
  • condition of the epidermis;
  • familiar shades of makeup.

Here's how to choose lipstick color for your lips depending on their width and shape:

A few more tips on how to choose the right lipstick:

  1. The tone should match the woman's age. For young girls You can experiment with bold shades; in maturity, classic options are preferred.
  2. Dry skin requires the application of moisturizing and nourishing textures. Matte cosmetics and products with increased durability in this case are not suitable, they will aggravate the condition of the epidermis.
  3. The emphasis in make-up is either on the lips or on the eyes. Depending on what the woman highlights, the shade of the decorative product is selected. If the main detail of the makeup is the mouth, it is designed in bright colors. When the emphasis is on the eyes, it is better to use nude coverage.

How to choose dark lipstick?

Deep shades are ideal for women with a sensual, neatly and clearly defined mouth. They look great on plump and wide lips, especially in. There are several rules for choosing dark lipstick depending on its basis:

Nude lipstick – how to choose?

The choice of nude colors depends on your skin undertone. It can be easily identified by carefully examining the veins on the wrists and elbows. If they are blue-blue or lilac, the nude lipstick should be a cool color. Greenish and light brown veins are a sign of a warm undertone; yellow and orange pigments are preferred in cosmetics. When a specific color is not visible, any neutral shades will do.

Here's how to choose a nude lipstick:

How to choose red lipstick?

This color has ceased to be a detail of exclusively evening make-up and has taken a strong position in Everyday life. Modern stylists suggest wearing it to all women and give valuable recommendations How to choose a shade of red lipstick that matches your skin undertone:

  • light (cold) – juicy berry coating;
  • natural beige – classic red color;
  • dark (swarthy, warm) – burgundy, wine tone.

The base shade is not the only criterion for choosing cosmetics. In tips on how to choose the right lipstick color, attention is paid to the eyes. The lighter the iris, the brighter and more saturated the coating should be. For example, brown-eyed women would be better suited deep noble tone of the product, and for ladies with blue eyes - lipstick of the purest red tone.

How to choose lipstick to match your hair color?

The shade of the curls plays important role, because it emphasizes the entire make-up, including lip coverings. When choosing a product, you must be guided by all of the above rules and at the same time take into account your hair color. Makeup artists distinguish 3 main tones of strands:

  • dark;
  • light;
  • ginger.

Here's how to choose lipstick for brunettes:

  1. White-skinned women with dark or black curls suit all shades except dark and bright orange colors.
  2. Brown-haired and brunette women with a neutral skin tone can paint with any palette with a brown-beige base.
  3. Dark, dark-haired ladies look great with bright and luscious lips that contrast with their skin.

Here's how to choose lipstick for blondes and redheads:

Lipstick to match your skin tone

Having learned to determine the undertone of the epidermis and the shade of the hair, choosing a coating is simple, following the rules for your type. In a cosmetic store, you need to remember a few recommendations on how to choose lipstick to suit your face in artificial light:

  1. Apply a small amount to the tip of your finger, not to your wrist or hand.
  2. Run the probe over a clean white sheet paper
  3. Examine the “samples” in natural light from different angles. This way you can discover their base undertone.

What lipstick color suits dark skin?

Tanned, brown or bronze face has a warm undertone, so cosmetics should be selected in a similar or neutral palette. Suitable color lipsticks for dark skin:

  • scarlet;
  • golden beige;
  • wine;
  • red;
  • chocolate;
  • ocher;
  • caramel;
  • terracotta;
  • coffee with milk;
  • tomato;
  • brown;
  • Marsala;
  • bronze;
  • dark coral;
  • Bordeaux;
  • hot pink.

Lipstick color for fair skin

An almost white, “alabaster” face is combined with appropriate cold, restrained shades of decorative cosmetics. Harmonious color lipsticks for pale skin:

  • light pink;
  • light coral;
  • salmon;
  • plum;
  • beige;
  • cherry;
  • pink-lilac;
  • strawberry;
  • lilac;
  • hot pink;
  • rich red;
  • crimson;
  • coral pink;
  • light purple;
  • warm sienna;
  • pinkish carmine.

It is not for nothing that lips are considered the most sensual part of the face. Even though the eyes are the mirror of the soul, not everyone dares to look into them. But lips are always visible, and with their help you can talk about a lot without words. But sometimes you can even read from the lips what their owner would prefer to hide: age, fatigue, Bad mood... All this becomes obvious if a woman does not know how to choose lipstick taking into account their shape, complexion and clothing style. All this can be either emphasized or spoiled just bad shade lipstick.

Correctly selected lipstick should visually enlarge thin lips and expressively emphasize the beauty of plump lips. Sometimes creams, serums and cosmetic procedures do not have as strong an effect as lipstick chosen taking into account individual characteristics. If you manage to choose a lipstick the right color- she, as if by magic, will make you more attractive and younger. And also - more confident in yourself. This is the secret of choosing lipstick.

Large selection of lipsticks. How to choose lipstick by type and composition?
Women painted their lips long before the beginning of our era, so we can say that beauty for them is a kind of religion that unites all continents and races. In ancient times, lipstick was made from dyes extracted from plants. minerals, wax and other natural ingredients. We can assume that such cosmetics were natural and affordable, but to what extent did they fulfill their decorative function? To obtain their favorite dark shades of lipstick, Egyptians had to use shellfish, dried plants, and even insects. Fortunately, the cosmetics industry has come a long way since then, and today we can choose lipstick not only by color, but also by our goals:

  • Chapstick, or lip balm usually have no color, but may have light natural tint and unobtrusive shine. the main task This product is to protect the skin of the lips from wind, cold and dehydration, making them healthy and attractive.
  • Glossy, matte, satin, pearlescent– the texture of lipstick can be any, it depends on fashion, age, time of day, the rest of the makeup and the image as a whole. Texture affects visual perception lipstick colors and lip shapes.
  • Moisturizing and/or nourishing lipstick designed to solve related problems. As a rule, moisturizing lipsticks have a lower density and are used in warm time year, and nourishing lipsticks are considered thicker in winter.
  • Long lasting, waterproof lipstick created only in the middle of the twentieth century. It became a response to the new realities of life: it remains on the lips after kissing, eating, bathing.
  • Lip plumping lipstick– one of the most modern multifunctional cosmetics. Irritates the skin of the lips and provokes their enlargement due to pepper and/or similar components in the composition.
And yet, the first thing we see when looking at painted lips is the color of the lipstick. It is he who saves the situation or spoils the situation, even if you chose all the other characteristics (lipstick composition, texture and durability) correctly. Therefore, it is correct to choose lipstick first of all by color, focusing on theory color types and some other nuances.

How to choose lipstick by color?
Fashionable lipstick shades change like in a kaleidoscope: after classic red, stylists switch to neutral beige, and then suddenly get carried away with thick berry tones. How I want to try on all this splendor! By testing a new lipstick color, you risk visually adding several years of age, highlighting skin imperfections and imperfections in tooth enamel. Do you need it? To avoid such " side effects"and accurately choose the right lipstick, you need to take into account two circumstances:

  1. Each lipstick color includes several shades that are close, but combine differently. Separately, the difference may not be striking, but put the tubes side by side and you will see that the same color can be darker, lighter, brighter, paler, etc. But that's not all! Each shade has a “secret”: its undertone. An undertone is a kind of admixture to the main color, which determines how you perceive the main color. In particular, the undertone makes the color cool or warm. To understand this principle, compare red with a yellow undertone (warm) and red with a blue undertone (cool).
  2. The human body is also colored: eyes, hair, skin have their own colors and shades. Romantics say: olive, porcelain, bronze skin. Makeup artists are more practical about skin tones, so they divide the variety of appearances into cold and warm types. Cool colors with blue undertones are the first to go, while warm colors with yellow or red undertones give them a sickly look. With the latter, everything is exactly the opposite. If you, having a “cold” appearance, put on “warm” lipstick on your lips, do not be surprised that you will see skin imperfections in the mirror that you did not even suspect existed.
Knowing this, you will no longer take the first lipstick you come across from the window just because its color seemed pretty to you. You will search for the right shade and will be able to choose the perfect lipstick color. You can start at home - by determining your type. To do this, alternately hold two scarves to your face: peach and purple. In natural light, evaluate the result: a warm type looks fresh next to a warm shade, a cold type looks fresh next to a cold shade. Unsuitable color temperature makes the face look tired and unhealthy.

Armed with knowledge of your color type, you can choose the right lipstick that will not only decorate your lips, but also fit naturally and harmoniously into your image. And to make your choice easier, use the following rules for choosing lipstick:

  1. Lighting plays a decisive role in the perception of color. Cosmetics stores are usually equipped with lamps that distort shades. Take the time to go to the window and evaluate the color of your lipstick in neutral light - this can save you from disappointment.
  2. It is customary to choose lipstick by applying a test smear to back side palms. But the skin is here flesh-colored, and the lips have their own, more dark shade. Therefore, the lipstick will look darker on the lips - take this nuance into account.
  3. The skin on your fingertips is more similar in color to the skin on your lips. Try testing a lipstick shade on a pillow index finger, after rubbing it first.
  4. Red lipstick in warm shades (brick, orange) emphasizes the yellowness of the enamel. If you cannot boast of perfectly white teeth and do not want to draw the attention of others to it, choose red lipstick with blue, purple, or plum undertones.
The saturation of lipstick color must be coordinated with the brightness of appearance. Pale-skinned blondes are suitable for beige, light pink, apricot lipsticks, which look unnatural on the lips of tanned and dark-haired girls. Terracotta, chocolate, and golden shades suit dark-skinned blondes. The exception is the classic red lipstick that never goes out of fashion - it suits everyone. But only if you managed to choose a warm or cool shade by oneself.

How to choose lipstick for thin lips?
A successful lipstick can visually enlarge your lips without surgery or injections. But she is also capable of emphasizing expressionless lips. It all depends on whether you can choose the right lipstick for thin lips. Here are some tips from professional makeup artists:

  1. According to the laws of optics, dark objects appear smaller and light objects appear larger. Accordingly, to visually enlarge your lips you need to use lipstick light shades.
  2. Girls with thin lips will have to learn how to draw and combine at least two shades of lipstick. One, darker, should be applied to the entire surface of the lips. The second, a couple of tones lighter, is applied only to the middle of the bottom and upper lip and carefully shade so that one color smoothly transitions into another. This artistic technique creates the illusion of volume.
  3. The matte texture “eats” volume and is therefore contraindicated for those with thin lips. Choose glossy or satin lipstick in light shades.
  4. Take the risk of trying lipstick to enhance your lips. Be prepared for the fact that it stings the skin a little and provokes blood flow. And also to the fact that the enlargement effect lasts no more than half an hour, after which the most ordinary lipstick of the chosen shade will remain on the lips.
  5. A clear contour visually limits and narrows the lips. Fortunately, in Lately soft lips without hard boundaries came into fashion. Apply lipstick without a pencil, you can even use your finger.
  6. For daytime makeup thin lips You can choose a gloss lipstick. It reflects light and thereby visually increases the volume of the lips.
But girls with large lips need to choose lipstick completely differently. Firstly, they can and should wear dark and matte shades. With them, plump lips look more restrained and modest. Secondly, it is advisable to choose not only lipstick for plump lips, but also a suitable contour pencil. Without it, lipstick may smudge and spread beyond the line of your mouth, especially during active conversation and while eating. As for lip gloss, you can use it, but it’s better not to get carried away so as not to cross the border of vulgarity. Save the gloss for evening makeup, and during the day limit yourself to lipstick in a tube and/or a hygienic balm with a light tint.

As you can see, select the right lipstick for lips is not so easy, but all the effort is worth it to “dress up” your lips in a juicy, fresh, ideal color that suits you and emphasizes your unique charm. And remember: it’s better to buy 2-3 matching lipsticks good quality rather than filling your cosmetic bag with cheap but ugly tubes. Love yourself, take care of yourself and be beautiful!