Magne B6 during pregnancy - why and how to take (dosage, side effects). When is magnesium B6 prescribed during pregnancy?

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Magnesium is a vital important element for humans, taking part in almost all biochemical processes taking place in the body. Magnesium is found in almost all tissues of the body, ensuring the functioning of cells, normalizing the functioning of the immune, muscular, and nervous systems, promoting the restoration of bone tissue, as well as their formation. The drug Magne B6 replenishes the level of magnesium in the body of a pregnant woman in case of deficiency of this chemical element in the body.

When a woman is pregnant and carrying a fetus, then for the normal development of the baby and for her own health Magnesium is needed two to three times more. And if the body experiences a deficiency of magnesium, this can negatively affect the formation of the fetus and the health of the expectant mother.

A lack of magnesium causes low elasticity of tissues, muscles and ligaments, and for this reason, during childbirth, the likelihood of micro injuries is high. During pregnancy, Magne B6, which contains pyridoxine (vitamin B6), can be prescribed by a doctor if magnesium deficiency has been established. This can happen by various reasons, for example, magnesium deficiency, isolated or associated with other deficiency conditions, which may be accompanied by symptoms such as increased irritability in a woman, minor sleep disturbances, gastrointestinal cramps or rapid heartbeat, increased fatigue, pain and muscle spasms in a pregnant woman.

For example, vitamin B6, which is part of the drug Magne B6 improves the absorption of magnesium from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood vessels, which accelerates its penetration into the cells of bones, blood, and muscles. When a woman is pregnant, a lack of magnesium is often directly related to a deficiency of pyridoxine in the body. And without the latter, magnesium salts are practically not absorbed.

Indications for prescribing Magne B6 during pregnancy

Of course, the role of magnesium in the normal functioning of the body is difficult to overestimate, and its deficiency affects negative impact on almost all organs and systems, their vital functions. And if there is a lack of magnesium in the body, then it can be identified by many signs. Look out for the following signs:

  • Cramps and muscle spasms.
  • Nagging pain in the lumbar spine.
  • Tiki.
  • Nagging pain in the lower abdomen.
  • The muscles of the uterus contract, which indicates uterine hypertonicity, and this can cause miscarriage.
  • Irritability, dizziness, headaches.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Hypotension or, conversely, high blood pressure. Arrhythmia. Pain in the heart area. Cardiopalmus.
  • Vomiting, nausea.
  • The stool is unstable. At first there may be diarrhea, which is followed by constipation. My stomach hurts. There may be intestinal spasms.
  • A person may have chills and a tendency to swelling. Body temperature decreases.

If a woman notices at least a few of the above symptoms during pregnancy, then she needs to immediately make an appointment with a doctor, and if he identifies a need, Magne B6 will be prescribed. It is strictly not recommended to take medications or undergo treatment on your own. The doctor may refer you for tests to the laboratory to confirm suspicions that the above-mentioned symptoms are associated precisely with a lack of magnesium in the body, and self-medication can only aggravate the situation and the condition of both the mother and the fetus in her womb.

If for some reason it is impossible to carry out extended laboratory research pregnant woman, the doctor will prescribe a seven-day trial course of Magne B6. And if the expectant mother immediately feels relief and the adverse symptoms go away, the doctor will determine that the lack of magnesium in the body has been confirmed, after which the course of taking the drug will be increased.

Pharmacological action of Magne B6 during pregnancy

Quite often during pregnancy, a woman encounters an unpleasant condition - increased uterine tone, in which she is bothered by tension in the lower abdomen, accompanied by nagging pain And anxiety. With increased uterine tone, doctors can prescribe Magne B6 to a pregnant woman as one of the treatment measures.

This drug will not only normalize the nervous system, but also relieve muscle spasms. Magnesium ions have the following effects:

  • Maintains a calm state throughout the entire muscular system. Magne B6 rapidly suppresses the excitation of all muscles.
  • Reduce excitability nervous system.
  • Magnesium has antispasmodic and antiplatelet effects.

If a pregnant woman is faced with increased tone uterus, it is especially important to monitor the situation and promptly prevent possible complications and risks during pregnancy. The muscles of the body contract most often due to calcium, which is found in muscle fibers. The principle of action of Magne B6 during pregnancy is aimed at quickly displacing calcium from muscle cells, and the drug copes with this task perfectly. Magne B6 is a calcium antagonist. There is one more positive result reducing the amount of calcium in the blood: the risk of blood clots in the vessels is reduced.

Compatibility of Magne B6 with other medications during pregnancy

Doctors quite often prescribe Magne B6 to pregnant women, but is there any danger of incompatibility with others? medicines? How to prevent an overdose? Does the drug have negative impact for the baby? Does it have the ability to accumulate in the body? All these questions rightly concern many expectant mothers.

Firstly, Magne B6 is well tolerated by the body of the expectant mother. Secondly, if you strictly follow the instructions for use and dosage, then problems with overdose will not arise (for oral administration to adults, it is recommended to prescribe 6-8 tablets per day; in this case daily dose Magne B6 should be divided into 2-3 doses, taken with meals and washed down with warm water).

Absorption of Magne B6 (absorption) occurs in the small intestine, and only 50% of the active ingredients penetrate into the circulatory system (one tablet of Magne B6 contains: magnesium lactate dihydrate 470 mg, which is equivalent to the content of Mg2+ 48 mg; pyridoxine hydrochloride 5 mg). Blood vessels carry the active ingredients of Magne B6 to internal organs, muscles, bone tissue, etc. Excess is excreted from the body along with urine. If the pregnant woman's kidneys are functioning normally, then taking the drug will not cause any side effects.

It is important to know and remember that an overdose of Magne B6 is still possible, but only if daily norm tablets was exceeded, and the woman has a history of renal failure, due to which the excess active substance accumulates in the kidneys and is not excreted from the body. Signs of an overdose of this drug can be identified by characteristic features: nausea and vomiting.

In the case when a pregnant woman takes additional vitamin complexes with a high content of iron or calcium, it is necessary to inform her supervising doctor about this. This must be done so that the doctor indicates the time of entry of these drugs into the body, since if the drugs are taken at the same time, then each of them will be absorbed less and perform its functions worse. And if the vitamins or vitamin complex taken during pregnancy include magnesium, the doctor will most likely reduce the dose of Magne B6 to avoid an overdose.

Side effects of Magne B6 and contraindications during pregnancy

Before taking the drug, you should find out what contraindications Magne B6 has during pregnancy. The main contraindications for the use of Magne B6 are:

  • Fructose intolerance. It is part of the excipients of Magne B6 tablets.
  • Allergy to other components of Magne B6.
  • Severe renal failure.

If a woman consciously approaches the issue and takes this medication, strictly following the doctor’s recommendations, then there is no negative consequences there shouldn't be. There may be exceptions in extremely rare cases, but they can be immediately detected by the following signs:

  • Vomit.
  • Allergic reactions of the body.
  • Disorder of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Nausea.
  • Sharp pain in the stomach.

If, after using Magne B6, you encounter these unpleasant symptoms, you should stop using this drug and make an appointment with your doctor to prescribe other ways to compensate for magnesium in the body.

Do not forget to read the instructions and composition of any medicine, including Magne B6, which, for example, contains in one tablet such excipients as: sucrose - 115.6 mg, heavy kaolin - 40 mg, acacia gum - 20 mg, carboxypolymethylene 934 - 10 mg, magnesium hydrosilicate (talc) - 42.7 mg, magnesium stearate - 6.7 mg. Be healthy and take care of yourself and your child!

Magne B6 during pregnancy is one of the most commonly used drugs. It is usually prescribed when there is a threat of miscarriage, convulsions, or increased uterine tone.

The presence of magnesium in the tissues of the body ensures the normal functioning of cells, for example, it regulates the transmission of nerve impulses, participates in muscle contraction, and in metabolic reactions. It usually enters the body with food.

Often during pregnancy there is a lack of magnesium, because during this period a woman’s body has to work with double strength and the need for it increases several times. Its deficiency may be accompanied by some irritability, minor violations sleep, gastrointestinal cramps or rapid heartbeat, increased fatigue, pain and muscle spasms, tingling sensation.

Magnesium deficiency in the body is most often eliminated by prescribing Magne B6 during pregnancy, which consists of magnesium itself and pyridoxine. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) promotes the penetration of magnesium into cells, as it improves its absorption from the gastrointestinal tract and retains it there.

The drug taken does not pose any threat to the fetus, but in any case it is not worth engaging in “self-prescription”. A doctor must recommend a medicine and its dosage. The usual regimen for taking Magne B6 is as follows: two tablets in three doses, that is, a total of six per day. Since it is advisable to take the drug during meals, two tablets can be distributed for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Magnesium deficiency is determined in the laboratory. Magne B6 is prescribed during pregnancy, as a rule, for a rather long course and there are cases when a pregnant woman takes it even throughout pregnancy. If, in the presence of symptoms of magnesium deficiency, tests do not confirm this, doctors still prescribe a short course of the drug and extend it if the pregnant woman’s condition improves.

Among the contraindications to the use of Magne B6, renal failure should be noted, in which magnesium accumulated in the kidneys causes intoxication, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, and allergic reactions to one of the components of the drug.

Pregnant women usually tolerate Magne B6 well, except for those rare cases when the drug causes some side effects: upset stomach (diarrhea), allergic reactions, stomach pain, nausea and vomiting. Particular care should be taken when prescribing Magne B6 to the expectant mother who takes calcium or iron-containing medications: the combination of these microelements reduces the absorption of any of them.

Pregnancy is a wonderful, but at the same time very responsible period for any woman, since the body spends all its energy on bearing the fetus. That is why admission during this period is so important for him. essential vitamins and useful substances in optimal quantity. Very often, in addition to the usual vitamin complexes for pregnant women, Magne B6 is prescribed. This is usually necessary when there is existing uterine tone, when there is a threat of miscarriage, as well as skeletal muscle spasms.

The need to take Magne B6 during pregnancy.
Magnesium is on the list of essential minerals for our body, and its role is especially important for female body while waiting for your miracle. It actively participates in almost every biochemical process occurring in the body. During the period of gestation, the need for magnesium for the body increases almost three times (after all, it is also needed by the growing body in the womb), it regulates the reproductive process of nucleic acids in the cell, in particular, it is involved in the transmission of information at the gene level, which plays a particularly important role important role in the period before immediate conception, and in the first trimester of pregnancy. It must also be said that its action helps to relax a wide variety of muscle groups (including the uterus, internal organs, skeleton). In addition, this mineral is also known for its anti-stress properties, that is, it helps reduce hyperexcitability of the nervous system.

The main sources of magnesium in our body are food and water. Magnesium is mostly present in plant products (dried fruits, bran, soybeans, beans, etc.). Most often, for women who are expecting a child, a diet rich in this microelement is not enough, since the body can absorb no more than 30% of magnesium with food. A deficiency of this element in a pregnant woman’s body can cause increased heart rate, nausea, constipation, muscle contractions of a convulsive nature, pain, and can also cause neuropsychiatric disorders, in particular the appearance of nervousness, anxiety, the development of low stress resistance, insomnia, etc. n. In addition, its deficiency in the body can manifest itself in the form of hypertension, which, in turn, threatens spontaneous miscarriage.

To prevent the development of negative side effects due to a lack of magnesium in the body, pregnant women are prescribed magnesium preparations as a preventive measure. It is usually combined with vitamin B6, as they have a stimulating effect on each other. In addition, this vitamin increases the absorption and level of digestibility of magnesium, its fixation in cells, and has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the cells of the uterus and on its contractility. This is why Magne B6 is in most cases recommended for pregnant women, not just for one month, but for a long period. There can be no overdose when taking this drug. It is important to remember that if your doctor prescribes Magne B6 to you, while at the same time you are already taking the recommended iron and calcium, you should inform your doctor about this, since when they are used together, the absorption of each of them decreases due to the appearance of insoluble salts. As a result, it is recommended to maintain an interval of at least two hours between their doses.

The drug Magne B6, especially while expecting a child, can only be prescribed by a specialist. As a rule, this is done based on the results of an analysis to determine the level of magnesium in the blood serum. If such a test study cannot be carried out in a laboratory setting, then a five-day course of taking the drug is usually prescribed. If no deterioration in the condition of the mother and fetus is detected during this period, and even on the contrary, an improvement is observed, then magnesium deficiency is diagnosed and further appropriate therapy is carried out.

Indications for use of Magne B6 during pregnancy:

  • Presence of elevated muscle tone uterus.
  • The tendency of the uterus to be overly excitable with the presence of contractions and the threat of premature birth.
  • The presence of excessive anxiety and irritability in a pregnant woman.
  • Development of insomnia during this period (difficulty falling asleep, short sleep).
  • The presence of arterial hypertension (pressure) before or during pregnancy, as well as failures heart rate, sinus tachycardia.
  • The presence of pain as with stomach cramps or intestinal colic.
The danger of magnesium deficiency during pregnancy.
The main risk of magnesium deficiency in the body of a woman expecting a baby is the emergence of a serious threat of miscarriage or premature birth. That is why, even at the planning stage of conception, it is important to examine the level of magnesium in the blood; if there is a shortage, it is recommended to replenish it. If a deficiency is detected during pregnancy, magnesium preparations are prescribed to alleviate the woman’s condition. Thanks to taking the drug they disappear painful sensations the lower abdomen has a pulling nature, stool is restored, sleep and its quality improves.

If unpleasant signs of magnesium deficiency appear in a pregnant woman (insomnia, uterine hypertonicity, pain in the lower abdomen, etc.), you should immediately consult a doctor. Usually, based on the symptoms, the doctor determines the intensity and duration of the treatment course, since in each specific case it is individual. Usually, after a month of taking magnesium, it is recommended to take a break, after which, if necessary, it is recommended to resume taking it, and take it in courses throughout the entire period of bearing the baby.

The most modern and effective drug, which easily replenishes the lack of magnesium in the blood and prevents its deficiency during pregnancy is the drug Magne B6 forte. The combination of magnesium (organic salt) and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) in it is not accidental, because when taken, the drug does not irritate the gastric mucosa, is perfectly absorbed, while vitamin B6 facilitates the penetration and retention of magnesium inside the cell, and magnesium helps the process of transition of vitamin B6 into active form.

Dosage of Magne B6 during pregnancy.
This drug can be prescribed at absolutely any stage of pregnancy. Usually one ampoule or two tablets are prescribed three times a day, which should be taken at intervals of six to eight hours. If necessary, after the results of the test for the level of magnesium in the blood, the doctor can adjust the daily dosage of the drug. The dosage of the drug and the duration of the course of treatment are determined for each specific patient.

An overdose of magnesium can occur in a woman’s body only in the presence of renal failure. Again, Magne B6 can be prescribed after the results of a biochemical blood test. In other situations, the excess drug is independently excreted from the body in urine, and without negative consequences for the fetus and its mother.

Contraindications for taking Magne B6:

  • Rarely, allergic reactions can still occur.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • Fructose intolerance.
  • Diabetes.
  • Phenylketonuria.

For a successful pregnancy, a constant supply of vitamins and minerals is important, since hypo- and avitaminosis harms not only the well-being of the expectant mother, but primarily negatively affects the development of the child. To meet the increased need, various dietary supplements and vitamin complexes are used. Magne B6 Forte is useful at any stage of pregnancy, as it not only ensures the supply of the element to required quantity, but also prevents the occurrence of pathologies and anomalies in the fetus.

What is Magne B6

To replenish magnesium reserves during pregnancy, products have been developed - Magne B6 and Magne B6 Forte. Both remedies are aimed at eliminating the deficiency of the mineral caused by its increased consumption or provoked by other conditions that lead to deficiency. You can judge a lack of magnesium by:

  • Increased irritability
  • Mild excitability
  • Constant fatigue
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Pain, tingling in muscles.

Magne B6 Forte is available in the form of coated tablets. The drug contains two active substances - magnesium citrate and pyridoxine hydrochloride (618.4 mg and 10 mg, respectively). Auxiliary – components of the structure and film coating of the vitamin product.

The drug is contraindicated in:

  • Individual hypersensitivity
  • Severe kidney pathologies
  • Hereditary disorders of galactose absorption
  • Glucose-galactose malabsorption
  • Phenylketonuria (disorder of amino acid metabolism)
  • During treatment with Levodopa
  • Children under 6 years of age.

Features of administration - duration and number of tablets - should be determined by a doctor. When taking on your own, follow the recommendations of the accompanying instructions.

Role of active substances

Magne B6 forte is one of those drugs that is especially indicated for use by women awaiting replenishment. During this period, the need for magnesium increases sharply - on average 2-3 times, since a significant part of the available maternal reserves is used to build the child’s bone and nervous system. In addition, the mineral is actively involved in more than 200 biochemical reactions in the body. Magnesium is in demand:

  • In protein, fat, carbohydrate metabolism
  • In building and ensuring the normal functioning of the skeletal system, dental health
  • To ensure a full term pregnancy
  • To regulate biorhythms
  • In improving sleep
  • To strengthen immunity
  • In normalizing the work of the National Assembly.

But the main purpose of magnesium during pregnancy is the transfer of genetic information and memory to the fetus, nerve impulses. Under the influence of the mineral, the condition of the muscles and muscles of the uterus is normalized, which has a positive effect on the course of pregnancy, since the threat is eliminated spontaneous abortion or premature birth.

A lack of the mineral negatively affects the condition of a woman expecting a child. Due to the unstable state of the nervous system, she becomes overly nervous, irritable, gets tired quickly and sleeps poorly. All this negatively affects the formation and development of the fetus.

Pyridoxine hydrochloride (or vitamin B6) is included in the product to improve the absorption of the mineral from the gastrointestinal tract and its passage into the cells - usually the mineral is only half absorbed by the body. In addition, B6 promotes better absorption of amino acids and the production of energy from foods, which is extremely important for the normal functioning of the body. Pyridoxine is in demand in the formation of new blood cells, immune system, metabolism of fats and proteins.

Why take the drug during pregnancy?

If in a normal state a woman receives enough minerals from external sources - with food, then during pregnancy this is clearly not enough. Therefore, in addition to food, it is necessary to take a special drug - Magne B6 Forte or Magne B6. Both vitamin products actively prescribed by gynecologists.

The basis for prescribing Magne B6 during pregnancy is:

  • Sleep disturbance
  • Hysteria, sudden mood swings
  • Depressed state
  • Nervous tics, seizures
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Hypertonicity of the uterus
  • Rapid heartbeat, arrhythmia
  • Pain in the heart, lower back, lower abdomen
  • Pain in the epigastrium
  • Attacks of nausea
  • Abnormal stool.

If you have these symptoms, your doctor may decide to take magnesium supplements.

How Magne B6 works

After taking the tablets, absorption of the mineral occurs in the gastrointestinal tract, then distributed in the muscles and skeletal system. The breakdown products of the drug are excreted in the urine.

The combined effect of the active substances of Magne B6 promotes:

  • Relieving muscle spasms and normalizing the nervous system. Thanks to the action of the drug, the muscles of the uterus relax and its excitability is suppressed. As a result, the threat of abortion is neutralized.
  • Excess calcium is expelled from muscle fibers, as this mineral is responsible for muscle contraction. In this case, Magne B6 suppresses the effect of the mineral, acting as its antagonist.
  • Reduction of calcium leads to neutralization of thrombus formation.

How to take Magne B6

Only a doctor should prescribe the drug after reviewing the results of the examination of the pregnant woman. You should not take responsibility by self-medicating.

The dosage of Magne B6 Forte and the duration of the course should also be determined by the doctor according to individual indications, including the level of mineral concentration. If it is impossible to conduct such an examination, the doctor may allow you to drink Magne B6, focusing only on the symptoms of deficiency. In this case, a short course of the drug is prescribed, and if at the end of it the pregnant woman feels better, then the prophylaxis is extended.

Side effects

Like any pharmacological agent, Magne B6 can cause negative consequences:

  • Manifestation of individual allergic reactions
  • Abnormal stool
  • Nausea, bouts of vomiting
  • Headache and dizziness
  • Tension or pain in the abdomen
  • Skin redness, rashes, itching.

During development similar symptoms the drug should be discontinued and consult a doctor.


Usually vitamin preparation It is well tolerated if contraindications and dosage standards are observed. The development of intoxication may be associated with insufficient kidney or liver function. In this case, signs of overdose will depend on the concentration of magnesium in the blood. The oversaturation of the body with Magne B6 can be judged by the following symptoms:

  • A sharp drop in blood pressure
  • Nausea with bouts of vomiting
  • CNS depression
  • Respiratory system dysfunction
  • Failure of reflex functions
  • Heart failure
  • Respiratory paralysis.

As intoxication progresses, disruption and cessation of the functioning of vital organs and systems develops, which ultimately leads to the development of coma and death. To eliminate the negative consequences of an overdose, gastric lavage is performed. Women with kidney failure undergo hemodialysis.

What should you not combine Magne B6 with?

When taking the drug, it must be taken into account that its active substances can interact with medications. IN best case scenario this leads to neutralization of the effect of therapeutic agents, and at worst, can cause dangerous effects on the body.

  • Magne B6 is not recommended to be taken together with tetracycline antibiotics, as the effect of the latter drugs decreases.
  • When combined with Levodopa (an antiepileptic drug), its effect is neutralized.
  • Phosphates and calcium salts impair the absorption of magnesium.

As shown clinical observations, the use of Magnesium B6 Forte well prevents the development of complications during pregnancy and ensures it normal development. But all this is possible only with correct use drug - in compliance with medical recommendations and prescribed doses.

Magnesium B6 Forte is a drug that can compensate for magnesium deficiency in the body. This mineral is an important biogenic element.

Properties of magnesium

The presence of magnesium deficiency in the body negatively affects a person’s appearance, well-being and psychological state. Magnesium is vital for us, because it is involved in the functioning of all cells of the body. It improves the quality of transmission of nerve impulses to muscles, which ensures proper coordination of human movements.

Magnesium enters the body with food. If you are on a diet, taking diuretics, or your body uses a large number of magnesium, then deficiency cannot be avoided. Basically, a large consumption of magnesium occurs during stress, during pregnancy and during periods when a person endures great physical, mental or emotional stress.

Along with magnesium, the drug also contains pyridoxine. This is vitamin B6, which is used to improve the absorption of magnesium from the gastrointestinal tract and its further penetration into the cells of the body. The drug is available in tablet form.

Why is Magnesium B6 needed during pregnancy?

According to statistics, every second pregnant woman encounters Magnesium B6. It is prescribed by a doctor when there is a threat of fetal death due to increased muscle tone of the uterus during pregnancy. In such cases, the use of magnesium B6 becomes prerequisite successful drug treatment.

The occurrence of magnesium deficiency can affect not only the well-being and health of a pregnant woman, but also the life of her baby.

The use of magnesium can prevent the development of heart and joint defects in a child. Magnesium prevents the possibility of premature birth. The drug helps the muscles to be elastic, which is very important during the birth of a child.

The drug effectively eliminates magnesium deficiency in the body of the expectant mother. As a result, the symptoms that arise in the presence of such a deficiency disappear.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency are:

  • increased fatigue;
  • frequent stress, constant worry and anxiety;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • insomnia;
  • apathy;
  • leg cramps;
  • nervousness;
  • spasms and severe colic caused by abnormalities in work abdominal cavity;
  • intense fetal movement as a result oxygen starvation caused by a lack of magnesium in a woman’s body.

If the expectant mother was diagnosed with hypertension or heart rhythm disturbances during pregnancy, then Magnesium B6 can be prescribed by a specialist in combination with other medications.

How to take Magnesium B6?

If you notice symptoms of magnesium deficiency, the first thing to do is consult a doctor and get laboratory tests. This will help you clarify the situation and choose effective ways treatment.

Magnesium B6 is a dietary supplement, not a medicine. Despite this, it must be taken with extreme caution. The drug should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician. Self-medication during pregnancy can lead to negative consequences.

Before prescribing Magnesium B6 Forte to a pregnant woman, the doctor carefully examines the test results. In some cases, patients are advised to take half permissible dose drug. After the expectant mother’s health improves, it is necessary to increase the dose of the mineral consumed to normal. It is 2 tablets 3 times a day. It is necessary to take the mineral while eating food with tablets. a small amount water. Along with this, the doctor may prescribe a drug to prevent mineral deficiency in the body. In this case, the norm is 2 tablets once a day.

Are there any contraindications?

The instructions for use during pregnancy included with the drug provide a list of contraindications, namely:

  • Acute form of renal failure. In the presence of this disease, excess minerals are not removed from the woman’s body, but accumulate in the kidneys. This subsequently leads to poisoning, which is accompanied by nausea, dizziness and vomiting.
  • Simultaneous combination of Magnesium with other vitamin complexes. If, after Magnesium B6, you were prescribed vitamins containing large amounts of calcium and iron, then be sure to check with your doctor about the time of taking them. They must enter the body of a pregnant woman at different period. This will avoid simultaneous absorption of two drugs into the blood.
  • Allergic reaction. If you are allergic to one of the components of the drug, you must inform your doctor. So you can find alternative options entry of the mineral into the body.
  • Fructose intolerance in the body.

Possible side effects

When using Magnesium B6, a pregnant woman may experience a number of side effects, including:

  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • headache;
  • low arterial pressure;
  • poor coordination and slurred speech;
  • facial redness;
  • shortness of breath;
  • abdominal pain;
  • flatulence;
  • allergic reaction(rash or itching);
  • nausea;
  • vomit.