A toy made of threads and a ball. How to make beautiful balls of thread for interior decoration

For men

There is nothing more magical and exciting than creating with your own hands small miracle, even if it was once invented and embodied by someone else. After all, you can always add something of your own to a craft: interesting additions or a piece of your soul.

And involving your own offspring in the process, who are looking for your attention and creative skills, will bring you closer and help you discover a lot of new and unknown things that are so rich in the world of crafts, useful or cute. So, today we’ll learn how to make a ball of thread and glue, let’s look at different variants starting materials and different ideas for home decoration, festive table or a children's corner.

We start with the selection of consumables

The variety of modern crafts designed to decorate our lives is enormous. Balls are simple but very impressive crafts.

A set of materials needed to create a souvenir:

Inflatable (air) balls of small diameter;

Any fat cream or Vaseline;

A skein of thread you like, which we will use to decorate the ball;

Long (clamp) needle. It is required depending on the choice of glue and the method of wetting the thread with it;

Glue - stationery, PVA or specially made.

Before you learn how to make a ball of thread and glue, and before you start selecting materials to complete the work, you should decide on the size of the future craft, the quality of the thread, which will be the main decorative element, and the gluing method.

Balloon: basic requirements

Let's figure out how to make a ball of thread and glue with your own hands. The basis for making this souvenir are balloons.

When choosing them, you should be guided by the following considerations:

The balls should be round, since ovals require more accuracy, cannot always keep a given shape and are not as effective and versatile as regular spheres;

It is better to take balls that are not very large; a diameter of 8-12 cm is the most the best option, especially if this is the first craft.

And it is also important that the balloon be stronger, i.e. the cheapest option can fail at a decisive moment, deflating at the wrong time and ruining the future product. It is worth buying inflatable balloons with a reserve and carefully checking them before starting work.

Choosing glue

The successful completion of a craft largely depends on the composition of the glue. You can use stationery in plastic bottle. This is where we need a thick needle. They pierce the walls of the bottle with it and pull the thread through the glue, thereby wetting it, preventing excessive wetting (the second wall of the bottle serves as a barrier). It's not bad and economical way, but the use of PVA glue is more often welcomed by our craftsmen. This universal glue is more flexible, softer, and it seems that the craft processed with it is more pleasant to the touch and even warmer. Although each method has its adherents. PVA glue is heavy, so it is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio, mixed well and poured into a flat container. Then a thread is passed through the glue solution. There is also a special recipe for glue that is most suitable for performing such work: add sugar to an aqueous solution of PVA. This mixture gives the manufactured crafts the necessary rigidity and strength. The glue proportions are as follows: 30 g of water, 15 g of glue, 4-5 teaspoons of sugar.

How to make a ball from thread and glue stick? This is also possible, but here the baby’s help will be necessary, since you need to pull the thread along the glue stick protruding from the case, pressing it well so that it has time to become saturated, and for this you need another pair of hands.

The main element of decoration is thread

The thread is selected depending on what you want to see at the output. You can use thick wool or acrylic threads.

There are many wonderful decorative yarns: with knots, sparkles, various flows and others. interesting elements. The thickness of the thread is selected based on the functional load that the future craft will bear. Balls of large diameter, decorating large rooms, made of thick thread, jute or light cord, will look great. And graceful Christmas ball toys must be made of fine cotton, linen or artificial fibers. In other words, the question is not only how to make it, but also what exactly will decorate the souvenir. When the question of the place where the craft will be located has been decided, they begin to implement the idea.

Preparation of the workplace

The surface on which the process of the appearance of craft balls will take place should be protected from the aggressive effects of the starting materials. It is especially difficult to wipe off silicate glue from the countertop. A piece of oilcloth or garden film will help out. They cover the work surface. Before you make a ball of thread and glue, you need to protect own clothes and hands. An apron and gloves made of silicone or thin rubber will be very useful here.

How to make a ball of thread with your own hands

So let's get started. Pour some of the prepared glue into a narrow container ( we're talking about on how to make a ball of thread and PVA glue). Place a skein of the selected thread next to it. Inflate the round ball until required size and tie it tightly, leaving enough long end threads as fasteners, which will be useful when drying the finished souvenir. Inflated balloon IR Lubricate with prepared cream, Vaseline or any oil. This is done so that the ball does not stick to the threads. If this happens, it will be impossible to tear off and remove the remaining ball from the resulting sphere without deforming the craft. Dipping the thread into a container with glue and wetting it, we begin to wrap the ball. You can apply turns, slightly pulling the thread, in any order or randomly, depending on the intended option.

It was already mentioned above how to make a ball from thread and stationery glue. You will need a thick needle with which you can pull the thread through a bottle of glue and wind it in the same way as when working with PVA glue.

Drying Features

After the ball is wrapped, it should dry completely. This is where you will need the long end of the thread. When drying, the ball should not come into contact with any surfaces, so the best option would be to tie it to a horizontal stick, fixed in the place where the crafts will dry, without disturbing anyone. For completely dry enough is needed for a long time- 1-2 days. But there is no need to speed up this process. Heating devices located close to hanging crafts can deform them. If you overdo it with heating, the source ball may burst and nullify all efforts. Therefore, you should not make unnecessary efforts. Let the balls dry naturally.

Final stage

After a good drying, the threads wrapping the ball will harden perfectly and will keep their shape. Now you need to carefully remove the original rubber ball, which serves as a kind of frame. You can simply pierce it with a needle and, when it deflates, pull it out of the resulting sphere using a hook.

That's all. The craft is ready. Today we learned how to make a ball from thread and glue. It can be used as is, or you can decorate it with sequins, crystals, artificial flowers and so on. Balls coated with acrylic spray paint make great Christmas tree decorations. All shades of bronze, gold and silver are especially impressive. Such balls often serve as the basis for elegant decorative compositions, and are also used as single accents in decorating the space around us.

Many of you have seen many times how beautiful a ball of thread looks. Very often such unusual crafts become an addition to the interior of a room or office. But how to make such a ball of thread with your own hands? It’s not all that complicated, the main thing is to clearly recognize the technology of this very interesting craft.

In our today's tutorial we will look step by step at how to make a ball of thread yourself at home.

So, let's begin our educational master class on making a ball.

What we need:

a) a deep plate or some kind of deep bowl;
b) PVA glue (one bottle will be enough);
c) a skein of thread;
d) hand cream (you can also use Vaseline or a cream based on it);
e) scissors;
e) a balloon.

Necessary materials for crafts.

Description of the process of making a ball of thread:

1) Take our balloon and inflate it. We securely tie the inflatable hole with a thread so that the air does not escape. The ball should be inflated to the size that we need for the future ball of thread. We will make a ball approximately 15-20 cm in diameter.

2) Apply to the ball a small amount of cream and rub it over the entire surface of the inflated ball. This procedure is done so that in the future the threads wound around the ball will not stick to it.

3) Pour PVA glue into a plate or bowl. The amount of glue depends on the size of the future ball. At this stage, you can go in several ways, either moisten the entire skein of thread in a plate at once, or apply glue to the thread gradually, winding the thread, pulling it through the plate with glue. In the second case, it turns out that it is more economical to use glue for this craft. We wind the thread soaked in glue until we achieve approximately the same distribution of threads throughout the ball. We make the dimensions of the gaps to your taste. The gaps between the threads can be either small or large. By the way, the threads can be different colors and thickness.

4) After the glue has dried a little, use scissors or a needle to pierce the balloon and carefully take it out through some convenient gap in our ball of thread.

5) Our wonderful ball is ready, we hope you liked it! Now you know how to make such a craft yourself. This ball can decorate the interior of a room in any home. It can be put on coffee table, a bookshelf, or simply hang it on something, it’s up to you.

The final look of the craft.

At all times, handicrafts have been the best remedy from depression and from any mental turmoil. Make your own crafts more often with your children or loved ones! On our website you can always find many interesting and entertaining DIY projects. For example, making a bracelet from ribbon and beads with your own hands will be interesting to any girl or even a girl.

Of such simple materials like glue and thread, you can make a lot interesting crafts. Making them is quite simple, so even children will enjoy participating in this process.

Moreover, the crafts are inexpensive, because their production requires only threads, inexpensive PVA glue and colored paper.

On ball of glue and thread The following materials will be required:
  • PVA glue,
  • balloon,
  • "Iris" threads
  • scissors,
  • big needle.
  1. To make this original crafts you need PVA glue, an inflatable ball, threads No. 40-60, colored paper, ribbon, thick thread.
  2. The ball needs to be inflated to the size of a regular apple. Thread the tip of the thread into a needle and pierce through the bottle of PVA glue. As the tip hardens, the needle can be removed.
  3. The thread is carefully wound around the ball, and it is better to make turns in different directions.
  4. The resulting “cocoon” must be dried for 4-5 hours. It should turn out solid. The rubber base must be pierced and carefully pulled out.

For a cockerel you will need two balls - for the body and the head, which will need to be glued together.

All that remains is to decorate the craft using colored paper by making the bird’s beak, eyes, comb and breast.


You don't need a balloon to create this toy. The feather turns out very natural and looks beautiful both on its own and as a decoration on greeting cards.

  1. We begin the work by wrapping the wire with floss. All threads must be cut into pieces of equal length.
  2. One by one, they need to be tied on a wire so that the knots lie on the same line.
  3. The workpiece must be dipped in glue so that the floss is well saturated.
  4. Then the feather must be laid out and straightened on the surface and left until completely dry.
  5. Next, the edges are trimmed to make the feather smooth and beautiful.

The resulting craft can be glued to a base and made into an original postcard.

Toys and interesting and useful items It’s easy to make at home from cocoons cut in half. So, it’s easy to make a candy bowl.

In order for it to stand stably on the table, you need to press it to the table with a round jar and turn it several times. This will allow the threads to be compacted at the bottom. In order to strengthen the bottom, it is worth cutting out paper round base and glue to the bottom inside and outside. You can decorate the candy bowl with ribbon, rhinestones, and sequins.


What can threads be useful for? The answer would seem to be very simple - for sewing, embroidery, darning or knitting. And who would have guessed that threads could make original jewelry for interior and toys? However, if you approach the matter with imagination, then home handyman everything can be done!

Before you start creating, you need to consider that there are two important principles working with threads when making toys from them.

The first rule is that to create volume from threads you will have to use some kind of base, for example, a balloon, cork or a wire frame. Based on the desired shape one or another thread or twine is wound, and so the future object takes on the required shape. After drying, the toy can be decorated as you wish.

The second rule is a little simpler. When creating string toys you cannot do without fluffy pompoms. They are also used as a basis for a toy, when pompoms are glued together, creating the required shape and volume, and can also be used for decoration, for example, to imitate hair or fur on a toy.

Further, from the intelligible master classes you can learn simple, but very spectacular ideas creating toys from threads using different frames. One has only to try, and the new hobby will certainly captivate both parents and children.

DIY thread balls

For the first time, descriptions of such Christmas tree decorations appeared in the difficult 90s, when you can find spectacular decorations It wasn't always possible in the store. Then the balls were forgotten, but today such handmade toys are back in fashion. At the same time, the use of balls has expanded, which today are used not only as New Year's decorations. There are quite interesting ideas more complex toys and even interior items made from air structures obtained by winding threads around a balloon.

Materials and tools

  • Threads
  • PVA glue;
  • Non-greasy cream, for example, massage or hand cream;
  • Scissors;
  • Balloons of different shapes;
  • Darning needle;
  • A little cotton wool or cosmetic cotton pads;
  • Brush.

Manufacturing procedure

For the manufacture of Christmas tree decoration The balloon is inflated until the diameter is approximately 10 cm and tied tightly so that no air escapes.

Using a cotton swab, carefully apply the cream to the entire surface of the ball, making sure that it covers the mold with an even layer. This technique will allow you to quickly remove the form from the ball of thread without any problems with peeling off. This is especially important if a thread with pronounced hairiness is chosen for the toy, from which it is not always easy to separate the balloon.

The thread from which the toy is to be created is pre-impregnated with glue. It is better to do this when the threads are wound into a loose ball, which can be completely immersed for some time in a container with an adhesive composition. You don’t have to soak all the threads at once, but do it gradually when making the jewelry. To do this, make two through holes, through which a darning needle with thread threaded through it is passed. Passing through the glue inside the vessel, the thread will be saturated, which means it will be prepared for winding.

Now you can remove the needle from the thread and proceed to the main stage. You can start wrapping the ball from any place, but it is more convenient to fasten the tip of the thread to the tail of the ball so that it does not slip off and you do not have to start all over again. The thread should be wound in chaotic circles, making sure that one turn intercepts the previous layers.

At this point, you may need the help of a second person to hold the glue and help pull the thread through evenly. A child can easily handle this activity, the main thing is that parents take care of an apron for the baby, which can get dirty when working with glue.

The density with which the thread is wound is determined by the master himself and the purpose of the future ball. However, if you want to make the ball as openwork as possible, you should not lay the thread too rarely, because this will affect the strength of the structure. Frequent winding ensures a dense thread cocoon.

When the required volume of thread has been collected, you need to generously lubricate the end of the thread with glue and hide it under the wound layer. After this, check whether the adhesive layer is sufficient everywhere, and use a brush to coat it with additional glue.

When the work is completed, the balloon can be hung to dry, and so that the process goes evenly and the balloon does not release air, it is better to dry the toy away from heating devices. On average, it takes about a day to dry, and when the workpiece has completely hardened, you can take the balloon out of it. To do this, they either pierce it, in order to then get it through the holes in the threads, or, having untied it, carefully release the air.

Decorating a ball of thread

Such a blank can produce an original Christmas tree decoration. To do this, you will either need to cover the ball with a layer of glitter, placing it on a small layer of glue, or decorate it thematic applications, sequins or beads. You can apply designs to the balls using a stencil or cover the future toy with aerosol red or decorative, for example, gold, varnish.

There are countless decor options, and using different techniques you can make decorations in the same style for the entire Christmas tree, while one toy will be different from the other, creating a unique New Year's decor interior

If you carefully cut through the ball stationery knife, then you can turn the blanks into surprisingly openwork airy flowers, as if coming out of a fairy tale. To do this, without deforming the ball of thread, it is cut, as shown in the illustration, and one petal after another is carefully bent one by one. Such buds can become spectacular lilies of the valley, lilies or tulips - it all depends on the imagination and desire of the craftswoman!

Hollow balls of thread look unusual and very beautiful. Today we will tell you how to make them and offer some ideas for making them. New Year's accessories using this type of decoration.

Balls of thread can be used as DIY decoration for the Christmas tree, turn them into a sparkling garland, make a New Year's character out of them and much more. So arm yourself with threads, and then your imagination will do everything for you.

What do we need?

  • threads of any color and thickness (you should not take fluffy ones)
  • Balloons
  • PVA glue
  • starch


Previously we told you how to do. The technique for making these balls will be similar.

The main difference is that you don't need to inflate the balloons too much. Make them very small - the size of a fist. Inflate as many balloons as needed. And tie them somewhere to make it convenient to wrap and dry the future craft.

In a bowl, dilute one and a half cups of glue with half a cup of starch and a quarter cup of water. Dip the thread into a bowl and wind it around the ball in any order.

You can pre-lubricate the balloon with Vaseline to make it easier to separate it from the thread. However, you can do without this.

When the glue dries and the threads harden, you just need to pierce the ball with a needle and carefully pull it out through the hole.

Make as many balls as needed to make the desired accessories. They can be used in different ways.

Balls of thread for the Christmas tree

This area of ​​application is the most obvious, but no less significant.

Simply attach loops to your balloons and decorate your Christmas tree with them. Additionally, during winding you can string various beads. Before drying, the balls can be generously sprinkled with dry glitter.

The thinner the threads are, the more beautiful decoration. Regular sewing thread will also work.

Christmas tree made of balls

We have already told you which ones can be made from various Christmas balls. In any of the described techniques, you can apply not only standard ready-made balls, but also homemade balls from threads and glue. For example, you can assemble a Christmas tree from them. If not all of it, then at least part of it.

When making such New Year's decorations, it is better to use balls made from thicker threads - they are stronger.

New Year's interior decoration

Despite the obvious simplicity of the idea, the effect is simply amazing!

Make some balls different sizes and just lay them on the windowsill. Scatter pieces of tinsel, various stars, and gold ribbons between them. Place a few simple candles nearby (use precautions in this case) or lay out a garland (less fire hazard option, but still be careful). Turn off the lights and turn on the lights - the house will be filled with magic!

Snowman made of balloons

And even beloved new year character This technique makes it look especially beautiful.

Secure the balls with glue, and make the hands separately. For this we need thin wire and red threads. Fold the wire into mittens, coat them with glue and wrap them tightly with thread.

Ready-made snowmen can be decorated knitted hats, beads and other accessories.

Garland with balls of thread

One of the most beautiful accessories that can be made from these balls.

Just be sure to check the garland for serviceability. In addition, it must be of high quality, and best of all, with additional protection from heating. Make sure that the light bulbs do not overheat. If you doubt that your garland meets all safety requirements, it is better to abandon this idea.

To make such a garland with your own hands, you just need to move the threads apart a little, stick the light bulb inside and push the threads back. The main thing is that the light bulb does not come into contact with the threads.

This garland looks very beautiful on the New Year tree, on the wall, and on the windowsill.

Hanging decoration

Balls of thread can simply be hung from the ceiling.

If you don't feel like putting in the extra effort, just hang all your balloons over a table or door. It looks very unusual and impressive, adding coziness to the home.

Choose any of the proposed ideas or come up with something of your own. This Christmas decoration can be used in dozens of different accessories. And each will be beautiful in its own way.

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