How to properly hem baby diapers. What sizes are needed for newborn diapers and how to sew a useful wardrobe item with your own hands

Other reasons

After birth, the baby is helped to take the usual position in which he was in the womb, wrapping him in a diaper. This gives the child peace and tranquility. The use of swaddling helps the baby get used to the new environment, facilitating and softening the adaptation process.

Required number of diapers for a newborn

For a baby in disposable diapers, it will be enough to purchase 10 thin and 10 warm diapers. If the baby is wearing rompers, then you should have 20 cotton and flannel items.

This amount may vary depending on the availability of daily washing and the time of year when the baby was born. After all, in the summer, flannel sheets will be rarely used, which means their number can be reduced to five. And calico diapers are needed both in the cold and warm seasons.

How to make the right choice?

When choosing diapers, you need to avoid too bright colors, because the paint can become an allergen for the baby. Before first use and in the future if they become dirty, they should be washed using baby soap or powder and rinsed thoroughly. Insufficiently clean diapers can cause diaper rash and even inflammatory processes in the baby. For children under three months of age, sheets must be ironed. Under the influence of high temperatures, the fabric becomes softer, and various pathogenic bacteria die.

It is not recommended to buy diapers of the smallest sizes for a newborn, because babies are born of different heights and weights. When you leave the maternity hospital, you can purchase a pair of medium-sized sheets. And after the baby is born, choose what kind of baby diaper he needs.

Diaper sizes

Several decades ago, there was a standard diaper size for a newborn, fixed in regulatory documents. Nowadays, manufacturers cut and produce sheets for babies in sizes that are beneficial for the manufacturers themselves. Therefore, parents ask the question: “What size should baby diapers be?” By and large, this factor is not of fundamental importance. The main thing is that the sheets are pleasant to the child’s skin. The baby can quickly get out of diapers that are too small, and large products are not very convenient for mothers to use.

Common diaper sizes:

  • 80x95 cm. Sheets with these sizes are suitable for a baby in the first 5-8 weeks of his life. Later, when the baby grows out of these diapers, you can wipe the baby with them after bathing.
  • 95x100 cm (100x100 cm). Such products are suitable for babies who are 8-12 weeks old. After all, at this time, children are already actively moving their arms and legs, and can easily get out of small diapers.
  • 110x110 cm. The most popular baby diaper. The sizes are considered very convenient for use by young mothers. These sheets are suitable for swaddling babies 12-16 weeks of age. These diapers are also convenient to put in a crib, stroller or on a changing table.
  • 120x120 cm. This is a baby diaper, the dimensions of which are the largest in comparison with the products presented in stores. The production of such sheets requires the most fabric, so they are more expensive than others. Used for swaddling babies over four months old. In the future, you can use these products as sheets for a crib.

To choose what size baby diapers are suitable for a particular baby, you can use this table.

Child's age, months.

Child's weight, g

Child's height, cm

Diaper size, cm

Average figures are shown here. But, knowing the weight and height of her baby, every mother will be able to at least roughly understand what size diapers she needs to purchase or make with her own hands.

Thin diapers

Light diapers should be made only from natural material, absorb moisture well and not cause allergies or irritation to the newborn’s skin. Chintz and knitwear meet these requirements. Calico diapers are made of 100% cotton, are easy to wash, dry quickly and are durable even with repeated washing.

Calico sheets will come in handy in hot summers and cold winters, both at home and while walking outside. If desired, they can be boiled to kill germs without the use of allergy-causing chemicals. Using the table above, you can determine the required size of a baby diaper. Knitted products, which are soft and elastic, are also widely used for swaddling. They fit snugly to the baby’s body, but at the same time give even the most active little ones freedom of movement.

Warm diapers

Thicker diapers are made from flannel or flannel. These fabrics are soft and retain heat due to the thick combed pile. Flannel diapers are used in the cold season.

Warm products should be made only from cotton fabrics; woolen material is too harsh for a baby’s skin. In thick diapers, the baby will be comfortable sleeping in a cool room, walking outside, and relaxing after bathing. The size of a flannel baby diaper is selected by analogy with the choice of thin products.

Modern absorbent diapers

Absorbent diapers are quite expensive, but it is better to purchase them if possible. These products are either disposable or reusable. They are very convenient to take with you on trips or when visiting. It’s good to use these diapers on a walk when changing a diaper in a stroller. In a warm room, you can place the baby on such a mat without a diaper. The baby's skin will breathe, and the diaper will absorb the released moisture well if necessary. Unfortunately, these sheets are small in size: 40x60 cm, 60x60 cm and 60x90 cm. This does not allow them to be used for full swaddling. Disposable sheets should be thrown away after use. And reusable diapers can be washed and used further.

Choosing material for making diapers with your own hands

When made at home, you will get a baby diaper, the size of which will ideally suit both mother and baby. The cost of a homemade product will compare favorably with the price of store-bought sheets.

If you have a piece of chintz, flannel or flannel at home, you need to sew diapers from this material. If there is no fabric in stock, you need to purchase it in the store.

As mentioned above, for thin diapers you need to choose soft and not too colorful chintz with a roll width of 80-90 cm, for thick ones - flannel or flannel. The color can be selected individually, depending on the gender of your baby and the personal preferences of the young mother. To sew 10 diapers measuring 90x120 cm, you need to purchase 12 meters of fabric.

Sewing diapers at home

The mechanism for making sheets with your own hands is as follows:

  • Apply all the necessary markings with a pencil to the edge of the fabric cut.
  • Cut the material according to the marked marks.
  • Finish the edges using an overlocker or a zigzag stitch on a sewing machine. It is strictly forbidden to use a hem seam; the edge will be too rough for a baby. If it is not possible to decorate the edges this way, then you can do this by overcasting the diapers by hand.
  • To complete the process, you need to wash the diapers, rinse them well and iron them at maximum temperature on both sides.

Today there is no single standard size of a baby diaper for a newborn, so a young mother can choose sheets of several available sizes provided by manufacturers. This should be done based on the height, weight of the baby and your own preferences. Even if the baby is in diapers, diapers are still needed for daily use, just in smaller quantities. You can make your own sheets at home. In this case, you set the size of the product yourself. The main thing is that it is convenient to swaddle the baby with a sheet of a specific size.

The debate about swaddling continues. Perinatal psychologists believe it helps babies feel comfortable, while pediatricians say it slows the development of some motor skills. One way or another, it is almost impossible to do without this process in the first months. But what should be the size of diapers for newborns so that they are enough for a full-fledged cocoon and at the same time there is no excess fabric left that will only get in the way?

Modern manufacturers offer young parents a wide choice, which is easy to get confused. But upon closer examination of the issue, everything turns out to be not so complicated.

Why is it so difficult to choose the size of a diaper for a newborn? The fact is that today, in addition to standards, there are exclusive models that do not meet any standards.

On the one hand, this is good, because there is plenty to choose from. On the other hand, it is difficult to figure out what exactly is right for your baby. We offer the most common parameters that can be found in any store.

  • 60×60 / 70×50 (in cm)

The smallest existing diaper size, which is recommended for low birth weight newborns. Microfiber is usually used for their production.

  • 80×95 / 80×120

This is the standard size of diapers for a newborn, which is considered the most comfortable in the first month of life. Then they can serve as a towel or bedding.

  • 95×100 / 95×120

At 2-3 months, the baby begins to behave more actively, trying to break out of the shackles. And he himself is already stronger and has grown a little, so it’s worth changing the size of the diaper so that you can wrap him twice.

  • 100×100 / 110×110 / 100×120

You can immediately purchase these square diapers to wrap your newborn warmer and more securely from the first days. This is especially true in winter. But in practice they are recommended mainly for the age of 3-4 months.

  • 120×120 / 150×120

This is the largest diaper size and the most expensive. It is usually used by mothers who prefer to swaddle their child for as long as possible or who are growing up a real hero who does not fit into the standard parameters for his age.

  • 120×75 (80, 90, 95, 105) / 130×90 / 150×90

Cloths of this non-standard size are used for foot swaddling at night after 3 months.

Using these data, it is easy to determine which diaper size is most comfortable for newborns in your case. Consider the age of the baby and its weight, as well as what kind of material you prefer. These factors will play an important role in choosing the options you need.

Origin of name. The word “diaper” is ancient Proto-Slavic; it originally meant “cover, veil.”

According to the material

The question of what size diapers are needed for a newborn is very closely related to the material from which they will be made. After all, each fabric has its own characteristics: some are very elastic and allow the fabric to stretch, others, on the contrary, can “shrink” after washing, which means it is better to purchase them a little more than the specified standard. So be sure to take this parameter into account when purchasing.

  • Batiste

Batiste diapers frighten many people because they are very thin and tear quickly. On the one hand, this is their disadvantage. On the other hand, it is difficult to find a more breathable and lightweight material than this. The optimal parameters for cambric fabrics are 120×75.

  • Kulirka

Natural material based on cotton. The cooler is hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly, stretches well, and practically does not wrinkle. For newborns, such diapers are ideal in hot weather. There is only one drawback - this fabric shrinks a lot after washing. So don’t buy canvases smaller than 130×90.

  • Microfiber

This is an organic, unprocessed material from which disposable diapers are made. They do not need to be washed, they save time, and are sold at an affordable price. However, they are not recommended for regular swaddling. So - to go to the clinic, for example, or to visit. But they are the ones that suggest the smallest size (60×60, 70×50), which allows the use of such a cloth for premature newborns.

  • Chintz

Calico diapers are the most popular for newborns. This is 100% cotton. They are lightweight and multifunctional. They can be used as sheets and towels. In the cold season, a chintz diaper is placed on a flannel one - the result is double warmth and softness. The optimal parameters are 120×90 and 130×90.

  • Knitwear

Knitted diapers are a new model that has gained wide popularity. They are practical and easy to use. It is placed on top of the flannel to enhance the warmth. In summer it is used as the main one. It does not constrict the body, takes on absolutely any shape, and is suitable for free swaddling, as it allows the baby to move his arms and legs. You can find the following parameters: 100×120, 120×95, 130×90.

  • Flannel

Flannel diapers are the softest model, made from fluffed cotton. They absorb liquid perfectly, allow the skin to breathe freely, and retain heat. Can be used as bedspreads in summer, sheets and towels. Usually, the size of a flannel diaper for a newborn is selected in accordance with his age and swaddling method, because the range is quite wide: 120×75, 120×80, 120×90, 130×90.

  • Footer

Natural brushed cotton fabric, very warm. Diapers made from it are good in winter. Since they require chintz or cambric fabrics, the dimensions should be slightly larger than those corresponding to the baby’s age: 120×105 or 130×90.

The following table will help you navigate the relationship between the sizes of diapers and the material from which they are made.

Through the pages of history. In Rus', the process of swaddling was ritual: it was a kind of protection from evil spirits who sought to capture the baby’s soul.

According to age

You can choose the size of the baby diaper according to age. Despite the fact that in medicine a newborn is considered a child of only 1 month of life, we will give parameters up to six months. They may be needed by parents whose children are larger than usual. Or if things are bought for growth in whole sets at once.

Often the largest canvas is taken and used from the baby’s first birthday until 5-6 months. So the information below has been expanded to this age range.

  • 1 month

Here you can choose the size of a standard diaper for newborns - 80x95 or 80x120 cm. It is the smallest and most comfortable for a given age.

  • 2-3 months

For an older child who is trying to be active at this age, canvases with dimensions of 95×100 or 95×120 cm are suitable.

  • 3-4 months

At 3-4 months, you should expect that the baby will try in every possible way to get out of the diapers, so you will have to wrap him in several layers. The sizes 100×100 / 100×120/ 110×110 cm will come in handy here. But they can also be used for very small, newborn babies, in the cold season.

  • 5-6 months

Six months - it is up to this age that pediatricians recommend swaddling children. These are real heroes, for whom diapers measuring 120×120 or 150×120 cm are suitable. They will be useful for newborns 1 month old if their mothers are supporters of free swaddling.

The data from the table will tell you what size the diaper should be in accordance with age.

If your baby is growing into a real hero and is larger than ordinary children, you should take diapers one size larger. A few useful tips will help you cope with all these nuances.

With the world - one by one. The question that swaddling is harmful to the development of a newborn came from the West, where such practice does not exist. However, it must be taken into account that the climate there is different, and therefore the features of the formation of a small organism will be somewhat different.

To choose the right diaper size for swaddling a newborn, follow a few useful tips:

  1. The size will largely depend on the method of swaddling: for full swaddling, larger ones are required, if up to the armpits - smaller ones; for leg swaddling, the smallest in length will do, but their width should be sufficient.
  2. Before giving birth, purchase 7-8 cotton and the same number of flannel diapers of different sizes: 80×90 and 95×100.
  3. You can immediately buy large canvases. Yes, they will take more time (they take longer to dry, longer to iron) and money, but they will also last a long time.

With the size of a diaper for a newborn, it is difficult not to guess. But it’s better to take a larger canvas, because the small ones will be tight, and the baby will feel awkward and uncomfortable in them.

Well, if the standards do not suit you, you can always sew this thing with your own hands at home. To do this, you don’t need to be a first-class seamstress or complete sewing and cutting courses.

This is interesting. In Rus', a child was swaddled with the words: “Endure cold, need, all kinds of bad weather and adversity - be a man.”

We sew ourselves

If you decide to sew a diaper for a newborn with your own hands, you can experiment with the sizes if for some reason you are not satisfied with the standard ones sold in stores. What is needed for this?

  1. The sewing machine is in working condition.
  2. Material: chintz, flannel or jersey. To save money, you can take old sheets from which you can make several sheets.
  3. Wash the fabric.
  4. For the pattern, you need to decide what size diapers you will sew. You can use the data given above and take standard sizes. You can estimate it by eye or take measurements from your baby and make the item in accordance with individual data.
  5. Make marks on the fabric.
  6. Cut out.
  7. Hem and finish the edges with an overlocker or simply fold it over.
  8. Wash.
  9. Iron.

In accordance with the above tables and recommendations, you can easily calculate the optimal size of diapers for a newborn in accordance with his age and weight.

If the smallest ones are suitable for the first days, then after a few weeks the grown-up hero will need to increase the amount of swaddling fabric so that he feels comfortable. This process must be constantly monitored.

While expecting a baby, future parents will have to purchase a lot of things that will be needed in the first months of the child's life. One of these necessary items is diapers. Of course, you can buy several dozen in the store, or you can make them yourself, which will cost you much less.

How to sew diapers for a baby

What fabric to choose for diapers for a newborn

The skin of a small child is delicate and sensitive, so only delicate fabrics are suitable for him. It will be optimal if you purchase natural cotton fabric: – chintz; - flannel; - linen; - calico. Please ensure that no synthetic fibers are added to the fabric. It is better to purchase two types of fabric - thin (chintz, linen or calico), from which you can make light diapers, and thick flannel, from which diapers will come out warmer. It’s good if the fabric is not just white, but with a funny pattern - after all, you are creating a thing whose appearance should please both you and the baby.

How many diapers does a newborn need?

The number of diapers you will need depends on whether you plan to swaddle your baby or whether you prefer to dress him in blouses and pants. If you choose swaddling, then in the first month of your baby’s life it is advisable to have about 30 diapers. You can make a dozen thin diapers measuring 80x120, which will be convenient to use during bathing or to place where you want to place a naked baby. You will also need diapers measuring 120x120 - they will be most convenient for swaddling immediately after the baby is born. Finally, make some 120x150 diapers, because babies grow quickly and you will soon need larger diapers.

If the baby was born large, sew more diapers in the 120x150 format, because soon you will only be able to use them

Diapers for newborns have been used since ancient times. Previously, mothers wrapped their babies so that they would not be frightened by their own movements during an unconscious start. And, despite the appearance of different elegant clothes, young mothers wrap their children in diapers and wonder: what is the optimal size of diapers for a newborn? What else can they be used for?

Using diapers for children

  • Cape against the sun.
  • Towel.
  • Bed sheet.
  • Blanket for wrapping large children.
  • A cape for comfortable breastfeeding in a crowded place.
  • While swimming.

A diaper during bathing is the main attribute in the bath. When a wrapped baby goes to bathe, the diaper is the first to get wet and relieve the child from fear.

What fabric are diapers made from?

  • Flannel.
  • Knitwear.
  • Chintz.
  • Kulirka.
  • Muslin.
  • Flannel.

Also, some types of fabric diapers can combine several types of material. For example: Knitted jersey. And also have an oilcloth base, with a soft coating, to protect against liquid leakage onto the mattress and for the baby to stay comfortably on it.

Features of diapers

The diaper is made of high-quality fabric, absorbs moisture well and does not evaporate it. Therefore, children's delicate skin is not so quickly exposed to the greenhouse effect. But this does not mean that the baby should lie in the wet. The used diaper is put into the wash as soon as it gets wet.

It allows the baby not to freeze and sweat if it is hot, because its loose base acts the same in cold and heat. You need to choose high-quality and durable material, because with frequent washing, any fabric becomes unusable. It should be gentle and soft, as the baby's delicate skin is exposed to the environment and irritation may occur. The edges should be machined or overlocked, but without rough or large seams. Apart from the factory design, there should be no decorations on the diaper.

Initially, in order for the baby to sleep comfortably in a diaper, it must be made from fabrics on a natural basis, and not irritate the delicate skin, which is not yet accustomed to some synthetic additives. Do not cause an allergic reaction to the material.

It is also not advisable to use diapers for the first months of life, with folded and stitched edges. The baby is not yet accustomed to seams; our ancestors realized this when they began to sew baby undershirts with the seams facing out. That's why modern seamstresses use overlockers.

The diaper should not be wrapped in folds. This can happen not only from the mother’s inexperience, but also from an incorrectly selected size for her age. You should always remember that folds, especially in the first months of a baby’s life, are irritating and oppressive. Therefore, the baby may be capricious.

Convenient sizes of diapers for newborns should correspond to age and height. If the baby is large or older than three months, then sizes from 120*90 are suitable. Until this period, you can safely use smaller sizes. But do not forget that a young mother should also be comfortable in the process of wrapping herself. Therefore, if the diaper no longer wraps well and becomes small, you need to find another use for it.

The diapers that mother takes with her to the hospital are of great importance. Because now, a young mother takes care of her baby on her own and must be prepared for various “Surprises”.

What size diapers are needed for a newborn?

The volumes of changing fabrics can be very different. But the size of diapers for a newborn is standard, 120*80 or 120*95. However, for more comfortable swaddling of children - 120*120 or 120*150. At first, you can replace the diapers with a baby sheet 95*80. Or up to three months 95*100, 100*100.

When the baby grows up, he is no longer comfortable being “tied up.” Therefore, the size of the diaper for changing newborns changes to 110*110. Then 2 products are used: flannel and chintz. The volume of flannel fabric should be slightly smaller than calico fabric, because it only warms the baby’s body.

Standard sizes of diapers for newborns - Table


Microfiber Yes
Batiste Yes
Chintz Yes Yes
Kulirka Yes
Flannel Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Knitwear Yes Yes Yes
Footer Yes Yes

So, if you prepare a dowry for a newborn in the maternity ward, you need:

10 thin cotton diapers. The optimal size of calico diapers for a newborn is 80*120. These diapers are quite small, so you can wrap your baby in them for no more than a month. However, their use does not end there. Further, they are used as bedding, light sheets for covering and bathing.

10 warm flannel diapers. The size of flannel diapers for a newborn is 120*150. They are used as small blankets. The baby will not freeze and overheat in them. This item is indispensable in a home with a small child.

10 sanitary diapers. The size of a diaper for a newborn in a maternity hospital is 60*60. Naturally, the hospital staff will not allow you to damage the property of the postpartum ward - mattresses, blankets, pillows. Also, the number of diapers per room is limited. However, how can you explain this to a newly born baby? After all, he is still too small and sloppy. May have a bowel movement right during an examination by a pediatrician. In such cases, many mothers are saved by hygienic diapers.

5–10 – with Velcro. The size of a Velcro diaper for a newborn is better to buy from 52 cm, if on an ultrasound, the doctor did not tell you about the baby’s excessive weight.

How to sew diapers for a newborn with your own hands?

Material. First of all, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing quality material. Don't chase cheap prices. Be sure to look at the labels with the name of the material and its composition.

Size. Choose the diaper size for your newborn baby. Pay attention to the fact that when washing any fabric shrinks, and allocate + 5 cm for each diaper. Add 1 cm in addition to the desired size, on all sides of the fabric for allowances.

Edge processing. For convenient work with the edges of the future diaper, tuck the edges and iron. After this, you can immediately sew.

With the birth of a child, young parents have many questions - how to feed, how to play, what to wear and how to go for walks. The issue of choosing clothes and swaddling a baby is one of the most important. The child must be wrapped so that he is warm, cozy and comfortable.


Our ancestors noticed that a baby is comfortable if his arms and legs are well swaddled. This way the child feels like he is still in his familiar environment, he feels protected and doesn’t scare himself with his hands.

Previously, they swaddled with a large piece of cloth, well steamed and ironed. The material chosen was soft, non-prickly - such that it would not cause irritation to delicate skin.

Now swaddling has reached a new level. In addition to the numerous fashionable devices that the market for newborns is rich in, a large number of technologically savvy things have appeared that make life easier for both mother and baby. Such inventions include a cocoon diaper. Its peculiarity is that it is dimensionless and can be sewn at home. First, a pattern is built. A do-it-yourself cocoon diaper can be sewn in a couple of hours.


Diapers of this design can be different. Velcro, buttons or ties can be used as fasteners. This diaper is suitable for natural swaddling - when the corners are wrapped around the baby's body and tucked under layers of fabric.

The appearance may also vary between different diapers. Most of them are a T-shaped cocoon with a pocket at the bottom. There is also a variety in which the lower part, like the side flaps, is folding and is not fixed with additional fasteners.

Constructing a pattern

To sew a diaper you need a pattern. By the way, a do-it-yourself cocoon diaper is sewn very simply and quickly.

For the pattern, you need to draw a large letter “T” on the fabric that is selected for the product. Then, at the base of the letter, the bottom needs to be slightly widened so that it approaches the shape of a circle.

You need to cut out 2 parts of this letter. If the diaper is lined, then 4 parts are cut out, while the inner two should be 5 mm smaller (seam allowance).

In order for the diaper to fit a child from 0 to 3 months, the dimensions must be generous:

  • height 65-90 cm;
  • width at the narrow part - 50 cm;
  • The maximum width of the shelves is 90 cm.

Since the child is wrapped in such a diaper up to his neck, the height of the pattern should be such that it does not create a cushion near the head. To avoid this, the baby is placed along the upper edge of the product, and the bottom is slightly free - it is convenient for the baby to move his legs, which is especially popular with children.

Now that the pattern is ready, the cocoon diaper must be cut out with your own hands.


Now we will tell you how to sew a cocoon diaper, and in what order to do it:

  • Before cutting, the fabric must be washed and thoroughly ironed. This is necessary in order to understand how the material will behave after heat treatment.
  • The ironed fabric is cut.
  • Then you need to sew the lining and outer layer. To do this, the fabrics are placed on top of each other, right side to right side. The material is stitched on the sides so that a small section remains through which the entire structure can be turned out.

Cocoon diaper with zipper

Different mothers evaluate different fasteners in their own way. Some find it convenient to simply wrap the baby, while others prefer Velcro. A sizeless cocoon diaper with a zipper is a universal option that is convenient for any age of the baby.

To get a high-quality diaper, you will need a two-way factory zipper (you can use a ready-made one of the required length, about 50 cm). You also need fabric and sharp scissors. Its pattern consists of several parts:

  • the back of the diaper looks like a large oval;
  • two front parts of the diaper, their length and circumference must match the back part. It would be correct to draw two ovals, cut the second in half and add 5 mm to the seams;
  • facing for collar. A soft knitted tape can be used.

First the collar is trimmed. Then the zipper is sewn to the cocoon. After this, the front halves with a zipper are sewn on the sides to the back of the cocoon.

Such a diaper must be lined so that the zipper does not interfere with the child, does not prick or cause discomfort.

Velcro diaper

Ideal for newborns. It's easy to swaddle your baby in it, it's convenient to unfasten it to change the diaper - there's no need to unwrap the whole baby.

In order to sew a warm Velcro diaper, you need 3 types of fabric: fluffy material for the outside, fleece for the lining, flannel or flannel for the inside.

The pattern is standard - something like the letter “T”.

Each layer of fabric should be the same size as the previous one. In this version, three layers are stitched at once.

Velcro is first sewn onto the inside, on the sides - the layer of fabric that will adhere to the baby's body. The second part is sewn on the outside. This must be done strictly symmetrically so that the fasteners come together. All layers are stitched together.

Another option is a Velcro newborn diaper, in which the Velcro is positioned vertically on one side.

In this configuration, it is convenient to place the child in the middle and secure it with the side sleeves.

Asymmetrical diaper

Most mothers have noticed that when swaddling a baby, the right side of the diaper is actively used, and the left is used to fix the material on the baby.

Based on this, a specific pattern is ergonomically convenient. The cocoon diaper is sewn with your own hands so that the right side is larger than the left.

When swaddling, the left side is placed on the baby, the bottom is wrapped around the legs, and the right side is wrapped around the body so that the long panel is in front and reaches the Velcro or fastener. A cocoon diaper with a zipper using this pattern will not work, as the zipper will get in the way.

For convenience, to avoid creasing of the fabric in the arm area, you can make small darts. To do this, triangles are cut out on the fabric with an apex angle of no more than 15 degrees. They are positioned so that the base coincides with the armpit on the pattern. This is where the wide part of the pattern begins. These drawn triangles are cut out and the fabric is sewn at this place. This way, the excess material is removed and the product fits comfortably around the baby.