Disc ball. Homemade disco ball with motor

For teenagers

We very rarely make crafts from CDs, this is due to the fact that they are quite difficult and not a universal material. It is difficult to come up with a master class with discs, and then successfully implement it, and even one that everyone will like. But I still decided to create a small craft that will be interesting to many and will be needed for the holidays to decorate their home. I'll tell you how to make a ball out of CDs with your own hands. The master class is not easy, so it is not suitable for children; mostly men do this, but sometimes women too. A similar ball of disks can be hung on or next to it on a cornice; in a word, such a craft will certainly decorate your holiday and lift your spirits.

Material for creating a ball from disks:

- CDs.
— A drill with a very thin drill bit.
- Wire cutters.
- Glue gun.
- Wire.
— Rain (New Year’s decoration).
- Marker.
— Paper template.

We have prepared everything we need.

We place the paper blank on the disk and mark each vertex with a marker on the disk.

Drill holes at the marks. Do everything evenly and clearly so that all the discs come together.

We connect the disks to each other using wire, just like on a homemade product. We wrap it tightly so that our ball does not fall apart later. First we make two parts, each with one disk in the center and five more surrounding it.

We combine the two halves of the ball and also fasten them with wire.

When the main work with the disks is done, let's start decorating the ball. I chose the appropriate rain color for each disc. Use a hot glue gun to glue the rain onto the disks.

It looks very nice. First, we glue rain onto the edges of the discs.

Distribute the colors so that they match each other.

At the end, we decorate the middle of each disk, take a small piece of rain and glue it into the central hole. As for the color scheme, use your own imagination, either the same color or a different one for variety.

We got such an original, shiny and beautiful ball, and even made it with our own hands.

And if you want to keep your kids busy with similar crafts, then teach them how to create them. And also try yourself with new materials, for example, create or. Good luck sharing!

I always wondered, is it possible to make a disco ball with your own hands? I tried it and it turned out that it is possible. In order to make a disco ball with your own hands, we will need a balloon, newspaper, water, paste, CDs and glue.
1. We make the base for the disco ball using the technique. Place pieces of newspaper soaked in water in one layer onto the balloon, inflated to the required size. It is better to tear the newspaper, this way the edges will be held together better. Try not to tear the newspaper into large pieces, so the surface will be smoother.

2. On the first layer of newspaper with water, apply a layer of newspaper pieces soaked in paste. Then several more layers like this for strength. 4-5 layers will be enough. Leave the ball to dry in a warm place. When it dries, it will be quite tough and durable. Use a needle to burst the ball inside the papier-mâché, and thread a thread or fishing line to hang it later.

3. Cut the disks into medium-sized squares. Scissors for cutting should be sharp, they can even be pre-sharpened. We begin to glue the squares onto the dry ball in a circle starting from the largest diameter. It is permissible to glue the remaining fragments onto the upper part. We use any glue suitable for such work. I use the glue that is used to glue ceiling tiles.

4. The ball is ready. All that remains is to hang it.

Making a disco ball with your own hands is quite labor-intensive work. Firstly, cutting disco into squares is quite difficult. Secondly, sticking small particles onto the ball requires perseverance and accuracy. But the result is a brilliant iridescent ball that will be a harmonious addition to the New Year's interior.

A disco ball is an original craft that is perfect for a home party. This mirror ball will add style, desired dynamics and color to a disco or party. The disco ball works from the mains. When turned on, the ball rotates and bunnies begin to run around the room from the light source directed at it. Any holiday will become more fun and interesting with the use of a disco ball. The disco ball is made from available material.

How to make a disco ball with your own hands

1. For work you will need the following materials and tools: 30 pieces of DVD discs (preferably double-sided) for a ball with a diameter of 30 cm, a balloon of the selected size, PVA glue, Moment glue, newspapers, hardware (screw with a ring, two nuts and two washers ), brush for applying PVA glue, scissors, ruler, awl, felt-tip pen.

2. Mirrors for the ball will be cut from DVD discs. To do this, mark the disk into squares with a side of 10 mm. We mark along the ruler with a felt-tip pen, then mark the disk along the marked lines with an awl. Using scissors, cut the disk into squares. The discs will be cut better with scissors and will not crack if you hold the discs in hot water for a few seconds (determined experimentally).

3. The size of the ball depends on desire and capabilities. Take a balloon (necessarily round) and inflate it to a diameter of 30 cm.

4. The base of the ball is made using papier-mâché technology; this has already been done on the website. Cut small pieces of newsprint into arbitrary shapes. We glue pieces of newspaper with our own hands using PVA glue to the ball and to adjacent pieces of paper. Dry the first layer. And so we glue five layers of paper.

5. Do not rush to deflate the balloon after the fifth layer. Dry the applied layers to such a state that the glued sphere will represent a durable object (determined by tapping with a ringing response).

6. Deflate the ball. We screw two nuts onto the screw with the ring; there should be two washers between the nuts. Make the distance between the nuts 2-3 cm.

7. We fix the screw into the hole from the balloon (see photo). If necessary, a small cut is made to insert the lower nut and washer inside.

The screw is secured

8. Relative to the suspension, mark the equator of the ball.

9. Glue the mirror squares in stripes from the equator to the poles using Moment glue or Liquid Nails glue.

10. The motor drive is purchased ready-made or made on the basis of a motor with a gearbox with a large gear ratio (for example, a motor from a microwave oven table, other similar motors with a gearbox). This design uses a motor with a gearbox from the artificial flower opening drive (2 rev/s). The gear motor is placed in a housing made of an aluminum mug and attached to the ceiling with self-tapping screws.

11. We hang the mirror ball on the engine and direct the light at it. As a light source, it is necessary to use incandescent lamps - regular or halogen; it is also acceptable to use powerful LED light sources.

Make your own disco ball! Blog material kindly provided

Kondratyev Sergey
Republic of Bashkortostan

Many people know what a disco ball is and what it is, but not everyone has such an item at home. Would you like to diversify the image of your room interior and give it a little magic? We invite you to watch this video tutorial and learn how to make a mirror disco ball that will spin on its own.

The creation method used here is quite simple and does not require special knowledge in lighting technology or any other. In this case, the simplest and easily accessible materials are used:

  • mirror plastic or you can take a regular CD;
  • Christmas ball on a plastic ball;
  • clockwork;
  • hot glue;
  • scissors.

We take mirror plastic and cut it into small squares.

We glue squares of mirror plastic onto it using hot glue. We start from the top, glue the ball around the circle, gradually go to the center of the lower part - the hole made.

We are finalizing the clock mechanism. To do this, take a plastic pipe, the diameter of which coincides with the hole of the mirror ball, and fix it on the clock mechanism.

We install the clock mechanism in one half of the ball, having first threaded the tube through the hole.

The disco ball is completely ready. At the end of the pipe you can make a stand and attach LEDs to it on thin tubes, directed towards the ball. Or put it as it is and direct any ray of light onto the ball. The video tutorial uses the simplest way to create a mirror ball, but you can modify it however you like.

One scratch and the disc can be thrown into the trash. Or attach it as a stand for a cup of tea (can be glued to cardboard). Flash drives and file sharing services have practically replaced even usable disks. It seems like rubbish, but I don’t dare throw it away. Let's try to turn garbage into a very beautiful and useful thing for home celebrations, discos, and parties. We will make a disco ball from disks with our own hands, especially since the work is pure pleasure, requiring neither experience nor large expenses.

CD disco ball

Tools and materials

  • CDs;
  • Styrofoam;
  • fishing line;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • patience and inspiration.

Step-by-step instruction

Disc selection

In addition to “needed or not needed,” the disks also need to be sorted by color, because they have different shades. Although it all depends on your idea: the ball can be plain or colored. For a ball the size of a school globe, prepare at least 50 disks. Shape of fragments. Depending on your imagination, the pieces of the disk can be regular in shape (square, rectangle) or arbitrary. A standard disk square is 2 cm x 2 cm.

Cutting discs

into small squares, for example, and put them in one container. (If you break it, it won’t be very small). It is better to take metal or kitchen scissors; office scissors can break, and with thin scissors, calluses on your fingers are guaranteed. It would be a good idea to sharpen the scissors before use. The discs are very fragile and pieces may break off at the edges. For flexibility and softening, place it in hot water for a couple of seconds. Don't overdo it, it may lose its shape.

The basis

  • Method one. Cut a ball out of a large piece of polystyrene foam (the bigger the better). Such a ball can also be bought in flower shops.
  • Method two. If you are proficient in the papier-mâché technique, you can cover a regular school globe with pieces of old newspaper, after greasing it with Vaseline and covering it with cling film. Two days after drying the two layers, we get a pretty decent base ball. The cut halves can be joined with tape.
  • Method three. If cutting the balloon is a shame, stick pieces of paper onto a round balloon. After the shell has dried, the ball can be easily pierced and the paper sphere can be used for its intended purpose.
  • Method four. Probably the easiest way is to make a large ball of newspaper and cover it with fabric.

First, you need to make a through hole in the ball for fishing line or other thread so that you can hang the ball.

Decorating the ball

It is convenient to glue the disco ball with squares using a glue gun. You need to start from the “equator”, that is, from the middle of the ball and paste it around the circumference towards the “poles”. We glue the top part of the ball last. Here you can use non-standard pieces of material, remaining trim. If the squares are the same (cut out according to a template), you can paste them in a checkerboard pattern or offset, like a tile. We glue pieces of arbitrary shape without gaps, overlapping and overlapping the previous one so that the ends stick out in all directions (see photo).

We hang the disco ball from the chandelier (or in another convenient place), turn off the light, direct the beam at it and invite friends to the disco.

Are there any unused squares left? Update your old photo frame. Since the pieces remain non-standard, the empty spaces must be filled with an outline. Let's get three useful things - cheap and cheerful.

Another way to turn CDs into an original disco ball with your own hands without cutting them is to watch the video.

Options for large disco balls made from uncut CDs in the photo. Such balloons will be appropriate for any occasion - a wedding or New Year's Eve.