How to determine the gender of a child using a Japanese table. Planning the gender of the child

To mom
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
18 D M D M M M M M M M M M
19 M D M D D M M D M M D D
20 D M D M M M M M M D M M
21 M D D D D D D D D D D D
22 D M M D M D D M D D D D
23 M M M D M M D D D M M D
24 M D D M M D M D M M D M
25 D M D M D M D M D M M M
26 M M M M M D M D D M D D
27 D D M M D M D D M D M M
28 M M M D D M D M D D M D
29 D M D D M D D M D M D D
30 M M D M D M M M M M M M
31 M M M M D D M D M D D D
32 M D D M D M M D M M D M
33 D M M D D M D M D M M D
34 M M D D M D M M D M D D
35 M D M D M D M D M M D M
36 M D M M M D M M D D D D
37 D D M D D D M D D M M M
38 M M D D M D D M D D M D
39 D D M D D D M D M M D M
40 M M M D M D M D M D D M
41 D D M D M M D D M D M D
42 M D D M M M M M D M D M
43 D M D D M M M D D D M M
44 M D D D M D M M D M D M
45 D M D M D D M D M D M D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Sometimes this method can be found under the name Chinese baby gender determination chart. It's the same thing, don't be confused by the different names.

How to determine the gender of your unborn child using the Chinese lunar calendar

  1. Enter your date of birth and the date of planned conception (approximately; the main thing for the calculator is to determine whether the date is before or after the lunar New Year, and in which lunar month). Click "Calculate Lunar Age".
  2. The calculator will carry out all the necessary calculations, give you the lunar age, convert the entered date into a date according to the lunar calendar and “tell” who, according to the Chinese, is more likely to appear with you.
  3. To obtain data about neighboring months, you can not carry out the calculations again, but refer to the table located below the calculator. Select the row with your lunar age and the column with the lunar month of the baby’s conception. In the cell at the intersection you will see who - "M" (boy) or "D" (girl)- you are more likely to be conceived according to the Chinese lunar calendar.

Chinese calendar for determining the gender of a child has come down to us since the Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1911 AD). It can help predict the sex of the unborn child. The calendar is based on two initial data: the age of the expectant mother (according to the Chinese lunar calendar) and the lunar month of conception. The Chinese attribute to this system an accuracy of around 75-80%.

Attention! When determining the sex of your unborn child, it is not your real age that is used, but your age according to the Chinese lunar calendar. This is exactly what will simplify our calculator.

But remember that not a single lunar calendar can simultaneously take into account all the characteristics of all women!

The lunar calendar is not Gregorian; the number of days in a year and months may differ (insignificantly) from our usual calendar. All dates in it are tied to the phases of the moon.

If you are interested in the determination algorithm, you can read about it below.

How to determine your age according to the Chinese lunar calendar?

The Chinese believe that when a baby is born, he is already 1 year old (this is 9 months of intrauterine development rounded up to a year). After each new year according to the Chinese lunar calendar, 1 year is added to the lunar age, regardless of the month of birth.

Calculation example

If you were born, for example, on January 9 (before KNG), you are already 1 year old at the time of birth. And in March, after the KNG, you are already 2 lunar years old. And so on, each new year adds 1 year to your age.

Seeing the long-awaited two stripes on the test, expectant mothers experience a lot of bright feelings and emotions. However, they are soon joined by a burning female curiosity, caused by the desire to find out the sex of the future baby.

Counting the days until the next ultrasound, pregnant women have no choice but to try to calculate the sex of the baby in their own ways. Various techniques and calendars help them with this. Of course, their reliability is highly questionable, but many women believe in the veracity of the results. The Japanese table for determining the sex of a child will certainly be of interest to expectant mothers. Let's give a detailed description of it.

Operating principle

Scientists have long established that the sex of a child is determined by a certain group of chromosomes contained in sperm. The egg of the expectant mother has only the female set of chromosomes (X). Whereas male sperm can carry elements of the X and Y groups. As a result of the fusion of two cells, the chromosome sets are connected. The combination XX produces a female child, and the combination XY produces a male child. Previously, it was believed that it was simply impossible to predict the principle of chromosome fusion in advance. However, Japanese scientists decided to refute this opinion by developing their own conception calendar.

The principle of operation of the table is based on determining the fusion of chromosomes by the month of birth of the future parents and the time of conception of the baby. There are periods when the male body produces more chromosomes of a certain type. By calculating these intervals, you can identify the most prosperous months for conceiving a child of one gender or another. Based on the research, Japanese scientists created 2 tables, which today are widely popular all over the world.

Tables and instructions for their use

As mentioned above, the Japanese calendar consists of two tables. The first is intended to determine the intermediate code number. Let's tell you in more detail how to use table No. 1:

Month of birth
Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
January 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9
February 10 2 6 1 0 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6
March 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3
April 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12
May 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9
June 10 2 6 1 0 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6
July 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3
August 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12
September 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9
October 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6
november 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3
December 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12

To determine the code number, it is necessary to find the point of intersection of the birth months of a man and a woman. For example, if a woman was born in December, and a representative of the stronger sex was born in April, then the desired symbol will be the number 4. Having identified it, you can proceed to the following table:

1 2 3 4 5 6 boy girl 7 8 9 10 11 12
Jan X X
Jan Feb Mar X XX
Jan Feb Mar Apr X X
Jan Feb Mar Apr May XX X
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun X X
Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul X XX
Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug X XXX Jan
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep X XX Jan Feb
May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct XXXXXXXXXXX X Jan Feb Mar
Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct but I X X Jan Feb Mar Apr
Jul Aug Sep Oct but I Dec X X Jan Feb Mar Apr May
Aug Sep Oct but I Dec X X Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Sep Oct but I Dec XXXXX X Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
Oct but I Dec X XXXXXXXXXXX Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
but I Dec XXX X Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
Dec XXX X May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct
X X Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct but I
X X Jul Aug Sep Oct but I Dec
X XX Aug Sep Oct but I Dec
X X Sep Oct but I Dec
X XXXXX but I Dec
X XX Dec

To get results, parents need to know the month the baby was conceived. You need to draw a vertical line to it from the code number located at the top of the table. In our case, it is 4. If fertilization occurred in June, we draw a horizontal line to the crosses and find out that there is a high probability that a girl will be born.

Christina, expectant mother (6th week of pregnancy): “Having learned about the interesting situation, my husband and I were in seventh heaven. But soon we wanted to know who would be born to us. We both really want a girl. I found a Japanese calendar for determining the baby's gender on the Internet. He showed that there will be a daughter. Of course, it is too early to draw conclusions. Now we are looking forward to the fateful ultrasound and hope that the table did not let us down.”

Reliability of results

It is worth noting that today a 100% table for determining the sex of a baby simply does not exist. And this is understandable, because even ultrasound diagnostics does not provide absolute guarantees. However, the accuracy of this method is about 80%. Many parents resort to using the table even at the stage of planning a child, choosing the appropriate months for conceiving a boy or girl. As for the opinion of Russian scientists, they consider the Japanese method to be very dubious. After all, the influence on the gender of the unborn child by the month of birth of the parents and the date of its conception has not been scientifically proven. However, most people claim that the results obtained from the calendar are true.

Kira, mother of two-month-old Radmila and three-year-old Arthur: “Being pregnant with my daughter, I found a Japanese table on the Internet to determine the sex of the baby. Then it was already the eighth month, and I knew that it would be a girl. The results of the table and the ultrasound completely coincided. Out of curiosity, I decided to test it on my son. It turned out 50/50 - one cross for a boy and one for a girl. And there turned out to be quite a lot of such graphs. Therefore, I cannot judge the objectivity of the method.”

Many women make the mistake of calculating the month of conception of the baby based on the date of the pregnancy test. In fact, fertilization occurs one to two weeks earlier than a missed period - during the ovulation period, which occurs in the middle of the cycle. To determine the approximate date of conception, the expectant mother should add two weeks to the first day of her last menstruation or use a special ovulation calendar, which can be found on the Internet.

Gevorkova Elena Valerievna, specialist at the reproduction center: “Ovulation is the period when an egg is released from the follicle into the abdominal cavity. At this moment she is completely ready to conceive. The duration of this period is 24-36 hours. You can determine ovulation at home by measuring basal temperature. However, this method is quite labor-intensive. Among the indirect signs of the onset of ovulation are the appearance of discharge similar to egg whites or aching pain in the lower abdomen. However, these symptoms do not always appear. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, it is better to use ovulation tests.”

Thus, the Japanese method of identifying the sex of a future baby does not provide one hundred percent guarantees. But still, its reliability indicators are at a fairly high level. This table is of interest not only for pregnant women, but also for families who are just at the stage of planning a baby. After all, it increases the chances of the birth of a baby of the desired gender.

Finding out the sex of the unborn child during pregnancy is the dream of every mother. However, this is quite difficult to do even in modern technology. At the same time, our ancestors knew much more about pregnancy and conception. The Japanese table suggests calculating the sex of the unborn child based on the date of conception and the time when the parents were born. Let's see how it works.

Japanese table

The Japanese table determines the sex of the unborn child by the month of birth of the mother and father and the month of conception!
Birthday month mothersFather's birth month
JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctBut IDec
Secret numberMonth
JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctBut IDec

What is the pregnancy calendar in Japan?

The Japanese calendar for determining the sex of a child works quite clearly. You can even use it to plan conception and predict who will be born. For eastern peoples this is very important. In Japan, they tend to have boys because they are the breadwinners in the family and look after their parents in old age.

Unlike the ancient Chinese pregnancy calendar, the Japanese table was created by scientists, so it is much easier for Europeans to work with it. It has already been adapted to modern international requirements.

The Japanese pregnancy calendar consists of two tables. The first vertical column contains the month in which the woman was born. In the horizontal row is the month of the father’s birth. It remains to find the intersection of these two lines and the number that is located on it.

Next, in the second pregnancy table in the very top row, you need to find this number. Then from this number we go down vertically and find the month in which there is the greatest likelihood of giving birth to a boy or a girl. To do this, the probability of birth is marked with crosses in the middle. If a certain month has the most crosses in the “boy” column, it means a boy will be born.

To determine the sex of a child from an existing pregnancy, this method is difficult to use. Some situations may not be listed in the table at all, i.e. the probability of birth is 50 to 50%.

The Japanese table is more suitable for planned pregnancy. Thanks to it, you can accurately calculate the month when the most likely conception of a boy or girl will occur.

How does the table work?

We all know that the sex of the unborn child depends on the fusion of the chromosomes of the mother and father. In a woman, the egg contains the X chromosome. Male sperm can contain two types of chromosomes: X (female) and Y (male).

Thus, the gender of the baby is determined by the man. As scientists previously argued, it was impossible to predict which chromosomes would connect. If two X chromosomes fuse, the result is a girl, if X and Y are a boy.

However, Japanese scientists have refuted this theory. They believe that the connection of chromosomes depends on the period when conception occurs. At a certain time, a man’s body is capable of producing only one or another type of chromosome. As a result, 2 tables were formed, which indicate the most favorable periods for conceiving a child of one gender or another.

You should not think that at other times it is impossible to conceive a boy or, conversely, a girl. However, the probability drops significantly.

At all times Japanese famous for their resourcefulness and wisdom. The advice of representatives of this nation is listened to all over the world. Moreover, this applies to many areas of life of a modern person. Japanese achieved great success in culture, technology and medicine. Japanese films, cars, medicines and even crossword puzzles are extremely popular in different countries.

Japanese calendar (table) for planning a child of a certain gender also came to court. Now to this calendar (table) Many young mothers and fathers come running from all over the world.

The thing is that for the Japanese at all times the issue of having a boy was a matter of principle. The position of a man in society directly depended on this. That is why everyone, without exception - from simple peasants to emperors - was concerned about the problem of the appearance of an heir in the family.

By the way, even today Japanese Most parents dream of having a boy. If only girls are born in a family, then such a family is considered unlucky. Well, what about the childlessness of a married couple? Japanese and are generally considered as a misfortune. There are even situations where spouses decided to adopt a boy, despairing of conceiving their own baby male gender.

Japanese calendar (table) for conceiving a child of a certain gender: pros and cons?

Popularity of the described calendar (table) is determined by the list of the following advantages:

- allows determine the sex of the child;
– is easy to use;
– if you believe the reviews of parents, it has a high level of accuracy;
– helps plan the floor baby by date conception.
Whatever it was, Japanese calendar (table) is not a 100% guarantee. That is why you should not blindly believe him. Some moms and dads admit that nothing worked for them.

The essence of the Japanese calendar (table) for determining the sex of a child?

According to the Japanese, parents only need to take two simple tables. First of all, it is important to calculate the “secret number”. It depends on the birth months of mom and dad. This number is located at the intersection of the corresponding row and column.
Japanese table for determining the sex of a child | Conception calendar

In the following table you should find the resulting number and then look at the month conception or required floor baby.

Japanese table for determining the sex of a child | Conception calendar

The probability depends on the number of stars. For example, if dad was born in July and mom was born in January, then there is a high probability that a boy will be born in May and a girl in October.

Despite the fact that presented calendar (table) used since ancient times, for us, young dads and moms, it should most likely be just entertainment. As mentioned above, you cannot trust this method one hundred percent.

You can determine the sex of a child in advance using ancient wisdom, which is the Japanese calendar for planning the sex of the baby. This calendar consists of two tables that determine the gender by the date of conception of the fetus. Using the tables is quite simple, the main thing is to know the sequence of calculations using the necessary numbers.

How to find out the gender of a child using a Japanese calendar table

To determine the sex of the child using the table, you need to indicate the month of birth of the father and mother. At the intersection of these dates you will notice a number. Remember this number and look at another table. In the following table you find this figure and the month in which you want to conceive a baby. At the intersection of these numbers you will see the gender of your unborn child.

Japanese calculation table

Japanese gender chart

Using the Japanese calendar, you can plan the gender of the child in advance, and determine its gender once conception has taken place. It should be noted that the Japanese calendar has been used since ancient times, even emperors used it, so the probability of accuracy is quite high. We really hope that this method will be useful for you and you will be able to plan the gender of your desired baby.