Birthday on the winter solstice. Children conceived on the winter solstice

Gift ideas

Transition to winter Slavic mythology is called Karachun (or Koschey, the lord of darkness and frost) and many traditions and rituals are associated with this holiday. Day winter solstice in 2018 will occur on the Full Moon, a Saturday under the control of Saturn. During this period people dream prophetic dreams, and the Higher Powers respond faster to people’s prayers and requests.

Therefore, you need to turn to clairvoyants for help, to invite favorable changes in your life with the help of special rituals, conspiracies and rituals for money and love.

What date is the winter solstice?

The magical transformation of the Sun's energy will take place on December 21 at 19:27 Moscow time. Traditionally, from Friday to Saturday, December 22, the longest night of the year gives the inhabitants of the Earth the opportunity to lay the foundations for positive changes in the coming 2019 of the Yellow Pig, as well as to make a cherished wish. You need to remember what date the winter solstice is and be sure to correctly decipher the dream you had the day before.

Very soon, the winter solstice will occur on the day when the Full Moon on December 22, 2018 in the sign of Gemini will triple the powerful energy of the Cosmic influence on people’s biorhythms. This day can be dangerous for those who are used to achieving everything by force and do not know how to find compromises. Impatience, the desire for speedy, but not always justified changes, lack of self-control and aggression will prevail in society.

In a day Full Moon under the control of Saturn, it is advisable to give up driving due to the risk of an accident, allow yourself a small holiday and not focus on conflict situations. The full moon on the day of the winter solstice will bring to the crest of a wave of people with strong energy, capable of leading the masses and radically changing the living conditions of entire nations.

This is the time of exacerbation of all those who have been dozing for the time being social processes, which in the background will acquire a destructive character. Until the end of 2018, you need to use protective amulets, amulets and rituals to get rid of negativity so that exclusively positive changes arise in your personal life. Blessed candles purchased on the day of the winter solstice will help to call good spirits into your home. The more of them will be lit on these special lunar day, the higher the chances of getting what you want. You can also call for goodness with the help of sparklers, lit garlands on Christmas trees and a large number of decorations made of gold and silver foil.

How many days does the winter solstice last?

The energy of the transition to the winter Zodiac segment of the general circle, and these are the signs Capricorn (earth), Aquarius (air) and Pisces (water) protects its power for 14 days. Therefore, in 2018, it is important to know how many days the winter solstice lasts, because only on January 4, 2019 will the period of transformation end and certainty appear in people’s lives.

During these two weeks, inhabitants invisible to the human eye are activated Subtle World, which can both reward and punish in case of non-compliance with traditions. It is for this reason that since ancient times it has been customary to cleanse the soul of sins at this time, and it becomes stricter and recommends eating foods exclusively of plant origin.

But the period from the day of the Full Moon in December 2018 is very good for fortune-telling, seeking help from fortune-tellers, removing damage and negativity with the help of special rituals and conspiracies. On Winter Solstice Day, you can really change your destiny with the help of magic, literally being reborn again, just as a new Sun is born in the sky. This is a time of getting rid of trash, stereotypes, old forms of government and outdated relationships. Rid yourself of all debts so that in the coming 2019 of the Yellow Pig your business will flourish and money will always be in the house.

Solstice Day 2018

On Saturday, December 22, daylight will last 6 hours 51 minutes, and night will last as much as 17 hours 9 minutes. After the winter solstice and the birth of the “New Sun”, daylight hours will begin to lengthen, and night darkness will begin to shorten. This is the astronomical New Year, when it is customary to take stock, get rid of the bad, and plan new projects. Look, he will tell you what is best to do on these lunar days, and what you should refrain from.

At this time, the rhythms of the Universe respond especially sensitively to people’s prayers, help to forget old grievances, forgive enemies and look at problems with different eyes.

On Solstice Day 2018, it is auspicious to meet the sunrise, thank the Higher Powers for everything that happened to you in the past year and mentally visualize your wishes for the future. Until Catholic Christmas on December 25, 2018, you can guess and receive accurate answers from clairvoyants about what lies ahead for you, put protection on all family members, and perform rituals for financial well-being.

What's special about the equinox and solstice?

On these special days of the common Wheel of the Year, a new rhythm of development and renewal is set for all life on Earth. Peculiar reference points temporarily blur the line between the world of the living and the dead, helping people realize their plans. Since ancient times, the Slavs knew what was wonderful about the equinoxes and solstices, and during these magical periods they tried to call upon the patronage of the Higher Powers, appease the gods with generous offerings that were distributed to those in need, and also organize joyful holidays with the lighting of large bonfires, songs and dances. special power On Winter Solstice Day 2018, meditation takes on the form of meditation, when you can see your future with your inner vision or even radically change your destiny for the better.

If you want to know better what the solstice day is, do an online fortune telling with Tarot cards and you will see how accurate the answers of a fortune teller or clairvoyant will be.

From December 22 to the end of 2018 Yellow Dog the forces of the Universe hear our prayers and wishes, give us tips, and help us fulfill our cherished dreams. A simple ritual will help bring the desired event closer: buy seeds of any plant at a flower shop. At home, place them on a layer of gauze and cotton moistened with water and whisper the words over the homemade greenhouse ancient conspiracy: “By seed and by seed, by me and in truth, I intend (here you need to voice to the Universe what you want to do in 2019. For example, buy an apartment or a car, go abroad or build your own business), so that my intention it came true, it sprouted, its roots firmly stuck into the ground. So it will be, so you are, and so it will be. Amen".

When the seeds germinate and you get strong seedlings, they need to be transplanted into a pot of soil and watered as needed until spring arrives. After the day spring equinox In 2019, you need to plant plants under a healthy tree with a lush crown. In exactly one month your wish will come true!

In contact with

The Winter Solstice has been celebrated in most countries of the world since Neolithic times (5 thousand years BC), as evidenced by archaeological finds. Find out below what kind of holiday this is, what its traditions are, and how modern people can celebrate it.

Celebration traditions

Date of Winter Solstice - December 21-22. It is considered the astronomical beginning of winter. This is the shortest day of the year, after which the duration of daylight hours increases. In the opposite hemisphere of the Earth, the shortest night of the year and the Summer Solstice will occur at this time.

Thousands of years ago, the day of the Winter Solstice was revered among the pagans of the world. European peoples called the holiday Yule or Juul, the Romans called it Sol Invictus, and in Iran Yalda. In the past, the end of December was marked by the end of preparations for winter, and easier days began in everyday life.

The Romans, Greeks and Egyptians made sacrifices to the gods on December 21 so that they would return the Sun to the sky. In northern Europe they praised Odin, held noisy feasts, and sang songs. Scandinavians and Slavs considered bonfires, symbolizing the Sun, an important part of the celebration. The Mayans performed real performances similar to modern rope jumper performances.

With the advent of Christianity, Catholic Christmas was assigned to the date of Yule. The similarities between Yule and Christmas traditions are not at all accidental. Christian customs were based on pagan ones - the people did not want to part with their usual rituals. Festive spruce, mistletoe, gift-giving and a generous feast - all this existed in the pre-Christian period. The birth of the sun turned into the birthday of Jesus Christ.

The most famous mass modern festivities take place near Stonehenge. Thousands of people from all over the world gather every year to celebrate astronomical winter.

Yule cat - patron of the holiday

Yule cat

European pagans believed in the Yule cat - a not very friendly personification of the holiday. He is black, fluffy and huge, the size of a bull. The cat's eyes glow with yellow light, his claws are made of iron. Possibly Russian "Eshkin's cat" has something in common with the patron saint of the winter holiday.

The celebration lasted about two weeks, and all this time the Yule cat was busy hunting for idlers and breakers of traditions.

According to legend, he will steal food from the table if the feast is not generous and cheerful enough. The cat also steals gifts intended for children who have behaved badly throughout the year. He is merciless towards those who harm domestic animals, especially cats.

Beliefs say that the Yule cat can steal a child from a family that neglects the traditions of the holiday. The holiday patron does not like those who celebrate Yule alone; he will punish or even kidnap. New clothes are one of the holiday traditions. To protect themselves from the cat's tricks, on Yule morning they bought new clothes

, often made of red wool. It was supposed to be worn until the celebration was over. About those who celebrated Yule in old clothes, they said: “he put on the Yule cat.”

Winter Solstice Day among the Slavs - the customs of their ancestors The eve of the winter holiday was named deity of winter and death Karachun . On the eve of the Solstice, winter takes over, and power over the world until spring belongs to the dark pagan gods. After the longest night of the year, a new sun is born in the form Kolyada, one of the forms of Dazhdbog

. While he is young, the sun warms weakly, but by spring God will grow up and there will be more sunlight. The Solstice is followed by Veles days , which last until mid-January. Veles was associated with Santa Claus, his doll certainly decorated the pagan's house in winter period . Most likely, on the basis of the Veles days they were composed Christmas omens

and customs. In the old days they believed that dark forces could prevent the solar deity from being reborn, and they helped him in every possible way. Therefore, an important attribute of the Slavic holiday of the Winter Solstice was a large bonfire, as a symbol of the sun..

It was bred from oak and pine logs before sunrise. At night they told fortunes and caroled, which later became part of Yuletide Traditions The celebration began at dawn. After greeting the rising Sun, our ancestors held noisy feasts with songs and games, danced in circles, jumped over fires to cleanse themselves from

While honoring the Sun, they did not forget about the forest gods. Offerings were left for them - uzvars and ritual baked goods. round shape, which, again, represented the newborn Sun. Treats were also given to deceased relatives.

Signs and traditions for the Winter Solstice holiday

Fire is one of the most important attributes of Yule. But at the end of December the weather is rarely conducive to outdoor picnics. It's nice if you have a stove or fireplace. Otherwise, use candles. They prefer red, orange and others fiery shades. You can symbolically burn several branches of oak or pine. As you light the fire, say:

The fire burns - it saves the family from harm, the flame plays - it drives away evil spirits.

Sun salutation with lights is another one ancient tradition holiday. There is plenty of room for imagination here. You can leave burning candles near the east window, or go out into the field with sparklers. Required condition- do it at dawn.

Pork dishes were mandatory elements feasts in most countries celebrating Yule. This is a reflection of the custom of taking oaths on a boar's head on this day. Support this delicious tradition, and luck will be on your side all year long.

Dress up the fir tree, decorate the house with garlands and branches of evergreens. Ancients pagan traditions not so far from those observed by the majority modern people. Once upon a time christmas tree called the Yule tree. Even making wishes comes from Yule traditions. But on December 21-22 this is done not at midnight, but at dawn, looking at the awakening daylight.

Buying gifts is an important part of any holiday. According to signs, the one who pleases other people's children with toys and sweets will soon have a new addition to the family. New clothes will also come in handy for you to protect yourself from the Yule Cat.

There is an ancient tradition of the winter holiday - to plant any indoor flowers. For each flower you can make a wish. If it withers, it won’t come true. Cut cherry branches are placed in vases. Their flowering will decorate and fill subtle aroma house.

In pagan times, it was customary to predict fate on the Winter Solstice. Try to find out what the future holds using maps, water, paper and other tools. Can "overhear" your future. Go outside at night and listen to random passersby. Their words will tell you what to expect from fate. During the day, it’s also worth taking a closer look at passers-by. Happy couples often meet - good luck in love. Have you witnessed a theft or fight? Be vigilant, spirits warn of problems.

A new beginning on the Winter Solstice is a good sign. Any business will be successful. Yule is the right time for serious deals, marriage proposals, and job searches. The proposals voiced on this day can be accepted without doubt. Declarations of love on the Winter Solstice lead to happy marriages.

Dreams seen during the period from the eve of the holiday to the end of the Veles days are prophetic. Before going to bed, you can think about a certain problem, then your dreams will suggest a solution. But remembering and interpreting them will be more difficult than usual.

In Spain, they believe that walking around the house with a suitcase attracts travel opportunities. If you don’t have enough money, free time or energy for your dream tour, try this simple ritual for the Winter Solstice - it works well.

If you believe winter signs, what the weather was like on December 21-22, this will be the case for the New Year. Frost portends a good grain harvest, wind means there will be a lot of pears and apples in the summer. Rain - for a warm but rainy spring.

Yule rites and rituals

In the old days, mummers went from house to house and sang hymns dedicated to Kolyada, the god of the winter Sun. They danced around sick people so that healing would come faster. In the modern world, the ritual can only be implemented in a circle of like-minded people. But you can sing the hymn to Kolyada at home, alone. Its purpose is to pay homage to the Sun. Read when you light candles in honor of the daylight:

Bose Kolyada!
Glorious and Trislaven be you!
Thank you,
for your gracious help to our Childbirth!
And may You be our intercessor in all our deeds,
now and ever and from Circle to Circle!
So be it, so be it, so be it!

Worshiped at the Winter Solstice deceased relatives, but they do this only after sunset. Treats for them should be left at the place of death. Offerings are left at crossroads for the missing. Choose the deceased’s favorite dishes or what was prepared for the festive table that day. Leave a candle or lamp near the treat. In your own words, invite the deceased to have a meal, ask him not to harm you and your family, and to help the living as much as possible. After that, go home without looking back.

Spells for the Winter Solstice

The energy of the birthing Sun contributes to the practice of magic. December 21-22 - favorable time for any positive witchcraft. Meditation and other spiritual practices will have greater effect than at other times. Witches, sorcerers, esotericists do not miss this strong time, like the day of the Winter Solstice.

The simplest holiday ritual is writing lists. At dawn, take two sheets of paper. On one write down what you would like to get rid of. You need to burn this list, imagining how the negativity leaves your life. On the second sheet, describe what you would like to receive. It must be stored for a year away from prying eyes, and then burned. You can cross out items that have already been accomplished, add new ones, and adjust the list in other ways.

Cleansing the Family

Goddess mother

Magical work to improve the situation with Rod works best during the Winter Solstice. One of these conspiracies is addressed to Mother Goddess- the female archetype, which in one form or another is present in all religions of the world. It is read at home on the eve of the holiday, with a lit candle:

Take off, Mother Goddess, with your own hands, what is tangled on the roots of the ancestral, what is imposed on the roots of evil, what is said with evil lips, what is broken in ignorance of the unclean. Truly so!

Put out the candle with your fingers. At night, after the shortest day of the year, light it again and say:

The world will get along well and the fate of my family will be improved! Let it be so!

This time the candle should burn out completely. This conspiracy removes negativity from all relatives: evil eyes, curses and other unpleasant magical programs.

Wish come true

In order to fulfill a wish with the help of the magic of the Yule night, you will need 6 ribbons 2-3 meters long. Take the colors that suit your desire. For example, gold, silver and green are for money. Pink, red and white - for desires about personal life. Yellow, purple and orange represent creativity and good luck in learning.

Light a white candle. Tie the ribbons into a knot, saying your wish out loud. Weave a braid from ribbons, while simultaneously holding what you want in your mind’s eye and reading the plot:

On Yule night, by candlelight, my destiny trudges along. I weave ribbons - I call on fate: I weave exactly - I will bring you to life (your desire in one phrase).

Repeat the spell all the time while you are braiding your hair. At its tip, tie a knot with the following words:

May what I say come true! I conjure my Fate!

Place a braid of ribbons around the candle, leaving the last one to burn out. When the flame goes out, hide the scythe in a secluded place. It must not fall into the wrong hands, otherwise the wish will not come true. When you get what you want, the scythe should be burned with gratitude to the Higher Powers.

How to cast an amulet on Yule

It has long been made for the Winter Solstice protective amulets and talismans. They must be purchased on the same day, better in the morning. You can make a talisman yourself, it can be a pendant or ring, a bag of herbs or a regular pin. Listen to your intuition, it will not let you down. The plot goes like this:

Protect me from the evil eye, so that I do not know refusal, protect me from sidelong glances and from the damage of evil rituals.

After reading it, put on the amulet and keep it with you always. Repeat the spell every year.

Winter Solstice is one of eight pagan days of power a year, when the energy of the Earth and the Sun is especially strong. At this time, one should honor the ancient gods and express respect for the ancestors and their traditions. In the old days, they believed that those who observed holiday traditions were lucky in literally everything.

Original taken from belayvolhiza in Yule - Solstice - Kolyada - winter solstice - December 21-22 (Continued...)

Holiday in the Slavic world

The holiday of Yule is called Solstice in Orthodoxy.

Solstice comes from the verb “to return.” The sun is renewed, reborn and from this moment returns to us with new strength, which is why the days become longer and the nights become shorter. A solstice is a point in time, a moment that can be accurately calculated. At this very “point” the Sun rises to the lowest altitude of the year, it will not go lower, then it will begin to return, gradually rising higher and higher. This moment falls on December 22.

In winter, the star rises lower and lower above the horizon. On the day of the WINTER SOLSTICE, December 22, the Sun rises above the horizon to its lowest height of the year and seems to freeze for 3 days, the height of the Sun above the horizon does not change during this period, it seems that the sun stops. We can say that the Winter Solstice is a phenomenon observed over 3 days.

Four great Slavic pagan holiday, like similar holidays of the European pagan religion of the Druid Magi, are focused on the Solar cycle, expressed in four annually repeated annual hypostases of the Sun God.

1) Night of the winter solstice(the longest night, the beginning of astronomical winter) - 2nd Night Yule Solstice. The morning after this night winter is born Sun-baby Kolyada and, as the small children’s strength grows, every day it rises higher in the sky;

2) Vernal equinox(Start astronomical spring) - holiday of the offensive long-awaited Spring Komoeditsa. Spring has gained strength Sun-youth Yarilo melts the snow, drives away the boring Winter and gives Nature the onset of Spring;

3) Day summer solstice (the longest day of the year, the beginning of astronomical summer) - summer holiday Kupaila. Mighty Summer Sun-husband Kupail comes into its own;

4) Day autumn equinox (beginning of astronomical autumn) - autumn holiday Veresen (or Tausen). The former summer sun-Kupaila turns into the wise autumn sun that is gradually losing its strength The old man's sun Svetovit.

Then the cycle will repeat: at sunset before the Night of the winter solstice, the Sun-Svetovit will die, only to be reborn the next morning as the renewed Sun-baby Kolyada, again gaining his solar power.

This solar cycle, the four Slavic hypostases of the Sun - Kolyada- Yarilo - Kupaila -Svetovit, repeats from year to year, and the entire life of people, animals, birds, plants and all earthly Nature depends on it, as well as on the daily change of day and night.

According to the dates of the modern calendar, the celebration of this sunny holiday began at sunset on December 19 and continued until sunset on January 1.

Before the Winter Solstice, you need to get rid of everything unnecessary, put things in order both in your home and in your soul in order to make room for the desired changes in the New Year. By the way, God Kolyada, who personifies the revival of the winter Sun and Nature, controls the Great Changes in the life of the Clans of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clans, and the day of the Winter Solstice was also called the Day of Changes.

The day before the Solstice is called KOROCHUN, because this is the shortest day of the year. Shortening the outgoing year is Koschey the Immortal, who is also called the Koshchny Tsar (God) and Korochun too. These are the names of the ruler of the Underworld - Navi (the underworld). On December 22, the day of the Winter Solstice or Solstice, the victory of Light over darkness is celebrated. The sun is reborn! It is from this moment that the duration daylight hours will begin to gradually increase.

On the 1st Night(Great Mother's Day) On the very long night From December 21 to 22, in ancient times, bonfires were lit in the streets and burning wheels were rolled to summon the Sun. Now candles are lit for this purpose. In the morning - December 22, at sunrise, the Sun is congratulated on its Birth and thanked for all the good things it gives us. The first 3 days after the Winter Solstice are the most favorable time for making plans for the future and making wishes.

Now let’s finally find out what KOLYADA is. First, let's look at its name. Kolyada comes from the Slavic word “kolo”, which means “circle”. God Kolyada personifies the revival of the winter Sun and Nature. Kolyada was greeted on the night of December 24-25. Just after the 3-day period of the Winter Solstice, when the gain in solar minutes will become most noticeable.

CHRISTMAS EVE (from the Slavic word “Sochivo”, i.e. kutia) - the night before Kolyada. This is a memorial holiday for the “dead sun of the passing year,” a farewell to the past. This is a reason to look back and look forward. Time to analyze your successes and achievements over the past year, as well as make plans for the coming year.

On the night of Kolyada the Slavs burned bonfires, lit the sacred Fire, which then burned without going out for 12 days until the end of the holiday. According to tradition, in the fire of this fire they burned all old and unnecessary things, freeing themselves from old things for new ones. happy life. With songs and laughter, they rolled down the hill “sun wheels” (cart wheels coated with resin and set on fire), instructing them to bring spring; sculpted snow woman and destroyed it with snowballs; They had fist fights.

The night of the winter solstice - when the old sun has already died and the new one has not yet been born - is a fabulous mystical gap in time, when the Gates connecting Reality and Nav are wide open; this is a timelessness in which spirits and dark forces rule.

You can resist these forces only by gathering with your whole family for a joint joyful feast celebration. Dark spirits are powerless against general fun.

But woe to that relative who remains alone that night, outside his clan-tribe, without close people nearby - dark spirits will lure him and push him into all sorts of false dark thoughts.

Because of high probability To meet some spirit these days, it was customary to dress up in costumes made of skins and portray various animals (real and mythical).

At Christmas Kolyada, carolers went from house to house - boys, girls and children dressed up in costumes of “terrible” animals, who sang carols (ritual songs in which they wished everyone well-being).

The ancient Slavs revered Kolyada as the strongest and most powerful god. Christianity, which came from Byzantium, could not completely eradicate the veneration of Kolyada for a long time. Over time, the optimistic and life-affirming holiday of Kolyada “coincided” with the celebration of the Nativity of Christ, and ritual pagan customs turned into fun game on Christmastide.

Literary critic Alexander Strizhev in his book “ Folk calendar" writes:

“Once upon a time, Kolyada was not perceived as a mummer. Kolyada was a deity, and one of the most influential. They called carols and called. The days before the New Year were dedicated to Kolyada, and games were organized in her honor, which were subsequently held at Christmas time. The last patriarchal ban on the worship of Kolyada was issued on December 24, 1684. It is believed that Kolyada was recognized by the Slavs as the deity of fun, which is why merry bands of young people called upon him during the New Year’s festivities.”

The celebration of Kolyada, with its joy and optimism, expressed the belief of our distant ancestors, the Slavic pagans, in the inevitability of the victory of good principles over the forces of evil.

During the day they prepared a collective meal - a fundraiser - and burned large festive bonfires - Kradu - all night.
Around the village on the night “They were chasing Pop or Balda” there was a burning thick stump of a log. And if it was possible to take it from the fire around the village and return it burning back to the fire, a favorable life awaited the village. To do this, the boys and girls cleared the snow from the path, and buttered “Pop-Balda” - poured oil on it. True, the “Balda” was oiled in advance to enhance combustion - tow soaked in oil and wax was placed into the hollowed out interior;)
According to one version, the name “Popa-Bulda” was given in mockery in honor of the priest who “served” for one night and then lay on his side for the whole year. According to another version, pop is the Ashes of the Fathers who betrayed him.
In the morning there was a feast, games, and revelry. The next night they launched a new Balda and the next night too.
On the second day it was impossible to feast at home - they went to the guests. Take turns with each other.
On the last morning of the holiday, from the common fire, they brought the “New Fire” into the stove, which before that had to be cleaned of ash and, preferably, whitened.
Everyone necessarily washed in the bathhouse and started the family feast. “Where you spend the night, there you will live for a year.”
“Fiery purgatories” were held - jumping over a fire. Alone and in pairs. If desired, one could take an oath of allegiance - the “Fire Oath.” To do this, you need to jump over the fire together and not unclench your hands.
The fire - They didn’t put out the steal, but let it burn out on its own.
On Kolyada there was another custom - “Breaking bread on the “Circle”. “Whoever you broke bread with is your brother.” This custom was carried out on every holiday. In other words, Kolyada is a collective all-round meal. Sharing. This Slavic holiday and custom originated in ancient times. To collect food for a circular meal, CAROLS were invented - funny sayings, jokes, fables, horror stories, songs. The collection of food for Kolyada was carried out mainly by young people - unmarried girls and boys. Towards evening, young people gather in separate groups and walk through the streets with songs, jokes and a star on a long stick. If desired, a hole was made in the star where a burning candle was placed. This star symbolizes the reborn sun. It was usually made with 8 points, from paper painted with paints. Eight planets revolve around the Sun, and recently scientists from the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences obtained a unique photograph of the Sun. It clearly shows 8 vortex flows radially directed towards the solar disk and twisting into a right-handed swastika. It is quite possible that the number of depicted rays of the Sun is compared by our wise Ancestors with these eight vortex flows. Such precise knowledge back in ancient times, which is reflected in our traditions, can indicate that our Ancestors clearly had a cosmic origin. The wisdom that we are now restoring bit by bit was known to our Ancestors - the Slavic-Aryans - back in ancient times. So, let's finally get back to the carols :) One of the carolers is carrying a bag for gifts. Costumed people approach the windows of the house, front door, or, if the owners allow it, they go straight into the house and sing special carol songs. From ancient times to this day, you can meet groups of children singing carols, hoping to get some sweets and gingerbread :)

In Slavic countries there was also a tradition Yule log- it was called badnyak. However, badnyak could be not only a log, but also a snag, a stump - the essence did not change. During the times of Christianization, they began to carve a cross on it, which conditionally justified the pagan ritual in the Christian period, or they poured oil (wine, honey) over the log, implying that it was the blood of Christ. The badnyak was considered animate; people are strong.

Modern Yule

Our modern magical New Year's Eve (concluding the 12th Night of Yule), an elegant New Year's evergreen tree shining with lights, a Yule wreath (now called the "Advent Wreath"), New Year's candles (Yule lights), the almighty pagan god Santa Claus, masquerade masks and costumes, processions of mummers, biscuit and chocolate “logs” (symbols of the Yule log) - this is the legacy of the traditions of the great sacred Yule, the cheerful two-week pagan winter holiday of our ancient ancestors, with which they celebrated the Christmas of the renewed Sun-Infant Kolyada.

A great way to spend the holidays of Yule Old year and get ready to meet the New - literally and figuratively clear your life of rubbish, as was customary to do many centuries ago.

This is the right time to pay off debts, clean and disassemble the apartment, distribute all unnecessary things, put your business papers in order and generally sort out all your tails - in a word, get rid of everything that prevents you from moving on, be it a mess in an apartment or an outdated relationship.

Then you need to thank the past year for all the good things it brought you, even if it was difficult (in any case, these difficulties taught you valuable lessons). After all, it is in nature itself that it is darkest just before dawn.

And, perhaps, it is worth remembering more often that when it seems that there simply cannot be a darker time in life, it is sure sign dawn is coming, the beginning of a new, bright streak.

Decorating the house

The house, windows and doors are decorated with branches of evergreens, symbolizing life, with bunches of rowan berries or beads made of rowan berries. An image of the Sun is hung on the door and in window openings - a symbol of the born God, and images of a star - a symbol of the Mother Goddess. Warmed red wine is placed on the table in a large bowl and poured with a ladle.

The kitchen does not require any special frills: just colored tinsel over the fireplace and bunches of dried vegetables, or onions, or ears of corn are enough. The hood above the stove is the best place to place decorations, but if it’s inconvenient to get there or tinsel and other goodies won’t be safe there, you can hang it all next to the window. And you can put new oven mitts and a fresh towel on the stove. Just for the mood.

In addition, in clothing and in home decoration, it is desirable to have a large amount of shiny metal objects yellow color- gold, polished brass - symbolizing sunlight. The presence of live fire is required.

Yule fire

Candles, fireworks, sparklers- an important winter holiday tradition. Unlike summer celebrations around a bonfire on outdoors, the winter solstice lights burn mainly in houses. Typically these are large bright candles(for example, red ones). Among the traditions was the lighting of one large candle, which burned from morning until midnight (if it burned out earlier, it was believed that this was a bad sign).

Gold and silver candles are a symbol of attracting wealth into the home. Red candles are a symbol of female attractiveness, green candles are a symbol of male power and valor.

If you light a fire in the house, e.g. If you have a stove or fireplace, then for the holiday you need to prepare oak firewood in advance. The fire of the hearth symbolizes the energy of the sun. It is preferable to stay awake all night. If you decide to sleep, still leave the candle burning. Place it in a bowl of water for safety and go to sleep. The fire should burn all night until the first rays of the sun.

Yule wreath

A wreath of fir or pine branches with 8 candles should be prepared and placed on the mantelpiece or in the place that is the “heart” of the house.

The candles in the Yule wreath should burn all night, and if possible - until the 12th Night ( New Year's Eve). In ancient times, these were not candles, but fat lamps (like today’s church lamps), into which oil was added from time to time - so they could burn for a long time without going out.

From the lights of the Yule wreath, already in ancient times, the custom arose of lighting lights on a decorated New Year tree. At first, 8 lights were also placed on the tree, like on the Yule wreath, later - as many as anyone wanted.

Yule log in a new way

To make such a log, get a regular log with bark. Then you need to split it in half so that it can lie on the flat side, or trim it a little on one side just enough to give it stability. After making sure that it stands firmly, drill two or three holes with a diameter of 2 cm for candles in the upper part. Decorate the log with candles and mistletoe. While lighting the candles, you can sing something like:

“Burn, burn clearly, so that it does not go out, let the wheat spike thickly in the fields...”


“You burn, the fire, burn, boil the spring resins, you burn to the sky, there will be more bread.”

The log will subsequently have to be stored until next year. If you decide to keep traditions, keep them.

Yolochka was born in the forest(Yule treein a new way)

The Yuletide tree is a symbol of immortality. Therefore, evergreen trees are used - spruce, pine, juniper along with holly branches.

The Christmas tree can be decorated with fresh and dried berries, bags of aromatic herbs, apples, nuts, oranges, lemons. This is where old Soviet Christmas tree decorations in the form of fruits, fruits and vegetables, nuts and acorns come in handy (and someone smart came up with the idea of ​​hanging cucumbers, ears of corn, tomatoes, acorns and grapes on the tree))).

There are toys in the form of the moon, sun and celestial stars. “Rain” as a symbol of rain will again be a symbol of fertility.

If we talk about our favorite balls, they also hang for a reason. For centuries they have been used to protect against the “evil eye.” The principle of their operation is simple: they reflect evil spell and bad intentions and return them to the “sender”. Small balls, two to three centimeters in size, placed on a chain and worn around the neck, serve as excellent protective amulets, although they may look strange if worn outside of Christmas time. As Christmas tree decorations, these shiny glass balls capture the light of the newborn sun and direct it back, acting as a magical tool to enhance the sun's energy. This idea was fully developed when, in simple glass ball began to make a geometrically correct recess, allowing it to capture and reflect light, be it the pure white light of the revived winter sun or the soft, warm light of candles.

For money, pine cones, corn, and Christmas tree nuts are hung on the tree (there are toys of this shape).

For sweet life- icicles of different shapes.

For joy and Have a good mood- lanterns, candles, lights.

For the home (comfort, renovation, housewarming) - a toy house.

For successful travel - a tram or a trailer (this also happens).

For general prosperity - tinsel, balls and bows in gold and red.

For simple well-being - the same thing, but green.

For success in studying and working with information - blue.

For success in writing and creative activity - blue, lilac, turquoise.

For love - orange and pink.

Toys in the form of candy - for unexpected bonuses from life.

Drums and different characters With musical instruments(from angels to soldiers and mice) - glory and honor.

Butterfly - for good dreams.

Bird - for those suffering from migraines or prone to bad mood and causeless sadness (be careful with the stork)))

Let's celebrate!

The main thing in the holiday of Yulia (Kolyada) is fun: loud laughter, songs and dances by the fire, jokes, funny gifts, practical jokes. You have to be very loud and very cheerful throughout the night. And the brighter the fire, the more light in the night, the more successfully we will drive away the evil forces that want to prevent the birth of the new Sun. This is what our ancestors believed. Following their example, we can recite an old carol, for example, like this:

Solstice Day!

Roll to the garden

From the garden to the red eel,

Rise above our courtyard!

Scatter the darkness, Svarog,

Bring back the red day to Rus'!

Hey, Kolyada! Glory!

At the same time, we symbolically burn the problems of the old year, its grievances and misunderstandings. On this night you need to forgive your offenders and ask for forgiveness from those whom you have offended. As a sign of reconciliation, people exchange small gifts. In addition, you need to wish goodness, peace and prosperity to everyone you meet. Remember the most common toast “to... the elk!” (so that you can love and sleep... etc.)))?

An important detail - try to ensure that by dawn you do not have dirty dishes and clutter. Remember - whatever the first ray of the Sun sees in your home will remain there all year.

In the West, theatrical performances are staged this evening, reenacting the battle between the Oak King and the Holly King, replacing each other in the alternating seasons of the year.

Let's have a Yule treat

Libations on holidays often began in the morning and lasted until the evening. Quite suitable drinks - mulled wine , spiced wine, as well as ale and beer, cider, ginger tea, punch

Another tradition is holiday food, a lot and different: fruits (apples, oranges), nuts, sweets, pork (from holiday tradition roasting wild boar), baking with cinnamon, Yule pudding. How you meet the year is how you will spend it!

It's funny that the Yule log is also present on festive table- in the form of decorated with flowers and leaves chocolate roll .

Traditional Yule ham - a sacred offering to the Scandinavian god of abundance Frey, one of whose symbols was the boar. A baked pig's head with apples in its mouth was ceremoniously brought into the banquet hall on a gold or silver platter to the sound of trumpets and minstrel songs. Frey was asked to send peace to the earth and reward people with a glorious harvest.

The right thing to do on Yule would be to serve huge chunks of baked meat, and eat it like the Vikings: with a knife and hands, straight hot, with leafy bread And potatoes in caramel !

The darkness deepens. Twilight wraps its curtain ever more tightly around Mother Earth. Night eats up Day, ringing Silence lies in the fields and the gray Wind drives the silver of heaven through deserted streets.

On December 21, a horn will rumble from the West, and the Wild Hunt, led by Odin (Veles), will rush over the sleeping cities in a frantic gallop.

But Midnight will end, Dusk will tremble and the Solar God will be born. And, although Night still rules, the baby Day has already been born and will steadily grow and strengthen until the day of its victory and absolute triumph - Lita, the summer solstice.

The trees are still sleeping in crystal clothes, but under their icy fabric the Light has already arisen.

Like our glorious ancestors, we will light a living fire, illuminating the world when it is plunged into darkness. The Sacred Flame will burn, the heat of the very hearts of men, the fire of our souls, and the extinguished Sun will be reborn again.

Fortune telling is no less important on Kolyada. Mostly, fortune-telling is done by young girls who want to find out their fate, the future groom, the time of the wedding, etc. Fortune telling in the bathhouse, fortune telling with mirrors, fortune telling on water, candles, etc. So when should you guess? And they tell fortunes in the evening before Kolyada, they don’t tell fortunes on the day of Kolyada itself (December 25), but in the next 5 days after that you can tell fortunes again.

Dear Witches, know that there are no rigid dogmas in Orthodox witchcraft. Each Slav in the celebration acts as the creator of the entire process. Different cities and villages celebrated the birth of the Sun in their own way. Each person contributed a piece of their soul to this event, which, of course, only decorated this celebration! All people are different and each of us has our own vision of the world, each of us feels the phenomena of Nature in our own way. If you want, you can light candles in the house all three days from December 22 to 25, which with their burning flame will help the Sun begin to increase daylight hours. On Kolyada, you can give your friends and family symbols that represent the Sun or amulets. Or you can make a talisman for yourself. For example, the Spiridon-Solstice amulet, which was made on the days of the winter solstice from December 22 to 25. In his hands, Spiridon holds a circle - the solar wheel. This amulet is given with wishes for changes for the better, in order to direct your life into the right direction or those who are just starting their own business.
You can also make an unusually beautiful protective doll - Kolyada, which is dressed elegantly, festively, because it brings happiness, peace and harmony, prosperity and well-being to the house, and drives away all evil spirits, for which Kolyada has a broom in stock. Since ancient times, guests have been greeted in Rus' with bread and salt, and Kolyada has salt and grain in two bags.
Like your ancestral blood, yours kind heart prompts you to mark this event, so you have the right to do so. If you feel that it is better for you to celebrate all 3 birthdays of the Sun, that is your right. If you think that it is necessary to make a wish at sunrise from December 21 to 22, then this is exactly what you need. If you want to celebrate Kolyada en masse on the night of December 25, when the Sun has probably already begun to gain strength, you want to make cherished wishes on this day, make them, make plans for the future, rejoice! Indeed, along with the growing sunny days, your most cherished, sincere and good wishes! Spend these days exactly how you want to spend the whole coming year! Be the Creators of this festival, enjoy it and share inexhaustible joy with the people around you! Rejoice and have fun! We all have a wonderful reason for this - we are born new life- The Sun is reborn!

The holiday of Kolyada and the days around the winter solstice are the best and favorable days in a year when you can change your destiny for the better, throw away everything unnecessary and painful, be reborn just like the young sun and give birth to a new round of your life!

Feel free to open the doors and let the new young Sun into your home with joy and kindness!

Spend the day of the winter solstice a little brighter than usual, put a little more color and your strength into the affairs and events of this day. On this day, do those things that you have been putting off. for a long time. Get joy and warmth from spending this day with benefit, feel this natural turn of fate, perceive it as your kind of internal movement. And at the same time, read our northern fairy tales and learn the secrets of the Slavic heritage. All fairy tales enlivened by the wisdom of our ancestors...

At the moment of the winter solstice (Kolyada), the birth of the “New Sun” occurs - a turn to spring. Kolyada is the oldest tradition on Earth. This is the most magical time of the year!

The week before and the week after the solstice, the Earth receives a huge flow of creative energy. These days you can change your destiny by mentally joining the Sun and being reborn with it. Our ancestors knew the power of Kolyada. Special role

We all know about the threat of war, which seeks to cross the border of Ukraine with Russia, the Baltic states with Russia. We know that in Russia there may be chaos of a color revolution following the example of the Maidan. When money and rights become scarce, it can lead to unrest and chaos. Astrologers say that after 21 there will be a time of crisis, control, restrictions and darkness. And we do not have material levers to prevent all this. We are scattered. We have no real leader - no head. But we can unite our peaceful desires, which always come true at the solstice. We must ask for a real leader for our people.

The Sun is stronger than the planets of its system. At this time, dark forces have no right to interfere with the will of the Creator and people. We can repeat the feat of the Japanese in 1947 common prayer to the Sun prevented the US attack. The simultaneous prayer of millions caused a typhoon that sank the American squadron.

In 2017, the winter solstice will be on December 21 at 19:28 (Moscow time). Remember this and call all the people around you to unite in turning to the source of our life - the Sun. Print this material (PDF format) and distribute it to your friends.

Appeal to the Sun:

Sun new turn
It calls us to a new life.

Sun, give peace to the planet!
Satan's feast is over!
Wars, chaos, blood, suffering...
Pay attention to us!

We pray to send light to the country,
So that she doesn’t perish in the war!
And wolves in sheep's clothing
So that people are not confused!

Replace the faces of power
The choice is false - cancel it!
Bring your loved one to power
May the bad weather end!

And in the coming New Year
All our people are waiting for the sun!

December 21 – Birth of the Sun (Winter Solstice, Kolyada)- celebrated on the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year.

This date currently falls on December 21st. The moment of winter solstice is the beginning of astronomical winter.

Kolyada - god of the newborn Sun. On this day, the ancient Slavs held a holiday in honor of Kolyada. They sang songs, praised the gods, praised Kolyada for turning the Sun towards spring. People rejoiced that, despite the frosts, the day would now begin to increase, the Sun in the sky would shine longer and brighter.

In the Christian era, the Nativity of Christ was dedicated to this day. Gradually, the Christian holiday grew into a pagan one. The winter solstice has long been seen as the time of birth of the gods. Mithra was born on this day. Christianity simply adapted this date for itself in 273 AD.

In days Winter Solstice Nature stands still, peace, stability and constancy reign in the world. This quiet, powerful energy of peace permeates everything around – the sky, the stars, the trees, and the snow. Everything radiates peace and quiet joy. And at the same time, the Sun moved towards Summer, something was changing for the better. The end of the old is always the beginning of the new.

Winter Solstice Days(December 21-23) – special energy days. These days of the quiet Sun are in every way similar to the days of the summer solstice (June 21-23).

Winter Solstice - the turning of the sun towards summer. Until December 21, the days are dark, mostly cloudy, with little sun. But go outside on December 22nd. And you will feel that the air is permeated with a special light. And from this day on, the sun becomes more and more.

IN Christian tradition The holiday of the Nativity of the Sun was replaced by the Nativity of Christ. It is celebrated on December 25 (for Catholics) and January 7 (for Orthodox Christians).

Previously, Catholic Christmas fell exactly on the day of the winter solstice, but due to the precession of the Sun (the movement of the vernal equinox), the winter solstice from December 24 has now moved to December 21.

21 December- from this date the day begins to increase and the night decreases. Quiet Holy holiday, family holiday. On this day the Christmas tree is decorated. They dress it up, that is, they go into the forest, choose a beautiful young spruce, decorate it with colored ribbons and simple, uncomplicated toys. They dance around the tree, sing songs, praise the gods, and praise Kolyada for turning the Sun towards spring.

Spring is still very far away, but this holiday is joyful. The joy of being short dark days have passed, and now the day, at least for a minute, will increase.

Why is spruce decorated? Very simple. All trees sleep and rest in winter. And only spruce (and pine) are awake and at the peak of their energy. A living spruce enhances the energy of joy of people dancing around it.

Spruce - Veles tree, and Veles is one of the most revered Slavic gods. By observing the ritual of venerating the spruce, people join the strong and powerful egregor of the Rod.

Kin, Spring, Relatives, Relatives, People, Homeland - this is where strength, the help of ancestors and health are. The ancient Slavs always remembered their ancestors and honored them.

No one is alone. Behind any person there is always a chain of his ancestors. Perhaps your family has existed for tens of thousands of years, survived universal catastrophes, the death of civilizations, hunger, cold, wars, hardships - and survived. You have absorbed all the strength and power of your Family. Be proud of this and remember that you are responsible for the worthy continuation of the Family and its best traditions.

Don't cut down the spruce new year holidays , discard this wild custom, alien to the Slavs. The Slavs always felt Nature and took care of it. You cannot cut down a spruce tree for the holiday - this is the custom of Chernobog, symbolizing the murder of Veles and the triumph of Darkness. This the magic of sacrifice. Don’t chop down the spruce and you will immediately feel that you have become healthier, stronger, calmer, and your personal life will begin to improve. Maybe that’s why people live with a lot of problems, because they unanimously drag the felled spruce into the house on New Year

. And she takes revenge on people, radiating the energy of resentment and fear. In fact, people celebrate the death of the tree, the death of the god Veles, at the New Year's table. The energy of fear of death emanates from a cut down spruce

and people feed on this energy. By doing this, they make their souls even more callous, black, and strengthen their fear program. This attracts all sorts of magical attacks and unpleasant situations.

Doctors say that living phytoncides are good for health, but they do not say that the energy of death destroys human health and destiny. Only a sensitive person can understand this.

How would you like it if they killed you and danced around you and sang songs?

21 December The world is very fair. Pain inflicted is repaid with pain, joy is repaid with joy.

people go into the garden, brush off snow from trees and bushes. Congratulations to the garden on the Winter Solstice. They communicate with trees, pets, bees and all domestic animals. The same can be done in the forest. In general, going out into Nature on this day and in the next 3-4 days ( Solstice days

) is highly desirable.

On this day, it’s good to rinse yourself with spring, river or any other natural water, rub yourself with snow, and wash off the old energy. People run naked or barefoot in the snow - they remove pathology from themselves.