Esoterics energy hole during the birthday period. Why is it so bad before a birthday? How to celebrate your birthday correctly


Everyone is accustomed to the fact that a birthday is a holiday, but few people know that preparations for this holiday need to begin a month in advance. On our birthday, we receive energy that will nourish us for a whole year, until our next birthday. We are given a certain limit and it is undesirable to squander it left and right, because this will lead to exhaustion and illness. About a month before the birthday, all people feel weakened, many chronic diseases worsen, and colds occur even in the middle of summer. A month before our birthday, we are already energetically weakened, and this leads to physical weakness. If during the year life was very stressful, stressful situations often occurred, then already a few months (two or three) before the next birthday we will feel inexplicable weakness. I don't want to scare you by preparing you for trouble before your birthday. On the contrary, knowing about the features of this period, you can relate to its problems more easily. Many note that they have become absent-minded, have difficulty concentrating even on their favorite activities, things fall out of their hands, apathy and an indifferent attitude to what is happening around them appear. Many people become nervous and irritated, because before their birthday they feel exhausted not only physically, but also mentally. Some people feel tired from communication and quarrel with friends. It is always better to know the date of birth of those with whom you often communicate, so as not to be offended by the harshness that comes out of their mouth. If someone scolds you in their hearts, criticizes you before his birthday, know that these are just nerves, emotions that he will later regret. This is a difficult time - before your birthday. But for any problems of this period there is one unique remedy - rest. Throughout the year, it is important to save energy - not to get irritated, not to allow negative emotions into your soul, at least not to retain them for a long time, and try not to overeat. But before your birthday this is especially important. Imagine that every year on your birthday the cosmos gives you twelve (according to the number of months) vessels with living water. In the first, second, third... months you can still waste living water unwisely, and after spending water from five vessels in three months, you will not feel weak. But by the last, twelfth month of your year, you have, for example, one vessel one third full. We have to save money. And the easiest way to save energy is to be calm, developing goodwill towards others. Before your birthday, it is best to go on vacation, leaving all your business behind, and if you continue to do the same things, then relax more often, be alone, especially in nature. A person’s greatest dislike for himself on his birthday manifests itself at the festive table, when he forces his exhausted body to process tasty, but, as a rule, very harmful food. Probably, many will be indignant when I call for giving up the holiday table, but such a call is aimed at preserving your health. At least don’t lose your head and treat yourself to healthy, living food - fresh fruits and vegetables. Birthdays have become such a familiar holiday, especially for those who have celebrated it more than a dozen times. But I consider this day to be truly magical, because it lays a bridge between Earth and Heaven, along which the most precious gift is rushing to us - the life-giving energy of God's love. I would like to advise everyone to spend this day quietly and calmly, you can celebrate it after. Silence and tranquility will create favorable conditions for accepting a gift from heaven. Along with the energy on our birthday, we also receive a task for the coming year, tips on the best way to solve upcoming difficulties. On this day, many people's intuition sharpens and even clairaudience and clairvoyance appear. Every year on our birthday we can turn to heaven, to God with our deepest desires and the most important questions, because it is on this day of the union of Earth and Heaven that it is easiest to receive help from above, revelation. Appreciate this unique day - your birthday, protect yourself from the fuss of the kitchen and drunken feasts - you will only benefit from this, becoming a healthier and happier person. I know many cases of such amazing coincidences. One lady enthusiastically told me a story about how, on the first day after her birthday, she was boating on a large lake and unexpectedly, in the vastness of this reservoir, she met a former classmate who was vacationing here. And then, all month long, she was surprised by unexpected meetings with old acquaintances, and most of the meetings took place with the participation of the water element - during rain, near a pond, and even in a swimming pool. The lady spent the entire second day with a friend, and in the second month she was invited to go on tour to another city by old friends. And so all twelve months coincided. You can live obeying the laws of the flow of the river of life, or you can, in the first twelve days after your next birthday, protect yourself from everything that you don’t want to encounter during the year. This is how we model the coming year. For example, you don’t want to get sick, then even before your birthday, take care of your health so as not to start the new year in a sick state. If you want to have more opportunities to do what you love, try to devote the first twelve days after your birthday to it, and circumstances will be such that you will have the opportunity to do what you like all year. But how will the year turn out if you spent the first days on vacation, away from your usual routine, away from work? For as many months as you have days to rest, you will be able to avoid stressful situations, work will not stress you out. Write down the events of the first 12 days and find out your forecast for the year. It is very important to monitor your emotional state, because what it will be in the first twelve days will remain so for the whole year. It happens that after a birthday there are no significant events that could be recorded in order to have a forecast for the year. On the third day after his birthday, my student began to have a strange feeling of insecurity associated with his work. He began to imagine how long the organization in which he works would last, and whether their activities were really necessary for society. And in the third month of his year, rumors began to circulate in this organization about an upcoming administrative leave. And the rumors turned out to be justified. One born materialist, as he says about himself, on the seventh day found himself in the grip of a strange, unfounded lyrical feeling. He wanted romance, that day he even wrote poetry and walked in the forest, which happened to him extremely rarely. For him, such events were very unusual, and even without writing them down, he remembered them, which was useful to him in the seventh month of the year. That month he met his love... And the period of romance and lyrics began. It will not be possible to completely change your emotional state and life in the first twelve days after your birthday, but everyone can take better care of themselves and work harder to get rid of bad moods, melancholy, and irritation. so that troubles don’t happen so often during the year, try at least once to write down everything that happened to you, in your soul in the first twelve days after your birthday, and compare it with the events of the year - this will make your life more interesting. You will never cease to be amazed at the incredibly accurate similarity between the events of the year and the first twelve days after your birthday.

Please note that in the last two weeks (especially the last week) before your birthday, inexplicable sadness, apathy, and even depression may set in. There is often a loss of strength - you don’t want to do anything, arrange anything, celebrate anything, see anyone.

It often happens that on the eve of a person’s birthday, troubles haunt him: he may quarrel at home or at work, he may catch a cold, he may be in a bad mood, and in general, for most, this period is perhaps the most unfortunate period of the year.

This is fine. Your personal ends annual cycle and energy seems to be “not enough”. Let go of the situation, don’t worry, don’t dig into the reasons (there are none))) don’t blame age - it has nothing to do with it.

The hardest day is the last day before the birthday..

Do it, read about how to do it.

Sit down and write a letter of gratitude to the Guardian Angel, the Lord God, to whomever you want - list ALL THE GOOD things that happened this year and thank you for it. You can list the bad things, forgive yourself for your mistakes and throw this piece of paper into the fire, imagining that it is gone forever. You can write a letter to the Higher Powers asking what you would like to receive next year, seal it in an unaddressed envelope and symbolically place it in any mailbox. Or make a boat out of a leaf and send it along the river. Or bring it to the attention of the Higher Powers in any way that comes to your mind.

You can do it, read more about it. As a negative, write down all the bad things that happened last year, and as a positive, write down your wishes for the next year. This can be done in these two weeks before the birthday, on the birthday itself..

Don’t give in to the desire to give up everything - it will pass, and you will regret it later - BD happens once a year. Do not offend your friends - do not refuse the holiday (exception - 40 years for a man and 53 for a woman and 13 for a child).

On your birthday, be SURE to read it in the morning.

You can also do the following.

Prayer to the Named Icon .

There must be a personal icon in the house (an icon of your saint). Light a candle in front of the personalized icon and read the curse. The best effect is on your birthday, you can also read it on your birthday every month).

Holy icon, personal icon, protect me from all blasphemy, from empty chatter, both old and young, from gray-haired and young, from male and female language. From anger and envy, from all hatred.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

What would men like?

On the day you were born, wash your face with water and honey. slander, and then wipe the bracket and door handle with the same water.

How sweet the red dawn is to people, how sweet the clear star is to people, how sweet the honey is to the bee, so is all the love for the slave (name). Amen.

Spell to attract good luck and money.

Read in front of a lit candle on the day and hour of your birth. If you don’t know the exact time, then preferably either at sunset or dawn:

“Lord Almighty, Heavenly Father, hear my prayer!
Olya-yaksh and the devil knight himself, appear, come to my oak table, and let neither windows nor doors be an obstacle to you. Bring me precious dust from gold, and a bone from a mighty bull. Leave them to me as helpers, protectors, concealers.
From now on, I (Name) will be lucky in all my endeavors and good thoughts, luck will not go away, but gold will come.
I lock my words tightly, and whoever tries to break them will only waste their strength.”

Read this plot 12 times, according to the number of months in the year. From now on, luck will not leave you, but the money itself should flow into your hands!

In principle, since DR is a very energetic day, you can do any ritual to attract/adding something, which are usually recommended for the waxing moon. Even if it decreases that day. But then you need to read STRICTLY on the day and hour of birth.

Rules - How to celebrate a birthday correctly

You can't celebrate your birthday early or late valid date.

A man's fortieth birthday, a woman's fifty-three birthday, and a child's thirteenth birthday are not celebrated in crowds.

Guests are never invited in numbers of nine, thirteen, eighteen, twenty-one, fifty, ninety-nine and one hundred people. These numbers shorten the life of the birthday person.

If you want to put candles on the table for beauty, avoid the following numbers: three, nine, twelve and eighteen candles. It’s better not to light candles at all!

I don’t recommend serving pancakes on a name day if a rice dish (pilaf) is planned for the main course.

They do not put a pig's head on the table, nor do they eat pigeons. These dishes are the death of the birthday boy.

If you have a dog in your apartment, then consider the following: guests may start singing, and some dogs have a habit of howling when people sing or play musical instruments. On any other day this would be touching: they say, the dog sings too. However, know that a howling dog invites death to the birthday boy.

The birthday person cannot borrow money on his birthday.

Dishes broken during the fun are not thrown out of the house until the last guest leaves.

It is considered a bad omen if the birthday person changes clothes twice during the celebration.

If you decide to celebrate in a cafe or canteen, ask if a wake was celebrated there the day before after a funeral. If you celebrate, look for another place or celebrate at home.

There is also an opinion that the 12 hours after your birthday accurately reflect the next 12 months. But I haven’t checked - this is only for those who know EXACTLY the time of birth. Now it’s in front of the birthing table - the clock is written right away... but then - some remember, some don’t... for some, even the date doesn’t match. In addition, you need a very deep knowledge of symbolism. Like - a dog is a friend, a bird pooped - for money... etc. But you can check the general impression.

I advise free girls and women to meet BD in a pleasant company, you can flirt with men (maybe on the way or at the next table you will find someone...) otherwise you risk hanging out with a woman like that all year...
There is a simpler fortune-telling - in the DR, when you wake up, look out the window. What you see there will be the year (a man - fortunately, a janitor - to work, a cat - to ill health, a dog - to friends, a woman - to troubles, a boy - tormented, a girl - to be surprised, etc.... I wish you to see a gorgeous guy in a luxury foreign car with a huge bouquet of roses... for you))))))))))

The first 12 days after our birthday are the most important time of the year. This is a kind of “reference point” for the entire next year. In these 12 days we have a real opportunity to lay down the necessary information, create the necessary program of events and successes for the future and influence our destiny. Each of these days corresponds to the month of the coming year - Solar.

It's no secret that a few days before their main holiday, many begin to feel nervous, often even depressed and inexplicably melancholy. And this does not happen at all because we are getting older, as is commonly believed. Try to perform simple household rituals a week before your birthday - they always contain a magical essence - and your mood will be completely different:

Forgive everyone who has offended you this year. Believers should visit the temple and write a note about the health of all ill-wishers and offenders. Or perform any ritual of forgiveness (you can find them on our website or in the VK group).

Take all possible measures to pay off debts - not only monetary, but also spiritual: ask for forgiveness from the one you hurt. Try to complete the most important things (or at least lay the foundations for completing them).

Spend one evening in solitude: think about the results of the past year, admit your mistakes and defeats, praise yourself for your achievements. You can write all this down on a piece of paper, dividing it in two.

On your birthday in the morning, take 10 minutes and write a rough plan for the year - your wishes and dreams. Fold the sheet and put it away until the next date.

Five birthday bans:

  • Don't conflict
  • Don't spit on the ground
  • Don't borrow
  • Don't judge or gossip
  • Do not Cry

How to properly live the first 12 days after your birthday?

1 day:

Our mood on the first day after birth is the key to good mood for the whole year. That is why it is customary to please a person as much as possible on this day - to give gifts, to say pleasant words.

But you shouldn’t gather a noisy crowd if you prefer to spend your birthday alone and in silence - on your holiday you need to ensure comfort for yourself. On this day, do what gives you the most pleasure. If you were going to change your image, today is the best day for this. Were you going to do jogging, gymnastics, meditation - start today!

2 days:

Don’t fuss, don’t overexert yourself - it’s best to work calmly, write a plan for your victories for the year, count your money, pay off your debts, i.e. engage in activities on which future profits depend. You definitely need to renew your monetary energy - make a gift to someone, make donations to charity, even give alms. But under no circumstances should you borrow or lend. This day has another important aspect - today is a good day to start the transition to a healthy diet. You can even create an approximate diet for the year.

3 days:

Networking day.

You need to change your usual practice of communicating with people. If you are overly sociable, restrain yourself and listen to others. Introverts should try to overcome themselves and be in the midst of people and even attract attention. Develop today exactly those communication techniques that you lack. Conflicts are unacceptable on this day. Pay attention to new acquaintances on this day - they turn out to be very important and promising. Write business letters to partners - this will strengthen cooperation.

Day 4:

We form support for loved ones.

This factor is very important - our success often depends on the help of family and friends. Call everyone you trust and can rely on. Visit your parents and let them know how important they are to you. In the evening you can invite your closest and most trusted friends. Send them a message if they are far away - thank them for their friendship. Part of this day should definitely be spent at home - cleaning up, updating something in the interior. This day is suitable for performing esoteric rituals and spiritual practices.

Day 5:

Creative day.

Without creativity and creativity, it is difficult to achieve success. Try to do something unusual for yourself. Remember your childhood - draw a picture, come up with a rhyme. It’s great if you manage to spend this day with children - they will definitely awaken your creativity and force you to “become mischievous.” A new sympathy that arises on this day will lead to a strong relationship, possibly to marriage.

Day 6:

We are creating a health program.

Any wellness procedures are suitable: massage, swimming, fasting. At least do some home exercises and go for a walk. Today is the best day to buy a gym membership or sign up for a test. Particular attention is paid to nutrition: if you don’t want to gain weight and become limp in the future, spend this day without sweets or heavy food. Any cleansing procedures will be beneficial - today the body is actively getting rid of toxins.

Day 7:

We are engaged in family and family planning.

Stay with your closest loved ones - discuss the upcoming vacation and major purchases. Do not allow quarrels - on the contrary, buy a gift for your spouse and declare your love.

Have a romantic dinner or just take a walk together. Propose marriage to your beloved. Do not plan any trips to authorities on this day. This is a day of amorous absent-mindedness and daydreaming - if fate forces you to deal with documents, check each of your signatures: the likelihood of an error is very high. But any partnership deals and agreements are successfully developed: both creative and financial.

Day 8:

The day of your own “I” and the search for the meaning of life.

Today it is better to move away from people and think about yourself - sort out your mistakes, analyze your successes, and determine your priorities. Don't participate in gossip, avoid other people's problems and don't give advice. Intimate contacts are excluded - consciousness is directed inward. Think about what is bothering you and try to cut it off: relationships or projects. Losing anything on this day is considered a sign of good luck. Pay attention to the dream on the eighth day of Solar - it can come true.

Day 9:

We are laying out a program of entertainment and relaxation.

If possible, take a day off: go on a short trip, even around your own city. Come up with an interesting activity for the soul: an exhibition, a performance, a fun party. Buy a travel magazine, read about unusual sights and cultural monuments.

If the time of year allows, be sure to spend time in nature. Don’t miss the opportunity today to communicate with people of a different nationality - you can gain important knowledge. Any learning on this day is a contribution to your future success. Be sure to donate to charity - the money will return to you in the form of authority and respect.

10th day:

We create financial and career success.

Spend a couple of hours thinking about your upcoming projects and plans. Set clear goals for the future - and be sure to write them down (the subconscious mind accepts the written thought as a fait accompli).

Think about your income and ways to increase it - for example, plan to improve your qualifications. If you have already achieved a lot (managing a company), you can help someone else achieve success, for example, offering a promotion to the most promising employee. The help provided today will return to you like a kind boomerang. Be sure to call your parents.

Day 11:

An important day for identifying true friends.

Those who called you, wrote on networks, or otherwise remembered your birthday, even if a little late, are worthy of your trust. Today it is quite acceptable to celebrate the “birthday” one more time - to organize an informal, friendly, fun party. But if one of your loved ones is clearly running into conflict, draw conclusions: on this day, ill-wishers are especially active. The day is suitable for serious changes: adoption of religion or foreign citizenship, engagement or marriage registration. Be careful with household appliances – today is the peak of injury risk.

Day 12:

We create an aura of goodness around ourselves. This is a day of forgiveness and gratitude: if you have the opportunity to go to the temple, light a candle for the health of all your offenders and let go of the mental pain. Or perform a ritual at home to get rid of grievances and forgive. Ask the Higher Powers to give you love for people and the opportunity to do good. On this day we are open to any beneficial energy - try to draw it from everywhere. Thank the Universe, Fate, God for your life, for your ability to dream, see and hear, and realize your plans. Do not participate in noisy companies today - it is better to concentrate grace in solitude. If someone turns to you for help, you cannot refuse. Day 12 of Solarium is the best day to give up bad habits.

These 12 days create a platform for the near future. They have everything: love, work, fun, family, self-awareness - i.e. all the most important aspects of a prosperous life. Try to follow, if not all the points, then at least part of the rules for each day - then you can expect the fulfillment of your plans. Good luck to you! published

Everyone is accustomed to the fact that a birthday is a holiday, but few people know that preparations for this holiday need to begin a month in advance. On our birthday, we receive energy that will nourish us for a whole year, until our next birthday.
We are given a certain limit and it is undesirable to squander it left and right, because this will lead to exhaustion and illness

About a month before the birthday, all people feel weakened, many chronic diseases worsen, and colds occur even in the middle of summer. A month before our birthday, we are already energetically weakened, and this leads to physical weakness. If during the year life was very stressful, stressful situations often occurred, then already a few months (two or three) before the next birthday we will feel inexplicable weakness. I don't want to scare you by preparing you for trouble before your birthday.

On the contrary, knowing about the features of this period, you can relate to its problems more easily. Many note that they have become absent-minded, have difficulty concentrating even on their favorite activities, things fall out of their hands, apathy and an indifferent attitude to what is happening around them appear. Many people become nervous and irritated, because before their birthday they feel exhausted not only physically, but also mentally.

Some people feel tired from communication and quarrel with friends. It is always better to know the date of birth of those with whom you often communicate, so as not to be offended by the harshness that comes out of their mouth. If someone scolds you in their hearts, criticizes you before his birthday, know that these are just nerves, emotions that he will later regret. This is a difficult time - before your birthday. But for any problems of this period there is one unique remedy - rest.

Throughout the year, it is important to save energy - not to get irritated, not to allow negative emotions into your soul, at least not to retain them for a long time, and try not to overeat. But before your birthday this is especially important.

Imagine that every year on your birthday the cosmos gives you twelve (according to the number of months) vessels with living water. In the first, second, third... months you can still waste living water unwisely, and after spending water from five vessels in three months, you will not feel weak. But by the last, twelfth month of your year, you have, for example, one vessel one third full. We have to save money. And the easiest way to save energy is to be calm, developing goodwill towards others. Before your birthday, it is best to go on vacation, leaving all your business behind, and if you continue to do the same things, then relax more often, be alone, especially in nature.

A person’s greatest dislike for himself on his birthday manifests itself at the festive table, when he forces his exhausted body to process tasty, but, as a rule, very harmful food. Probably, many will be indignant when I call for giving up the holiday table, but such a call is aimed at preserving your health. At least don’t lose your head and treat yourself to healthy, living food - fresh fruits and vegetables.

Birthdays have become such a familiar holiday, especially for those who have celebrated it more than a dozen times. But I consider this day to be truly magical, because it lays a bridge between Earth and Heaven, along which the most precious gift is rushing to us - the life-giving energy of God's love. I would like to advise everyone to spend this day quietly and calmly, you can celebrate it after. Silence and tranquility will create favorable conditions for accepting a gift from heaven.
Along with the energy on our birthday, we also receive a task for the coming year, tips on the best way to solve upcoming difficulties. On this day, many people's intuition sharpens and even clairaudience and clairvoyance appear.

Every year on our birthday we can turn to heaven, to God with our deepest desires and the most important questions, because it is on this day of the union of Earth and Heaven that it is easiest to receive help from above, revelation. Appreciate this unique day - your birthday, protect yourself from the fuss of the kitchen and drunken feasts - you will only benefit from this, becoming a healthier and happier person.

I know many cases of such amazing coincidences. One lady enthusiastically told me a story about how, on the first day after her birthday, she was boating on a large lake and unexpectedly, in the vastness of this reservoir, she met a former classmate who was vacationing here. And then, all month long, she was surprised by unexpected meetings with old acquaintances, and most of the meetings took place with the participation of the water element - during rain, near a pond, and even in a swimming pool. The lady spent the entire second day with a friend, and in the second month she was invited to go on tour to another city by old friends. And so all twelve months coincided. You can live obeying the laws of the flow of the river of life, or you can, in the first twelve days after your next birthday, protect yourself from everything that you don’t want to encounter during the year. This is how we model the coming year. For example, you don’t want to get sick, then even before your birthday, take care of your health so as not to start the new year in a sick state.

If you want to have more opportunities to do what you love, try to devote the first twelve days after your birthday to it, and circumstances will be such that you will have the opportunity to do what you like all year. But how will the year turn out if you spent the first days on vacation, away from your usual routine, away from work? For as many months as you have days to rest, you will be able to avoid stressful situations, work will not stress you out. Write down the events of the first 12 days and find out your forecast for the year. It is very important to monitor your emotional state, because what it will be in the first twelve days will remain so for the whole year. It happens that after a birthday there are no significant events that could be recorded in order to have a forecast for the year. On the third day after his birthday, my student began to have a strange feeling of insecurity associated with his work. He began to imagine how long the organization in which he works would last, and whether their activities were really necessary for society. And in the third month of his year, rumors began to circulate in this organization about an upcoming administrative leave. And the rumors turned out to be justified. One born materialist, as he says about himself, on the seventh day found himself in the grip of a strange, unfounded lyrical feeling. He wanted romance, that day he even wrote poetry and walked in the forest, which happened to him extremely rarely. For him, such events were very unusual, and even without writing them down, he remembered them, which was useful to him in the seventh month of the year. That month he met his love... And the period of romance and lyrics began. It will not be possible to completely change your emotional state and life in the first twelve days after your birthday, but everyone can take better care of themselves and work harder to get rid of bad moods, melancholy, and irritation. so that troubles don’t happen so often during the year, try at least once to write down everything that happened to you, in your soul in the first twelve days after your birthday, and compare it with the events of the year - this will make your life more interesting. You will never cease to be amazed at the incredibly accurate similarity between the events of the year and the first twelve days after your birthday.

"The ritual of laying the Solarium."
Every year a person, as is customary, celebrates his birthday, sometimes without even realizing the full significance of this event. Since childhood, he has become accustomed to considering this holiday as something special and memorable - when those around him give him gifts and say kind words. With age, his sensations become less strong and vivid. And the days of his birthday are no longer so memorable to him - as if they are becoming something ordinary. But the time of the new “birth of the Sun” is the most significant event of the year! However, no one taught him how to spend this day correctly, no one taught him to understand that this was the time that ancient wise people chose in order to change the course of a person’s life for the better. After all, it is by the Sun that all living things on Earth determine the cycles of their Life. At this time, a person can perform a special magical ritual and start a new life. And for this it is good, of course, to know the exact time of your birth and the position of the degree of the Sun in the horoscope. Every year your Sun falls at this degree at different times and even sometimes on different days. Without this knowledge, it is more difficult to lay down a strong Solarium. But if you cannot consult an astrologer, do not be upset. We will help you do everything possible to make the year following your birthday successful and happy! This requires only one thing - your desire. Among your friends, probably the vast majority habitually celebrate their unique birthday: prepare a table for guests or spend large sums on a good restaurant, try their best to cheer up the guests, so that the next day they almost get sick from such a “holiday”. However, the result of these efforts is only the next year, which is like two peas in a pod to all the other years lived.
What is SOLAR - from the point of view of an astrologer, this is the exact time of conjunction of the Sun with the degree of its natal position - the position at the time of a person’s birth. But you can consider Solar Day - your birthday, and start the ritual itself a little earlier in time - early in the morning.
For many people, the period before SOLAR or a birthday - especially the last week, is not by chance the most difficult of the year - after all, you need to let go, finish many unresolved affairs during the year, forgive someone, remember someone, return your debts and receive other people's. All year a person could live in a hurry and accumulate small debts to the world because of his ignorance, laziness, inattention... And now, the hour is approaching when everything old, obsolete, unnecessary must go away. And before laying his solarium, it is useful for a person to begin to remember what this year was like, what special events, achievements, victories and defeats he had.
So what else does a person need to know in order to competently conduct a Magic ritual to attract success, good luck and health in the coming year? He can write down on paper all the events of the past year, he can even create a special viewing album, where all the pictures are removed from him in reverse order - so that the events clearly emerge in memory. His friends and relatives can help him in this work. Together with him, they can remember many of the events of this year - and talk to him about what was hidden, what they didn’t want to talk about before. At this time, a person must constantly remember that it is important for him to open up, not to hold grudges about the past, not to hide what he really feels, but to be SINCERE and HONEST - FIRST OF ALL WITH HIMSELF. It is best to do this based on the position of the planets in the horoscope during the period when remembering the past year occurs. But if this is not possible, then you can limit yourself to a simple recapitulation.
Before the Solarium itself - early in the morning - stand in cool salt water for 10 minutes, imagining. How water “takes away” the past year and everything that should go with it. It is good to hold a wax church candle in your right hand.
After this, you can begin the Solar ritual itself, which lasts 12 days and helps a person bring something new into 12 areas of his life - astrologically 12 houses. Each “house” denotes one area - unique, inimitable for its owner - so you need to carefully read what it means.
Every day, starting from the first day, you must live very actively - because how you live it will be the same for the whole year.


So the FIRST day corresponds to the 1st house, the 2nd day to the second house, etc.
Houses describe the structure of human existence.
1 - appearance, character, temperament of a person;
2 - money, valuables, movable property;
3 - close environment, neighbors, contacts, schooling, short trips;
4 - parents, home, family, real estate, end of life;
5 - creativity, love, children, childbirth, entertainment, art, speculation;
6 - work, service, health and illness;
7 - marriage, partners, obvious enemies;
8 - sex, other people's money, psychological crises, death, inheritance, occultism;
9 - worldview, religion, philosophy, higher education, long-distance travel;
10 - career, recognition, honors, goals in life, bosses;
11 - hopes, friends, surprises;
12 - secrets in life, isolation, monastery, serious illnesses, mysticism.

If you want all these parts of your life to be in order, then you need to live each of the 12 days very actively. And since each person’s horoscope is unique, you must be careful to fulfill all your wishes. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT that you have NEW the ones you need QUALITIES OF CHARACTER, so that you don’t just “shoot back”, would you feel these qualities within yourself?
And now - in more detail about the houses:
FIRST HOUSE- denotes the impression that a person makes on others: this is a person’s appearance, his personal ideas about himself, his talents, temperament, activity, ability to be first.
On this day you should be creative and active in everything. You get your future health through dousing and sports exercises. MUST BE very independent and try to become noticeable within your environment - but this does not mean that you need to suppress others and be overly selfish. Women are encouraged to dress up and put on makeup - to create a new, strong look. Maybe even completely change in appearance. On this day it is better not to invite guests - try to pay more attention to yourself.
SECOND HOUSE- denotes property, the ability to earn and spend money, practical knowledge and skills acquired through one’s own efforts, business activity, property, prosperity and wealth.
On this day, it is not very useful to accept gifts, be greedy, or be proud of your material property. It is good to make a donation or give away with all sincerity something that is still of value to you. If you consider yourself a “silver-free person” and earning money comes with great difficulty, then you, on the contrary, can devote the whole day to earning money. Try to understand that you simply “invented” your poverty and from this day on you have every right to wealth. On this day, you must definitely earn something and be sure to spend it usefully, check all your accounts, debts, - do not borrow on this day and do not lend money to others;
THIRD HOUSE- denotes brothers and sisters, neighbors and relationships with them, exchange of thoughts, curiosity, speech, contracts, agreements, news. Short trips.
On this day, in order to avoid “punctures,” it is best to remain silent more or speak very little and to the point. The motto of this day is “YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MARKET”. You can go on a short trip. The most beneficial thing to do on this day is to do the opposite of what you usually do when communicating with other people. If you are “silent” by nature, it is useful to have more contact, exchange your thoughts and ideas. It’s good to generally refrain from watching TV and reading on this day. It is better to spend this day in nature or with brothers and sisters.
FOURTH HOUSE- denotes parents, your roots, ancestors in general, home and family, completion of life, mental peace, familiar surroundings, emotional security, support for survival.
Observe where you want to go during this day - perhaps you want to spend the day in the forest or in nature, or in a place where you can remember your family and ask for help and support. It is best to visit relatives on this day. It’s good to do your homework, get your garden in full order. On this day it is better not to start anything new, not to be active, but it is also better not to allow inaction, laziness, sadness, tears on this day so that they do not accompany you throughout the next year.
FIFTH HOUSE- denotes children, creative professions, creativity itself, hobbies, hobbies, free time, random happiness, love, romantic adventures, the desire to be noticed and appreciated in society, popularity, spending on entertainment.
On this day, it is better not to get carried away by love affairs, not to be tempted by them even if there are strong temptations and temptations, you should not gamble or make expensive purchases. It's good to be with children - watch them play and you will see how much joy, attention and spontaneity there is in it. You can also do something that you have never done before. We advise you to remember your childhood years and do something that your parents categorically forbade you back then. In love affairs, on the contrary, abstinence is needed - then you will make up for it. Natural communication with your own or other people's children occupies an important place.
SIXTH HOUSE - denotes your health and care for it, service and daily work, caring for others and responsibilities, subordination, discipline, relationships in service, work environment, professional skills, working with tools and mechanisms
THIS IS A DAY TO CARE ABOUT YOUR HEALTH. A day when you can completely devote yourself to business and everyday worries. On this day you can move up the career ladder as if you had spent years of hard work. DAY OF CALM. But try to beware of routine. See if you are being sucked into your whirlpool by small everyday affairs, behind which it is easy to miss the main, important thing. It’s good to try a new diet or treat yourself to a light meal on this day.
SEVENTH HOUSE- denotes a spouse, partners and enemies, personal relationships with people, responsibility to them; marriage, divorce, separation, breakup, litigation, trade, transactions, competition, co-authorship.
If you live with a partner, then it would be very good to spend this day together and discuss joint plans for the future - they may consist of you starting to do something that you have not dared to do. Maybe you will finally speak out directly and clarify a lot in your relationship. It’s good to remember all your partners and understand what worked out for you, what didn’t and why. It’s better not to sue, not to get divorced, not to enter into contracts. But if you still have to sign important papers on this day, be sure to check them more than once.
EIGHTH HOUSE- denotes death, change, trials, crises, the end of old conditions, the beginning of new ones; conception and birth, sex; losses and gains due to reasons beyond human control; other people's values.
THIS IS THE HARDEST DAY- it needs to be done alone - to recapitulate yourself in order to get serious changes in behavior and thoughts. Sex, interference in someone else's life and jealousy are contraindicated on this day. It is especially important to learn to control your emotions and feelings. Be prepared for the fact that on this very day something long outdated, although still expensive, will leave your life. Losses on this day mean liberation and are a good omen. There is no need to be afraid on this day.
NINTH HOUSE- denotes knowledge that expands horizons, worldview, higher education, travel, distant relatives, people from afar, with a different view of the world, long trips and travel, especially for educational purposes.
YOU CAN learn something new - that's very good! It’s good to meet guests from afar and go on a long journey if you intend to travel throughout the next year. On this day it is important not to sit at home. Go to a museum, an exhibition, a library, read an educational magazine. But it is on this day that you cannot teach anyone yourself. You cannot teach relatives, friends, or even children, although you may be very drawn to this.
TENTH HOUSE- denotes power, the embodiment of plans, profession, career, social position, authority, practical goals and results in life, assessment of your merits - both glory and shame, relationships with superiors, government authorities, personal power and its use, manifestation of ambition, strategy for moving towards a goal, practical life choices.
DO NOT RULE, DO NOT BE PROUD, DO NOT SET GOALS THAT ARE FALSE. On this day, there may be a strong desire to feel like a boss, but initiative is not desirable. If you are not at all an ambitious person in life, then you need to do the opposite - reach the top, set high and difficult goals and objectives, plan real actions and look at the possibility of achieving a practical result. Be sure to remember all your bosses and mentally thank them for their “science.”
ELEVENTH HOUSE- denotes friends, hopes for the future, plans, faith and dreams of a person, his idea of ​​happiness, patrons.
This is the day your Destiny changes. It’s good if your hopes come true, then you can make new plans! On this day you can FINALLY GATHER ALL YOUR FRIENDS AND HAVE A GRAND BIRTHDAY! Anyone who literally made you sick that day is not your friend! You don’t even have to invite guests to your place on purpose, but check who comes to you today even without an invitation - that means he is your true friend.
TWELFTH HOUSE- denotes restriction, renunciation and liberation from the old, unnecessary, purification, religious actions.
A DAY OF PRAYER, SOLITUDE AND REST. It is good to sum up the whole Ritual. Feel your strength, visit the Temple. On this day, one must be patient, be peaceful and compassionate towards the needs of other people. It is very good to help someone in a difficult situation and completely free yourself from the burden of memory, from all the past years, forgive your offenders, feel love for the whole world, for all people.
When you spend all 12 days following these rules, you definitely need to remember them throughout the year. Try to live the way you managed during these 12 days. The easiest way is to write down the events of these days in a diary and re-read it. But there is another way.

Each of the 12 months following the birthday is also associated with the Solar - the first month is 1st house, the second month is 2nd house and so on. You can continue to live by these rules all year. And then a lot will begin to change in your life. A new love, a new job may come to you. You can become more successful, happier and healthier.
In fact, this short article is only an attempt to make you take the birthday theme seriously. Setting up your Solarium is a labor-intensive and individual task,

How disgusting I always feel on the eve of my birthday! Usually so cheerful, ready to joke and laugh, today I was ready to bury myself in a secluded corner and burst into tears: (Last year on March 20, I poisoned myself in a cafe in Monaco (it was necessary to ruin my vacation in such a wonderful place!) The year before last, on March 20, I fainted in a subway car (and how nice it was when an unfamiliar aunt, instead of rushing to work, took me to the bench, wailing, “Oh, my dear, why are you doing this?!” and then I only realized that I woke up after fainting; and when people passing by offered either Valocordin or some water, so don’t believe that everyone in Moscow is heartless and passes by someone else’s misfortune!). spring break began and, as usual, I was lying at home with a cold while all the children were playing in the yard. In general, I realized that feeling unwell before the BD is already a pattern, and only recently I heard from a professional psychic that in a few days. Before our birthday, our Guardian Angel leaves us.

Trying to understand why he was doing this at such a crucial moment for us, I came across a bunch of different comments on the Internet (it was interesting to read :)):

1) There is such a thing. On your birthday, your Guardian Angel leaves you to report to God for the year you have lived.

2) Surgeons don’t hire people for elective surgery on your birthday. They say you can’t have surgery on this day.

3) Singer Natalya STURM: He leaves me before my birthday

Our guardian angel leaves us a few days before our birthday. And flies again a few days later. These days we are most susceptible to various tragic accidents. I don’t know why the angel does this, that’s what knowledgeable people told me, and I was convinced of it myself. At school, on my birthday, I received a spinal injury - I fell down the stairs. Then she fell from the mountain - five fractures, six months in a cast. And I got into a shipwreck right on my birthday.

4) Everyone is accustomed to the fact that a birthday is a holiday, but few people know that preparations for this holiday need to begin a month in advance. On our birthday, we receive energy that will nourish us for a whole year, until our next birthday.

We are given a certain limit and it is undesirable to squander it left and right, because this will lead to exhaustion and illness. About a month before the birthday, all people feel weakened, many chronic diseases worsen, and colds occur even in the middle of summer. A month before our birthday, we are already energetically weakened, and this leads to physical weakness.

IF during the year life was very stressful, stressful situations often occurred, then already a few months (two or three) before the next birthday we will feel inexplicable weakness. I don't want to scare you by preparing you for trouble before your birthday. On the contrary, knowing about the features of this period, you can relate to its problems more easily. Many note that they have become absent-minded, have difficulty concentrating even on their favorite activities, things fall out of their hands, apathy and an indifferent attitude to what is happening around them appear. Many people become nervous and irritated, because before their birthday they feel exhausted not only physically, but also mentally. Some people feel tired from communication and quarrel with friends. It is always better to know the date of birth of those with whom you often communicate, so as not to be offended by the harshness that comes out of their mouth. If someone scolds you in their hearts, criticizes you before his birthday, know that these are just nerves, emotions that he will later regret.

But for any problems of this period there is one unique remedy - rest. Throughout the year, it is important to save energy - not to get irritated, not to allow negative emotions into your soul, at least not to retain them for a long time, and try not to overeat. But before your birthday this is especially important. Imagine that every year on your birthday the cosmos gives you twelve (according to the number of months) vessels with living water. In the first, second, third... months you can still waste living water unwisely, and after spending water from five vessels in three months, you will not feel weak. But by the last, twelfth month of your year, you have, for example, one vessel one third full. We have to save money. And the easiest way to save energy is to be calm, developing goodwill towards others. Before your birthday, it is best to go on vacation, leaving all your business behind, and if you continue to do the same things, then relax more often, be alone, especially in nature.

You can live obeying the laws of the flow of the river of life, or you can, in the first twelve days after your next birthday, protect yourself from everything that you don’t want to encounter during the year. This is how we model the coming year. For example, you don’t want to get sick, then even before your birthday, take care of your health so as not to start the new year in a sick state.

If you want to have more opportunities to do what you love, try to devote the first twelve days after your birthday to it, and circumstances will be such that you will have the opportunity to do what you like all year. But how will the year turn out if you spent the first days on vacation, away from your usual routine, away from work? For as many months as you have days to rest, you will be able to avoid stressful situations, work will not stress you out.

Write down the events of the first 12 days and find out your forecast for the year.

I also found advice on how to behave with your Guardian Angel:

“Angels are trembling and gentle creatures. They cannot stand tobacco smoke, swear words, loud music, alcohol or drugs. And in general they have a very negative attitude towards any manifestations of careless attitude towards you and your health. They “get sick” from negative energy, their the power becomes weaker and your desires cease to come true...
Therefore, your thoughts must be pure, your intentions good, and your desires wise."

Do you believe in all this? I rather believe it :)