What do you give for your 30th wedding? For your beloved mother it is possible to choose such gift options

For a wedding

The thirtieth wedding anniversary is called a pearl wedding. On this day, it is customary to organize a large banquet to which close relatives, friends and colleagues are invited. An important part of the holiday are gifts presented by guests. Children want to distinguish themselves most of all, so they choose something special as a present.

DIY gift options

Most of all, on the day of the wedding anniversary, the celebrants will be pleased with gifts from children made by themselves. Donors put their whole soul into such things, so they are remembered best.

  • The simplest gift you can make yourself is a greeting card. You can make it on a computer using a special application, or you can draw a postcard together with your grandchildren. A postcard with the handprints of all the grandchildren will look interesting. Of course, such a gift must be accompanied by sincere wishes.
  • You can please those celebrating the anniversary with a collage of family photos. Both old photographs of parents and photographs of all children and grandchildren are suitable for this. A collage in the form of a family tree, headed by a parental portrait, will look original.
  • Photos can be used to make a photo or video presentation. To prepare this presentation, you will need to use photographs and videos from the family archive. You can emphasize the solemnity of the gift with your parents’ favorite song or a romantic melody.

  • Guided by your imagination and the desire to surprise, you can make an extraordinary gift that will definitely surprise the “newlyweds.” These include a candy bouquet or a bouquet of toys. To make it truly beautiful and unusual, you can turn to video tutorials that are easy to find on the Internet.
  • Soap making, diamond embroidery and beadwork have gained enormous popularity in the modern world. A handmade product will help you demonstrate your abilities and express love to your parents.

  • For your pearl anniversary, you can bake a mastic cake in the shape of a pearl. This confectionery product can have a milk filling and a frame in the form of small pearls, the role of which will be played by candies or peanuts in white chocolate. Some craftsmen can decorate the cake with a parent’s photo.
  • For their 30th wedding anniversary, children can make a diploma or certificate dedicated to their parents with their own hands. You can decorate the gift with the inscription “To the best parents in the world”, “For love and fidelity”, “Happy 30th anniversary”.

There are many gift ideas that you can make with your own hands. Shockboxes or metrics are very popular and are an ideal addition to the main gift.

Traditional gifts

Due to the fact that 30 years of marriage is called a pearl wedding, therefore, according to tradition, it is customary to give items made of pearls for it. This stone symbolizes wisdom, honesty and sincerity. It was these qualities that helped the heroes of the day survive to such a major date. It is worth paying attention to gifts related to pearls.

  • Jewelry– these can be earrings, necklaces, rings, pendants and bracelets. This gemstone can be used to adorn cufflinks, watches, rosaries and tie clips. Thanks to the variety of choices, customers always have the opportunity to choose the perfect decoration for each parent.
  • Presents with mother of pearl– will allow you to positively influence the relationship between the spouses and emphasize the symbolism of the day. Mother-of-pearl photo frames, boxes, candlesticks and symbolic figurines can serve as a present.

  • Decorative shell– can be a beautiful addition to the main gift or serve as packaging for jewelry.
  • Home decorations– vases decorated with pearls, dishes in the form of shells, glasses with precious inserts are suitable. It is best to purchase products in milky or pink shades.

Important! On the 30th wedding anniversary, it is appropriate to give gifts related to the date itself. Medals, a photo album or confectionery, which will be decorated with the number 30, will look original.

Practical options

In addition to symbolic gifts, you can give your parents household items for their wedding anniversary. Often spouses are not able to buy something they really need, so children can help them with this. And to emphasize the importance of the event, the gift can be packed in a mother-of-pearl box.

  • The optimal gift that will be useful in any home is textiles. Children can buy their parents expensive bedding or bath accessories, sets of holiday napkins, curtains, blankets, and so on.
  • Another practical gift is kitchen utensils. A high-quality set of pots, a tea set, a frying pan, a mother-of-pearl tablecloth, a set of salad bowls or wine glasses will be suitable as a gift.

If mom loves to cook and spends a lot of time in the kitchen, then you can buy a new kitchen apron with a picture of pearls or a mother-of-pearl countertop.

  • On this significant day, parents can be surprised with new technology and electronics. Children can buy a modern computer, refrigerator, plasma TV, stereo system or sophisticated mobile phones.
  • You can complement the interior of your parents' home with furniture. In the living room you can buy a coffee table, a sofa, a rocking chair, a bookcase and so on. The main thing is that the “newlyweds” need this thing.

  • If parents live in a private house or own a summer cottage, then it is appropriate to give them a barbecue, lawn mower, electric fireplace, garden swing or hammock.
  • In addition to material gifts, a married couple can be given a trip to the sea or to a sanatorium, a certificate for visiting spa treatments, and theater tickets.
  • Loving children can congratulate their parents on their wedding day with a banquet about which the celebrants will know nothing. You can invite relatives and friends to the holiday.

It will be especially pleasant for the celebrants to see at the event those people who live far away and therefore rarely come to visit.

What can't be given?

Many people are full of superstitions, so they may perceive this or that gift negatively. To avoid this, children definitely need to know what things are inappropriate to give for their 30th wedding anniversary.

  • Sharp objects– these include sets of knives and forks. It is believed that these products carry negative energy and can bring quarrels and misunderstandings into the house. Even if the head of the family is interested in hunting or collecting knives, it is better not to give such a gift for a wedding anniversary.
  • Mirror– this item is considered a guide to the other world. It is often associated with misfortunes that occur in the house with its appearance. Such a gift can seriously offend superstitious celebrants.
  • The clock is a symbol of separation. If children decide to present their parents with a wrist or wall clock for a pearl wedding, they must take a nominal fee for it. This way you can avoid a quarrel.

A pearl wedding is not only a significant anniversary, but also an important stage in life together. The children have already grown up and started a family, and grandchildren are growing up.

They are a source of extra joy for grandparents. The heroes of the occasion are the guardians of this large family hearth and its ancestors. In the foreground they care about all members of their clan.

Our anniversaries take on the role of guardian angels for their large family. To express their deep gratitude, on the eve of the celebration, children think about what to give their parents for their 30th wedding anniversary.

Hints. If possible, treat them to a honeymoon for their 30th anniversary of marriage. Let this not be a honeymoon, but a “pearl” one. It will allow you not only to relax, but in a relaxed atmosphere, to remember all the positive moments of this large, eventful period of life.

Order a wedding cake for the whole family.

Products with pearls

Pearls symbolize purity of relationships, love and affection, growth and fertility. Just like a small grain of sand that falls into a shell grows over time and turns into a beautiful stone, so the love of parents grew and turned into a big strong family.

That is why 30 years of marriage is called a “pearl wedding.” Therefore, a gift made of pearls will be very appropriate on this day.

Grandchildren and their parents can make a small family album, decorate it with pearls and present it as a wedding anniversary gift.

Photo, portrait, children's anniversary gift for parents

What to give to parents for a pearl wedding. Give them memories of the bright days of your life together. It could be a beautiful photo frame, collage.

Advice. An original gift and surprise from the whole family will be a portrait ordered from a photograph of the parents.

DIY photo frame

Grandchildren can make a photo frame for their grandparents' wedding anniversary:

Step-by-step instruction. Photo Description

Let's prepare a frame from painted slats and cardboard. We will need: ribbons, coarse threads, cinnamon sticks, star anise, coffee beans, glue gun.

Glue coffee beans around the perimeter of the frame.

This way.

Using twine we make a pattern with loops and glue on top of the coffee beans.

Glue coffee beans into the loops of the pattern.

We lay out a heart-shaped pattern from ribbons and attach it to the middle of the frame. Glue cinnamon sticks and star anise to the side.

Below in the shape of a heart we glue flowers from ribbons.

Gifts in national style

The tea ceremony and samovar are a symbol of a friendly family and prosperity. This national tradition is reflected in such items as a samovar and dishes painted in national techniques.

The whole family will gather around the big table more than once to drink aromatic tea with jam. Besides, who better than grandma can bake a delicious pie.

Porcelain dishes

A large family often gathers for various celebrations. Therefore, a set of beautiful porcelain dishes is not only good, but also a necessary gift. If you are wondering what to give your parents for a pearl wedding, you can safely buy a tableware or tea set.

Exclusive gifts

What can you give your parents for a pearl wedding? Exclusive items are a memorable gift. It will become a reminder of this significant date. Beautiful things will decorate the interior of your parents' home.

Biofireplace for parents

What to give to parents for a pearl wedding. Interior items that fill it with a special atmosphere have a beneficial effect on a person - a wonderful gift for loved ones. The eternal elements fire and water pacify, relieve tension, and relax.

Video in this article:

Home fountains

Along with a bio-fireplace, a home fountain not only adds uniqueness to the interior. They also serve as objects that carry the energy of peace and tranquility. It is for this reason that the fountain will be a good gift for parents on their 30th anniversary of marriage.

Household appliances as a gift for parents

Good home appliances will not only make cooking easier, but will allow parents to eat healthy and tasty food. Moreover, when any family members come to visit them, they will use this equipment to provide them with delicious food.

Every family decides what to give their parents for their 30th wedding anniversary on the eve of the anniversary. But remember, the main thing is your love and touching attitude towards them. A gift is just one way to express gratitude and appreciation.

30 years of marriage is a lot. This solemn anniversary testifies that the spouses were truly made for each other, and their love grew stronger, despite all the troubles, everyday troubles and even blows of fate. And today many are interested in the question of what kind of wedding - 30 years of marriage? How to celebrate an anniversary? Are there important traditions that should be followed? And finally, what to give to those celebrating the anniversary?

30 years together - what kind of wedding is this?

30 years of marriage is a long time. And this anniversary is usually called the pearl wedding.

This is an extremely important date, an important stage in married life. That is why the anniversary must be celebrated with family, children and close friends. Naturally, there are some ancient traditions that it is advisable to observe. There are also some rituals that are important for the future life of the spouses - they must be included in the celebration scenario.

What do pearls symbolize?

Now that we have found out what it is called, it is worth considering the features and anniversaries. It's no secret that pearls are quite expensive jewelry. This pebble is created by some mollusks. One grain of sand that accidentally falls into a shell gradually turns into a beautiful pearl. Year after year, the layer of mother-of-pearl becomes thicker, and the stone itself becomes more beautiful and more expensive.

Pearls are considered to be a symbol of love, purity, chastity and fertility. And 30 years of marriage are like a jewel. Year after year, spouses overcome obstacles together, solve problems, and learn to understand each other without words. Year after year, married life becomes more and more valuable, beautiful and harmonious.

Where is the best place to celebrate your anniversary?

Symbols and traditions are extremely important because they are part of what determines how each wedding is celebrated. 30 years of marriage is a pearl anniversary, and, as you know, pearls are associated with water.

That is why the anniversary should ideally be celebrated near the sea. Naturally, not everyone can afford such a trip. Therefore, for the celebration, you can choose a restaurant or any other place near water, be it a lake or a river. But if you don’t have such an opportunity, then the celebration can be held at home.

How to decorate a holiday table?

Naturally, we need to solemnly celebrate the anniversary of our marriage. 30 years together is an important date. And since pearls belong to the sea element, the table and room (or hall in a restaurant) need to be decorated accordingly.

It is best to decorate the table with silk or satin tablecloths, preferably beige or pearl colors. And in the middle of the table you can build a small composition from different flowers in light shades, strings of beads or even beautiful shells. By the way, on this occasion you can buy a traditional pearl tree of happiness, which is made from beads and pearl beads - this will become a symbol of the years lived together (by the way, this is a great idea for a gift, since such a tree can be made yourself).

As for the menu, it should include at least several seafood dishes. And don't forget about the birthday cake - let it be decorated with small shiny beads and beige icing.

Important Traditions: Morning Vows

As already mentioned, it is ancient customs that determine how which wedding will be celebrated. 30 years of marriage is an anniversary that is rich in tradition. And the celebration begins in the morning. At dawn, the couple go together to the nearest body of water. Some couples go to the sea in honor of such a significant date, but if you do not have such an opportunity, you can visit the nearest river or lake.

Here, at sunrise, the spouses throw a pearl into the water, swearing to each other that they will remain together as long as the stones lie at the bottom of the reservoir. If you don't have pearls, you can throw a coin into the water.

They also say that on this day the celebrants must go to church for morning prayer. In the temple you need to light three candles together: the first is placed for the health of the husband (wife), the second represents gratitude for the years lived together, and the third candle symbolizes hope for further favor of fate.

After this, the couple returns home, where another important ceremony awaits them. The husband and wife must hold hands, stand in front of the mirror and once again take vows of love and fidelity to each other. After all, it has long been believed that the mirror has magical properties. Besides, the mirror never lies. Taking him as a witness, the spouses confirm that their intentions are crystal clear, that after 30 years of living together they no longer have secrets, secrets and omissions from each other.

Exchange of gifts - what do spouses give each other?

Naturally, a thirty-year anniversary is an important day that requires appropriate gifts. So what should you give your spouse for your 30th wedding anniversary? A man must give it to his wife and there must be exactly thirty pearls on the string, each of which symbolizes the year they have lived together. But a wife can give her husband cufflinks or a tie pin decorated with pearls.

It is generally accepted that pearls come only in beige color. But in fact, these stones can take on completely different shades, each of which symbolizes something. For example, blue pearls on a wife’s necklace symbolize dreams that have come true, and green pearls symbolize hopes for a bright future. Red pearls are a symbol of love, the fire of which will not soon go out, black stones are a path that you still have to walk hand in hand.

If you give your husband pink pearls, then this indicates his dreamy nature. Bronze stones symbolize confidence in the future.

What to give for your 30th wedding anniversary? Interesting gift ideas for anniversaries

Of course, you cannot go to such an important holiday empty-handed. What should guests give to a married couple? It is generally accepted that the best gift is pearl jewelry. Of course, you can give a necklace or earrings - the celebrants will be pleased. But natural pearls are not cheap, so not every guest will be able to afford such a gift.

In fact, there are many ideas for gifts. For example, you can gift your spouses photo frames decorated with pearl beads. As mentioned above, you can make a pearl tree yourself (it is not necessary to take expensive natural stones for this).

You can make an album by placing photographs of the spouses in it in chronological order - this way they will be able to remember the best moments of their lives. The album can be covered with silk fabric, decorated with ribbons and beads. A box inlaid with pearls will also make an excellent gift.

Gifts can be very different - the main thing is to bring sincere congratulations. 30 years of marriage are symbolized by pearls. But you can also give silk. Yes, silk bedding or clothing items will also be appropriate.

Scenario - 30 years of marriage are celebrated with joy

Of course, the spouses should be congratulated on their pearl wedding. Congratulations and

A quite popular ritual is called “Baptism of Fire,” which will help brighten up the evening. To carry it out you will need household items. In particular, the wife should bring with her a frying pan, a rolling pin, a broom, a rag with a bucket, a knife or other items that she uses in modern life. The husband brings his tools - a hammer, drill, saw, pliers, screwdriver, etc.

30 years of married life is great happiness. But you never know what tomorrow will bring. Therefore, spouses should see if they can fulfill each other's responsibilities. Therefore, husband and wife exchange things and show off their skills.

Solemn vows of the spouses

It is known that spouses exchange rings on their silver and golden wedding anniversaries. And on the thirtieth anniversary, pearls are exchanged. It is best to perform this ritual at the end of the evening, for example, before serving the cake.

The spouses must stand in front of the guests and solemnly pronounce vows of love and fidelity. Husband and wife promise each other constant support, attention and unshakable trust. After this, you need to exchange two white pearls.

By the way, there is a belief that if one of the spouses breaks their vows, the pearl will turn black. Therefore, it was customary to make pendants or rings from this stone that could be worn constantly. This is a kind of demonstration that both husband and wife keep their promises.

Ritual “Transfer of Happiness”

Thirty years of marriage is a huge experience that celebrants simply must pass on. Surely, the spouses have children or other relatives who have just gotten married or are just preparing for the wedding. It is to them that the heroes of the day will convey their “happiness”.

To carry out the ritual, you will need a blank notebook and pen, as well as a rope, a ring, a ribbon, a plate and coins. First, the spouses give their “receivers” a blank notebook (or sheet of paper) - here the young couple must write down all the good events in life. Then, with parting words, the celebrants give the young people a pen with which to take notes.

After this, the legs of the young man and woman are tied with a rope, which symbolizes their unity. A long ribbon is placed in front of the couple, and a plate or other container is placed at the end of it. Young people with tied legs must walk the entire path together, and for each step taken, guests throw a coin into the bowl. This ritual symbolizes unity and the fact that a happy life can only be created together, going through troubles together.

Liana Raimanova

After thirty years together, which the spouses spend in marriage, the third anniversary of the family is the pearl wedding anniversary. The couple have been together for a long time, they have furnished their home, raised children, and they already have grandchildren. After thirty years of marriage, the couple have learned to understand and appreciate each other, peace and mutual understanding reign in their family. After all, only friendly and loving hearts. The closer the anniversary date is, the faster children, relatives and family friends need to decide what gifts they will give to the celebrants on the day of celebration.

What to give for a pearl wedding? For example, a brooch with pearls

Many people think that it is customary to give gifts with pearls on a pearl wedding anniversary. But this option is more suitable for children of spouses or their relatives. In addition, spouses can give pearl jewelry to each other. Therefore, a gift for friends on their 30th wedding anniversary should be a little different from other gifts. You can think about more useful things around the house or find something completely unusual.

What can you give a couple for a pearl wedding, except pearls:

  • Modern gadgets or household electrical appliances. This is the most universal gift, which is suitable for any type of celebration, including a pearl wedding. Household appliances that make housekeeping easier are an ideal gift for a couple over fifty years old. The housewife does not have unnecessary electrical appliances in her kitchen. You can buy your spouses a multicooker, an electric meat grinder, a coffee maker or a microwave oven. Give something that the hero of the day does not have, so that they will enjoy using your gift in the future.
  • Order a portrait painted in oil. Finding a suitable artist will not be difficult; the main thing is to carefully study the portfolio of potential candidates and the prices they offer for their services. If you are not sure that you can choose the right photograph from which the portrait will be painted, buy a certificate from the artist. According to it, the spouses themselves will be able to go to the workshop and participate in the painting.
  • Textile gifts. Despite the fact that it is not entirely original, textiles still do not lose their popularity. Good quality textiles are a necessary thing in the household. Spouses will be happy to receive good bed linen, a beautiful tablecloth, silk robes or a blanket with original embroidery from friends. If you want to do emphasis on the name of the anniversary, look for mother-of-pearl textiles or things with images of pearls. Nowadays personalized dressing gowns for spouses are very popular. They can be terry or silk, and on the back you can order any inscription, for example, congratulations on your pearl wedding.

Textiles as a gift to friends for their pearl anniversary

  • Pet. Before you decide on such a gift, think about whether the spouses love animals and whether they would be happy about such an unusual gift. As a rule, people closer to fifty years of age spend a lot of time at home, which means that they will be able to devote the right amount of time to the animal. Spouses, who love pets animals you can give a purebred puppy or kitten, parrots, an aquarium with fish, a hamster, a guinea pig.

An original gift for a pearl wedding: a pet

What can spouses give each other for their 30th wedding anniversary?

Traditionally, spouses can start their day by presenting gifts to each other. Since the symbol of the anniversary is a pearl, gifts should be associated with it.

According to a long-standing tradition, the spouse should wear a necklace of 30 pearls or any other jewelry with pearls on their 30th anniversary.

Gold necklace with pearls, Primaexclusive(price on the link)

Give to your wife along with the main gift gorgeous bouquet or a box of your favorite chocolates. The spouse can wear pearl cufflinks or a tie clip on this day.

In addition to traditional gifts, spouses can please each other with more practical things or antique items. If you want to truly surprise your partner, purchase gift Certificate for a parachute jump, paratrike flight or tickets to swim with dolphins. Such a surprise will be remembered by both of you for a long time.

By the 30th wedding anniversary, the children of the spouses, as a rule, are already adults and self-sufficient individuals. Most often they live separately from them with their family. Therefore, buying a good one for such an important holiday for their family will not be difficult for them.

Gifts from children to parents should be family-friendly and sincere

It is best to choose things that will remind the celebrants of this wonderful day every day. Therefore, it is worth giving the family the following for their thirty wedding anniversary:

  • Photo frames with flash drive. Digital frames with a special built-in screen for photos are a very interesting and unusual gift. Favorite family photos are uploaded to the flash drive, and the photo frame itself begins to broadcast them, changing frame by frame. You can upload photos from your parents’ wedding or other memorable photos to a flash drive. They will surely like this innovation and will delight them every day.

As a gift for parents for a pearl wedding: a photo frame with a flash drive

  • Can organize a banquet for the celebration. It is best to organize a holiday for the younger generation. Let you take on these pleasant claps, and let your parents rest at this time. After all, this is their holiday and they deserve it.

Organizing a banquet as a gift for parents on their 30th anniversary

  • Give a tree seedling. This is a great gift for gardening parents. You can purchase any seedling that they lack: an apple tree, a pear tree, a plum tree, or a small oak tree. If the pearl wedding falls during the warm season, the whole family can plant seedlings together.

This is a wonderful gift that will grow before your eyes and delight your parents with its fruits.

Original do-it-yourself gifts for the 30th pearl wedding anniversary

There's nothing more beautiful gifts made with soul and with your own hands. You can easily find different ideas for gifts for anniversaries that can be easily made at home. You can come up with a suitable option yourself, for example, if you already have some talents. For those who could not decide, there are training master classes that tell and show in detail how to prepare a gift with your own hands, for example, making a bouquet of sweets for a pearl wedding.

What gift can you give yourself?

  • Prepare special medals and certificates that will be called “Best Parents”, “Best Married Couple”, etc. It all depends on your imagination. The spouses will then keep the commemorative medals and certificates in a visible place; such a sincere gift will remind them of a memorable date in their family life.

DIY gifts for a pearl wedding

  • Make a family book. Studying a family's pedigree is quite a responsible and time-consuming task. It is possible to compile a family book only up to the fifth generation. To create this unusual gift it will take a lot of time, so start researching your family tree long before the anniversary.

Handmade gifts will be especially valuable for anniversaries. After all, the main thing is not the cost of the souvenir, but the love and attention that you give along with it.

26 March 2018, 18:02

30 years after the start of their life together, the couple happily celebrate their anniversary. This is a pearl wedding. Three decades is a very long period of time, so such an anniversary should be celebrated on a grand scale, surrounded by children, relatives and friends.

Often, the children of the pearl couple take upon themselves the preparation of such a holiday, in this way they want to demonstrate to their dear parents all their care and love.

Each of those present will want to give some gift to the heroes of the day. But how to choose it? After all, the gift should not only be needed in the household, but also original or reminding the pearl anniversaries of all the pleasant moments that were in their lives. Let's talk about the features of the holiday and gifts in honor of it.

How to celebrate your 30th wedding anniversary

A pearl wedding is not a simple event in the life of a married couple. This holiday has its own, very special traditions that go back centuries.

There used to be such a tradition. On the day of their pearl wedding, the husband and wife must get up at dawn, take two pearls prepared in advance and go to the nearest body of water. Pearls should be thrown as far as possible into a river or lake, without regretting the loss at all. Why did they do this? Then, the durability of pearls is estimated at 50 years.

It is believed that pearls thrown into the water will protect and protect the strong union of spouses for up to 50 years.

Now, of course, no one performs such a ritual, but if you believe folk superstitions and observe the customs of your ancestors, then you can easily perform it.

Even if such a curious action has no basis in reason, it is still very beautiful and romantic. Why not treat yourself on such a special day?

What can children give to their parents?

Almost all couples already have children within 30 years of marriage. And many of the sons and daughters are already quite old. They happily help parents in organizational matters or take on all the holiday chores themselves, such as choosing a place to celebrate, decorating the hall, creating a holiday menu and show programs.

But besides this, they should choose an interesting gift for their parents for a pearl wedding. This problem is much more acute for them than for all other invited guests.

Every child wants to please their parents with an original and useful gift that they will remember for a long time. It is desirable that the present be unusual, and that parents always remember it with warmth and delight in their hearts.

From the name of the anniversary “pearl wedding” you can understand that the symbol is beautiful pearls. Therefore, the first idea that comes to mind when thinking about a gift is to buy jewelry with pearls.

For your beloved mother, you can choose the following gift options:

  • a beautiful ring with one or more pearls;
  • gold wrist bracelet;
  • beads or necklace made of pearls in delicate shades;
  • beautiful earrings with rare black pearls.

Choosing jewelry for your father is a little more difficult, but cufflinks with unobtrusive pearls or a tie clip will be very relevant here. If your father smokes, then you can give him a cigarette case decorated with this beautiful jewelry or natural creation as a gift.

But before you go shopping, you need to find out what your brother or sister will give so that the gifts are not the same. Why does your mother need two similar rings? It will be much nicer to receive a ring and bracelet as a gift, for example.

Children can buy their parents one common gift. In this case, the following options can be offered:

  • souvenirs, beautiful figurines and figurines;
  • an album for storing photographs, which will be decorated with small pearls;

  • you can show a little originality and make a gift with your own hands, for example, a photo frame;
  • by searching in stores, you can find beautiful candles decorated with artificial pearls; it is advisable that they are made by hand from environmentally friendly materials;
  • beautiful glasses that can be decorated with the inscription “30 years of marriage.”

It is not considered bad manners if children give their parents new furniture, home textiles, kitchen utensils or household appliances for their wedding anniversary. And, if financial capabilities allow, you can send the pearl anniversaries on a honeymoon.

The main decoration of the holiday should be a beautiful and thematically decorated cake. Children can make it to order or bake it themselves. Such a delicious gift, prepared with your own hands, will certainly touch all the guests and, of course, the parents themselves.

In addition, you can sew or knit a beautiful souvenir with your own hands. Young children can make crafts with their own hands. The most important thing to remember when choosing a gift: it should be sincere, sincere, and therefore pleasant.

What to give your beloved husband for his 30th wedding anniversary

The question “How to choose a gift?” relevant not only for holiday guests, but also for loving spouses. With the first rays of the sun, pearl anniversaries can present each other with gorgeous surprises. What can a wife give her husband? She should think about this a little in advance and approach the purchase of a present very responsibly.

The present should please and be unusual, pleasant and, of course, memorable.

Choosing a gift in this case, on the one hand, will be easy. After all, after 30 years of marriage, the spouses already know each other’s interests, tastes and desires well. Therefore, choosing a gift that will cause sincere joy in your beloved man should not be difficult.

It is not necessary to spend a large amount of money, especially if it will be a serious blow to the family budget. You can make a gift with your own hands. If a woman is a needlewoman, she can knit a beautiful sweater or decorate a gift with unusual embroidery made of artificial pearls.

You can offer the following gifts for your husband on his 30th wedding anniversary:

  • family portrait in a beautiful pearl frame;
  • a beautiful photo album decorated with pearls with the wish to keep only the most heartwarming and memorable photographs in it;
  • if the husband is a lover of painting, then a painting with a still life or landscape is an excellent choice;
  • cufflinks or other jewelry that he has long dreamed of;
  • interesting souvenir.

But a gift can also have a practical side. What man would not be happy if he was given:

If your husband is actively interested in sports, then a new suit will come in very handy. A true gardener will be delighted with a set of garden tools, a lawn mower or a walk-behind tractor.

There are a huge number of gift options; their choice should be based on the interests and hobbies of the spouse, as well as the financial capabilities of the family.

But in addition to giving gifts, it is important to tell your husband how dear he is to you. Remember together all the happiest moments of your life together and understand that these years you were truly happy.

What to give your wife for a pearl wedding

After so many years of marriage, the husband could already have perfectly studied all the preferences of his beloved wife. Therefore, when choosing a gift, you should rely primarily on them.

No woman can resist a beautiful piece of jewelry. The main thing is that it contains inclusions of pearls of any size.

It could be:

  • silver or gold ring;
  • the neck of your beloved woman can be decorated with a necklace or beads made of white or black pearls;
  • pearls of delicate color can look original in a neat bracelet;
  • depending on your wife’s preferences, you can purchase earrings of any size;
  • original pendant on a chain.

You can turn to jewelers and make the jewelry according to your own sketch or have it engraved.

In addition to the options listed, you can also consider the following gift ideas:

What else can you give for your 30th wedding anniversary?

No holiday will be complete for a woman if her beloved husband does not present her with a gorgeous bouquet of her favorite flowers. These can be lilies, lilies of the valley, tulips, roses or gerberas, tied with a light satin ribbon.

In addition to a general celebration with children, relatives and friends, the husband can organize a romantic dinner for two. To do this, you can book a table at your favorite restaurant for your woman or arrange a quiet family romance.

During such an evening, you can remember all the pleasant and funny moments of marriage, they will help strengthen your thoughts that at one time you made the right choice.

What to give to your close friends for a pearl wedding

30th wedding anniversary greetings for dear friends should be original and interesting. Their anniversary gifts should be no less memorable than gifts from other guests of the holiday. It is necessary to make their choice as early as possible.

What to give to friends for a pearl wedding? Jewelry is usually given by close relatives, such as children or spouses, to each other, so this gift option is not suitable for friends. Therefore, before you go shopping for gifts, you need to think carefully and choose the best option.

You can give your friends:

  • An original collage of photographs that will show the spouses the brightest moments of their life together.
  • If possible, you can make a congratulatory video with the participation of all your friends, relatives and acquaintances. Display it during the celebration.
  • Frames and photo albums for photographs, which can be decorated with both artificial and natural pearls.
  • A family portrait or just a picture in a pearl frame.
  • Vases, lamps and various souvenirs, which must be decorated with pearls.
  • A beautiful and original carpet will be an excellent gift that will constantly remind the spouses of those who gave it.
  • Sets of dishes or cutlery.
  • In stores you can find shells that have a pearl inside. This gift will be truly original and interesting.

Musical anniversary gift - video

What else could be a gift for a pearl wedding? Of course, you can also give a present such as necessary household appliances, home textiles or other things that may be useful in everyday life. The main thing is that the gift should not be intended for one of the spouses, but for the couple. Therefore, giving a spinning rod or a meat grinder would not be a very good idea.

Before giving a gift, you need to think about how to properly package and present it.

Everything that is usually given for a pearl wedding can be wrapped in gift paper of any color and shade, tied with a satin ribbon, which should be decorated with pearls.

It is advisable that the gift be accompanied by a card with the most sincere wishes. Everything that is written in it can be read out during the celebratory toast. Beautiful words and wishes for long life to the heroes of the day are the main component of the success of this holiday.

Living together for 30 years is a great happiness, and this day should be celebrated on a grand scale in order to give a positive charge to the next years of family life.