The narrowest waist in the world. The thinnest waist in the world


Canons at all times female beauty were different various details. Then women were in fashion with round shapes, sometimes thin, sometimes flat-chested, sometimes possessive lush bust, now ladies with sickly pale faces, now dark-skinned beauties. Times change, and so do the standards of beauty. But men have always been attracted to ladies with thin waists.

Speaking of records

How many centimeters can the most thin waist in the world? It would seem that the answer is obvious. If modern forms, which are considered ideal, require a woman to be 60 cm, then even if the thinnest waist is 50 cm, it will be very, very difficult to achieve this. But this is far from the case. It is worth noting that today the thinnest waist in the world belongs to Katie Jung, a 70-year-old woman. It's hard to imagine, but she is only 38.1 cm! The first thing that comes to mind is: this cannot be. And this is true, because it is impossible to achieve this naturally. In her desire to imitate the heroine of the film Gone with the Wind, after the birth of her three children, Katie forever shackled herself in a corset, gradually narrowing it (by this moment she has about 100 corsets). From a waist of 71 cm, she got a result of 38 cm. At the moment, her parameters are 99-38-99 (chest-waist-hips). It is worth noting that a woman has to sew clothes to order, because she simply cannot buy things in a regular store. But this doesn’t bother her, because she has already earned a fortune from photographs of her figure alone. In addition, the thinnest waist in the world does not interfere with a woman’s health at all. Katie is constantly under the supervision of a surgeon, who notes her excellent health.

Gone Heroes

At the moment, the thinnest waist in the world belongs to Katie Jung, but absolute record in terms of narrowness of the waist, it belongs to another woman who died back in 1974. The lady's name was Ethel Granger, and her waist measured only 33 cm! It is worth noting that a similar result was also not obtained naturally, but through constant wearing of a corset.


Our country also has its heroes in this area. And although Oksana Mkhitaryan, the owner of the narrowest waist in Russia, is still far from reaching the world record, it is worth noting that she has the thinnest waist in the world without a corset. According to her, she inherited her 45 cm waist from her parents and never had any surgery. Moreover, she does not exhaust herself with diets and does not spend hours in the gym. According to Oksana, nature endowed her with such a waist, and she wears corsets only to emphasize her beauty. Another interesting fact is that Oksana’s breasts and hips are not small: 85 and 90 cm, respectively. Therefore, the “naturalness” of her waist raises many questions.


You can witness a huge amount of controversy over how beautiful such a waist is and whether men like it. Some say that it makes a woman beautiful, others look at the photos in horror and note that it looks ugly. About how aesthetically pleasing the most slim waist in the world, to judge each individual.

Everyone, absolutely everyone in the world wants to be beautiful. Everyone wants an athletic and toned body. Men dream of steel abs, pumped-up chests, powerful biceps, triceps... Some people spend hours “tormenting” themselves in the gym for this, some go under the surgeon’s knife, others use the services of beauty salons and cosmetology an infinite number of times. And it’s not for us to judge which of these options is correct. Everyone chooses for themselves.

Nowadays, every girl tries to strive for established beauty standards - the unshakable 90-60-90. Many will say that these standards are already outdated and we need to look for new ideals of beauty, but until they are found, everything remains the same. Every woman wants a “wasp” waist. But, at the same time, there are also representatives of the fair sex who are “somewhat” overzealous in these aspirations. And today we will talk about them in order to finally find out who has the narrowest waist in the world!

80-year-old US representative Cathy Jung became widely known after getting into the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the narrowest waist in the world. It’s scary to even imagine, but today, her waist is only 38.1 cm! Katie has had a craving for a small waist since childhood. Ever since then, she has been haunted by the small waist of the Barbie doll. From the age of 22 her best friend becomes a corset.

Katie Jung has been wearing her corset for over 30 years and wears it without taking it off at all.

Her passion for fashion played an important role in this matter. victorian era, in which, as you know, corsets occupied a dominant position. So, Katie, having given birth to three children, measured her waist and discovered a terrifying 71 cm. Deciding that something needed to be done about it, Katie became firmly friends with the corset and parted with it for a maximum of half an hour to take a shower. Today its proportions are 99-38-99.

Born in Birmingham, she is now 26 years old. She wears a corset for almost half of her life. Today, her waist size is 40 cm. She does not part with her corset even at night. IN free time performs in Burlesque style dances. She lives only for one goal - the smallest waist in the world.

Nerina dreams of surpassing Katie Jung

This 28-year-old German woman has been friends with corsets for only 7 years, but has already managed to achieve a result of 40.6 cm, with an initial volume of 64 cm. And, apparently, she is not going to stop there! But there is also back side medals. The back muscles have atrophied so much that she can no longer even stand up without a corset.

According to the girl, her goal is 38 cm

Today, Valeria’s waist is 47 centimeters. Having looked at her once, it becomes clear who her idol is. The world-famous doll has captured her mind since childhood. And even though she is now 25, this passion has not gone away. Surgeries to change the nose, removal of ribs, even circumcision of an already small waist - according to Valeria, any means are good in the desire to make your waist smaller and smaller.

Valeria Lukyanova prefers the name Barbie

It is to her that we owe the emergence of such a style as “pin-up”. She was the inspiration for many designers, artists and photographers to create these playful paintings and photos in red and white striped swimsuits. Betty shone brightly in the 40s and 50s. She has participated in countless beauty contests, and the number of victories in them has exceeded fifty. Long years her images graced the covers fashion magazines, and men simply went crazy about her.

Betty Brosmer's waist was 45 centimeters

The model comes from Romania. Looking at her, I want to quickly buy something and feed her. Even if you feed it by force, even if you buy it with your last money. But a sane person certainly cannot do otherwise. Ioana looks like she was deliberately starved for months. With a height of 1.67 m, her weight is only 38 kg, her waist is very small and is 50 cm. According to the girl, she has all this by nature.

In his attempts to somehow gain weight, Ioana fails over and over again.

Model from Venezuela. She is now 27 years old. Looking at the girl, it immediately becomes clear that her mania is not limited only to reducing her waist, which is only 50 cm.

It's a rare part of this girl's body that hasn't had silicone injected into it.

The breasts and hips of the girls, who apparently have undergone many operations to increase their volume, speak especially eloquently about this, one might even say scream.

Meanwhile, Aleira began wearing a corset at the age of 19.

Today, her internal organs have undergone serious deformation, but the girl doesn’t care much about this.

Her body brought her great popularity in Latin America.

For a girl, the main thing is her popularity, and her health comes in second, and maybe even third place.

This year, the burlesque star, the incomparable Dita Von Teese, celebrated her 45th birthday. Just imagine, she has been wearing a corset for 27 years! Her waist is really small - 56 cm, and if it is compressed by a corset, it is less than 42 centimeters (41.91 cm, to be more precise). And all this with a height of 160 cm and a weight of 52 kg. Dita maintains her waist so small with the most ordinary means at first glance: healthy eating, alcohol only on holidays, complete failure from bread, morning smoothies made from vegetables, as well as daily exercise.

Dita was married to the eccentric Merley Manson for 2 years

Ann is 30 years old and a model. With a tall height of 188 centimeters, her waist circumference is only 59 cm. She gained fame after participating in the “reality show” Tyra Banks – “America’s Next Top Model” and winning it. After this, proposals rained down on her like from a cornucopia. Today she has many contracts with the world's largest modeling agencies. Although before participating in the project, everything was not so rosy in Ann’s life. For several years she knocked on the thresholds of modeling agencies in the hope of finding a job, where she was rejected over and over again due to excessive tall.

Anne Ward is shy and self-conscious, which is rare in the modeling business.

It can rightfully be called the narrowest waist of the 20th century or even in history. Only 33 cm! Ethel was born in 1905 in Peterborough, UK, just in the era of the decline of corsets. At the time of her youth, which fell in the 20s of the twentieth century, wide hoodie dresses were very fashionable, as well as short haircuts. Ethel did not differ from her peers and friends until 1928, when she married W.A. Granger.

She owes her figure to her husband, who was literally crazy about thin waists

Wanting to please her husband, Ethel did not part with her corset, not for a second, throughout her life. She even got into the Guinness Book of Records thanks to her waist. But the husband’s quirks did not end there. After his lengthy persuasion, Ethel agrees to wear high heels, as well as get many piercings in her ears and insert several earrings into them at once. But this was not enough for the insatiable husband. To complete the look, he personally pierced Ethel’s nose and inserted the piercing into her. For such a unique look, to put it mildly, Ethel Granger was awarded a second entry into the Guinness Book of Records. Despite her husband's numerous interventions in her body, she lived a fairly long life and died at the age of 77, in 1982.

Looking at all these girls, one can only be amazed. They make enormous sacrifices just to achieve their goals. They want to become special, to stand out from the crowd of people. But sometimes, in pursuit of uniqueness, they forget that they are causing serious and irreparable harm to their health.

Make yourself a candy! This is the dream of almost every woman. Towards your goal, it is better to follow the well-trodden path of your predecessors, who have shown from their own experience that being ideal is not so difficult.

So how to achieve body beauty and almost perfect proportions, and most importantly, the thinnest waist.

Over the past few centuries, beauty standards have changed several times. In fashion, either plump young ladies or thin ladies. However, in the minds of women themselves, the criteria for the grace of a figure remain unchanged. The beautiful half of humanity dreams of a proportionate body, in moderation curvy hips and bust, and, of course, about a tiny waist. Quite a few women, in an effort to surpass their rivals, have achieved stunning results. Thus, they even got into the Guinness Book of Records. So who are they, Miss "The smallest waist in the world." And most importantly, how did they achieve miniature?

The thinnest waist in the world among women of different times

It is not surprising that a thin waist is a real cult among women. This is because this part of the body, if it is miniature, is very popular among men. It is at the thin waist that the powers that be grab their women. The pleasure multiplies hundreds of times if in their hands is the thinnest waist in the world.

So, the thinnest waist in the world, which was recorded by specialists from the Guinness Book of Records at the beginning of the twentieth century, belonged to a resident of England named Ethel Granger. And the woman’s volumes turned out to be small for a reason and not immediately. The Englishwoman's husband admired such a detail women's restroom like a corset. Ethel spoiled her husband and wore him with pleasure, and literally only took him off at night. Moreover, every day Granger tightened her waist more and more. As a result, the waist gradually lost weight and became only 33 centimeters. You can grab this waist with both hands. By the way, the record was recorded in 1939. And since then, women with a smaller waist have not been found.

However, another happy owner of a wasp waist from the past is a resident of France named Emily Marie-Bouchard. She was an artist and is better known to the general public under the pseudonym Poehler. Her pride is the thinnest waist in the world with the same parameters as the previous record holder - 33 centimeters. The result of her own corset efforts helped the woman both on stage and in life.

The thinnest waist in the world today

Among our contemporaries there are also women whose waist size is amazing. So, the thinnest waist in the world these days is worn by the American Katie Jang. And this is not a young girl. The record holder is already in her eighth decade. And at this advanced age, her waist circumference is 38 centimeters. The vast majority of women on the planet cannot even come close to such figures.

By the way, Katya Jang has been achieving such stunning results for 45 long years. And the incentive for this was quite primitive. At one time, an American woman watched the film “Gone with the Wind” and decided to please her husband by constantly wearing a corset, which makes her figure slimmer and her posture impeccable.

It is worth noting that the thinnest waist in the world is found in the mother of three children. Before starting her path to the championship, Katie carried her babies and suffered from a waist deformity. Well, a woman wore a corset for the first time at the age of 20. And by the age of 28, the American woman’s waist size was 64 centimeters. After this result, Katya began wearing a corset every day. He not only emphasized the woman’s wasp waist, but also made it even smaller every day. Its volume gradually began to decrease and was removed centimeter by centimeter. When the size reached 38.1 centimeters, the record was officially registered and entered into the Guinness Book of Records.

The thinnest waist in the world - how to break the record?

Katya Jang's proportions are very unusual. Namely 99-38-99. She can’t reach the standard 90-60-90, and she’s in no hurry to do so. The current parameters already make the public wildly delighted. The husband of an unusual American woman was so inspired by his wife’s idea that he fell madly in love with corsets. By the way, Katie never parts with this wardrobe item throughout her life. And now, at a fairly advanced age, she takes off her corset for just a few minutes a day. And so, Katya Jang spends almost 24 hours a day in her favorite clothes. Moreover, she not only spends the day, but also spends the night in it. Today, the American woman has about 25 different corsets in her closet. As they say, for all occasions.

Thin waist and health

It’s curious, but Katya Jang’s health did not suffer at all from the constant tightening of the corset. Despite the pressure that the corset puts on the internal organs, nothing was damaged. At least, as doctors say, the American woman does not have any abnormalities. However, it is believed that Katya Jang's lungs have decreased in volume and have sunk slightly. Therefore, doctors are sure that now the woman with the thinnest waist in the world cannot afford to take off the corset, since it keeps the internal organs in place. The record holder’s husband and part-time orthopedist reports that he carefully monitors the health of his beloved. According to his assurances, Katya never lay down on the surgeon’s table and did not have her ribs removed (as many are inclined to think). The world saw and was surprised by the thinnest waist thanks to Katya’s painstaking work and patience for decades.

Now Kati is actively filming in various talk shows in Europe and the USA. Her photographs and life story are published on the pages of popular magazines. In particular, Jang was awarded publication on the pages of the authoritative New York Times.

The thinnest waist in Russia

There are also distinguished women among Russian women. So, the thinnest waist among Russian women is a girl named Oksana Mkhitaryan. She is a native of the Krasnodar region. Her result is not as impressive as that of foreign record holders. Oksana reduced her waist circumference to just 45 centimeters. And she also achieved miniature thanks to corsets. However, so far Oksana’s result is only intermediate. And it is quite possible that over the years the centimeters will disappear, and the place in the Guinness Book of Records will get closer.
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The generally accepted canons of female beauty are still subject to the parameters of 90-60-90, but this is our way of breaking the rules!

And if the owners big breasts and we remember the biggest butt with enviable regularity, then it’s time to talk about those who can boast of a real wasp waist.

The top 10 girls with the thinnest waists in the world rightfully belong to the unrivaled Betty Brosmer. Today the owner of the most beautiful female figure The 40s and 50s have already started in 1982, but fans don’t care much about that! But what really worries them is Betty’s unique parameters, “enclosed” in 96-45-91.

It turns out that Betty began her career at the age of 13, and even then her every appearance at a beauty contest (and she won them more than 50 times!) or on the cover of a magazine caused irrepressible puppy delight! Male half humanity did not want to let the beauty out of sight for a long time, which is why Betty every now and then became the owner of titles like “Miss Figure” or even “Miss Television”. By the way, she was the first in history who managed to obtain the rights to all her photos and receive a percentage of their publication. But most importantly, Betty Brosmer created the image of a playful girl who gave life to the pin-up movement, and prepared viewers for the future stardom of Marilyn Monroe!

27-year-old Aleira Avendano often hears “the silicone misunderstanding of Venezuela” or “wasp woman” addressed to her, and it is not by chance that such nicknames were attached to the girl. It is known that she is 19 years old and wears a corset 23 hours a day. Over the course of 7 years, Aleira managed to narrow her waist to 50 cm, simultaneously increasing her hip volume to 115 cm and chest volume to 97 cm.

Doctors scare girl with imminent deformation internal organs because of such a strange hobby, but these words had exactly the opposite effect on Aleira - today she does not take off her corset even at night, but only if she takes a shower.

The name Valeria Lukyanova has long been associated exclusively with the animated Barbie doll. It is known that the similarity with famous toy The girl received not only painstaking work on herself, but also help plastic surgeons. But, be that as it may, today Valeria’s waist is 47 cm, and is not increasing solely thanks to special food and a belt that tightens her waist to 43 cm and prevents her from eating an extra piece, even if she really wants it!

Any day now, the “queen of burlesque” will celebrate her 45th birthday, but the reflection in the mirror stubbornly proves to her that she looks better now than even at 20! So, with a height of 160 cm and a weight of about 52 kg, Dita von Teese’s waist stopped at 56 cm, and in a corset – 42 cm.

The ex-wife of rock musician Marilyn Manson claims that she has such parameters thanks to physical exercise And healthy eating– she rarely drinks, never eats starchy foods, and starts every morning with a vegetable smoothie of spinach, cilantro and parsley. By the way, Dita has been wearing a corset since she was 18 years old.

Fame fell on 26-year-old Anne Ward's head as soon as she crossed the threshold of Tyra Banks' America's Next Top Model show. It turns out that with a height of 188 cm, a chest volume of 84 cm and a hip volume of 90 cm, her 59 cm waist seemed like one that could easily be wrapped around with your hands. In general, then the girl conquered not only the main presenter, but also all members of the jury. And then - off we go: 5 best photo shoots in a row, show Roberto Cavalli and a contract with IMG Models!

The figure of the Romanian model Ioana Spangenberg is called " hourglass", and do you know why? Yes, because with a height of 167 cm and a weight of 38 kg, the girl’s waist stopped at 50 cm. And plastic surgery has nothing to do with it! As Ioana herself says, she has long dreamed of getting better, eats a lot of sweets and does not deny herself unhealthy delicacies, like chips and kebabs, but to no avail. By the way, at the age of 13, the girl’s waist was no more than 38 cm, and her friends often amused themselves by simply picking her up with their hands!

Ethel Granger is known all over the world as the owner of the thinnest waist of the 20th century - 33cm! But it’s too early to rejoice or admire... It turns out that from the original 58 cm, the girl “tightened up” in the name of love, or rather, her husband William Granger was obsessed with the idea of ​​having a wife with a wasp waist at hand, and Ethel fulfilled his wish! By the way, to please her beloved, she did not take off her corset throughout her life, got into the Guinness Book of Records, and then also became famous for having a piercing on her face.

We all guess that a wasp waist is often the result of the work of plastic surgeons or bullying own health. The German woman was no exception, whose figure parameters are striking and at the same time frightening. It is known that today the girl’s waist has reached 40 cm from the original 64 cm, and this is not the limit. Michelle has literally become intimate with the corset; for several years now she has not taken it off, day or night. But the worst thing is that due to the fact that the girl’s back and stomach muscles are atrophied, she can hardly get out of bed, and she has to eat very small portions 10 times a day! Do you think this stops Michelle?

This year, American Katie Jung will celebrate her 80th birthday, but you won’t believe it – this beauty still holds the world record for having the world’s thinnest waist in a living person. The desire to get a unique figure came to the girl after her hobby Victorian fashion. At the age of 38, Katie began wearing slimming belts and corsets, changing her waist circumference from 66 cm to 53 cm without a corset and 38.1 with a corset. Want to be even more shocked? Then imagine that Katie's waist is about the same as...a mayonnaise jar!

Birmingham resident and burlesque show dancer Nerina Orton is the holder of the well-deserved title of “Britain’s narrowest waist,” but she has long identified the main goal of her life as being to break Katie Young’s record! And it seems that everything is moving towards that... It is known that Nerina began wearing a corset at the age of 14, and will never take it off. Her waist circumference today has reached 40 cm in a corset and 56 cm without it. Nerina doesn’t care why she constantly feels the movement of her intestines, which is trying to take a natural position, because all her strength is devoted to victory. Well, shall we wait?

He is 43 years old, he wears a corset 24 hours a day, and only takes it off in the bathroom.

He is a “Corsetier” or corset maker, making corsets for many stars: Kylie Minogue, Victoria Beckham, Jerry Hall and collections of designers such as Jean Paul Gaultier, Thierry Mugler, John Galliano, Chloe, Alexander McQueen, Antonio Berardi and Christian Lacroix.

Here's what his client, Dita Von Teese, writes about him:

“Oh, this Mister Pearl is a real miracle! Imagine, he wears a corset 24 hours a day and only takes it off to take a bath. He loves corsets, as it is a very disciplined type of underwear. “Slouching won’t work,” he explains. You also won’t be able to overeat and run down the street. Every step you take will be filled with grace and caution. Did you know that men wore corsets in the past? Yes, that’s right – along with Victorian women, dandy men were lovers of corsets.”

“I am a small woman, I have a fairly narrow waist. If I can reduce my waist from 53 to 42 centimeters, that's cute, but not as impressive as on plus-size people.

For example, Mr. Pearl, who through long training managed to tighten himself from 76 to 46 centimeters: “The ideal waist size is 46 centimeters. Any number less than 46 contributes real magic" As for me, I am a dancer. If my waist looks narrow, I have achieved my goal. In addition, no one except Mr. Pearl will be able to determine by eye whether my volume is 50 or 40 centimeters.”

The day Mr. Pearl began sewing my first corset—a gift from my lover—we drank violet champagne from crystal glasses and talked about the peculiarities of his work. Mr. Pearl told me how, as a child, he lived with his grandmother, who constantly wore a brace because of a back injury.

He often helped her lace up and, observing how her posture changed, decided to try the corset on himself. Today he lives and works in a studio a stone's throw from Notre Dame de Paris. And, to be honest, his corset is many times more expensive to me than a diamond necklace.