Homeopathy Heel Viburkol - suppositories - “Viburkol during pregnancy for everything! About how candles became an indispensable element of the treatment system during the period of bearing a child. Be careful, we are talking about constipation

Choice of colors

Viburkol suppositories are used mainly in pediatrics almost from the first days of a baby’s life. Another “target audience” of the drug is pregnant women. Viburkol consists exclusively of natural plant extracts, therefore it is completely safe for both the expectant mother and the baby, including, and does not put a significant burden on the liver.

Composition and release form of Viburkol

Viburkol is a homeopathic remedy produced in the form of suppositories for rectal administration. The suppositories are white or yellowish in color and oblong in shape, covered with a special coating that facilitates administration and improves absorption.

The suppositories contain extracts of chamomile, belladonna, plantain, belladonna, nightshade, anemone and lumbago, auxiliary fatty components and calcium carbonate. Thanks to this composition, the product can be used at any stage of pregnancy as prescribed by a doctor, without fear of possible harm to the fetus.

Rectal administration of suppositories prevents the first passage of active components through the liver, reducing the load on an already stressed organ.

Indications for use of Viburkol during pregnancy

Viburkol has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, sedative, mild antipyretic and antispasmodic properties. The main indication for use is increased uterine tone with the threat of miscarriage.

In addition, the drug is prescribed for influenza and ARVI, inflammation of the ENT organs and other diseases accompanied by fever and fever. Candles relieve a woman’s condition almost instantly, and also increase her own immunity and help restore the body’s resources after an illness.

Since therapy with antibiotics and other potent drugs during pregnancy is contraindicated or undesirable, homeopathic remedies are often prescribed. Viburkol has a completely unique composition, has no effect on internal organs, begins to act within 5 minutes and is no less effective than non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Viburkol can be part of complex therapy in the treatment of cystitis, respiratory diseases, to eliminate symptoms of flatulence and even reduce pain during childbirth. Treatment with suppositories is effective for feelings of anxiety and restlessness, sleep disturbances, hormonal imbalances,

Viburkol during pregnancy

- in the early stages

In the early stages, the expectant mother’s body is subjected to severe tests, ranging from severe toxicosis to a general suppression of the body’s defenses. At this time, any environmental influences can become negative, including the consequences of using medications, but pathological processes in the mother’s body can also affect the formation of the fetus.

In addition, many harmless ailments, such as colds, often lead to complications due to weakened immunity, which is completely unacceptable in the first trimester.

Viburkol suppositories can be a real salvation in these cases. If you feel unwell, sore throat, fever, or general weakness, administering a suppository will relieve symptoms in a very short time. The drug is especially effective at the first signs, when the infectious process is just making itself known.

At the initial stages of colds and other diseases, suppositories are administered once when the condition worsens. The total dosage should not exceed 2 suppositories per day. Even if the symptoms were eliminated after one or several uses, the course of treatment chosen by the specialist must be completed.

The candle is inserted into the anus in a supine position, after which you need to lie down for 30-40 minutes. It is advisable to wet your hands with cold water first so that the candle does not begin to “melt” even before insertion.

If there is a threat of miscarriage associated with increased uterine tone, the dosage is determined by the doctor on an individual basis. The degree of threat and gestational age are taken into account, but, as a rule, to relieve increased tone, it is recommended to administer suppositories twice a day - morning and evening. The course of treatment is usually 14 days.

To relieve spasms, alleviate neurological ailments, and relieve anxiety and restlessness, suppositories are administered once a day - before bedtime.

- in later stages

In the later stages, the general principles of treatment remain the same.

A week before giving birth, the use of suppositories may be indicated for pain relief during preparation for the birth process. Also in the third trimester, it is important to get rid of painful phenomena associated with intestinal flatulence and colic while self-preparing the body.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, suppositories are recommended to be used to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, i.e. to calm down. Many women begin to panic before the approaching birth, and Viburkol helps to safely and quickly get rid of anxiety.

Contraindications to the use of Viburkol during pregnancy

The drug contains natural herbal components, so the only contraindication is individual intolerance to one of them and a hypersensitive reaction.

Side effects include allergies, which manifest themselves in the form of local irritation, itching, burning, but this occurs extremely rarely. If an allergic reaction occurs after using the drug, it is recommended to discontinue it.

Despite the safety and availability of the drug, its use is permitted only as prescribed by a doctor.

Many women in labor are diagnosed with increased uterine tone. According to statistics, every 5th woman is susceptible to this disease. Its main danger is possible spontaneous abortion, so doctors urgently determine ways to eliminate hypertension. Often the homeopathic remedy Viburkol comes to the rescue in the form of rectal suppositories, which has a completely natural composition and does not have a negative effect on the body. The use of the drug without a doctor's recommendation is prohibited.

Especially for- Maryana Surma

From Guest

I took these suppositories throughout my last pregnancy. They are very cool. Now I'm in a position again. I was prescribed Utrozhestan suppositories, but they are not available yet. And today I felt very bad. My back and stomach ached so much it was terrible! But I decided to buy Viburkol suppositories. As soon as I came home and lit one candle, after a couple of minutes I immediately felt better.

From Guest

Good drug. The cost justifies the effectiveness. Prescribed in the first trimester due to strong uterine tone, and, accordingly, pain in the lower abdomen. I recommend it to anyone who has encountered something similar. But by the way, all this is in combination with papaverine (injected once, magneB6, iodofol and pregnacare vitamins). Therefore, I cannot say whether the drug itself is so effective, if we do not take other drugs into account. Health to all, mothers and children!

From Guest

The doctor prescribed me tone too, but it only says it’s for children with fever and for prevention of germs. How can I now understand whether it’s correct to use during pregnancy?

From Guest

I was prescribed 3 rubles/day. An ultrasound showed increased tone, but there was no pain. Term 18 weeks. I’m really so “attentive” I didn’t even read that it had to be placed rectally, and the doctor didn’t tell me anything, and like all the suppositories before, I put it vaginally. Today will be the third day, I’m a little worried. I'll put it in place this evening.

From Guest

The doctor prescribed it for me at 6 weeks. My lower abdomen hurt badly. The fetus has already frozen once, so I listened to the doctor, took Vibrukol and the pain subsided.

From Guest

Vibrukol helped me cope with a cold, it gave me a good and restful sleep!

From Guest

The suppositories at night really helped with tone and as pain relief for nagging pain in the back and lower abdomen! My salvation in the last weeks of pregnancy! I don’t even know what I would do without them!

From Guest

During my entire pregnancy I didn’t take a single pill, even when I was sick, I somehow managed with teas and other folk remedies. although from time to time they tried to push another nasty thing into me, I kept in touch with my doctor all the time and he also recommended not to use anything. but after 32 weeks it somehow didn’t work out: I ended up in the hospital - an abscess - they cut my throat, well, no treatment, they injected me with antibiotics without pain relief (horrible, I screamed very loudly), after being discharged I lasted two weeks and it started: every day in the evening I felt a tightening in my lower left stomach, and each time it got more and more intense, I couldn’t walk or sit straight. My doctor prescribed Vibrukol suppositories and Magnicum tablets. I again waited for the evening with caution, but a miracle happened - it was painless. very good candles, they helped me.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Drug Viburkol

Viburkol is a homeopathic medicine that has analgesic, sedative, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects. It contains 5 components (4 of them of plant origin and 1 of mineral origin), which determine the complexity of its action:
  • Chamomilla recutita (chamomile) – helps reduce pain and has calming properties;
  • Belladonna (belladonna) – enhances the effect of Chamomilla recutita;
  • Dulcamara (nightshade) – has a tranquilizing effect;
  • Plantago major (large plantain) – has sedative properties;
  • Pulsatilla (lumbago) – helps normalize hormonal balance and promotes pain relief;
  • Calcium carbonicum (calcium carbonate) – has analgesic properties.
An auxiliary component for obtaining suppositories is solid fat.

Viburkol can be used to treat inflammatory diseases with pain in both children and adults of any age. The drug helps restore weakened immunity and reduce the severity of symptoms such as pain, swelling, and fever. This homeopathic remedy is harmless to the body and goes well with other medications included in the complex therapy regimen.

Release form

Release form - rectal suppositories (suppositories) torpedo-shaped, white or yellowish in color - 1.1 g each, 6 suppositories in a polyvinyl chloride strip package, 12 pieces in a cardboard box.

Viburkol is produced by the German company Heel GmbH.

Instructions for use of Viburkol

Indications for use

  • Fever due to any inflammatory processes;
  • childhood infectious diseases (measles, chicken pox, mumps, rubella, etc.);
  • local pain of spastic origin (biliary dyskinesia, flatulence, acute or chronic cholecystitis, functional dyspepsia, otitis, teething, kidney disease, etc.);
  • increased neuro-reflex excitability (hyperactivity in childhood, insomnia, anxiety, convulsive syndrome, etc.);
  • preparation for vaccination or treatment of post-vaccination complications;
  • menstrual irregularities in childhood (menarche, dysmenorrhea, painful menstruation, premenstrual syndrome);
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • discoordination of labor;
  • labor pain relief;
  • inflammatory gynecological diseases.

As a rule, Viburkol is used as part of complex therapy for the above diseases and conditions.


Intolerance to one of the components of the drug.

Side effects

Allergic reaction (observed very rarely).

Treatment with Viburcol

How to use Viburcol?
When taking Viburkol, you should follow all doctor's recommendations regarding dosage, time of administration and duration of use of this homeopathic drug. In some cases, especially in the first days of use, an exacerbation of the symptoms of the disease may be observed - this is typical for homeopathic remedies. In such cases, it is recommended to consult a doctor who can decide whether to cancel, replace or continue taking Viburkol.

If the drug is used to reduce elevated body temperature, and the effect does not occur within an hour, you should definitely consult with your doctor about the advisability of using another drug to eliminate hyperthermia.

Viburkol suppositories are intended for insertion into the rectum. The use of the drug does not depend on the time of meal. Before opening the package, you should thoroughly wash your hands and toilet the anal area. After removing the suppository from the package, it is introduced into the lumen of the rectum. Then the patient is advised to lie down for an hour.

Viburcol dosage

  • For acute conditions - 1 suppository every 20 minutes (but no more than 2 hours) until the condition improves;
  • then the drug is used - 1 suppository 2-3 times a day;
  • for inflammatory gynecological diseases - 1 suppository 3-4 times a day;
  • if there is a threat of miscarriage - 1 suppository 2-3 times a day;
  • in case of incoordination of labor - 1 suppository in the morning and evening, starting from the end of pregnancy (as prescribed by the doctor); at the onset of labor, 1 suppository every 3-4 hours;
  • for pain during childbirth - the dosage and frequency of use is determined by the doctor.

The duration of treatment can range from 3 days to 2 weeks and is determined by the doctor. There are no reports of cases of overdose of this drug.

Viburkol for children

Viburkol can be used to treat children of all ages, including newborns. Indications for the use of this homeopathic remedy are broad and determined by the doctor. As a rule, the drug is not used independently, but in the complex treatment of a particular disease.

The dosage of Viburkol in pediatric practice depends on the age of the child and indications:

  • newborns and children under 3 years old – for acute conditions, 1 suppository twice with an hour interval (maximum daily dose – 4 suppositories), then 1 suppository 1-2 times a day;
  • children from 3 to 6 years old– for acute conditions, 1 suppository every 30 minutes 3-4 times (no more than 6 suppositories per day), then 1 suppository 2 or 3 times a day;
  • children from 6 to 14 years old – for acute conditions, 1 suppository every 30 minutes 3-4 times (no more than 8 suppositories per day), then 1 suppository 2 or 3 times a day.
During teething
Viburkol has proven itself well in pediatric practice as a means to eliminate clinical manifestations of the eruption of baby teeth. The components of the drug help reduce the child’s nervous excitability, eliminate pain, signs of inflammation and swelling of the gums, and fever. The dosage of Viburkol during teething depends on the age of the child and should not exceed the maximum daily dose.

Viburkol during pregnancy

Viburkol can be prescribed during pregnancy, since its components do not have a negative effect on the development of the fetus. This homeopathic remedy is used:

1. For the treatment of many diseases that appear during gestation and are accompanied by fever, pain, inflammation and increased nervous excitability;
2. If there is a threat of miscarriage, incoordination of labor (due to increased uterine tone) and for pain relief during labor.

Viburkol can be used during pregnancy either independently or as part of complex therapy.

Viburkol in gynecology

Viburkol is used in the treatment of many inflammatory gynecological diseases. The properties of this combination homeopathic medicine can be used to obtain:
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • antipyretic effect;
  • elimination of pain syndrome and chronic pelvic pain syndrome;
  • antispasmodic action;
  • detoxification effect;
  • mobilization of the body's immune response;
  • restoration of neuroimmunoendocrine balance;
  • calming effect.
The duration of treatment with Viburkol for gynecological diseases is determined by the doctor and depends on the clinical manifestations of the disease and its severity.

Almost all mothers know about such a drug as Viburkol. It is widely used in pediatrics and obstetrics. Gynecologists consider it one of the optimal means of solving many health problems in pregnant women. Unlike other medications, Viburkol is safe, therefore it is often prescribed by pediatricians to babies from the first days of their life.

Many girls know about it firsthand already during pregnancy. The drug is prescribed for the diagnosis of “increased uterine tone”(if there is a threat of miscarriage), as well as during inflammation of the genitourinary system of expectant mothers (cystitis), with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, with acute respiratory diseases, to relieve symptoms of flatulence and to reduce body temperature.

Sometimes Viburkol is used as a pain reliever directly during childbirth. This drug is complex, homeopathic, it is based on herbal, natural substances, so it does not have a negative effect on the liver. The medicine contains chamomile and belladonna, which have a calming effect. Due to this, girls can endure the entire period of bearing a child relatively calmly.

"Viburkol" has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. The drug is effective not only because of its safety. It can activate a pregnant woman’s body’s own defenses and help it cope with the disease on its own. It is also believed that Viburkol can restore the functions of many organs and systems of an adult if they have been impaired due to illness.

Reputation of "Viburkol" during pregnancy: reviews and opinions

There are many good reviews about Viburkol on the Internet. The medicine is popular among doctors and patients due to its positive reputation. It is in the medicine cabinet of many families, as it is suitable for treating and relieving symptoms of a large number of diseases. Some girls say that, thanks to the drug, they were able to bear and give birth to a child. In addition, expectant mothers during pregnancy are tormented by unnecessary worries, worries and doubts that relate to future births and the proper upbringing of the baby.

The sedative properties of the drug make it possible to level out the manifestation of anxiety and help girls focus on the positive aspects of their “interesting” situation. Viburkol has virtually no contraindications or side effects.

But there are also negative reviews. This drug is periodically criticized due to the fact that the effect after its use is very short-lived or the drug has no effect on the body at all. Sometimes (as indicated in the instructions ) allergies may occur due to individual intolerance to any components of the drug. And this allergy can be quite serious. And the medicine costs a lot.

From time to time, information even comes across about the negative effects of the drug, which means it is not as safe as the manufacturers claim. There is information that if Viburkol is taken for a long time, it can have a negative effect on the psyche. Therefore, doctors should be careful when prescribing this drug to both newborns and expectant mothers.

Mode of application

Suppositories are oval in shape with a smooth surface and a slightly pointed edge. The color may be white or pale yellow. It is recommended to store Viburkol suppositories in a cool, dark place, away from children. The drug must be protected from direct sunlight. According to the instructions, the shelf life of the drug is no more than three years if the temperature Celsius does not exceed 25 degrees.

Viburkol suppositories are taken only rectally. One suppository in the morning and in the evening - this dosage is necessary for the tone of the uterus, if it is necessary to relieve pain and spasms (which can also provoke the threat of miscarriage), as well as for general calm.

If the disease is not serious and you just need to relieve the symptoms, you can light only one candle before bed. You should take Viburkol for no more than fourteen days. During pregnancy, it is necessary to pay special attention to the medications that are taken, so doctors do not recommend self-medication.

The schedule and dosage of the drug “Viburkol”, taking into account the characteristics of each specific organism, will be best told by the attending physician. It is worth consulting with specialists about the compatibility of Viburkol with other medications. The question of prescribing this drug to girls who are breastfeeding is decided in each specific case individually.

9 months of bearing a baby is a short and at the same time long period during which a woman can be overcome by various kinds of ailments. The peculiarities of the situation impose serious restrictions on the list of drugs designed to eliminate the health problems that have arisen. Homeopathic medicines belong to a relatively safe category of medicines. A popular medicine in this group, which is often used in the treatment of pregnant women, is Viburkol. In what cases can Viburkol suppositories be prescribed during pregnancy?

The drug belongs to complex homeopathic remedies. What components of the drug determined its therapeutic effect?

Composition and release form of Viburkol

The therapeutic effect of Viburkol is based on the activity of its components. The drug contains Calcium carbonicum Hahnemanni D8 - 4.4 mg and natural extracts:

  • belladonna (Atropa bella-donna D2 - 1.1 mg);
  • chamomile (Matricaria recutita D1 - 1.1 mg);
  • plantain (Plantago major D3 - 1.1 mg);
  • meadow lumbago (Pulsatilla pratensis D2 - 2.2 mg);
  • solanum dulcamara (Solanum dulcamara D4 - 1.1 mg).

The auxiliary component is solid fat. The drug is available in the form of rectal suppositories that are white or slightly yellowish in color and oblong in shape. Due to the location of a large number of vessels in the anal canal, the drug is absorbed very quickly (as with injection). The dosage of the drug is prescribed individually. According to the instructions for the drug, Viburkol suppositories must be inserted 1 suppository 3-5 times a day. If the condition improves, the dosage of the medicine can be reduced to 2-3 suppositories per day. After inserting the suppository, you need to lie down for 30-40 minutes. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Pharmacological action of Viburkol

Viburkol is a complex action drug. This is how the drug does:

  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • analgesic and antispasmodic effect;
  • calming (mild sedative) effect;
  • antipyretic effect.

The plant and mineral components of the drug activate the body's defenses, resulting in the elimination of dysfunctions that have arisen.

Indications for use of Viburkol during pregnancy

Expectant mothers should take any medications with extreme caution. The reason for prescribing Viburkol rectal suppositories to pregnant women may be:

  • increased uterine tone;
  • infectious viral disease;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, causing constipation and flatulence;
  • inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs;
  • inflammatory processes in the female pelvic organs;
  • increased nervous excitement.

Even if the expectant mother notices any of the listed ailments, you should not go straight to the pharmacy. Do not self-medicate, because perhaps taking medications is not required at all, or, on the contrary, more serious therapy is needed.

Contraindications to the use of Viburkol during pregnancy

Viburkol rectal suppositories are made from natural raw materials, so the list of contraindications for the drug is minimal. Still, some people shouldn't use it. We are talking about patients with individual intolerance to any component of the medicine - chamomile, belladonna, plantain, meadow clover or dulcamara solanum. Pregnancy is not included in the list of contraindications, however, as with any medication, a woman should not self-medicate, but should carefully monitor any changes in her condition.

Viburkol during pregnancy

Pregnancy and medication is a combination that always causes concern and controversy. Is Viburcol safe during pregnancy?

Viburkol during pregnancy - use in the early stages

In the first trimester of bearing a toddler, the phenomenon of uterine hypertonicity often occurs. In this case, the woman experiences nagging pain in the lower abdomen. The intensity of discomfort varies. Increased tone can have dangerous consequences for pregnancy, so this condition cannot be ignored. For this reason, gynecologists often prescribe Viburkol for uterine tone during pregnancy. The drug is designed to eliminate spasms and increased tension in the muscles of the uterus. The medicine is also used to alleviate the condition of acute respiratory viral infections - eliminate upper respiratory tract infections, reduce high fever. These conditions are also unsafe in the early stages of gestation, and the lion's share of conventional medications is prohibited for use by pregnant women (especially in the early stages).

Viburkol during pregnancy - use in later stages

Indications for the use of Viburkol in the final weeks of pregnancy are the same as in the early stages. The antispasmodic effect of the drug helps to cope with flatulence, which often overcomes pregnant women during advanced pregnancy. Despite the versatile effect of the drug, aimed not only at eliminating infection, but also at activating the body’s defenses, Viburol is not able to cope with serious diseases and can only be used as a component of complex therapy. During long periods of gestation, the list of approved medications is quite wide, so it is important to maintain a balance between effectiveness and safety. Some obstetricians allow the use of Viburkol as an anesthetic during childbirth. Although this practice is not very common.

Viburkol during pregnancy - reviews on the use of the drug

Viburkol rectal suppositories are often prescribed to pregnant women, which is why there are a lot of reviews about this medicine. Most of them are positive, although some women did not notice the effect of therapy.

  • “I used suppositories almost my entire last pregnancy. They helped very well. Now I'm in position again. My back and stomach started to hurt a lot. I bought Viburkol as prescribed by the doctor. Within 10 minutes after placing the candle I felt relief.”
  • “In the second trimester, my health worsened, and the tests were not very good. My back and stomach hurt constantly. The doctor prescribed Viburkol. The candles worked, but not for long. I consider the effectiveness of the drug to be weak given its high price.”
  • “The drug is good. The high cost of the drug is fully justified by its effectiveness. Prescribed in the first trimester due to strong tone. The treatment was complex. In addition to Viburkol, Papaverine, MagneB6, Iodofol and Pregnacare vitamins were also prescribed. I can’t say what exactly helped.”
  • “I’m dissatisfied with the drug. Prescribed for tone. I didn’t feel the effect, and itching in the anus also appeared.”
  • “Prescribed for 6 weeks for abdominal pain. After placing the candle, the discomfort went away.”

Viburkol suppositories quite often become the drug of choice for gynecologists for a wide variety of health problems. And although the drug has a fairly mild effect and is safe for the mother and her baby, it is still not worth abusing the drug.