What does placenta previa on the anterior wall of the uterus mean and what does it affect? The normal location of the placenta during pregnancy - what is it? A placenta whose attachments are low - like this.

March 8

The placenta is considered the main organ for the fetus from the moment of conception to birth. She grows with the baby, performing the most important functions for development and life. The location of this organ during gestation depends on good nutrition fetus and the success of future births.

What does low placenta mean?

What does low location of the embryonic organ mean? The placenta begins to form in the early stages of pregnancy, completing its formation by 12-16 weeks of gestation.

When the child's place accepts correct position– high on the anterior or posterior uterine wall, it does not interfere with the normal movement of the baby along the birth canal at birth. If it is fixed at the bottom, approaching the cervix, and the distance between the pharynx and the embryonic organ is less than 6 cm, unpleasant consequences may develop.

During pregnancy, the expectant mother must undergo an ultrasound procedure three times:

  1. From 11 to 14-15 weeks of gestation.
  2. In the second trimester from 18 to 21-22 weeks.
  3. At 30-34 weeks of term.

With the help of the study, the location of the embryonic organ is determined, and it is decided whether the woman herself can give birth to a child. When diagnosing " Low position placenta" don't panic.

The child's seat can be moved upward, away from internal pharynx due to the enlargement of the uterus. The main migration period is considered to be up to 24 weeks. Closer to childbirth, in most pregnant women, low placentation changes to a high location - 5-6 cm from the cervix. Only 5% of patients remain diagnosed after 32 weeks of gestation.

Causes of pathology

Location children's place largely depends on internal factors future mother. If the pregnant woman has any diseases or organ abnormalities reproductive system, low placentation is a common occurrence in such women.

Let us consider in detail what exactly the causes of the disease are:

  1. Surgical intervention on the uterus. Previous operations on the organ (curettage, cesarean section, removal of fibroids with partial resection of the myometrium) are the main cause of the disease. They lead to the fact that it is impossible to attach a child’s place to the damaged mucosa of the upper segment of the organ.
  2. Inflammatory diseases internal genital organs of a pregnant woman.
  3. Congenital anomalies of the uterus: bicornuate or unicornuate uterus, hypoplasia. Such defects do not allow the fertilized egg to attach correctly, so it is implanted below normal. This is where the children's place is formed.
  4. Gynecological pathology. Uterine fibroids develop as a node in the thickness of the myometrium, preventing the fertilized egg from implanting in this place. With endometritis, the internal functional membrane is damaged, which disrupts normal placentation. The embryo has to penetrate too low into the endometrium, where a baby's place is formed.
  5. Woman's age. When expectant mother becomes pregnant for the first time after 35 years, is impaired uterine circulation, which prevents normal placentation.
  6. Leading an incorrect lifestyle. Alcohol abuse, active smoking, poor nutrition also contribute to the deterioration uterine blood flow, which is why the baby’s place is not fixed in the bottom of the uterus, remaining below, at the internal pharynx.
  7. Multiple pregnancy.

Possible consequences

Low placenta tion is by no means a harmless condition. Under certain conditions it can lead to serious complications up to the death of a baby or woman.

Threats to the mother

The most unfavorable consequence is placental abruption. The disease threatens a pregnant woman in several ways.

A small separation of the child's seat: pathological process maybe without painful sensations, but with the appearance of bleeding. When blood accumulates inside the uterine cavity, bloody issues the woman has none. Severations of a child's place are prone to recurrence: their number increases with the formation of a threat to the development of the fetus. A pregnant woman develops anemia, accompanied by a feeling of fatigue, headache, and a feeling of lack of air.

Peeling off of a large fragment of an embryonic organ entails heavy bleeding in the expectant mother, which can lead to death if treatment is not provided in time. health care. Blood begins to accumulate inside the uterine cavity, its layers become saturated with contents that penetrate the peritoneum. This pathology is called Couveler's uterus. Due to a serious threat to the life of the expectant mother, a caesarean section must be immediately performed to remove this organ.

Threats to the baby

At a period of 19-20 weeks, a low location of the placenta threatens the baby with development oxygen starvation. The fetus grows, increases in size, and its pressure on the uterine cavity increases, compressing the blood vessels of the placenta and disrupting blood flow. The cervix is ​​anatomically poorly supplied with blood compared to the fundus.

Incorrect position of the child's seat leads to hypoxia in the child with a delay intrauterine development. In addition, when the baby makes active movements, damage to the child's seat may occur. Low placentation threatens complications during childbirth: this position prevents the baby from leaving the womb.

When embryo implantation is disrupted, concomitant disease, as the marginal location of the placenta. With this pathology, the embryonic organ is localized less than 2 cm from the internal os. This can lead to complications during childbirth with the death of the child.

Detachment of an embryonic organ threatens disruption of intrauterine development or even death of the fetus. This is due to the fact that the separated placenta does not take part in the nutrition and protection of the child. At an early stage, the consequences are minimal, and with total detachment, acute hypoxia with the subsequent death of the baby.

Features of childbirth with a low placenta

How exactly a woman with such a disease will give birth is decided by the attending physician. At 37-38 weeks of gestation, the pregnant woman is hospitalized in the pathology department so that she is under constant supervision.

Before it starts labor activity, the child's seat can rise to the permissible distance. In this case, it is possible natural childbirth. If this does not happen, low placentation leads to overexertion blood vessels with their subsequent break with premature detachment placenta. That is why its low location at 38 weeks is an indication for caesarean section.

The doctor can choose a puncture amniotic sac so that the placenta is fixed by the baby's head. Specialists perform this delivery in the operating room so that a caesarean section can be performed if necessary.

How to cure the disease

Having learned the diagnosis, you should not worry and try to figure out the question on your own: “What to do with a low-lying placenta?” If pathology is detected at 13 weeks, the doctor recommends simple steps, which help normalize the condition and prevent the development of complications.

What needs to be done - let's figure it out:

  1. Be sure to wear a bandage.
  2. Avoid any physical activity. Replace them with slow walks in the fresh air.
  3. Try not to climb stairs.
  4. Do not carry heavy objects under any circumstances.
  5. Eat nutritiously and regularly.
  6. Avoid sexual intercourse for a while.
  7. Minimize travel on public transport.
  8. Avoid any sudden movements.
  9. Do not sit cross-legged.
  10. Try to avoid stressful situations.
  11. Place a bolster or pillow under your feet so that your limbs are positioned higher than your body. This stimulates the placenta to move to its normal position.
  12. Do not perform any intravaginal procedures (for example, douching).
  13. If your doctor recommends hospitalization, be sure to follow the instructions.

The placenta connects mother and baby, providing the latter with nutrition and oxygen. If pregnancy proceeds normally, it is located on the back or front wall of the uterus, but there are exceptions to its location.

Causes of low placentation during pregnancy at 20 weeks

Sometimes there are deviations in the location of the placenta in the uterine cavity; its location is determined using ultrasound. It turns out that it is located in lower section uterus and, in some cases, can block the internal os.

The reasons for this phenomenon during pregnancy may be the following:

  1. Multiple pregnancy.
  2. Problems with the uterus, for example, such as underdevelopment of this organ.
  3. Consequences of abortion or any infectious diseases.
  4. The patient’s age also influences – the risk of this pathology increases after 35 years.

Most often, this pathology can occur in those women who have not had their first pregnancy, for example, they have already had two or more; there is also a risk of a low location of the placenta due to endometritis and the presence of cesarean section scars.

The exact cause of this pathology in pregnant women has not yet been identified, but we can say with full confidence that a low placenta can lead to a number of complications, including termination of pregnancy.

Doctors put women with this pathology on special control and, in some cases, admitted to hospital for constant observation. But the expectant mother should not panic if this pathology is detected at week 20, as a rule, due to the growth of the fetus, its attachment rises, and until the moment of birth, it should be at a normal level.

Measures to eliminate low placenta

Pregnancy is a joyful experience for every woman, but, unfortunately, it does not always proceed smoothly, and various deviations may occur, in particular, the distance to the placenta is increased. This means that the placenta is attached to the walls of the uterus close to the cervix.

This pathological condition requires close attention doctors and taking certain measures:

  1. Providing peace.
  2. Limitation physical activity, up to bed rest, while the doctor prescribes drugs that help reduce the contractile activity of the uterus.
  3. Other drugs are also prescribed to preserve and normal development generally ovum, such as Utrozhestan or Duphaston.

Your doctor may prescribe a blood transfusion to help keep your hemoglobin levels from falling. Drugs are also prescribed that help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, sex life, gymnastics with such a diagnosis is completely prohibited.

Pathology is considered to be the position of the placenta from the os of the uterus 6 cm or less.

The low location of the placenta is divided into several types, for example, the lower edge of the placenta barely touches the cervical canal; with this pathology, a woman can give birth to a child naturally. If the placenta partially blocks the cervical canal, then in this case the doctor prescribes a cesarean section. The same applies if the placenta completely covers the cervix with the placenta. Fortunately, not all pregnant women have this condition until childbirth, since the placenta migrates and, due to the growth of the fetus, it rises higher and higher.

What are the risks of low placenta previa during pregnancy?

Every pregnant woman needs to be prepared for the fact that some deviations may occur. An example of such a deviation could be a low location of the placenta. Usually the placenta is located approximately 6 cm from the internal os of the uterus. If the placenta is located lower, then in this case doctors make a diagnosis - low placentation or presentation. With this arrangement, the placenta may partially or completely block the cervical canal.

In addition, this can lead to other negative consequences:

  1. With active fetal movements, especially in late pregnancy, the placenta can be damaged.
  2. In addition, the fetus has a risk of developing hypoxia. The thing is that the cervix is ​​not so actively supplied with blood and, if the placenta is located in this place, the child may not receive enough oxygen.
  3. Bleeding may also occur due to damage to the placental lining, and placental abruption may even occur.

A low-lying placenta may prevent normal birth, if its lower edge barely touches the cervical canal. In this case, natural childbirth is still possible.

If the canal is blocked at least partially, then the woman cannot give birth herself; in this case, treatment and a caesarean section will be required.

The danger of this pathology also lies in the fact that it practically does not manifest itself in any way, and such a pathology can only be detected by routine ultrasound.

Types of low placental attachment

The placenta is a temporary organ that is formed only during pregnancy and performs a number of functions: important functions, such as breathing, nutrition, and also contributes to the formation of immunity, etc. During pregnancy, this organ may various reasons begin to form in the lower part of the uterus, which is considered a pathology.

There are several types of low location in the uterine cavity:

  1. The location of the placenta is on the lower wall of the uterus - in this case, the placenta partially or completely covers the cervical canal. As a result of this, natural childbirth is impossible for women and, when the time comes to give birth, it will be necessary to perform a caesarean section.
  2. The location of the placenta is on the anterior wall of the uterus - there is a risk of damage to the placenta directly by the fetus. There is also a risk of the fetus being entangled in the umbilical cord and its partial compression, which can lead to insufficient supply of nutrition, oxygen, etc. to the fetus.
  3. Marginal location of the placenta - with this pathology, either the placenta completely overlaps the os of the uterus, or partially overlaps.

Doctors can detect low position at almost any stage of pregnancy, but most often, pathology is detected during the first planned ultrasound. When making such a diagnosis, a woman should not worry yet.

Regional pathology also implies delivery by cesarean section.

In most cases, due to the growth of the fetus, the uterus seems to stretch in length and, due to its increase, the placenta rises to an almost normal position.

Recommendations for low placentation during pregnancy at 21 weeks

Low placental pathology can be detected by doctors at almost any stage; it is usually detected during the first ultrasound. But usually, by the second trimester, the norm is normal, but in some cases, the placenta is still prolapsed. If this is the case, then in this case the doctor prescribes additional studies (21 weeks, second trimester) and gives recommendations to the woman on how and what to do to prepare for a normal birth.


  1. The most important thing a woman needs to do is to calm down; in almost 90% of cases, pregnancy proceeds normally and ends with the birth of a healthy child.
  2. You should try to create a favorable atmosphere around yourself as much as possible.
  3. Try not to be nervous or worry.

It is forbidden to engage in sex, sports, and you cannot lift or carry heavy objects. If possible, you should limit the number of walks, you should try to walk less and rest more.

When resting, you should place a pillow under your feet, this can help lift the placenta up.

You can wear a bandage to support your abdomen. You should definitely listen to your doctor’s recommendations to take medications that are prescribed, for example, Curantil. If necessary, you should go to the hospital by choosing best reviews. Placentarity is not a disease, but special condition, requiring closer attention from doctors. The placental condition requires not so much treatment as correction of the condition. And, if a woman follows all the recommendations, then she has a chance to raise the placenta. As long as necessary - up to the norm, no more.

Tips: what to do if the placenta is low during pregnancy

To provide the fetus with oxygen and blood, a unique organ called the placenta is formed. It is formed in the uterine cavity in the place where the embryo is attached, most often its localization is at the bottom of the uterus.

Sometimes the embryo is found at the bottom of the uterus close to the uterine os.

This localization of the fetus and placenta is detected during ultrasound examination. This pathology threatens that natural delivery is impossible, and doctors resort to caesarean section.


  1. With a low-lying placenta, as a rule, no symptoms are observed.
  2. In some cases, some symptoms may be observed, for example, a stomach ache may occur.
  3. Sometimes there may be slight bleeding, in which case you should go to the hospital immediately, as this may indicate placental abruption, which requires immediate medical intervention.

If such a diagnosis is made, then the most important thing for a pregnant woman is not to worry; in most cases, the process proceeds normally. The main thing is to follow all the doctor’s recommendations, for example, if a low placenta is diagnosed, you should exclude intimate relationships And physical exercise, sudden movements, heavy lifting, etc.

What is the placenta in pregnant women: description

The placenta is needed to ensure the connection between the unborn child and the mother. The placenta does not appear immediately; it is gradually formed from the chorion. The chorion consists of 2 parts - germinal and loosened cells of the uterine epithelium. The placenta is shaped like a cake, with one side attached to the uterus and the other facing the baby. At first, at the beginning of pregnancy, it is small and, as the fetus grows, its size and thickness increase. Traditionally, the placenta is formed in the area of ​​the fundus of the uterus or its body, as in back wall, and on the sides. Less commonly, the placenta is located on the anterior wall of the uterus. In any case, regardless of where the placenta is located, this location is considered normal.

The placenta is able to move due to changes in the structure of the uterus, due to which its level takes a normal position, thereby improving the supply of blood, oxygen and nutrients to the baby. But, if it is located in the fundus area, almost on the wall of the uterus, and partially or completely covers the pharynx, then in this case doctors talk about a low-lying placenta.

But various deviations may be observed, it may be located too low, prolapse may threaten the child’s insufficient supply of blood, oxygen, etc. In this case, it is necessary to treat with certain restrictions on physical exercise. Doctors are also trying to make sure that the bad placenta returns to normal, and the expectant mother gives birth to a healthy baby.

What are the risks of low placentation during pregnancy (video)

Now it’s clear why it’s dangerous this situation and this is the position of the placenta, why the uterus has dropped, what type of placenta is (for example, extrachorionic), what does a high placenta mean and what needs to be done for it to return to normal.

The placenta is an organ that will nourish the baby, supply it with oxygen, and serve as a kind of filter. It is designed to protect the baby from toxins, viruses and bacteria that can penetrate the blood. The normal and full development baby.

Low placentation during pregnancy is the location of the baby's place close to the internal os of the cervix. This pathology occurs in a quarter of pregnant women. And what older woman, the higher the risk of low placental position. Women over the age of 35 are primarily at risk - they are the ones who often encounter this pathology.

Quite often, patients confuse the placenta, which is fixed too low, and prolapse of the uterus. Prolapse in in this case is a pathological condition associated with a change (downward displacement) in the position of the fundus of the uterus and its cervix. It has nothing to do with attaching a child seat.

Place of formation

A baby's place is formed at the site where the embryo is implanted into the wall of the uterus. It is believed that the most favorable is the fixation of the fertilized egg on the back wall of the uterus closer to its bottom. Implantation of the embryo on the anterior wall is also considered normal.

It is the posterior wall of the uterus, in the segment adjacent to its bottom, that is the most favorable place for nourishing the placenta, and therefore the fetus. This is considered so for two reasons:

  • Thanks to the most intense blood circulation in this place.
  • The closer the baby's place is attached to the fundus of the uterus, the less the myometrium will stretch. Consequently, the slower the placental tissue will stretch.
  • This also means that this position negates the threat of detachment.

To avoid misunderstandings, it should be said that the fundus of the uterus is its upper part, located on the opposite side of the internal os.

What are the stages of placenta formation:

  1. The active process occurs at 5–6 weeks of gestation.
  2. By 7–10 weeks, the fetus switches to the placental blood supply.
  3. By 14–16 weeks this process is completed.

During these periods, it is important to confirm the well-being of this organ, its blood supply and place of attachment:

  • A low location of the placenta during pregnancy is diagnosed as a result of ultrasound screening. This may happen at the first mandatory screening at 11, 12 or 13 weeks.
  • During pregnancy, week 20 (more precisely, weeks 20–24) is the time of the second screening, when this pathology can be diagnosed.
  • At the third screening (30–34 weeks), if the situation does not change in better side, the woman will be offered hospitalization and delivery by caesarean section at 37–38 weeks.

In case of placental abruption, operative delivery may be recommended at an earlier date.


The word “placentation” itself sounds strange. But in fact, everything is simple - it only indicates the place where the placenta is attached. What does low placentation mean during pregnancy? By this they mean that the baby’s place has formed too close to the exit, that is, to the os of the uterus. Close means less than 6 centimeters.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, a significantly larger percentage of pregnant women encounter this diagnosis after ultrasound than in the third trimester. This is explained by such a concept as placental migration.

Of course, the placenta migrates conditionally. In fact, the walls of the pregnant uterus stretch as the fetus grows and develops, and the placenta “pushes away” from the pharynx. At the same time, she does not change the place of her education.

If in the second trimester the placenta is located low on the posterior wall of the uterus, this is considered a relatively good location. And in most cases, the situation improves by childbirth.

Causes of pathology

The reasons for the development of this pathology may be different. It is reliably known that the embryo cannot attach to the damaged endometrium:

  • Thinned after curettage.
  • Affected by the adhesive process.
  • Affected by fibroid nodes.
  • If there are scars after surgery.
  • If you have any birth defects.

Therefore, sometimes the embryo is fixed in places that are not the most suitable for this. That is, during pregnancy, the placenta is formed not at the bottom of the uterus, but close to its pharynx or completely blocking (partially or completely) the “exit” from the uterus. Last state called previa and refers to a more severe type of pathology than just a low location of the placenta.

Women at risk for low placental fixation include:

  1. After 35 years.
  2. Having given birth a lot.
  3. Previously undergone uterine surgery.
  4. WITH big amount history of abortion or self-abortion.
  5. With multiple pregnancy.
  6. Frequently ill people infectious diseases sexually transmitted diseases, or having such diseases in a chronic form and neglecting treatment.
  7. Having congenital pathologies development of the uterus, leading to a change in its structure or disruption of the structure of the myometrium or endometrium.
  8. Suffering from endometriosis.

All of these factors lead to changes in the endometrial layer accumulating, it becomes either too thin or thickens. The embryo “selects” the least changed area of ​​the mucous layer, even if it is in close proximity to the pharynx.


Low attachment of the placenta rarely manifests itself in any way. It is usually detected by ultrasound examination during mandatory screening at 12–13 weeks, or later. If such a problem as low placentation during pregnancy is combined with placental abruption, then:

  • A woman may feel discomfort in the lower abdomen, nagging pain in the lower back.
  • An admixture of blood appears in her discharge.
  • In addition to the symptoms described, it is believed that for pregnant women with low attachment The placenta is characterized by hypotension and the development of late gestosis.

The cause of detachment and bleeding in this case is too rapid “migration”. The uterus actively grows during pregnancy, each fiber of its myometrium stretches. The pregnant organ is most susceptible to stretching in the pharynx area. An inelastic placenta does not have time to adapt to such conditions, and ruptures occur (separation of the placenta from the endometrium). The rupture sites bleed. This explains the presence of blood in vaginal mucus.

The time at which a woman begins to bleed depends on the position of the placenta. Most often, a woman’s blood admixture is detected between 28 and 32 weeks. This is explained by the fact that during this period the myometrium most actively prepares for labor.

In one case out of five, bleeding begins at an earlier stage (between 16 and 28 weeks). There may be more early bleeding at 10–13 weeks - it all depends on many other factors.


The low location of the child's seat in itself is not a threatening factor for the development of the child. Although it is believed that later(at 32–36 weeks) this position of the placenta can threaten the fetus with hypoxia. This is justified by the fact that the blood supply in the lower part of the uterus is worse than in the area of ​​its fundus, and as pregnancy progresses, pressure on it bottom part, including on the placenta, intensifies.

Due to this location of the child's place, the supply of oxygen to the fetus is reduced. Therefore, women with a similar diagnosis are under the constant supervision of an obstetrician leading the pregnancy. Ultrasonography in this case, it may be prescribed more often than normal (between screening periods). For example, at 18-19 weeks.

Low placentation during pregnancy in most cases is not a reason for a cesarean section. The threat lies in the complications that this position of this important organ entails.

Threats to the mother

As it has already turned out, the main threat is placental abruption (separation of part of it from the wall of the uterus). What does this mean for a girl:

  1. With small tears, the process is painless, and expectant mother Only bloody discharge can alert you. However, it should be noted that placental abruption is not always accompanied by bleeding - blood can accumulate in the uterine cavity.
  2. Sometimes a large fragment of the placenta detaches, which is accompanied by discomfort and heavy bleeding. This condition requires immediate hospitalization.

With minimal placental separations, the woman should be constantly under the supervision of a specialist, because the process is prone to repetition. The number of separations increases, which poses a threat to the baby’s development.

For the mother, such a condition is fraught with the fact that during abruption the blood is not removed from the uterine cavity, but accumulates in it, permeating all its layers, penetrating through the walls of the uterus into the peritoneum. Cuveler's uterus is formed. This condition is called uteroplacental apoplexy. It threatens the life of the pregnant woman herself, and requires an immediate caesarean section to save the woman’s life. Unfortunately, in this case the uterus must be removed.

Threats to the fetus

Low placentation and placental abruption also pose a threat to the unborn child. And primarily because the separated section of the placenta will no longer be able to take part in the process of feeding and protecting the fetus. The consequences depend on the period:

  • If the embryo is small, the consequences will be minimal.
  • If the period is long enough, the development of the fetus may slow down, hypoxia will be noticeable and lead to serious consequences.
  • Total detachment entails the death of the fetus.

If you discover that the child's seat is poorly secured, you should not panic. But if a specialist recommends hospitalization, you should not refuse.


Very little can be said about the diagnosis of this condition. Special methods and there are no ways to determine the position of the placenta. Most often, this diagnosis is made at 20 weeks during a routine ultrasound screening examination. After which the woman is placed under observation on this point.

A low location of the placenta at an earlier stage (at 12–13 weeks) is determined quite often. But if the first screening reveals that it is not critical, treatment is usually not required at such an early stage. Most women will find out at their next screening that the position of their placenta has changed for the better.

During diagnostic procedures, low placentation is differentiated with the following pathologies:

  • Threat of miscarriage and premature birth. In this case, if the low position of the placenta has led to abruption, symptoms characteristic of termination of pregnancy (bleeding, pain) may be observed.
  • Placenta previa (complete/partial). It can be determined by internal palpation. In this case, the specialist clearly palpates the placental tissues that completely or partially cover the os of the uterus. In the case of a placenta located close to the pharynx, only small fragments of placental tissue can be palpated.

Continuous monitoring of the condition of the placenta and fetus, course medical supplies and bed rest will help avoid irreparable consequences.

Treatment and prevention

Drug treatment is usually used if the low position of the placenta leads to abruption. How to raise the placenta during pregnancy? It is impossible to change the place where the embryo is implanted. But if you follow these recommendations, starting from 12 weeks of pregnancy (or from the moment the pathology is diagnosed), you can give birth to a healthy child.

If the diagnosis is made at 13 weeks, the obstetrician will recommend:

  • Wear a bandage.
  • Avoid aerobics (even light ones) and any sports activities, replacing it with leisurely walks.
  • Avoid climbing stairs.
  • Do not lift heavy objects.
  • Eat nutritiously, drink vitamin drinks.
  • Refuse sexual contacts.
  • Minimize travel in transport (sudden movements can cause detachment).
  • Sneeze and cough carefully and while lying down or sitting.
  • Avoid sudden movements (not only jumping, but also raising your arms up).
  • Do not sit in a chair with your legs crossed.
  • Avoid stress.

With a low-lying placenta at 12–13 weeks, if you follow these recommendations, by 30 weeks the situation usually returns to normal. But if this does not happen, there is no need to panic. Sometimes an ultrasound diagnostician, just before giving birth, informs a woman that the position of the placenta allows for natural childbirth.

Detection of low placentation during pregnancy at 21 weeks is also not a reason to panic. All of these recommendations will help maintain a woman’s normal condition. If bleeding begins, then in this case it is necessary to go to the hospital and undergo a course of drug therapy.

Used for treatment different groups drugs:

  1. Mild sedatives (Valerian).
  2. Hemostatics (Tranexam) to prevent bleeding during detachment.
  3. Antibiotics (III generation cephalosporins, for example, Cedex, Ceftebuten), to prevent the development of infection during the formation of placental hematomas.
  4. Metabolics (Actovegin) to prevent insufficiency in the uterus-placenta system.

Other medications may be prescribed at the discretion of the doctor.

Every woman, having discovered two treasured stripes on the test, with great impatience is waiting for the first ultrasound to get to know his baby and make sure that he (she) is all right.

It is during the first study that a woman hopes to receive the bulk of the answers to her many questions and fears, but, as a rule, after an ultrasound, even more concerns and questions arise.

The doctor’s usual phrase, which says that the placenta is located on the back wall of the uterus (as well as on the front wall, on the bottom, side or bottom) causes not only bewilderment, but also fear, as well as worries about whether this is normal and whether it poses a threat to the baby.

Placenta - what is it, and the essence of its action, location

On the 9th day of pregnancy, in the place where the fertilized egg was attached to the wall of the uterus, a special villous chorion is formed, which precedes the appearance of the placenta, which occurs already at the 16th week. This organ is truly unique. It appears only during the period of gestation of the baby and, being born with it, dies, having fulfilled its purpose.

The purpose of the placenta is to provide the growing baby with everything necessary for normal and full development. It is through this organ that the baby gets everything he needs for life and gives away the products of his vital activity. In fact, this organ is necessary to create the maximum comfortable conditions during intrauterine life crumbs.

The function of the organ is incredibly multifaceted and until the moment when the baby enters this world and begins to live independently, it is the placenta that performs the functions of almost all of its systems and most important organs, for example:

  • digestive systems;
  • respiratory organs, in particular the lungs;
  • excretory system (kidneys);
  • takes over all the functions of the skin;
  • replaces endocrine glands.

The production of all hormones in the body of the baby and its expectant mother, as well as their level of metabolism, depends on the placenta. The organ grows along with the baby, constantly increasing in size and the development and health of the growing baby almost completely depends on its condition, as well as on proper functionality.

The egg, leaving the tube, can attach itself almost anywhere, for example, to the back wall or, conversely, to the front, in the side on any side. It can also be attached at different heights. In some cases, the predominant localization of the placenta is still initial period ends up in the lower part, which causes many complications.

There is a certain myth that says that the position of the baby at the time of birth will depend on where and how the placenta is located. But in reality, one has practically no connection with the other.

To the place where the placenta can be localized by ultrasound, the growing baby is attached motionless only at the very beginning, exactly until the umbilical cord and a sufficient volume of fluid appear in the uterus, allowing the baby to begin to move, roll over and change its position.

Therefore, predict exactly what position he will be in by the time he starts birth process Based on the location of the placenta, it is impossible. Of course, the place where the placenta can attach to the uterine wall is of great importance, since a lot depends on it, for example, the presence (or absence) of certain complications.

Placenta placement options:

This term in medicine refers to the location of the placenta being too low, which often becomes an indication for a cesarean section, especially if the edge of the organ blocks the birth canal. This condition requires the utmost attention of doctors, since it poses many dangers and complications, in particular:

The location of the placenta during pregnancy is of particular importance, since the development of the baby, its health and reserve of strength at the time of birth depend on this organ and its condition. Do not despair if the attachment of the chorion is not perfect along the back wall, modern medicine allows you to cope with any problem in this area, it is only important to consult a doctor in time.

The placenta plays a huge role during pregnancy. With the help of this organ, which is formed immediately after the implantation of the egg into the wall of the uterus, a connection is made between the maternal and child organisms, the former delivers nutrients, oxygen, and the placenta produces the necessary hormones and prevents dangerous viruses from entering the baby’s body. But the placenta cannot always fully perform its functions. Let's consider these unfavorable situations.

Pathological location

The baby's place can begin to develop on the anterior wall of the uterus, the back, in the fundus of the uterus and in the area of ​​the internal pharynx. An unfavorable option is the location of the placenta during pregnancy in the lower part of the uterus, less than 6 cm from the internal os. One good thing is that in 95% of cases the placenta rises higher by the third trimester. It's connected with rapid growth uterus. But 5% still remain... These women have an increased risk of uterine bleeding due to abruption. A low placenta during pregnancy always has a greater risk of abruption. And this can be dangerous not only for the life of the baby, but also for his mother. Another unpleasant moment- this is that a child with placenta previa is more comfortable with a pelvic or transverse presentation, which, accordingly, is a relative and absolute contraindication to natural childbirth.

As for the specific location of the baby's place, a more favorable option is if the placenta is located at a close distance to the cervix, so that only one end is adjacent to it, that is, the main part of the placenta is still located on the wall of the uterus. In this case, the risk of bleeding is less, and natural childbirth can be resolved.

If the detachment is small and managed to be stopped heavy bleeding, plus the condition of the mother and child is satisfactory, they are trying to maintain and prolong the pregnancy. The woman is admitted to the hospital, prescribed bed rest, prescribed progesterone drugs if necessary, regularly monitors the blood condition (checking coagulation, hemoglobin, etc.), and performs an ultrasound to monitor detachment. And in many cases everything ends well.

I would like to wish all women to take care of their health even before pregnancy, to use proper protection, avoid abortions, and not to start gynecological diseases and quit bad habits. All this will facilitate the onset and course of your future, planned pregnancy and will help big role in the birth of a healthy child.