36 weeks of pregnancy the stomach becomes hard and tight. Premature placental abruption

New Year

In the last weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother should gain strength, maintain a positive attitude and good spirits. To do this, it is important not to overwork and rest more. If it is difficult for a pregnant woman to choose a comfortable position for rest or she suffers from insomnia, before going to bed you need to ventilate the room, take light sedatives (only as prescribed by a gynecologist), take a walk in the evening in the fresh air and not overeat at night. The main task at this time is to remain calm, be rested and get ready for childbirth.

What happens to mom at 36 weeks of pregnancy

Normally, the expectant mother should add 10-12 kg by this time. The size of the abdomen reaches its maximum volume. The amount of amniotic fluid gradually decreases. The cervix continues to prepare for childbirth. It shortens and softens, the ligaments stretch, and the pelvic bones gradually move apart.

There is less and less time left before giving birth, and for many women, fear is replaced by the desire to meet the baby and regain their previous shape. At this time, it is important to prepare for the upcoming birth: choose an institution, collect the necessary things.

Against the backdrop of a growing uterus, the number of daily urinations and bowel movements increases, breathing becomes more difficult, and nausea and stool disorders are possible. All of the above conditions are considered normal.

The number of movements of the baby gradually decreases towards the end of pregnancy. They become less intense, but more noticeable.

At 36 weeks of pregnancy, expectant mothers may experience pain and swelling in the legs, headaches, heartburn, constipation and hemorrhoids. Swelling of the extremities is caused by impaired blood flow due to compression of the pelvic veins by the enlarged uterus. As a rule, this condition is considered normal. If, along with swelling, unstable blood pressure, dizziness and other pathological symptoms are observed, you should consult a doctor. Symptoms such as varicose veins, stretch marks on the skin, cramps and heaviness in the lower back persist.

What happens to the baby at 36 weeks of pregnancy

The fruit reaches a considerable size. Its weight at this stage is 2500-2700 grams. To fit into the uterine cavity, the baby is forced to lower his chin, cross his arms over his chest and pull his legs towards his stomach. The development of the brain nerve centers is almost complete. The endocrine, nervous and immune systems continue to improve.

The liver accumulates iron, which is intended to ensure hematopoietic function during the first year of a baby’s life. The lungs produce surfactant, a substance that is necessary for a child to breathe independently.

Previously, the fetal sinuses were closed with mucus plugs. Now that oxygen is supplied through the umbilical cord, the baby learns to breathe through the nose, inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid.

Rhythmic poems and familiar melodies can stimulate motor activity in the baby. This indicates that the child is able not only to hear, but also to remember surrounding sounds. Sucking and swallowing abilities are improved. Instead of the mother's breast, the baby uses his own finger.

Feelings of a expectant mother at 36 weeks of pregnancy

At 36 weeks of pregnancy, mucus may be added to the normal discharge (normally it should be clear or white). This is part of the mucus plug that protects the cervix from pathogenic microorganisms. This phenomenon indicates that labor will begin in a few weeks.

The breasts become sensitive and slightly enlarged. Colostrum is periodically released from the mammary glands. Frequently massaging the breasts and squeezing out colostrum is not recommended; this can provoke uterine contractions and the onset of labor. You also need to choose a comfortable bra. It should fit tightly around the chest, but not squeeze it.

Some pregnant women experience increased nervousness, which is caused by fear of childbirth, insomnia and chronic fatigue. The woman becomes confused and inattentive, and her concentration deteriorates. She can quickly move from a calm state to laughter or tears. This behavior is due to hormonal changes and a change in the mode of preserving the fetus to a state of preparation for childbirth.

Medical examination at 36 weeks of gestation

The list of necessary examinations and tests at this time depends on the condition of the expectant mother, the characteristics of pregnancy and the specifics of the medical institution where the pregnant woman is being observed. During a routine visit to the gynecologist, blood and urine tests will be required. The doctor may also recommend taking a smear for flora, blood for AIDS, hepatitis and other tests. At the appointment, the doctor, as usual, measures blood pressure, weight, height of the uterine fundus, abdominal circumference and listens to the baby’s heartbeat.

To detect indications for cesarean (artificial delivery), if placental insufficiency and umbilical cord entanglement are suspected, an ultrasound procedure may be prescribed at 36 weeks of pregnancy. If during an ultrasound examination the doctor diagnoses premature aging of the placenta, Doppler testing and cardiotocography (CTG) are indicated.

Possible pregnancy problems at 36 weeks

On the eve of childbirth, serious hormonal and physical changes occur in the body of the expectant mother. During this period, infection of the genital tract or exacerbation of chronic pathologies is possible. If you experience persistent vomiting, fever, a cold, or other pathological symptoms at 36 weeks of pregnancy, you should consult a doctor.

It is important for the expectant mother to monitor the amount, shade, smell and consistency of the discharge. The appearance of spotting at 36 weeks of pregnancy in combination with pain in the lower abdomen may be a sign of placental abruption. In such a case, you need to consult a doctor. Also, the help of a specialist will be required if there is purulent, cheesy or unpleasant-smelling vaginal discharge, as well as itching and burning in intimate places. This may be a manifestation of a genital tract infection.

If at the 36th week of pregnancy a expectant mother's stomach becomes stiff, the lower abdomen and lower back are pulled, amniotic fluid has broken (simultaneous release of amniotic fluid), and contractions have intensified and become more frequent - this is the beginning of labor. In such a case, you need to go to the maternity hospital or call an ambulance.

Many pregnant women experience increased nervousness as they anticipate childbirth. The expectant mother should try to maintain good spirits and a positive attitude. Getting ready for the maternity hospital, arranging the home and children's room, buying children's things, etc. will help you calm down a little.

Nutritional Features

Even in the last weeks, it is important for the expectant mother to adhere to a healthy and balanced diet. It is advisable to consume only high-quality and healthy products. It is better to give preference to fractional meals - eat 6-7 times in small portions.

You can now exclude foods that are contraindicated during lactation from your diet:

  • Exotic vegetables, fruits;
  • Excessively fried, fatty, spicy and smoked foods;
  • Canned food;
  • Seafood, sushi;
  • Peanut;
  • Citrus;
  • Black chocolate;
  • Store-bought cakes, pastries, sweets.

You need to choose fresh and simple products. It is better to bake, steam or boil food. Drinks you can drink include pure water, compotes, and weak tea. Sometimes a cup of coffee is allowed.

Taking vitamins

Even with proper and rational nutrition, pregnant women cannot ensure that the body receives beneficial microelements and substances in optimal quantities. Therefore, your doctor may recommend taking special multivitamin preparations. A woman can take such vitamins not only during gestation, but also during breastfeeding. It is not recommended to prescribe vitamin complexes to yourself. An overdose of some components is much more dangerous than their deficiency.

Almost all pregnant women are advised to take calcium and vitamin D.

Sex at 36 weeks pregnant

Many experts recommend not limiting intimate relationships until childbirth. In this case, the well-being of the pregnant woman, her state of health and the presence of contraindications should be taken into account. Sexual contacts during gestation will even be beneficial. The male seminal fluid contains substances that relax the uterine cervix and prepare it for delivery.

Contractions of the uterus during orgasm can trigger the onset of labor, so if there is a threat of early labor, it is better to avoid sexual intercourse. Also, intimate relationships are not recommended if there is a threat of infection of the genital tract, multiple pregnancies, isthmic-cervical insufficiency and placental abruption.

Physical activity

Many women begin to limit physical activity due to fatigue and clumsiness. However, we must move. You can perform special exercises for pregnant women, walk outdoors, and visit the pool. Breathing exercises and Kegel exercises will be helpful. They will help prepare the pelvic muscles for childbirth and speed up recovery after childbirth.

Medical procedures, taking medications

Any treatment during pregnancy should be prescribed by a gynecologist. Despite the wide range of drugs permitted for use, the decision on the possibility of their use is made by the doctor, taking into account the potential benefits for the expectant mother and harm to the fetus. If possible, treatment is delayed until the postpartum period.

Number of reads: 1772 Publication date: 11/28/2017

The baby is almost ready for birth, as is the mother; there are literally a couple of weeks left, and the birth can be considered urgent. If the baby arrives right now, it will be quite viable, but born prematurely. At the same time, he will require virtually no special care, his lungs have matured and he will be able to breathe on his own, his heart, digestive and excretory systems are actively working, and his genitals have formed. However, the baby continues to actively develop and prepare for its new, extrauterine life. Nowadays, vitamins and iron are actively accumulating, and calcium is being actively deposited in bone tissue. The nervous, immune and endocrine systems are actively improving, the child swallows amniotic fluid and sucks his fingers, preparing for breastfeeding.

Changes in the body at 36 weeks

Your body is large and clumsy due to a large belly and weight gained; many women gain up to 15 kg or even more by this time, so it is important to control your body weight. The appetite at this time is good, especially if the stomach begins to drop and the uterus no longer puts so much pressure on the stomach. The descent occurs about a couple of weeks before birth, this is especially noticeable in first-time mothers. In this case, the baby’s head lowers into the mother’s pelvic area due to the gradual preparation and smoothing of the cervix.

Training contractions often occur, but if you don’t feel them, it’s not dangerous; every woman prepares for birth differently. During training contractions there is no regularity and pain, the walls of the uterus contract without opening the cervix, and without pathological discharge. If, during training contractions, the stomach and lower back are pulled, this indicates the onset of labor, you must immediately go to the hospital. When training contractions intensify, which usually happens in the evening, you should just lie on your left side and rest. They pass quickly.

Difficulties appearing with sleep - because of the stomach, it is difficult to choose a comfortable position and can be tormented by insomnia, this is a kind of preparation for the postpartum period, when caring for the baby will require a lot of time. But you still need to sleep and get proper rest, find a comfortable position for yourself, drink less water at night, take a warm bath, give yourself a massage, take a walk before bed and ventilate more often.

It is important to move carefully and slowly, as the center of gravity is shifted and there is a risk of falls and injuries. To relieve your back and lower back, wear a special bandage, rest often and take a knee-elbow position. Because of the pressure, the bladder works more actively, and you will often need to go to the toilet, but there are difficulties with the intestines - frequent constipation. The legs swell greatly, which requires raising them to an elevated position and resting. By lowering the abdomen, it will become easier to breathe and shortness of breath and malaise will disappear.

Fetal development at 36 weeks: weight, size and gender

The child has grown to approximately 47-48 cm, while weight can vary from 2.6 to 2.8 kg, depending on individual characteristics and the pace of development. The baby has round, plump cheeks, enough subcutaneous tissue has accumulated and the body is rounded. This will give the baby the opportunity to maintain body temperature after birth. It is increasingly difficult for him to move due to his size, he stretches and pushes more and more, moves his head, and all his movements are clearly felt by the mother. He actively sucks his fingers, plays with his umbilical cord, yawns, hiccups and opens his eyes. It is important to monitor the movements. The norm of movements is at least ten in 12 hours. If the movements are sluggish or too active, you should go for a walk; perhaps the child is not getting enough oxygen.

The skull has not yet completely ossified; there are sutures that allow the head to be configured during labor and pass the birth canal more easily. This is necessary to protect the delicate and sensitive brain of the fetus from injury. Now all the organs and systems of the fetus are almost ready for birth, and it is actively accumulating strength and nutrients to meet the new world. His lungs are fully mature, he can breathe on his own, hormones are actively released, which allows him to regulate his metabolism. The nervous system is improving, more and more new nervous connections and reflexes are being formed. Now the child has taken his final position. If he is in a breech position, then the question of the method of delivery will be decided

Childbirth at 36 weeks

If your belly has already dropped, labor will begin soon. On average, a couple of weeks pass from the moment the baby is born. But you need to prepare and always have identification documents, a medical insurance policy and an exchange card with you. If labor begins at the 36th week of pregnancy, everything will go well - children at this stage are fully viable and ready for extrauterine life. But it’s still worth waiting until the baby has time to accumulate weight and strength for independent living. Therefore, give up provoking factors - carrying heavy objects and moving furniture, physical activity, active sexual contacts. If your pregnancy is multiple, this period is quite favorable for the birth of babies.

If you feel regular contractions, your water breaks, or you have spotting, you should go to the hospital immediately. Most likely, labor has already begun.

Feelings of the expectant mother

Frequent hiccups in a baby

The main sensations from this stage of pregnancy are increasing fatigue and the desire to give birth as soon as possible. The weight of the body and abdomen tires, limits movement and gives back pain, it is uncomfortable to sleep, heartburn and shortness of breath torment. You suffer from sudden changes in mood, an elated and cheerful mood is suddenly replaced by anxiety and tears, depression and fear of motherhood. It will be especially difficult if this is your first pregnancy and occurs after a long waiting period. Such women are very worried about the baby and his health, about how the process of his birth will go. You need to rest more, turn to loved ones for support, and do the pleasant chores of preparing a dowry.

This week, nausea and heartburn may occur due to stomach tightening, as well as diarrhea and vomiting, this is a kind of “cleaning” of the body. Due to intestinal compression, constipation develops, and then you should seek help from a doctor. There is severe swelling in the arms and legs, but the swelling will gradually go away, leading to weight loss.

Now your body is experiencing double stress, your heart pumps 50% more blood than before pregnancy, and your body is working at its maximum possible level. Weakness and tiredness, fatigue and a desire to sleep during the day may occur. Although nesting syndrome may also occur - a strong desire to wash everything and tidy up the house in order to prepare it for welcoming the baby. All these unpleasant sensations must be endured for several weeks. Walk and relax more often, be active, you are not sick, you are just expecting a baby.

Condition of the uterus at 36 obstetric weeks

The abdominal circumference reached its maximum - approximately 100 cm in girth. The walls of the uterus literally rest against the ribs, which makes it difficult to bend over and put on shoes, causing shortness of breath and discomfort. The height of the bottom from the womb has reached a maximum of 36 cm, now it will only decrease slightly. The tummy requires support in the form of a bandage to prevent discomfort and pain in the back and lower back.

Often there are training contractions that intensify in the evening, while they are irregular and not painful, they do not lead to dilatation of the cervix. The belly can visually be of different sizes - for some it is small and sharp, for others it is round and voluminous. It depends on the capacity of the pelvis and body type. You need to carefully monitor the condition of the uterus - a short cervix indicates an imminent birth, while its internal os opens and the fetal head descends.

If compaction of the uterus occurs with nagging pain in the lower back, this is increased tone. It is worth lying down to rest and taking papaverine or no-shpa to reduce tone and reduce the likelihood of premature labor. If regular contractions, bleeding or water breaks occur, you should immediately go to the maternity hospital.

Ultrasound examination (Uzi)

All planned ultrasounds have already been completed, and at this time an examination is prescribed to further clarify the presentation and study some indicators. Using a sensor and Dopplerometry, the doctor will evaluate ultrasound indicators - the position of the fetus and the condition of the umbilical cord and placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid and its condition, fetal blood flow and the degree of maturity of the placenta. This will help the doctor decide on the management of the birth - whether it will be natural or by caesarean section.

Ultrasound determines the estimated date of birth, estimated weight, fetal growth, maturity of the placenta, and the absence of pathological inclusions in it. The doctor will also once again examine in detail the condition of the internal organs of the fetus. If necessary, parents also conduct a 3D ultrasound, during which they examine the child’s face and all its organs and systems and take photographs.

Symptoms and signs of oligohydramnios

Using ultrasound data, you can determine the amount of amniotic fluid and identify symptoms of oligohydramnios. With severe oligohydramnios, parts of the fetus are clearly felt, it moves with difficulty and all its movements are strongly pronounced, the heartbeat can be heard clearly, and the volume of the abdomen and the height of the fundus may decrease. Oligohydramnios indicates pathologies during pregnancy, as well as some malformations of the fetus.

Symptoms and signs of polyhydramnios

The opposite symptoms occur with polyhydramnios, which can occur with fetal kidney defects, maternal diabetes, pathologies of the heart and liver, intrauterine infection. In this case, severe polyhydramnios leads to a strong increase in the size of the abdomen, parts of the fetal body are difficult to palpate, fluid is felt under the hands, the heartbeat is muffled, the child is actively moving. With polyhydramnios, due to severe stretching of the uterine walls, there is a risk of premature birth.


Do not worry about an increase in the amount of discharge - during this period, the mucous plug that protected the baby during pregnancy may slowly come away. Discharge can normally be thick, milky or translucent, without pathological impurities. The mucus plug may come off in parts or as a lump of mucus with pink or brown streaks.

However, if spotting or dark, scarlet blood appears, you must immediately call an ambulance - these may be signs of placental abruption or the onset of labor. Placental abruption may also cause abdominal pain, nausea, pallor and dizziness due to internal bleeding. This condition is deadly and requires immediate assistance. With placental abruption and increased uterine tone, bleeding may occur, which can threaten the death of the fetus.

You also need to take the occurrence of sharp-smelling green, gray, yellow, foamy, cheesy discharge no less seriously. They indicate the development of genital infections or thrush, which need to be treated as soon as possible so that the infection does not spread to the membranes and is not transmitted to the child. Such infections also cause itching and burning in the vagina and perineum, disturbances in sleep and general well-being.

How to recognize leakage of amniotic fluid

Leaking amniotic fluid will also be dangerous - they indicate a violation of the integrity of the amniotic sac and a high risk of infection of the fetus. In this condition, labor should take place within the next 24 hours. It is not always easy to recognize amniotic fluid - if it comes out in large volumes, there is no doubt, and if there is leakage, there may be a liquid, abundant, transparent discharge with a sweetish odor. A doctor can determine them using a special test, and at home, using a special test pad from a pharmacy will help. If amniotic fluid is detected, you should immediately contact the maternity hospital.


During this period, various pains are quite common; they can occur in the back and lower back due to the large size of the abdomen and a change in the center of gravity. Wearing a bandage that supports the stomach and relieves the load on the back will help relieve them. Pain in the pubic bone area occurs due to relaxation of the pubic symphysis, and some of its divergence, to facilitate the passage of the head. Pain in the pelvis and joints appears due to the action of the hormone relaxin, it softens the ligaments and relaxes the joints. This will make it easier for the baby to pass through the birth canal, but leads to discomfort for the woman. Sometimes there is specific pain between the legs, resulting from the pressure of the fetal head on the pelvic area and bladder. Itching and pain in the anus with the development of hemorrhoids may also occur - you should immediately report this to your doctor.

It is especially dangerous if there is a strong pull in the lower abdomen, lower back pain or a hard stomach. This is a sign of increased tone, leading to the development of premature labor. If the tone is strong, the blood circulation in the placenta is impaired and detachment may even occur. In this case, contractions and bleeding from the vagina may occur - you should immediately consult a doctor.

No less dangerous is the development of edema with sharp headaches, spots before the eyes and malaise. In this case, a large amount of protein appears in the urine. This may be the development of late toxicosis of pregnancy, which threatens complications with the development of preeclampsia and eclampsia. In this condition, the issue of delivery is urgently resolved.

Colds and treatments

A mother's cold is especially dangerous during this period - viruses can lead to damage to the placenta and its calcifications, premature aging and fetal hypoxia. Therefore, it is important to protect yourself from colds, especially in the off-season. If you feel unwell, the temperature rises, a runny nose and cough occur, you should immediately go to bed and call a doctor. It is important to check with your doctor how to treat a cold, as some medications can negatively affect pregnancy at this stage. For fever, it is necessary to take Nurofen or paracetamol; a runny nose is treated by rinsing the nose with saline solutions and instilling vasoconstrictor drops for no more than three to four days. When you cough, the tone of the uterus may increase; you should definitely check with your doctor about what medications you can take.

Mom's diet and weight

Your weight may increase to 12-15 kg, but there may be an increase of more. This usually happens in thin women or those who eat very intense and high-calorie diets. Getting rid of extra pounds will not be easy, and it is important now to pay close attention to your diet. It is worth abandoning the practice of “eating for two”, you need to eat less fatty and carbohydrate foods, giving preference to protein and plant foods, it is important to consume more fiber to prevent constipation. Now your appetite may increase due to the lowering of your stomach, but you should limit the amount of food you eat. Sometimes your doctor may recommend fasting days to reduce swelling and reduce weight gain.

Monitor the quality of products to prevent food poisoning and intestinal infections. It is important that the food is freshly prepared and well-heated - diarrhea and vomiting with fever are completely unnecessary for you now.


During this period, sex may be in question - with increased tone, it can provoke premature birth. If your body is already preparing for the birth of a baby, then you need to give up intimacy. If the doctor does not mind, you should choose positions with shallow penetration, and also reduce the intensity of intimate life. Orgasm during this period can increase tone and lead to increased blood supply to the placenta and fetus.

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A pregnant woman experiences many new sensations, because her body is in a completely different state. The child grows and develops in it, so the expectant mother constantly listens to her condition and notices any changes. Some of them do not cause concern, while others can make you seriously nervous. A similar thing happens when a woman feels as if her stomach is turning to stone in the late stages of pregnancy (at 35–37 weeks). Why this happens and whether something unfavorable can be expected can be found out after consulting a doctor.

Causes and mechanisms

It is worth noting that some processes can often be mistaken for completely different ones. It is absolutely clear that in the third trimester of pregnancy the belly increases significantly. The fetus grows, which leads to stretching of the uterus, ligaments and abdominal muscles. This leads to discomfort, a feeling of pressure or bloating. But this phenomenon is completely normal, it passes quickly and should not cause concern.

Another situation may arise due to functional disorders in the intestines. It is known that when carrying a child, the serum concentration of progesterone, the hormone responsible for maintaining pregnancy, increases. In addition to relaxing the uterus, its function extends to other organs, in particular the gastrointestinal tract. The activity of peristaltic contractions decreases, the sphincters open. This leads to bloating and constipation, which means increased intra-abdominal pressure. An enlarged uterus also has an additional effect on the intestines, pushing it upward.

Another physiological condition in which the stomach of a pregnant woman becomes rigid is the so-called training contractions that occur before childbirth. This is a natural process of preparing the genitals for the final stage. But if the end of pregnancy is still relatively far away, and something similar appears, then you should think about premature birth. This extraordinary situation is provoked by many factors:

  • Intense sexual intercourse.
  • Chronic psycho-emotional stress.
  • Inflammatory processes in the gynecological area.
  • Precancerous pathology of the cervix.
  • General diseases (infectious, endocrine).
  • High or low water levels.
  • Placenta previa.
  • Isoserological incompatibility.
  • Operations on the abdominal organs.
  • Bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse).
  • Taking certain medications.
  • Harmful working conditions.
  • The list of reasons that can cause premature termination of pregnancy in later stages is quite long. It includes obstetric, gynecological, extragenital pathology and external unfavorable factors. Therefore, a pregnant woman needs to be extremely careful and attentive to any deviations in her own condition.

    When the stomach becomes hard during pregnancy, it is necessary to consider the likelihood of physiological conditions, not forgetting about possible pathology.


    To understand the problem in more detail, you first need to get a general understanding of the problem. Clinical and gynecological examinations help with this. At the initial stage, the doctor will listen to the woman’s complaints, examine her and make a preliminary conclusion, saying what the probable cause is.

    Training contractions

    If your stomach becomes stiff at 37 weeks of pregnancy, you should think about pseudo-Braxton-Higgs contractions. These are a kind of training contractions designed to prepare the organ for further childbirth. They occur 2–3 weeks before the physiological end of pregnancy and have the following characteristics:

    1. Low intensity, rarely causing physical discomfort.
    2. Short-term – no more than 30–60 seconds.
    3. Rare and irregular - no more than 5-6 times per hour.
    4. Gradually decrease and even disappear completely.

    With such training contractions, a woman may notice squeezing sensations in the lower abdomen or in the groin area, which never become encircling and widespread, as with true contractions. They may disappear when changing position or during active movement, which does not happen during childbirth.

    Premature birth

    At its core, premature birth is a type of miscarriage, only in the later stages (after 22 weeks). They represent an important obstetric problem, because they are often accompanied by serious consequences for the fetus. If this happens at the end of the third trimester, then the child is almost mature, and there may be no special risks at all.

    According to the clinical course, a distinction is made between threatening and incipient preterm labor. In the first case, the woman complains of minor pain in the lower abdomen and sacral region. Sometimes everything is asymptomatic. When palpating the abdomen, the doctor determines that the uterus is in a state of hypertonicity and the cervix is ​​fully formed. Subsequently, the pain intensifies and becomes cramping in nature. The cervix smoothes and shortens, and mucous-bloody discharge appears.

    Regular contractions, which gradually intensify, indicate that labor has begun. The cervix dilates, causing amniotic fluid to flow out. The fetal head descends into the pelvis. This process is already irreversible, and the pregnancy will one way or another end with the birth of a child. But women at the end of the third trimester shouldn't worry too much. A newborn at 36–37 weeks gestation is full-term and no different from other children. However, one should remember about possible obstetric complications that caused this phenomenon.

    The consequences of premature birth depend entirely on the stage of pregnancy at which it occurred.

    Additional diagnostics

    To determine exactly why the belly becomes stiff at 36 weeks of pregnancy, it is necessary to conduct an additional examination. The following diagnostic procedures are indicated for a woman:

    1. General blood and urine tests.
    2. Blood test for hormonal spectrum.
    3. Ultrasound of the uterus with Doppler.
    4. Fetal cardiotocography.

    After obtaining the necessary information, we can draw a conclusion about the origin of the “stone belly” during pregnancy and the measures that need to be taken. If this is due to physiological processes, then there should be no cause for concern. But when a pathology is identified, treatment must begin, because the child’s health depends on its timeliness and completeness.


    If a woman feels as if the uterine tone is increasing, and there are no pathological signs, then simple preventive recommendations can help her. First of all, you need to try to relax: take a comfortable position (usually lying on your side), stroke your stomach with your hands, rub your lower back. Or, conversely, if discomfort occurs after sitting for a long time, you should walk a little.

    The expectant mother should lead a healthy lifestyle, eat regularly, and be sure to devote time to walks in the fresh air. It is necessary to exclude strong emotional experiences and heavy physical activity. Well, if alarming symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. After all, premature birth that begins before 36 weeks requires prolongation of pregnancy.

    Your baby is almost ready for birth: the lungs have matured, the heart and kidneys are working, all organs and systems are functioning, the genitals have reached maturity. But the process of preparation for extrauterine life does not stop. The liver still accumulates iron, necessary for hematopoiesis in the first year of a child’s life, and the immune, endocrine, nervous and thermoregulation systems continue to improve. The baby does not stop preparing for breathing and sucking at the breast: he swallows and spits out amniotic fluid, actively sucks his fingers, including his toes.

    Fetus at 36 weeks of gestation: movements, development, weight and size

    It seems that all the space in the tummy has already been occupied, and there is nowhere else to grow, but the height and weight of the fetus continues to increase. At week 36, the baby has stretched up to 47 cm and possibly even more, body weight can exceed 2,600 g. His cheeks and shoulders are rounded, subcutaneous tissue has formed, and fat has appeared.

    Of course, such a hero has no room to accelerate, but he continues to flounder and does not stop moving. Listen to them - they can tell you a lot about things. Thus, excessive activity, which is even sometimes painful for the mother, will tell about the inconveniences experienced by the baby due to insufficient oxygen supply or the mother’s uncomfortable position for him. The absence of the baby's movements for even several hours is also an alarming signal, if present, you should immediately go to the doctor.

    On average, at 36 weeks of pregnancy, the mask makes itself felt approximately once every 10-15 minutes. In 12 hours, the baby responds at least 10 times. The baby's jolts and movements are felt very well, but by the end of pregnancy, when the baby grows even more and takes the position before the “start” from the belly, the number of its tangible and intangible movements will decrease by half.

    The baby is already the same as you will see him for the first time, but the bones of the skull remain quite soft, flexible and pliable - this is necessary to overcome obstacles on the way to this world and facilitate passage through the narrow birth canal. During childbirth, the baby's head may even become deformed to protect the brain from injury. Nature is unsurpassed in its wisdom!

    Future mom

    She even cares about the expectant mother. And your sleepless nights are now preparing your body for the night mode after childbirth: the baby will require a lot of attention. However, this doesn't mean you don't need sleep. Find your formula for pre-night calm. Drink less liquid at night, listen to music, ask your husband to do it, don’t lie on the couch all day so that you can’t find a place in bed later.

    Be careful and prudent throughout the day. Do not make sudden movements, do not walk or stand a lot, control your posture: bending backwards, you increase the load on the spine, bending forward - you create a risk of falling due to a shifted center of gravity.

    All unpleasant symptoms may intensify even more during this period. Under pressure from the uterus, the bladder and intestines work more actively, driving you to the toilet more often than you like. Your legs may swell more and more - be sure to lift them to an elevated position several times a day. At times you may even feel like you are suffocating - get on all fours, take a deep breath and exhale. However, from the 36th week of pregnancy, the tummy can gradually drop down, opening air access to the lungs. Although some mothers suffer from shortness of breath until the last day of pregnancy. If the baby is in the correct position with his head down, wear it. After giving birth, it will also help you a lot, so take it with you to the hospital right away.

    Pain at 36 weeks of pregnancy

    The bandage is also needed in order to at least somewhat relieve, and in the best case, completely reduce to a minimum, pain in the back and lower back, so common in the last weeks of pregnancy. Avoid standing for long periods of time, unload your back more often, and do not bend or turn your body to minimize pain.

    Be prepared for the fact that pain in the pelvic area, hips, and pubis will now make itself felt more strongly. The body completes its final preparations for the start of delivery: at this stage, it produces the hormone relaxin in larger quantities than usual. Under the influence of relaxin, the joints soften and weaken, the pelvic bones slowly move apart, which will make it easier for the baby to travel through the birth canal. Well, this effect of relaxin is now causing you some inconvenience.

    If you develop hemorrhoids during pregnancy, you are guaranteed to experience pain in the anus. There is no need to be ashamed of this sensitive problem: tell your doctor about the disease, consult about further actions and try to cure hemorrhoids.

    Analyze the nature of the pain that occurs in the lower back. So, now the lower back can really hurt for a very common reason: due to the greater load placed on it. But, at the same time, pain in the lumbar region may also indicate uterine hypertonicity and the associated risk of premature birth. With hypertonicity of the uterus, pain in the lower back is nagging, spreading to the abdominal area. If you feel a nagging pain in parallel in the lower back and abdomen, periodically experiencing a feeling as if your stomach is turning to stone, be sure to report these symptoms to your doctor.

    Even if up to this point you haven’t been particularly bothered by swelling, by the 36th week of pregnancy you will probably feel the full extent of swelling. But don’t let your guard down here either: severe swelling may indicate the development of a serious complication in the second half of pregnancy - gestosis. In addition to severe edema, signs of gestosis include high blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine.

    Belly at 36 weeks of pregnancy: tugs, hurts, droops

    We have already mentioned above that a pulling stomach in combination with a pulling lower back is a sign of increased uterine tone. Before going to the doctor for an appointment, if you notice such signs, take No-shpa and lie down in bed. No-spa should relieve spasms and relax the uterus, helping to reduce the risk of premature birth.

    Abdominal pain can also be caused by dysfunction of the digestive system. A long pregnancy, changes in the mother’s body associated with the constant enlargement of the uterus, most likely presented the woman with surprises more than once in the form of stomach and intestinal disorders: constipation and flatulence became commonplace for the mother.

    Another change may very well occur with the belly at 36 weeks of pregnancy: often by this time it seems to drop. So, at some point, the pregnant woman feels as if her stomach has really dropped, and it has become easier and more free for her to breathe. This is a consequence of the baby’s descent in the uterus: it presses against the pelvic floor, preparing to pass through the birth canal. The prolapse of the abdomen is also associated with a decrease in the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs: mommy breathes easier, her painful heartburn disappears. But, having descended, the uterus now puts pressure on the bladder, which is accompanied by increased urination.

    Childbirth at 36 weeks of pregnancy

    Even if the belly has dropped, this does not mean that you will give birth in the first few hours: after the belly has dropped, the mother may well wait another 1-2 weeks before labor begins. Moreover, starting from the 36th week, you must be prepared for the fact that the baby will ask to come out at any minute. And you should not be alarmed if this does happen: childbirth at 36 weeks is in most cases successful, and children born at this period are viable, their bodies are ready for independent functioning.

    And yet, do not stop taking care of yourself: be that as it may, it is better if the pregnancy is full-term. Now you go to the gynecologist every week - the time for delivery is getting closer. However, it is still too early and undesirable to give birth, so do not provoke labor with your actions. This also applies to . But you need to be prepared for them now, because in reality you can start giving birth any day, especially if you have. And you should prepare not only physically, carrying it with you everywhere, collecting all the necessary things, buying for the baby, etc., but also psychologically. Some women develop a fear of childbirth - this is in vain. Childbirth is a very natural process. Everyone emphasizes that this is work. You will have to do it anyway. But if you prepare and do everything with the right attitude and actions, then the work will be easy, successful and will not drag on. Remember that your baby is trying just as hard as you during childbirth. In such company you will definitely have a safe birth!

    Discharge at 36 weeks of pregnancy

    Do not be alarmed by the increase in the amount of discharge: slightly thicker, astringent discharge at 36 weeks of pregnancy is evidence of the gradual separation of the mucous plug, which until this moment covered the cervix. The plug may come off in parts, and in this case you will notice minor mucous clots in the discharge. However, the plug can come off all at once - you will find out about this by finding a mucous clot, possibly streaked with blood.

    But don’t ignore “full” bloody discharge: blood, even in small quantities, with a high degree of risk indicates placental abruption. Typically, placental abruption is marked not only by the appearance of bloody discharge, but also by abdominal pain. If you experience such symptoms, immediately call doctors for help: placental abruption in itself is dangerous for the health and life of the child and mother.

    Placental abruption against the background of increased uterine tone is a risk of profuse and severe bleeding.

    Call an ambulance immediately if you notice thin, watery discharge. Yellowish, transparent or greenish discharge, similar to water, is, in fact, amniotic fluid. Pouring out at once, amniotic fluid marks the beginning of the birth process. Please note that amniotic fluid does not necessarily flow out in a stream; amniotic fluid can be separated in small quantities. This happens if there is wear or damage to the membranes. And in this case, a doctor’s consultation is simply necessary: ​​violation of the integrity of the membranes leaves the baby defenseless against pathogens that can penetrate to him in the first 24 hours.

    Of course, “colored” and strong-smelling discharge should not be ignored. Yellow, green, foamy, curdled discharge mixed with flakes or pus is a sign of the activation of any sexually transmitted infection. Its presence will also be indicated by characteristic discomfort in the genital tract: burning, itching, swelling of the external genitalia. It is necessary to identify the causative agent of the disease and treat the disease, because, passing through the birth canal, a newborn can “catch” it with a high probability.


    In the normal course of pregnancy, an ultrasound at 36 weeks is not required - the last, third planned ultrasound has already been completed. However, in some cases, an ultrasound examination may need to be performed additionally. With its help, the doctor will once again clarify the position of the baby in the uterus, rule out entanglement of the umbilical cord and placenta previa, and assess the degree of maturity of the placenta and its condition. The data obtained will help the doctor, including in determining the method of delivery,

    On an ultrasound at 36 weeks of pregnancy, you can notice that the baby’s head is now round or oval. But be prepared that in the first few hours after birth, the newborn’s head will be slightly deformed - most often it will have a pointed shape. This is a consequence of the baby’s passage through the birth canal: the bones of the baby’s skull are soft and mobile, but at the moment of passage through the birth canal, the bones of the skull are compressed. Accordingly, the newborn’s head retains this shape for some time after birth, however, then everything returns to normal.

    Especially for- Elena Kichak