Mesh on the face of blood vessels. How to deal with weak and burst capillaries on the nose

March 8

Spider veins appear due to the expansion of blood vessels, which are located in the upper layer of the epidermis. It is especially unpleasant when blood vessels appear on the face; this can cause a person a lot of aesthetic inconvenience.

How to get rid of spider veins on the face

Why do spider veins appear?

Experts associate the appearance of spider veins on the face (the phenomenon of rosacea) with poor circulation. This may be a consequence:

Means of effective prevention

It is worth using facial skin care products that contain vitamin C, PP, K and ascorbic acid. Such a cream can strengthen the walls of blood vessels; they are endowed with a good vasoconstrictor effect. It is better to choose cosmetics that include:

  • arnica;
  • wild myrtle flowers;
  • Japanese ginkgo.

How to eat

It is worth paying attention to your diet. If possible, do not eat too spicy, fatty, or heavy foods. Eat more broccoli, parsley, black currants, citrus fruits, and buckwheat porridge. It is better to avoid drinks and foods that can increase blood pressure (chocolate, coffee).

To get rid of spider veins, you need to take an aloe leaf and put it in the refrigerator for several days. Rub a piece of aloe into the problem area of ​​your face. Before doing this, cleanse your face with tea infusion. Need to repeat this procedure every other day for two or three weeks. You can also use fresh aloe juice. To do this, you need to squeeze out a little juice of this plant and rub it into the skin of your face, while giving Special attention areas where vascular networks are located.

Prepare a parsley decoction

You need to take some fresh parsley and brew it in half a glass of boiling water. After fifteen or twenty minutes, the infusion will brew. Next, you need to strain it, let it cool, and dilute it with an equal amount of milk. Make compresses using the resulting infusion, apply them to problem areas of the face for thirty minutes. This folk way allows you to quickly get rid of spider veins.

Contact your doctor

When the above methods do not lead to desired result, it makes sense to seek help from specialists: a surgeon or cosmetologist. Methods of photocoagulation and laser sclerotherapy will help to effectively and fairly quickly get rid of spider veins, and without pain. When vessels larger than one millimeter in width are affected, you will need special procedure– ozone therapy - ozone injection will be made into the dilated vessels

If the skin on a person’s face is susceptible to the effects external factors, then she quickly reacts to them with inflammation or redness. Those with sensitive skin, even with minor temperature changes, experience burning, itching, and tingling in the nose and cheeks. In the future, rosacea develops on the face, which leads to constant redness caused by fragility of blood vessels. The problem is more familiar to women with fair skin, A male half The population suffers from dilatation of small vessels much less often.

What is rosacea of ​​the facial skin?

Cuperosis is a consequence of impaired blood circulation in the upper layers of the skin. If the blood stagnates, it constantly puts stress on the walls of the capillaries, which causes their fragility and fragility. At first, rosacea manifests itself as severe redness of some areas on the face, and if this stage is skipped, then a vascular network appears in the places of burst capillaries, called telangiectasia by doctors.

Causes of spider veins on the face

In addition to genetic predisposition, rosacea is provoked by many other factors that should be avoided so that capillary blood flow is not disturbed:

  1. Alcohol. Alcoholic drinks, especially red wines, have a vasodilating effect on the skin, which will sooner or later affect the condition of the epidermis.
  2. Smoking. This habit negatively affects the functioning of the entire circulatory system, causing rosacea.
  3. Hot, spicy food is an ally of capillary fragility.
  4. Temperature changes. In order not to provoke rosacea on the skin, you should not live in an aggressive climate, wipe your face with ice, jump into wormwood from a steam room, and so on.
  5. Ultraviolet. Direct Sun rays and solariums affect the capillaries on the skin.
  6. 6.Hot chocolate, coffee. These foods have a stimulating effect on blood circulation, so it is better to exclude them from the diet altogether.
  7. Stress. Emotional swings, provoke an increase in pressure, which disrupts the normal functioning of blood vessels, and sooner or later will lead to rosacea.

How to get rid of rosacea using modern methods

The main stage in the treatment of capillary stars is the diagnosis of rosacea. In order to identify the disease, you need to visit a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, or dermatologist. If the cause of skin rosacea is illness internal organs, then the patient is prescribed drug treatment aimed at eliminating this problem. In other cases modern medicine offers getting rid of spider veins using hardware cosmetology. But before going for the procedure, it is advisable to make sure that the skin is renewed.

Laser treatment

Laser removal of rosacea is a procedure that leaves no traces and does not require special care behind the skin of the face. The laser beam instantly heats and solders the vessel. With its help, large areas of skin are quickly treated, and after the session the patient can calmly go to work without spider veins on the face. But after laser treatment, there is a possibility of rosacea returning from any provocation: stress, alcohol, etc. To prevent this from happening, the patient should avoid all factors that provoke this vascular disease for at least 2-3 months.


The essence of the photorejuvenation method is that the specialist selectively affects areas of the skin affected by rosacea with high-intensity light pulses. In this case, the property of human cells to absorb light is used in separate parts, and not the entire surface. No load is applied to all other facial tissues, including thermal stress. For rosacea, a photoflash is the most effective way, which in most cases eliminates not only visual manifestations, but also the cause of the disease.


This method is based on the targeted introduction of microinjections under the skin with a specially selected medicinal composition into the area. problem area. The drugs administered subcutaneously retain their effect for a long time, so there is no need to undergo the procedure frequently for rosacea. Mesotherapy is not only a drug treatment. During the session, the skin is exposed to biological active points, which solves not only the problems of spider veins, but also helps eliminate sleep disturbances, headaches and other painful manifestations.

How to treat rosacea on the face at home

Couperosis on the face can also be treated at home. It is difficult to get rid of this vascular disease on your own, but with regularity and in combination with medications, this is quite possible. In the fight against rosacea, it is important to know how to care for your skin, what causes the problem, and to choose the right cosmetics. If there is a vascular network on the skin, you should only wash your face warm water, since temperature changes are contraindicated. Therefore, to the question: is it possible to wipe your face with ice for rosacea, the unequivocal answer is no.

If you have rosacea on your face, you need to carefully study the composition cosmetics before using them. You need to completely avoid soap, because it contains sodium sulfate, which dries out the skin, which worsens the disease. Among the prohibited ingredients in cosmetics are:

  • oils: clove and eucalyptus;
  • aloe, honey;
  • alcohol, menthol, camphor;
  • flavorings, dyes, preservatives.


When treating capillary mesh, taking vitamins - required condition. This is ascorutin, which contains vitamins C and P. It should be taken after meals with water. The tablets should not be dissolved or chewed, because ascorbic acid will have a negative effect on tooth enamel. The therapeutic dose for rosacea for an adult is 1 tablet 3 times a day. The course of treatment is prescribed by the doctor, depending on the severity and nature of this vascular disease.

In some cases, doctors prescribe vikasol for rosacea, a synthetic analogue of vitamin K, which is responsible for skin elasticity and blood clotting. The body's need for this vitamin is small, so a single dose of Vikasol 15-30 mg is enough to restore the skin. Troxevasin capsules are prescribed for cases of rosacea affecting large areas of facial skin. They should be taken in combination with an ointment of the same name, 1 capsule 3 times a day with meals for 14 days.

External treatment: ointments and creams

Troxevasin. Among external treatments effective medicine– Troxevasin for rosacea on the face. It contains rutin, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves blood circulation in capillaries. Use the drug only externally, rubbing the gel into the skin twice a day. Troxevasin is used long time until the affected areas disappear. If you have chronic gastritis, stomach ulcer or kidney failure, then this drug is contraindicated for you.

Diroseal. A good alternative to troxevasin is the cream for rosacea Diroseal, which perfectly soothes inflamed skin, makes the surface layers of the epidermis denser, activates cellular metabolism, and hides the network of blood vessels with long-term use. Diroseal improves blood microcirculation, so after treatment is completed, rosacea does not return.

Heparin ointment. Some women, not knowing how to treat rosacea on the face, start using heparin ointment. But you need to be very careful with this drug, because despite its apparent safety and simplicity, it has many contraindications. Without a doctor's prescription, the ointment causes an allergic rash or skin hyperemia. The drug must be applied very carefully, without kneading the affected area, so that the capillaries do not become inflamed, and with prolonged use, it is advisable to monitor blood clotting.

Face massage

Do not use rough towels for rosacea. steam inhalations With essential oils, manual facial skin cleansing and various cosmetic massagers. the exception is darsonval - a device designed for rejuvenation and treatment problem skin. It affects vascular areas pulse currents passing through a glass vacuum electrode, promoting improved metabolism, restoring the elasticity of the epidermis, and activating the protective properties of the skin.

Lymphatic drainage massage helps greatly in reducing blood pressure in blood vessels. It will help relieve redness and promote blood flow. But what is not allowed with rosacea is lymphatic and rosacea, which are performed under pressure. It will help greatly, which includes exercises to strengthen the facial muscles, for example, gymnastics from Carol Maggio or beauty yoga from Lourdes Doplito Sebuk.


Nutrition for rosacea must necessarily include foods rich in vitamins in order to. The beauty of your skin largely depends on your diet, which means you need to include in it every day:

  • vitamin P, which increases the tone of blood vessels in connective tissues, and is found in buckwheat, parsley, red pepper, asparagus, carrots;
  • fish oil, which is a source obtained from fish and seafood;
  • green tea, which is a champion in the content of catechins - elements that have a positive effect on blood vessels and slow down the formation of rosacea on the skin;
  • protein, which you need to eat 150 g daily to strengthen the muscles on your face, and these are eggs, turkey, chicken, legumes, low-fat hard cheese;
  • linseed oil, slows down skin aging.

Black tea, coffee, and semi-finished products that contain preservative additives that negatively affect the condition of the skin should be excluded from the diet. Pates and smoked meats also contain preservatives and flavor enhancers, which gives impetus to the development of rosacea. It is advisable to reduce your consumption of red meat. Pork, beef, veal, and lamb increase the risk of developing spider veins on the face.

Folk remedies

  1. Ginger face mask. This unique product can slow down aging, strengthen skin immunity and stimulate blood circulation in blood vessels. To make a mask, take 5 grams of ground ginger, dilute 100 ml hot water, cool and apply with a cotton swab to problem areas daily.
  2. has a nourishing, cleansing, antiseptic and regenerating effect on the skin. To prepare facial lotion, you need to mix vinegar with water in proportions of 1:4 and lubricate the spider veins 1-2 times a day.
  3. Green clay- it's miraculous natural remedy. For rosacea, it helps to narrow pores, improve metabolism, relieve swelling of the skin and redness of blood vessels. To make a face mask, dilute 1 tablespoon of green clay with water to a thick sour cream and rub the mixture into problem areas of the skin with your lungs. massage movements for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  4. A lemon face mask normalizes cellular metabolism, accelerates cell regeneration, and saturates the skin with vitamin C and essential inorganic acids. Squeeze the lemon and add 2 tablespoons to the juice. olive oil. Soak a gauze pad with the mixture and apply it to your face, leaving the areas around the mouth and eyes free. After 10 minutes, rinse your skin with warm water. Apply lemon mask to eliminate spider veins no more than once every 10 days.

Photo: what rosacea looks like on the face

Every woman dreams of being beautiful, clean skin And rosy cheeks. But sometimes small vessels widens on the face, a mesh or mesh appears on the cheeks spider veins, which terrifies their owner. The skin becomes hypersensitive, becomes irritated, dry, reddened - these are manifestations of rosacea. Look at the photo to see what this vascular disease looks like:


Early appearance rosacea signals to us that the body is predisposed to vasodilation, and the risks of varicose veins or even varicose veins increase. Therefore, prevention of this vascular disease is important. To prevent the formation of capillary networks on the skin of the face, you need to avoid alcohol-containing and abrasive cosmetics, use moisturizers and sunscreens, eradicate bad habits, eat right, and then rosacea can be easily avoided.

Couperosis can be effectively treated only with an integrated approach. This includes vitamin therapy, masks, facial massages. On early stages diseases relieve inflammation vascular network Creams enriched with essential oils of mint, rosemary, and lemongrass in a ratio of 1 tsp will help. cream 5 drops of aroma oil. Watch the video for advice from a cosmetologist on how to properly treat rosacea at home:

Vascular network on the face: main symptoms of appearance and how to get rid of it

A network of blood vessels has begun to appear on your face, which continues to grow, making your skin red and unsightly? Are you tired of struggling with this defect because nothing helps? Do you want to know everything about this problem and also get acquainted with effective methods eliminate it? This article will provide you with the information you need, so read carefully.

The vascular network on the face has another name - rosacea

What information will you find out:

Main symptoms

Expansion of subcutaneous blood capillaries with their external manifestation in the form of a kind of mesh, called rosacea. This disease is not inflammatory, but indicates existing problems with blood vessels.

People with dry and dry skin are considered most susceptible to rosacea. sensitive type faces.

The disease develops gradually, starting with the appearance of small vascular webs in the cheek area, gradually spreading to the nose, chin and forehead. As the defect progresses, such meshes transform into large red spots that can cause itchy skin, irritation, and in the later stages, purulent rashes.

Causes of the disease

There are quite a lot of factors influencing the formation of such pathology, among them:

  • hereditary predisposition embedded in genes, fundamental in the formation of such a defect, which initially includes its owner in the risk group;
  • the fragility of the walls of blood vessels and their high permeability against the background of circulatory disorders become the causes of the onset of rosacea;
  • imbalances in hormones and dysfunction of the gonads often provoke the appearance of a capillary network;
  • cardiovascular pathologies negatively affect the condition and functioning of blood vessels, impairing their strength and permeability;
  • inflammatory processes of the nose against the background of the appearance of night snoring contribute to the formation of a vascular network on the face and require treatment;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the form of gastritis, dysbacteriosis, enterocolitis and others;
  • diseases of the epidermis, including subcutaneous mite demodex are provocateurs of vasodilation;
  • weakening of the body’s immune defense, as well as bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol) have negative impact on the functioning of blood vessels;
  • Irrational and unbalanced nutrition creates a deficiency of essential vitamins and microelements (especially silicon), which ensure the health of the vascular wall and capillaries;
  • frequent stress and nervous shock can cause this defect;
  • hot dishes, drinks, as well as strong coffee, hot, spicy, pickled foods large quantities can provoke the appearance of rosacea;
  • excessive use of tanning, as well as visiting a solarium, thins the walls of the capillaries, making them thin and fragile;
  • the use of cosmetics containing heavy fats, as well as wax, lanolin, and paraffins can cause persistent vasodilation due to constant overheating of the skin;
  • abuse of cosmetic procedures such as cleansing, dermabrasion, peeling provokes damage to the vascular walls, giving impetus to the development of rosacea.

The most common occurrence of spider veins is a hereditary predisposition

Cosmetological methods for treating vascular network

Nowadays, beauty salons and aesthetic medicine clinics offer a wide range of procedures to eliminate such a defect, but they all have a number of contraindications for use.

The most effective methods to eliminate the symptom of vascular network on the face are:

  • electrocoagulation based on the use of a weak discharge electric current by its impact on damaged vessels in order to remove them. In this way, it is possible to get rid of small-sized damaged capillaries. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor; on average, it is necessary to complete from 3 to 10 sessions. Its disadvantages include the appearance of crusts on the skin, which disappear on their own within a few days, as well as the need to use sunscreens with a high protective factor;
  • Laser removal occurs under the action of a laser beam of a certain length and power, burning out damaged vessels and capillaries, due to which they completely disappear. This method is considered the most effective and fastest, since most often only 1 procedure is enough;
  • Photocoagulation uses the effect of light exposure, which is considered the most gentle in contrast to electric current, in the fight against vascular pathology. Its advantages include the ability to eliminate the defect in 1 session, as well as the removal of damaged vessels in hard-to-reach places (on the lower jaw and cheekbones);
  • radio wave therapy, based on the influence of radio frequency waves that can increase the temperature of the treated area of ​​skin tissue to 42 degrees, as a result of which damaged vessels descend into the deep layers of the skin structure and become invisible. The full course contains 6 sessions. The method has whole line contraindications;
  • ozone therapy, which involves the introduction of pure oxygen under pressure under the skin (by injection or hardware method), which has a powerful regenerating effect. Its advantages are considered to be the absence side effects, and the minuses are painful sensations during the procedure;
  • mesotherapy, which involves the introduction under the skin surface of special compounds with vitamins and hyaluronic acid, bringing capillaries to a normal state and eliminating the symptoms of rosacea. In addition to removing the vascular network, this technique significantly rejuvenates the skin and increases its elasticity. Its effectiveness is confirmed by numerous positive reviews patients.

Medicinal treatments

Only a dermatologist can prescribe such drugs after a visual examination and obtaining data from all clinical tests the patient, taking into account his medical history and the presence of chronic diseases, so do not self-medicate!

For general information We present to you the following most common drugs to combat rosacea:

  • ascorutin, which contains rutin and ascorbic acid which help strengthen the walls of blood vessels/capillaries, reduce their permeability and improve blood circulation;
  • isoflavonoids, which remove all accumulated toxins from tissue cells that accumulate as a result of circulatory disorders;
  • troxevasin (in tablets and gel form) for complex treatment with external and internal use, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, increasing their elasticity, reducing fragility and permeability of capillaries;
  • adrenaline, which is part of special vasoconstrictor drugs, eliminating hyperemia (redness) of the skin and can treat manifestations of rosacea.

Ice prepared from an infusion of herbs chamomile, calendula, linden, St. John's wort, horse chestnut, yarrow, and horsetail helps well in the fight against vascular network. Rubbing with ice creates a kind of gymnastics for the blood vessels, when they alternately contract and expand, which has a positive effect on their condition and overall tone.

Video: Therapeutic mask for rosacea (vascular network) on the face

Get well!

Vascular network on the face, or rosacea, is a common phenomenon, not dangerous to health, but aesthetically unattractive. Its appearance is usually tied to age, since, according to statistics, women over 30 more often suffer from rosacea, but problems with this type of skin are also common among young girls today.

Couperosis looks like a red web in the area of ​​the cheeks and nose, and if you notice the appearance of such signs on your face, you should immediately begin treatment or prevention.

Symptoms of rosacea

People with dry and sensitive skin, however, this does not mean that people with fat, normal or combination skin are clearly excluded from the risk zone.

The development of rosacea occurs gradually, starting from the cheeks and spreading to the nose, chin, and in rare cases- on the forehead. Lack of treatment is fraught with progression - vascular networks turn into spots big size, which can cause physical discomfort in the form of irritation and itching.

Late stages of the disease may manifest as pustular rashes.

Causes of rosacea

There are many reasons for the appearance of vascular network. Some are quite mediocre, and some can signal serious illnesses.

Genetic predisposition

Often it is the hereditary factor that plays a role vital role in the formation of the vascular network in humans. To establish the cause of rosacea, it is worth interviewing your relatives about whether any of them have similar problems. If the answer is yes, then you are at risk.

Weakness of the vascular walls

In this regard, rosacea has a similar etiology to varicose veins. These diseases occur due to weakness of the vascular walls and poor circulation. If with varicose veins the walls of blood vessels expand under the influence of blood pressure, pushing veins to the surface of the skin, then with rosacea the same thing happens, only with capillaries. Rising upward, the vessels on the face form a red pattern on the skin

Hormonal imbalance and gonadal dysfunction

Vascular regulation directly depends on hormonal levels. Therefore, in case of problems with it or when receiving oral contraceptives, as well as during pregnancy and childbirth, in about a third of women, a vascular network appears on the face and body.

The appearance of rosacea may also indicate a malfunction of the gonads, and this problem can affect not only men, but also women

Cardiovascular diseases

Diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension negatively affect the condition of blood vessels and can lead to the appearance of vascular networks on the face and body.

Important! With hypertension, the mesh may disappear after the pressure normalizes, but this is not a sign of recovery. To avoid a heart attack or stroke due to lack of adequate treatment underlying disease, at the first signs cardiovascular diseases consult a doctor.

Inflammation of the sinuses

Often the appearance of a vascular network on the face coincides in time with the primary signs of a cold. Even if the cold has passed, but you are still bothered by snoring, periodic nasal discharge and a pulling sensation in the forehead or head area, you should consult a doctor.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Couperosis can also accompany gastritis, dysbiosis, enterocolitis and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Dermatological diseases

Skin damage by demodex mites can be accompanied not only by inflamed acne, but also by dilated capillaries. Also, the appearance of vascular networks on the face sometimes indicates the presence of a disease called rosacea. It appears first small spots in the form of stars and cobwebs, then transforming them into eels.

Weakened immunity, bad habits, stress, unhealthy diet

Lack of an adequate diet that supplies the body with all the necessary nutrients, frequent stress, nervous disorders and weakened immune defenses can cause spider veins to appear on the face and body.

"Risk Products" in in this case are spicy and pickled foods, too hot dishes and large quantities of coffee.

A common cause of the appearance of vascular networks on the face is a deficiency of silicon in the body.

It should also be remembered that smoking leads to vasoconstriction and disruption of proper blood circulation, and alcohol abuse leads to short-term spasms of facial vessels and their dilation, as a consequence.

Abuse of cosmetic procedures

Striving for perfect skin often plays a cruel joke on people, and regular facial cleansing, abrasive operations, as well as trips to the solarium lead to thinning of the blood vessels and an increased risk of injury. Therefore, you should not get too carried away with such procedures.

To avoid rosacea, it is better to use natural cosmetics and do not abuse cosmetic procedures

External factors

Being in an aggressive climate zone necessitates the use of additional methods of skin protection, but living in a normal climate for the skin condition also does not eliminate the need to prevent the appearance of red blood vessels on the face.

Treatment of rosacea

If you suspect rosacea, you should consult a dermatologist. You should not self-medicate, as only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis and establish the cause of rosacea.

Red blood vessels on the face will not disappear on their own; an integrated approach is required, namely:

  • eliminating the main cause of rosacea, if any;
  • normalization of lifestyle;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • transition to proper nutrition;
  • special skin care taking into account its characteristics;
  • cosmetic procedures;
  • reception medicines to strengthen blood vessels;
  • removal of vessels on the face (damaged).

If you have rosacea, you should adhere to the following dietary recommendations:

  1. Exclude from the diet spicy, salty, excessively hot or cold foods, coffee, chocolate, fatty, fried, smoked foods, seasonings, canned food and alcohol;
  2. Consume foods rich in silicon, vitamin K, rutin and vitamin C, which are found in oatmeal, legumes, buckwheat, cabbage, citrus fruits, spinach, berries and walnuts;
  3. It is recommended to eat fruits and vegetables with the peel, as beneficial microelements are contained there.

Sunlight negatively affects the skin of the face, and tanning without protective equipment for the face can cause rosacea

Also extremely important proper care skin care, which includes the following manipulations:

  • going outside should be accompanied by applying SPF filters to the face to protect against harmful ultraviolet exposure;
  • It is advisable to use soft towels and gently blot moisture from the face, without making aggressive rubbing movements that can damage the skin;
  • You should avoid procedures that include steaming the skin;
  • aggressive cosmetic procedures such as mechanical peeling are strictly prohibited, manual massage etc.;
  • the use of products that irritate the skin, including alcohol-containing substances, scrubs and products that increase blood circulation is prohibited;
  • You should use cosmetics with ingredients that help strengthen blood vessels, such as olives, blueberries, green tea, cypress, etc.

Cosmetological methods of treating rosacea

Currently, there are many methods offered by cosmetologists that allow you to get rid of vascular networks on the face. The most popular include coagulation, laser treatment, photocoagulation, ozone therapy, radio wave therapy and mesotherapy.

Attention! There are contraindications for the use of such procedures, namely diseases thyroid gland, diabetes, myocardial infarction and alcohol intoxication.


Coagulation does not treat rosacea, but allows you to remove its visible symptoms. This happens by removing problematic vessels through the use of a weak electric current.

Using electrocoagulation you can get rid of small dilated vessels

Frequency and total term The procedures are determined by the doctor, and usually take from one time to two weeks. The disadvantage of electrocoagulation is that after it a crust often forms on the skin, it is visible, but it goes away on its own after a few days. After the procedure it is also worth using protective cream to avoid harmful ultraviolet exposure.

Laser treatment

The mechanism of action and effect of laser treatment of rosacea is similar to electrocoagulation, with the exception of one point: in this case, wave light is used for the effect. Compared to electrocoagulation, this method is more convenient, since laser treatment requires a one-time procedure.


The essence of this procedure is light exposure, which is more gentle compared to electric current.

To solve the problem of vascular network on the face, one session of phototherapy is enough

The peculiarity of light exposure allows you to get rid of problems also in hard-to-reach places, for example, on the lower jaw and cheekbones.

Radio wave therapy

This type of treatment for rosacea is based on the use of waves that increase the temperature of the treated area to 42°C. During the procedure, the skin experiences a lifting effect, and the connective tissue significantly improves its condition. As a result, problematic blood vessels on the face they return to the deep layers of connective tissue. The duration of the course is 6 procedures.

Ozone therapy

The procedure involves injection of ozone, which has an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect on the skin. The advantage of ozone therapy is the almost complete absence of consequences, the disadvantage is pain.


Mesotherapy is a 7-10-fold series of procedures consisting of introducing special injections with vitamins and hyaluronic acid to a depth of up to 6 mm.

Mesotherapy is a few “beauty” injections that will help get rid of rosacea

As a result of mesotherapy, capillaries located close to the skin, on which pressure is applied through injections, return to their normal state, which solves the problem of vascular network on the face and helps eliminate all symptoms. Reviews about this procedure are extremely positive.

Prevention of rosacea

To avoid the appearance of vascular networks on the face, you should carefully monitor your diet to avoid a lack of microelements important for the body.

It is also worth remembering that skin, especially problematic and genetically predisposed to rosacea, needs careful care from an early age. Therefore, if you are young or already have a child, remember: you need to start taking care of your skin as early as adolescence.

You can also do special exercises to prevent rosacea. They will help not only prevent the appearance of vascular networks on the face, but also remove them with an integrated approach.

  • Place your palms on your cheeks and begin to easily lift and lower the skin up and down. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  • Inflate both cheeks one at a time. Repeat the exercise 20 times.
  • Smile as hard as you can and purse your lips. Then, in this position, move your lips up and down. Repeat at least 10 times for each side.

By doing these regularly simple exercises, you can protect yourself from additional risks of rosacea, and the red mesh will not appear on your face.