What is the difference between elos hair removal and laser hair removal? Elos or laser hair removal: choose wisely

For children

The fight against unwanted hair in women takes a lot of time and effort. To get rid of grueling procedures carried out at intervals of several days or weeks, it is recommended to use hardware methods. They allow you to get rid of unnecessary hair forever. It’s worth understanding how Elos hair removal differs from laser hair removal. What's better? Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. After taking into account all the factors, it is easy to understand which hair removal technology is more effective - Elos hair removal or laser hair removal.

Modern cosmetology offers many ways to combat excess vegetation

Laser hair removal

How does laser hair removal differ from similar ones? salon procedures? Removal unwanted hair occurs under the influence of a laser produced by a special device. The light beam penetrates the deep layers of the skin, affecting certain structures. The influence of the laser makes it impossible for further hair growth in the treated areas. The produced light radiation is transformed into thermal energy, which allows it to destroy the follicle without affecting the skin tissue.

The action of the laser is due to the presence of melanin in the hair structures. This pigment is small quantity contained in the skin. This feature explains the limitations of the procedure. It is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • a small amount of melanin. Owners of blond, gray, and red hair will not be able to remove unwanted hair using light radiation;
  • excess melanin content in surrounding tissues. Laser hair removal is prohibited for women with dark, tanned skin to avoid burns.
  • tattoos on the body and laser hair removal are incompatible things;
  • presence of moles, age spots, any neoplasms on the skin of a dark color are a direct contraindication to the procedure.

When using a laser, it is not always possible to get rid of unwanted hair. If the follicle is located at a depth of 5-7 mm (armpits, bikini area), there is no result after the procedure. The light beam is capable of destroying the bulb located at a distance of 2-3 mm from the surface.

The main difference between the two procedures is, of course, the way they are carried out.

Benefits of using laser

If you have any doubts about laser or Elos hair removal before removing unwanted hair, you should pay attention to the advantages of the first method:

  • availability. The laser procedure is popular in beauty salons due to the low price of the equipment. Also easy to find experienced craftsman with a sufficient level of professionalism;
  • painlessness. If you follow generally accepted instructions, the procedure will not cause pain or discomfort. The woman observes a pleasant warmth;
  • safety. Compliance with precautionary rules eliminates negative effects on the body;
  • burns and skin damage are impossible, since the light beam acts superficially. The method of combating excess hairs eliminates physical penetration into the skin tissue.

Elos procedure

Electro-optical elimination method excess hair or Elos is based on the combined use of light radiation and electrical energy. The differences between Elos hair removal and other procedures lie in the technology used:

  • The skin is prepared for further operations by intense heating with a light source.
  • The surface is exposed to electricity. Injected into the skin special needles, producing the necessary impulses.

Elos procedure is positioned as one of the most versatile technologies

Advantages and disadvantages of the Elos technique

The combination of light radiation and electricity has a positive effect on the effectiveness of Elos hair removal. The following advantages of the technique are noted:

  • impact on the deep layers of the epidermis. By heating the tissues, it becomes possible to eliminate hair follicles at considerable depth;
  • blonde hair, dark skin and Elos hair removal compatible items. Technological features the methods allow it to be used for all women, regardless of appearance parameters;
  • the skin does not dry out after using laser or electric current;
  • a complex effect on tissue allows you to quickly eliminate all unwanted hairs.

The disadvantage of the procedure is its high cost and inaccessibility. The Elos method appeared relatively recently (10 years ago), so it is unlikely to be practiced in an ordinary beauty salon.

The procedure requires extensive experience from a hair removal specialist. If safety precautions are not followed, there is a risk of burns or scars. Women report pain when inserting needles into the skin, despite the use of cooling gels.

Comparison of techniques

Elos hair removal and laser procedure similar, but distinctive features are also present. To choose optimal method removal of unwanted hair, it is recommended to carefully study the characteristics of each technology.

What is the difference between Elos hair removal and laser hair removal:

  • price. In terms of price, laser and Elos hair removal have a ratio of 1:1.5;
  • approach to pricing. When exposed to a laser, the number of flashes is counted, and with the electro-optical method, the area of ​​the treated area is counted;
  • effect on the skin. If the working technology is followed, after the Elos procedure, the surface of the treated area is rejuvenated and does not dry out. Exposure to electric current provokes the production of collagen and elastin. When using a laser, such a positive result is not observed;
  • duration. One Elos session lasts a long time, but the total number of procedures is lower (5-6) than with laser (6-8 sessions);
  • result. Laser hair removal and Elos technology have varying degrees of effectiveness. The first method has a lower result, since it affects exclusively the upper layers of the epidermis.

Submitted salon techniques are modern and effective. The choice of a specific option depends on many factors. For those with fair skin and dark hair, you should not overpay when choosing electro-optical technology. But if there are indications, the Elos method is preferable.

Natalya Aleksandrovna, today they are talking about laser, electric and Elos hair removal, what is the difference between these technologies?

- Electrolysis– today is considered the gold standard of hair removal. Its essence is as follows: the electrode enters the mouth of the hair follicle and destroys it. It would seem, why come up with something else? However, you should resort to electrolysis only when other technologies do not help, because, firstly, the process itself is very painful and slow, and secondly, the master must be a specialist from God in order to accurately perform this jewelry work. Well, the process itself has a lot side effects, the most unpleasant of which is the formation of superficial scars on the skin. This is why we do not use electrolysis to remove large volumes of hair; this technology is used only to remove one or two hairs that were impossible to remove by other means.

At the core laser hair removal or neodymium is the basis for the effect of light technologies. During the procedure, selective damage occurs to the hair follicle, that is, the part that contains the melanin pigment. The light energy penetrates deeply and the follicle is damaged. Some of the light is scattered, some is damaged and less energy reaches the follicle. If the hair follicle is at a depth of 2-3 mm, this energy is enough to damage it and remove the hair. If the follicle is located deeper, then this energy is not enough to damage it, and it will continue to grow.

Elos - stands for electro-optical synergy, that is, the work is based on the joint action of light and electrical technologies. In this case, a small amount of light energy is used to warm the follicle, then electricity enters the heated area and damages it. Since the area is heated, the current can penetrate to a depth of 5-6 mm, that is, deeper than in the case of a laser. Thus, Elos is a cross between electro and light hair removal. The effectiveness of the procedure is sometimes higher than laser, but less effective than electrolysis. But there are no such complications as with electrolysis.

Can you remove any hair using Elos technology and laser? Even light ones fair skin?

Of course, the easiest way to remove them is with a laser. dark hair on light skin. Elos works better with blond, gray or red hair. Red hair is generally quite difficult to remove; it contains a very peculiar pigment that is very difficult to destroy, so a much longer course of procedures is required.

Do I need to prepare for laser and Elos hair removal? For example, growing your hair?

No, on the contrary, the longer your hair, the more difficult it is to remove. Ideal - slight roughness in the area you are going to epilate. By the way, the shorter the hair, the less light we use, which means less harm to the skin. The only thing is that the skin in the area that you epilate must be intact, that is, no cuts or wounds. And yet, we do not remove hair where there are moles - we do not process about a centimeter around this area to avoid possible side effects.

How does the hair removal process itself occur in the case of laser and Elos? How painful is it?

If we are talking about the laser method, then this is a non-contact procedure, done on dry skin. The process is practically painless; during the process the patient feels only a slight tingling sensation. The procedure is not very long-term; it takes an average of 15 minutes to treat the armpit area, the bikini area - about 20 minutes, and the legs - a little over an hour.

Before the Elos procedure, a gel is applied to the skin; hair removal in this case takes even less time, for example, it takes only 10 minutes for the armpits. But, unfortunately, the process is more painful. For example, in the case of bikini hair removal, we recommend using anesthesia.

Does hair stop growing immediately after the procedure?

No, in both cases. That is why it is best to start the course six months before going to the beach. Unlike bioepilation, hair continues to grow, it’s just that its growth slows down significantly. Therefore, when undergoing a course of procedures, we advise our patients to remove hair with a razor, especially since hair growth has slowed down after the first procedure, you will only have to shave once a week, and then even less often. In 30% of cases, after the second procedure, a light phase begins, when the hair stops growing altogether, while in the rest, sparse hair growth is observed, that is, it does not appear on the entire surface of the skin. In this case, we do not recommend patients to do bioepilation or use tweezers, as in this case the hair will never enter one growth phase. You can use a razor or hair removal cream, unless, of course, you have irritation.

At what interval should the procedures be done? And will the hair disappear after completing the entire course?

The first 3-4 procedures are quite frequent, approximately once a month. Then - once every three months, then once every six months. A full hair removal course consists of 8 procedures. After completing the full course, you will need to repeat the procedure approximately once every 8 months.

Standard. For the first 10-15 days, exposure to the sun is limited and you cannot visit the solarium. Also, on the first and subsequent days after the procedure, we do not recommend taking hot baths, hot showers or using a scrub, as this can damage the skin. In the case of Elos hair removal, we also ask you not to use a razor for the first two days. The fact is that after the procedure, swelling of the hair follicle occurs, cone-shaped formations similar to papules appear on the skin, and if you shave your legs, you can damage the head of the papules. It is better to wait a few days for the formations to disappear and the skin to become smooth.

Diode hair removal is one of the types of laser hair removal. Protect your skin from negative impact powerful beams are provided by sapphire optics, which the device is equipped with. Thanks to the diode, hair removal occurs precisely, which increases the effectiveness of the procedure, reducing the risk of side effects.

Diode hair removal procedure

Diode hair removal is suitable if you have:

  • there are ingrown hairs;
  • sensitive soft skin, on which allergies appear after shaving;
  • dark coarse hairs that grow quickly after hair removal;
  • allergy to the components of wax or sugaring, as well as cream.

Diode hair removal helps to achieve:

  • complete absence of hairs after just a few sessions;
  • absolute removal of ingrown hairs;
  • disappearance of pigment spots that remain after ingrown hairs.

The day before the procedure, you need to shave the area to be epilated with a razor. Since for the procedure the hair length should not exceed 1 mm. You should also avoid applying creams and lotions. The hair removal procedure itself proceeds as follows:

  1. The specialist treats the area of ​​skin with lidocaine for pain relief.
  2. The client lies down on the couch and puts on special protective glasses over his eyes.
  3. The specialist begins the hair removal procedure by treating the area with a laser. Don't be alarmed if the smell of burnt hair appears during hair removal; this is quite normal.
  4. If hairs are epilated on a small area of ​​the body, it will take about 15 minutes, but large areas take up to 4 hours.

Under no circumstances should diode hair removal be performed at home. To do this, you need to have an expensive device and extensive experience in working with it. Otherwise, irreversible, sad consequences may occur.

Diode hair removal - contraindications

Despite all its advantages, diode hair removal has a number of contraindications:

  • presence of a fresh tan (you cannot tan for 2 weeks before the hair removal procedure);
  • diabetes;
  • colds;
  • varicose veins in the area where hair will be removed;
  • the presence of diseases of the pelvis and mammary glands prohibits hair removal in and;
  • low-quality tumors;
  • skin diseases (fungus, herpes, lichen, etc.);
  • open damage to the skin where hair removal will take place;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • many moles at the site of the procedure;

To avoid side effects, do not try to remove hair remaining after the procedure yourself. They will fall out on their own after some time.

Which laser hair removal is better: diode or alexandrite?

To decide which hair removal is better, you need to compare the pros and cons of each.

Diode hair removal Alexandrite hair removal
  • removal of ingrown hairs;
  • suitable for rough coarse hair dark color;
  • maximum effectiveness in several sessions;
  • absolute painlessness.
  • possibility of removing dark and light hairs;
  • there is virtually no risk of getting burned;
  • complete painlessness of the procedure;
  • hair begins to fall out after the first session.
  • The laser cannot remove light hair; it is simply useless when working with them.
  • does not remove very light hairs;
  • the procedure is not cheap.

From comparative table It is clear that for the most part the criteria for both hair removal are similar, but they are still intended for different types hair. If using a diode you can only remove dark hair, then alexandrite is more universal, although it is not suitable for very light hairs. Therefore, it would be incorrect to say which laser is better; each is good, but only in its own field.

Comparison of elos hair removal and diode hair removal

Another popular one is elos. We looked at the pros and cons of the diode a little higher. And now about the advantages and disadvantages of elos hair removal.

  • allows you to remove even the lightest hairs;
  • affects the deepest layers of the hair follicle.

This is if we talk about the advantages, but among the disadvantages we can note, first of all, the high cost of the procedure. In second place, which is also important, is pain. Some girls claim that even painkillers do not give the desired effect, but, as they say, beauty requires sacrifice.

There are no good or bad lasers for hair removal - there is the right one or the wrong one. This requires consultation with an experienced specialist who will tell you which device to give preference to. This will allow you to quickly get desired result and save money on experiments.

Elos and laser hair removal are considered the most popular and in demand methods of hair removal today. World cosmetology has recognized them as the most effective in permanent long-term hair removal. But how do these methods differ from each other?

Elos hair removal

Elos' work is based on the principle of electro-optical synergism, which gives the method its name. The irreversible destruction of the hair follicle occurs with a beam of two types of energy: IPL (light) and RF (radio frequency). At the same time, elos hair removal is much more effective than photo hair removal and is not as painful as electro hair removal. It easily copes with light and vellus hairs, which are the most difficult to remove. However, compared to a laser, this method is still more sensitive, and treatment of the same area takes approximately three times longer.

At the same time, the quality of hair removal, safety and painlessness of laser hair removal are directly related to its type and design features.

Types of laser hair removal

There are several types of laser hair removal:

Ruby laser hair removal

The ruby ​​laser is a pioneer of modern hardware hair removal. However, some clinics still use it. This laser is only capable of removing thick, dark hair on pale skin due to short wave and low operating speed. Blonde hair it ignores, and a powerful stream of energy directed at the skin can cause burns.

Laser hair removal with alexandrite laser

The wavelength of this laser has been increased to 725 nm; it is capable of removing lighter and redder hair, but it does not give a 100% result. The possibility of skin burns is also reduced, however, sunbathing is prohibited during the course to avoid complications. In addition, no self-respecting master will undertake laser hair removal with an axandrite laser on light-colored hair. fine hair and will refuse patients who are too dark.

Hair removal with neodymium laser

The wavelength of the neodymium laser has increased to 1064 nm, and the pulse delivery speed has increased to 100 milliseconds. This laser is ready to handle hair of any color and type. It literally explodes the hair follicles from the inside with rapid heating, but these procedures require anesthesia, and the course itself is quite long.

Hair removal with diode laser

This laser proved that the main thing in hair removal is not the power of the heat flow, not the depth of penetration under the skin, but targeted shots directly at the hair follicles. During diode hair removal, two pulses are given at once different lengths. One of them affects thin hairs growing on the surface, the other kills deep-growing ones. coarse hair. In this case, all the energy is directed into the hair, and the design of the nozzle guarantees painlessness and safety for the skin.
The latest development of laser technology for hair removal is the LightSheer Duet diode laser.

Its features:

The highest possible efficiency of hair removal today, even in hard-to-reach places;
The result remains forever, regardless of skin color and hair structure;
Painless and careful attitude to the skin
Due to the large treatment area, the procedure is faster, and the full course consists of fewer sessions compared to other devices and technologies.

So the visible difference between Elos hair removal and hair removal with LightSheer Duet is only in the exposure time and the price of one procedure. Laser is a little more expensive, but at the same cost of a full course it deals with unnecessary hair faster.

If you have long dreamed of getting rid of unwanted body hair, feel free to sign up for an elos hair removal session. Removal of follicles occurs due to the effect of laser on the matrix. A few procedures will be enough to achieve amazing results.

The fight against unwanted hair takes a lot of time and effort from all women caring for themselves. You can effectively solve this problem in a cosmetologist’s office: specialists provide a wide range of services that allow you to get rid of follicles forever. On this moment laser elos hair removal is the most effective method, giving high performance.

What is laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal will help you get rid of unwanted hair in just a few sessions. This radical removal method involves heating the melanin (hair pigment), which in turn helps destroy the matrix (root) cells responsible for follicle growth.

In order to get rid of maximum quantity To remove hair using a laser, you must undergo a course of procedures. This is explained by the fact that approximately 15% of hair is in a dormant state. The number of sessions may vary depending on the devices used and individual characteristics growth.

Results of the procedure

Getting rid of hair with a laser actually has a number of significant advantages:

  • High level of performance
  • Method safety
  • The procedure can be carried out regardless of the time of year

But before you sign up for sessions you need to know:

  • The result largely depends on the experience and skills of the master (this is due to the fact that current must be passed through each hair, and such work can easily be called “jewelry work.”)
  • The technique will not work good result owners of natural blond and gray hair


When deciding on laser hair removal, you should definitely consult a doctor, this will allow you to protect your health. Absolute contraindications to the technique include:

  • Diabetes
  • Pregnancy, lactation
  • Naturally dark skin and a freshly acquired tan
  • Herpes
  • The presence of infectious diseases
  • Before, you need to understand the causes of their painful condition and eliminate all factors that negatively affect them.
  • By regularly using argan oil for self-care, you can achieve truly stunning results, results, correct application Can .

Elos hair removal: what is it?

Laser elos hair removal is a fundamentally new cosmetological technology for removing unwanted body hair. The methodology is based on harmonious combination the advantages of laser and photoepilation, which makes it possible to get rid of follicles of all types. The procedure has already proven itself well among girls in China, the USA and Europe.

Difference from other radical methods

The impeccable reputation of the procedure is due to its high efficiency. Hair removal using Elos technology completely eliminates the possibility of negative side effects: pigmentation, swelling, redness and burns.

If we compare the Elos technique with electrolysis, then first of all it is worth noting the complexity of the second procedure. This affects not only end result, but also makes the process of removing follicles painful.

Elos, unlike photoepilation, allows you to get rid of light, red and gray hairs. The procedure is also suitable for those with follicles that are too thin and cannot be removed in any other way.

When comparing how elos hair removal differs from laser hair removal, it is first of all worth noting the level of pain. When using a laser, it is usually necessary to use local anesthesia. In the case of Elos painful sensations none.

This is realized through modern hardware, which makes it possible to regulate the power level. With laser hair removal, there is a risk of side effects and undesirable consequences much higher.

How long does the procedure take?

Practice shows that the duration of one follicle removal session using Elos technology ranges from a quarter of an hour to two hours. This indicator varies depending on the characteristics of the skin, the area being treated, as well as its area.

How painful is the Elos hair removal procedure?

The technique is perfect even for people with a low pain threshold, since the removal process is comparable to slight tingling. Clients describe this feeling as a slight warm “pinch.”

Some cosmetologists use special attachments in their practice that minimize discomfort. This is also additional protection clients from burns.

Before starting a course of radical hair removal, consulting a doctor, of course, will not harm. It is wisest to seek help from endocrinologists and gynecologists. In addition, a dermatocosmetologist can provide qualified assistance.

For whom is elos hair removal contraindicated?

Despite its significant superiority over other methods, the elos procedure has a number of contraindications:

  • Oncology
  • Insulin dependence
  • Diabetes
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Exacerbated dermatological ailments
  • Active form of herpes

Clients should also be aware that good salons The beauty procedure is not carried out until the official permission of the doctor is received. Usually the doctor works directly in the salon, which greatly simplifies and speeds up the process.

Preparation for the Elos hair removal procedure

If you have firmly decided to get rid of hair using Elos technology, and the doctor has confirmed the appropriateness of the procedure, you can safely begin preparations.

Two weeks before the scheduled session, experts do not recommend visiting a solarium. If your skin is naturally dark, you should understand that the effect will not be as long-term as for those with light skin.

Three days before the procedure, many cosmetologists also advise shaving the hair in the treated area. This will improve the quality of energy conduction through the structure of the follicle and increase the likelihood of complete destruction of the matrix.

During breaks between sessions of one course, you should never pluck hair or perform depilation. This can worsen future results several times.

Technique of the procedure

By the day of the first procedure, your hairs should be from 1 to 2 mm, - this indicator optimal.

During the session, you will be in a special ergonomic chair, and your eyes will be wearing special dark glasses. When all preparatory work are completed, the wizard will begin the actual removal.

Before starting, the cosmetologist will apply a cooling gel to the area of ​​the body being treated. This transparent substance will help you feel comfortable.

To carry out elos hair removal, most salons use professional E-max devices equipped with a DS attachment. Using this device skin covering treated with strong but short bursts. After this, the body area is cleaned with gel and generously lubricated with cream with a softening effect (some cosmetologists use aerosols).

After the end of the session, you can begin your normal activities, as there is no need for a rehabilitation period. It is only important to remember that in between sessions of one course (there are usually 3-4 of them) you cannot remove follicles yourself.

Elos procedure for men

Many men dream of getting rid of hair on the chest, pubic area and armpit area, and therefore choose radical hair removal. Typically, for this, representatives of the stronger sex need to attend 6-8 sessions.

When we're talking about O armpits, the length of the course can vary from 8 to 10 procedures. In addition to completely getting rid of unnecessary hair, a man will also be able to reduce the level of sweating.

If desired, men can get rid of hair on their hands, fingers and forearms, which is completely impossible with other radical methods. In addition, elos allows you to permanently remove the follicles growing around the nipples.

Features of skin care after the session

After completing the hair removal procedure, experts recommend lubricating the treated area with panthenol for three days. This therapy will prevent the occurrence of any microtraumas. Also during this period you should not visit massage rooms, saunas or take hot baths.

After a week, cosmetologists do not recommend using cosmetic substances(scrubs, as well as preparations containing alcohol).

Elos hair removal is a truly unique technique that can solve the problem of unwanted hair forever. This procedure is quite safe and effective.

Elos technology: video

Hair removal is possible forever using a procedure such as elos technology. This technique removes hair follicles.