Packaging in the form of candy. How to beautifully wrap a gift with your own hands: life hacks and master classes on how to quickly and originally pack New Year's, sweet, large and small gifts for men, women and children on holidays and birthdays with the help of improvised

For children

Kristina Gunzikova

The long-awaited day has come - Day Births!We needed to treat the children who go to kindergarten with us. It was decided to make small sweet gifts for every child. We made it for 30 people. Accordingly, you can reduce or increase as desired number of gifts. For we will need sweet gifts: -Natural juice 30pcs (in our case compote). -Choco pie 30 pcs. -Sugar cockerels 30 pcs. -Small icicle candies (we bought it at the "Caprice" magnet) 700gr. -Scotch. -Scissors. - Packing tape 15 meters. -Packing tape(bought as a roll and spent half). And of course, be sure to take the culprit/perpetrator of the event as an assistant. It will be more fun and interesting. So let's get started.

We try on a rectangular-shaped sheet cut out. It needs to cover the juice from all sides and leave a little film on top for beauty.

Secure the cockerel with tape somewhere in the middle of the top of the juice

We lay out the rest of the treats

Fix with tape packaging on the sides

We bandage tightly and diligently beautiful ribbon. And this is what we got

The kids really liked it! After all, the main thing is that everyone had the same things. Well, this is not unimportant package which gave festive look. Good luck to you and have fun holiday!

Publications on the topic:

The idea for creating these cute boxes was given to me by the fact that the remaining album covers were very beautiful and colorful. It was a shame to throw it away.

Competition "Family environmental projects» topic: “Packaging” Work performed by: P. Vanya, senior group, MBDOU No. 12 "Oktyabrenok" Primosrko.

Master class on the topic: “Gift packaging - Santa Claus.” Lots of great new things can be made from grocery packaging. That's what I want.

On New Year's Eve, the pre-holiday bustle begins. Poor parents were overwhelmed choosing gifts for their beloved children. I decided too.

December has arrived, which means it's time to prepare for the New Year. It’s not enough to buy a gift, you also need to wrap it beautifully and originally. Someone does.

Congratulations to all the beautiful and talented women of the site on the upcoming March 8th! I wish you all happiness, success, all the best, good mood.

MK designing a sweet gift for colleagues. On March 8th it is pleasant not only to receive gifts, but also to give them. I'll even just have a simple chocolate bar.

15 ways to wrap a gift in an original way with your own hands!

The new review collected the most original and most reactive goes that one how to wrap a gift for New Year. Definitely for sure - good gift This is important, but with good packaging its value increases many times over.

1. Paper feathers

Gift wrapping complete with paper feathers.

Even the most inconspicuous wrapper, complemented by original feathers cut out of colored paper and decorated with gold paint or sparkles, will look stylish and original. In addition to colored paper, pages from old books, leftover wallpaper, or even regular white sheets are suitable for making feathers. To make the product as neat as possible, it is better to use a pre-prepared template.

2. Chic and shine

Package, decorated with paper with glitter and artificial branches.

Instead of banal wrapping paper, gifts for loved ones can be wrapped in simple craft paper. To prevent the packages from looking too boring, decorate them with wide ribbons of thick paper with glitter, artificial green a twig and tags with funny inscriptions.

3. Laurel wreath

Gift packages decorated with laurel wreaths.

Boxes with gifts packed in craft paper can be decorated with an artificial laurel wreath, and ordinary twine will help secure the composition.

4. Spruce branches

Snowflake made from fir branches.

People with delicate taste will certainly like the idea of ​​packaging treasured gift boxes in stylish black paper. And you can decorate such a wrapper with the help of snowflakes made of fir branches and large dots drawn with corrector or paints.

5. “Winter” drawings

Drawings on wrapping paper.

Simple thematic pictures drawn with a white marker or corrector are another great way decor of gifts wrapped in black wrapping paper.

6. Jars

Gifts in glass jars.

In addition to the usual packaging boxes small gifts You can use glass jars. You can put a little cotton wool, hay or polystyrene at the bottom of the jars, and decorate their necks with ribbons, bright tags or New Year's candies.

7. Marble and gold

Wrapping paper decorated with gold foil.

Wrapping paper of your own design will make gift boxes truly exclusive and stylish. To do this, print the desired template on plain paper, wrap the gifts in it and modify the packaging yourself. Marbled packaging, decorated with thin golden touches of foil, will look very trendy this season.

8. Large flowers

Boxes decorated with large flowers.

Instead of the usual ribbons, you can decorate gift boxes with large flowers made from corrugated paper.

9. Fabric packaging

Fabric packaging and decor.

Fabric packaging looks very original, stylish and cozy. In addition, such packaging can be made in literally five minutes, without spending a penny, because the material for its creation can be found in your closet. Best suited for creating fabric packaging useless thing knitted, old wool sweater, bandana or neckerchief.

10. Original packages

Gift bags made from book pages.

Pages from an unwanted or damaged book can be used to create creative gift bags. Such packages can be decorated with small pieces of lace, sparkles or simple designs.

Video bonus:

11. Sweets

Gifts in the form of candy.

New Year's gifts can be wrapped in an unusual way, turning them into bright candies. To do this, the gift itself needs to be shaped into a cylinder. A regular cardboard sleeve or a special box will help you do this. After which, the selected base must be wrapped in packaging or corrugated paper similar to how candy is wrapped. Ready product can be decorated with ribbons, sequins and organza.

12. Three-dimensional figures

Packages decorated with three-dimensional figures.

Decorate simple packaging possible using various three-dimensional figures, for the manufacture of which small twigs, fabric, colored paper, ribbons and beads.

13. House

A box in the shape of a house.

Gift box in the shape of a house, which you can make yourself from a piece thick cardboard.

14. Cardboard box

Gift box made from a sleeve.

Stylish gift box can be made from a regular cardboard sleeve. A small piece of any will help to give this packaging a festive look. decorative paper, wide ribbon, a piece of burlap or lace. Simply wrap the box with your chosen item and complete the arrangement with a thin ribbon, bow or bright ropes.

In this article we will talk about how you can present such an ordinary gift as candy in an unusual way.

It is well known that sweets are universal gift. Almost all children and adults love them; they are suitable as a gift for any holiday. And given that better than sweets there can only be beautifully presented sweets, we will talk about ways to package them.

How to make packaging for candies, sweet gifts with your own hands: diagram, photo

What could be more symbolic than pack candy in the form of candy? So, needed:

  • A4 cardboard sheet. Color does not matter - everything is at the request of the master
  • A sheet of paper that can be used as decoration - again, the color is not important
  • Braid for decoration
  • Pencil, eraser, ruler
  • Scissors, stationery knife
  • Glue – the usual “Moment” may work

IMPORTANT: If you still want to decorate the packaging not with paper, but with colored film, it is recommended to choose glue in the form of a pencil or double-sided tape. This will prevent any noticeable glue stains from appearing on the packaging.

Here's what you need to make candy packaging

You can get started:

  • On wrong side cardboard you need to draw the following diagram. In it, solid lines are cut lines, dotted lines are fold lines.

  • Now follows cut out the required parts, using a stationery knife and a ruler for convenience. It is preferable to place some hard surface under the workpiece, such as thick cardboard.

  • Now from cut diamonds on front side cardboard needed step back a centimeter by drawing a line. You also need to retreat the specified distance from the second row of diamonds.

  • Next you need make folds according to previously drawn dotted lines. It's worth starting with more small parts , then it’s better to process longitudinal lines, and only then - transverse.

IMPORTANT: Preferred to receive straight lines fold using a ruler.

  • Model assembled and glued.

  • Now you need try on wrapping paper And cut the right pieces.

  • Wrapping paper sticks to the cardboard base.

  • Further measured and cut two pieces of decorative braids. Each of them should be approximately 30 cm each.

  • All that's left is tie a braid on the ends of the candy package - and the job is completed! Inside such a wonderful package you can put both crumbly candies and some small sweet figurine.

How to pack candies and sweets in corrugated paper: diagram, photo

For creating cone-bag, in which you can put sweets, will come in handy:

  • Corrugated paper
  • A sheet of regular landscape paper or cardboard
  • Scissors, glue
  • Ribbon
  • Ruler, pencil, compass

IMPORTANT: If the latter is unavailable, you can use something round and hard - for example, a saucer.

Operating procedure:

  • On landscape paper or cardboard a circle is drawn
  • The circle is divided for 4 sections
  • Now you need leave 2 sections, cutting off the excess. But we must not forget leave a small piece for gluing.
  • Further the workpiece is glued together- it turns out to be a cone.
  • Now along the edges of the formed cone you need glue corrugated paper.
  • Remains decorate the cone, fill it with candies and tie the package top with some fancy ribbon.

Can we make packaging? only from corrugated paper. For this just need to:

  • Cut from plain papersample in the form of petals any flower
  • Corrugated paper needed fold in half
  • To her a stencil is attached. It is preferable to secure it with paper clips
  • Stenciled the workpiece is cut out
  • Next, the workpiece needs expand– this mechanism resembles the process of cutting snowflakes
  • In the middle of the workpiece candy is placed. You can try to fit in a few sweets too
  • All that remains is tie the packaging on top some kind of tape

IMPORTANT: If you bandage corrugated packaging directly above the candy, and straighten the remaining paper, the petals will turn out more magnificent.

How to pack candies and sweets in organza: diagram, photo

Sweets in an organza bag are a rather cute, elegant and at the same time simple gift. To create such a find needed:

  • Actually, organza
  • Satin ribbons
  • Sewing threads, pins
  • Scissors
  • Sewing machine
  • Crochet hook - if you want to make threading ribbons easier

You can start:

  • Need a piece of organza cut lengthwise. You should get two stripes.

  • On both sections you need smooth the edges.

IMPORTANT: You should retreat at least 4 cm.

  • With help sewing machine need to be laid the first line on half of the presser foot. This must be done on both cuts. There is no need to trim the threads.

  • Stepping back 1 cm, need to be laid one more line.

  • Now every strip is cut into equal parts. How many parts - so many bags in the end.

  • Each of the pieces is needed fold in half. And so that the front part looked inward. For convenience, you can fasten the fabric with pins.

  • Starting from the top edge, the future bag needs stitch. At the beginning of each line the thread is secured.

  • Pouches are turned out and ironed.

  • Next you need cut ribbons.
  • Now it remains make 4 holes for placing ribbons. You can get a seam ripper from the sewing machine kit. Can you use scissors? small size with sharp ends.

IMPORTANT: Holes are made exclusively in the upper layers of the material!

  • Further ribbons are inserted and tied into a knot. The bag is ready!

How to beautifully and originally pack a box of chocolates as a gift?

Candy as a gift for a teacher is a traditional gift. But you can present sweets in an original way! For what you will need:

  • Box of chocolates that opens like a book
  • Several sweets in individual packages - optional
  • Corrugated paper. It is preferable to choose several shades
  • A small piece of foam
  • Satin or nylon ribbon
  • Small wooden skewers or toothpicks
  • Scissors
  • Glue, double-sided tape
  • A brand new presentable ruler, pen, pencil - they are needed for decoration

You can start:

  • First of all, stand carefully remove the candy from the box.

  • Then the box covered with the most elegant corrugated paper.

IMPORTANT: The corners and sides must be glued especially carefully and accurately.

  • Can return candy in place.

  • The box is already quite elegant, but this is just the beginning! Using glue you need attach two small ribbons.

  • The printer must be print the “School Magazine” sign. Of course, you can add more. Tablet pasted on the box.

  • To the lower left corner a piece of foam is glued on. The size is small - approximately 5x5 cm.

  • On school supplies small pieces are glued double sided tape as shown in the photo.

  • Then all these things glued to the box.

  • Now you need to stick it into the foam artificial flowers or flowers created around individually wrapped chocolates. How to create such candy flowers will be discussed below in the section on candy bouquets.

IMPORTANT: It is preferable to additionally fix it with glue.

  • Draw on colored paper autumn leaves. You can, of course, simply print them out in finished form in advance.
  • Leaves are cut out.

  • Leaves then stick on the box.

  • As decor you can add some more ribbons. A rowan twig will come in handy.

This one turns out wonderful delicious gift in the form of a box of chocolates for Teacher's Day

How to beautifully and originally pack loose candies as a gift?

How about a whole baskets of delicious bunnies? They can be created according to the scheme proposed below. Each bunny has candy inside.

But the packaging is from the most ordinary cardboard rolls that remain after use toilet paper. You can even use them to create unusual candy packaging! Diagram below:

IMPORTANT: It is preferable to additionally wrap them in cling film before placing the candies in the package. Of course, if the bulk sweets do not have individual packaging.

You can try to create an original, but at the same time very simple to implement shoe packaging. For work like this you will need:

  • A plastic cup or plastic packaging from some product
  • Some material such as fabric or crepe paper
  • Waste piece of paper
  • Ribbons, ribbons

Operating procedure:

  • A piece of material is cut out– paper or fabric

This is the piece of material you need to cut out to make candy packaging
  • The paper needs to be crumpled so that it turns into a dense ball
  • Then for material as shown in the photo, are placed paper ball and a glass

  • Further the cup and paper need to be wrapped as shown below

  • Now the workpiece bandaged, decorated– and you get a cute shoe that can be filled with candies.

How to beautifully and originally package homemade handmade sweets as a gift?

Candies self made look best in boxes-boxes processed using decoupage technique. Such boxes are created as follows:

  • Wood blank under the box carefully sanded And coated with primer.

IMPORTANT: This must be done on all sides of the workpiece.

  • Then you can apply background paint.
  • After that, I liked decoupage napkin separated from the base, applied to the surface and treated with glue on top.

  • It's time to get busy relief. Experienced crafters recommend applying it with putty using a stencil.
  • After the relief has dried, it costs a little moisten with a damp cloth, and then sand. This step will prevent further chipping.
  • Apply to the relief using a sponge a little paint.
  • Now you can apply antique covering.

IMPORTANT: This coating should be lightly wiped with a cloth for a better effect.

  • Next, the edges should be processed bitumen– it will give a darkening effect.
  • Now you need to apply shellac varnish.
  • Once again you can walk a little through the future box sandpaper.
  • Remains decorate to taste the outer part of the box, and the inside sip coffee with cinnamon. This last step will make the box smell amazing when you open it - just what you need to store your handmade chocolates!

How to pack a bouquet of sweets as a gift?

In order to create candy bouquet, should be done in advance purchase:

  • Sweets
  • Corrugated paper, organza, foil, ribbons, cords - all this will help to decorate flowers. You can stock up on a few things from this list, or all of them to diversify your crafts.
  • Fabric, wrapping paper, mesh - everything you might need to wrap a bouquet
  • Toothpicks, barbecue sticks - they are needed if you plan to create stems
  • Polystyrene foam, foam rubber or polyurethane foam
  • Glue gun
  • Pliers
  • Wire
  • Decorative elements to taste
  • Scotch

You can make a bouquet according to the diagrams below:

How to pack tea and sweets as a gift?

Based on the previous diagrams, you can create flowers based on candies. Flowers are artistically decorated, and a tea package is placed in the same composition with them. Examples:

By the way, not just standard store-bought tea boxes look good in such compositions, but carefully made ones sachets. You can also put sweets in such a simple, but at the same time interesting bag. The scheme is as follows:

IMPORTANT: By the way, it is very good to attach a piece of paper to such bags describing the composition of tea or sweets made with your own hands.

How to beautifully pack candy for a kindergarten or school birthday: ideas, photos

Let's consider options for packaging sweets that can be given to children in kindergarten or school, as well as options suitable for Birthdays:

Candies made of corrugated paper with sweets inside - children will be delighted!

A birthday table, including a children's one, can be decorated with such scattered sweets in a beautiful glassware

Bright candy jars topped with lollipops will delight children.

Cake bouquet of sweets - interesting combination ideas

How to beautifully pack candy as a gift for the New Year: ideas, photos

Most long-awaited holiday in the year - how to decorate sweet gift about this?

Chocolates can be packaged like this in the form of Santa Clauses and snowmen

A whole jar of sweets is the dream of not only a child, but also an adult.

It’s so simple, but at the same time interesting, you can wrap a box of chocolates by placing it in wrapping paper and tying it with twine, and sticking a wish on top

It’s easy to pack chocolate for the New Year by wrapping it in colored paper and sticking snowflakes on it.

Snowman made from candies - elegant and delicious!

How to beautifully pack candy as a gift on March 8, February 14: ideas, photos

Women's Day and Valentine's Day - maybe it makes sense to prepare something themed?

On February 14, you can wrap each candy individually in red corrugated paper or organza - it will be thematic

Each candy, packaged separately for February 14th plus the corresponding box - labor-intensive, but impressive!

Number 8 made from sweets is the simplest and most delicious gift solution for the International women's Day

And this is how you can decorate a box of chocolates or a chocolate bar for March 8th

Mini bouquets of sweets for March 8

How to beautifully pack candy as a gift for a teacher, doctor: ideas, photos

We looked at one option for wrapping a gift for a teacher a little earlier. Let's see what else interesting things we can come up with! And also for a doctor, because people in this profession are also often given sweets as a sign of gratitude. A pencil made from candies as a gift for the teacher By analogy with the previous example, a music teacher can pack a box of chocolates in sheet music. You can present to the doctor such a set of bird's milk candies, each of which should be labeled with a wish. An alarm clock made from candies is the most pleasant type of alarm clock.

Beautifully and originally packaged sweets look completely different. This is definitely a gift that will please both the eyes and the stomach.

Video: A short master class on how to beautifully package candy

On new year holidays we buy sweets for children, specially packaged in bright boxes different forms and colors. What kind of candy do they contain? How long ago were they produced? In addition, I know from my own experience that not all children eat all the candy they buy as a New Year’s gift. Some people don’t eat a certain variety, some don’t eat caramels or jellies, and some can’t eat chocolate treats. I always thought that the best option is to independently purchase sweets that the child can eat or the child will eat, and package them beautifully yourself. If your child cannot eat store-bought sweets, then you can New Year's gift put gingerbread or homemade sweets or even fruit. We've sorted out the content, now it's worth paying attention to the design. How to pack sweets beautifully? There are quite a lot of options.

How to pack candy for New Year and other holidays?

1. The most popular design option candy gift For the New Year, perhaps, there is a Christmas tree made of candies. Such a gift is not at all difficult to make; children are always happy to receive such a sweet Christmas tree, and it is very convenient to gradually remove the candies from it. The sweets are eaten, but the Christmas tree remains. detailed instructions its manufacture.

2. Looks very nice in form big candy or firecrackers. There shouldn't be any problems with its production either.

You will need the following materials:

- cardboard (depending on required size packaging);
- wrapping or colored paper;
- ribbons, beads, buttons, twigs, etc. For decoration;
- glue or double-sided tape;
- scissors.

We offer you several ideas, and you choose, implement, fantasize.

3. Packing box with your own hands, cut out according to a template, will also be an excellent option for decorating sweets for a gift. For the New Year, a Christmas tree-shaped box is best suited.

It can be cut out of colored cardboard and decorated with pebbles, beads, and so on. Or use white cardboard, and then cover it with bright wrapping paper. This Christmas tree box is also suitable for packaging another small New Year's gift.

4. Here is another option, how to pack sweets beautifully for the New Year holidays.

How to make such a box is shown step by step in the photo. Download the template and use your imagination.

You can download templates for different packaging boxes on our website, print the selected option on cardboard, cut it out and decorate it according to your taste and preferences.

All these boxes are suitable for small sweets, caramels, handmade sweets, candied nuts and other small gifts.

5. A gift cake will be an original packaging for sweets for any holiday. You will find detailed instructions for its manufacture and instructions.

6. If the candies were purchased in a box, then the design option in two layers of wrapping paper in contrasting colors will look original. On the top layer, carefully using stationery knife cut out half New Year's figures, turn it away, we get a very original effect. More options You will find gift packaging in boxes.

Imagine, use the materials you have at hand, make some packaging boxes with your own hands, decorate them. We hope you find a suitable idea for yourself and you will no longer have the problem, how to pack sweets beautifully for the New Year or any other holiday.

Happy holidays to you and nice gifts! Let your dreams come true!

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How to pack a gift? Of course, the easiest way is to use gift bag, bought in a supermarket. But if you use a little imagination and make original packaging with your own hands, you will create a much greater effect!

The portal presents ideas especially for you gift packaging for every taste!

Magic slots

The design is quite easy to implement - magic slots on the packaging. It could be a themed street, a star, Christmas decorations, silhouette of Santa Claus, candy and more. This approach looks original in combination with a contrasting color box from.

Thematic paper for gifts

Lovers can pack in geographical map, for musicians - in sheet music, or you can use wallpaper with images of twinkling stars and Christmas trees.

Instead of signatures, use plain wrapping paper and glue on photos of family members. Thanks to them, even a child who cannot read will be able to distribute gifts to recipients!

Newspaper and wrapping paper decor

You can create a bright gift design not only colorful paper, but also using ordinary newspaper or craft paper.

To do this, you can draw lines with glue, draw symbols of the New Year - a Christmas tree, a ball, an inscription, a snowflake - and sprinkle them with colored confetti.

You can apply a design to the wrapping paper. For example, a lush New Year tree.

You can glue wheels from toy car. This will sound especially original if the gift itself is related to the automotive theme.

From plain paper you can make “vacuum” packaging for easy gift. To do this, draw an outline, make outlines, put the gift inside the envelope and stitch it with colored threads on all sides. Original figures are obtained.

You can decorate gift packaging with snowflakes from scrap materials: cocktail straws, .

To packaging made from wrapping or newsprint You can attach bright handmade cards.

Simple packaging can be decorated with bright threads and funny pom-poms.

We decorate the newspaper packaging with bright stripes of colored paper. It can be golden or silver, with imprints of New Year and Christmas symbols. Look at the strip folding diagram.

Decorate wrapping packaging a garland of colored balls, a Christmas tree, snowflakes made of colored paper. Simple and stylish!

Making it out of a gift reindeer. We attach the eyes and mouth, funny horns on the sides. The original New Year's gift packaging is ready!

On paper bags glue the appropriate applique - a clock with the last minutes of the New Year, New Year's or Christmas.

We decorate a New Year's gift with real pine cones and spruce branches. Very New Year's!

We wrap gifts in plain paper various shapes. Now we decorate with fir branches made of green colored paper and a pine cone.

Pieces of fabric, lace, or braid can be glued to wrapping paper or newsprint packaging.

Packaging with imprints and stamps

New Year themed stamps are perfect for decoration holiday packaging.

If you do not have such stamps, then you can use other available materials. For example, a spruce branch.

Packaging - candy

The packaging of a suitable gift in the shape of a candy or a cracker looks original. You can put a rolled product inside a cardboard tube. soft gift or several small gifts. The top of the thick tube is wrapped in colored paper, tied and decorated to your liking.

You can make candy entirely from thick cardboard according to the diagram.

New Year's attributes

You can tie small Christmas tree decorations to the bow on the gift wrapping.

Can be done for children sweet decor from lollipops and sweets.

You can “sew” bright ones from colored paper winter mittens and attach them to a gift.

You can give a gift with wishes. It could be a chamomile with excerpts from poems, anecdotes and aphorisms. Such packaging will make an impression greater than the gift itself!

You can decorate a gift with threads with “filling” - beads, balls, snowflakes.

Chocolate girls

An original gift - a chocolate bowl. This is a box the size of a chocolate bar, where you put sweet present and warm sincere wish. It is possible to put cash gift- right under the bookmark with a wish.

The chocolate maker can be decorated to match any symbol of the New Year. For example, wrapping a chocolate bar in white paper, draw a snowman figure, put on a small hat. Original and tasteful. Thus, you can decorate any gift that is not bulky.

DIY boxes

We offer several patterns for cutting out gift boxes.

Do original box made of thick paper or wallpaper with “spruce” decor according to the following scheme:

We wish you creativity and original ideas for wrapping New Year's gifts!

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