Massage of the sternum of a woman during feeding. Proper breast massage during feeding (video)


The period of feeding for each woman proceeds differently. Some experience discomfort from excess milk, while others, on the contrary, it is produced in insufficient quantities. Often, nursing mothers are faced with diseases associated with stagnation of milk. Breast massage while breastfeeding can solve these problems. It is recommended for women already on the first day after childbirth, as it has no side effects at all.

The beneficial effect of breast massage for nursing

Properly performed massage brings undeniable benefits to both mother and child.

What are the benefits of this procedure for a nursing woman?

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

  1. Massage movements in the chest area help to relax the muscles and activate the mammary glands. Thanks to this, milk in the breast does not stagnate, and the feeding process is easier and faster.
  2. Massage helps increase blood circulation, which leads to the production of more milk.
  3. The massage strengthens the pectoral muscles. Regularly carrying out a useful procedure, a woman will prevent sagging, loss of shape of her breasts, the appearance of stretch marks, and will also quickly restore her figure after childbirth.
  4. Regularly feeling her breasts during a massage, a woman will be able to notice seals (lactostasis) in time, which indicate milk stagnation.
  5. Breast massage during feeding, carried out at the initial stage of the appearance of lactostasis, can prevent the occurrence of a severe complication -.

How to do breast massage

Massage each breast for about 5 minutes. You should not be afraid to compress the mammary glands too much: this helps to increase lactation. Before the procedure, it is important to thoroughly wash your hands and chest, as well as completely express milk.

When massaging, you can use castor or olive oil, but care must be taken that it does not end up on the nipples. The procedure should not cause discomfort to the woman. Unpleasant sensations indicate an incorrect massage technique. It is most convenient to massage the chest while sitting in front of a mirror. A nursing mother should be in a relaxed state and have a positive attitude.

After lubricating clean hands with a small amount of oil, perform the following massage actions:

  • pressing firmly on the chest from above, make circular movements in one area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chest for a few seconds, then move your fingers to the next place. Massage in a spiral, heading towards the nipple;
  • lightly stroke the décolleté and chest from top to bottom;
  • Leaning forward, gently shake your chest with your hands. The stagnant milk will then sink down under the influence of gravity;
  • pinching the nipple with two fingers, move it in different directions, twist, gently pull. Such actions are very effective for increasing lactation. If you have cracked nipples, you first need to heal them. With increased sensitivity of the nipples, such a massage is not recommended;
  • Finish the massage under a warm shower. Direct a gentle jet of water at each breast in turn.

Thanks to regular breast massage, a woman is able to prevent many problems and turn the process of feeding a child into a real pleasure. A nursing mother should remember that the best massage of the mammary glands is to apply the baby to the breast only on demand.

All young mothers during the feeding period face unexpected problems, one of which is lactostasis or milk stasis. You can correct the situation by breast massage after childbirth. It is advisable to do the procedure from the first day until the end of lactation, without waiting for difficulties to arise.

The main criterion for caring for a newborn child is the provision of nutrition and proper care, and the best food is mother's milk. It contains all the necessary trace elements and vitamins.

The production of milk nutrient fluid after the birth of a baby is a natural process, but it goes differently. Some people experience pain due to an excess of nutrient fluid, while others have almost none. Massaging will help correct the situation.

Inexperienced girls who have had their first child make many mistakes during application. The result is hardening and stagnation in the glands. The causes may be:

  • Wrong applies the child when only the nipple is captured without the areola.
  • An uncomfortable bra that rubs the nipples and irritates the skin.
  • Stress and overwork, as a great responsibility is placed on the shoulders of a woman.
  • Irregular application of the baby.
  • The baby has a poorly developed sucking reflex, as a result, all the milk is not drunk, which leads to stagnation.
  • The mother has a poorly expressed nipple.

You can solve the problem by the correct position of the body during attachment, or if you start massaging the chest.

Benefits for breastfeeding mothers

Women who have everything in order with the production of milk, probably wonder why they need this procedure, because the child is not hungry. This is an erroneous opinion, since with the start of feeding, the risk of congestion increases.

Positive aspects of massaging:

  • The muscle mass relaxes, the ducts expand, the mammary glands begin to work. Milk does not stagnate and feeding is easier.
  • Increases blood flow, which provokes the production of more food.
  • The pectoral muscles are strengthened, at the end of lactation the shape of the breast will be preserved, there will be no stretch marks.
  • During the massage, a woman may notice any seals in time, indicating stagnation.
  • This is the prevention of mastitis, the cause of which may be lactostasis of the first stage.

Thus, it is necessary for all mothers who have given birth to massage the breasts, regardless of how the birth went in a natural way or with surgery.


How to properly knead the mammary glands in order to avoid the appearance of lactostasis and increase volume? We tell you how to do breast massage so as not to harm yourself.

Wash your hands well before massaging your breasts. The next step is complete decanting. Five minutes are allotted for each side. Do not be afraid to press the mammary glands with force. This will increase milk production. The procedure is allowed to be performed with olive oil. It must be applied carefully so that it does not get on the nipple. Mom should not feel uncomfortable. If it is uncomfortable, then the exercises are performed incorrectly.

Now consider how to develop the mammary glands. A woman should be relaxed and in a good mood, for convenience, you can sit in front of a mirror. After applying the oil on your hands, do the following exercises:

  • Stroke the chest and décolleté. The movements are light and are made from top to bottom.
  • Strongly press the chest with your hand from above, while making movements in a circle in one area for several seconds. Move your hand to another part. Movements are performed in a spiral, in the direction of the nipple.
  • Lean forward and gently shake your chest with your hands. The stagnant milk will sink under the force of gravity.
  • Pinch the nipple with two fingers and gently move it in different directions, twist and pull. This exercise well increases lactation. But there are also contraindications. If the nipples are damaged, they must be treated first. Do not advise this method and with increased sensitivity of the nipples.
  • At the end you need to take a warm shower. At the same time, alternately direct a gentle stream of water to each side of the chest.

The best massage is the application of crumbs on demand.

This will help prevent a large number of complications during feeding and make this process a pleasure for the mother. You can learn how to massage correctly by watching the video at the end of the article.

With lactostasis

Stagnation of milk in medicine is called lactostasis. This condition can bring many problems to nursing mothers. Indeed, in the mammary glands, blockages of the ducts are obtained, which impede patency. Without timely treatment, it becomes the cause of a more serious pathology - mastitis. Thus, during massaging, mothers must definitely feel the mammary glands to identify seals.

Symptoms of lactostasis are:

  • pain;
  • seals and bumps of different parameters;
  • redness of the skin;
  • possible fever, which will be the first symptom.

At the first stage, massaging will help to express and eliminate tubercles. In the presence of small cones, massage is necessary every feeding. Before the procedure, express completely. In places where there are indurations, light movements are performed, it is not necessary to put much pressure on the glands. During the procedure, there should be no discomfort.

Manual pumping is prohibited if the mother has a fever, her chest is reddened, or there are painful sensations. You should immediately consult a doctor.

The next method of eliminating stagnation is to apply the baby every hour. During this process, the baby presses the chest with his chin and thereby stimulates the production of milk. Warm compresses can also help with congestion, they are applied before feeding. At the end, they are replaced by cool ones. You can also attach a cabbage leaf, which will relieve pain, remove small seals, and normalize lactation.

If, after all the actions taken, the amount of milk has not increased or seals remain, you need to contact a medical institution, where a specialist will tell you how to develop the ducts, if necessary, advise how to properly knead the chest, point out mistakes.

Massage makes it possible to eliminate the complications associated with feeding. Human milk provides all the necessary nutrients for a newborn baby. An adjusted feeding process is a guarantee of successful lactation, the normal development of the baby and the well-being of the mother.


Breastfeeding is a natural and necessary process. Young mothers often have problems with the timely arrival of breast milk. The reasons are the natural reactions of the female body, nervous tension, the accompanying symptoms. It is not necessary to immediately look for drugs to improve the flow of milk, first you should apply methods that do not require large costs and time. Such methods include breast massage for lactation.

Breastfeeding is provided by nature, but it often happens that under the influence of external factors, the female body encounters obstacles, to overcome which measures must be taken. Many mothers, after several unsuccessful attempts to establish feeding, let go of their hands, this cannot be done. Mother's milk cannot be replaced, so everything should be done to meet this need of the baby.

Increasing the tone of the tissues of the gland

The mammary glands are paired organs designed to secrete a special secret during feeding. They consist of lobes in the form of a cone, surrounded by a layer of fat and connected by tissue. Breastfeeding is independent of breast size. In order to activate the flow of milk, massage is used. It is aimed at improving blood flow, increasing muscle elasticity.

This method begins to be used in the last trimester to start the process of preparing for feeding after childbirth.

To increase lactation

Techniques may differ from each other. Massage for the appearance of milk just before feeding is carried out according to a different technique. It aims to improve the flow of the already existing secret.


This is a phenomenon in which stagnation of milk occurs in the ducts of the mammary gland. Lactostasis is accompanied by pain, the woman's breasts become inflamed, there may be an increase in body temperature.

To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, feeding a child, which helps to express milk naturally, is not enough. Lactostasis is dangerous because it can turn into mastitis. This disease threatens with suppuration, the formation of seals of this nature, when it is necessary to refuse feeding for medical reasons. Massage with lactostasis is aimed at kneading and eliminating seals that form in the chest due to stagnation.

Straining, restoring and removing excess milk

When breastfeeding, complications often arise from the fact that the baby does not empty the entire breast completely, goes to the second. After feeding, milk accumulates, which leads to the formation of stagnation.

Before feeding, massage is carried out for straining. This is necessary if the milk jet is too strong or, conversely, tight.

The massage involves straining to the point where the flow of milk is comfortable for the baby. If the liquid comes slowly, the baby becomes relaxed, he sucks for a long time and eats better.

Benefits of procedures

Massage can be beneficial for a nursing mother for several reasons:

  • eliminates the feeling of discomfort with overcrowding;
  • promotes resorption of seals;
  • helps to establish the process of feeding;
  • improves blood flow, which increases the tone of breast tissue.

General rules for massage with HB

There are several general requirements that help to perform the massage correctly and not cause harm.

  • before the procedure, the chest and hands are washed;
  • allow the use of vegetable and castor oils;
  • after the procedure, the remnants of the oil or cream must be washed off;
  • massage does not last more than 5 minutes;
  • during the process, sudden movements are avoided, all actions should be smooth and calm.

Execution technique

Massage techniques are different for each type of problem. They have differences in the type of movements, as they are designed to act on different foci.

Breast contraction after childbirth

This method aims to ensure the flow of milk. During this period, colostrum is released from the breast, a few weeks after birth it will turn into mature milk. The postpartum period is characterized by the fact that prolactin is actively produced in the body of a woman. The breast is poured, the woman feels a surge of secretion, but when pressed, it stands out weakly or does not stand out at all. Massage acts on all lobes of the mammary gland, it stimulates production and prevents congestion.

Such a massage is carried out 10-15 minutes before feeding, before that they take a warm shower, apply a warm cloth to the chest or drink warm tea. Then, with light movements, from the outer edge to the inner, they begin to massage the gland, moving towards the center. This massage is recommended for all women during breastfeeding. It doesn't take much time and effort.


The method is used in order to prevent congestion in the chest. It acts on the ducts, increasing the flow of milk. It is used not only for lactating women, but also in the last stages of pregnancy. It needs to be done right. Cover the upper part of the chest with the palm, massage, moving towards the center.

To increase lactation

Lack of milk adversely affects the health of mother and baby. This condition may be due to the fact that the ducts of the glands do not pass the secretory fluid well. In this case, breast massage is recommended before and after feeding.

Before feeding, the breast is kneaded with light circular movements for 2 minutes. After feeding, knead the glands in a spiral.

If one gland participated in feeding, then massage is still done to both. The rest of the milk is not completely expressed - it stops when the breast becomes empty, without seals, but when pressed, streams of liquid are released. Experts advise combining breast massage and taking warm liquids to increase lactation.

With lactostasis

Massage is carried out in 3 stages: before feeding, during feeding and after it. This helps to get rid of congestion and ensure the normalization of the flow of secretory fluid.

Before feeding, the seals are kneaded with effort, during feeding, the lower part of the breast is gently massaged so as not to interfere with the baby. After feeding, the remnants are decanted, but not completely, but in such a way as to eliminate dense lumps.

Before you begin to knead the stagnation, you can apply a warm compress to the glands. Massage the mammary glands should be carefully, the process should not be accompanied by pain. Before and after feeding massage is recommended to be done with oil. First, the chest is massaged from the part that starts from the armpit. It is in these lobes that seals are most often formed.

The final stage of massaging with lactostasis is to pat the chest and tilt the torso forward, so that the milk can flow down unhindered.

Contraindication to the procedure

The massage procedure has a number of prohibitions. You should not massage your chest if you have symptoms of a cold. For allergic reactions to oils, for skin lesions, the underlying disease or symptom should be treated first.

General preventive massage is useful for nursing mothers, because it relieves muscle tension and makes them relax, but it is contraindicated for them to lie down on their stomach due to the fact that milk can leak.

  • anti-cellulite (this procedure is designed to break down fat deposits. The painfulness of the procedure, its strength techniques can significantly affect the reduction in milk flow);
  • lymphatic drainage (this method is used to enhance the activity of the lymph. Due to the procedure, toxins are removed from the body; this scheme is not recommended for nursing mothers, since milk can significantly change its composition);
  • vacuum (a type of hardware massage, contraindicated in lactating women. Procedures begin after 6 months from the moment of birth, from 8-9 when performing a caesarean section).

Many new mothers want to put themselves in order after childbirth as quickly as possible, but this should not be rushed. The first priority is to ensure that the newborn is properly and adequately fed. In establishing lactation, breast massage is the first requirement. It will help rid the ducts of stagnation, contribute to an increase in milk.

Knowing the physiology of lactation and feeding positions is sometimes not enough for successful breastfeeding. On the way, even an experienced nursing mother encounters difficulties: stagnation of milk, engorgement of the mammary glands. In most cases, a woman can cope with these problems on her own. Breast massage with lactostasis will help eliminate the problem in its initial stage.

This article describes the rules of self-massage of the mammary glands: in what cases it is required, the types of manipulations that contribute to the resorption of stagnation of the milk ducts.

The task of breast massage is to facilitate the release of milk from a full breast. This is achieved by releasing oxytocin and relaxing the milk ducts.

When used correctly, the procedure helps to achieve the following effects:

  • improve the outflow of milk;
  • "break" stagnation with lactostasis;
  • move the milk closer to the nipple and areola;
  • cope with engorgement in the first days of the arrival of milk;
  • facilitate pumping;
  • keep the shape of the breast.

Massage rules

In order for the procedure to have a maximum positive effect and a minimum of negative consequences, it is important to remember some massage rules during lactation.

  1. The duration of the breast massage is about 5 minutes. The procedure should be carried out before feeding or pumping.
  2. During the manipulation, the woman does not experience pain or discomfort. Pain stops the production of oxytocin and the outflow of milk is difficult.
  3. You can not break the stagnation by force with lactostasis and engorgement. This can lead to mastitis.
  4. Lymphatic drainage massage is prohibited with GV. This procedure enhances the release of toxins that enter the mother's lymphatic system, and then through the blood to the child.
  5. In the presence of inflammation, acne or pimples in the décolleté area, massage should not be done. Stimulation of blood circulation can cause bacteria to enter the bloodstream.
  6. Breast massage is prohibited with mastitis.
  7. If milk stagnation is not eliminated by massage for 2-3 days, and the mother has an elevated body temperature, then you should consult a doctor. Lactostasis can develop into mastitis.

Experts do not recommend trusting massage during breastfeeding to anyone. Only the woman herself during the procedure controls the force of pressing and kneading. It is difficult for another person, even if he is a professional, to feel this.

The structure of the mammary gland. Effect of oxytocin on milk flow.


Massage is carried out in a relaxed state. Sit in a comfortable chair or in the shower. Hands must be warm. You can use cosmetic oil to glide your hands over the skin. Grape seed oil or almond oil will do. At the same time, make sure that the oil does not get on the area of ​​the areola and nipple.

Breast massage can be started when the body and mind are relaxed. Then the milk will come out of the breast gently and easily. You can ask your husband to massage your neck and shoulders. It relaxes and relieves tension. Well relaxing warm shower before the procedure.

Breast massage technique for lactostasis and engorgement

In the case of lactostasis or breast engorgement in the first days after childbirth, the milk ducts spasm, milk cannot leave the breast. Stagnation of milk is formed in the alveoli, a milk plug. Light massaging movements, like regular touches, stimulate the release of oxytocin into the blood. Under the action of this hormone, the muscle fibers surrounding the alveoli relax, the ducts expand, and milk moves towards the nipple.

The breast massage technique for lactostasis includes several types of manipulations:

  1. strokes
    Place the palm of your right hand under the collarbone. The palm of the left hand is under the chest. Move your right hand down with stroking movements, and your left hand up. Move your palms in a circle and thus stroke the entire mammary gland.
  2. Spiral movements
    Place your index, middle, and ring fingers together. Perform spiral rubbing of the breast in the direction from the periphery to the nipple. From the collarbone, armpit, chest we move to the nipple. Thus, we work out each milk duct.
  3. Finger tapping
    Using your fingers, quickly go over the entire surface of the breast in the direction from the periphery to the nipple.
  4. shaking
    Lean forward and shake your chest in a free relaxed rhythm. Milk under the force of gravity will rush down.
  5. Massage the area with gentle circular motions. At the same time, carefully control the strength of your movements. You shouldn't feel pain or discomfort.
  6. After the massage, attach the baby to the breast or express milk until the endowment. You can apply cold to the place of stagnation for 10 minutes.

Massage for lactostasis.

"IMPORTANT! During breast massage with lactostasis and engorgement, it is not the intensity of kneading movements that is important, but the duration of exposure.

Areola Softening Technique

In the first days of the arrival of milk, the breast tissue swells, especially the areola - the areola. It is difficult for the baby to latch onto the nipple and suck out milk effectively. To help an inexperienced baby deal with breastfeeding, breastfeeding consultants suggest using the areola softening technique.

The procedure is performed in this way:

  1. Connect the index, middle and ring fingers on both hands.
  2. Bend your middle fingers slightly.
  3. Place your folded fingers on your chest so that the nipple peeks through the resulting window.
  4. Pull the halo up and hold in this position for 10 seconds.
  5. Move your hands in this position along the chest and work out the areola from all sides.
  6. Do several approaches. Enough for 1 minute for each breast.

Areola Softening Technique by Jean Cotterman.

During the stretching of the areola, the tissue edema shifts to the base of the breast and the peripapillary region softens, the nipple is pulled out. It is easier for the baby to attach to the breast.

Knowing the techniques of breast massage for lactostasis, a nursing mother can cope with the problems of engorgement and stagnation of milk without outside help. In addition, this kind of stimulation of the milk ducts contributes to the establishment of lactation.

From the first days of life, a newborn baby needs mother's milk. The benefits of breastfeeding are to protect the baby's body from infections and viruses due to the immune component, prepare the digestive system for coarser food, and provide the child's body with all the necessary nutrients and trace elements.

Breast massage for lactation allows both to normalize the process of milk arrival in women after childbirth (during the recovery period of its production), and helps to stimulate its flow in nursing mothers.

During pregnancy, the main stages of the restructuring of the female body occur. It should be noted that this also applies to the mammary glands. The breast noticeably increases in size and grows in the first and third trimester, although the processes in tissues and structures aimed at preparing for breastfeeding go on throughout pregnancy. This is due to a change in the hormonal background and an increase in blood supply.

In the first days after childbirth, during feeding, colostrum (thick yellowish-white discharge) is noted from the breast, which contains all the substances bypassed by the child's body. Within 2 - 3 days, the period of milk arrival begins: the breast fills up, swells, increases in volume, and the discharge becomes less thick and lighter.

Hello doctor, are there any methods of breast massage so that milk comes immediately?

Expert answer:

Hello. In order for milk to come, breast massage for lactation should be performed regularly and correctly. You should not expect this to happen after the first procedure, but you will feel that the milk begins to flow. Use a combination of several techniques (breast shower massage, stroking, nipple massage, breast lift) to achieve the desired effect faster.

Indications for the use of breast massage for lactation

Breast massage for lactation before and after childbirth, as well as during breastfeeding, has several goals:

  1. Allows you to prepare the nipples and breasts of a woman, which is a good prevention of cracks.
  2. Indirectly affects the production of milk, increases its flow.
  3. It is aimed at improving the blood supply to this zone, which helps to increase the tone of the chest.
  4. If the massage is carried out correctly, then the outflow of milk is established, and, consequently, the likelihood of mastitis decreases, which is especially effective for lactostasis.

How to do breast massage for lactation: the secrets of successful implementation

Before doing a massage, you should thoroughly wash your hands, examine the chest. If the skin of the mammary glands is not changed, there is no increase in temperature, there are no painful sensations, then you can proceed to the procedure.

If the mother is breastfeeding, then it is better to massage immediately before feeding!

The duration of the session averages from 3 to 7 minutes up to 5 times a day. Sea buckthorn oil and rosehip oil are used as moisturizing oils. It is forbidden to use various synthetic oils and creams, as their components can pass into breast milk. There are two types of massage depending on the purpose:

  1. Massage to improve lactation.
  2. Massage for lactostasis.

Is it possible to carry out breast massage to enhance lactation at home?

Expert answer:

Hello. You can carry out breast massage to enhance lactation at home. However, it should be remembered that in case of unpleasant or painful sensations, you should consult a doctor. You can individually choose a program from the described techniques, based on your own feelings.

5 stages of breast massage to improve lactation

Light massage movements make stroking the chest in several directions:

Repeat this combination 5-6 times!

  1. Hands are placed on the mammary glands in such a way that the nipples fall on the center of the palm, so the chest is lifted up 9-10 times.
  2. Two hands (one above, the other below) cover the chest, make light circular movements clockwise and then counterclockwise. Repeat 5-6 times.
  3. The nipple is clamped between the thumb and forefinger, make light rotational movements.
  4. Breast massage shower. Standing under a warm shower, you should direct the stream (the pressure of water should be light and not cause discomfort) in the direction from the base of the breast to the nipple. Up to 5 times for each breast.

The expected correct effect of this procedure is the absence of pain in the mammary glands when a sufficient amount of milk arrives. If milk appears at any stage, then it is worth interrupting the massage and feeding the baby. The remaining techniques should be postponed until the next feeding.

How to do breast massage while breastfeeding?

Expert answer:

Hello. Breast massage during feeding should be done immediately before feeding. Try each of the techniques separately, note those in which you feel the arrival of milk. Combine effective techniques.

According to the latest recommendations, gynecologists oppose expressing milk after each feeding, as this method in some cases can lead to trauma to the outflow tract. In individual cases, with an increased tendency to lactostasis, mastopathy and mastitis in history, the attending physician may advise expressing excess milk that has come.

If a painful infiltrate appears in the thickness of the mammary glands (the pain does not subside after feeding), a sharp deterioration in the general condition (weakness, lethargy), an increase in body temperature to 39 and above, not associated with a cold or any chronic disease, you should immediately consult a doctor.

When is it contraindicated to massage the breast

Contraindications to breast massage for lactation are:

  1. Abundant and normal milk production in the absence of lactostasis. In this case, further stimulation of an increase in milk production can lead to both the appearance of areas of milk stagnation, and in the future become the main cause of the development of mastitis.
  2. Inflammatory diseases of the skin, breast. Improving blood supply in this area in the presence of even minor pustules can contribute to the spread of inflammatory agents in a woman's body up to sepsis. In cases where the infection enters the baby's intestines with breast milk, the failure of the immune system can manifest itself either as a severe form of dysbacteriosis or a nonspecific immune response with the further development of secondary immunodeficiency.
  3. In the presence of any neoplasms (in cases where breastfeeding is not prohibited), massage is contraindicated before consulting a mammologist, since increased blood circulation can provoke the progression of the disease.
  4. With mastitis, the procedure is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to further spread of the process and its progression up to phlegmon of the mammary gland.
  5. At the end of breastfeeding, all actions aimed at ensuring that milk arrives should be excluded, and first of all this applies to massage.
  6. In case of serious chronic diseases from all organs and systems, breast massage is not recommended, as this can lead to a deterioration in the general condition of a woman and threaten her life.

How to do breast massage so that milk comes? I tried several methods, performing them every other day, but did not feel the effect.

Expert answer:

Hello. In order for breast massage for lactation to be effective, it should be done every day. Alternate different techniques, combine shower massage with stroking techniques, use nipple massage. Try to do this procedure before each feeding.

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