Make an animal craft from disposable tableware. Crafts from disposable tableware

Other reasons

We make an adorable whale, juicy fruits, funny crabs, and a funny yellow goose from disposable plates! Disposable tableware can serve well not only during a holiday or a picnic - if desired, it can easily be turned into a multifunctional material for children's creativity.

Crafts from disposable tableware differ in volume, clarity of shape and variety. The kids are happy to turn the usual glasses, spoons, forks and plates into unusual images. Particularly easy to transform into various products disposable plates.

Make various crafts making your own from disposable plates is a completely doable task for children, regardless of the age and skill of each child. They will be happy to follow an adult’s instructions to get the desired result. It is especially interesting to make crafts from paper plates: a child can paint them with his own hands, decorate them with various decorative elements and turn them into the most unusual characters using stationery glue.

Disposable Paper Crafts for Kids

The easiest way to work is to take one plate as a basis, paint it in the desired color and glue various elements to create the desired image(or do without them). Characteristic details are cut out of cardboard, colored paper, or molded from plasticine.

Bright fruit assortment.

Fun carrot patch.

Goat face.

Sea crabs.

Santa Claus.

A painted large and small plate makes an adorable pig.

A painted and cut paper plate can make a fun crown.

Crafts from disposable plate parts

You can use not the whole plate, but part of it - for example, cutting off the edge in a straight line or cutting out a piece the desired shape. Figured pieces of a plate can also be used in crafts as its elements.

By cutting the plate into two parts with a wavy line, you can get two butterfly wings. We make its body from a cardboard cylinder from toilet paper, the antennae are made of the same chenille wire.

PlatypusGolden goose.

Dinosaur (parts of its body can be made movable using stationery nails);

Frog traveler

By cutting out a raised edge from a plate and gluing it to cardboard pointed leaves, you can get unusual flower, which can easily be turned into a photo frame if desired. The edging for the photo can be made from fluffy pompoms or plasticine balls.

And by cutting the entire plate in a spiral and leaving an oval center, we get a real cobra. Let's color it in suitable color, glue on the eyes and the forked tongue. Ready!

By attaching half of the other to one plate, we will create a flower basket. The flowers themselves can be glued from paper or sculpted from plasticine, salt dough or modeling mass.

By fastening two plates with a stapler and leaving one edge open, we get the body of a killer whale. All that remains is to glue the fins, tail and fix the fountain of splashes of blue chenille wire on the back.

Crafts from folded paper plates

Interesting volumetric figures obtained from a plate bent in half:

Bird: a slot is made in a bent plate into which a sheet of paper (wings) folded like an accordion is inserted. We cut out a triangular orange beak from cardboard, we use ready-made, factory-made or home-made eyes, paper or plasticine.

Frog Princess: A plate folded in half becomes a mouth, eyes and nose are cut out of an egg carriage. We complement the eyes with paper eyelashes, and the mouth with a large tongue.

When regular plates are not enough, disposable paper plates always come to our rescue. It’s quite possible to create disposable tableware items decorative elements, which could decorate your life, but for some reason this idea is visited mainly only by teachers of child care institutions.

In this article you can look at photos of crafts made from plates, take something for yourself, or recommend it to friends and relatives who are interested in such things.

Materials for work

To create something truly beautiful and original, you will need:

  • Disposable plates made of various materials
  • Plastic forks, knives or spoons
  • Disposable glasses
  • Plastic drinking straws

In fact, there are no limits to your imagination; be creative and you can create an infinite number of decorative items from disposable tableware.

Use of disposable plates

The most common use of disposable plates as decoration is in children's work - just show a little imagination, add a mouth, mustache, eyes and nose to the plate and voila - a cheerful face is ready.

If you are just starting to decorate plates, then you can choose this option. Once you get the hang of it, you can move on to more complex solutions.

You can also create clothing items for children from disposable plates with your children! For example, it could be a lucky hat that represents a clover four leaf clover or a crown for the birthday boy. To celebrate Halloween, you can make a hat in the shape of a bat.

In addition to the benefits of labor for children, this can become entertainment if you invite the guests of the hero of the occasion to come up with their own animal, and then together with them make hats with these animals out of plates.

Play a game with them, let none of the children see their animal, and others will ask him questions to which he could only answer “yes” or “no”; whoever guesses first wins! Original crafts from plates are a lot of fun!

You can make a real children's bag from a foam plate - to do this, just divide the plate into two parts, fasten them together and decorate them according to the child's wishes. In such a bag you can put, for example, sweets.

If you don’t decorate the bag, but glue small strips to it Brown, then you get a chick's nest. Any child, even a very small one, can handle such things.

Getting too bored?

Try making cute boxes from disposable plates in which you can put berries, candies or dessert. At first glance, it may seem that this is not easy to do, but just cut the plate on four sides, bend the edges, connect with paper clips, and the box is ready. Such dishes, made from other dishes, will be very useful at children's parties.

Bird made from colored disposable plates

To make a spring bird you will need:

  • Plastic plates of various colors
  • Pencil
  • Stapler
  • Scissors
  • Colored paper

It is best to entrust this task to a child from six years old and help him if something does not work out. On the back of the plate, you need to mark the wings and beak of the future bird and cut with scissors along the drawn lines. Next, you need to fasten the wings with a stapler and glue them to the body of the bird with glue.

The next important step is decorating the bird and its design. Various shapes are cut out from colored paper, such as flowers, ovals, eyes, etc.

All small elements, cut out of paper, should be placed on the bird and glued in those places where the child deems it necessary - this is his bird, after all!

Have an idea of ​​what kind of craft to make from plates and create it together with your children.

For example, you can take corrugated colored paper, plastic plate and tools and make a composition that will include flowers on the plates. A child can give such a thing to his mother for any holiday or just because.

In addition to having fun, children can learn in a fun way. To do this, it is enough to make fruits and vegetables from disposable colored plates, because vegetables and fruits are mostly all round. Such edible toys They will be an excellent example for teaching children; you can teach them what a particular fruit or vegetable looks like.

Try bending a plate and making a small slit in it, insert paper folded into it in the shape of an accordion, which will look like bird wings. Cut out a triangular beak from cardboard and glue it to the plate. And you can take ready-made eyes or make them yourself. It will take the child a little time to do everything, but the result will be very surprising.

Simple crafts from disposable plates for children are very exciting and fun. Make a frog princess. If you fold the plate in two, it will look just like a frog's mouth. The eyes and nose can be cut out from the cells of an egg carton, and the eyelashes and tongue can be cut out from paper. Some simple steps And adorable toy ready.

Moreover, if you cut off the edge of the plate and add decorative elements to it in the form of pointed leaves, you will get an extraordinary flower. Glue a photo of the child in the middle, and decorate the edges of the photo with something - the photo frame is ready. Turn on your imagination and there will be no end to the crafts.

If you and your child are not afraid of snakes, then you can cut the plate in a spiral, leaving an oval part in the core, glue on eyes, a forked tongue and paint it in the color you like. The snake toy is very interesting and fun, as it has some kind of mobility.

Master class on making killer whale crafts from plates

Fasten the black plate on top and the white plate on the bottom using a stapler, so that one edge is open like a mouth and you will get a killer whale. All that remains is to add eyes, fins, a tail and a fountain from the back in the form of wires to the animal and you can play with it.

Seek out detailed instructions for making crafts and create masterpieces of toys with your children, or maybe you will go further and do something that no one has ever done?

In any case, such games will be an excellent development for your children, and besides, this is a very exciting activity, during which time flies by.

Photos of crafts from plates

The undoubted advantages of disposable plates are their volume, clarity of shape, and the presence of sections; the fact that these plates are easy to cut or paint. All this makes them an indispensable material for children's creativity. The simplest thing is to take a plate and paint it; add some elements from colored paper, cardboard, plasticine to the craft. Disposable plates - perfect base for panels, decoupage. Because the plate can be easily cut with scissors; bends in the right places, you can create crafts from several of these plastic or paper circles put together.

Look what interesting solutions suggested to the students by your colleagues. The pages of this section contain many step-by-step master classes creation original crafts from plates. Teach children to think outside the box, to notice something original even in ordinary things.

We make strange animals, birds, fish and something else from paper plates...

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"Making African animals from paper plates." Master class with step-by-step photos.

Description: The master class is intended for parents, educators, teachers primary classes, teachers additional education, creative people. In the process simple master class we will learn how to create animals such as zebra, tiger, giraffe, and leopard from scrap materials.
Purpose: craft, gift, applique.
Target: making crafts from waste materials, development of creative abilities among teachers and parents.

- Introduce one of the options for making crafts from paper plates
- To cultivate artistic and aesthetic taste, patience, diligence and accuracy in work.
- Develop labor skills and abilities.
- Develop fine motor skills
- Develop aesthetic taste
- Develop Creative skills and creativity
Necessary materials:
- disposable paper plates
- felt-tip pens
- PVA glue
- colored paper and cardboard
- acrylic paints
- tassel
- scissors
- officer ruler or other ruler with form templates

1. In order to make a zebra, on a sheet of black paper we outline all the necessary patterns with a felt-tip pen - 6 stripes (2 * 5 cm), 1 large circle (4 cm) for the nose, two small circles (0.8 mm) for pupils, two parts for ears.

2.Cut out all the drawn details.

3.C right sides We glue 3 strips to the plate, at an equal distance from each other. We bend the ends of the strips and glue them to the back of the plate.

4.Glue the remaining three strips symmetrically on the opposite side.

5.Glue a large black circle-nose at the bottom of the plate.

6.On a sheet of white paper, draw two large circles (2.5 cm) for the eyes and two small circles (1 cm) for the nostrils.

7.Cut out the drawn parts

8.Glue two eyes in the middle of the plate, and two nostrils on the black circle of the nose. Glue the pupils over the eyes

9.On a sheet white cardboard We outline two details of the ears. Draw a rectangle (4*6 cm) on a sheet of black cardboard. Draw strips approximately 1 cm wide on the rectangle.

10.Cut out the parts. On the black rectangle we make cuts along the stripes, without cutting to the end.

11.Glue the black parts to the white ears.

12. Turn the plate over and glue the ears and mane to the reverse side.

13. We turn the plate over again and this is what we should get. Zebra is ready!

14. Let's start making a giraffe. Turn the plate over and paint the back side acrylic paints or gouache yellow color.

15.On a sheet of brown paper, draw circles of different diameters. Cut it out.

16. Glue the circles onto the plate in random order.

17.Draw on brown paper oval shape nose. Cut out the parts and glue them to the bottom of the plate.

18.On a sheet of white paper, draw and cut out 2 circles for the eyes. From black paper we cut out two small ovals for the pupils, and two larger ovals for the nostrils.

19.Glue the eyes and nostrils in place.

20.From yellow cardboard we cut out two parts for the ears and horns.

21.Cut out 2 large circles and several small ones from brown paper. Glue them onto the ears and horns.

22.Glue the ears and horns with reverse side dishes.

23.Draw a mouth with a black felt-tip pen. The giraffe is ready!

24.Now let's start making the tiger. Color the paper plate orange.

25.Cut out ten strip triangles from black paper.

26.Glue three strips to the plate on the left and right sides, one strip on the bottom and three strips on top.

27.On a sheet of white paper, trace and cut out 2 large circles for the eyes. From black paper we cut out two small circles for the pupils and an oval-shaped nose.

28.Glue the eyes and nose to the plate.

29. Cut out 2 large triangles from orange cardboard - for the ears. Cut out 2 small triangles from black paper. Glue the black triangles on top of the orange ones.

30.Glue the ears on the back of the plate.

31.Using a felt-tip pen, draw a mouth and complete the nose. The tiger cub is ready!

You will need 3 disposable plates. Place two plates together. From the third plate you need to cut out the tail, fins, and mouth. We insert a mouth cut from parts of the relief rim of the plate between our plates and fasten it with a stapler.

Cut off a little less than half of the third plate and make a tail for the fish.

Insert the tail between the plates and secure with a stapler.

From the remaining part of the third plate, cut out the upper and lower fins.

Insert the fins into honey plates from above and below and secure with a stapler. The fish is ready.

Color the fish yellow. Fins, tail, mouth in orange. Draw an eye for the fish.

Craft from paper plates “Tank”

You will need three disposable paper plates, a stapler, and dark green, gray and black paints. Cut a tank from two plates as shown in the photo. From the third plate, cut out a cannon, namely, cut a strip along the line of the middle of the plate, which is then folded in half.

Fold the tank parts together and fasten them along the bottom in several places. Place the tank cannon between the two sides of the tank turret and fasten it with a stapler.

Paint the tank on both sides. The tank caterpillar is in gray and black, the rest is in dark green color. Cut out a star from red paper and glue it onto the tank turret.

Craft "Sunflower". You will need a disposable paper plate, yellow corrugated paper, watermelon seeds, PVA glue. From corrugated paper Folded in several layers, cut out the petals for the sunflower.

Apply PVA glue around the circle (bottom) of the plate and attach the petals.

Grease the bottom of the plate with glue and sprinkle watermelon seeds on top. Gently spread the seeds, filling the bottom evenly. Dry the plate. You can attach a thick thread to the plate and hang it on the wall.

Craft from disposable paper plates for children “Cockerel”

You will need 5 paper plates. Leave two plates for making the body of the rooster. From two other plates we cut out the centers with a diameter of about 8-9 cm. From the relief rims of the plates, cut out the details of the scallop, beak, and beard.

We assemble the head for the cockerel and fasten it with a stapler.

Cut from the relief rims of the plates long feathers for decorating a tail, a wing, two legs.

Fold two whole plates right sides to each other, insert the tail between the plates and secure with a stapler, insert the legs and secure with a stapler, glue the wing.

Attach the cockerel's head to the body. This can be done as follows. Cut a rectangular strip 3-4 cm long and insert it 1-2 cm between the two parts of the cockerel’s head and secure with a stapler. Place the remaining part of this rectangular strip between two plates (the body of the cockerel) from the side where the head is attached and fasten with a stapler.

Paint the cockerel with gouache of different colors.

Children's craft from paper plates “Lion Cub”

You will need two plates and gouache paints. On one of the plates, draw the face of a lion cub and outline it with black paint.

Color the lion cub with paints.

Paint the second plate dark brown.

Place the plate with the lion cub on a second plate with a dark brown rim and staple it in several places. Cut the lion's mane in a circle. The top layer can be made shorter by cutting off about 0.7-1 cm.

Ruffle the lion cub's mane.

Drawings with paints on paper plates for children

Drawing "Chocolate cat"

Drawing with paints " Gray cat with a striped tail."

Drawing on a paper plate “Gray cat with a striped tail”

Craft “Cat in a basket”

You will need three paper plates. We cut out parts from two plates as shown in the photo below.

We fold the two blanks in concave parts and fasten them at the bottom.

From the third plate we cut out a cat.

We paint the basket yellow and brown.

The eyes, nose, mouth and whiskers of the cat can be colored with felt-tip pens. Paint the cat itself with brown gouache.

We insert the cat into the basket.

Children's craft from paper plates “Cat in a basket”

Craft from disposable plates “Firebird”

To make this craft you will need two paper plates. Draw a bird on a plate.

From the relief rim of the second plate we cut out two parts of the bird's tail.