Pumpkin seed applique. Crafts from watermelon seeds and plasticine

Choice of colors

Autumn spoils us with fine days less and less often. In cold rainy weather, both adults and children want warmth and sincere communication. Of course, the best way to spend time with your child having fun and usefully is to get creative. And it doesn’t matter if you didn’t have time to collect pine cones, acorns, and other autumn tinsel for future use, because a thrifty housewife will always have a handful or two of pumpkin seeds in her bins.

In the hands of an experienced craftsman, pumpkin seeds turn into material for real works of art. It’s not worth asking much from little fidgets - a small decorated applique is already a feat and, undoubtedly, a reason for pride. The parents' task in this case is to prepare the seeds for work and offer the baby a few ideas.

How to make crafts from pumpkin seeds for children with your own hands?

If we assume that you have stocked up on seeds in advance, then all that remains is to decide on the idea. The complexity of the work depends on the age and skills of the young master. Pumpkin crafts for children look brighter and more creative if the seeds are pre-painted in different colors. In addition, then it is easier for the child to generate ideas and bring them to life. To color the seeds, you need to put them in a plastic bag and add a little food coloring there - this is the safest and fastest way to color. The finished bright seeds need to be dried, and only then can you begin to work. The simplest crafts are, of course, applications; even restless preschoolers can cope with such a task. The essence of the work is as follows: a drawing is applied to a sheet of paper or cardboard, preferably with large segments, then each section is smeared with glue and seeds are laid out one by one. Using this scheme, kids can make a wide variety of compositions, autumn landscapes, images of animals, birds, flowers. If a child does not like working with glue, an alternative to the latter is plasticine. In this case, a small layer of plasticine is applied to individual segments of the pattern.

Three-dimensional crafts are considered more complex to execute; of course, they look much more impressive, and besides, such masterpieces do an excellent job as room decor. For example, from flowers made from pumpkin seeds you can create excellent compositions in vases, original paintings and panels. You can make “pumpkin” flowers in different ways: you can glue the seeds together using a glue gun, you can glue the seeds onto a cardboard circle, plasticine will be a reliable help in the work for the smallest and inexperienced.

Below we will show you what wonderful autumn and themed crafts from pumpkin seeds for children you can make with your own hands, and we will offer a step-by-step diagram of how to make a basic pumpkin flower.

Cereals and coffee beans are the most accessible materials for handicrafts, which are found in almost every home. They make very creative crafts that can be used to decorate the interior or as a gift to a loved one. Crafts made from cereals will allow you to fully unleash your creative abilities and also be fun to do with your children.

If we talk about coffee beans, they not only have a pleasant aroma, but are also quite practical for creative work, as they have optimal parameters. In addition, the smell of high-quality grains stabilizes the nervous system and helps stimulate children's powers of observation, perseverance, the formation of creative thinking and an original approach to business.

How to make paintings from coffee beans

  • A suitable size photo frame.
  • Polymer glue or heat gun.
  • Depending on the idea of ​​the future painting, you can purchase colored paper, aerosol or watercolor paints, as well as any other accessories to your taste.

Before starting work, you need to remove the glass from the frame and remove the protective film from the frame, remove the cardboard lining, and if desired, you can cover it with paper, a plain fabric, or paint it.

Then you need to think over a sketch of the future work. Using a simple pencil, outline the location of the drawing. You can pre-lay out the grains without gluing them to the base, which will allow you to better think through the design and, if desired, modify it. By carefully thinking through the picture, you can avoid mistakes and omissions. In general, the grains can be placed however you want, in absolutely any direction.

If you want to change the shade of the grains, you can tint them with watercolors or spray paints. Don't forget about different types of coffee, which also have differences in color.

After you decide on the color and design idea, you can start gluing the grains. You should not use too much glue, because during the work it can stick out and create unwanted stains. Remove excess glue in a timely manner by blotting it with a dry cloth.

Instead of a photo frame, you can use a wall clock as a basis and also use it as a basis for your creativity.

No less relevant is the idea of ​​​​creating a kind of coffee tree or. It can be made by placing a stick on a stand and attaching a ball of light material, such as paper, to the top. Subsequently, the surface of the ball and the stand are covered with coffee beans.

Crafts from cereals for children in kindergarten

The technique of gluing cereals onto paper differs from the previously presented version with coffee beans. For example, legumes can be glued separately. Small grains can be poured onto a surface coated with glue through a stencil.

Alphabet of cereals for children

When introducing a child to letters, as well as learning to read, it is best to use the three-dimensional letter technique. This will help him remember the letters faster and he will be able to enjoy the unique game.


  • A sheet of cardboard in a neutral shade;
  • Pencils;
  • PVA glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Cereals: beans, peas, millet, etc. at your discretion.

Decorate the bottle with cereals or seeds

This craft will be a rather unusual decoration for your home. The design depends on the color of the cereals, which, just like coffee ones, can be tinted.

Educational games using semolina

Games with cereals are widely used to develop fine motor skills in children. To increase interest in the game, the croup can be colored. The essence of the method is that the cereal is poured onto a tray or any other flat surface, giving the child the opportunity to make original designs using his fingers. To begin with, you can choose fairly simple shapes like a circle or square, and then move on to some more specific objects. This technique also develops the baby's creative thinking.

Cereals, seeds and coffee beans are widely used in handicrafts. At the same time, they can be used to make a large number of creative products, interior decorations and even exciting games for children. you can transform ordinary food items and old home decor items into beautiful handcrafted items.

DIY applique Flowers made from natural material

Master Class. Flower arrangement made from natural material “Sunny Bouquet”

teacher of additional education Novichkova Tamara Aleksandrovna MBOU DOD Lesnovsky House of Children's Creativity.
Description: The master class is designed for children of primary school age, teachers, and parents.
Purpose: Making a flower arrangement from natural material is intended for interior decoration, can take pride of place at an exhibition of arts and crafts and can be a good idea for a gift.
Target: teaching children how to correctly compose a composition from natural materials with a selection of colors.
- teach techniques for working with natural materials;
- introduce the variety of seeds that can be used in work, show the beauty of the flowers created;
- develop imagination, sensitivity and fantasy, the desire to achieve the goal;
- cultivate aesthetic taste, the ability to see beauty in the ordinary, accuracy in work.

In winter, when it’s cloudy and cold outside, it’s nice to remember summer and the flowers that give us a unique aroma and beauty. And I want to do something that will pleasantly surprise and delight my friends and family. The boxes on the shelf contain seeds of plants, vegetables, and summer-dried flowers. They conceal warmth, light and the smell of summer. The idea of ​​creating a composition from seeds comes to mind. Creating paintings and crafts from natural materials is a special type of creativity called floristry. In works of floristry, dry leaves, flowers, herbs, seeds and fruits of plants, and tree bark are used. Various forms of natural materials often suggest interesting subjects. By fantasizing, imagining, and combining natural materials, you can create amazing things with your own hands.

Today I am offering a master class on making flowers from seeds.
Look at the seeds of pumpkin, melon, and watermelon. What do they remind you of? Of course flower petals. Try to collect these petals into beautiful flowers. This is what happened.

To compose a composition from seeds, you will need the following materials and tools:
- frame, blue fabric;
- thick white paper;
- pumpkin seeds, buckwheat;
- dried corn leaves, straws;
- birch bark;
- scissors, gouache paints, brush;
- glue "Titan";

Step-by-step execution of a bouquet from natural material.
Prepare the frame. Remove the glass and stretch the fabric over the cardboard or glue a sheet of colored paper.

Mark circles with a diameter of 2-3cm, 4cm, 6-7cm on hard paper and cut them out. I used different sized jars.

Apply Titan glue along the edge of the circle and glue pumpkin seeds. We got flowers.

Mix yellow paint with a small amount of PVA glue and carefully paint the petals. Let dry and apply clear nail polish.
Then grease the middle of the flower well with glue and sprinkle with buckwheat.

While the paint on the petals is drying, let's start making the leaves. We will make them from corn leaves. (The corn leaves were ironed and press-dried in the fall).

For twigs, use straws.

Make a vase. Give free rein to your imagination. A vase, for example, can be made: from paper sprinkled with small seeds; from dried leaves; from straw. We will make it from birch bark. Take thick cardboard, fold it in half, draw a vase and cut it out.

Cut the birch bark into thin strips. Lubricate one edge of the vase with Titan glue and glue the strips of birch bark horizontally.

Start weaving. Sequentially weave all the strips vertically into the workpiece, securing them at the ends with glue.

Cut long strips along the contour of the vase. Glue the border. The vase is ready.

We form a bouquet. Glue the vase, then arrange the twigs - straws.
Start filling the bouquet with leaves. First the background, and then the foreground, giving the composition the desired shape and silhouette. Lightly smooth the leaves through the paper with your palm. Leave 2-3 sheets raised. This will create volume.

Glue the flowers. Place large ones below, smaller ones above, and buds at the top of the bouquet.

Golden sunflower,
Petals are rays.
He is the son of the sun
And spring clouds.
In the morning he wakes up,
The sun is shining.
Closed at night
Yellow eyelashes.
Tatiana Lavrova.
But my student Ulyana made these forget-me-nots from watermelon seeds.