The most effective facial skin whitening product. The most effective skin whitening products

With your own hands

I seemed beautiful to you because I was breathing happiness all over

Face whitening at home. Recipes for masks and other skin whitening products

It is only in recent decades that we have been overwhelmed by the fashion for tanned skin. Women were ready to visit the solarium every day, buy self-tanning products and bronzing powders, just to get a golden tan like Western celebrities.

In fact, the noble whiteness of the skin has been valued at all times. This was considered a sign of nobility and belonging to the aristocratic circle. Today, light porcelain skin is gradually returning to fashion. It is this that becomes the basis of many fashionable images and inspires stylists, image makers and makeup artists to create them.

How to keep your skin white?

Light skin is not just another whim and not a tribute to fashion. First of all, it is the health of the skin and the preservation of its youth. Scientists have long proven that love of tanning provokes premature aging and is the main cause of skin cancer. In this regard, it is important not only to whiten, but also to protect the face from sun rays. Let us formulate the basic rules for a bright face:

  • A categorical “no” to tanning. This applies to both sunlight and solariums.
  • During the hot season, go outside as little as possible and wear a wide-brimmed hat.
  • Be sure to use creams with an SPF of at least 15

Creams and decorative cosmetics with SPF should be in your arsenal all year round. In winter, the sun does not warm, but ultraviolet rays continue to damage the skin.

Skin whitening is relevant not only for those who need to get rid of unwanted dark skin. This procedure is needed for those with freckles, pregnant women suffering from pigmentation during this period, women with the first signs of skin aging and age-related pigmentation, as well as those who want to remove marks from post-acne.

Rules for using whitening face masks

For beauty salons and beauty salons, the fashion for skin whitening is a serious source of income, so specialists in this field work tirelessly, inventing new effective procedures.

In fact, all this research is centered around exfoliants, plant and essential oils, and products with lactic or fruit acids. All these components can be found in large quantities in ordinary products and can be used to prepare homemade masks, tonics and other cosmetics.

It is easier to prevent skin pigmentation than to fight it. Even if you have perfect complexion and noble whiteness, use mild whitening products to maintain them.

It is better to do a whitening mask in the evening. Firstly, the skin may become slightly red; secondly, skin sensitivity increases; thirdly, if you go out into the sun after such a procedure, you can get a burn or hyperpigmentation. As in any matter, it is important not to overdo it when whitening.

This is a long and gradual process in which it is not the intensity of the impact that is important, but consistency and regularity. Before applying the mask, your face should be cleansed of makeup and impurities with your usual cleanser.

It would be a good idea to apply a scrub to remove dead skin particles and increase the effectiveness of the procedure. You need to wash off the mask with lukewarm water, then wipe with tonic or lotion and apply night cream.

Recipes for homemade masks for whitening facial skin

Cucumber masks

Cucumber pulp and juice are effective and gentle whitening agents that are suitable even for sensitive skin. They are also able to saturate the skin with moisture, saving it from dehydration. By combining cucumber with other products, you can make an effective mask for any skin type.

  1. Universal consists of cucumber pulp and juice. Grate the fresh vegetable on a fine grater, fold the gauze in several layers and evenly distribute the cucumber pulp over it. Place the cloth on your face and relax for 15-20 minutes. For an additional anti-inflammatory effect, you can add a few 2-3 drops of tea tree oil to the grated cucumber.
  2. If your skin is dry and suffers from tightness and flaking, use sour cream. Grate the cucumber as in the previous recipe and add a tablespoon of thick, fatty sour cream to the resulting mush. Apply the resulting mixture generously to your face and leave for 20 minutes.
  3. A mixture of grated cucumber and liquid honey will help aging skin. Honey has a powerful anti-aging effect, helps fight wrinkles and sagging, and in tandem with cucumber juice very effectively eliminates pigmentation.
  4. If your skin is not sensitive and prone to irritation, you can apply a gauze mask soaked in a mixture of cucumber and lemon juices. Keep it on your face for about 15 minutes, then rinse well.

Lemon masks

Lemon is actively used in cosmetology. The acid contained in its juice acts on the skin in two ways: as an exfoliant, removing dead skin cells, and as a brightening agent. In addition, lemon juice dries out.

This property can be successfully used on skin prone to oily skin, and with great caution on dry skin. Under no circumstances should you apply masks with lemon if you have acne wounds or irritation. In addition to the beneficial effect on the skin, the essential oils contained in lemon will have a calming effect on the nervous system.

  1. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and mix it with a teaspoon of liquid honey. The resulting mixture can be applied to the face using a cotton swab, gradually adding as it dries, or you can add a little ground oatmeal to the mixture. If you choose the second option, you will also receive additional skin resurfacing. The duration of the mask is 10 minutes for dry skin and 15-20 for oily skin.
  2. If your skin is very dry and sensitive, then you can nourish and whiten it at the same time. To do this, lemon juice must be mixed with cream or sour cream. For ease of application, you can add flour or starch. Distribute the resulting mixture over your face and leave for up to 20 minutes.
  3. An effective mask that will help you gradually get rid of acne and lighten the marks after it, is made from finely grated raw lemon juice and pulp. Apply the paste to your face or place gauze soaked in the mixture on it. The duration of the mask is from 10 to 15 minutes.

Masks made from fermented milk products

Fermented milk products are an ideal option for whitening sensitive skin. They act gently and, in addition, provide nutrition and hydration.

  1. Rub 2-3 tablespoons of cottage cheese through a fine sieve and add the yolk to it, if you have white, if not dry. If the skin needs special, deep nutrition, you can add a spoonful of sour cream to the mixture. Apply the resulting mask in a thick layer and leave for about 20 minutes.
  2. A mask of pureed cottage cheese and honey will help lighten and refresh skin with signs of aging and pigmentation. A mixture of these components can be applied to the face twice a week, as it is nutritious and gentle.
  3. For mature skin, masks made from fatty kefir with the addition of castor oil are recommended. These components will help smooth out wrinkles, lighten and remove age-related pigmentation.

The frequency of use of whitening masks depends on your skin type. Those with combination skin, as well as skin prone to oiliness and inflammation, can do this procedure 2 times a week. If your skin is dry, aging or sensitive, then you should not apply a mask more than once every 7 or 10 days.

Homemade cosmetics for face whitening

The arsenal of home remedies for a beautiful and uniform complexion is not limited to masks alone. You can prepare other natural cosmetics yourself, which will consolidate and enhance the effect of the masks. These products contain all the same simple ingredients that we have already discussed in previous recipes.

  1. Brightening lotion for oily and combination skin can be made from cucumber and parsley. You need to grind 4 tablespoons of each, pouring everything with 100 grams of vodka. Infuse this mixture for a week, then strain and dilute with purified water in a 2:1 ratio. Wipe your skin with this lotion morning and evening, it will help make your skin cleaner and brighter. The product must be stored in the refrigerator.
  2. For dry and sensitive skin you can do brightening lotion made from cucumber juice with milk, mixing them in equal proportions. There is no need to stock up on this product for future use; it is better to prepare fresh one every 2-3 days.
  3. Toner that evens out and brightens the skin, can be prepared from mint decoction. To do this, pour a cup of boiling water over a handful of leaves and let them brew. Squeeze 2 lemons into the cooled and strained broth. The result will be visible already at the end of the first week of use.
  4. Very useful for youthful skin and good complexion wipe it down every morning with an ice cube. Freeze a decoction of mint, parsley, chamomile, diluted cucumber and lemon juice and pamper your skin with pleasant sensations and natural care.
  5. Fair-skinned women in northern countries know a lot about skin bleaching because they often develop freckles. Their recipe is a mixture of mashed blackberries and powdered milk. This paste should be applied pointwise to the areas that you want to lighten. Keep on the skin for no longer than 4-5 minutes daily. Results will be visible within 3 days.
  6. An effective and useful scrub is obtained from grated orange zest and honey, taken 1 tablespoon. Apply the mixture over your face using patting movements and massage lightly. This product will help polish and whiten the skin, as well as smooth out fine wrinkles.
  7. Grind the viburnum berries and squeeze the juice out of the resulting pulp. Moisten gauze with it and make a compress all over your face. This procedure will not only whiten the skin, but also saturate it with vitamins, which this berry is rich in.
  8. The usual one will help get rid of post-acne. To do this, simply apply a paste of soda and water onto problem areas. Keep it for about 5 minutes and repeat the procedure daily until you are satisfied with the effect. Usually 3-5 procedures are enough.
  9. Prepare a decoction of parsley, cool and pour into a container with a spray bottle. Mist your face as often as you like throughout the day. This will not only help maintain an even skin tone, but also will save her from dehydration.
  10. Don't neglect the power of essential oils. Patchouli, sandalwood, citrus, black pepper, palmarosa, vanilla - choose an oil you like and add a drop to your night cream before applying.

Whatever face whitening products you choose, remember that natural remedies do not work right away. If you don’t see results after a couple of procedures, don’t despair, but continue systematic care. Your reward will be a uniform, light-colored face without pigmentation.

Naturalness is the main trend of our time. Fake tanning is no longer in fashion, and you don’t see a lot of makeup on girls’ faces so often anymore. But to achieve natural beauty you need to make a lot of effort. A healthy and even complexion is what many beauties dream of today. To achieve this goal, you can contact a cosmetologist, but it is quite possible to whiten your facial skin at home.

Who needs whitening products?

There are many reasons to think about how you can lighten your face at home, but the most common ones are:

  • spots, freckles, lentigo on the face;
  • too much tan;
  • dark skin from birth;
  • slightly gray or yellow complexion;
  • pigmentation that appeared during pregnancy;
  • acne or acne scars;
  • scars after surgery.

To keep your facial skin fair, follow these simple guidelines:

  • Avoid strong natural tanning and visiting a solarium.
  • In summer, avoid direct exposure to sunlight and wear hats with a visor or wide brim.
  • Use a cream with an SPF filter of at least 15 all year round. Although the sun does not heat during the cold season, ultraviolet radiation still has a negative effect.
  • Give up bad habits. It has long been proven that smoking causes a yellow tint to the skin.
  • Remember that even if there are no problems in the form of, for example, unwanted pigmentation, you still need to deal with the prevention of their occurrence, because it is easier to prevent a problem than to eliminate it later.

How to use whitening products

Lightening facial skin is a procedure that requires a special approach. If you are interested in how to whiten your facial skin at home, then take note of some recommendations:

  • It is better to carry out bleaching in the evening, when you are no longer going to leave the house, as the skin becomes sensitive and may turn slightly red when going outside. In addition, if your skin is exposed to sunlight immediately after the procedure, you can cause a skin burn.
  • Before the procedure, you need to cleanse your facial skin and remove dead skin cells using a scrub.
  • To obtain a good result, a course of procedures is required. As a rule, it lasts for a month or two (provided the session is carried out 1-2 times a week).
  • There are contraindications that do not allow bleaching: if there are injuries, inflammations, unhealed wounds or stitches on the face, if the facial skin is very sensitive or severely dehydrated.
  • After the procedure, apply a nourishing cream to the skin to avoid overdrying, and if your facial skin is dry, it is better to avoid using some products altogether.

Lightening products

There are several methods by which you can whiten your face at home. These include:

  • applying masks;
  • use of lotions;
  • rubbing with lotions and decoctions.

It will be useful to familiarize yourself with some recipes that can both lighten your facial skin and prevent the appearance of pigmentation and other problems.

Lemon remedies

Lemon is perhaps the most famous skin brightener. How to brighten your face with this fruit? Products made from this citrus fruit are drying, so they are more suitable for oily skin types, but in combination with nourishing products they can also be used for skin prone to dryness.

  • Mix half a lemon with liquid honey (1 tsp), add a little ground oatmeal for a thicker consistency. Apply the mask to your face for 15 minutes.
  • Mix lemon juice with sour cream (1:1) and add potato starch. Keep on face for 20 minutes.
  • Beat the white of one egg, add lemon juice, 10 g of powdered sugar and a tablespoon of boiled water. Mix everything and apply to face for 10 minutes.
  • Lotion with lemon juice. Mix lemon juice, glycerin and vinegar in equal proportions, soak gauze in the resulting mixture and apply to the face for 20 minutes.

Products with fermented milk products

If you are thinking about how to whiten sensitive skin, then products made from fermented milk products are what you need.

  • Grated cottage cheese and honey will whiten the skin, which has already shown the first signs of aging. It is enough to hold the mixture of these ingredients on your face for 15 minutes.
  • Kefir lotions are made without adding other products; this product alone can give a whitening effect. The procedure can be performed twice a day for 20 minutes.

Berries for skin lightening

During the berry season, do not miss the opportunity to take advantage of the gifts of nature, as there is nothing easier and healthier than brightening your face at home using products made from juicy berries.

  • Mix viburnum, red currant or cranberry puree with honey in equal proportions. Apply for 15 minutes.
  • A mask of mashed strawberries is also applied for a quarter of an hour.
  • Blackberry puree and milk powder should be applied to problem areas for 5 minutes daily until the desired result is obtained.
  • Gauze soaked in blackcurrant juice should be applied to age spots to lighten.

Cucumber remedies

Cucumber gives a lightening effect not so quickly, but it is guaranteed and beneficial for the skin.

  • Mix a teaspoon of cucumber puree, the same amount of lemon juice and half a tablespoon of sour cream and apply to your face for 15 minutes.
  • Fresh grated cucumber can be added to your regular face cream to create a good nourishing and moisturizing mask that whitens your facial skin.
  • Cucumber lotion. Mix cucumber juice and milk in equal proportions and wipe dry and sensitive skin with fresh lotion every day.

Fruit remedies

Fruits are useful not only to eat, but also to use them externally. Here are the most useful recipes:

Mask. Mash the melon pulp thoroughly and apply to the face for 15 minutes.

  • Mix a tablespoon of grated orange zest and liquid honey and spread the mixture over your face, patting lightly. Massage a little and leave for 3 minutes.
  • Grapefruit juice lotion.

Soda products

Using soda, you can both quickly whiten your face and get rid of scars and post-acne at home.

  • Mix baking soda with water to form a paste and apply to problem areas for 5 minutes. This mask can be done daily until the desired effect is achieved.
  • Mix soda with natural soap (made with oil). Apply the resulting foam to your face, massage lightly and leave for 3 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.
  • Mix soda with natural yogurt in a 1:2 ratio. Apply the mixture for 5 minutes.
  • Pour a pinch of soda with four teaspoons of water and make lotions for problem areas.

Parsley is one of the best and most affordable means for lightening facial skin:

Parsley mask. Mix a tablespoon of parsley and lemon juice with the same amount of liquid honey. The exposure time on the skin is a quarter of an hour.

Parsley decoction. Pour boiling water over the parsley sprigs and leave for 12–15 hours. Use a cotton pad to wipe your face daily.

Essential oils as a bleach

Essential oils can be used for lightening by adding them to night creams or making compresses. The most popular essential oils with whitening effect:

  • mint;
  • oregano;
  • rosemary;
  • eucalyptus;
  • sandalwood

Herbs for face whitening

Medicinal herbs can do a lot. They cleanse, moisturize, tone and whiten the face well.

  • You can wipe your face in the morning with an ice cube made from a decoction of mint or chamomile.
  • A decoction of mint and lemon juice will help lighten the skin. The first results will appear after just a few washes.
  • It is useful to wash your face with celandine infusion every day. To prepare it, you need to brew the herb (1 tbsp) in a glass of boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour. The infusion should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

Now you know how to whiten your face yourself without damaging your wallet. Be irresistible and happy, regardless of the time of year and the weather outside the window. Then the reflection in the mirror will always smile at you, and clean, smooth, porcelain facial skin will look stunning without an ounce of makeup.

Flawless skin remains a dream. Many factors, from a busy lifestyle to environmental pollution, affect the skin and cause its tone to become uneven. The best solution is to use natural ingredients and safe methods. This way you can lighten your skin and return it to its ideal appearance. You can say goodbye to pigmentation and acne marks, and also get rid of harmful bacteria.

Important to know

Before you start using home remedies, you should consider that you need to take care of your skin. The skin becomes dull due to the accumulation of dead cells and damage after exposure to sunlight and airborne pollutants. Cleanse and exfoliate your skin regularly. After this, you need to think about hydration. Always remember to use sunscreen so that your skin cells do not suffer.

Papaya and honey

Fresh papaya is not only delicious, it is also full of benefits for the skin. It contains enzymes that can dissolve dead cells and remove impurities to ensure glowing skin. In addition, honey has antibacterial properties that protect the skin. Repeat the application of a mask of these components every evening before going to bed; it is well suited for oily and normal skin. Watch out for allergies: Papaya may cause a reaction in people with sensitive skin.

Orange zest with yogurt

Orange is an easy to find fruit that is great for skin whitening and is rich in vitamin C. All you need is the zest and a spoonful of plain yogurt. This mixture will cleanse and whiten your skin well. The mask is suitable for any skin type.

Tomatoes, yogurt and oatmeal

The lycopene found in tomatoes not only gives them their characteristic red color, it also helps protect the skin from aging. Tomatoes are high in antioxidants so your skin will glow. Lycopene may even protect against cancer, according to research. Oatmeal gently exfoliates and promotes healthy skin. The mask can be used several times a week; it is not suitable for dry skin.

Milk, lemon juice and honey

Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C and is an excellent skin whitener by reducing the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for tanning. You just need to mix it with honey and milk and apply it every other day in the evening. If you are allergic to lemon juice, this method is not for you.

Whole wheat flour and rose water

Whole wheat flour has antimicrobial properties, while rose water energizes and hydrates the skin, leaving it looking fresh. You can replace rose water with yogurt, which is also very good for the skin.

Sandalwood powder

Sandalwood whitens and brightens the skin by controlling melanin production. Almond powder and milk will complement it perfectly. This mask will make your skin healthy and glowing, just apply it two to three times a week.

Pumpkin puree

Pumpkin contains a lot of antioxidants and exfoliating acids. In addition, it contains beta-carotene, vitamins A and C, which helps improve appearance. You can make a pumpkin puree mask several times a week.


The acid in lemon and grapefruit cleanses and brightens the skin. Additionally, it helps tighten pores. Add an egg to enhance the antibacterial effect. This procedure will help protect the skin from external influences. The mixture should be used three times a week for oily, combination or normal skin.

Potato juice

Potato juice contains a lot of vitamin C and is also an antioxidant. This is a good way to whiten the skin and remove dead cells. Simply grate or chop the potatoes and leave them on your face for twenty minutes. Repeat the procedure three times a week for optimal results. This product is suitable for any skin type.

Rice flour and milk

Rice milk or rice powder has long been used by Asian women for healthy skin. Studies have shown that rice can protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, and it also has anti-aging properties. Milk softens the skin and nourishes it. Repeat the procedure two to three times a week. If you are allergic to milk, replace it with rose water.


Blueberries have amazing immune-boosting properties and can make your skin glow. Just combine berries with plain yogurt! Apply the mask in the evening twice a week. This is a good option for all skin types, just be careful of allergic reactions.

Aloe and rice flour

Aloe vera is an excellent solution to all skin related problems. This plant is rich in antioxidants and components that heal, nourish and protect the skin. Coarse rice flour will remove dead skin cells and all the impurities accumulated on the face. Repeat the procedure every other day and you will quickly notice the effect. This scrub is good for any skin type. The main thing to remember is to rub gently: too much force can damage your skin.

Baking soda

If you rub baking soda on your face in gentle movements, you will get rid of dead skin cells and kill bacteria that are present on your face. The skin will become fresher and brighter. For maximum results, you can add a couple of drops of lemon juice. Just mix baking soda with water and do this scrub every day for a week. This option is suitable for everyone except those with very sensitive skin.


Milk is a natural skin brightener and also nourishes the skin, making it glowing and healthy. You can add the juice of one lemon or a few spoons of honey to it to make a wonderful bath. You can also massage your face with milk using circular motions. Repeat the procedure two to three times a week. This is good for all skin types except those that are prone to acne.

Essential oils

Essential oils are highly concentrated oils. They are obtained from a variety of plants. Such products have been used since the time of Cleopatra to get flawless and radiant skin. Since the product is very concentrated, you need to know how to use it correctly. You may have an allergic reaction, so apply the oil to a small area of ​​skin first. You can use rose essential oil, it has a surprisingly pleasant smell and can make your skin very soft. This mask whitens, removes acne and signs of inflammation, and also smooths out wrinkles. Simply add ten drops of essential oil to a glass of cool milk and apply the mixture to your skin all over your body. Repeat the procedure every day. Orange essential oil stimulates collagen production, which helps fight signs of aging, from wrinkles to age spots. In addition, it protects the skin from ultraviolet rays. As a result, your face will become brighter and more attractive. Mix equal amounts of orange oil and jojoba oil, apply to face and wash off after a couple of minutes. This method can be used daily. Lemon essential oil is universal, it has antiseptic, antibacterial properties, in addition, it is an antioxidant and rejuvenates the skin. Mix it with water or jojoba oil, you can even apply it daily! The main thing is not to go out into the sun with such a mask, so as not to get burned. Neroli essential oil will help whiten the face of those with oily skin. Add it to another vegetable oil and apply for twenty minutes. Repeat the procedure daily.

Freckles are a “decoration” only for little girls. Over time, they become a major cosmetic defect, which many representatives of the fairer sex try to combat. But freckles are not the only cosmetic problem. Pigment spots also spoil the entire appearance and instill in women insecurity about their beauty.

Their appearance may be associated both with age-related changes and with frequent sunbathing in the open sun. Why they appear is not so important; for most, the most important question is how to eliminate pigmentation from facial skin and is it even possible to do this?

It is quite possible to restore the structure of the skin and even out the tone. To do this, there is absolutely no need to resort to expensive salon procedures or buy any products in cosmetic stores. Regular face whitening at home using masks made from natural ingredients will help get rid of this problem.

Whitening facial skin - preparing masks

There are many ways to prepare whitening masks. There are simple masks, consisting of only one or two ingredients, and there are complex masks, which include more than three ingredients, but they are the most effective.

Simple whitening face masks include regular lemon. There is no need to squeeze juice out of it or prepare it in any way in advance. You just need to take a lemon, cut off a small slice from it and wipe your face with it, no need to rinse off! This procedure must be done every day.

Be careful. This mask dries out the skin greatly and can cause it to peel. Therefore, be sure to lubricate your skin daily with a rich and nourishing cream. Representatives are not recommended to use such a mask. They can wipe their face every day with a mixture made from a tablespoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of olive oil.

Also, a simple whitening face mask can be prepared from parsley and rich sour cream. To prepare it, you need to chop the parsley (about 50 grams) and combine it with one tablespoon of sour cream. This mixture is applied to the skin and left to act for 20 minutes. Remove the remnants of the mask with a cotton swab, which must first be moistened in warm milk.

Cucumber also has a whitening effect. It can also be mixed with sour cream, grated on a fine grater along with the peel, or you can simply cut it into slices and place them on your face. In both the first and second cases, 20 minutes for the procedure will be quite sufficient.
- another accessible whitening product that is sold in every pharmacy. It is very easy to prepare. You need to take two tablespoons of clay and dilute them with a small amount of chilled boiled water to a creamy consistency. Before applying the clay, you need to lightly moisten it with water.

The required period of time for the full effect of this product is 20 minutes. If you have dry skin, you can also add a teaspoon of vegetable or olive oil to the clay.

Milk can also be used as a bleaching agent. Accordingly, store-bought diluted milk will not be as effective as real country milk. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to purchase one, it is better to take advantage of it.
There is no need to prepare any masks from milk. Simply heat a small amount of milk and wash your face with it, removing excess with a paper towel. Such procedures also need to be done daily, preferably at night. Masks for oily skin. Home care for problem skin.

As a rule, the multi-component composition of masks allows you to combat several problems simultaneously. For example, a mask made from acetylsalicylic acid, honey and chicken eggs helps to simultaneously whiten facial skin and treat it if there are inflammatory processes on it.

To prepare the mask, you will need 3 aspirin tablets, which must be crushed to a powder and combined with honey and egg. If your skin is oily, you only need to add the white; if you have dry skin, add the yolk.

The mass is distributed in an even layer and left to act for 20 minutes. The use of this method of whitening is contraindicated for persons with individual intolerance and severe cupidosis on the face.

You can prepare effective whitening face masks from fermented milk products. To do this, you need to mix a teaspoon of kefir, the same amount of fat sour cream or cream, and a tablespoon of granular cottage cheese in one container. The ingredients must be ground together until a homogeneous mass is formed.

  • lemon juice;
  • egg white;
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.

First you need to lightly beat the egg white, then add a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and a couple of drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice. The mask is applied to the skin for no more than 10 minutes. After the procedure, the skin should be lubricated with a nourishing fatty cream.

All these masks help eliminate age spots and freckles from the skin of the face. Naturally, you will not be able to completely get rid of them after the first procedure. They must be done regularly with breaks of no more than 6–7 days.

And since almost all whitening masks dry out the skin, it is recommended to use them in combination with homemade moisturizing and nourishing masks. Good luck in your endeavors!

Video about whitening face mask