Happy 18th birthday. Congratulations on eighteen years, wishes on coming of age

Gift ideas

Congratulations on your eighteenth birthday!
And I wish you to shine in the rays of glory!
And so that in this beautiful and gentle light
You never had to know about trouble!
I wish you love and, of course, good luck!
Let him lead you into life with his firm hand!
I wish you success, hope and happiness,
So that they burst into destiny like a warm river!

18 - what a young date!
How tender and beautiful she is!
She has youth, passion,
The riot of the spring garden,
A palette of all colors,
She is like spring!
Seething and raging
And he walks boldly
Only 18 and more to come!
Let them come true in life
Dreams and desires
You're entering adulthood
Life is now you!

Eighteen, the golden date!
The world is ready to fall at your feet
Happy birthday, this is a wonderful day
Can I just give you one piece of advice?
Eighteen - everything is just beginning!
The joy of life fills the heart.
May Fortune smile on you
And everything you want comes true!

Happy eighteenth birthday! Good luck,
Let her lead you,
To solve all problems with ease,
And love is a slow cycle for you!
So that the snowstorms disappear, all the blizzards calm down,
What once prevented the soul from laughing!
Happiness and luck are reliable servants,
Help you make your dream come true!

18 years old is a wonderful age
The best is yet to come.
May all your endeavors be bold.
Create, enjoy and go boldly
Forward along the road of your life.
Always find loyal and cheerful friends.
So that grief bypasses you,
And happiness and joy shone brighter!

At 18 there are no barriers to happiness!
The dew sparkles, the air is fresh and clean,
And you yourself, like a joyful dawn,
And your gaze is clear, gentle and radiant.
May your thread of life be strong.
May the years bring you wisdom.
Manage to live them so fully
So that you never regret the past!

18 years old is a wonderful age,
All obstacles are within your reach,
A million possibilities are open
Make your own destiny happy.
Please accept my congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
Let your mood be great
May you be lucky in everything, always,
May a good angel take care of you.

Happy eighteenth birthday! Happy this holiday
The doors of life have warmly opened for you!
May this life give you wealth and joy,
Let everything in it be like in a rainbow dream!
Anxieties, doubts are bypassed,
Achieve your dreams and everything will be yours!
Friendship, happiness, health, love without a doubt
From my heart I wish you and your family!

You're eighteen years old
Congratulations on this day.
Only the best in fate,
Let sorrows be a dream.
I wish you happiness and warmth,
And let your dreams come true.
Let the road be bright,
More health, kindness!

Eighteen years is no joke!
Although not a century.
Let me congratulate you
Happy coming of age!
On your birthday, accept
Our congratulations!
Take it into adult life
Good instructions!

I congratulate you on coming of age,
I wish you happiness, joy, warmth, kindness!
Childhood is over, adult life awaits,
Feel free to step forward!
May luck always accompany you,
Let every moment be bright,
Everything you dream about comes true
And life will be bright, like a flower garden!

18 is cool
These are young years.
Happy birthday, happy jam day
Everyone congratulates you.

Incendiary and bright
Your life will always be there.
You're still at the very beginning
All roads are for you!

May fate give you happiness.
And will fulfill all your dreams.
And luck will stick,
And you will reach the star!

Happy 18th birthday!
Your first dawn awaits adulthood.
Don't be sad, childhood remains somewhere in yesterday,
The distances are open ahead... Well, go ahead, it's time!
I want to wish you, don’t waste time,
Spread your wings, my falcon, and fly boldly!
May friends, love, and luck meet you along the way.
I wish you to find happiness!

At 18 all horizons are open,
At 18 there are no barriers and no worries!
At 18 there are only new heights
A person takes it without any unnecessary difficulties!
I wish you on your birthday
Keep your youth in your heart,
May luck always accompany you,
May you be able to win everywhere!

18 - oh, what a date!
Let it not be anniversary, not round,
This is the dance of the waves and the riot of the garden.
There are two wings behind my back!
That's eight Fridays a week
A time of trial, error and dilemmas.
Beauty and spirit in a healthy body
This is life without problems for now!
This is a reckless neighborhood
And now it’s forgivable
The epicenter of adolescence and childhood,
This is fermented wine.
It's time to assert yourself
This is the best time of life.
Happy Birthday!
Have the best birthday ever!
And still no fluff, no feather!

I wish you luck at 18,
May your birthday bring it to you.
Let the most beautiful and daring desires
Signal green light shine!
May life give you everything you want,
Fortune predicts good luck in everything.
And may there be many gifts on this day,
May it become magically beautiful and bright!

Today you are eighteen
Today the whole world is for you.
Dreams are destined to come true
In anticipation of this day.
Fate will bring you a key
From a life of closed doors,
That ray will illuminate the road,
What the smiles of friends give.
We wish you health and happiness,
Congratulations on this bright day.

Eighteen is wonderful!
Today is the best and happiest day!
A start to kind and conscientious actions,
And the beginning for a beautiful destiny.
So that there are many bright events,
The carousel of adult life was circling,
So that there is nothing to worry about
And fate brought triumph!

18 is the date
The most beautiful!
This is youth, freshness, tenderness,
Youth is playful!
These are plans and hopes,
Goals and dreams
Brave and daring
Expectations from life.
I wish you a lot of joy
Good luck on your way,
Don't fall, don't give up
Always go forward.
You will succeed
Just believe it.
Smile and perseverance
They will open the door to happiness!

Life is wonderful at 18
Everything is just ahead!
Thoughts competently and clearly,
Feel free to go forward
Achieve your goals in life
never be discouraged
Don't be sad, but smile
Have fun and happiness!

The age of majority is eighteen years old,
There is still a verse in this young song!
New recognitions, new paths,
But the main road needs to be found!
We wish you to win the jackpot,
Drive into the sky in a time machine!
Fill your mind with new knowledge,
So that a happy life does not fail!

On your wonderful 18th birthday
Let us hug you
And give me a poem
Wish you love and happiness.
May your health be good,
And the heart is forever young,
May your every day be bright
To the joy of us and all our families!

18, finally!
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
I wish you happiness
But don't rush to grow up.

Enjoy a wonderful date
Smile, have fun.
Let everything be cool in life,
Just strive for the best.

A sea of ​​tenderness, good luck,
Waves of passion, kindness.
I wish you everything
After all, you will achieve everything!

Eighteenth birthday -
The day is beautiful and bright.
Let it bring fulfillment
The most cherished dreams!
Will be reflected in your eyes
Unlimited happiness
Every sunny moment in life
It will only be in your power!

You are 18 today
And on this glorious holiday of yours
I wish you a sea of ​​happiness.
Light up the world with beauty!

May all your dreams be like in a fairy tale
They come to life, because you,
Like a ray of sunshine, you shine brightly.
You don’t know grief and misfortune.

I wish you success
Wealth, joy, good luck.
I wish you love and happiness.
And an ocean of money to boot!

On your 18th birthday,
Grandson, I wish to love,
I wish to be wise in the world,
Obstacles to bypass everything!
I wish you to always smile,
Trouble is afraid to come
And your wishes will come true,
And happiness will only grow!

You are 18 years old today
The beginning of adult life, a new start.
Let the green light always burn
There will be no obstacles on your path.
Let your dreams come true instantly,
So that life seems like just a sweet dream,
May happiness certainly surround you,
Success always accompanies you in everything.

At 18 you are an adult
And sometimes everything is difficult.
But I wish you victories,
May luck smile on you.
Go through life with joy,
And look forward, no matter what happens.
Know that your happiness is ahead,
And follow him with all your might!

May this 18th birthday
Let the sun shine brighter

Health will be the best of gifts,
And happiness is an addition to it!
We wish you more love
Huge, pure, like a tear,
We want you to smile forever
Your eyes are dear to us!

You are 18 today -
A wonderful age for young people!
I wish you a key of happiness
Find from the casket of fate.
So that in that magical casket there would be
Love, luck and success,
And so that you can easily if you wish
Managed to share them among everyone!

You are eighteen today!
The whole world is open to you.
And so as not to get lost in it,
May you have enough strength for everything.
I wish to become only who you want,
Achieve great victories in everything,
Fulfill cherished dreams
And leave your mark in life!

At 18, life is like a garden,
And it reminds me of spring.
But don’t forget about the main thing, though –
The one who works gets happiness!
I wish you inspiration
And I want to wish you health,
Well, the main thing in life is luck,
So, friend, don’t be discouraged!

Eighteen is dawn
Your life, which is all ahead.
I wish you only victories
Go from luck to luck.
Just try to live wisely
And then you will overcome all adversities.
What happiness on a pink morning
Rush through the sparkling dew!
I drink to the joy of springtime,
May the year be filled with happiness!
People will be kind to you.
Just stay like this always.

You are eighteen today!
Not just age, but a dream!
I wish you to smile more often,
So that beauty blooms,
So that love comes unexpectedly
Good luck in your future endeavors!
Live brightly, cheerfully and greedily,
As it appears in dreams!

You are eighteen years old today,
Meet your first adult dawn!
May you always be lucky in everything,
May youth never go away!
Find happiness in this life,
Fly towards a fairy tale and a dream,
And may the beautiful spring keep you,
To have enough light and warmth!

Turned 18 today
But this is still a small milestone,
I wish you never to worry,
And so that there is a fresh blush on the cheeks -
Fall in love, may happiness come to you,
Let a smile be on your lips,
And never ominous bad weather
Don't let fear overwhelm you.

It's very sad to part with childhood,
But, alas, we can’t return it...
Well, you're eighteen today,
And a happy life path awaits you.
Let it be cloudless and clean,
What a bright world of love and beauty!
Let the sun shine brightly and radiantly,
And all your dreams will come true!

You're eighteen, but don't rush
It is reckless to rush into adulthood.
Live and have fun for the delight of your soul,
But know the limit, even if it is difficult.
Good luck to you, my dear nephew,
May you have more luck in business and love.
May happiness always be with you,
And day by day life becomes sweeter.

Your holiday of winged youth
I upset my family this morning.
Everyone turned 18 again
Everyone is happy, as if in heaven.

Everyone wishes you with joy
Success in life and love,
Friends, girlfriends hug,
They are proud of you, understand.

Feel free to join the “League of Adults”
Create, dare, decide your destiny.
Alas, the days of childhood are already in the past,
But you just started your life.

Happy Birthday! Eighteen -
The holiday is bright and beautiful,
I wish you a lot of happiness
Lots of tenderness and passion.
And also - a lot of successes,
So that there is still some left for friends,
So that always in your daring
Everything worked out great!

May your life become fuller,
And every day you become wiser.
Let youth not fade for a long time,
And life is more fun.
Let there be joy and fun,
After all, this is the only thing we live for.
And we say: “Happy Birthday!
Have a bright and happy day!”

May this 18th birthday
The sun will shine brighter
And let the joy of life cover the darkness,
Health will be the best of gifts.
And happiness is an addition to it!
We wish you more love
Huge, pure, like a tear,
We want you to smile forever
Your eyes are dear to us!

You are eighteen today
It seems like it's time to grow up,
But I wish not to be shy
To be a child sometimes.
I wish you to enjoy life,
Appreciate nature's purity,
Be proud and love your homeland,
Your relatives, your family.
Find your path, your calling,
Reach your height,
May everyone's wishes come true,
May all your dreams come true.

My dear brother, happy birthday!
You are eighteen years old!
And with great admiration
Destiny wishes:
To have personal happiness
And everything is in order,
Excellent mood
Good luck and warmth!

At eighteen the whole world
So wonderful.
On your birthday the lyre trembles
So adorable!
Now is the time to congratulate
Be touched.
It's time for you to dream
And fall in love.
At 18 it rings
Life in streams.
The time of joy does not sleep.

Eighteenth birthday is a huge holiday,
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts only happiness!
Let all your dreams come true unconditionally!
And misfortunes will certainly pass you by!
May fate be beautiful and bright,
Let inspiration give you passion with renewed vigor.
To live - not to bother, to be friends and love!
So that bright joy settles in fate!

You, (Name), are eighteen,
A big door to life has opened.
How difficult it is to part with childhood,
But you can't get it back now.
Let all the good things from childhood
It will be your inheritance.
Let your heart beat with excitement
And sings songs of youth.

On my nephew's birthday
Let everything be just super!
So that life gives holidays,
To be respected by people!
Eighteen is great!
Youth is coming into its own!
I wish you happiness soon,
May God help you in everything!

Eighteen... With this date
How many dreams are connected!
And they are calling somewhere,
At least sometimes without outlines.

Happy anniversary!
Let happiness shine like the sun
We will dispel doubts.
Let life answer with a smile.

The rain is beautiful and the days are beautiful.
Let goodness walk nearby.
Know that your hopes are not in vain.
Let happiness rain down like hail.

Congratulations on your 18th birthday!
Let the road lie like a feather bed,
On this bright day I wish you
There is only a lot of happiness in life, a lot!
May the sun never go out in your heart,
Let your dream come true!
Let him always knock on your window
Success, hope, faith in miracles!

I wish you recklessness
Optimism, fun, victories.
Plunge yourself into feelings,
After all, you are 18 years old!

Let all the roads be open,
May the ticket be happy
All grievances from childhood are forgotten,
After all, you are 18 years old!

Let everything be what you dream of,
May your path be illuminated by light.
You are at a wonderful age:
You're only 18 years old!

Eighteen years today
Fulfilled to you:
Be luxurious, strong, fashionable,
Be on top in everything!
And health and luck
I wish now
Have a festive mood!
Happy Birthday! Good morning!

You are eighteen today
How wonderful is your age!
May your life be rich
Let the holiday be unearthly.
May storms, winds and obstacles
They bypass your path
Let victories and awards
They multiply the essence of life.
Health, joy, fun,
Warmth, trust, love,
True friends and mood.
And dreams come true!

When eighteen comes
You become a year older.
There is joy and fun in the soul,
And life becomes more difficult.
But the years fly by quickly
And they can't be stopped
They change us a lot
And they should be treasured!

Birthday for the 18th time
You celebrate with all your family.
I only want to wish here and now,
So that the muse visits you.
To celebrate life there was always strength
And love, and create, and laugh.
May your path always be bright,
Then everything will certainly succeed!

I wish you at 18
Love without disappointments
Huge life victories
And fulfillment of desires!
Warm everyone with your smile,
Don't be discouraged and don't be sad,
May there be many friends
Just smile more often!

So childhood has flown by,
And there are no return tickets.
Happy Birthday!
More happiness, less troubles.

So that everything always works out
On the long way to fate,
Never got discouraged:
Have fun, dream, love.

Eighteen is so solid
Respect and honor.
Don't worry because
The best year of my life is coming.

You are 18 years old today -
There is no more beautiful age in the world,
When the best is just waiting for you,
And you don't believe that life is a struggle.
Let simple paths await you,
May there be a lot of happiness ahead,
Let your life be interesting,
And everything will be fine for you!

Here you are eighteen
You can sing and dance
Have fun, have fun,
But don't lose your mind!

Let everything in life succeed,
Everyone's dreams come true.
We wish you happiness
Joy and kindness.

Try to be wiser
Don't lose optimism
Always be positive
And don't forget about us.

A new beginning of life -
The date is eighteen years old.
Let, as in a good old fairy tale,
The sad thing will fade away.
Good health, laughter,
Joy, good luck wagon.
I wish you every success in your endeavors,
The bank account is worth a million.

We congratulate you on your adulthood.
And we melt with happiness, like ice cream:
Since you are already eighteen today,
Now I can fuck you without fear
Handsome guys for this and for that -
Adults allowed!
Drink beer, wine, champagne and vodka,
Wiggle your hips, show off your gait,
Don’t hide your charms from view,
Look for partners for your novels.
Shoot with your eyes at those who are richer
And, like a tank, strive for your luck!

Happy Birthday, on an important date,
Eighteen is a lot.
Life will be rich in happiness,
And fate does not judge strictly.
Will come true almost instantly
All dreams and wishes.
Every moment without fail
Will live up to expectations.

What an age! This is a miracle!
All possibilities are visible!
Eighteen is cool!
It's just a pity for some reason
Joyful days of childhood;
But don’t fuss over this thought -
There is no return to the past;
In general, happy coming of age!
Be worthy of these years!

I want to tell you -
Good luck awaits ahead
And it's not hard to predict
18 – your flight!
Never be discouraged
I want to tell you
Let everything be good
You can achieve in life!

You are eighteen today
The whole world is open to you.
Be able to break through the thorns,
Win a tournament against life.
I wish you today
Move forward confidently.
Let your star shine
The Lord protects from all adversity.
May life be full of gifts,
Happy days, successful years.
Let love be passionate and bright.
Happy life will send a ticket.

I want your life
Made me happy,
Live it lovingly.
Let the bad weather go away!
18 - here it is
A new beginning!
So much happiness is destined!
A lot will come true!

My dear granddaughter, my dear,
I would like to congratulate you, grandfather,
You grew up as an adult - eighteen years old,
I sincerely wish you to live without troubles,
So that you are always loved and happy,
So that she is beautiful and lives with her mind,
I met a prince, and on a horse,
She gave birth to children, so that, to my joy,
Sadness did not darken your mischievous look,
I am glad to see the happiness of my granddaughter and grandfather.
How nice it is to hear your cheerful laughter,
and raising my glass for you is not a sin!

There are eighteen times in life,
It's so wonderful to live at 18!
I want to love and kiss,
Conquer the whole world with yourself!
I wish you happiness
Illuminated your thorny path,
On the road to the real stars,
Don't forget about your family and friends!

The spring of all life is eighteen.
The whole world has opened up before you.
Go boldly and smile
Fly for happiness, for your dreams!
Love and joy will be nearby,
Don't be afraid of adversity! Remember that
You are eighteen today
And all the obstacles don’t matter!

Happy eighteenth birthday,
The first bright day of adult life!
The smoke of childhood has long since dissipated,
You can't leave things for later.
Always look for happiness
Or let him find you.
Never despair
Let the earth turn for you!

Eighteen - a lot or a little?
It seems like a philosophical question.
A man was born - this is the beginning,
And then he matured, became wiser and grew.

Eighteen - open spaces ahead,
All paths and paths are open.
You need to be responsible and honest,
To go through life correctly.

May your dreams come true one day
Let your dreams come true.
And every morning will be happy,
The days only bring you joy.

Eighteen is the start of a successful life!
Still, of course, ahead.
We wish you unlimited happiness
And reliable friends along the way.

Today there is joy and excitement,
Have a wonderful day of youth,
Already 18 perfect,
And April blooms in everyone’s souls!

Special birthday:
Life is at its peak and strength is flourishing.
It hit you today
18 whole years.
I wish you take off
To unprecedented heights.
To know all the secrets of the world
To mysterious depths.

There are eighteen candles on the cake!
The soul rejoices joyfully!
Always remain like this
How beautiful you are today!
Girlfriend, on this birthday
Please accept my heartfelt words:
Let every moment be
So that your head is spinning!

Phew, that's it, already eighteen,
Now you can break away...
Quiet, quiet, careful!
So what, what is already possible?
We want to congratulate you,
Direct you to the true path.
You, boy, don’t rush -
Write life down by notes.
Laugh, sing, dream, dance
And flirt with girls -
Don't be rude, filter the market,
But claim the best.
Don't be sad, don't panic,
Train your strength of spirit,
Don't give a damn about your enemies
Don't quarrel with anyone in vain.
Just celebrate in life
Strive upward, don't drift,
Claim for victory
And rejoice with happiness!

This is the eighteenth time
Happy birthday to you.
You are no longer a child now,
Prepare for adult life quickly.
We wish you patience
On the road to dreams and desires.
We wish you only happiness in fate,
Let there be no place for suffering in it!

Happy Birthday! Happy coming of age!
May you always be lucky in your adult life,
Only you are responsible for yourself now,
Take a running start - go for takeoff!

Be bold: tackle with enthusiasm
For any business and dream -
All dreams will come true, even if not right away,
Just believe, hope and dare.

May luck be on your side,
The heart will open for love,
Make friends, girlfriends, buddies,
Live every day to the fullest!

Buddy, eighteen years old -
After all, this is the start of adult life!
Let life give green light,
And there will be joy and excitement!
Happy and wonderful days,
Like this - the best birthday!
Good loyal friends
And wonderful moments!

You are only 18 years old -
Happy, pull out a ticket,
Find your way, the road to a miracle.
Live beautifully, brightly, coolly!

With love in the heart, with faith in a fairy tale,
No sad thoughts, no wasted tears.
Without anger, without resentment and boredom -
Spare yourself the painful torment.

Dream, create, fly, fall in love,
Lose yourself in what you love.
And in a bright, beautiful youth
Think about good things every hour!

Today is your birthday
Eighteen years already!
Walk boldly on the path to destiny,
Beware of various troubles in life.
Choose the right path
And don't go down the wrong path.
And although your whole life, of course, lies ahead,
But don't waste it on trifles.

The line has been crossed until it is irrevocable,
Say goodbye to childhood forever,
You are going out into life! A 18 -
Just a pass to many years to come.
On this day all our congratulations
They usually sound: Happiness and love.
And only mothers have tears of tenderness
They will show you the way - live on it.
Be kind and polite, honest with yourself,
Look kindly and don’t hide your eyes.
No longer a boy - get ready for battle,
Life doesn't just hand out luck.

Happy 18th Birthday!
The delicate scent of flowers is your faithful guide
To the world of dreams, where happiness lives like salvation!
Where you can get straight to hope and faith!
Let what you have been dreaming about for a long time come true,
And may you always be lucky in everything!
And you will learn something that you are unlikely to know,
And the only right turn in your fate!

Eighteen years! This is the date!
Your first serious anniversary.
We need to have fun today
Accept toasts from your friends!
On my own behalf I wish you happiness,
Positive, bright years to you,
So that luck takes part
In your life, where there will be no troubles.
And also love to you, of course,
Without her, all life, alas, is empty.
I wish you endless joy,
May your dream come true soon!

Without saying banal words,
I wish you at 18
To live, giving light and sunshine,
And smile radiantly!
And always be the happiest of all,
To become closely related to luck,
Falling in love with yourself is a great success,
Achieve everything you want!

Congratulations on this important date!
We wish you new beginnings,
Love open, honest friendship,
Good luck in mastering knowledge!
We wish you bright impressions,
We wish you to smile more often,
And many happy events
We wish you eighteen!

Birthday, 18th!
This is a reason to meet
And it's nice to sit
And buzz a little!
We wish you success
Lots of happiness, lots of laughter,
Long interesting life,
And also wonderful love!

Today you are eighteen
Don't look back with sadness.
The time has come to say goodbye to childhood,
But there is so much more to come!

We wish you in life as an adult
The peaks are easy to conquer.
Of course, not everything will be simple,
But you have to look for happiness!

Health, true friends,
Love and success in business.
And rush with a fair wind
Forward, with full sails!

My niece, you have become
Today I am completely grown up.
She charmed the whole world with herself,
After all, you have everything you need:
Smart and angelically beautiful
At eighteen years old.
May your life be happy
Good luck will save you from troubles.

We wish you
Bold achievements,
Amazing victories
Less regrets
Have fun until the morning
It's a great day to celebrate.
Happy holiday to you. Hooray!
Happy coming of age!

I wish you on your birthday
May life bloom like the Garden of Eden!
A sea of ​​joy, carefree fun,
So that every person is happy with you!
Welcomes you with open arms
At 18, the adult world is you!
And today in the dark sky at night
Your star will shine brighter!

You are eighteen today
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Have fun, laugh
Hurry up with your friends!
The world is open before you,
Move forward with a smile
All sorrows will be forgotten,
I wish you a hassle-free life!

I wish you such a mood
So that it never leaves,
I wish you crazy luck
After all, 18 is your age!
May happiness and great success
They continue to lead you along
May there be a lot of laughter in your life,
And may good luck always await you!

Are you 18 -
Serious date!
And, to be honest,
Everyone is happy for you!

After all, into a new life
The doors open.
Hold yourself with dignity
Despite the losses.

Let it not be at all
Unfaithful friends
But there will be a lot
New ideas!

Everything will be like in a fairy tale,
Just believe me
And open it boldly
New door!

Childhood ended when you were eighteen,
And you are no longer a child now.
I want to congratulate you, wish you a lot of happiness,
You close this door to childhood.
In life, you boldly go towards your goal,
Achieve great success.
I wish you good health, it really is
Will help you on the right path!

Your beloved niece
I congratulate you on coming of age.
I give my wishes from the heart:
May you be the happiest person in the world!
May sorrows never touch you,
And may spring bloom in your soul.
And life greeted you with smiles,
She was beautiful and bright!

Celebrating eighteen
And you get your license!
The world has become more colorful, more noticeable,
For those who are of age,
A sea of ​​plans and enthusiasm,
Strength, emotions and pressure,
All peaks will be conquered,
Just don't overdo it,
Let it be remembered for a long time
An age that doesn't last long!

Little sister is eighteen
And I want to confess
What's better in the world
Sisters than mine!
I wish you to smile
And enjoy life!
Beloved sister,
I love you so much!

Wake up early in the morning
Now you are not at all lazy!
You are eighteen today -
Your first adult day in your life!
May this day add to you
Have fun, joyful moments!
Will guide you on the right path -
Walk this path with dignity!

Congratulations on your big date -
Eighteen full years.
Your life will be rich
Impregnable to troubles.
Happiness, joy, good luck,
Winds in the sails of dreams.
Let everything that means a lot
You will achieve it easily.

Time to say goodbye to childhood!
A step has been taken towards adult life!
After all, you are already eighteen -
It's a date, after all!
Congratulations on this date!
May you always be lucky!
Be happy and rich!
The rest is nonsense!

Happy Birthday! At 18 years old
I want to wish you good luck,
Lots of happiness and big victories,
And I also want to tell you -
Never be afraid of anything
Be happy, live and prosper,
Achieve your own in life,
Never, please, do not be discouraged!

Happy Birthday greetings to nephew Happy Birthday greetings to dad from daughter

Let miracles happen
In the world it is with you!
You are 18 today!
May your holiday bring happiness!

Happy eighteenth birthday to you
We wanted to congratulate you.
And wish you lovingly,
May everyone here have fun.

Today is a big holiday,
And we won't argue.
We'll sing and dance
Let's not forget to congratulate you.

We will send you congratulations,
And we wish you just happiness,
A big, clean bag.
Let's get rid of bad weather!

At 18 you are an adult
And sometimes everything is difficult.
But I wish you victories,
May luck smile on you.

Go through life with joy,
And look forward, no matter what happens.
Know that your happiness is ahead,
And follow him with all your might!

Happy Birthday! At 18 years old
I want to wish you good luck,
Lots of happiness and big victories,
And I also want to tell you -

Never be afraid of anything
Be happy, live and prosper,
Achieve your own in life,
Never, please, do not be discouraged!

In our youth, doors are open to us -
There are no barriers on the path of life.
Everything we don't want
You can choose and go to him!

My niece has also become an adult -
Birthday - 18 years!
I wish you this holiday
Live life happily and without troubles!

I wish you luck at 18,
May your birthday bring it to you.
Let the most beautiful and daring desires
Signal green light shine!

May life give you everything you want,
Fortune predicts good luck in everything.
And may there be many gifts on this day,
May it become magically beautiful and bright!

On this long-awaited birthday
I congratulate my grandson from the bottom of my heart,
18 years old is quite an adult...
Live happily, my dear!

Find your goal and move towards it boldly,
Let there be no obstacles on the way!
Only the queen will win the heart,
And friends will always be faithful!

Happy 18th birthday!
And I wish you to shine in the rays of glory!
And so that in this beautiful and gentle light
You never had to know about trouble!

I wish you love and, of course, good luck!
Let him lead you into life with his firm hand!
I wish you success, hope and happiness,
So that they burst into destiny like a warm river!

A warm evening descends to the earth,
Coloring the Earth in partial shade.
He will hug you tenderly by the shoulders
And whisper in your ear: “Happy Birthday!”

You turned 18 today.
May your Angel keep you safe,
May your dreams all come true,
And everything in the world will suddenly become possible!

I wish you at 18
Love without disappointments
Huge life victories
And fulfillment of desires!

Warm everyone with your smile,
Don't be discouraged and don't be sad,
May there be many friends
Just smile more often!

I wish you on your birthday
May life bloom like the Garden of Eden!
A sea of ​​joy, carefree fun,
So that every person is happy with you!

Welcomes you with open arms
At 18, the adult world is you!
And today in the dark sky at night
Your star will shine brighter!

Happy 18th Birthday!
The delicate scent of flowers is your faithful guide
To the world of dreams, where happiness lives like salvation!
Where you can get straight to hope and faith!

Let what you have been dreaming about for a long time come true,
And may you always be lucky in everything!
And you will learn something that you are unlikely to know,
And the only right turn in your fate!

Birthday is a glorious holiday!
And today it is doubly important.
No matter how you are eighteen
And now you are much more mature!

Childhood ran away unnoticed
Granddaughter, don’t bother!
Youth opens the doors of life,
Enter them happily today!

The son is eighteen years old -
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Happiness, many victories!
To be good

Day after day is your summer,
So that you are healthy,
May your dream come true,
To love with all my heart!

Happy 18th birthday greetings

Congratulations on any holiday must be thought out down to the details, because this is what determines the mood of the heroes of the occasion and all the guests, and, accordingly, the entire course of the holiday, and the memories after it.

Congratulations on your 18th birthday should be especially carefully thought out, because this age is considered a full birthday - this is a serious moment in the life of every person. What to give for 18 years?

You can give an air pistol, a trip to the sea or a vacation somewhere else - a tour of different countries, or a vacation in the mountains. You can also give the birthday boy something to make his dream come true. If he dreams of buying a car, create a loan with the bank, putting as much money on it as you can give to the birthday boy.

Interestingly, congratulations on your 18th birthday can also be made simply sweet: order a cool cake from a pastry shop, decorated with mastic figures that will hint at the birthday person. For example, if he chose the profession of a journalist, ask the confectionery shop to repeat as accurately as possible the drawing of a newspaper, microphone, voice recorder, etc. on the cake...

What to give for eighteen years? If the birthday boy is quite athletic, give him, for example, a skydiving ticket. Imagine how long the birthday boy will remember your 18th birthday greetings if you give him a portrait of him drawn...

And just remember and be guided by the following rule: if you want to surprise the birthday boy, then you just need to find a way to do it without jumping above yourself and spending too much. After all, for every product there is a merchant.

Eighteen years - everything is possible,
Just be very careful.
Happy birthday,
I wish you a cool buzz.

Don't get too drunk,
Don't make noise, don't take off your clothes.
After all, in the morning it will be a shame,
Nobody will forget this.

In general, I wish you happiness.
Take part in everything
Fun adventures.
New sensations for you!

Eighteen is cool!
Anything is possible from now on.
Have fun at the club at night
And drive your own car.

Today is a beautiful day
But temptation is very dangerous.
Remember, you will drink a lot,
You can forget everything by morning.

In general, yes. Do not relax,
Wash yourself in happiness.
All the goodies in the world to you,
And cool adult toys:

Yacht, business, plane...
May you enjoy your life!

You can vote and drink, but only beer, because they don’t sell anything stronger at 18. But this is not a reason to be upset, because today is your birthday! Happy 18th birthday. I wish you a mega-cool day and a mega-cool life in general. Let the wheel of fortune constantly give out the jackpot, let every day pass without psychosis and negativity, only in emotions of joy and passionate feelings of love!

Eighteen years today
Everything is possible for you,
Buy fuel in bulk,
Move boldly according to fate.

You can already drive
Without fear of cutting,
Feel free to put a stamp in your passport
And step on the rake.

I wish you happiness
Life turned out only for you,
So that luck is not childish,
So that fate leads to a dream.

Eighteen is cool
The date is important, believe me,
At this very minute
A door has opened to a big world.

Now you can buy everything -
It's worth showing your passport
And all those who are a little younger,
You'll just be drooling to swallow!

Just don't get carried away
Spend your time wisely
May success and a sea of ​​happiness
Waiting ahead!

Here you are eighteen
You can sing and dance
Have fun, have fun,
But don't lose your mind!

Let everything in life succeed,
Everyone's dreams come true.
We wish you happiness
Joy and kindness.

Try to be wiser
Don't lose optimism
Always be positive
And don't forget about us.

I won’t pull my ears 18 times.
And I won’t sing the song “Take Me Quickly.”
And I only wish you to believe in a miracle,
Find yourself and your love in life.

I wish you to find your calling,
It's not so easy for everyone to find him.
But the main thing among all these events is
Don't get discouraged and don't waste time.

May your youth last longer
You'll feel like you're 18 for the rest of your life.
May your “Vita” always be “longer”
And “love forever” is like heaven!

Who's knocking on your door?
Super-duper anniversary!
Eighteen years is no joke
This is a minibus to a new world!

I wish not to yawn
And light it up to the fullest,
Life is a dance floor, don't be shy
Be a star on it soon!

Grown man, hello!
You're 18 years old!
Well, of course, this happens:
There was just a little one, a net.

And now my eyes are burning,
They will do whatever you want.
They are a bottomless mystery,
The head is just a treasure.

He'll come up with everything,
He thinks like WOW!
We wish you to keep it that way,
In a word, happiness! Congratulations!

Eighteen is the date
What's sweeter than chocolate?
Congratulations, bravo!
You have the right to everything:
Sing, dance and have fun,
After all, this life is wonderful!
Enjoy every moment
Smile brightly more often
To attract luck -
She means a lot in life
Because to live happily,
Catch a lot of positive things!

You are eighteen today!
Hooray! Freedom at last!
Don't be shy about drinking beer -
Mom and dad don't mind.

I still wish not to give up,
Go towards your dream, don’t lose heart.
Always joke and smile
Don't forget your friends.

Traditionally, we celebrate our coming of age at 18 years old. This is a wonderful age when you can confidently say that adult life begins today. 18 years is not just the final period of growing up, it is the beginning of a new life, the responsibility for which lies solely on our shoulders. On this wonderful day, the 18th birthday, let the birthday people feel not only freedom and independence, but also the limitless possibilities that life opens up for them. During this period, most young people become students or get their first job, and perhaps create their own strong young families. Coming of age always means independence, important obligations and responsibilities. In this section you will find the best and most reverent 18th birthday greetings to congratulate your friends or loved ones on their important holiday - their 18th birthday.

You will remember her someday,
Compare yourself with a distant one...
Eighteen years! - such a date
There is no one louder and clearer!
May your long life just begin,
According to happy fate, a running start was taken,
Youth gave you everything, and that means
Be kinder and richer than everyone else!

There is no better age in life.
Than eighteen years-
There are many ideas and plans,
There are no limits to dreams!
So let them come true
And let love come
And everything that begins
Will lead to success!

18 wonderful and joyful years -
This is the beginning of a wonderful life!
You have so many bright victories ahead,
Bold plans and many discoveries!
May luck always be with you
And the dream will come true,
After all, it’s not for nothing that fate under a lucky star
You were destined to be born!
May you always have many friends
And the support of family helps!
Happy birthday, the most beautiful of days
The huge world congratulates you!

Today is your celebration,
Today is your birthday,
So let it be
Your most joyful joy.
Let the petals of scarlet roses
They will pave your path
I wish you no troubles and no tears
And don’t meet any worries on the way
So that I don’t know what sadness is,
Pain, sadness, doubt, resentment
May there be happiness in your life
And mutual love from now on.
I see that the eyes are already sparkling
Sparkle of great love
At 18 - youth is knocking on the door
At 18 - believe, love, live!
Let there never be enough love
And luck is just knocking on your door
Daughter, you have already become an adult,
I'm an adult now!

Turning eighteen is a new milestone.
Your whole life is open to you.
May there be so many happy hopes
And joyful, bright discoveries!
Hurry up and make your wish!
He will definitely come true!
On this day you can only dream of happiness
And sparkle with happiness like the sun!

Happy 18th birthday!
The delicate scent of flowers is your faithful guide
To the world of dreams, where happiness lives like salvation,
Where you can get straight to hope and faith!
Let what you have been dreaming about for a long time come true,
And may you always be lucky in everything,
And you will learn something that you are unlikely to know,
And the only right turn in your fate!

Happy birthday, dear!
Eighteen years already -
Quite an adult, big.
Joy, happiness in the soul.

You rose higher
According to the stages of adult life.
Let your dreams come true
Even if everything is not easy.

Joy, clear love
Let them accompany you through life.
Stay yourself -
So sincere and pure.

In a waterfall of vanity
Know no troubles or sorrows,
May fate give you a lot
In a life of vivid sensations.

This age is the best
You are eighteen years old.
Let mom wipe away a tear,
There is no reason to be sad.

You are smart, kind, beautiful,
What can I wish for you?
I wish you in any matter
Always be on top!

For your cherished dream
You go confidently.
And remember, in this life
Everything is ahead of you!

Congratulations on your coming of age! I wish you to always make the right choice and act as your soul requires! Never get sick or be upset over trifles, always be in the center of attention and surrounded by people dear to you! Live creatively, love and do what you love!

Let there be eighteen
Full of fun and warmth
I wish you to smile more often,
May you be happy!

May all friends and all relatives
You will be congratulated from the bottom of our hearts,
Let any dreams come true,
I wish you great joy!

May every road in life
Will lead you to success
May there be many achievements
And every moment brings goodness!

On your wonderful birthday
I wish you inspiration.
And smile more often
After all, you are only eighteen!

So that there are just a lot of likes,
So that you are always lucky,
Don't let the tablet break,
So that life would be without troubles.

So that your smartphone does not glitch,
Life was like a sweet dream!
So that the session is “five”,
To sing and dance.

To have enough strength for everything,
So that everyone loves you.
The guy carried it in his arms,
So that everything would be “wow”, “ah”!

Here you are eighteen
You have entered the life of an adult.
How beautiful you have become!
It's like a rose has bloomed!

There are many discoveries ahead,
And I wish you -
May the road be smooth
Under your feet.

Let love go with you
And always keeps you
Over your head
Happy bright star!

I wish you, my dear,
Health and goodness,
So that the happiest
You were in the world!
On your bright birthday
Let your dreams come true
The kind and shy
Goddesses of beauty,
Cutie is eighteen
My bright angel,
I wish you happiness
And righteous roads!

You are eighteen today
The last sip of childhood was:
It's time to transform
Bud into a sunny flower!

Let youth be only bright,
Comes with warmth and kindness,
May wishes and gifts
They always flow to you like a river!

You have become an adult, you have become brave,
You enchant everyone with your beauty,
Always go with a white stripe,
And even better - gold!

Today you are eighteen.
Childhood melted away like smoke.
There's no reason to be sad - have fun
Your world will become bright and different!

I wish you to bloom and laugh,
Wait for the princes on white horses,
But only one - your happiness -
You will be carried away in his arms.

Let luck hug you tightly,
Let love shine in your eyes,
Dreams will turn into reality
Anxiety will crumble to dust!

Don't be afraid, be bright and bold,
Let youth help you along the way.
Gifts of fate at the doorstep
Easy to find and with a smile!

I am on your holiday, on your birthday,
I want to wish you well.
Be happy, beautiful, sweet.
Let life be full of warmth!

I wish you to be successful
You are eighteen years old.
You are so beautiful and diligent.
I wish you not to know troubles in life.

Bloom and smell, the word is rose,
Light up the world around you.
And may they be close throughout life
Only true friends are with you.

I wish you to live like in a fairy tale,
May all your dreams come true.
And remember, there is no one better than you,
You are a beauty queen!

I wish you at eighteen
You will bloom with happiness,
Smile as often as possible
And make all your dreams come true!

May beauty shine forever
Like a bright star!
And the joy lasts forever,
Coloring life in bright colors!