Birth benefits for a non-working mother. What payments are available to non-working mothers?

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Many girls who do not have a permanent job, but are planning motherhood, are wondering how to get maternity benefits. unemployed woman.

A woman who is planning to have a baby in the future tries to learn in advance about all the intricacies of life on maternity leave.

Frequent questions are:

  • leave before childbirth;
  • maternity leave;
  • calculation of cash benefits.

Future parents are interested in paying maternity benefits before the birth and after the birth of the child. Every year, the conditions for granting maternity leave change along with the size and frequency of payments. It is important to know in advance necessary list documents for registration of benefits for pregnancy and child care up to 1.5 years. For unemployed women this issue is especially relevant.

The first step of a working pregnant woman

If the expectant mother is officially employed, then she needs to provide a complete package of documents to the employer’s accounting department.

To apply for maternity benefits, you need:

  • certificate of incapacity for work issued by a gynecologist for a period of 30 weeks;
  • statement to the director of the organization.

As for the deadlines, they should be discussed with the employer. They should not exceed 10 days from the date of application. However, each company has the right to set its own deadlines for payment of labor and other charges. The dates for transferring the amount may differ from one employer to another.

The amount of maternity leave will directly depend on the size wages women before maternity leave and child care. Today, maternity benefits are calculated for any place of work. The employee herself decides from which company and wages maternity benefits will be calculated. However, it is necessary to obtain confirmation from the employer.

In any case, a pregnant woman must provide data on her salary from her place of work, from where maternity benefits will be calculated.

When additional documents an employee can legally apply for recalculation of maternity benefits. However, there are also deadlines established by law - 3 years.

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Allowance for multiple jobs

The expectant mother before leaving maternity leave could work at several enterprises. Therefore, when calculating, the total earnings are summed up. However, after the birth of the child, payments will be received only for one place of work.

It is logical to assume that the choice falls on the source where the income was larger.

If a pregnant woman at the time of receiving a certificate of incapacity for work from the consultation worked in several places, and for the last 2 years she was on the payroll of another employer, then the benefits will be calculated for one of the existing places of choice of the expectant mother. Here, average income is taken into account as a criterion for choosing an employer.

When there are more jobs than when applying for payment, benefits can be provided according to the total amount of income from all jobs. But one employer can also be taken into account.

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How to get maternity leave when not working?

Very often, a pregnant woman is not officially employed or is completely unemployed. However, she is also interested in the issue of payment of benefits for pregnancy and further child care. How much do they pay those who do not have a permanent job? How are they carried out? maternity payments unemployed mothers?

Sometimes layoffs occur due to enterprise reorganization. Often the reason for job loss can be the cessation of the company's activities.

Maternity payments to unemployed people are made from the budget of the federal social service and are accrued after submitting the relevant documentation. The regional office of this body can inform you about the deadlines.

Sometimes local authorities make additional payments from their budget if the document is submitted in a timely manner. If the woman was studying, the maternity benefit will be equal to the scholarship received. Payments are made from the federal budget.

How can the employment center help when going on maternity leave? If a woman loses her official place of work, she can contact the employment service at her place of residence. There she can receive a fixed unemployment benefit.

But a non-working mother needs to understand that after the birth of the child she will no longer be able to receive these payments. Actual gestational age sick leave from the consultation serves as the reporting period. A pregnant woman no longer needs to visit the service to find suitable vacancies.

When the payment period has no statute of limitations, it continues. If a woman after giving birth cannot continue to search for work through the employment exchange, then the payment of subsidies is suspended.

If the patient is registered before the 12th week of pregnancy, then, according to legal regulations, she is paid benefits (for each region this is a separate amount) from her place of work after receiving a certificate from antenatal clinic.

If a woman registered early, but was not employed, then the employment center cannot provide assistance with payments of this type.

If a woman has been laid off from her job or is a student, then benefits will be paid in accordance with the law.

How are payments made upon the birth of a child? One of the parents has the full right to apply for and receive a lump sum benefit for the birth of a child. The birth of more than one child requires payment of an equal amount for each child.

  1. In the case where only one parent works, the benefit will be paid at the place of work.
  2. If both parents have unemployed status, the benefit will be paid from the social service budget.
  3. If a pregnant woman is a single mother and unemployed, then one-time payments will be accrued from the budget of the social service at the place of registration of the mother.
  1. If the pregnant woman is a student, the benefit is issued by the authority social protection(applies only to part-time students).

Transfers of funds are made through mail and banks to the bank account of the father or mother.

It is worth considering the mechanism of payment for child care up to 1.5 years. After the birth of a child, child care benefits are paid monthly in strict accordance with set dates. If a woman has unemployed status, then she can receive child care benefits in the event that the employment service has suspended the payment of its compensation. You can apply for benefits at your place of residence immediately after childbirth and until the baby is 1.5 years old.

Student mothers can choose their form of payment. These are child care benefits or maternity subsidies.

Documents for processing payments for child care up to 1.5 years:

  • statement from a parent;
  • A birth certificate is required;
  • a certificate stating that the second parent did not register these payments with the social security authority (if unemployed) or from his place of work;
  • identification documents and photocopy work book;
  • certificate of residence.

Female students must provide a certificate of previously received benefits and confirmation that expectant mother is on the lists of a university or other educational institution.

To receive all benefits for pregnancy and child care up to 1.5 years old, to the expectant mother you need to contact social service at the place of registration.

In accordance with Russian legislation in the field state support families with children are provided various options disability of a woman, affecting the right to receive and the procedure for calculating child benefits. For women who find themselves unemployed due to the liquidation of an enterprise, the amount of payments for a child and their number will be slightly different than for an ordinary housewife.

If a pregnant woman is fired, she can register with the employment service (register as unemployed), and then receive unemployment benefits before the start of maternity leave. Benefits are not issued during maternity leave, so it is necessary to provide the employment center with a certificate of incapacity for work, obtained for a period of 30 weeks at the antenatal clinic.

Regardless social status Whether there is a job or not, any woman has the right to count on the benefits and benefits due to her by law during the period of caring for a child up to 1.5 years.

What benefits are provided at the birth of a child if the mother does not work?

For students full-time education, fired on liquidation of an enterprise, as well as individual entrepreneurs(who voluntarily paid insurance premiums for the previous year in Social Security) in addition to the previous ones, several types of benefits are paid:

  • when entering medical care. registration in early pregnancy.

However, students behind these additional payments You must contact your educational institution. And to entrepreneurs in the fund social insurance. And only those dismissed due to the liquidation of the enterprise, as for the previous three types of benefits, formalize these payments with the Social Security authorities (district OSZN).

Payments before and after childbirth for the unemployed through Social Security

The table below shows the types state aid, which unemployed women in 2017, belonging to various categories, can count on.

Type of benefitSize, rub.Documentation

Maternity benefits(only to those dismissed upon liquidation of the organization)

Benefits for women registered with medical institutions in early pregnancy (up to 12 weeks)613,14 certificate from the LC (antenatal clinic) or other medical organization who registered a woman in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks)
Maternity benefits for women dismissed during pregnancy34 473,60

(for students - in the amount of the scholarship)

sick leave issued at the 30th week of pregnancy honey. the institution where the woman registered
Note: the same benefits can be received by students at their place of study and individual entrepreneurs - directly through the Social Insurance Fund


Birth benefit16350,33
  • certificate from the registry office about the birth of a child (form 24);
  • copies of work records of both parents or a diploma (if you have never worked);
  • applicant's passport


Child care allowance up to 1.5 years old3065,69 - for the 1st child;

6131,37 - for the 2nd and subsequent children.

  • child's birth certificate;
  • certificate of cohabitation;
  • birth certificates of previous children;
  • a copy of your work record book or diploma (if you have never worked);
  • a certificate from the employment service confirming non-receipt of unemployment benefits;
  • a certificate from the other parent’s place of work confirming that they have not received this manual on this child;
  • applicant's passport;
  • certificate of the amount and payment or non-receipt of maternity and care benefits (for fired women and students)
for those dismissed during the liquidation of the enterprise - 40% of average earnings, but not less than the above amounts and no more than 10873.36 for each child of a given age

All of the above documents and additionally:

  • copy of the order on granting parental leave
Child benefit under 16 (18) years of ageDifferent ones are installed in each subject of the Russian Federation; you can find out more about them on the regional page of our website
  • birth certificate;
  • certificates about the composition of the recipient’s family;
  • certificates of family income, if one or both spouses do not work, copies of their work records (diploma) and a certificate from the labor exchange;
  • certificates: marriage, divorce, paternity;
  • recipient's passport;
  • a certificate from school for a child aged 16 to 18 years

Social Security (OSZN) makes payments of monthly benefits through the post office or bank, which was indicated in the application by the recipient, no later than the 26th day of the next month.

When finding employment, the recipient is obliged to notify the social protection authorities within a month, since care allowance will need to be registered with the employer. If you do not notify OSZN employees in time, an overpayment will be issued, which will be recovered in court.

Child benefit under 16 years of age paid after registration within one calendar year. For further continuous receipt You must provide a new package of documents annually. If you do not apply for payment for more than 6 months after the last transfer to the recipient’s account, the OSZN will only pay additionally for the last six months in the amount established for this period.

Women who have a job and are insured in the social insurance system during pregnancy and after childbirth can count on certain social guarantees in the form of various benefits. Some of them are paid in a fixed amount, and some depend on the amount of salary received. What benefits are available to pregnant unemployed women? After all, they cannot apply for payments to the employer, and average earnings They do not have any information to calculate benefits. What can you count on unemployed woman in anticipation of a child, we will consider in our material.

Are payments due to unemployed pregnant women?

First, let's define who can be classified as non-working expectant mothers. Specifically, this category may include:

  • Women who do not have a job, quit their jobs, or work without proper registration. Even if a woman works, but her relationship with the employer is not documented, she cannot be considered working for the purpose of assigning benefits, because her salary is unofficial and insurance contributions in connection with maternity and illness are not accrued to her;
  • Women – individual entrepreneurs who have ceased their entrepreneurial activities by deregistering with the Federal Tax Service;
  • Private lawyers and notaries who have ceased their practice;
  • Women who were fired due to the liquidation of the company or the termination of activities by the employer-entrepreneur;
  • Spouses of conscripted military personnel;
  • Full-time students.

If we compare what payments an unemployed pregnant woman receives and a working woman, we will see that some benefits are not available to the unemployed due to the fact that they should be calculated based on average earnings. In some cases, a woman who does not have a job may be assigned such a benefit, but only in a minimum amount. Let's take a closer look at what payments are available to non-working mothers and under what conditions.

What payments are due to pregnant unemployed people in exceptional cases?

Paid maternity leave - This maternity benefit is not paid to unemployed women, but there are exceptions:

  • Those dismissed upon liquidation of an organization, termination of business activities of individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, notaries, within a year before the day they are recognized as unemployed, if they are registered with the employment service, are entitled to benefits. But, if for workers its amount is 100% of average earnings or calculated from the current minimum wage, then here are the payments a pregnant unemployed woman is entitled to - the minimum fixed amount 613.14 rubles per month, which for maternity leave for 140 days will be 2822.12 rubles, for 156 days - 3144.65 rubles, for 194 days - 3910.66 rubles. (Articles 7 and 8 of Law No. 81-FZ dated May 19, 1995, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 26, 2017 No. 88). To apply for benefits, you must contact the social security authority at your place of residence. If a woman receives unemployment benefits, then she has to make a choice between it and maternity benefits - she cannot receive these payments at the same time.
  • Expectant mothers who are students of universities, scientific organizations and other professional educational institutions can receive benefits equal to their scholarship. Pay maternity benefit is carried out at the place of study, and it does not matter on what basis the student is studying - commercial or budgetary (letter of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation dated 08/09/2010 No. 02-02-01/08-3930).

In addition to maternity leave, women who started medical examination before 12 weeks of pregnancy, a lump sum payment is assigned(Article 9 of Law No. 81-FZ). Its size is fixed and subject to indexation - today it is 613.14 rubles. This payment can only be received by those who are entitled to maternity benefits, that is, women dismissed during liquidation and full-time students, the rest unemployed allowance not supposed to.

What payments are due to pregnant unemployed women and mothers?

Absolutely all unemployed women have the right to one-time payment at the birth of a child . It can be received by the mother or father of the newborn. A working father will receive benefits at his place of work, and if an unemployed single mother receives benefits, or both parents are studying, then it will be paid by the social security service at their place of residence.

The amount of benefit for a newborn is the same for everyone, and changes only due to indexation. From 02/01/2017 it is 16,350.33 rubles. (Government Decree No. 88). The amount received is not affected by the number of existing children, and if twins are born, the benefit is assigned in full to each of them.

Monthly allowance for child care up to one and a half years old employed women retain 40% of their salary, and non-working women are assigned only the minimum amount: 3065.69 rubles. per month for the first child and 6131.37 rubles. – for the second and subsequent younger children. Benefits for unemployed mothers are paid by the social security authority from the day the child is born until the age of 1.5 years.

Mothers receiving unemployment benefits must choose only one payment out of two - they cannot be assigned at the same time. For student mothers, the right to benefits remains the same while continuing their studies, but they also need to make a choice: between maternity benefits and care benefits for up to 1.5 years.

Special benefits for wives of conscripted military personnel are relied upon regardless of their employment, including, social security authorities pay them to the unemployed. Women receive these payments along with all other benefits due to pregnant women and mothers:

  • One-time benefit to the wife of a conscript soldier Requires a pregnancy of 180 days or more and a registered marriage. The benefit amount is RUB 25,892.45. (Article 12.3 of Law No. 81-FZ).
  • Monthly allowance for the child of a conscript is paid from the day of his birth, but not earlier in the day my father began his conscription service in the army. The payment continues until the child is 3 years old, but not later in the day graduation conscript service father (Article 12.6 of Law No. 81-FZ). The benefit amount is RUB 11,096.76. per month.

What payments are also due to a non-working pregnant woman:

  • If there are social indications and medical opinion the expectant mother may rely on additional nutrition. Its size is set by the regions, they also decide: in monetary or in kind issue benefits.
  • At the local level, at the expense of regional budgets, other payments and additional payments may be established for pregnant women, including the unemployed.

It is not uncommon for a woman to become pregnant during a difficult period in her life, such as unemployment. Of course, pregnant women who are officially employed have much more more rights. They are entitled to benefits and paid maternity leave. Is maternity leave available for non-workers? What can they count on?

Rights of unemployed pregnant women

It is no secret that it is difficult for a pregnant woman to get a job. And although it is legally stipulated that an employer does not have the right to refuse to hire a woman because she is pregnant, everyone understands that the employer will always find a reason for the refusal: “lack of experience,” “wrong profile,” etc.

Therefore, in order to have at least some income during these months, any woman who does not have a job can contact the employment center in her area and register. No one can refuse to register her with the employment center because she is pregnant - this is very important.

By registering, a woman will be able to receive monthly allowance. Its size depends on what the salary was at the last place of work - provided that the break in work was no more than a year.
In this case, the amount of the benefit will correspond to 75% of average monthly earnings in the first three months, and 60% in the next four months.
If a woman has not worked for more than a year, then the benefit is paid at the minimum rate.
In 2013, on average, the minimum unemployment benefit was 850 rubles, and the maximum was 4,900 rubles before maternity leave.
But it is worth remembering that the rights of unemployed pregnant women to receive unemployment benefits remain only until the thirtieth week of pregnancy.
Then the woman is removed from the unemployment register or taken a break on the basis of sick leave due to going on maternity leave.

And the woman does not have any rights to receive maternity benefits and the Employment Center is not obliged to pay them. If, after the end of maternity leave, a woman is ready to look for work and start it, then the payment of unemployment benefits will resume (if the payment period has not expired); if she is not ready, then payments will be suspended for the period of maternity leave.

What rights to benefits do non-working pregnant women have?

Unfortunately, a non-working expectant mother is entitled to fewer benefits than a working mother. But she still has the right to receive the basic ones.

Maternity benefit

By general rule, if a woman did not work or quit before (during) pregnancy, then maternity benefits for such women are not assigned or paid, except in cases

  • when women were fired during pregnancy due to the liquidation of the enterprise, termination individuals activities as individual entrepreneurs, termination of powers by notaries engaged in private practice, and termination of the status of a lawyer, during the twelve months preceding the day of their recognition in in the prescribed manner unemployed, then maternity benefits are set at a minimum amount.
    From January 1, 2013, its amount for women dismissed due to liquidation or termination of the employer’s activities is 490.79 rubles.
  • when women studying full-time are paid an allowance in the amount of a scholarship at the expense of funds from the federal budget, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation allocated educational institutions for the payment of scholarships. It does not matter whether a woman studies on a paid basis or for free, on a budget.

If a woman did not work anywhere during pregnancy, then she will not be paid maternity benefits.

One-time benefit for women registered in the early stages of pregnancy

The right to benefits is only for women dismissed due to the liquidation of organizations, termination of activities by individuals as individual entrepreneurs, during the twelve months preceding the day they were recognized as unemployed in the prescribed manner, and women studying full-time.
From January 1, 2013, its amount is 490.79 rubles.

One-time benefit for the birth of a child

The right to a one-time benefit for the birth of a child can be exercised in a family, provided that the child’s father works.
If the father is absent or he is unemployed and registered at the labor exchange, then benefits can also be received. In this case, the woman will have to contact the social security service at her place of residence.
From January 1, 2013, the benefit amount is 13,087.61 rubles.
Female students day departments You can apply for maternity benefits to your university.

A one-time allowance for the pregnant wife of a military serviceman undergoing military service on call

From January 1, 2013, its amount is 20,725.60 rubles.

Monthly child care allowance until the child reaches the age of one and a half years

Unemployed women have the right to receive a monthly allowance for child care up to one and a half years old if they do not receive unemployment benefits from the social protection authorities at their place of residence. But it will be paid in a minimal amount, unfortunately.

From January 1, 2013, its amount is 2,453.93 rubles. for caring for the first child and 4907.85 rubles. for caring for the second and subsequent children. For twins and the same age, benefits are summed up.
The benefit begins to be paid from the birth of the child. Working women are paid this benefit starting from the day the maternity leave ends. If installed in your region of residence regional coefficient, then it is added to the amount of the benefit. There is also a right to regional benefits. Its size depends on regional authorities and is determined in each specific region separately. To receive child care benefits, a non-working woman must contact the social security service at her place of registration. At the same time, in mandatory The mother of the child receiving benefits must have the same registration as the child!

The exception is mothers or fathers, other relatives, guardians who actually care for the child, who were fired during the period of parental leave due to the liquidation or termination of the employer's activities. For them, the amount of the benefit is determined as a percentage of average earnings (but not more than 9815.71 rubles per month).

Monthly allowance for the child of a soldier undergoing military service upon conscription
From January 1, 2013, its amount is 8882.40 rubles.
All benefits can be obtained from the social security authorities at your place of residence.

A pleasant addition is that she still receives money in almost the same amount that she received while working in her position. But what should representatives of the fair sex who did not perform a labor function do? Can they count on any benefits from the state and if so, what? We will try to answer this question in this article.

What is maternity leave?

First, let's understand the concept of maternity leave.

What is it, when is it assigned and what is accrued during it?

The legislator established that maternity leave, or maternity leave in other words, is the time given before and after childbirth for a woman to regain her strength after the birth of a baby, and also have time to rest before his birth.

In the Labor Code, the concept of maternity leave is not disclosed, but its time frame is indicated. In accordance with Article 255 of the Labor Code, leave due to an interesting situation and upcoming birth consists of two elements.

The first 70 days are given to the expectant mother to prepare for childbirth., and the beginning of the flow is determined given period on sick leave.

Further, depending on the complexity of pregnancy and the number of fetuses gestated, the total the number of days varies from 70 to 110. Thus, common with The period of leave for a future woman in labor can range from 140 to 180 days.

Officially employed women have the right to go on maternity leave.

Not working ladies, despite the fact that they are also in interesting position, cannot go on such leave, since it is arranged by their employer, which they do not have.

But this does not mean that these women are not entitled to a number of benefits established by the state.

Can I count on unemployment benefits?

Are you entitled to maternity benefits if you don’t work? Many unemployed people want to improve their financial situation, want to get a vacation. But nowhere does the legislator directly say whether this category of ladies can count on him. We will answer this question in detail.

Unemployed women are a broad category of persons that can be divided into subcategories. Thus, persons who have never worked, do not study and are not involved in socially useful activities cannot count on benefits, which cannot be said about some other groups.

What categories of unemployed women are entitled to payments?

Full-time students

If you are a student at an institution where you are receiving higher or secondary professional education, That you can count on leave due to the upcoming birth.

To do this, you need to be carefully monitored at the antenatal clinic throughout your pregnancy, and upon reaching thirty weeks pregnancy - go to the clinic and take a certificate of incapacity for work.

This document must be submitted to the dean's office of your educational institution. The dean's office will also ask you to write an application for maternity leave.

Your application is reviewed and you are then allowed to leave. educational institution for a fixed period Article 255 Labor Code .

The formula for calculating such a benefit for students is as follows: minimum size wages multiplied by 24 months (2 calendar years) and is divisible by 731. The resulting number is multiplied by the days of maternity leave. This figure is your maternity benefit.


If you are unemployed, have not been laid off, are not studying or engaged in other activities, then You will not receive maternity benefits.

Upon liquidation of an enterprise

An unemployed woman who, while pregnant, was has the right to deductions of maternity benefits. To do this, she also needs to be registered with the antenatal clinic. Upon reaching 30 weeks of pregnancy, she receives a certificate of incapacity for work.

Since its organization, in which it was carried out work activity liquidated, the woman must submit a sick leave document to the social security authority.

It is this organization that will subsequently pay benefits, although the amount will be slightly less than in the situation if the woman worked under an employment contract.

Other cases

In addition, the legislator allows for a number of other cases when maternity benefits are due to the unemployed:

Dismissal due to staff reduction is the reason for receiving benefits from social security authorities. It is important that the woman was fired not several years ago, but during pregnancy.

Those who can also count on benefits who was fired within a period not exceeding 12 months from the date of receipt of the certificate of incapacity for work.

Sick leave pay for pregnancy and childbirth is provided to a non-working woman if she is a military wife, who was transferred from military units foreign states. They can also apply for maternity benefits.

Along with the liquidation of an organization, the following reason is given: employer bankruptcy. The employee is not responsible for the financial situation of the employer, and therefore can count on funds from social security authorities.

Father of the child on maternity leave

Is it possible for the father to take maternity leave if the mother does not work? If a woman does not work, then the husband or grandmother of the child can receive maternity leave. However, to do this, it is necessary to prove to the husband’s employer that the wife did not receive any maternity benefits (but she may, as we have already discussed above for a number of reasons).

In order to protect the employer from deception to the man or the child’s grandmother you need to get a certificate from the social security authorities, which would say that maternity leave was not issued in the name of his wife.

Only after this will the employer calculate the funds provided for payment during maternity leave based on sick leave.

Types of payments

Despite the fact that an unemployed pregnant woman cannot receive maternity benefits in a number of cases, she can easily become the owner of other payments that will also improve her financial situation.

One-time maternity benefit may be issued in the event if both spouses are unemployed.

To do this, they need to come to the nearest social security agency with documents that would prove the fact of the birth of the child and the fact that the parents do not have a permanent job. Today the amount of such benefit is about 15,500 rubles.

Step-by-step algorithm of actions

Now we will look in more detail at the stages of receiving this benefit. Note that nuances are important in this situation. It is desirable that both mother and father are registered in the same district of the same city. Then the appeal to the social security authority will be single.

Parents wait until the child is born and receive a birth certificate. In addition, at the time of receiving the benefit, neither parent should be on the ore exchange.

Also the child must be registered with his parents and one of them.

Having collected a package of documents, parents must appear at the social security authority.

There their papers are carefully checked.

After this, parents write an application to receive lump sum benefit on pregnancy and childbirth.

The authority’s employees accept documents and promise to notify parents about the outcome of the application’s consideration.

After a few days, parents should be notified that they can receive an allowance, which is issued at the savings bank or comes to the card.

If one of the parents is registered in another city or district, he must provide the appropriate certificate, which will indicate that they have not received any benefits.

List of documents required to receive payment

Now let’s look at the list of documents that need to be submitted to receive the coveted payments:

    1. Statement, is compiled by you yourself or in a social security agency or in a multifunctional center.
    2. Certificate of birth of a child, registered in the registry office.
    3. Parents' passports and photocopies of their main pages.
    4. Reference, confirming the fact that neither parent does not receive unemployment benefits.
    5. Certificate from the place of registration of the parent, that you did not receive any benefits or payments in another city or region.

This completes the list of documents. There is no need to pay any fees to receive benefits.. The state is obliged to provide its citizens with everything necessary in the first days of a child’s life.


Many people mistakenly believe that since they do not work, they are not entitled to receive any payments.

This is not true and everyone can count on one or another material support from the state.

Even citizens who are not employed are full taxpayers, which means they can receive some support.

It is important to correctly structure the procedure for receiving benefits and accurately understand the nuances. Then you will spend very little time on bureaucracy and paperwork, and devote all your main time to the long-awaited baby.

Useful video

You will learn about the cases in which benefits are guaranteed for unemployed pregnant women in the video presented: