How much fluid can pregnant women have? What to limit and why


The human body is made up of more than half water. And all vital processes in it occur with the obligatory participation of water. Therefore, we cannot exist without life-giving moisture - the slightest deficiency of it does not have the best effect on our health and well-being, and a clear lack of fluid completely disables the body.

It should be said that during pregnancy, the importance of water for a woman not only increases, but also takes on a new meaning, because another one is included in the water circulation system in the body - the child.

At the same time, excess fluid in the body becomes much more harmful and dangerous. So this issue is one of the most important during the period of bearing a child and requires constant monitoring.

The benefits of water for the body during pregnancy

From the first days of pregnancy, the expectant mother faces many dangers in the form of deterioration in health and well-being. Often at this time, blood pressure drops significantly, many women begin to suffer from, the risks of developing thrombophlebitis and increase. But not everyone knows that by ensuring a sufficient supply of fluid to the body, these troubles can be avoided or their occurrence can be significantly reduced. In addition, against the background of a lack of water, metabolic processes in the mother’s body are disrupted, the level of toxicity increases (due to insufficient cleansing of metabolic products), irritability and fatigue increase, immunity decreases, and the skin loses its elasticity and firmness. What’s really scary is that the risk of mutations and other complications increases.

Even the medications that a woman usually takes during this period (the same vitamins) are better absorbed with enough water.

This is why every pregnant woman should consume enough fluids, which is most important in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Why shouldn't pregnant women drink a lot of water?

At the same time, we should not forget that the human body can only adapt to a lack of fluid, but cannot fight excess. And if usually this does not bother us much, then for a woman in this position, this order of things poses a certain threat. Excess fluid leads to the appearance of kidneys; the kidneys of the expectant mother already work for two and cannot cope with the sharply increasing load on them. This is also one of the reasons for the appearance of excess weight in a pregnant woman.

This condition is especially dangerous in the third trimester and most of all before the birth itself (this can, among other things, affect the development of defects in the fetus and). The body is preparing to store double amounts of water, because the volume of amniotic fluid and blood is constantly increasing, and the time of labor (when fluid losses are potentially especially large) is approaching. Therefore, in the last months of the term, the mother must limit the intake of fluid into the body.

Norms of fluid intake during pregnancy

Since the importance of life-giving moisture is especially great in the early stages of pregnancy during the period of active cell division and growth, the formation and development of all organs and systems of the baby, the mother’s water consumption during this period should be sufficient. If you weigh 50 kg you should drink an average of 2 liters of water per day, if you weigh 60 kg - 2.3 liters, if you weigh 70 kg - 2.55 liters, if you weigh 80 kg - on average about 3 liters of water per day.

It should be taken into account that in the hot season, at elevated body temperatures or during the period, a pregnant woman’s need for water increases.

But already from the second trimester you should not be zealous with water. Drink enough so that you don't feel thirsty, but don't overdo it. If, according to indications, the volume of fluid entering the body needs to be limited, the doctor will individually establish an acceptable drinking regime for you.

But from the third trimester, the amount of water you drink will need to be strictly controlled. In recommendations for nutrition during pregnancy, you may find instructions to limit drinking in the last stages, however, this formulation of the question is somewhat incorrect - limiting fluid intake without limiting salt intake does not prevent the appearance of edema and, in principle, is not easy for a woman.

The whole point is that you should mainly limit and then completely abandon the consumption of salt, since it is precisely this that leads to fluid retention in the pregnant woman’s body with all the ensuing consequences. Therefore, from the 20th week, begin to gradually reduce the addition of salt to dishes. If you completely stop adding salt to your food, then there will be no need to significantly limit your drinking, unless this is necessary for medical reasons (for example, with kidney pathology, late toxicosis and edema).

By the way, if everything is fine with your health and your condition is normal, limiting drinking in the third trimester can even be dangerous. After all, amniotic fluid has been renewed 8 times a day in recent months! And for this you need a decent water reserve. But still, gynecologists recommend that in the prenatal period, if possible, replace an extra glass of liquid with a whole vegetable or fruit.

It should also be noted that in some conditions it is impossible to limit fluid intake at all: for example, with pyelonephritis or urolithiasis. Therefore, the most correct decision would be to coordinate your drinking regimen with your doctor. But before you get to the doctor, do a home dehydration test. Collect a portion of your urine and evaluate its color: almost transparent or very light urine indicates sufficient fluid intake in the body, and saturated or dark urine indicates a clear deficiency.

What is the best thing to drink during pregnancy is a separate question. But, of course, the best and healthiest drink has always been and will be living, clean water.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

At this stage, it can be easily felt through the abdominal wall. The height of the uterine fundus at the beginning of the 2nd trimester is approximately 13 cm (measured from the pubic symphysis to the highest point of the uterus), and by the 26th week it rises to 25-27 cm.

The volume of the abdomen increases gradually (by about 1 cm every week), and at the beginning of the second trimester it is 68-70 cm, and at the end - 78-82 cm.

Tests and medical examinations

During the second trimester, a woman visits her doctor once every three weeks. The day before, she takes urine and blood tests, based on which a specialist can judge the condition of the fetus.

At each examination, the doctor measures the woman's blood pressure. If the expectant mother has gained too many extra pounds and has high blood pressure, there is a risk of preeclampsia. This is a serious disorder, which is characterized by disruption of the urinary and cardiovascular systems, often manifested by edema and the presence of protein in the urine.

In addition, the doctor observing the woman enters the following indicators into the chart: weight, height of the uterine fundus, abdominal circumference. And starting from the 18-20th week, during the examination, the fetal heartbeat must be listened to using a stethoscope.

A vaginal examination is usually not performed during this period of pregnancy unless there are special indications.


Ultrasound examinations in the second trimester are usually performed closer to the 20th week. Since all the organs of the fetus are practically formed, the doctor can judge the development of the heart, kidneys, brain, lungs, stomach, and gall bladder. Towards the end of this trimester, it becomes possible to assess whether the facial structures are correctly formed, and thus exclude developmental pathologies, for example, cheiloschisis (often called “cleft lip”) - a cleft of the upper or lower lip.


During the period from the 17th to the 19th week, a woman is prescribed second trimester screening. It includes an ultrasound and a biochemical blood test for hormones. Screening allows you to identify diseases such as Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, Patau syndrome, neural tube defect, as well as anatomical pathologies of the fetus.

Quite often, if screening in the 1st trimester showed good results, only an ultrasound is done in the 2nd trimester, and biochemical analysis is not examined. However, in some cases, full screening is still recommended, for example, if the pregnant woman is over 35 years old, there were poor screening results in the 1st trimester, there is a long-term threat of miscarriage, and there have already been cases of children with chromosomal abnormalities being born in the family.

Starting from the 16th week, during an ultrasound, the doctor also evaluates the amount of amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid index).

What does a child look like?

During this trimester, the fetus develops very actively. The baby's weight at 14 weeks is 40 g, and his height reaches 10 cm; by the end of the trimester, these sizes will increase to 900 g and 36 cm, respectively.

Just imagine how much your baby will change in just over three months!

Here's what else happens to the fetus during this period:

    muscles and ligaments are actively forming;

    the rudiments of milk and permanent teeth are formed;

    the first hairs appear on the head, and the body is gradually covered with vellus hairs called lanugo;

    the baby begins to write, that is, his urinary system is already functioning and he is able to excrete urine directly into the amniotic fluid;

    fingers and toes are fully formed;

    The sebaceous glands begin to work, and gradually a vernix (cheese-like) lubricant is formed on the skin - a protective layer that protects the skin of the fetus until birth;

    the child can suck fingers, touch his face, the umbilical cord;

    meconium, the original feces, begins to form in the intestines, which normally leaves the child’s body on the first day;

    the baby is actively moving, and by the 20th week, most mothers already feel slight tremors;

    the fetus begins to hear sounds from the outside, later he can even react to them, depending on whether he likes them or not;

    the lungs begin to produce surfactant, a substance that will prevent the walls of the alveoli from sticking together immediately after birth;

    the fetus begins to hiccup, there is a version that this is how it trains the respiratory organs.

What happens in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy: sensations

The second trimester is considered the most favorable during the entire pregnancy. Usually at this moment toxicosis, which worries many women in the first months, subsides. The expectant mother seems to have new strength, she feels cheerful and tolerates pregnancy quite easily in the absence of pathology.

Stomach ache

Unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen may occur after the 20th week of pregnancy. They are usually caused by the uterus enlarging and the round ligament that supports the uterus stretching. They do not last long and pass within 3-5 minutes.

Pain can also occur during physical activity or overexertion. In this case, it makes sense to change your lifestyle and exercise.

The cause of nagging pain may be uterine hypertonicity; women usually say: “The belly is like a stone.” In this case, the doctor will recommend resting more often, perhaps prescribing antispasmodic medications, as well as wearing a bandage.

An intestinal disorder can cause nagging pain in the abdominal area. Then you need to change your diet and carefully monitor the quality and quantity of food consumed.

Lower back pain

The belly of the expectant mother greatly increases in volume, which inevitably leads to a shift in the center of gravity. The spine receives additional stress, and when walking a woman involuntarily arches it. Towards the end of the second trimester, such pain may become more frequent. In any case, it is better to tell your doctor about this.

As a preventative measure, you should stop wearing high-heeled shoes and attend special sports classes for pregnant women.


Vaginal discharge in the second trimester is normal, the only question is what quality it is. If the discharge is clear or whitish and odorless, then there is no need to worry.

It is necessary to consult a doctor if the discharge becomes yellow-purulent, green, has a cheesy consistency and has an unpleasant odor. This most often indicates an infection that must be treated before birth so as not to infect the baby. The second trimester in this sense is favorable in that a larger number of medications are approved for use, which means it will be easier to cope with the infection.

But any medications can only be used as prescribed by a doctor!


Nausea, which regularly worries the expectant mother during the first trimester, usually disappears by 14-16 weeks. However, a little later, after the 20th week, heartburn may appear. This is due to the fact that under the influence of progesterone, the tone of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract decreases and the acidic contents of the stomach are thrown back into the esophagus. Coping with this problem is quite simple: just change your diet.

What you can and cannot do in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

Since the second trimester is the most favorable period of pregnancy, you should enjoy it to the fullest. For example, now is the time to start attending any sports classes for expectant mothers (if there are no contraindications), pick up courses to prepare for childbirth, and do renovations (if you were planning to prepare the room for the baby).

Proper nutrition and diets

The issue of creating the right diet in the second trimester plays a special role - it is during this period that expectant mothers gain excess weight most quickly. Therefore, several important rules must be followed:

    eat fractionally - often and a little at a time. 6-7 meals of 200-250 g each is an ideal approach to nutrition, which, among other things, will help get rid of heartburn;

    To prevent anemia, you need to include boiled beef, apples, spinach, and buckwheat porridge in your diet. As for liver dishes, consult your doctor, since today offal in the diet of expectant mothers causes a lot of controversy among obstetricians and gynecologists, probably it’s all about their quality;

    Try to eliminate salt from your diet as much as possible. Avoid all pickles, smoked meats, and sausages - they greatly retain water in the body and become one of the causes of edema, which is extremely undesirable throughout pregnancy;

    Eat more vegetables and fruits, especially if you need a snack between meals.

    replace “fast” carbohydrates with “slow” ones. Remove sweet pastries, white bread, candy, white rice, potatoes, and sweet juices. Include vegetables in your diet (cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers, lettuce, herbs, low-fat cottage cheese, bread).


Of course, pregnancy is not a disease, but it is at least reasonable to follow reasonable rules during the period of bearing a baby. Therefore, here is what it is recommended to avoid:

    smoking and alcohol;

    active participation in repairs (wallpapering, painting walls, etc.);

    strength training in the gym (crunches, push-ups, lifting dumbbells and squats with them, jumping, etc.);

    lifting heavy objects (if possible, let other family members carry bags from the store);

    long business trips, which are not only physically exhausting, but also emotionally exhausting;

    any nervous stress negatively affects the health of the fetus;

    tasty but unhealthy food (except for sauces and smoked meats, mushrooms and nuts are dangerous);

    long flights for vacation. If you decide to go on vacation, choose direct routes that last no more than four hours;

    It is harmful to sit for a long time with your legs crossed. If you work in an office, try to take a break every 40-60 minutes;

    During the ARVI and flu season, avoid visiting crowded places.

The human body consists of more than half water. And vital processes inside it occur with the constant participation of water. For this reason, no one can exist without life-giving moisture. The slightest deficiency of it does not have the best effect on human health and well-being. A clear lack of fluid completely incapacitates people’s bodies. It should be noted that during the period of bearing a baby, the need for water for a pregnant woman not only increases, but takes on special importance, since a new one is included in the fluid circulation system in the body - the child. At the same time, excess water in the female body becomes much more harmful. Therefore, this issue is considered one of the most important when carrying a baby and requires regular monitoring.

It's hard without water

From the first days of pregnancy, the expectant mother faces many dangers in the form of deteriorating health and well-being. Often during this period, blood pressure decreases significantly, some pregnant women suffer from constipation, and the risk of thrombophlebitis and varicose veins increases. However, not everyone knows that by ensuring a sufficient supply of water to the body, these troubles can be avoided or their manifestations can be suppressed. In addition, against the background of fluid deficiency, metabolic processes are disrupted, the level of toxicity increases (as a result of insufficient cleansing of metabolic products), irritability increases, immunity decreases, elasticity and firmness of the skin is lost. What’s really scary is that the risks of developing mutations and other complications increase.

Medicines that pregnant women usually take during this period (even vitamins) are absorbed better with sufficient fluid. This is why every pregnant woman should consume enough water, which is very important at the beginning of pregnancy.

Everything in moderation

With all this, you need to remember that the human body can only adapt to a lack of water, but cannot fight with excess. If usually people are not particularly worried about this, then for a pregnant woman this order of things hides a certain threat. Excess water leads to edema; the kidneys already function for two people, so they cannot cope with the sharply increasing load. This is also one of the reasons for the accumulation of excess weight in a pregnant woman. This condition is especially dangerous in the third trimester, and most of all immediately before childbirth (including, it can affect the development of defects and complications during the birth of the child). The body is preparing to store up double volume of fluid, because the amount of water and blood is always increasing, and the time of birth (when fluid loss is especially great) is approaching. Therefore, in the last months of gestation, the expectant mother should limit the intake of life-giving moisture into the body.

Water consumption standards during pregnancy

Since the importance of fluid is especially great at the beginning of pregnancy during the active growth of cells, the formation and development of organs and systems of the unborn baby, a woman’s consumption of water at this time should be sufficient. With an average weight of 50 kg, she should drink 2 liters of water per day, 60 kg - 2.3 liters, 70 kg - 2.5 liters, 80 kg - approximately 3 liters of liquid. It is necessary to take into account the fact that in the summer, with high body temperature or an upset stomach, during toxicosis, a pregnant woman’s need for water increases. However, from the second trimester you should not overdo it with life-giving moisture. You need to drink enough so as not to feel thirsty, but not to overindulge. If, according to indications, the amount of water entering the body needs to be limited, the doctor will individually determine the acceptable drinking regime.

From the third trimester, the volume of water you drink must be strictly controlled.
Reading recommendations on nutrition during pregnancy, you can come across instructions for limiting water consumption at the end of pregnancy, but this formulation of the question is a little incorrect - limiting liquid drinking without limiting salt intake does not stop the appearance of edema, and in general it is not easy for a pregnant woman. The reason is that it is necessary to limit and then completely abandon the use of salt, because it retains fluid in the pregnant body with the ensuing consequences. Therefore, from the 20th week you need to start gradually reducing the amount of salt you add to your dishes. If you completely stop adding salt to food, there will be no need to significantly limit water consumption, unless this is necessary according to doctors’ indications (for kidney pathology, edema).

By the way, if your health is fine and everything is normal, restricting fluid intake in the third trimester of pregnancy can be dangerous. Since amniotic fluid in recent months is renewed 8 times per day. This, of course, requires a decent water reserve. Still, gynecologists recommend replacing an extra glass of water with a whole vegetable or fruit before giving birth. It is also worth saying that in certain conditions it is absolutely impossible to limit fluid intake: for example, with pyelonephritis and urolithiasis. Therefore, the most correct decision would be to coordinate the drinking regime with your doctor. But before that, you can do a dehydration test at home. Collect a portion of urine and evaluate its color: almost transparent or fairly light indicates a sufficient amount of fluid in the body, while saturated and dark indicates a lack of it. What is best to drink while expecting a baby is a separate question. Naturally, the most useful drink was, is and will be simple clean water.

The 2nd trimester of pregnancy is considered the most pleasant for a woman. Toxicosis has already left her, the drowsiness and constant feeling of malaise have gone away, but her stomach is not very large yet and does not cause physical discomfort to the expectant mother. At the same time, the middle of gestation has its own characteristics and “whims” that are best followed in order to avoid the threat of miscarriage.

2nd trimester of pregnancy - how many weeks does it start?

The second trimester consists of three calendar months and 14 obstetric weeks. Sometimes young and inexperienced mothers get confused about the due date, because they don’t know exactly what week the second half of their pregnancy begins and ends. This is due to the fact that medical and calendar values ​​for the period of gestation differ by 1.5-2 weeks.

In obstetric practice, it is generally accepted that the 2nd trimester begins at the 14th week and ends at the 27th week inclusive. According to experienced mothers, this time can rightfully be called the most wonderful time in the life of a pregnant woman, who is not yet tired of the precious “burden”, but has already gotten rid of all the unpleasant symptoms of getting used to the new state, manifested in the form of nausea and emotional outbursts.

Signs of pregnancy in the 2nd trimester

The second trimester promises serious physical changes for the expectant mother. At this stage, the belly is significantly rounded and weight increases. Important processes also take place in the body of a pregnant woman: the breasts continue to fill and enlarge, the uterus begins to “warm up” before childbirth, and heartburn may appear due to the growing tummy. These signs may include swelling of the legs and shortness of breath, peeling of the skin and stretch marks, which are considered harmless symptoms, the appearance of which can be avoided by following the basic “rules” for pregnant women.

Dangerous symptoms:

  1. nausea (late toxicosis)
  2. severe pain in the lower abdomen
  3. increase in body temperature
  4. fainting
  5. bleeding
If any of these signs appear, you should immediately seek medical help, as they may indicate fetal fading or the threat of spontaneous abortion.

The most pleasant sign of the second trimester is the movement of the baby, who first begins to push his mother at 16-18 weeks. This is an unforgettable feeling that even experienced mothers cannot describe in words - some feel as if air bubbles are bursting in their stomach, while for others, the baby’s first kicks resemble a “rumbling” stomach.

Discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester

In the second trimester, compared to the first 14 weeks, vaginal discharge in pregnant women intensifies and changes structure. If in the first trimester they were practically no different from “non-pregnant” ones and were similar to the consistency of egg white, then from the fourth month they may acquire a milky tint and a slightly sour smell.

Heavy discharge in the second trimester is a consequence of hormonal changes in the body and is considered an absolute norm if it does not change color and is not accompanied by itching or burning.

Dangerous emissions include:

  • mucous discharge with an unpleasant odor. They appear if a pregnant woman develops bacterial vaginosis, which requires immediate treatment.
  • Pinkish, liquid discharge, which indicates leakage of amniotic fluid.
  • Yellowish or greenish shades of discharge signal that an infection has entered the body.
  • Bloody, spotting discharge is the most dangerous. They may be a sign of a threatened miscarriage or fetal fading. They can also appear due to problems with the cervix, which are also a serious reason for urgent medical attention.
The causes of bloody, most dangerous discharge, can be various factors, ranging from genetic failures and hormonal disorders, to infectious diseases and the mother’s lifestyle. In any case, if they occur, you need to consult a gynecologist who can adequately assess the situation and, if necessary, make a prescription to stop the possible process of termination of pregnancy.

Sex in the second trimester of pregnancy

Sexual activity in the 2nd trimester is quite acceptable and is even recommended by obstetricians. Contraindications to sex may be pregnancy complications, when the expectant mother is at risk of miscarriage or other complications.

If the doctor gives the green light for sex, then you can safely make love with your husband. Moreover, against the background of hormonal changes, for many women in the middle of pregnancy, sex brings even more pleasure than in the “non-pregnant” time.

Nutrition for a pregnant woman in the second trimester

With the disappearance of toxicosis, pregnant women almost always return to their usual appetite. This happens at 14-16 weeks, when the expectant mother’s body has fully adapted to pregnancy. Many mothers, rejoicing that they can finally eat from the heart, begin to eat “for two,” which is considered the wrong approach. A pregnant woman's diet should be balanced, since overeating, as well as undernutrition, will negatively affect the development of the baby and can even lead to retardation of its intrauterine development.

The correct menu for the second trimester should be dietary. It is important that it contains proteins, vegetable fats and carbohydrates, as well as a complex of vitamins necessary for the child. The basis of nutrition in mid-pregnancy, according to the recommendations of nutritionists, is best to include simple but rich in valuable nutrients and microelements foods (meat, fish, liver, cereals, vegetables and fruits, dairy products), and prepare dishes from them without “restaurant” food. slope No rare steaks - all food must be cooked.

You should also exclude sweet and flour products, ketchup and mayonnaise, smoked meats and other store-bought “delicacies” from your diet as much as possible. These foods can lead to fluid retention in the body, cause a surge in blood sugar levels in a pregnant woman, and also cause excess weight gain.

Tests in the second trimester of pregnancy

From the second trimester, women have to visit an antenatal clinic more often and undergo an examination by a gynecologist, since during this period it is very important to monitor the development of the fetus, problems in the development of which most often appear in the period from the 15th to the 25th week.

In addition to a visual examination of the pregnant woman, measuring the volume of the abdomen and the height of the uterine fundus, the gynecologist prescribes a general blood and urine test. With their help, the level of hemoglobin in a pregnant woman is determined, a low level of which can lead to fetal hypoxia, and the functioning of the mother’s kidneys, a failure of which provokes the development of late toxicosis.

Also, at 16-18 weeks, a pregnant woman may be offered to undergo a “triple test” - a biochemical screening that reveals chromosomal abnormalities and fetal malformations.

Methods for terminating pregnancy in the second trimester

It is possible that pregnancy may be terminated in the second trimester. This process can take place either naturally or mechanically. Indications for late-term abortion are: fetal death, chronic diseases of the mother, emerging infections, genetic and chromosomal pathologies in the child, spontaneous miscarriage.

If a late miscarriage could not be avoided or for other reasons termination of pregnancy is inevitable, then women are offered a choice of two abortion options: medical and mechanical. Gynecologists give more preference to artificial childbirth (the so-called medical termination), which is induced with the help of special drugs. This process is similar to natural childbirth, as a result of which the woman’s body experiences less stress than after mechanical “cleaning,” which is fraught with serious consequences and complications, including infertility.

Do's and don'ts in the second trimester

The second trimester, like the first and third, has standard prohibitions that it is important for a pregnant woman to adhere to so as not to harm the baby. The categorical taboos include:
  • drinking alcohol and smoking
  • stress and physical activity
  • self-medication even for a mild cold
  • taking hot baths
  • visit to the solarium
  • sleeping on your stomach
Also, gynecologists advise, at the time of active growth of the baby, to abandon tight clothing made of synthetic fabrics, high heels, and beauty procedures that are carried out using chemical compounds.

At the same time, at 4-6 months you can safely travel, do yoga or water aerobics, and even visit a Russian bathhouse, in which it is possible to regulate the air temperature.

And don’t forget that every pregnant woman’s body has its own “surprises” that need to be adjusted to individually. Therefore, experts recommend listening to your condition and not running to the gymnastics specified in the “rules” if your stomach is stretching or your legs are very swollen.

In this article we will look at how much you should drink during pregnancy and why you should do it. We will also consider what is better to drink and what is better to abstain from.

Why do pregnant women need to drink?

I think that no one argues that not only pregnant women, but everyone in general needs to drink. But, pregnant women need to monitor the quantity and quality of fluid they drink. Let's look at why this is so.

  • In the early stages, drinking plenty of fluids reduces pregnancy symptoms.
  • Drinking fluid in the right amount “dilutes” the foods you eat. For example, there is a known recommendation that to prevent constipation you need to eat more fiber. But only in combination with a sufficient amount of fluid does this give the result - regular, painless stool. As a result, there is less likelihood of complications such as hemorrhoids. You can read more in the article.
  • A pregnant woman’s body needs fluid to form additional volume of blood, plasma, etc.
  • Maintaining elasticity and tone of the skin, preventing skin dryness.
  • Free removal of waste substances and toxins from the body.
  • If you drink enough liquid, beneficial substances are not washed out of the body.
  • A sufficient volume of liquid allows urine not to stagnate, to be of the desired composition and consistency, thereby protecting the pregnant woman from the development of pathogenic diseases.

How much should you drink during pregnancy, what is the reason for it.

In the first half of pregnancy, until about the 20th week (4-5 months), it is recommended to drink more, and only the lower norm is relevant. That is, it is advisable to drink at least 2 liters per day. You can do more, since the volume of blood in your body increases, amniotic fluid is formed - these processes all require fluid.

In the second half of pregnancy, starting from the 20th week, the body’s functioning mode is restructured. Now your kidneys work specifically to retain fluid and sodium salts (they retain fluid). Thus, the fluid intake pattern changes. Now the upper limit becomes important. Drink no more than 1-1.5 liters per day. At the same time, it is highly recommended to limit your salt intake, or better yet, avoid it altogether. Because, without limiting salt, it will be simply physically impossible to reduce the amount of liquid you drink. We must remember that salt is contained not only directly in the salt that we add to food. All prepared foods contain salt (cheeses, meat products, some sets of seasonings, etc.). This is where the widespread recommendation comes from not to eat salty, spicy, fatty, or fried foods. These foods cause additional thirst, you are forced to drink more, the kidneys retain salt and water - this leads to fluid retention and swelling.

The appearance of edema, what to do?

It is very important to monitor the appearance of swelling. They definitely need to be noticed. The easiest way is to simply look in the mirror regularly, in the morning. And don’t deceive yourself that “I’m just pregnant with a girl, this happens to everyone,” or “I just haven’t washed my face yet.” Swelling is visible immediately.

Starting around the 20th week, it is very useful to monitor your fluid intake and output. Record how much you drank (and ate juicy foods), and how much came out in the urine. In this case, it is absolutely not necessary to “measure the urine output with a measuring cup,” as is often recommended in various sources. It’s not the most pleasant procedure; it seems to me that you’ll start going to the toilet less often if you have to measure something every time. It’s easier to get a quality bathroom scale and weigh yourself before and after urinating. And write it down. If you see that less is excreted than drunk, then liquid accumulates inside. The reasons for this, and what to do about it, are in the parts below.

Another sign of fluid retention (internal edema) may be sudden swelling. Starting around the 20th week, a woman may begin to rapidly gain weight. In most cases, this is due precisely to the fact that excess fluid accumulates in the body. The increase can be 0.5-2 kg per day, with a norm of 350 g per week. At the same time, recommendations to “eat less” are of no benefit, since it’s not about food (unless, of course, you really overeat). The reason is salt and water. You can complete a simple check within one day. In general, do not eat foods containing salt for one day. And at the same time, arrange a fasting diet on the same day. The most common options: kefir, apple.

  • Kefir. Drink 1.5-2 liters of kefir per day, low-fat.
  • Apple. 1.5-2 kg of apples are eaten per day.

As a rule, the weight goes off per day (1-2 kg). And this does not happen at all because you refused to eat. The reason is that salt does not enter the body and excess water leaves. Read the article about, maybe you are eating something wrong.

It is important not only to eat healthy foods in the last months, but also in the early stages to eat very fractionally and as healthy as possible. Therefore, you should choose and buy in Mom’s Store for pregnant and lactating women, which you can take with you to the hospital or eat after the baby is born.

Note 1. Returns of food and cosmetic products are only possible if the packaging is undamaged.

Note 2. There are, of course, cases when a sharp weight gain at this stage is associated with obesity, or with certain endocrine problems, but, as a rule, in such cases, weight gain begins almost from the beginning of pregnancy, and not at the 20th week, and is “immediately visible” to the doctor.

You can read more about internal edema and gestosis in the second half of pregnancy in the article. The article at the link also describes how to take liquid for complications such as pyelonephritis. In short, with pyelonephritis and urolithiasis, you cannot limit fluid intake (in the second half, starting from the 20th week), since it is necessary that the urine is not too concentrated and does not linger in the kidneys, so that the speed of its movement is normal.

Attention! If the swelling does not go away (1-2 days maximum), then you should definitely consult a doctor, since complications with swelling develop very quickly.

What should you not drink during pregnancy, why?

Some drinks are harmful to drink during pregnancy, or not at all. They can be divided into three types. Some retain water in the body, others, on the contrary, have a dehydrating effect, and others simply harm the child. Let's take a closer look.

What is the best thing to drink during pregnancy?

  • Water. Still mineral water is best. It is possible (and beneficial) to add a little lemon to the water.
  • Natural juices. One glass a day is enough. You can mix different fruits, you can add pulp (this will add fiber to your diet).
  • Compotes (no sugar). The compote made from sweet fruits is already sweet, even without added sugar.
  • Infusions of dried fruits, without sugar. Dried fruits are poured with boiling water and infused in a thermos overnight.
  • Cranberry, lingonberry fruit drinks.
  • Decoctions of currant leaves, lingonberry leaves. According to the doctor's recommendation, kidney fees.

Important! Be sure to follow the drinking regime if you have.

Remember that you should not feel thirsty. Always carry a small bottle of water with you.

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