After highlighting, short hair sticks out. Hair care and restoration after highlighting

New Year

Many girls, wanting to slightly refresh their appearance, while trying to get around dramatic changes, resort to a coloring method such as highlighting. IN in this case the hair is not completely dyed, but only in thin strands, which are most often lightened, which gives the hair on the head interesting view, as well as the entire appearance in general. After you do this procedure, you will definitely need special care. This article will tell you how to restore your hair after highlighting.

Prevention and care for intact hair
First of all, you need to learn how to prepare for the dyeing procedure so as not to harm your hair. To do this, check out these simple tips:
  • Think carefully about how many shades you want to lighten. Despite the fact that only small strands will be dyed, even for them, exposure to strong reagents from the dye can cause sad consequences - dryness, brittleness, hair loss... Try to choose a color that is just a couple of shades lighter than your native one: this way it will look natural, yes and hair damage is minimal;
  • Don't color yourself at home unless you are a professional hairdresser. Talk to to a knowledgeable master– to a salon or to someone who practices at home. This issue needs to be taken seriously, because experienced master will competently carry out coloring in accordance with the structure of your hair;
  • If something goes wrong during coloring, for example, your scalp begins to tingle or burn, immediately wash the dye off your hair!
If your hair is in perfect order after highlighting, then it will need basic care:
  • Purchase color-treated hair care products at the store. It is advisable that this be one line of products from one manufacturer, as they complement each other. Use regularly according to instructions. The shampoo will gently cleanse your hair, the conditioner and mask will nourish, and the conditioner or rinse will ensure soft combing;
  • Do it once a week oil mask. For example, you can take Burr oil, distribute it over the entire length of the hair and leave under a towel for an hour;
  • Try to avoid hot air drying, curling irons and straightening irons;
  • If the coloring was in summer time, then do not forget to wear a hat - the sun has a detrimental effect on colored hair, making it even drier.
If the condition of your hair has deteriorated significantly
To restore your hair after highlighting at home, first follow the recommendations basic care: stock up necessary cosmetics care, and also avoid heating the hair when styling and straight sun rays. Be patient and get to work various masks that best help with this problem:
  • In addition to the above-mentioned burdock oil, you can take olive oil (warm it a little), it also helps perfectly with dry hair. If your hair is oily at the roots, then avoid this area when applying oil;
  • Separate the white from the yolk of a raw egg. Lightly beat the yolk and apply to hair, rinse after half an hour. For long hair You will need 2 eggs, and it is better to apply them to damp hair;
  • An egg mask can also be like this: mix two eggs with 1 tbsp. almond oil(sold at the pharmacy), apply to hair and put on top warm hat or wrap a towel around your head. Wash off after half an hour;
  • Ordinary kefir will also help restore hair after highlighting at home, which just needs to be distributed over the entire length of the hair for 40 minutes and then rinsed with water. Instead of kefir, you can take yogurt;
You should also listen to the following advice:
  • Rinse your hair with herbal infusions at least every other day. This could be chamomile, which was mentioned above, nettle or celandine;
  • Buy a massage comb from natural materials, such as wood and rubber. Combs made from natural materials do not harm your already weak hair;
  • If the hair that has been highlighted has split ends, then feel free to trim off a few centimeters. This hair cannot be saved, but it will be easier to help the rest;
  • Do not wash your hair every day - this will make it dry even more;
  • Remember that masks should be applied to all hair, not just highlighted strands.
That's all. If you haven’t put on makeup yet, then think about whether you really want to. And if you have already done this and are now fighting for the health of damaged hair, then treat it comprehensively, do not forget about masks and rinses, and also do not dry your hair even more - do without a hair dryer. By following the recommendations presented in the article, you will very soon notice the result. The main thing is not to skip procedures.

Healthy, beautiful, shiny hair– is already the key to success. However, chemical and permanent curls, dyeing and highlighting do not benefit the hair; it dries out, begins to split, and becomes too brittle and brittle.

Despite the full range of disadvantages of these procedures, no one will do less of them. In particular, highlighting greatly refreshes the face, makes the skin color healthier and more radiant, even the volume of the hair seems to increase. Moreover, highlighting is still a more gentle procedure than full hair coloring.

If this procedure cannot be avoided, then let's see if and how it is possible to cure hair after highlighting?

Hair restoration strategy

If you do everything in the salon, then the master will naturally finish with care products. If you highlight your hair at home, purchase shampoo and conditioner for colored and highlighted hair in advance, and after coloring, rinse it with these special by gentle means. Do not forget that restoration and treatment of hair after highlighting is a necessary procedure; most likely, it will take several sessions for it to come back to life and become shiny and healthy again.

Many companies specializing in the production of hair care products produce entire lines (shampoo, conditioner, masks, conditioner) for colored, damaged or highlighted hair. You need to take care of yourself, your loved one, and be sure to stock up on such products. What's the use of a new hairstyle and coloring if your hair doesn't look good, it becomes dull and looks sick.

But you can use not only factory masks, there are other options. Due to the fact that restoration and treatment of hair after highlighting or dyeing requires a serious approach, our pharmacies sell ampoules containing a complex of vitamins and caring restorative substances. Also, for the sake of the health of your hair, try at least for the first time not to use a hot hair dryer, tongs or straightening irons to create your hair. You can get by with soft styling products and hairpins.

Restoring hair using professional cosmetics

According to women, professional products are the most effective in terms of hair restoration. Yes, they contain a lot of “chemicals” and this can cause mistrust, but in fact their formulation has been carefully refined and is adapted specifically for restoring dry, porous hair - they fill large hollow pores, smooth out hair scales, and restore shine and smoothness to hair. The most effective are the products of the Russian company Estel:

  1. Estel Curex Therapy Intensive restorative mask. It contains about vitamin complex, glycerin, silicones and parabens. The mask itself is very thick, a small amount is enough to distribute it evenly over the entire length of the hair. Apply the product for 5 minutes (but it is better to leave it longer - 20 minutes), then rinse off with plenty of water. The mask promotes rapid restoration of curls, each hair becomes full and nourished.
  2. Estel Haute Couture Color & Revive Restoration mask for colored hair. The product has not yet been widely advertised, however, it has its fans. It contains less silicones than regular masks, but many useful extracts, such as quinoa grains and camellia oil.
  3. Estel Otium Miracle Hair restoration mask. Professional product, which smoothes and nourishes hair along the entire length. Effectively fights fragility and split ends.
  4. Biotene H-24 series: shampoo, conditioner and serum. The products in this series contain biotin and a vitamin complex, do not contain silicones and parabens and are different big amount natural ingredients in the composition. After regular use of the series, hair becomes so soft and manageable that many women call it the “baby hair effect.”

Folk remedies for hair restoration

Folk home recipes have long existed for restoring the strength of damaged, dry hair, which, of course, includes dyed hair. How to cure hair after highlighting folk remedies? Here are several types of masks that should help damaged hair.

  1. Take honey, add kiwi, crushed to a puree, and mix. Apply the resulting mixture evenly to your hair, gather it under a plastic cap, and wrap it with a towel on top. Wash off after an hour. By the way, when you dry your hair, you should not rub it intensively, as this will cause it to become very injured and break. Gently pat your hair dry and leave it to dry naturally.
  2. Take full-fat sour cream or mayonnaise, but not ice cold straight from the refrigerator, but room temperature, set it out to warm up in advance. Sour cream should be spread on your hair and left under a plastic cap and towel for an hour. Beat the egg yolk, apply to hair, leave for 40 minutes, rinse with warm water, whipping into foam.
  3. Lightly heat olive, linseed or burdock oil, apply to hair, rub into scalp, massage a little, leave under a cap and towel for an hour. Rinse it off. By the way, honey, butter and eggs can be combined with each other in any variants and proportions, then the mask will be even more useful.
  4. If your hair starts to fall out, you can try this recipe. Grate the onion, you should get 4 tablespoons of onion puree, add 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of olive (corn, flax, soybean, burdock) oil. Rub this paste into the scalp, put it as a mask for an hour, under a cap and wrapped in a towel. Rinse off with warm water. It helps a lot to strengthen the roots and a decoction of onion peel.
  5. Coconut oil is an effective assistant in the fight against dryness and brittleness, making hair manageable and easy to style, shiny and smooth.
  6. Before washing your hair mild shampoo should be applied over the entire length of natural unrefined Coconut oil and leave for an hour. Some girls mix coconut milk and oil in equal parts - this creates an even more healthy composition.
  7. Egg yolk and gelatin are the main components of a homemade laminating mask. Gelatin is dissolved into cold water, add a little yolk to it lemon juice and your favorite hair mask. Apply the mixture to the entire length of the hair, except the roots, and leave for 1-2 hours, then rinse.

Don’t be lazy, take care of your hair, it has gone through some kind of stress and shock, and all for the sake of your beauty! The reward for all your efforts will be magnificent, unique hairstyle!

Highlighting refreshes hair color and allows a woman to look younger and fresher, so this coloring option is very popular. Another thing is that any coloring is harmful to hair. The question of how to restore hair after highlighting at home worries many, since salon services are always quite expensive. Home remedies from available products, oils and herbs are effective and accessible, which allows home cosmetics not to lose popularity despite the development of the cosmetics industry.

What is special about highlighting?

Light or colored strands in a hairstyle look very impressive and allow you to make color accent on the hair. Most often, this procedure involves bleaching the strands - for this, hydrogen peroxide is used, which destroys the natural pigment of the hair. It is clear that in the process chemical reactions the hair shaft becomes thin, dehydrated and fragile. Often, after coloring, the hair becomes drier. At this time, the strands need special gentle care, which allows you to restore the elasticity and smoothness of the hair and during this time protect overly sensitive hair from damage.

How to restore highlighted strands?

To restore your hair after highlighting, you need to follow simple recommendations:

Popular recipes for caring for highlighted hair

Oil wraps

Natural base oils– the cheapest and at the same time very effective options moisturizing dry hair. Among the obvious favorites are castor oil, olive oil, burdock oil grape seeds sea ​​buckthorn, etc. Moisturizing comes from fatty acids, vitamins, some oils have a restorative effect. The heated oil is applied to the ends or the entire hair, including the scalp, and placed under a heat bath to soak. You can keep the oil on your hair for an hour. You need to wash off the remaining mass with warm water. Many users claim that such masks are difficult to wash off; to prevent this from happening, you should follow a few simple rules:

Honey masks

Honey has excellent healing and regenerative properties, so this product is found in the list of components of many home remedies. To treat strands after exposure to bleaching compounds, you can use a mixture of kiwi pulp and 1 tbsp. honey - bring the mixture to a homogeneous state in a blender and apply to the strands under a heat bath. After leaving for 30 minutes, the remaining mixture can be washed off with warm water without using shampoo.

Masks with sour cream

Sour cream has remarkable moisturizing and restorative properties due to the content of animal milk fat and protein, so this product can be applied to highlighted hair without additives, after heating.


    Oksana Vasilievna 5 days ago

    My grandmother began to experience hair loss. Has anyone tried traditional methods hair loss treatment? My grandmother doesn’t trust doctors; she only uses burdock infusion and onion juice. Doesn't help much.

    Oksana Vasilievna 4 days ago

    Guest 4 days ago

    Where did you get the idea that this is not just another dud? There are so many scammers out there right now, where is the evidence? A whole council has been assembled here, and they are advising without even knowing what!

    Alexandra 4 days ago

    Guest, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Diana 3 days ago

    I recently watched a program on Channel One, they also talked about the fight against baldness, so they mentioned it there. They say that the Americans found effective method fight against baldness. Helps both men and women. Now this remedy has reached our country.

Currently, highlighting is still relevant. Beautiful sun highlights, contrasting strands on the hair, illumination and coloring of the ends are the trend of this season. But after the dyeing procedure, you need to take special care of your hair, because it was susceptible to the influence of chemical reagents. How to care for highlighted hair? In this article we explore the most best ways care for bleached strands and give practical recommendations to restore the structure of curls.

Consequences of highlighting

Highlighting is the bleaching of hair using an oxygen agent (perohydrol). As a rule, a strong chemical of 6–9% is selected, which, when applied, penetrates deep inside each hair, destroying its structure and removing its inherent pigment.

An incorrect exposure time can harm your curls - longer than the period stated by the manufacturer, or an incorrectly selected percentage of oxygenant - for example, you have thin light brown curls, and you take a 6-9% brightener.

In addition, very often after dyeing they resort to tinting their hair with permanent dyes, which contain the ill-fated ammonia. This component of permanent dyes can significantly harm your strands. How and with what to tint your hair after highlighting, read about the benefits of the procedure on our website.

Consequences after using perohydrol and ammonia:

  • burning of hair and the appearance of unpleasant yellow or copper shades;
  • curls lose water, so they become dry and lifeless;
  • dandruff appears on the scalp;
  • you notice a lot of split hairs;
  • curls are difficult to style;
  • too much hair remains on the comb of the comb and after washing in the bathroom;
  • the “spider web” effect, when, with high air humidity, a mesh of the upper layers of hair forms on the head.

After highlighting, many girls' hair becomes like straw - dull and lifeless strands greatly disappoint their owners.

Advice from professionals. To minimize the harmful effects of the dye, purchase not permanent paint, A tint balms or tonics. Of course, they don’t stay on the hair for long (2-3 weeks), but they don’t have such a negative effect.

To avoid all of the above unpleasant consequences bleaching, hairdressing industry professionals unanimously declare the need for hair care after highlighting.

How to care for your hair after

Did you burn your hair with highlights? Don’t despair, because caring for highlighted hair at home will help restore the beauty and health of your locks.

  1. For this:
  2. Immediately after the procedure, use a conditioner or conditioner (they come with the dye). This mandatory measure is necessary to restore water balance, since after bleaching the hairs lose water. It is also recommended to purchase special shampoo from the series “For highlighted hair” or a tint balm, which contains vitamins, microelements, keratin and mineral water
  3. The next coloring procedure can be carried out at least after 2 months, because the curls should be properly restored. The only exception is tinted balms and shampoos, which can be used to tint your hair within a couple of days after bleaching.
  4. Keep blow-drying and styling to a minimum using heat tools and tools. The fact is that hot air can have a detrimental effect on already weakened hair. If you can’t do without a hair dryer, then try to use only a cold wind blower, which should be directed from top to bottom along the hair growth line (so that the scales stick together and you get an even surface).
  5. We eliminate all methods of mechanical damage: combing wet hair, the rubbing movement of curls on a towel during the drying process, which almost every woman is guilty of.
  6. If you go outside in the summer, don't forget about your hat.

After highlighting at home, it is recommended to make special masks that will ensure the restoration of curls. They are prepared on the basis of fruits, honey, kefir, egg yolk and various oils.

Many women do not understand why balms and masks for highlighted hair have little effect. Perhaps the problem lies in their composition or incompatibility with your curls. But in most cases they are simply applied incorrectly. Important point! Balms and masks for highlighted hair should be distributed not on wet, but slightly wet hair

. This means that after washing you must dry your curls.

  • If your hair falls out after highlighting, then take active measures:
  • massage your scalp with massage pads, especially before bed (this is done to improve blood circulation);
  • choose combs with natural bristles or wooden combs;
  • make nutritional cocktails (you can purchase special vitamin supplements and keratin in a professional hair cosmetics store);
  • start eating right (your diet should contain foods containing calcium, phosphorus, protein, fiber, vitamin E and tannins);

start taking vitamins for pregnant or nursing mothers, for example Elevit.

How to restore hair The question of how to cure hair after highlighting is asked by each of them. three women , who resorted to the staining procedure. Factors that provoke Negative consequences

  • , can be:
  • incorrectly selected clarifier or dye;
  • too aggressive effect on curls of perohydrol, which leads to an unpleasant yellowness or copper tint;
  • mechanical damage hair;
  • additional destruction of the curl structure due to constant exposure to the sun;
  • too frequent coloring;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals.

So how to restore highlighted hair?

You can treat hair after highlighting at home or through salon procedures. It should be noted that the cost of the latter varies between 1500–9000 thousand rubles depending on:

  • type of procedure;
  • prestige of the salon;
  • hair length.

At home, hair treatment after highlighting will cost you several times less.

Salon treatments

The salon may offer you a special restorative mask. But there is much more interesting way give hair shine and evenness.

Lamination of curls

Lamination is the sealing of hair, that is, the application special means, which completely envelop each hair, creating a protective film. According to the girls' reviews, until the lamination exhausts its resource, the hair is well combed, shiny and looks “5 points”. This is especially true for long hair that gets very tangled during sleep.

Benefits of hair lamination:

  • the hair shines;
  • the hair is perfectly smooth because the scales stick to the shaft;
  • color is preserved;
  • no need to make masks and restorative cocktails.

The cost of the procedure is 2500–5600.

Botox after highlighting

Botox for hair has nothing to do with acupuncture. The procedure involves the application of special serums, which include keratin, elastin, hyaluronic acid, vitamins, amino acids and vegetable oils. Thanks to them valuable properties

  • provided:
  • shine and friability;
  • color preservation;
  • improvement of scalp condition;

hair fragility and split ends are reduced. Attention!

As with the lamination procedure, the effect will be short-lived - a maximum of 2 months. Each serum manufacturer recommends fixing the result with a balm or drying with a hairdryer.

The cost of the procedure is about 1500-3500 rubles.

Shielding If you often dye, highlight or curl your hair, screening will help bring your hair into shape.. full order Conducted with the aim of achieving large volume

and adding model shine. The special tools include, which nourish curls from the inside. In addition, a screen (protective surface) is formed on the hair, which absorbs mechanical damage and the destructive effects of the environment.

Unlike lamination, it achieves not only cosmetic effect films along the entire length of the curls, but they are also treated. The cost of the procedure is 2500–9000 rubles, depending on the qualifications of the specialist and the composition.

cosmetic preparations

How to restore curls at home Restoring curls is a painstaking process that requires special care

. But if you get the hang of it and set aside at least an hour a day for yourself, you can make your hair look like the one on the covers of glossy magazines.

Care products There are many brands professional cosmetics , which will make your curls more beautiful and well-groomed.

  • The most popular among cosmetic products for the care of curls:
  • Botox serums from L'Oreal, Kallos and Honma Tokyo (the latter does not contain formaldehyde);
  • Crystal shine gel fluids from Kapou, Ultra Fix Gel from Echosline and others for long-term color protection;
  • shampoos and conditioners for highlighted hair from Estel, Matrix, Vella, Schwarzkopf, Syoss;
  • hair tinting products from Tonic, Estelle, Matrix, Vella and L'Oreal;
  • natural wax for protection against UV rays from Taft, Londa, Schwarzkopf, Estelle;
  • Dietary supplements with lecithin, plant extracts;

Many women do not understand why balms and masks for highlighted hair have little effect. Perhaps the problem lies in their composition or incompatibility with your curls. But in most cases they are simply applied incorrectly. vegetable oils (olive, coconut, burdock), which can be purchased at any pharmacy or even grocery store. If you want to maintain your hair color for a long time after highlighting, it is better not to use deep-acting preparations on the structure of the curls. Therefore, from burdock and olive oil

We recommend that you refuse at first after lightening. If your hair breaks or splits, mandatory

you need to apply restorative products, namely hair masks after highlighting.

They will nourish each hair from the inside, allow you to adjust the lipid balance and add shine. But you don’t have to buy masks at a professional cosmetics store, because you can easily prepare them at home.

  • Firming mask based on beer and clay
  • You will need:
  • blue clay (purchased at any cosmetics store);
  • beer;

1 egg yolk; a few drops of burdock oil. Preparation: at the very beginning you should combine a couple of spoons of clay with

egg yolk The product is distributed on the scalp and hair. The hair is first wrapped in cellophane and then terry towel. Keep the mixture for about 30 minutes. Barely washed warm water so that the yolk does not start to curl on the hair.

Fruit and honey mask

What to do if you have dry hair? Of course, provide them with proper hydration. Next option masks can be restored water balance due to fruits and nourish curls useful components constituents of honey.

They will nourish each hair from the inside, allow you to adjust the lipid balance and add shine. But you don’t have to buy masks at a professional cosmetics store, because you can easily prepare them at home.

  • 1 small grapefruit without rind;
  • 1 kiwi;
  • 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey (necessarily natural).

Preparing the mask is very simple. It is enough to grind the citrus and kiwi in a blender until it becomes a homogeneous paste (no need to pour out the juice). Now pour a spoonful of viscous honey into the resulting fruit cocktail. Mix well.

egg yolk Apply to hair for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Night mask based on herbal decoction

The beauty of your curls and healthy shine will provide a decoction based on chamomile and sage flowers. Remember, you can simply rinse your hair with a decoction of burdock, oak bark, nettle, and onion peel after each washing procedure (without restrictions!).

They will nourish each hair from the inside, allow you to adjust the lipid balance and add shine. But you don’t have to buy masks at a professional cosmetics store, because you can easily prepare them at home.

  • a handful of chopped sage leaves;
  • 1 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers;
  • 1 egg yolk.

1 egg yolk; mix the herbs and steam them with boiling water. Leave to infuse and cool for an hour. Add the yolk and beat well (you can use a regular whisk). Distribute the product throughout your hair, wrap your head in a plastic bag and quietly go to bed. In the morning, rinse your curls with warm water.

Nourishing masks should be done once a week. Try to apply moisturizers after every hair wash. Do not be constant in the use of restorative components, as the hair gets used to them very quickly and the effect will not be noticed.

As you can see, you don’t have to empty your wallet to ensure silky and shiny hair, because prepared masks for highlighted hair at home are no worse than store-bought counterparts. But, if you are not a supporter self-care for your hair, then order a lamination, shielding or Botox procedure at the salon.

Useful videos

Care for highlighted hair.

15 hair care rules.

Marina Nikitina

Highlighting is one of the popular procedures in modern salons beauty and hairdressing. This great way bring novelty and zest to the image without too much harm to the curls. However, as a result of highlighting, the strands suffer, sometimes they become overdried and lifeless, lacking shine and brittle. How to restore hair after highlighting? Let's sort it out in order.

How to avoid hair damage while highlighting

In order not to wonder about how you can restore your hair after highlighting, pay attention to sufficient attention prevention of hair damage .

To do this, follow these simple recommendations:

Avoid sharp contrasts: color individual strands in colors that are not too different from your “native” natural shade, in a maximum of one procedure, without harm to the hair, you can go two tones. This way, highlighting will have a more natural look and you won’t have to treat your hair after it or think about how you can restore your hair after highlighting.
Trust your hair only to professional hairdressers. High-quality highlighting is already difficult to do without special training and skills, but not damaging your hair is even more difficult. Professionals know the procedure thoroughly, so the risk of complications in the form of scorched strands in this case is reduced to zero. You can consult with a professional hairstylist on how to restore your hair after highlighting.

Do not perform highlighting more than once every three months, and do not have a permanent wave in the coming weeks after the procedure.
After highlighting, it is useful to apply special restorative products to your hair, which provide first aid to damaged strands.
To comb your hair, use combs made from natural materials; they are less damaging to the structure of overdried strands.
Do not wash your hair every day; low-quality water, which contains bleach, further aggravates the deplorable condition of colored curls; wash your hair as it gets dirty.
Prune regularly, this will improve appearance hair and make it easier to care for.

How to care for your hair after highlighting

Many women, after yet another trip to a beauty salon, think about how to restore their hair after highlighting. Products intended for the care of colored hair are presented in wide range on the shelves modern stores. They are used to provide proper care to your hair after highlighting.

The use of various types of hair further weakens already damaged strands. thermal procedures– styling with a hairdryer or curling iron, hot rollers. Therefore, avoid these manipulations, at least for the first time after highlighting.

Protect your hair from direct sunlight summer heat. There are special protective equipment for hair, but you can also use a hat that will protect your hair from even more drying out.

You can use salon treatments to restore hair after highlighting. Reviews about them are mostly positive, but they are expensive, and visiting a salon takes time.

No less popular are special vitamin capsules, which are sold in pharmacies and professional cosmetics stores; they are designed to restore hair after highlighting. You can find a wide variety of reviews about them, from admiringly enthusiastic to sharply negative. However, the maximum harm that these drugs cause is the lack of the expected effect. However, if the hair is very dry, brittle and... one-time use Such a remedy will not significantly change the situation; only their regular use will help.

Traditional recipes for healthy hair

After the procedure, the question arises about how to restore hair after highlighting. Products sold in stores are not always effective for severely damaged strands. Then the entrance goes proven for centuries folk recipes, which our grandmothers used.

The components for these masks can be found in any kitchen, and they are very inexpensive. Here are the simplest of them:

use warm mayonnaise or heavy cream (sour cream) along the entire length of the strands, cover the top with plastic wrap and wrap with a towel, leave the mask for 40 minutes, then rinse thoroughly;
take, separate the yolks from the whites, mix the yolks well and apply to your hair. Cover your hair with plastic wrap, wrap it up, leave the mask on for 30 minutes, then rinse without using shampoo;
Natural ones also have a healing effect on weakened strands. Choose any at your discretion: flaxseed, burdock or olive. A small amount of Apply warm oil to the entire length of your hair. Special attention apply to the roots, lightly massage the scalp, then cover the hair with plastic and a towel, leave it like that for an hour, then rinse;

Highlighting is a fashionable procedure, the way the world works is that women of all ages do not want to lag behind fashion, but often in the pursuit of beauty, sacrifices are made in the form of damaged hair. Sometimes, due to unsuccessful cosmetic procedures gorgeous hair turns into an unattractive tow. To avoid similar situations, follow the rules for caring for colored hair. They are simple and won’t take much time, but will bring invaluable benefits to your hair.

5 April 2014, 17:33