Review: What is a spa capsule? The miracle of modern spa salons - alpha capsule

New Year

Spa capsule NeoQi Harmony Medig Multifunctional capsule for hydrotherapy and aromatherapy, as well as seaweed wraps.

The capsule was created for general physiological and psycho-emotional rehabilitation, healing of the body, cosmetic correction, pleasant and useful rest. In a confined space they are created ideal conditions, in which thalassotherapy most effectively affects the physical and psychological condition person. Providing maximum relaxation and professional correction figures using infrared radiation. Includes Vichy shower and hydromassage system. This is a spa resort in a small space in an urban setting. With the help of music therapy (ColorBath™), you will hear the sound of the waves and be able to immerse yourself in Nice memories about the sea.


  • cellulite, swelling, excess weight, intoxication of the body, decreased tone skin;
  • stress conditions, sleep disorders, depression, syndrome chronic fatigue;
  • a variety of muscle pain, including pain that occurs after intense physical activity.

Recommended programs:


  • Anti-stress treatments
  • Detoxification Programs
  • Refinement programs
  • Strengthening programs
  • Mineralization Programs
  • Mud therapy


  • Recovery after childbirth
  • Spa - Thali)sens treatments
  • Peloid surgery


It has a strong stimulating effect on the receptors with streams of water, improves lymphatic drainage, and tones the entire body. The Vichy shower goes well with other treatments. The contrast Scottish shower mode is indispensable for its tonic and neurotherapeutic effect.


Steam sauna: thermal and moisturizing effects. Steam maintains constant moisture (consistency) of products applied to the body, which promotes the active transfer of active ingredients into the skin. The procedure is ideal in combination with aromatherapy, thalassotherapy and various types of wraps.


intense thermal energy penetrating the body. Active heating of tissues, organs, muscles and joints. Warming up increases metabolism, increases the supply of oxygen to tissues, and leads to the breakdown of fats. Eliminates lymph stagnation, which is especially important in the treatment of cellulite. Accelerating lymph circulation leads to increased immunity and suppression of the activity of pathogenic bacteria in the body. In a half-hour session, 900-2400 calories are burned (!), which is equivalent to running 10-15 km. Natural and safe way warming up of tissues leads to the opening of the sebaceous and sweat glands, actively cleansing and regenerating the skin.

Aromatherapy: effects on the body through Airways and skin. Natural essential oils have both a tonic and calming effect on nervous system, which is an integral part of anti-stress treatment.

Chromotherapy: treatment with light (visible by its spectrum, or color). Lung pleasant warmth Light waves activate physiological processes, regulate metabolism, and improve immunity. A range of different color shades has a tonic (red, orange) or calming (blue spectrum) effect on the human body, and green and yellow are effective in treating fatigue, depression and sleep disorders, neuroses and fatigue.

Vibromassage: muscle work without the accumulation of lactic acid, based on the transmission of oscillatory movements. Increases the release of hormones, activates the breakdown of fats, the removal of taxins, and tissue regeneration. Nervous and cardiac activity is normalized. Combination with anti-cellulite wraps gives especially good results.


This great feature allows you to feel comfortable throughout the entire procedure.

Underwater hydromassage: zonal massage with water jets in the bathtub using nozzles. Underwater aeromassage (pearl bath): massage with air bubbles. Manual underwater hydromassage: massage problem areas strong jet using a hose

What is uniqueness of the SPA capsule? A spa capsule is a physiotherapeutic device made in the form of a capsule. When performing a spa procedure, the capsule is controlled by a built-in computer system. This computer system is controlled through an interactive monitor. A Center specialist monitors the progress of the procedure so that right moment adjust the required parameter.

The SPA capsule is used to perform the following procedures:

  • saturation of the skin with minerals;
  • deep skin hydration;
  • lymphatic drainage (elimination of swelling);
  • body shape modeling.
  • reduction in body weight.

This device, which is called a “therapeutic resort”, helps fight cellulite, overweight. Patients receive incredible results thanks to deep tissue heating, which is achieved through exposure to steam, infrared radiation, and a hydromassage system. For procedures performed by a spa capsule, the price varies from 1,500 to 7,000 rubles.

Range of procedures

Our center invites you to experience the beauty of the procedure, which is performed in a steam SPA capsule. This SPA capsule is designed for body care directly in an urban environment.

List of spa capsule programs:

  1. Thermal warm-up. This procedure involves steam heating, color therapy, infrared heating, back and foot massage (jet), vibration massage, tropical rain, Vichy shower.
  2. Detoxification. This procedure includes a Vichy shower, steam heating, vibration massage, infrared heating, tropical rain, color therapy, back massage (jet), contrast shower (Scottish).
  3. Relaxation. The procedure, designed to reduce stress, consists of a Vichy shower, infrared heating, tropical rain, vibration massage, steam heating, back and foot massage (jet), color therapy.
  4. Rejuvenation. The rejuvenation procedure consists of jet back massage, infrared heating, Vichy shower, color therapy, steam heating, foot massage (jet), vibration massage.
  5. Rest. This service includes a contrast shower (Scottish), infrared heating, tropical rain, steam heating, back massage (jet), color therapy, vibration massage.
  6. Muscle tone. The procedure includes tropical rain, steam heating, contrast shower (Scottish), back massage (jet), color therapy, infrared heating, vibration massage.
  7. Revival. The procedure consists of a Vichy shower, tropical rain, infrared heating, back massage (jet), steam heating, foot massage (jet), color therapy, vibration massage.
  8. Sleep (Meditation). The procedure includes vibration massage, infrared heating, and color therapy.
  9. Body wrap (wet). The procedure includes color therapy, infrared heating, vibration massage, steam heating, and tropical rain.
  10. Awakening. The procedure includes steam heating, tropical rain, back and foot massage (jet), infrared heating, color therapy, contrast shower(Scottish), vibromassage, Vichy shower.

You are given the opportunity to choose 1 of 10 programs. You can also choose individual program, including massages, peeling, masks, wraps.

Thanks to the procedures carried out in the SPA capsule, you will feel a release of internal tension and a significant improvement in your mood. This device helps stabilize the vegetative status. The price of the procedure depends on the number of services included in it.

The device stimulates cellular metabolism, improves appearance skin, helps remove toxins and waste from the body.

Warming up

PEELING (local/general)

WRAP (general/local)

Procedure name Duration Price
"Detoxification" 30 / 45 minutes 2,200 / 3,000 rubles
"Weight loss" (kelp) 30 / 45 minutes 2,200 / 3,000 rubles
"Strengthening" (spirulina) 30 / 45 minutes 2,400 / 3,200 rubles
"Three Seaweeds" 30 / 45 minutes 2,500 / 3,800 rubles
« Seaweed» 30 / 45 minutes 2,200 / 3,000 rubles
« Sea water» 30 / 45 minutes 2,200 / 3,000 rubles
"Body Contour" 30 / 45 minutes 2,200 / 3,000 rubles
"Weight Loss" 30 / 45 minutes 2,200 / 3,000 rubles
"Algae and green clay» 30 / 45 minutes 2,500 / 3,500 rubles
"Cryoactive" (modeling) 30 / 45 minutes 3,000 / 3,900 rubles
"Cryoactive" (legs) 30 / 45 minutes 2,500 rubles
"Cryoactive" (bust) 30 / 45 minutes 2,000 rubles
- Full relax

Advantages: Positive effect on general state body

Disadvantages: expensive

This kind of thing is becoming increasingly popular these days. innovative technology like SPA - Capsule.

A SPA capsule is a device that is equipped with special technologies to restore physical strength, improve the condition of the skin and improve the health of the body.

This is an excellent procedure that helps relieve stress, improves well-being, and also helps fight excess weight.

Its effect on the human body occurs in two ways:

1. Using infrared heat with steam

2. as well as a shower system that directs water onto the body from all sides.

So in more detail:

Exposure to infrared rays and warm steam in combination with various kinds effects on the human body: chromo-, hydro-, massage, thermotherapy and wraps, creates ideal conditions for recuperation and relaxation

By enhancing metabolic processes in the body, this procedure helps improve blood supply to tissues and organs.

To enhance the desired effect and goals in this procedure, you can use various masks and wraps.

And since the steam temperature is quite high , this helps to expand the pores and biologically active substances are much better absorbed into the skin, bringing even more benefits to the body.

This procedure may contain elements aeroionotherapy, aromatherapy and music therapy.

This multifunctional complex presents a wide range of procedures aimed at various types of wellness areas.

Therefore, it is used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine.

Procedures in the Spa capsule provide positive effect for many diseases:


Musculoskeletal system

Stress and insomnia

Most Popular wellness programs in a SPA capsule:

  • Skin care (cleansing and skin rejuvenation);

    Anti-cellulite program (lymphatic drainage of problem areas of the body);

    Weight loss (a program that stimulates the body’s metabolic processes and helps burn calories);

    Prevention of ARVI (activation of the body's defenses, boosting immunity);



    Detoxification (removing toxins from the body, improvement of microcirculation)

    Health improvement.

Metabolic disorders,

    For recovery from injuries

    For diseases of the musculoskeletal system

    And also for heart diseases

    For emotional breakdowns

    And gynecological diseases

    For stimulation immune system and so on.

    Has an analgesic effect;

    Showers and hydromassage perfectly relax the body and lift your spirits;

    Helps relieve stress, physical tension, relieve symptoms of chronic fatigue and depression;

    Anti-aging effect and anti-cellulite programs;

    Hydromassage smoothes the skin, helps get rid of cellulite, tones muscles, perfectly relaxes, and so on,

    Infrared heat and warm steam warm the skin and open pores. This increases sweating, which promotes the removal of toxins and waste from the body.

    Our tissues and organs are better supplied with oxygen.


Exacerbation of chronic diseases

And coronary heart disease.

Now this procedure can be ordered in most salons.

The whole problem lies only in your financial capabilities.

For example, I cannot always afford such a procedure. After all, the cost of one is approximately 125,000 Belarusian rubles.

Therefore, unfortunately, I do not allow myself such “Luxury” often.

Video review

-1.5 centimeters per session! Whiskey swaddling Styx + body chiromassage + SPA capsule SPA capsule Spa capsule NeoQi Harmony Pro - spa center in one product! Relaxing with the help of a spa capsule (story). Oxygen capsule alpha spa capsule SPA capsuleSpa capsule. SPA capsule in VIF club Operating principle of Float Spa from Doka-Saun company SPA CAPSULE and Hydrogen. Hydrogen baths. Japanese video about a SPA capsule. Frolov Yu.A. Chocolate wrap (Sofita beauty studio) SPA program in a phyto-barrel "Slender silhouette" SPA capsule in Vitebsk: health and beauty of your body SPA capsule FOR SALE!!! Spa capsule in the Yurmino spa salon (Crimea) Hydrogen Water. SPA CAPSULE. PAYNO. Japanese video with professional dubbing. Frolov Yu.A. SPA capsule NeoQi model Elegance Spa capsule, algae! "Beauty Formula" Manufacturer of spa capsules NeoQi in the TV program "Fashionable Morning" Film, foil, SPA capsule in the treatment of cellulite Teleconference Frolov Yu.A. with an expert on Japan. Hydrogen generator (SPA capsule). Traditions of Japan. Sanatorium Raduga - review of the SPA capsule, Sanatoriums in Belarus Spa capsuleSanatorium Vasilek - SPA capsule, Health resorts in Belarus Program "Be Healthy!" TRC Pilot about the RIYAS SPA club: Spa packages in Roman Thermal Baths, Ayurveda, Hammam Spa capsule. Treatment of obesity. In the sanatorium "Yurmino" Crimea. SPA capsule. My star) SPA CAPSULE NeoQi in the sanatorium named after V.I. Lenin Float capsuleHydrogen at the service of our Health. SPA Capsule. Antioxidant Complex and more. others from Frolov Yu.A. The whole truth about FLOATING: review of the SPA procedure

The SPA capsule is an innovative technology that is gaining increasing popularity in health resorts and spas around the world.

This procedure helps relieve tension and stress, improve well-being, lift your spirits, and also fight excess weight. The SPA capsule combines two methods of influencing the human body: infrared heat with steam, as well as a shower system that directs water onto the body from all sides. The combined effect of infrared rays and warm steam creates ideal conditions for relaxation and rejuvenation. various types effects on the human body: hydro-, chromo-, thermotherapy, massage and wraps. In addition, the procedure helps improve blood supply to organs and tissues, enhancing all metabolic processes in the body.

For getting maximum effect from the SPA capsule, depending on the goals set, a variety of wraps and masks are actively used in this procedure. Thanks pretty high temperature steam that opens the pores, biologically active substances are better absorbed into the skin, bringing more benefits to the body. This procedure may also contain elements of aromatherapy, music therapy and aeroion therapy.

This multifunctional complex provides a wide range of procedures. You can choose a Vichy shower, hydromassage bath, drip massage or steam bath, depending on the doctor's recommendations. All this can be combined with various wraps, therapeutic mud, algae, oils and gels.

All this allows you to combine many wellness programs in a SPA capsule: anti-stress, restorative, relaxation, detoxification, anti-aging and anti-cellulite.

This complex is widely used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine, since the procedures in the capsule have a positive effect on many diseases of the musculoskeletal system, neuroses, skin diseases, stress, insomnia, headaches and migraines, as well as recovery period after injuries and operations.

Types of SPA capsules:

  • dry;
  • hydrofusion

A dry SPA capsule is aimed at warming the body with warm and ionized air using oils, vibration massage, chromotherapy, aromatherapy and music therapy.

Hydrofusion capsules are more massive because they have a hydraulic reservoir. The procedure here combines the effects of infrared radiation and hot steam. The body warms up to a depth of 4 cm, activating the processes of lipolysis and removal of toxins from the body. Such conditions allow for various wraps, herbal and aromatherapy. In addition, such a capsule has the functions of a shower, hydromassage, and various baths (fresh, aromatic, bubble).

Therapeutic effect of the SPA capsule:

  • thanks to the procedure, pain is relieved, since the capsule has an analgesic effect;
  • Vichy shower and hydromassage perfectly relax the body and lift your spirits;
  • the procedure helps relieve stress, chronic fatigue and depression;
  • This procedure also has a rejuvenating effect. In SPA salons, specially designed weight loss programs, lymphatic drainage and anti-cellulite programs are very popular;
  • hydromassage smoothes the skin, makes it silky, reduces orange peel", characteristic of cellulite;
  • The procedure helps remove toxins and waste from the body. Warm steam and infrared heat warm the skin and open pores. At the same time, sweating increases, and along with sweat, all harmful substances are removed from the body;
  • organs and tissues are better supplied with oxygen, starting from the heart and ending with small capillaries.

The most common wellness programs in a SPA capsule:

  • Prevention of ARVI (activation of the body's defenses, boosting immunity);
  • Skin care (skin rejuvenation and cleansing program);
  • Anti-cellulite program (active lymphatic drainage of the most problematic areas of the body);
  • Weight loss (a program that stimulates the body’s metabolic processes and helps burn calories);
  • Relaxation;
  • Energization;
  • Detoxification (improving microcirculation, removing toxins from the body);
  • Health improvement.

Contraindications for the use of SPA capsules:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • dermatitis.

Today, the SPA capsule is becoming more and more popular in the world of official medicine and modern cosmetology. It's relative new procedure, which allows you to restore your health as quickly as possible after a previous illness.
For example this effective remedy to strengthen a weakened immune system, a real help for cardiac and gynecological problems, as well as in case of impaired metabolism and impaired functioning of the central nervous system.

Despite the fact that many position the SPA capsule with the most the best side, describing the multifaceted therapeutic effect and sustainable therapeutic effect, there is also back side medal that reminds everyone existing restrictions and prohibitions on use.

There are indeed contraindications, and a considerable list of them only indicates that this method of healing a weakened body is not as safe as it might initially seem. Doctors advise hypertensive patients and other patients with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system (tachycardia, ischemia, arrhythmia, angina pectoris), as well as in the presence of dermatological diseases and inflammatory processes in the acute stage. In addition, the SPA capsule is excluded during periods of pregnancy and lactation, as well as in the stage of relapse of all chronic diseases of the body. There are also age restrictions that become an obstacle to performing this progressive procedure.

If a person decides to try what a SPA capsule is, contraindications should be a signal for him that he needs to consult with his doctor. The expediency of such a consultation is obvious, since superficial self-medication can only worsen the general condition of a weakened body and lead to irreversible consequences.

Myth one.
Doctors are confident that the SPA capsule provides therapeutic and cosmetic effect, and just one procedure is enough to look 3-5 years younger. In fact, you can’t expect significant changes in your appearance just once, but modern cosmetologists do not rule out that after a few sessions, wrinkles, skin unevenness and signs of pigmentation disappear imperceptibly, and the skin becomes clean, elastic and smooth.

Myth two.
Many women, after the first SPA capsule, got rid of signs of cellulite and stretch marks that appeared after childbirth or were the result of weight changes. In fact, such an effect is indeed possible, since the effect of infrared rays on loose skin gives it firmness and elasticity. However, one procedure will not be enough to return skin original beauty and impeccable condition.

Myth three.
The level of radioactive exposure on the patient’s skin and body exceeds the safe limit. In fact, these are just “horror stories”, and the SPA capsule with correct use strictly according to indications, it has a beneficial effect on human resources. The effect of infrared rays is therapeutic and certainly not harmful to health.

To summarize, we can conclude that there will be an effect from this cosmetic and therapeutic procedure, but one session is not enough to feel it and, especially, to maintain it. If you complete the full course, you can personally verify how effective the SPA capsule is.
Contraindications for use must also be discussed with your doctor and only on his recommendation should you agree to the first session. The results are inspiring!