Consequences of biorevitalization: what is important to know before going to a cosmetologist? Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid: injection and hardware techniques. Complications caused by biorevitalization

March 8

It's no secret that with age our skin changes not for the better: wrinkles appear, elasticity decreases, color and texture deteriorate. At a certain point, any woman begins to understand that the time has come to act and seek help - and above all, from a cosmetologist. The beauty salon can offer a range of procedures to restore and rejuvenate the skin - this can be mesotherapy, chemical and enzyme peels, and many other methods. In addition, a procedure such as hyaluronic biorevitalization is very popular today. What is this procedure and why is it needed?


Hyaluronic biorevitalization will be very useful for the following conditions:

  • for dry and dehydrated skin, lethargy, sagging;
  • with excessive oiliness and enlarged pores;
  • loss of skin elasticity;
  • for acne and its consequences;
  • for stretch marks, cicatricial changes, superficial scars;
  • when the color of the skin changes due to weathering, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, etc.;
  • in the presence of a visible capillary network;
  • for hyperpigmentation and freckles.


Before starting the hyaluronic biorevitalization procedure, the cosmetologist will recommend the patient to do a little preparation, which consists of observing the following rules:

  • a few days before the procedure (about 4 days), you must stop taking antibiotics and drugs that affect blood clotting;
  • 7-10 days before the procedure you cannot go to the bathhouse or sauna;
  • 14 days before the procedure, it is necessary to avoid tanning, including in a solarium;
  • 3 hours before the start of biorevitalization, you should get rid of any cosmetics on the treated areas.

Immediately before the session, the skin in the treatment area should be clean and dry.

Technique for hyaluronic biorevitalization

The hyaluronic biorevitalization procedure can last up to 60 minutes, which depends mainly on the area of ​​the skin surface being treated. How does the procedure work?

The cosmetologist cleans the required area of ​​skin and applies an anesthetic (usually a special cream). Next, the specialist makes intradermal injections of the drug into certain places: for this he can use a syringe or a special injection device, which makes the injection of the substance more painless, precise and uniform.

During injection, the patient may feel slight discomfort, the degree of which depends on the individual level of pain threshold.

Upon completion of the administration of the substance, the cosmetologist will give the necessary recommendations on further care of the treated skin.

Types of hyaluronic acid for biorevitalization

At least two classifications of hyaluronic acid are known. They are divided depending on the chemical structure of the substance and the origin of the drug.

According to the chemical structure, hyaluronic acid is:

  • low molecular weight, which is “assembled” from short-chain molecules and has an anti-inflammatory effect, which allows the use of such acid for acne, psoriasis, herpes, superficial erosions and ulcers;
  • medium molecular weight, which has an effect that inhibits cell division and reproduction. This property is beneficial for pathologies of the joints and organs of vision;
  • high molecular weight, which is able to attract water molecules, thereby ensuring elasticity and hydration of the skin. It is this type of hyaluronic acid that is most often used for hyaluronic biorevitalization.

According to its origin, hyaluronic acid is:

  • animal origin;
  • industrial production.

Despite the fact that hyaluronic acid of animal origin has a natural composition, its use often causes allergies or inflammatory reactions. Therefore, many specialists have long preferred to use industrially produced hyaluronic acid, especially since the synthesis of such acid is constantly being improved. For example, at present, microorganisms grown on a decoction of wheat are used to produce industrial “hyaluronic acid”.

Injection biorevitalization of the face with hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid injections for the face are more in demand than for other parts of the body. The injection biorevitalization procedure is used both for the general effect of rejuvenation and for the elimination of individual wrinkles and skin folds (for example, folds on the forehead or above the lips).

Hyaluronic acid in injections acts as a substance that fills folds: it is this property that allows you to change and improve the contour of the face or its individual parts (for example, cheekbones). Injections can also be used to create volume in the cheeks, eyes, temples and lips.

Injection hyaluronic biorevitalization of the face is carried out at different tissue depths, depending on the desired final result.

Hyaluronic acid with zinc for biorevitalization

Often, in order for the result after hyaluronic biorevitalization to be as positive as possible, zinc is added to the preparation with hyaluronic acid. An example of such a combination drug is Mesolift from Outline.

Zinc is an essential trace element for physiological processes in the body. Among the many properties of zinc, the following are particularly noteworthy:

  • restoration of damaged cells;
  • fatty acid processing;
  • allergy prevention;
  • prevention of skin microtraumas and early expression wrinkles.

Thanks to the listed properties, biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid with zinc provides noticeable rejuvenation and strengthening of the skin. In addition, zinc is considered an excellent antiseptic substance, which significantly reduces the risk of developing inflammatory processes in the skin.

Biorevitalization of lips with hyaluronic acid

Lip biorevitalization is considered one of the most popular procedures using hyaluronic acid. Injections of this kind are well accepted by tissues - that is, after the procedure there is no rejection, swelling or other unpleasant consequences.

Hyaluronic acid injections help add volume and shape to lips. This correction can be done at almost any age - optimally - from 17 to 60 years.

Hyaluronic biorevitalization of lips lasts no more than half an hour, and sometimes even less. Injections into the lips can be slightly painful, but many claim that the resulting effect outshines all unpleasant sensations: the lips become much younger, fuller, and fresher.

Biorevitalization of lips should not be confused with the introduction of silicone: the injected drug with hyaluronic acid does not change its location and does not “migrate”, as many people think. The result remains stable for a long time.

Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid of the face

The use of hyaluronic biorevitalization in the facial area is very popular. Typically, preparations containing high or low molecular weight hyaluronic acid are used for the procedure. The use of low molecular weight acid allows us to enhance the production of collagen in tissues, which ensures the elasticity and strength of the skin.

When treating the face, the hyaluronic preparation can be injected into the middle or deeper layers of the skin. Using the chosen method you can achieve:

  • smoothing out small wrinkles;
  • filling large wrinkles and folds;
  • correction of the shape of the cheekbones, frontal area, temples;
  • improving facial contours;
  • moisturizing and healing the skin.

For the best effect, you need to choose the right drug for injection: this can be done by consulting a cosmetologist who will carry out biorevitalization.

Biorevitalization of hair with hyaluronic acid

For hair, external influences are often used in the form of detergents, masks or rinses with hyaluronic acid. However, most experts believe that it will not be possible to completely solve hair problems in this way: it is necessary to use the classic intradermal injection of hyaluronic acid preparations.

Intradermal injections have a direct effect on hair follicles and sebaceous glands. This allows you to improve trophic processes and peri-root microcirculation, normalize the function of the sebaceous glands and the composition of their secretions.

As a result of the procedure, the hair acquires shine, strength, becomes smooth and silky.

If the hair before the procedure was thin and weakened, the effect may not be visible immediately: it takes time for new hair to grow back with strong and healthy hair shafts.

Device for carrying out the hyaluronic biorevitalization procedure

For those who do not want or are afraid to inject hyaluronic acid, we can advise you to pay attention to hardware methods. Such methods involve the use of a low molecular weight version of hyaluronic acid, which has the form of a gel-like mass and is applied directly to the surface of the skin. Penetration of the substance deep into the tissue is ensured by a special device.

  • Hyaluronic laser biorevitalization is a method of exposing a molecular hydrocolloid to “cold” pulsed rays. Before starting this procedure, the cosmetologist performs hardware cleansing of the skin, which serves as a kind of preparation of the surface layers for deep penetration of hyaluronic acid. After distributing the gel-like mass over the surface of the skin, the specialist begins laser irradiation, thanks to which the hyaluronic filler penetrates the tissue.
  • Ultrasonic biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is somewhat reminiscent of the laser biorevitalization procedure, however, the skin is exposed not to laser beams, but to ultrasonic waves. After ultrasound biorevitalization, it is important to regularly apply special restorative cosmetics for several days, which will help quickly soothe the skin and improve post-procedure regeneration.

Preparations for biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid

All preparations that are used for hyaluronic biorevitalization contain one or another amount of hyaluronic acid. Currently, cosmetologists use at least 10 different similar products from different manufacturers. In this case, experts most often give preference to such well-known brands as IAL-system, Restylane Vital, Skin R, Surgilift + and Juvederm Hydrate.

  • IAL-systems are perhaps the most common drug that has an effect on almost any skin problem. A visible positive effect from this drug can be noticed within 2 days after the procedure, and the effect can last for at least six months.
  • Skin R is a fundamentally new product that experts compare to a surgical facelift operation. The effectiveness of this new drug is explained not only by the presence of hyaluronic acid in the composition, but also by its rich amino acid composition, which significantly enhances the effect of the product.
  • Restylane Vital is a drug with a longer lasting effect, which is explained by increased tissue hydration during the procedure. An excellent result can be achieved if this technique is used in combination with peeling procedures, Botox injections, plastic surgery, etc.

Which of the preparations for hyaluronic biorevitalization to choose should be asked by a cosmetologist - a qualified specialist will always help you choose a high-quality product individually.

Contraindications for carrying out

Like any other procedure, hyaluronic biorevitalization has its contraindications:

  • redness;
  • formation of small nodules (papules);
  • slight swelling or areas of swelling.
  • All of these symptoms are natural and temporary. They go away on their own within a few days, without requiring additional interventions.

    If a temperature appears after biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid, this indicates the addition of an infection and the beginning of the inflammatory process. This can happen if the procedure was carried out by an insufficiently competent specialist, or with violations of the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. Temperature can also be caused by improper skin care after biorevitalization, ignoring the recommendations of a cosmetologist.

    Red spots after biorevitalization are usually temporary and are a consequence of skin irritation after injection. Such spots usually go away on their own within 2-3 days. If this does not happen, and the redness is accompanied by itching and discomfort, then you should consult a doctor - perhaps the administered drug or anesthetic substance triggered the development of an allergic reaction.

  • After the procedure, you cannot begin treatment with drugs that affect blood clotting.
  • When is the result visible?

    The first noticeable results appear 2-3 days after hyaluronic biorevitalization. Moreover, over time, positive changes only intensify. The skin takes on a healthy and fresh look, lips become moisturized, and hair becomes manageable and shiny.

    Marina Ignatieva

    Reading time: 5 minutes

    A A

    There comes a time in every woman’s life when she wants to hide the mirror away - the skin on her face becomes inelastic, the first wrinkles appear, and the former youthful skin color is lost. Many resort to plastic surgery, although you can also get by with a cosmetic procedure known as “Biorevitalization.” What is known about her?

    What is biorevitalization - the difference between biorevitalization and mesotherapy, types of biorevitalization.

    Those who believe that this cosmetic procedure allows you to get rid of wrinkles are mistaken. No! This technique can restore the skin to its former elasticity, firmness and color characteristic of healthy and young skin. This procedure improves the appearance of the skin and also slows down aging. What else do you need to know about biorevitalization?

    • This method is based on intradermal injections of natural hyaluronic acid, which restores water balance, thereby creating ideal conditions for cell activity. As a result, the properties of the fabric are restored and the external effect is enhanced.

    • This procedure there is a “fast” and a “slow” result. First, the patient sees the smoothing of wrinkles and folds that occurs immediately after the procedure. After 7-14 days, a “slow” result comes when the cells begin to produce their own hyaluronic acid. It is at this moment that the skin begins to “restore” and look more youthful.
    • Many people confuse biorevitalization with mesotherapy, but these procedures are fundamentally different from each other. The mesotherapy preparation contains vitamins and microelements that are poorly produced in the body. Mesotherapy can be performed starting from the age of 25, while biorevitalization is best not done until the age of 35. It should also be said that a course of mesotherapy procedures is carried out once a week, and biorevitalization once a month, which saves money.
    • Exists 2 main types of biorevitalization: injection and laser. Injection is more popular, as girls see the results immediately. The entire procedure lasts an hour, during which time a certain amount of hyaluronic acid is injected into problem areas on the face. During laser biorevitalization, a special gel is applied to the skin, which contains hyaluronic acid, which changes its structure when interacting with the laser.

    Indications for biorevitalization – who is biorevitalization suitable for?

    The facial biorevitalization procedure can be performed on all women starting from 35-40 years old (it is at this age that the first signs of aging begin to appear on the skin). So, what are the main indications for this procedure?

    • Dry skin. If your skin is dry and dehydrated, then this procedure will be a sip of water for it.
    • Reduced firmness and elasticity.
    • Pigmentation on the skin. If you have a large number of moles or other age spots, the biorevitalization procedure will help eliminate this problem.
    • Restoration of skin condition after various plastic surgeries.
    • If your skin has been damaged by UV rays, then this procedure will help you get rid of all the consequences of long exposure to the sun or solarium.

    Contraindications for biorevitalization - possible complications of biorevitalization.

    Like any cosmetic procedure, biorevitalization has contraindications. So, under what conditions should you not undergo biorevitalization, and what complications may there be?

    Preparations for biorevitalization – which one is right for you?

    There are 5 main and most common drugs used for biorevitalization. So, how do they differ and how to choose “your” drug?

    • The 2 most common drugs that are included in the “Gold Standard of Biorevitalization” are drug IAL System and IAL System ACP, produced in Italy. These drugs are distinguished by their safety of use and the absence of side effects. These preparations use 2% ahyaluronic acid, which moisturizes the skin, corrects wrinkles and creates a lifting effect. After a full course of procedures, the result lasts for 4-6 months. Suitable for girls aged 30 and older.
    • Next comes the drug RestylaneVital, consisting of stabilized hyaluronic acid. This drug is suitable for women over 40 years old, as well as for girls with signs of photoaging. If you combine the use of this drug with the introduction of Botox or contouring, the effect will be especially noticeable.
    • Skin R– a new drug containing 2% hyaluronic acid, as well as amino acids that affect protein synthesis. This drug has a strong lifting effect on the skin. Can be used by girls aged 30 years and older.
    • Meso-Wharton– a unique combination drug that combines 1.56% hyaluronic acid and a large number of additives in order to prolong the biorevitalization effect. The drug is best used in patients over 40 years of age.

    Changes in complexion and skin elasticity. All these age-related changes lead to the fact that the desire to look in the mirror decreases every day. Many solve this problem with the help of plastic surgery, not knowing that there is a more conservative solution - a cosmetic procedure called “Biorevitalization”.

    Concept of method

    • Biorevitalization is an injection of drugs based on hyaluronic acid. The most popular drugs are: Restylane Vital Light, Teosyal Pure Sense Redensity I, IAL System and others.
    • The procedure can also be performed with combination preparations, which, in addition to the main component, include vitamin complexes, peptides, antioxidants and amino acids. These include: Jalupro, Revi, NCTF 135 and others.

    The effectiveness of biorevitalization depends on the competent selection of these drugs, as well as on the drawn up scheme for their use.

    This video will tell you about the features of biorevitalization:

    Its types

    This procedure can be of two types: preventive and therapeutic.

    1. Preventive biorevitalization used for early aging, which occurs with a lack of hyaluronic acid. Such a course includes two procedures carried out with an interval of 3-4 weeks. Active hydration occurs and an optimal balance of nutrients is maintained, which together leads to inhibition of the aging process.
    2. Therapeutic biorevitalization fights more pronounced skin problems that arise due to age-related changes. The course is recommended for women with and reduced turgor. Usually three procedures are prescribed with an interval of 3-4 weeks.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The advantages of biorevitalization determine the popularity of this procedure. These include:

    • The naturalness and depth of the effects of the drugs. Quite a lot of cosmetic products contain hyaluronic acid. However, their effect on the skin is only superficial, bringing only a moisturizing effect. The biorevitalization procedure allows the component to penetrate deep into the skin, making changes at the cellular level.
    • Quick results. Visible changes occur after 1-2 sessions.
    • Long-lasting effect of the procedure. Improving skin nutrition and the production of certain hormones leads to smoothing of wrinkles, changes in complexion and skin elasticity. This effect lasts for 4-5 months, and in some cases – up to a year.

    The disadvantages of the procedure include a decrease in the ability of cells to produce their own proteins and hyaluronic acid.

    Oversaturation with these substances in the absence of regular support leads to the fact that the skin begins to age faster after biorevitalization. However, not all experts come to this conclusion; some of them refute this drawback.

    Biorevitalization can be performed on both men and women over 35 years of age. The main indications for its implementation are:

    1. Dry skin;
    2. Reduced skin elasticity;
    3. The need to restore the skin after plastic procedures;
    4. Damage to the epidermis by ultraviolet radiation.


    All cosmetic procedures have their contraindications, and biorevitalization is no exception. Its use is not recommended in the following cases:

    1. Pregnancy and lactation;
    2. and respiratory diseases;
    3. Individual intolerance;
    4. Autoimmune disorders.

    Photos before and after biorevitalization

    Preparation for biorevitalization

    The procedure does not require any special preparation, but it is recommended not to consume alcohol, antipyretic or anti-inflammatory drugs the day before. To exclude possible complications and contraindications, the doctor diagnoses and examines the problem area.

    Before the session, the specialist cleanses the skin and, at the patient’s request, anesthetizes it.

    How is the procedure performed?

    The biorevitalization procedure involves the following steps:

    1. Removing existing makeup;
    2. Facial skin cleansing;
    3. Treating the problem area with an antiseptic;
    4. Marking for future punctures;
    5. Application of hyaluronate;
    6. Carrying out manual injections or using a special drug.

    The duration of one session, depending on the treated area and the operating mechanism, ranges from 20 minutes to 1.5 hours. At the end of the session, the specialist applies a special medical and cosmetic composition to the treated area, assesses the condition of the skin, talks with the patient and sets a date for the next session.

    This video will tell you how the procedure goes:

    Consequences and possible complications

    If for some reason the biorevitalization technology was violated or the patient did not follow the recommendations during the post-rehabilitation period, the following complications may occur:

    • Severe hypodermia;
    • The development of infection as a result of bacteria entering the skin or
      • Going to the pool;
      • Visiting the solarium;
      • Sun tanning and visiting a solarium;
      • Washing in baths and saunas;
      • Visiting spa treatments;
      • Active sports;
      • Excessive alcohol consumption;
      • Active use of decorative cosmetics.


      The price of one biorevitalization session depends on many factors, including individual preferences of beauty salons, the prestige of the city, the degree of qualification of the masters and much more.

      In Moscow, depending on the drugs used, one session costs from 6,500 to 14,000 rubles.

      Side effects after biorevitalization are usually associated with a violation of the technique of its implementation. To minimize the likelihood of complications, you need to find a qualified cosmetologist and properly prepare for the procedure.

      Ideal procedure

      Cosmetologists and their clients often violate the technique of biorevitalization from the very beginning. Thus, a specialist may neglect to conduct a full examination and collect an anamnesis.

      At the same time, patients do not inform the cosmetologist about chronic diseases and other important factors.

      However, the key to a successful procedure is the collection of the maximum amount of information regarding the patient’s health condition.

      Even at the stage of preparation for intervention, the doctor should:

      • study the cosmetic history in detail,
      • collect information regarding allergic reactions,
      • find out which drugs were used before,
      • The fact that similar procedures have been carried out in the past is also important.

      A qualified cosmetologist cannot treat a single problem of the body or face. He must conduct a comprehensive analysis and prescribe consultations with related specialists.

      Errors at the preparatory stage and an incorrect forecast indicate insufficient qualifications of the specialist, which causes a negative or short-term result.

      All the pros and cons

      Biorevitalization is usually understood as injection or laser therapy, which is carried out to introduce hyaluronic acid under the skin.

      Laser technology belongs to the category of non-invasive procedures, which is why it is considered safer. A significant contraindication to such treatment is intolerance to hyaluronic acid.

      In addition, there are the following restrictions:

      • pregnancy;
      • breast-feeding;
      • progress of cancer.

      Injection biorevitalization is considered an invasive technique that leads to disruption of the integrity of the skin. That is why this procedure has significant contraindications.

      Prohibitions for biorevitalization include the following:

      • oncological pathologies;
      • acute infectious diseases;
      • autoimmune diseases;
      • exacerbation of chronic ailments;
      • facial skin diseases;
      • allergic reactions;
      • individual intolerance to the drug;
      • the presence of keloid scars;
      • pregnancy;
      • lactation.

      If a person has simple pathologies that are temporary, they should first be cured, after which the procedure can begin.

      Hyaluronic acid leads to stimulation of cells throughout the body. The same applies to cancer cells. With such a diagnosis, biorevitalization will only worsen the patient’s condition.

      A similar effect is achieved in the presence of keloid scars. They represent a tumor growth of fibrous connective tissue. The exact reasons for such processes have not yet been established. It is believed that some people have a tendency to develop such problems.

      According to scientific research, preparations containing hyaluronic acid do not have a negative effect on the fetus during pregnancy. However, cosmetologists still do not recommend doing the procedure while carrying a baby and breastfeeding.

      Nevertheless, pregnancy is considered a special period in a woman’s life and influencing her body is permissible only in extreme cases.

      In the presence of autoimmune pathologies, the body produces antibodies to its own cells. This means that the immune system perceives some cells as foreign, and therefore tries to destroy them. The stimulating and activating effect of hyaluronic acid on the body increases the risk of deterioration of the patient’s condition.

      In some cases, situations arise when patients do not realize that they have an allergy or intolerance to certain components. In such a situation, skin tests must be performed.

      Thanks to this simple manipulation, you can prevent an immediate allergic reaction, the greatest danger of which is death.

      You should not do the procedure during menstruation or take anticoagulants during this period, which lead to blood thinning.

      Video: Carrying out the procedure


      Indications for biorevitalization include the following:

      • photoaging of the skin as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
      • deterioration of the dermis as a result of smoking;
      • loss of elasticity, increased dryness and thinning of the skin;
      • prevention of premature age-related changes.

      Why do complications occur?

      Side effects after biorevitalization appear for a reason. A number of factors influence the occurrence of negative consequences.

      The main reasons include the following:

      1. First of all, side effects are caused by a violation of technology by a cosmetologist. Most often, the reason lies in the lack of qualifications of the specialist who performs this procedure.
      2. Another important factor is the patient’s own dishonesty. It lies in the fact that a person, knowing about all the contraindications to biorevitalization, does not inform the doctor about it.

      Also, patients sometimes hide the fact of using medications that are prohibited from being combined with hyaluronic acid.

      1. Often patients violate the recommendations given by the doctor, which also causes complications.
      2. Another factor is too thin and sensitive skin.

      How side effects appear after biorevitalization

      There are a number of side effects and complications that may occur after biorevitalization:

      1. Allergic reactions. They can pose a danger not only to appearance, but also to overall health. In this case, the best method of prevention is strict adherence to the rules of the procedure. The doctor must do allergy tests if this is prescribed in the biorevitalization protocol.

      To conduct a session, it is best to choose a proven hyaluronic acid preparation that has the appropriate certificates. It is advisable to give preference to a synthetic product.

      1. Microhematomas. This symptom is a side effect of any invasive technique. The fact is that injections are still a gross intervention in the structure of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

      In most cases, such complications arise when biorevitalization is performed during menstruation or menopause. Also, you should not perform the procedure if you have rosacea or while using anticoagulants. To minimize the risk of such complications, it is important to quit smoking.

      1. Painful sensations. Injections always provoke discomfort. However, through the use of local anesthesia, it is possible to significantly reduce the level of skin sensitivity. It is important to consider that the use of anesthesia drugs increases the risk of allergic reactions.
      2. Infectious complications. Such processes can be bacterial or viral in nature. The appearance of pustules in the injection area indicates serious violations of asepsis rules by the doctor. Also, such problems may be a consequence of the patient’s failure to comply with the rules of the rehabilitation period.

      To prevent such complications, you need to adhere to the protocol and fully inform patients about the rules of skin care. It is important to consider that viral consequences are usually the result of an exacerbation of herpes infection.

      1. The appearance of nodules and changes in skin tone. This symptom is one of the most serious. But if the procedure is performed by an experienced doctor, the risk of these consequences is minimal.

      Other side effects depend on the area where the injections are performed. So, there is a risk of the needle getting into the blood vessels. In addition, the doctor may damage the lymphatic vessels located in the neck area.

      Biorevitalization of the skin around the eyes is a very dangerous procedure, so it must be carried out with great care.

      Photo: Before and after

      Prohibitions after rejuvenation

      Contraindications after the biorevitalization procedure include the following:

      • you cannot visit the sauna and gym for several days;
      • it is forbidden to go to the solarium for 1.5 weeks;
      • you cannot be in the sun for 4-5 days;
      • You should avoid peeling or plastic surgery for a week;
      • You can’t use new creams.

      What to do if an undesirable result occurs

      If papules appear after the procedure, you need to take into account that they will disappear on their own in about 3 days.

      If 2-3 weeks after the intervention, irregularities are visible under the skin. They indicate that the gel has penetrated the surface layer of the skin. In this case, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe a special drug.

      If a hematoma, severe pain, or lymphostasis appears, you should immediately contact a specialist. To reduce the pressure of the injected gel, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory therapy and informs about the rules of skin care.

      To speed up the recovery process after the procedure, you need to follow some recommendations:

      • use creams and cosmetics with ultraviolet filters;
      • stop using aspirin and other anticoagulants;
      • after 10-14 days, perform deep peeling to prolong the effect of hyaluronic acid.

      Biorevitalization is considered a fairly effective rejuvenating procedure. However, sometimes it causes unwanted health effects. To minimize all risks, it is very important to find an experienced doctor.

      In modern cosmetology, biorevitalization is considered to be one of the safest procedures. Most people assume that this technique is completely painless, suitable for everyone, has a huge number of advantages and does not have any disadvantages. However, this is not the case. Contraindications to biorevitalization are quite extensive, and side effects after it occur quite often.

      Does this mean that cosmetologists and beauty salons are deceiving us? We will try to find out as many pitfalls as possible about this procedure in order to form our own opinion about where the truth is and where it is fiction.

      How do you understand that the procedure is prohibited for you?

      Contraindications for biorevitalization must be voiced by a cosmetologist at the stage of consulting a potential patient. A true professional will not perform injections or laser treatments on the skin if any of the risk factors are present.

      First of all, these include the period of pregnancy and lactation. To carry out the procedure, as a rule, hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin is used, and a number of synthetic hypoallergenic components designed to perform an auxiliary function. The negative impact of filler substances on the fetus in the womb and on the already born baby during the session has not been identified, studied or proven, however, for safety reasons for you and your child, it is recommended to refrain from this procedure.

      During pregnancy and lactation, biorevitalization cannot be performed

      The second important circumstance is individual intolerance or allergy to one of the components of the corrector. Despite the fact that such fillers are made from special ingredients that do not cause rejection, the reaction of the human body can be unpredictable. Be sure to tell your cosmetologist about all your allergies so that he can choose the filler that is suitable for you.

      The whole truth about biorevitalization is that carrying out the procedure in the presence of obvious contraindications can lead to very unpleasant consequences. Complications may occur if you have:

      • oncological diseases;
      • autoimmune diseases;
      • extensive defects and inflammation of the skin in the area intended for insertion of the corrector;
      • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
      • tendency to form scars.

      Among other things, you should temporarily avoid such cosmetic care if you have an elevated body temperature or are taking blood thinning medications. Injections are not administered into moles, warts and other skin formations.

      Most common side effects

      The consequences of biorevitalization are often quite dire. We are used to hearing about positive results that last for 8–12 months, however, this does not always happen. Side effects of the procedure may even include complete absence of results. Most often, local bruising and bruising may be observed at the injection site, in addition, swelling and induration may be observed. The higher the sensitivity of the skin, the higher the chance of redness or, conversely, paleness of the skin. In some cases, very unpleasant sensations, pain, itching and a feeling of tightness may be experienced. As a rule, they go away on their own within a few days, but the risk of complications still exists.

      Why can biorevitalization give a negative reaction?

      Many of us think about why some people easily tolerate biorevitalization, while others suffer from a large number of negative manifestations? There are two main factors that influence the success of the procedure:

      • Professionalism of the specialist performing the injections. Violation of the technology for introducing filler under the skin is the most common cause of swelling and bruising, as well as short-term and uneven results. Pay special attention to choosing a clinic and cosmetologist.
      • Irresponsibility of patients. In pursuit of a simple way to achieve young, moisturized and tightened skin, many of us do not pay attention to the characteristics of our body and do not inform specialists about the possible presence of contraindications, which leads to the most unexpected results.