Header for the final meeting in the middle group. Parent meeting-game in the middle group “This is my child”

March 8

Valeria Lauten
Final parent meeting in the middle group “What have we learned this year”


“What we have learned in a year.”

Teachers: Lauten V. A., Mosina I. N.

Target: summing up the educational process as a means of comprehensive development of the child’s personality.


Analyze the results of the activities of students and teachers during the school year.

Report of the parent committee on the work carried out during the year.

Determine the prospects for the development of the team of students, teachers, and parents.

Thanks to the parents who provided assistance throughout the year.

Preparatory work:

Announcement of the meeting

Preparation of booklets

Preparation of “portfolios” - notebooks

Preparation of certificates and letters of gratitude to reward parents who took an active part in the life of the group.

Progress of the event:

1. Introductory part


Hello, dear parents. We are pleased to welcome you to the final meeting of our group.

Finally, the long-awaited summer is approaching - a time when everyone can take a break from daily worries. Besides, summer is a time of discoveries, big and small.

We are all different, but we have something in common - our children, our kindergarten, our group, our constant communication. Our children have grown up and become a year older; they are moving to the senior group of kindergarten! How we lived this year, what was interesting, funny and sad in our lives, what we learned and what we still have to do - this is our conversation today. We hope that all this will give you the opportunity to relax and be happy for your children.

2. Summing up the activities.

And now I would like to summarize our work this year.

Our guys have grown up and learned a lot, I invite you to find out about it.

Children are able to evaluate the actions of peers and fairy-tale characters, and understand the emotional states of a person. They have ideas about professions, about the principles of division into male and female. They know how to prepare their workplaces for educational activities and restore order after its completion. They take on different roles in games with peers, show initiative and independence. They can explain the rules of the game to others.

All the children know their first and last names, the names of their parents, many know the address of their home. They know about the importance of human health, some of its components, and try to fulfill them. They know how to navigate in space, know geometric shapes, can count and compare the number of objects, understand the meaning of words denoting parts of the day and seasons, and know the days of the week.

They know how and love to talk and share their life experiences, and have their own preferences in each type of activity - be it drawing, playing, singing or physical activity. They love to tell familiar fairy tales and memorize short poems.

The guys in our group are very creative. They love to build with different construction sets – floor-standing, table-top, Lego. They love to make crafts, cards, draw and write letters to their beloved parents. Able to hold and use a pen, pencil, and scissors correctly. There are slight difficulties in cutting out rounded shapes. They depict in drawings what they saw, and come up with something new and unusual - for example, a flying snow leopard or a dragonfly lion.

The girls love to dance in the afternoon; they very clearly convey the character of the melody in their movements. Everyone loves to play music, everyone has their own favorite song.

This year the children have become more neat and tidy, they take care of their appearance, observe the rules of personal hygiene, dress and undress themselves, and put away their clothes.

They like to play sports, do exercises, and participate in small competitions - “Fun Starts”.

They love to take part in various matinees, perform in front of children from other groups, and participate in theatrical skits.

I would like to note that work has been done with the children on moral behavior. Our children know how to behave in a group, communicate with adults and peers, help each other, share toys, organize joint games without scandals, distribute roles, keep turns, and much more.

We can safely say that our guys are friendly, cheerful, athletic, creative and inquisitive. Each one is truly special!

3. Conversation with parents “Your impressions.”

Dear parents, we ask you to express your opinion on how the work with children was carried out during the school year.

I ask you to pass the balloon to each other and take turns expressing your opinion.

4. Report of the parent committee on its work.

5. Report by Lauten V. A. “On the importance of introducing a child to fiction”

As Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak believed, the purpose of introducing a preschooler to literature is to become a future “talented reader,” a culturally educated person.

Many programs include tasks to familiarize children with fiction. Here are some of them:

Cultivate interest in fiction;

Ensure the assimilation of content and emotional responsiveness to the work;

To cultivate artistic and literary taste, the ability to understand and feel the mood of a work;

By the time a child enters school, he should be able to identify the main characters of the work, express his emotional attitude towards them, their actions, and determine the genre of the work.

The task of the kindergarten in this direction is to prepare the child for long-term literary education, which begins at school.

In kindergarten, children get acquainted with Russian and foreign classics - with the works of A. S. Pushkin, L. N. Tolstoy, the Brothers Grimm, H. H. Andersen, C. Perrault and others.

Many teachers at school complain that children do not like and do not want to read at all, and ask parents to join the fight against this problem.

Parents are wondering how to do this? A child will prefer a smartphone, tablet, TV or computer to a book.

I would like to quote one woman, a blogger, who encountered this at a parent-teacher meeting at her son’s school.

You will immediately see which method is the most effective.



That's where we parted ways. They go home to the TV, like all normal people. I am home, to my son, husband and animals. In the Stone Age, where there is no TV and there are books. With pages stuck up, and not as a prestigious, scarce item.”

When choosing books to read to children, it is important to consider the following principles:

The work must have cognitive, aesthetic and moral functions;

High artistic skill, literary value. The work must be written in exemplary literary language;

The work should be understandable to a child at his age;

It is necessary to take into account the child’s range of interests, their life experience;

The range of children's reading and storytelling can be defined by several groups of works:

Works of Russian folklore and folklore of countries around the world (riddles, proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes, songs, etc.);

Works of Russian and foreign classical literature;

Works of modern Russian and foreign literature.

The demands of modern life constantly force us to reconsider the range of children's reading and supplement it.

Visit theaters and puppet theaters with your children, watch dramatizations of fairy tales familiar to children, play in fairy tales, and invent them yourself. Watch children's movies, cartoons based on literary works, read for yourself so that your child can see an example and imitate you.

Memorize various poems, counting rhymes, nursery rhymes, and ask riddles.

The more you read and dramatize, the more the child’s speech is enriched. He learns new words, figures of speech, epithets, comparisons. Personal preferences appear in the literature.

Introduce children to the personalities of writers, their portraits, look at illustrations for children's works - V. Suteev, E. Charushin, Yu. Vasnetsov, of which there are a lot on the Internet.

Discuss what you have read with your children, find out which works and their characters are your child’s favorite.

You can familiarize yourself with the works that we read in kindergarten in booklets.

If anyone wants, you can get an electronic version of these works.

Does anyone have questions on this topic? What else would you like to know?

6. Report by Mosina I.N. on the prospects for the development of a team of children, teachers, and interaction with parents.

The age from 5 to 6 years is a new important stage in the development and upbringing of a preschool child.

Raising 5-year-old children is a qualitatively new step compared to raising children of middle preschool age; these opportunities should not be missed. The success of a child in a preparatory group or school will largely depend on how attentively parents will approach the solution of educational tasks this year.

The transition of children to the older group is associated with some changes in the conditions of their life and upbringing: they are now included in systematic and more complex collective activities (play, work, learning). Both the program and teaching methods take on the character of educational activities.

Children of the 6th year of life can accurately follow the rules of outdoor play, look at books for a longer time, draw, and sculpt. Due to these features, the duration of educational activities is now not 18 minutes, as in the average group, but 25 minutes.

In 5-year-old children, voluntary attention increases. Thanks to richer childhood experiences, imagination becomes meaningful. All this needs to be developed both in kindergarten and at home.

It is very important to take care of the development of children’s thinking and speech; it is necessary to answer children’s questions that express interest in cause-and-effect relationships (why? why, listen to their stories about plans and aspirations (what and how they will do, what to play, etc. .) .

Criteria for the level of knowledge of children of senior preschool age


Ability to participate in conversation

The ability to evaluate a peer’s answer or statement in a reasoned and friendly manner

The ability to compose stories based on a plot picture, a set of pictures.

The ability to consistently retell large literary works without significant omissions

Be able to determine the place of sound in a word

Ability to use ordinal and cardinal numbers

Ability to name parts of the day

Ability to name the days of the week sequentially

Arrange objects of different sizes in order of increasing and decreasing in height and length

Ability to express the location of an object

Know some characteristic features of geometric shapes

Ability to compare groups of unequal objects in two ways (removing and adding a unit)

Compare objects by eye


The ability to distinguish and name types of transport, objects that facilitate human work in everyday life

The ability to classify objects, determine the material from which they are made

Knowing the name of your hometown and some of its streets

Ability to talk about the time of year and its signs

Ability to classify animals (insects, fish, wild and domestic birds, wild and domestic animals)

Ability to identify and name plants (5-7 species)

Know about the importance of the sun, air, water for humans, animals, plants


Be able to analyze a building sample

Be able to create buildings according to the scheme

Be able to work collectively

Ability to plan the stages of creating your own building, find constructive solutions


The ability to negotiate with partners, what to play, who to be, and obey the rules of the game

The ability to develop the content of the game depending on the number of children playing

The ability to create a creative object-game environment using multifunctional material

The ability to evaluate one’s capabilities and accept losses without irritation

Ability to explain the rules of the game to peers

After watching the performance, be able to evaluate the work of the actors and elements of artistic design

Have several roles in your creative experience, played at matinees, performances, dramatizations


Be able to create images of objects, plot situations from nature and from imagination

Ability to use various visual media and compositional solutions

The ability to use different shades and colors to create expressiveness of an image

Ability to make patterns based on folk arts and crafts

The ability to sculpt objects of different shapes using various methods

Ability to create small story compositions

Convey proportions, poses and movements of figures

Ability to create objects based on folk toys


Be able to depict objects and create simple plot compositions

Use a variety of cutting techniques and tearing paper


Knows 2-3 program poems, 2-3 counting rhymes, 2-3 riddles

Can name the genre of a work

Can dramatize short fairy tales, read a poem by role

Knows your favorite writer, favorite fairy tales and stories


Interest in folk art, fiction, history (in the context of local history material)

Reflection of real life, the diversity of the world in gaming and artistic and creative activities

Has an understanding of family, family relationships, family traditions, social roles

Emotional responsiveness, cultural communication, respect for culture and history

Has an understanding of prohibitory and prescriptive signs

Able to navigate the road freely

Has knowledge of behavior in public transport

Ability to maintain cleanliness of the body, neatness of clothing, hairstyle

Ability to quickly and accurately dress and undress and maintain order in your closet

Ability to eat carefully

Proposal to the parent committee to improve the group space and walking area.

7. Gratitude to parents

I would like to say a huge thank you to you, parents, for your help throughout the year.

We express our deep gratitude to the parents of the group for the fact that, thanks to you, new toys and educational aids appeared in our group. Thanks to you, the “Hairdressing Salon” corner was created and replenished, towels were sewn for our children, a cover for a transformable car for boys was sewn, many of you took an active part in various exhibitions.

I would like to mention all the activists of our group.


Thank you very much for helping us make the lives of your children brighter and more interesting!

Natalia Golikova
Final parent meeting in the middle group “Results of the Year”

Final parent meeting

V middle group

« Results of the year»

Target: Introduce parents with the achievements and successes of children during the school year; let down results joint activities of teachers, children and their parents.


Analyze the results of educational, cultural and leisure activities of children during the school year;

Help create an environment of general joy and good mood

Involvement parents into the pedagogical process;

Form of conduct: parental"gatherings".

Participants: teacher, parents.

Event plan:

1. Summary results for the 2015-2016 academic year.

3. Questionnaire parents“assessment of the quality of work of an educational institution”

4. Miscellaneous.

Progress of the meeting:

1. Summary results for the 2015-2016 academic year.

Educator: Dear parents, we are happy to see you. Our meeting is dedicated to the end of school of the year. We hope that it will give you the opportunity to relax and be happy for your children. Our children have grown up and become a year older; almost all of them are now 5 years old.

It is very pleasant to note that our children learned a lot and showed good results in mastering the educational program 85-87%, our group took an active part in the life of the entire With: exhibitions for Mother's Day, for the New Year, February 23, for Cosmonautics Day, etc. Organization of an autumn fair. The guys showed their best side during the open demonstration of educational activities (3 lessons) and festive events.

A lot of work was done on the project "Vegetable garden on the window" You, we and our children have worked hard. Children know everything there is to know at their age (and even more) about planting vegetables at home, how to care for plants.

We would like to announce to you Gratitude for participation in the activities of the kindergarten, participation in events and creative competitions, for assistance provided in the creation of subject development environment.

Thank you for the fact that, despite your busy schedule, lack of time, you find the strength not to succumb to life’s circumstances and remain indifferent to life groups and kindergarten.

Publications on the topic:

Minutes of parent meeting Minutes of the parent meeting of group No. 8 dated February 12, 2015. 18 people were present. Agenda: 1. Speech by physical instructor.

“Each of us came into this world to do good, to hope, to love, to laugh, to cry, but at the same time, we must learn to SPEAK!”

Parents' meeting "People's Craftsmanship" Prepared by: Poltoratskaya N.N. Teacher of the highest qualification category. Goal: preservation and formation of family traditions, education.

Good evening, dear parents! We are pleased to welcome you to the next parent meeting. Today we bring to your attention.

Parents' meeting "Ecology and us" Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 408 620007, Ekaterinburg, st. Latviyskaya, 33, tel. 252-07-30.

Parent meeting on traffic rules Hello dear parents! Today our meeting is dedicated to a very important issue - teaching our children safe behavior skills.

Parent meeting on traffic rules Plan of the meeting: 1. Opening remarks. 2. Message from the group teacher. 3. Performance by children from the preparatory group. Staging.

Final parent meeting in the middle group

“So we have become a year older”

Goal: summing up the group’s work for the year.

Format: group.

Participants: children, parents, teachers.

Preparatory stage:

Decorate the music room;

Invite children and parents;

Prepare medals, letters of gratitude, hearts made by children as gifts for parents and reminders for summer holidays with children;

Prepare material for mini-KVN;

Meeting agenda:


2. Results of the school year for the development of program material by children aged 4-5 years. (educators; presentation of short-term projects, mini-KVN for children with parents)

3. Results of children’s participation in artistic and aesthetic competitions. (educators)

4. Results of the teacher’s work. (educators)

5. Miscellaneous. Game with a tambourine: “wishes for children from parents for the next school year” (educators)

I. Introduction of Federal State Educational Standards into the educational process.

II. Access control in preschool educational institutions.

Progress of the meeting:

1. Presenter: Dear parents, we are glad to see you. Our meeting is dedicated to the end of the school year. We hope that it will give you the opportunity to relax and be happy for your children. Our children have grown up and become a year older; they are now 5 years old. The children learned a lot, and most importantly, they learned what to do to be healthy. Classes in valeology (HLS) helped them with this. In these classes, children learned not to get sick. What do we do to be healthy? (children's answers, children recite poems)

I want to be healthy

I want and I want to laugh.

Not a single minute

I can't do without a joke.

Who is friends with exercises boldly,

Who will drive away laziness in the morning

Will be brave and skillful

And have fun all day long.

Wake up early in the morning

Smile at mom and dad

Wash yourself, shower yourself

And do exercises.

Dry yourself with a towel

Dress carefully

Get ready for kindergarten quickly.

Presenter: That’s right, children, friends are waiting for you in kindergarten and we can’t get sick at all. Who prevents us from being healthy (children’s answers)

There are such viruses

Viruses - bactiruses.

They will get into the child's mouth,

Their stomachs hurt

these are the viruses


Host: But dear parents, don’t worry, we are not afraid of these viruses, we know how to fight them. Listen here.

To protect yourself from germs

You need to wash with soap and water.

And every day before meals

Wash your hands with warm water.

From plain water and soap

Microbes are losing their power.

Presenter: Dear parents! And in order to get sick less, we introduced health-saving technologies: Morning exercises, systematic use of finger exercises, “Paths of Health” - prevention of flat feet, gargling after meals, Health days were held in the group.

2. Presenter: The children have learned a lot this year. They grew up, became stronger, became independent, smart. Look at us and rejoice at our success.

Host: Now, we invite you and your children to participate in a mini-KVN.

Mini-KVN for children and their parents.

You need to split into 2 teams.

1 team "Dares".

Team 2 "Wise Men"

For each correct answer - a chip. Musical breaks between competitions

1 competition “The Smartest”. Answer the questions.

One question is asked to each team in turn.

1. What animals build a house on water? (beavers)

2. What was the name of the girl who fought the Snow Queen? (Gerda)

3. What was the name of the cat who helped the grandfather and woman pull out the turnip?

4. Which tree has a white trunk?

5. What mushroom is named after the forest predatory animal? (chanterelle)

6. What is the name of Malvina’s poodle?

7. What insect “bears the rank” of a naval officer? (butterfly admiral).

8. What phrase does Leopold the Cat repeat when he wants to make peace with the mice? ("Guys let's be friends! ")

2 Competition “Multi-colored flags”.

To play you need to take several multi-colored flags. When the leader raises the red flag, both teams must, for example, jump; green - clap your hands; yellow hold hands we do not recommend making mistakes.

3 competition. "Merry Artists"

Draw a portrait of the “Teacher” on a piece of Whatman paper.

Musical break Children sing a song about kindergarten

4th competition “Guess the taste”

We approach 1 participant from each team, blindfolded, you need to guess what you ate.

5 competition “Guess the riddle”

You must ask riddles to your opponents.

1. The tail is in the yard, and the nose is in the kennel. (key)

2. Doesn't bark, doesn't bite, and doesn't let him into the house. (lock)

3. I have legs, but I don’t walk,

With a back, but not lying down,

Sit down, I'm not sitting. (chair)

4. It’s built well from red bricks,

You don't feel cool when you're next to her,

Doesn't smoke, but sends rings into the sky

And loves dry firewood and planks. (stove)

5. One hundred birch soldiers,

They stand holding hands.

Day and night all year round

Protecting the garden. (fence)

6. Without a path

And without a road

The longest legged one walks

Hiding in the clouds, in the darkness,

Only feet on the ground. (Rain)

7. A white nail is sticking out from the roof.

The sun will rise,

And the nail will fall. (Icicle)

8. Doesn't burn in fire

And it doesn't drown in water. (Ice)

6th competition “Name a fairy tale” - And now the teams take turns naming one fairy tale at a time. Whose team is silent means they lost.

Musical break Children sing a song about their mother

7th competition “Imagine what you are doing at this time of day” - with imitating movements you need to show what a person is doing at this time of day.

8th final competition “When it happens”

you need to name the time of year.

It's getting cold.

The water turned into ice.

Long-eared gray bunny

Turned into a white bunny.

The bear stopped roaring:

A bear hibernated in the forest.

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen?

The snow is melting, the meadow has come to life.

The day is coming. When does this happen?

I am made of heat, I carry warmth with me,

I warm the rivers, “bathe! - I invite you.

And you all love me for this, because... I

In this month everything melts, in this month it snows, in this month everything gets warmer, in this month it’s Women’s Day.

The river roars furiously

And breaks the ice.

The starling returned to his house,

And in the forest the bear woke up.

A lark trills in the sky.

Who came to us?

Warm, long, long day,

At noon - a tiny shadow,

The ear of corn blooms in the field,

Strawberries are ripening

What month is it, tell me?

I open the buds into green leaves.

I dress the trees, water the crops,

Full of movement, my name is... spring

The sun is burning

Linden blossoms.

The rye is spiking,

The wheat is golden.

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen?

KVN result: Friendship won.

3. Presenter: Dear parents, our children participated in competitions and received certificates for this. (name the children and give them certificates)

4. Presenter: (teachers tell what successes they have achieved during the school year)

5. Presenter: Dear parents, our children are moving to the senior group of kindergarten! Let's convey our wishes to them.

Game with a tambourine “Wishes for children” (for the new school year)

(parents stand in a circle, teacher plays a tambourine in a circle)

“You roll a merry tambourine,

Quickly, quickly, hands over.

Who has a cheerful tambourine,

He will tell us his wish"

Host: Our meeting has come to an end. We didn’t show you everything we learned over the year, but only a small part. We tried our best and we hope you liked it. And finally, we would like to present you with letters of gratitude, hearts - a symbol of love and family well-being.

Our children also showed their best side. And we decided to award them all with medals for special services.

To a young athlete.

To the young assistant

To the young builder

To the young artist

To the young artist.

Today we would like to say a huge thank you to our parents, without you, dear moms and dads, without your love, patience, care, it would be difficult for us to overcome all the difficulties. Thank you for your help.

Municipal preschool educational institution

Combined kindergarten No. 53 “Sun”

Final parent meeting

in the middle group

“So we have become a year older”


Nikolaeva N.A.

Klushina E.M.

Novoaleksandrovsk 2015-2016 academic year year

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Good evening, dear parents! We are pleased to welcome you to the final meeting of our group. How we lived this year, what was interesting in our lives, what we learned and what we still need to work on - this is our conversation today.

Meeting agenda:

    Results of mastering the program by children of the middle group

Teacher Nikolaeva N.A.

    Report on the work of the group's parent committee

Chairman of the family Committee Ageev A.S.

Teacher Klushina E.M.

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The school year has come to an end. Each of you has noticed how our children have matured and become wiser. They are no longer kids, they know a lot, are interested in a lot, and get to know the world around them. Everything they have achieved is primarily due to our joint work with you.

Our children are distinguished by openness, sincerity, optimism, curiosity, and selective relationships. The atmosphere in the group is friendly.

The children in our group are mostly 5 years old. Moreover, the child is already a person! It should also be noted that children have acquired adequate self-esteem: “I know this, but I don’t”; “I can do this, but I can’t do that.” The range of cognitive interests has become much wider.


And now a little about what we did during this year

During the year, modern pedagogical technologies were used in working with children; educational activities were carried out using an audio system, didactic material, easels, magnetic boards, various toys, manuals, etc.

An innovative approach was introduced in health-improving work with children (finger painting, breathing and finger exercises, play stretching. “Do as I do!”).

We used new forms of games, such as: games - fairy tales, travel, experimentation, surprises. The most interesting were: games - experiments with paper, water, sand. Games - surprises:

"Surprises of the Magic Bag", "The Thread that Binds".

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    With the adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, kindergarten became the initial stage of the Russian educational system. However, this does not mean it is turning into a mini-school. Our task was to develop the child’s desire to learn, to learn new things. The child acquired all knowledge through play.

We tried to present any knowledge, even the most complex, to the child in a playful way, where you can run around, hear fairy tales, and reason.

An important role was played by the subject-development environment in which the educational process takes place. Of course, we couldn’t do it without your help, dear parents. We are pleased to note that throughout our work, we have not encountered any refusals to our requests: to help in the design of the group and garden, to take part in joint competitions and exhibitions, holidays and entertainment.

I would like to express my gratitude to you for your understanding, for your help in organizing the environment, purchasing games, equipment, for finding the time to help the kindergarten when necessary, for participating in exhibitions, in KVN, dedicated to February 23, in the Rainbow of Talents holiday “Children love you so much, are proud of you, imitate you in everything, and we, who work with your children, share their feelings and recognize: you have something to love and be proud of. You truly are a worthy example for your children, an example of goodwill, politeness and responsiveness.


This year, various exhibitions were held in which you took an active part.

Exhibitions of joint drawings and crafts made from waste material “My Family”, “New Year’s Kaleidoscope”, “Easter Link”, “Red Spring”, “For Cosmonautics Day” delighted us all with their uniqueness. Each participant, each family, showed their imagination and showed themselves as creative, enterprising people.

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I remind you that in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO), educational activities are carried out in 5 educational areas:

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

At the beginning and end of the year, a diagnosis of the planned intermediate results of children’s mastery of the program was carried out. According to the monitoring results, at the beginning of the school year, children generally have a low and average level of development, and at the end of the year, we generally managed to achieve good results. Let's take a closer look at the results:

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Physical development.

Monitoring results:

Every day there were: exercises, breathing exercises, outdoor games, walks, 2 physical education classes per week and one playground on the playground. The activities of the “Gymnastics” club also served as a good help. At the end of the year, it is worth noting that children are developing physically, moving with desire, and performing various physical exercises with interest. In accordance with their age, they develop coordination of movements, are able to quickly respond to signals, and switch from one movement to another.

But monitoring has shown that our criteria are falling short - throwing the ball down, up, on the floor, catching the ball, throwing at a distance. This summer assignment is more ball games.

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Cognitive development.

Monitoring results:

Children learned to classify objects by color, size, shape. They distinguish numbers, know the days of the week, parts of the day.

They name a ball and a cube, different types of lines, know and use the details of building materials. They recognize and name domestic and wild animals and their young. There are vegetables and fruits. Have a basic understanding of natural seasonal phenomena, understand general words: toys, clothes, shoes, furniture, dishes; Vegetables and fruits are distinguished by color, taste, size and shape. Such high results in this section were obtained because 80% of children study in the “Fun Geometry and Logic” club.

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Speech development.

Monitoring results:

At the beginning of the year, the task was to pronounce words correctly. Most children succeed, but here everything is individual. Almost everyone correctly forms nouns by analogy and uses adjectives and verbs in speech. Listen to poems, fairy tales, and stories that are accessible in content.

Look at illustrations in familiar books; recognize and name the heroes. But composing a story based on a picture on your own, retelling fairy tales, asking questions based on a picture leaves much to be desired, so these criteria fail.

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Social and communicative development.

Monitoring results:

Play and everyday activities are accompanied by speech. Children enjoy playing didactic and educational games. Mastered the skills of story-based games.

At the end of the school year, the indicators are good, above average, but attention must be paid to mastering the norms accepted in society.

(talk calmly, not loudly, try not to push, show concern).

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Artistic and aesthetic development.

Monitoring results:

An important direction in the development of children, as scientists say, “Children’s minds are at their fingertips.” Our children love to sculpt and draw. They know and distinguish colors, are able to roll out a lump of plasticine with straight and circular movements of their hands, and make objects consisting of 2 parts.; break off small lumps from a large lump of plasticine, flatten them with your palms; connect the ends of the rolled stick, pressing them tightly against each other. Children have difficulty mixing paints and drawing large on the entire sheet of paper. Many children produce sloppy work when working with paints. They try to do it quickly and this makes the work sloppy.

In general, the picture is positive, but there are children who do not keep up with certain sections of the program. Children do not have time for reasons: illness, long absences, vacations. I would like to note that every child has potential, you just need to develop it. Summer is ahead and you and I must work on what the child has not yet learned, so that he comes to the senior group with a good store of knowledge.

Slide 10 And now I offer you the game “Flower - Seven Flowers”. You must answer the same questions as your children, color the center of the daisy with the color that you think the child painted. Look at how much you know your child, how many coincidences there will be.


1. Your favorite holiday

2. Your best friend's name

3. Your favorite cartoon

4. Your favorite time of year

5. your favorite dish

6. What is your favorite activity?

7. Your deepest desire.

Slide 11 And at the end of our meeting, I would like to say: so that the summer period can be useful for your children, we offer you this reminder on ensuring a safe summer holiday for children.

2. “Ensuring a safe summer holiday for children.”

Health-improving work with children in the summer is the main part of treatment and preventive measures. The summer months are favorable for organizing excursions.

The purpose of such excursions is to observe the surrounding nature, with children you can examine insects, dry and make a herbarium of plants, learn a poem, or simply talk, play a game.

Summer is the time of flowers. Teach children to admire them, distinguish them, and treat them with care. Summer is a special period in a child’s life, opening wide the door to the natural world, giving the child, with the support of adults, a unique opportunity to learn, make new discoveries, create, and communicate.

How to organize health work in the family so that it is interesting, varied, and not boring? The main task of adults is to satisfy as fully as possible the growing body’s need for rest, creative activity and movement. A clearly planned system of entertainment, educational and health-improving activities will help ensure the necessary level of physical and mental development of children.

In the summer, at home, it is advisable for parents to carry out hardening procedures - barefoot walking, water and air baths. IN

Summer is a time of action, testing, testing strength, a time of mastering and understanding the world around us. In summer, children actively grow physically and intellectually. It is necessary to train the child's memory. This is a repetition of poems that we have learned throughout the year, reading fairy tales. Of course, during your summer holiday there will be a lot of photographs, which we ask you to bring for the decoration of the exhibition “Summer 2015”.

Dear parents, remember that you are your child’s closest and most faithful friend for life. Treat him with respect, listen carefully, do not interrupt. Feel free to express your love, smile and praise your child often - and you will see beneficial results.

Miscellaneous. Painting the site.

Locker room renovation.

Board games.

Participate in competitions, collect children's portfolios.

Observations and analysis of accumulated experience have shown that the problem of organizing cooperation between kindergarten and parents existed before; standard events used by teachers in the form of parent-teacher meetings were ineffective. Since the chosen forms of holding meetings do not give parents the opportunity to be active participants in the process. The content of the meetings includes the transfer of theoretical knowledge to parents and the demonstration of practical exercises; interaction is built mainly with those parents who take an active part in the upbringing and education of their children. In turn, not all families fully realize the full range of possibilities for reasonable influence on the child. The reasons are different: some families do not want to raise a child, others do not know how to do it, others do not understand why it is necessary.

In this regard, it became necessary to reconsider the forms of interaction between parents and kindergarten. The search for new forms of interaction led me to such a form of organizing parent meetings as a game. Where parents could better understand and feel the behavior and feelings of their child. Understand its essence and reveal your child from all sides.

One of the interesting forms of working with parents, in my opinion, is game "Is this my child?" . To carry out this event, a huge amount of preliminary work must be done:

  • talk with children and record on video their statements and stories about their family, what they like to play with, what they are afraid of and what they like to eat in kindergarten;
  • draw pictures on the topic “My family”;
  • film children dancing in costumes of fairy-tale characters hidden behind a screen;
  • prepare a “Panic Room” with Baba Yaga and toys;
  • organize parents to participate in the game.

I invite you to evaluate what came of it.

Summary of the parent meeting

Topic: “Is this my child?”

Participants: parents and children of the middle group.

Form of conduct: a game.


1. summarize parents’ ideas about the individual characteristics of their children;

2. develop parental self-awareness;

3. develop a constructive understanding of parents about children;

4. provide an opportunity for parents to analyze the character traits of their children;

5. form the correct attitude of parents towards the individual characteristics of children;

6. get parents interested in the results obtained and make them think;

7. show parents the importance of playing together in the family for the development of the child.

Expected results:

1. introduced parents to a new form of holding parent meetings;

2. generalized the idea of ​​the individual characteristics of their children;

3. continued to develop parental self-awareness;

4. continued to develop a constructive understanding of parents about their children;

5. provided parents with the opportunity to analyze the character traits of their children and form the right relationship between children and parents;

6. got parents interested in the results obtained.

Information and technical support:

  • Drawings depicting children's faces to decorate the hall;
  • Posters with statements from children “What is family?”;
  • Video recording with children's stories “Portrait of my family”;
  • Video recording “Question and answer”;
  • Video recording “Fairytale transformations” (dance behind a screen);
  • Video recording "Panic Room";
  • Children's drawings "My Family".

Materials and equipment: video projector, chips, material for awards.

Progress of the meeting.


Hello, dear parents. Do you know your child? "Certainly!" - almost all parents will answer. As Polish teacher Galina Filipchuk said: “We know our children from the first days of their lives. It is we, the parents, who feed them, dress them, put them on shoes, bathe them, put them to bed, teach them to take their first steps and say their first words. It is we who introduce children to the world around them, console them when they cry, and stand by their bedside during illness. Can a child know better, his mother and father - the people closest and dearest to him, the people closest and dearest to him, the most loving and selfless?

Many parents sincerely believe that they know their child very well. The smaller the child, the better we really know him. But by the age of 6-7 we notice that our judgments about him are becoming more and more approximate. And perhaps in 10-12 years we will discover an absolute stranger in the face of our own child. Today I invite you, to better know your child, to take part in the game “Is this my child?” An exciting competition awaits you, in which we will find out how much parents can understand their children, and the children, passing tests, will help their parents earn the title of the best family. And I am pleased to represent the families who agreed to participate in this event.

This is family… (parents' full names are listed)

Jury presentation.

Stage 1. "Portrait of my family"

Educator: I asked the children in advance to tell about their family, I will now read out all the children’s answers, without naming the child’s name. Your task is to determine which of the options I spoke about your family. For the correct answer you will earn a point (chip). Then, parents watch the children's stories on the TV screen.

Stage 2. "Question answer"

Educator: I bring to your attention several questions with possible answers. Your task is to guess your child's answer. For each correct answer you receive a point.


What is your child's favorite kindergarten dish?

What does your kindergarten child like to do on the site during a walk?

What is your child's greatest fear?

What does your child think might upset mom?

Stage 3. "Fairytale transformations."

Educator: Everyone knows that children love fairy tales and easily turn into heroes of fairy tales. The task of the parents is to choose their child from the shadow of the children dancing in the costumes of fairy-tale characters behind the screen. And show the number that you think your child is dancing to. Those who guess correctly get a point. (watching on TV)

Stage 4. "The Artist's Handwriting"

Educator: I asked the children to draw a picture in advance on the topic “My Family.” Your task is to find out your child's work. Parents go to the exhibition of drawings and if they guess their child’s work. then they get a point.

Stage 5. "Room of fear".

Children enter a room where they can take the toy they like, but they can only take it from the hands of Baba Yaga. But he has a choice, he can take a smaller toy. It is freely available. The task of parents is to say how your child will behave. Will the fairy-tale hero be scared or not? And we will see the correct answer on the TV screen. If your opinion matches the child's behavior, you get a point.

Our game has come to an end and the jury is summing up the results. I invite everyone to a fun dance.

Summarizing. Determination of the winner. Rewarding. (Diploma of participant or winner of the game “Is this my child?”).

“I hope that my experience will facilitate the work of kindergarten teachers in preparing parent-teacher meetings, as well as encourage them to be creative and search for new forms and ways of interacting with parents.