How to find out what is interesting to the child. First you need to understand such concepts as abilities, inclinations, inclinations.

For a wedding

“It has always amazed me to the core how blind parents are when it comes to their child’s dream. They don't understand her. And they do not understand sincerely.

Alessandro Baricco

All mothers and fathers strive to consider the child's abilities as early as possible and engage in their development. Try the most effective methods that will help shape and develop the potential inherent in every crumb.

Photo © Schools of Thought

There is nothing surprising in the fact that every parent considers their child special, gifted and unique, because absolutely every kid has certain inclinations by nature. The goal of parents is to see the talents of their child and develop them. The sooner the child begins to develop in a given direction, the greater success awaits him in the future.

Abilities that are formed since childhood, in the future help a person to realize his potential, adapt to various living conditions and find his place in the sun. Almost all abilities are laid down in childhood, so it is important for parents to know how to correctly identify them and subsequently develop them.

Determining a child's abilities


Always and everywhere observe very carefully what the child shows more interest in. Practice drawing, music, dancing, sculpting, etc. regularly. Experiment. Enroll your child in various circles, and if he is not interested in something, he will tell about it himself.

Contact the experts

If the baby does not show interest in anything and without enthusiasm fulfills all your instructions, contact a child psychologist. An experienced specialist will help determine exactly in which direction to move and how to engage in the development of the baby.


Don't sit back. In order to timely determine the child's abilities and begin to develop them, it is necessary to persistently and purposefully move towards the desired.

Parenting Mistakes

In an effort to make an outstanding, exceptional personality out of their child, parents often make a number of mistakes. Here are the most common ones:

  • Imposing your unfulfilled desires. In other words, parents often see themselves in their children and impose on them their hobbies that were interesting to them in childhood. This is not necessary, since each child has his own abilities, and it is not at all scary if they differ from the abilities and hobbies of dad and mom.
  • Don't criticize. Children are very vulnerable, and every criticism is perceived very painfully. If something does not work out for a child, then support him, invigorate him with a kind word and give useful advice.

The success of developing the abilities of the younger generation largely depends on the participation of close people, on their support. And if you do not engage in the formation of those inclinations that are given to the child by nature, they will remain undisclosed anyway.

A comprehensively developed child is the merit, first of all, of the parents: after all, it was they who surrounded their child with attention, care and created favorable conditions for his self-realization.

Source magazine "Growing Together"

You can notice the manifestation of abilities from early childhood. Some toddlers start trying to draw, others like to dance or sing. To understand what will be best for the child, it is worth determining his abilities.

It is worth noting that it is not enough for a person to have abilities, since they need to be developed for a long time.

Only in this case, a person will be able to achieve success in the chosen activity.

Many parents think about the additional education of their child after birth, and they face several questions:

  • is it possible to accurately determine the ability;
  • is it worth sending the child to different sections and studios;
  • what to do if the choice is wrong.

It is important to understand that not every person has the abilities due to which he can achieve success in the chosen field. But it is also worth considering that with hard work, many people achieve great results without innate abilities. That is why it is important not to choose a field of activity for the child, but to understand what he himself wants to do.

There are tests for parents, answering which you can determine the ability of the child. But it is worth noting that this option is suitable for those who constantly monitor their children and know the peculiarities of their behavior. For example, by answering questions about what a child likes to do and how he relates to certain activities, you can make an assumption about his abilities.

What are the abilities of the child

Abilities are classified according to several areas of activity:

  1. Intellectual. Abilities in this area are manifested in curiosity, exceptional memory and a desire to learn. If a child is observant and knows what his peers do not suspect, most likely he has the ability to intellectual activity.
  2. Academic achievements. With abilities in this area, the child reads a lot, has good attention and is able to retain symbols, letters and words in memory.
  3. Creative or productive thinking. In the presence of creative abilities, the child is inquisitive and at the same time inventive in various fields of activity. Also, people with creative abilities are characterized by high productivity.
  4. Communication and leadership. Ability in this area is determined by the ability to easily adapt to a new situation and maintain confidence among strangers. Children who are predisposed to communication are easily identified by the way their peers treat them. If a child is often chosen as a partner in games or activities, most likely he has abilities in this area.
  5. Artistic activity. Children with abilities in this area are distinguished by their desire to create drawings or figures from plastic materials. They also pay great attention to visual information.
  6. motor activity. Those with abilities in this area demonstrate a good level of development of motor skills.

According to these areas of activity, parents are offered several tests, by answering which it will be possible to understand what abilities the child has.

How to determine the ability of a child to a profession

Before going to career guidance specialists, it should be borne in mind that this should be done only in adolescence. At the same time, you need to be sure that the child will be tested by a competent specialist who can give him enough attention. School psychologists often do not have the new techniques and time to help a child determine what profession suits him.

How to test a child?

Because of this, many young people after a few years of vocational education receive a second diploma or start working outside their specialty. This is due to the fact that in adolescence not enough attention was paid to career guidance.

There are many methods by which you can determine the predisposition of the child to a particular activity. But it is worth noting that it is important to undergo comprehensive testing, and not rely on the results of several well-known methods.

That is why the best option is to conduct testing by paid psychologists. But in the absence of such an opportunity, the child should answer the questions of the tests offered by the school psychologist. It is important to understand that in order to determine the most suitable profession, you need to provide the child with information about various fields of activity and get his opinion.

How to test a child for ability

Testing children in adolescence

You can test a child in specialized centers or using methods that are in the public domain. In the absence of knowledge about this process, it is best to entrust such work to specialists. With self-testing, you can incorrectly determine the appropriate field of activity, which is why in the future the child will not be satisfied with his profession.

Many parents are familiar with the situation when a child, after studying at a music school, stops picking up a musical instrument and forgets about it for many years. Most often this happens due to the fact that parents mistakenly believe that the child has abilities in a certain field of activity. This also happens due to the fact that, in the presence of talent, the child does not want to engage in certain activities.

That is why it is important to conduct testing to determine abilities. As a result, parents:

  • begin to understand their children better;
  • learn about their talents and inclinations;
  • do not make mistakes, giving the child to study what he has no motivation and talent for.

Children themselves are tested during adolescence, since until that time they are not able to hold their attention, answering hundreds of questions. Therefore, tests for parents are used to determine the abilities of children at primary school age.

How does the environment affect a child's abilities?

The question of the origin of abilities is the most difficult in psychology. There are 2 points of view on this problem:

  • theory about the genetic nature of abilities;
  • theory of acquired abilities.

From the point of view of the first ability, they are innate features that are transmitted from parents. As evidence, many cite the early manifestation of abilities in children.

According to the theory of acquired abilities, the development of the child is influenced by the environment and it is she who completely forms his personality. Favorable environmental factors include:

  • experienced teachers involved in the child from early childhood;
  • features of education;
  • features of a particular culture in which a person is brought up.

An unfavorable factor is a depleted environment. If a child experiences a deficit of impressions, his abilities do not develop. Given both theories presented, we can say that in some cases, heredity factors can compensate for the lack of a suitable environment. In other cases, it is environmental factors that can have a strong influence on the development of abilities.

It is worth noting that in psychology there is such a definition as inclinations. This term refers to the natural prerequisites of abilities. An example is the predisposition to the perception of sounds, colors and spatial forms in creative individuals.

It is important to understand that different abilities can arise from the same inclinations. For example, good observation is inherent in such professions as geologists, investigators and artists. Thus, inclinations create opportunities for the development of various abilities.

To understand how the environment affects the development of abilities, it is enough to imagine a child who has musical inclinations, but at the same time the conditions do not allow him to receive a musical education. At best, he will learn to play one of the musical instruments at an amateur level. But a child who does not have the inclinations, but who studies at a music school, can achieve great success in this area.

But do not forget about personal activity. If a child is not interested in a certain activity, even if he has the inclinations, he will not become an outstanding musician, artist or mathematician. That is why personal activity is the most important factor that affects the development of abilities.

Addiction is the selective orientation of a person, which encourages him to engage in certain activities. It is the emergence of propensity that is a prerequisite for the development of abilities.

What child abilities Montessori describes

Montessori pedagogy refers to the system of teaching children, which was developed by Maria Montessori. According to this method, the child must be trained in conditions in which he is not forced to perform any actions.

Maria Montessori was convinced that both punishment and reward had a negative impact on learning outcomes. She believed that with the creation of favorable conditions, the child will be able to show his inclinations and develop abilities.

Training according to this method is carried out in accordance with several mandatory rules:

  1. The child should not be forced to do anything. He must turn to an adult himself.
  2. Nothing bad can be said about children.
  3. During education and training, it is necessary to concentrate on the good qualities and actions of the child. Thanks to this, there will be no place for the bad over time.
  4. It is important to carefully prepare the environment in which the child will be engaged.
  5. During training, you must be ready to respond to the call of the child.
  6. It is necessary to respect a child who has made a mistake, but at the same time stop him immediately if he commits actions that may threaten the safety of the child or his development.
  7. If the child is resting or watching other children, he should not be forced to take active actions.
  8. It is important to help the child find an activity if he is looking for it.

One of the most important elements of Montessori pedagogy is the prepared environment. It allows the child to gradually be freed from the guardianship of adults. An example is the use of tables and chairs that children can rearrange on their own.

How to test a child for athletic ability

Montessori Pedagogy

When deciding to send a child to a sports section, parents often have no idea what kind of sport to choose. In order for classes to be effective, it is first necessary to determine the abilities of the child. One of the most common mistakes is choosing a section according to your desires. Someone has always dreamed of becoming a boxer and therefore gives his son to practice this sport. But the child may lack the ability or desire to engage in certain activities.

It is worth remembering that physical education and sports are two different things. If you want to improve the health of the child, it is enough to engage in general physical training. Sport means competition and achievement of high sports results. That is why when choosing a sports section, first of all, it is necessary to focus on the ability and physical data.

The easiest way to determine abilities is trial classes in different sports sections. An experienced coach after the first lesson is able to determine whether the chosen sport is suitable for the child or not.

Another way is a comprehensive genetic examination, thanks to which you can accurately determine in which area the child, if desired, can achieve great results. The basis of such an examination is the features of the functioning of muscle tissue. A person who can run faster short distances in the minimum amount of time will not be able to become the best in long-distance running.

There are 2 types of muscle fibers - slow and fast. Slow ones are adapted to long-term loading, and fast ones only in short-term explosive ones. In accordance with the presence of genes responsible for different parameters, 3 genotypes are distinguished:

  1. People with the R/R genotype are able to achieve high results in sprinting, shot throwing and other disciplines where speed and strength are important.
  2. People with the R/X genotype have advantages in sports such as martial arts and sports games.
  3. The rarer genotype is X/X. Its carriers are able to achieve great results in sports where endurance is important. An example is long-distance swimming.

Thus, it is almost impossible to independently determine the presence of sports abilities and inclinations. That is why it is necessary to consult with trainers who are preparing children in various sections. The best option is to determine the genotype of the child.

It is important to consider that before starting classes, the child must be examined. This is due to the fact that some children are contraindicated in heavy loads.

Do not forget that the child should strive to achieve results in the chosen activity, since without motivation, even with the ability, nothing will come of it. Also, the achievement of results depends on:

  • the nature of the child;
  • trainer qualifications;
  • social conditions.

If all the factors described are favorable, the results will be noticeable already at the initial stages.

In physical education, there are many areas in which a person can become successful, regardless of what his genotype is. But if you want to conduct a study, you can do this already at an early age.

How to recognize the child's abilities, see the following video:

Why is it necessary to determine the child's abilities in advance?

Properly developing and expanding them, in the end we will get, no less, talent. Do you think it falls from the sky?

What skills should you look for in your child? Not only music, sports, art and dance. Everything is simple with them.

And try to see ability to analyze,initiative, leadership skills, aptitude for precise technical sciences, design skill or an invincible research vein ...

The two main methods for determining ability are play and observation.. First, observe the baby and ask yourself questions.

What toys does he prefer - a piano, a designer, crayons? Does she sing along to songs, does she squat to the music? What is his behavior? Does he sit quietly and tweet something in a notebook or pester adults with constant questions and suggestions?

What is his relationship with peers, do they recognize him as a leader? Does he have a good memory, does he like to read, is he independent in his decisions?

Favorite words of technician and researcher are interrogative: « What, How, Why, For what? Bookman has enviable academic skills. Maybe he will become a Nobel laureate?

A child who expresses his thoughts clearly is likely to be an intellectual, a scientist, or a writer. A kid who easily recognizes previously heard melodies can turn into a composer, violinist or pianist.

But keep in mind, in the early years, many children are inquisitive and open to new activities. They like everything - and tambourines, and paints, and dad's car, and a worm under a leaf.

Distinguish between ability and desire. Sometimes a child just loves to dance, but does not do it rhythmically.

If you focus on the wrong activity and force the child to train hard in the skills that he lacks, you will give rise to a notorious personality.

If, just in case, you give him to five sections at once, then deprive him of his childhood and his last strength.

The task of parents is to give the child a chance to try himself in different things and in time to recognize inclinations towards one or another. But never put pressure on the baby!

Perhaps today your son is the first in the drawing class and loves “painting” circles. Maybe all the techniques and colors are easy for him. But it is not yet a fact that he himself will want to connect his life with the profession of an artist. Suddenly mathematics will be closer to the heart?

The concepts of inclinations and inclinations of the crumbs are important here. The deposit is, with what the child was born. Sometimes it is heredity (this is how hereditary musicians, composers, painters turn out), sometimes it is an individual feature of the baby.

It happens that an apple falls very far from the tree, and suddenly a brilliant poet is born in a family of ordinary mathematicians.

The propensity is, what does the child tend to. He is intuitively interested in this or that, he can drum on pots for hours, causing the indignation of his neighbors.

When should a child's abilities be assessed? At 3-5 years old you can already see, what activity does the child tend to.

From preschool age, a personal approach is relevant - when choosing a kindergarten, additional paid classes, sections, circles and, in the end, a school.

With older children (5-7 years) easier to test that bring out creativity and mental capacity.

You can even contact a specialist who will carefully analyze your child.

However, only in the family and exclusively for their observant parents, the child is revealed from all sides. Be careful!

The ability or personality of a child makes it unique. Each parent longs for his beloved child a successful and vibrant life, so it is better to start identifying the giftedness and developing the abilities of a little person as early as possible.

Correct and, most importantly, timely identification of the inclinations of a preschool child contributes to their most complete development. How to determine that a child is endowed with outstanding abilities that will help him achieve success in any field of activity?

Who and where will reveal the child's abilities

To identify the abilities and inclinations of the child, there are three places - a kindergarten, school and, of course, the family. In this case, the main role falls on the family. Teachers of a preschool educational institution work within the framework of a specific program aimed at mass education and upbringing of children. There is little time left to determine individual qualities. And although the baby spends most of the time in kindergarten, the main role will belong to the parents.

At school, where a teenager receives a huge amount of knowledge, the same problem. The focus of the traditional curriculum on mass learning leaves teachers little opportunity for a strictly individual approach to everyone in the class.

The only place where a little person gets maximum attention is the family. It is the parents who are responsible for the timely identification and subsequent development of a new member of society with a set of unique qualities and abilities.

Remarkable fact

The story of Thomas Edison is indisputable proof that only thanks to parents a child gets a chance to become an outstanding person.

As a young boy, Thomas returned from school with a letter from his teacher. Mother could not hold back her tears when she read the letter. She even read to his son: "Your child is too brilliant for our school, so take care of his education yourself."

Many years later, going through the family archive, Thomas found a letter from a teacher to his mother. “Your son is mentally retarded. We cannot continue to teach it at school along with other children. We strongly recommend that you educate him at home” – this is what was actually written in that message.
When the truth was revealed, Thomas Edison was world famous as an inventor.

The correct approach to the child, the determination of his abilities is the main guarantee of the future successful life of a small person.

How to identify a child's abilities

There are several practical methods for identifying the unique abilities and creativity of children. The first two are more suitable for studying preschool children, the latter is relevant for working with schoolchildren.

  1. Analyzed observation. A simple method will reveal what the child shows a true interest in, and what activities bring nothing but boredom. Tip: Most often, the baby asks exactly what interests him the most. Be attentive to his questions, and you will be able to understand the range of his interests.
  2. Game observation. During the game, preschool children open up as much as possible. In a collective game, it is easy to identify leadership qualities, the ability to communicate with other children. Watching a preschool kid play with dolls or cars will allow you to understand how developed imagination and logic are.
  3. Tests, surveys. Such methods are used when it is difficult to identify the inclinations of school-age children or to reinforce previously obtained results. Parents themselves can conduct tests or surveys, it is better to consult a specialist about the results.

Abilities have nothing to do with the acquired skills and abilities of a person, but they explain the ease of obtaining them. It is thanks to individual abilities that a person becomes successful in a particular area of ​​life. The correct definition of the creative inclinations of children is the key to a future happy life.

There are certain signs that will allow you to determine in which area development is more productive.

Signs of high intelligence

  • Interest in the outside world: increased attention to everything that happens. For a long time he watches a jumping frog, a running car or rain.
  • The assimilation of information in large volumes. Easily withstands reading long stories, can retell the plot, draws attention to details.
  • The desire to collect and systematize the information received. The kid asks a large number of questions about a specific event, builds logical chains, organizes information.
  • Large and rapidly growing vocabulary. Having heard the word for the first time, understanding its meaning, the child often and correctly uses this word in everyday speech in the future.
  • Analytical skills: can calculate the course of events, establish cause and effect, draw conclusions. It rained, the asphalt became wet, the color darkened, rain is water, if you pour water on the asphalt, it will darken.
  • Signs of critical thinking. The child does not trust a particular source, double-checks the information received. For example, after asking a question to the mother and receiving an answer, she approaches her father, grandmother or grandfather with a clarifying question.

Signs of expressed creative abilities

  • Use of the imagination. He likes to fantasize, adds vivid details to the story of the event, while playing with dolls or cars, he comes up with incredible stories.
  • Using intuition to solve creative problems. He did the right thing, but he cannot give a clear explanation why he made such a decision.
  • Quick reaction to events, the ability to adapt to the situation. "Changes shoes" on the go and changes its decision depending on the situation. For example, the mother did not buy a too expensive toy, the baby does not throw a tantrum, but asks to buy a cheaper option.
  • High emotionality, attention to the feelings of children or adults, the ability to empathize or share joy.
  • Showing interest in creativity - painting, poetry, music, etc. Highlights favorite authors, artists or musicians, navigates the world of creative people.
  • The tendency to analyze their feelings and actions.

Signs of sensory (practical) tendencies

  • Desire to work with hands using different materials and tools.
  • Easy assimilation of various practical skills. For boys, this is an interest in planing, soldering, constructor. In girls, this sign is manifested in the love of sewing, knitting or embroidery.
  • Increased attention and care for family members or friends, the desire to provide assistance during illness.
  • interest in mechanisms. The kid is happy to help his dad with the repair of various equipment, he is happy to assemble a tent during a hike.
  • Special abilities, or the right way of development.

Now you understand that your child is a little keeper of unique abilities. The next step is to narrow the circle of searches and choose the path of development for the baby. Depending on the inclinations of children, specific abilities need to be developed.

The relationship of inclinations and abilities

A pronounced propensity for any calculations or measurements, the manifestation of logic in all matters, the desire to systematize data indicates a predisposition of children to the exact sciences - mathematics, physics or chemistry.

Craving for musical works, constant purring of melodies, excellent memory for musical works testify to musical abilities.

The child cannot be torn away from the book, he swallows whole volumes of fiction, reads works outside the curriculum, maybe even composes himself? This speaks of creative literary abilities.

Returning from kindergarten or school, the child not only tells, but also shows what happened during the day, imitates the behavior of loved ones, participates in creative amateur performances with pleasure. This is a born actor. You need to develop theatrical skills.

Usually children cannot be torn away from drawing. But if your kid spends almost all his free time with pencils or paints, likes to sculpt, and for all holidays you receive a gift created by his hands, the scope of his creative abilities lies in the fine arts.

From preschool age, the child shows dexterity and dexterity, runs excellently, easily endures the most serious loads, he must be attributed to future brilliant athletes.

If your house has a lot of designers, and the child shows a great interest in complex mechanisms, most likely he has technical abilities.

Many friends, ease of communication not only with peers, but also with adults, the ability to establish contact even with strangers speak of communication skills. If your child feels like a fish in the water among complete strangers and easily involves them in the game, social abilities are evident.

Children may show a propensity for several areas of activity at once. Or the inclinations may not be very pronounced. If you've been watching your child long enough, but aren't sure what abilities to develop, a simple test will help you decide on the right answer.

Read the following statements carefully and confirm or refute them:

  1. Excellent memory for poetry and stories.
  2. The child feels your mood.
  3. The child asks cognitive questions, for example, who invented the time.
  4. Excellent orientation in the area (even in an unfamiliar area).
  5. A ballerina would envy the baby's gait.
  6. Favorite thing is listening to music.
  7. The range of interests is the surrounding world: thunderstorm, lightning, rain, snow, etc.
  8. Perfect auditory memory: if you rearrange the words in your favorite book, he will definitely correct you.
  9. He quickly mastered tying shoelaces or riding a bicycle.
  10. You regularly become a spectator of a home theater with your favorite child in the lead role or a participant in creative evenings.
  11. During the journey, the child's attention is focused on the features of the area.
  12. Perfectly distinguishes the sound of musical instruments.
  13. Schematically depicting the area for a child is much easier than explaining in words.
  14. It accompanies most of the words and movements with active facial expressions.
  15. All toys lie in place from smallest to largest, or sorted into cabinets according to color or size.
  16. He explains his actions with the feelings that he experienced at that moment.
  17. Every day you listen to amazing stories that "happened" with your baby.
  18. Each sound heard is worthy of a commentary.
  19. In all strangers, he looks for similarities with children or adults he knows.
  20. Surprises you with a clear assessment of his strengths and capabilities (for example, I cannot carry this bag, it is too heavy).

Key to understanding

  • If you confirmed statements 1, 8, 17, the child shows linguistic abilities.
  • If you confirmed statements 6, 12, 18, the child's musical abilities are evident.
  • If you confirmed statements 3, 7, 15, your baby has mathematical abilities.
  • If you confirmed statements 5, 9, 14, your baby has sensory abilities.
  • If you confirmed statements 10, 16, 20, your baby has a tendency to self-knowledge.
  • If you confirmed statements 2, 10, 19, the basis for development is psychological abilities.
  • If you confirmed statements 4, 11, 13, topographic (spatial) abilities are pronounced.

Now you are fully armed, because you know exactly which abilities of the child need to be developed so that in the future he will reach incredible heights. The success of the child is in your hands. The main thing is not to succumb to temptation and not to instill in the child unnecessary qualities. It is by developing natural inclinations that you will achieve maximum success in its development.

Maria Soboleva

How to identify and develop the child's abilities in time

We parents are vain people. Well, who doesn’t want to be proud of their talented child, so that others see his talent, admire and clap their hands. At what age is it already possible to determine the baby's inclinations for music, drawing, sports, sciences?How to develop abilities correctly, whether a child needs to attend a bunch of circles at once, whether there are mediocre children - it is important for parents to know this. Popular methods for identifying the creative abilities and inclinations of a child today are offered by popular educational sites.

Makings = abilities?

Not really. We often get confused in terms. Let's arrange a little educational program.

So, our goal is to identify and develop the child’s abilities in time, that is, the personal characteristics of specific Kolya, Masha, Sasha, to show themselves in some kind of activity - to play hockey well or do dance steps on stage.

It is premature to talk about the abilities of a newborn baby, they will appear in the process of development. But the inclinations are innate - these are genetic features, natural prerequisites.

Does your baby have a special plasticity of muscles, lightness of the musculoskeletal system? There are inclinations to dance, gymnastics, figure skating. But the makings of figurative thinking form a tendency to artistic creativity.

It turns out that abilities are such a combination of what is laid down by nature and acquired through training and education.

There are also the concepts of talent and genius - the highest degrees of giftedness. In general, geniuses can be counted on the fingers, they are the property of all mankind.

Revealing a child's abilities

Are you familiar with the statement, which has become almost stereotyped: is every child talented in something? It is difficult to disagree with this, the main thing is to identify the baby's abilities in time.

But there is still a fly in the ointment in this barrel of honey. Small children are interested in everything around, they learn the world, they are very inquisitive. And your child dances, and draws, and drives the ball, and recites poetry. So it's okay! Any manifestation of a child's interest in something new should not be considered a special talent.

You already see your Ksyusha as a screen star (she loves to perform so much, she is not at all shy about the attention of even unfamiliar people). And tomorrow the girl will be interested in numbers: she will quickly remember them, she will look at bright pictures with their image, glue them on a magnetic board. So, is the new Sofya Kovalevskaya (great mathematician) growing?

Try to adequately relate to the aspirations of your baby for a new type of activity, without overestimating them. But at the same time, be careful, because some special abilities can be noticed even at an early age - artistic or musical.

A big mistake of parents is to project their desires and unrealized opportunities onto their children. Dad (who did not become a great player himself) firmly stated: our Vanya will be a football player! And he tries to make the future Maradona out of the boy, does not notice (does not want to notice) - Vanya is more interested in messing with the designer, repairing broken cars, watching how the equipment works.

Football, of course, is only beneficial for the general physical development, but if it is in moderation, it is a pleasure for the child. Give children the opportunity to do what they are interested in, not what you would like.

At the other extreme: dynastic traditions. We are all musicians in our family! And poor Misha plays the violin, although it is not at all difficult to identify obvious sports inclinations in a child. But parents believe that it is better for them to know who their offspring should be.

And if little Alena stubbornly refuses to cradle dolls and nurse toy animals, instead demanding another car, being interested in her father's tools, what will her parents do? At 99%, the technical inclinations of the daughter will simply be ignored.

In general, revealing the abilities of children in time is not an easy task at all. But interesting!

No one will tell you the exact date when it will be clear and understandable - the child shows abilities for the exact sciences, great writing prospects are noticeable, and perhaps a future politician (businessman, inventor, dog handler, journalist, auto mechanic) is growing up in the family.

Psychologists say that in early childhood, up to 3-5 years, only 10-15% of children show a pronounced inclination and a steady interest in a particular activity.

It is natural for a child to be interested in many things, to try himself. Organizational, literary, scientific abilities can manifest themselves in middle school age.

What will help to identify the abilities of children in time

No one knows their child better than mom and dad - the baby grows and develops under their sensitive care. But parents should be very careful. The main way to determine the range of interests of the baby - observation and more observation! Starting literally from the cradle. Even the toddlers of the first year of life can already show, for example, musical inclinations. They respond better to sounds, listen to melodies, smile when hearing music, walk, intotone melodies.

Keep a timeline of your baby's development, recording achievements and emerging interests. This makes it easier to find out what the child has more inclinations for, how his preferences change.

In addition, in this way you will fix many interesting moments of development. It will be interesting and funny for an older child to see his first drawings, crafts, photos and video footage of performances.

Gently and unobtrusively help your baby make his choice. It has already been definitely noticed - the child is physically active, he will not sit still for a second. Well, the obvious makings of an athlete.

Do not rush to decide who he should be: an athlete, a swimmer, a tennis player. Try to offer the little one a ball, a club, skis to choose from and see what he is more interested in. An older child (5-6 years old) can be taken to sports sections, let him choose his own sport.

The all-round development of the baby will only benefit him. Even talented artists have not yet been hindered in life by good physical shape, and knowledge of computer technology has not prevented a musician. Again, a wide range of interests of the child helps to grow out of him an erudite and thinking person.

But don't overdo it! A child cannot embrace the immensity - attending 10 circles at once is tiring, stop at what he is more drawn to.

Encouraging the success of the child is very important in the development of any abilities. But praise for diligence, patience, perseverance, perseverance, that is, when the baby makes some effort. Quite crumbs, of course, benefit from any approval of their talents.

It also happens like this: the baby seems to be interested in everything, but you don’t notice any obvious abilities in him. You can get tested by a child psychologist.

There are many methods for identifying the giftedness of your child. Drawings, exercises, acting out stories from fairy tales and various situations, game tasks, questionnaires for parents, questionnaires for children are used.

Run your quick test. Organize a play corner - put an album and pencils, puzzles, a designer, a ball, a soft toy, a book, a typewriter at the same distance around the perimeter. Invite the child to play. What is he more interested in? Surely he will try all the objects, but something will attract him more. Here's something to think about.

Play is a great way to bring out the hidden abilities in your baby. There should be a lot of toys in the house - very different, let him choose those that he likes. By the way, what story games does the child like? Take a closer look, draw conclusions about the inclinations of your child, try to develop them creatively.

How to develop children's abilities

Give your child the opportunity to do what they love. I like to draw - the assortment of creative tools should be unlimited: all kinds of paints, pencils, markers, felt-tip pens, albums, large sheets of paper, coloring books and other attributes of the artist.

Show genuine interest in the baby's activities, communicate - let him tell what he is doing, praise, admire.

Joint activities are a great way to develop a child's abilities (how to independently develop a child's speech,). Whatever he does, your participation is indispensable. Whether you read together, sculpt, water flowers, play badminton, build towers. The interests of the child = your interests.

If the child shows creative abilities, go with him to the theater, to the museum, to children's parties. Arrange puppet shows, concerts, dramatizations at home. Encourage young talent!

If he is still too young to attend clubs, take him to an early development school. And grow up, then be sure to record in a suitable studio. A good teacher, coach, choreographer will help develop your offspring's abilities.

If your child gets tired of attending classes, be patient. Try to understand: he is just tired, naughty, or the reason is more serious. And suddenly dancing is not quite his forte.

Then let him try himself in something else. You've already decided on the range of interests. There is plenty to choose from for a new activity.

Costs: material, time, effort - do not count. This is the parental share. It is unrealistic to choose a future path for the heir at the age of 5, draw up a business plan, clearly follow its points and wait for some kind of return.

And even if your child is not a genius at all, you just love him, he is your flesh and blood. He did not become an outstanding musician, a popular singer, a famous politician - it does not matter. Just be a good person. And this is a talent that is not available to everyone.

Take it, tell your friends!

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