What is the body temperature of a one-month-old baby? Low or high temperature


The normal body temperature of an infant in the first days of life, measured in the armpit, is 37.0-37.5 °C. After just a few days, the temperature can fluctuate from 36 to 37 °C. (In general, everyone’s usual temperature of 36.6 is established only at the end of the baby’s first year of life.)

Normal baby temperature

  • 36 - 37.3 °C - in the armpit;
  • 36.6 - 37.2 °C - oral temperature;
  • 36.9 - 38 °C - rectal temperature.

In newborn children, the process of thermoregulation is not fully formed and heat transfer prevails over heat production (heat production), children often freeze, which is expressed in hiccups, cooling and blueness of arms and legs. Therefore, it is easy for infants to become overheated or hypothermic.

Video consultation: why newborns have a temperature of 37.1-37.3

Parents should know that under conditions of constant swaddling, thermoregulation mechanisms “do not start.” This delays the child’s adaptation to the natural environment and makes him susceptible to colds.

Maintaining a normal temperature in the youngest children is achieved through routine child care.

Body temperature is not the same for all children and fluctuates, as indicated above, from 36 to 38 degrees (depending on where we measure), plus it depends on many factors in the development and physiology of the child. To determine the optimal (normal) body temperature of your baby, you need measure it over the course of several days in the morning, at lunch and in the evening. In this way, parents will be able to establish an average stable temperature for their newborn baby.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Video: how to measure a baby's temperature

Ways to maintain normal body temperature in a newborn

The smaller the child, the more he needs to create a special thermal regime. There are simple ways to create a comfortable environment for your child.

  1. The children's room should be well heated from 20º to 24ºС.
  2. An infant should be dressed in one more/less layer (depending on the season) than an adult would be dressed under given conditions.
  3. Make sure your child doesn't get cold at night. Cover it with a natural blanket (wool, cotton), which better retains heat while ensuring proper thermoregulation.
  4. To walk outside, an infant must be. It is important that the baby's head is kept warm to avoid hypothermia, because... Almost 30% of heat is lost when the head is open.
  5. At first, it would be wise to use a simple wall thermometer in the room to determine the temperature in the room ( See article ).
  6. To make sure your baby is warm, touch the back of his head with your palm. If the back of the head is cool, then the baby needs additional warmth.

How to prevent your baby from overheating

At the same time, parents must be careful to prevent the baby from overheating, because... Infants suffer overheating much more severely than hypothermia.

Normal body temperature is determined by a warm body, pink skin, and activity of the child. If parents notice a decrease in the child’s activity, lack of appetite, or an increase in temperature (especially if such signs occur during the warm season), the baby may have overheated. ( In especially severe cases, overheating can even lead to death.)

To prevent overheating, use the following methods:

  • The baby should be dressed appropriately (in summer, a cotton shirt and a sheet for covering will suffice).
  • Provide your child with plenty of fluids.
  • In hot weather, do not take your newborn out into the open sunny space, try to walk with him in the shade.
  • Place a Panama hat on your child's head.
  • Do not leave your child unattended in the stroller for naps in the summer, as the sun can heat not only the stroller, but also overheat the child.
  • NEVER Do not leave an infant alone in a closed car.

Each child is individual and the normal temperature for each infant may be different. If the child is active, healthy, eats well and does not experience any discomfort, then there is no reason to worry!

Is your baby coughing? Is his nose running? Or perhaps his eyes turned red? If in the morning, while getting your child ready for kindergarten or school, you notice signs of illness, then quickly give your baby Oscillococcinum. In the very early stages of influenza and ARVI, the drug will help the child’s body cope with the disease and prevent fever. Why get sick if you have Oscillococcinum? After the first dose, you will notice that your child feels much better!

Well, if your child has a high temperature, then read the articles:

An urgent task for every young parent is Maintaining the correct temperature of the baby immediately after birth.

The first months of life are very important in a child's life. It is during this period that all processes in the body associated with physiology complete their formation.

The newborn begins to get used to life outside the womb, so parents need to help the baby smoothly adapt to the outside world.

The newborn begins to get used to life outside the womb, so parents need to help the baby smoothly adapt to the outside world. Therefore it is necessary know normal temperature indicators for infants.

Providing comfortable conditions

Normal body temperature in a baby 1 month after birth strongly depends on the state of the surrounding world. Therefore, young parents should carefully monitor the maintenance of a certain state of thermal conditions.

It includes:

If these rules are followed, parents can rest easy - the newborn's temperature will not exceed normal values.

How to measure?

Normal The temperature of a 1 month old baby can vary throughout the day. It is necessary to correctly measure this indicator of the body’s condition in order to prevent obtaining incorrect values.

Errors can be eliminated by measuring temperature during sleep. Increased parameters of this indicator are provided as a result of feeding or bathing a newborn, after taking a walk in the fresh air, or while crying. That's why It is optimal to take measurements on an infant 30 minutes after performing these procedures.

The normal temperature of a 1 month old baby can vary throughout the day.

To find out the temperature in the armpit, The thermometer should be placed between the hand and the child’s body in the direction from the forearm to the elbow . The skin itself in the area where the thermometer is installed must be wiped.

The rectal method is a little more complicated than the previous one. During this procedure, it is advisable to use electronic ones, which have a soft tip, instead of the usual mercury thermometers.

Normal indicators

Immediately after birth, the baby's temperature is the same as that of the mother. Subsequently, this indicator can range from 36 to 38 degrees. Such jumps are explained by the physiology of each baby, the special course of the process of adaptation to the external environment and the maintenance of a certain thermal regime by parents.

The temperature indicator can range from 36 to 38 degrees.

In infants, the process of thermoregulation is not sufficiently complete, therefore their temperature depends on the external environment. Wrapping the baby in diapers promotes comfortable adaptation to the outside world. Routine child care will ensure that the body temperature is maintained at the correct level.

The average value of this indicator in an infant is determined by carrying out a similar procedure three times throughout the day. The baby’s usual numbers of 36.6 are established after 12 months. Before this, when measuring in the armpit, the thermometer will show a value in the region of 36-37.3. Using the rectal method of measurement, this indicator will be in the range of 36.9-37.6 degrees. Normal temperature in the baby's mouth after birth up to 1 month is considered 36.6-37.2 degrees .

Reasons for rising temperature

If a baby’s value exceeds normal parameters, this does not mean that the child has an infectious disease.

There are a number of reasons why the temperature rises in infants . Among them:

  • cry;
  • body overheating ;
  • appearance of teeth;
  • influence allergic reaction or vaccine reaction ;
  • colic.

Low performance

A decrease in the baby's body temperature can be explained by the child's hypothermia. Also similar parameters indicate general weakness of the body. This indicator in a baby during sleep is always significantly lower than during the day. That's why there is no reason to panic.

The baby is easily exposed to hypothermia and overheating.

Average Deviations from the norm are allowed within 10 divisions (1 degree) . You should consult a doctor if additional symptoms of the disease occur.: lethargy, poor appetite, constant crying.


The normal temperature of a baby 1 month after birth often fluctuates. It is important for young parents to remember that this instability often depends on many external factors. The baby is easily exposed to hypothermia and overheating. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the child’s surroundings and maintain a stable thermal regime.

Find out now about the most useful drug Plantex for newborns (instructions for use). For colic, constipation, bloating, regurgitation and to normalize digestion.

Every mother cares about the health of her newly born child. And, of course, one of the most important factors in determining a child’s health is body temperature. In the first month after birth, the baby’s temperature may not be stable, because heat exchange regulatory processes in the body have not yet been adjusted.

It is important not to overwrap a newborn.

That's why it's like that It’s important not to overwrap your child , but make sure that the arms and legs are not cold. However, by the end of the first month of life, the child’s body temperature becomes constant, and heat exchange processes return to normal.

Starting from this period, you should carefully monitor the child’s temperature, because its incorrect readings can be a clear symptom of the baby’s poor health.

We will tell you in this article what the temperature of a newborn should be at two months.

How to correctly measure a child's body temperature

We can easily measure our body temperature with a regular thermometer, but doing this in a small child can be difficult. After all, he can scream and struggle, and under such conditions the thermometer readings will be far from the truth. This is why it is so important to know how to correctly measure body temperature.

Useful tips for measuring a baby's body:

  • Use an electronic rather than a mercury thermometer . It is absolutely safe, and besides, it will show an accurate result in just a few seconds, which will greatly facilitate the task for mom. It is also very convenient to understand that the measurement has ended, because the thermometer will make a characteristic sound, notifying you of this.
  • Measure your temperature . Then, when he is calm and motionless, it is much easier and faster to take the measurement, and it is important not to disturb the baby so that he does not wake up.
  • Before taking the temperature, use a damp cloth to wipe the thermometer and the child’s armpit.
  • After feeding, bathing or walking Temperature cannot be measured . Because in these cases the indicators will be incorrect. It is worth waiting about 30 minutes for the child’s body temperature to return to normal and take a measurement.
  • But also The child should not cry or worry a lot during the measurement , showed strong motor activity. In this case, the result obtained will be somewhat overestimated, because the initial temperature from the child’s overexcitation was increased.
  • To measure temperature rectally, use a special children's thermometer with a soft tip.. Be sure to lubricate it with baby cream first. The child should be placed on his side, legs bent at the knees and tucked to the chin. The tip of the thermometer is carefully inserted into the hole, and after the signal for the end of pacification, it is also carefully removed.

Use an electronic thermometer to measure your temperature.

Normal body temperature for a newborn at two months

When measuring temperature, the individual characteristics of the child’s body should be taken into account.

So for some children the norm is a slightly elevated temperature, and for others, on the contrary, a lower temperature. In order to determine this, it is worth measuring the temperature every day for a certain period during which you are sure that the child is healthy. This way you can accurately determine what body temperature is normal for your child.

The normal temperature in the armpit is from 36.0 to 37.3 degrees.

Typically, readings can range from 36 to 38 degrees Celsius. It is also worth considering how the child’s body temperature is measured.

Body temperature norms for different types of measurements in a child at two months

  1. For oral normal temperature measurements will vary from 36.6 to 37.2 degrees Celcius.
  2. For rectal normal body temperature measurements will vary from 36.9 to 38.0 degrees Celcius.
  3. For measuring through the armpit body temperature norms will fluctuate from 36.0 to 37.3 degrees Celcius.

Reasons why indicators may be other than illness

If a child is having a severe hysteria, you should not measure the temperature.

In some cases, temperature standards may fluctuate, even though the child is absolutely healthy. This also has its reasons. These include:

  • Allergic reactions. In children at such an early age, in many cases, both food allergies and reactions to possible external irritants can occur. (Dust, cat hair).
  • Teething. Many babies react painfully to the appearance of their first teeth. And although they are not yet visible at two months, it is quite possible that the child has already begun to be bothered by this process. Its obvious signs will be increased salivation, itching of the gums, and their swelling.
  • . A common occurrence among infants in the first months of life. For prevention, use a special abdominal massage, give special medications or an infusion of fennel seeds.
  • Strong crying. If a child is very hysterical or overexcited, you should not measure the temperature, since at such moments it naturally rises. It is worth waiting until the child has completely calmed down.
  • Increased physical activity. Is your child cheerful and cheerful? We can absolutely say that he is healthy and there is no need to measure his body temperature at such moments. Especially considering the fact that, just like in an adult, body temperature rises during physical activity.
  • Hot weather . Many children do not like extreme heat, so the room should always be at an optimal temperature, the room should be ventilated every day, but there is no need to bundle up the baby at the first sign of increased sweating. Because overheating is as dangerous for babies as hypothermia.
  • Reaction to vaccination. After vaccinations, an elevated temperature can often be observed; this is an absolutely normal reaction of the body to vaccination, because the immune system is launched for the first time in the child’s body.


To measure temperature, use the tips in this article to get the correct readings.

If your child is sick, you should consult a doctor.

Do not forget about the reasons why a child’s temperature at the age of two months can fluctuate and be inconsistent. Before measuring, it is worth removing all possible factors due to which the child’s body temperature may change. There is no need to neglect measuring temperature, and you should carefully monitor its changes, pay attention to when and why it may change. A At the first signs of illness, you should consult a doctor .

Video about temperature in newborns

Did you know that the temperature of a newborn is an indicator of the general condition of the small organism? Its deviations up or down signal a possible pathology. Let's find out what a child's temperature should be in the first month of life.

Immediately after birth, the baby's body temperature corresponds to the mother's body temperature. But after an hour it decreases by 1-1.5 degrees. After a few more hours, this indicator stops at 36.5 degrees - this is provided that the baby is healthy.

In the first week, temperatures are stable and amount to 37 degrees. But if the child’s mother is concerned that he will freeze and begins to dress him warmer, then sharp jumps to 38-39 degrees are possible. Pediatricians advise young mothers not to wrap their baby up. To create comfortable conditions for him, it is enough to avoid drafts and ensure that the room temperature is at least 20 degrees.

In the first three months, the baby's thermoregulation depends on the environment. In a dry and stuffy room, the temperature of a newborn baby will increase, and in a cold room it will decrease. Therefore, it is important not to overheat the baby, as well as to prevent hypothermia.

Features of premature babies

Babies born prematurely react more sharply to environmental conditions. This is due to the immaturity of the hypothalamus. Such children can react quickly to the slightest overheating, and if an infectious disease occurs, their body temperature can remain normal.

Their daily temperature fluctuations are less developed than in children born at term. Immediately after birth, premature babies are placed in a special incubator, where it is possible to organize optimal conditions and prevent sudden changes in body temperature.

The temperature of a newborn is normal

Let's find out what temperature a newborn should have. The normal temperature for a baby in the first year of life is considered to be 37-37.5 degrees. More precise parameters are given in the table:

The usual temperature for adults is 36.6°C by the end of the first year of life.

Decreased performance

Mothers need to remember that a newborn’s temperature is 37°C – a normal indicator. A strong decrease or increase in temperature indicates a possible illness, so it is important to know what factors can influence temperature fluctuations.

If we are talking about a decrease, then the reason may be cooling. For example, when walking outside, when the baby is lightly dressed, or when swimming in water that is not warm enough. A low temperature may be a protective response to a decrease in normal blood glucose levels. This is the case when the child was poorly fed before bedtime and sleeps for more than three hours.

In order to even out the baby’s temperature, it is enough to eliminate provoking factors: dress the baby warmly, warm him up, wake him up and give him breastfeeding.

Causes of increased body temperature

There can be many of them. The main one is banal overheating. If the child is in a stuffy room, dressed very warmly, then the temperature will not take long to rise. During summer walks with your baby on the street, you should not allow him to come into contact with direct sunlight. The baby can get not only overheating, but also sunstroke.

The temperature of a newborn can rise to low-grade levels (37.1-38.0 °C) with indigestion or colic. This is a nonspecific response of the body, but it is considered to be the norm.

How do you understand that an increase in temperature is associated with a disease?

If this is a viral pathology, then pronounced accompanying symptoms will be present:

  • lacrimation
  • runny nose
  • nasal congestion
  • possible cough.

The temperature rises to 38-38.5 °C. The presence of a bacterial infection is indicated by a mark on the thermometer above 38.5 °C. In this case, it is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible.

High rates may indicate the following pathologies:

  • bronchitis;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • pneumonia;
  • transient vibrations.

Transient fluctuations in body temperature often occur against the background of normal health. They develop with disorders of the central nervous system of a congenital or acquired nature. The most serious pathology is a birth injury to the brain.

But there are also independently occurring transient oscillations. They are possible if the child was born with hypoxia or there were problems during the birth period. This increase in body temperature normalizes over time.

Types of temperature and symptoms

There are four types of hyperthermia in infants:

  1. Subfebrile (37-37.9 °C).
  2. Febrile (38-38.9 °C).
  3. Pyretic (39-39.9 °C).
  4. Hyperpyretic (over 40°C).

If you observe a baby with a temperature of 37.5 degrees, without deterioration in the general condition or additional symptoms, it means that the baby is overheated. In most cases, this temperature in a newborn is normal; a slight increase occurs due to imperfect thermoregulation.

Low-grade fever is observed during ARVI - the baby experiences weakness and becomes capricious. If there is pain in the throat, the baby will have trouble eating and cry. There is also nasal congestion and sneezing. If the inflammation process descends lower into the pharynx, then pharyngitis may develop. In this case, the child will be bothered by a cough. Sleep becomes light and short.

In infectious diseases, body temperature is of a pyretic type. She is dangerous and requires immediate initiation of therapeutic treatment. The most common cause of high fever in infants is pneumonia. At the beginning of the disease there is a dry cough, which quickly turns into a wet one. Cough attacks are especially pronounced after sleep. Shortness of breath is indicated by pale skin around the mouth when crying. When breathing, the nostril wings swell and the supraclavicular areas sink.

Please note: poor thermoregulation can cause pneumonia in the absence of fever. If your child has wheezing, symptoms of respiratory failure, or cough, be sure to show him or her to the doctor.

A high temperature without symptoms of respiratory pathology indicates a urinary tract infection. It is difficult to trace pronounced symptoms in infants. Only a doctor can diagnose the disease after passing tests.

A high temperature in a newborn baby may be a symptom of omphalitis. This is an inflammation of the umbilical wound. An unhealed navel is a gateway to various types of infections. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to it when the baby’s temperature is elevated. Inflammation will be indicated by redness, discharge, and suppuration in the area of ​​the umbilical wound.

Features of fever in infants

There are two types of fever:

  • Red - characterized by dilation of peripheral vessels. At the same time, the baby’s body is hot and red. This is a less dangerous type of fever. It can be eliminated fairly quickly with the help of antipyretics.
  • White - with it, spasm of peripheral vessels occurs. The child's forehead is hot, and his hands and feet are pale and cold. The condition is dangerous due to the possibility of developing seizures. It is urgent to give the baby an antipyretic. You can apply dry heat to your feet: a heated diaper, a heating pad. Do not rub your baby with vinegar, water, or alcohol. This threatens with dangerous consequences - vasospasm.


Prevention of fluctuations in body temperature in infants consists of observing the following conditions:

  • room temperature should be between 20-24 degrees;
  • for night sleep, the child is covered with a cotton or wool blanket;
  • regular walks in the fresh air;
  • in hot weather, provide plenty of fluids and frequent breastfeeding;
  • walk on sunny days in shaded places (parks, squares);
  • dress your baby according to the weather.

These simple rules will help avoid overheating and hypothermia of an infant.


The temperature of a newborn baby depends on the surrounding microclimate. Here are the main points that all new parents should know:

  • To prevent temperature increases and decreases, dress your child according to the weather:
  • at temperatures up to 37.5 °C, provided the baby is in good condition, there is no reason to worry;
  • low body temperature in infants is caused by hypothermia or a decrease in blood glucose levels in order to increase it, sufficiently warm or feed the baby;
  • if the temperature rises to 38 degrees, you must consult a doctor;
  • if you observe symptoms of white fever in a baby: hot forehead, cold and pale hands and feet - call an ambulance, this condition is dangerous due to the occurrence of seizures;
  • high temperature without accompanying symptoms indicates a urinary tract infection;
  • high fever can be caused by inflammation of the umbilical wound.

Dear visitors, leave your comments and share the link to the article with your friends on social networks. It is important for all parents to know what temperature a newborn has is normal, and what temperature indicates the development of pathology.

So the little one is sick, but he can’t say anything. He just whines and doesn't eat well. And he sleeps the same way. Moreover, it's all hot. What to do? We will talk about this in the article.

Don't panic!

The baby is sick - that's already clear. Lethargic, capricious, flushed... Some mothers measure the temperature literally at the slightest hint that the baby is unwell. Others will simply press their lips to his forehead - and this is how they determine the temperature. It turns out very approximately, of course.

But I wonder what body temperature is considered normal for infants? This is usually called the numbers from 36.3 to 37.3. If in a boy or girl it is 37 and does not change for a long time, but there are no obvious indicators of the disease (the baby sleeps well, eats just fine), then there is no need to panic. Several months will pass, and the child’s thermoregulation will begin to “work” correctly. The temperature will return to normal.

The smallest

You brought your miracle from the maternity hospital. They put him to bed. And he suddenly began to hiccup, his arms and legs turned blue. What is this? Just frozen. In newborns, the regulation of body temperature has not yet been established at all, so heat loss prevails over its production. This is why it is not at all difficult for babies to become overheated or overcooled.

The body temperature of infants (1 month old) should be 37 or 37.5 degrees. And in just a few days she can start jumping from 36 to 37. Don’t be alarmed. The habitual, “traditional” 36.6 will appear in the child only by the end of the first year of life.

Thermoregulation in infants is still imperfect, so it instantly reacts to all changes in the air. Both in the apartment and on the street. This is why the body temperature of a baby (2 months) is not constant even before reaching three months of age. Either the child quickly overheated - and she jumped, or cooled down - and fell.

And there are several reasons for this (besides colds). The baby cried for a long time and became hot. Or his mother wrapped him up too warmly - again the thermometer shows above normal. Or a baby who is less than one month old has started to experience colic, plus gases have accumulated in the tummy. Here you have the temperature again.

While the small organism has not yet adapted to life outside the mother’s tummy, it cannot cope with thermal stress.

One more moment. If the baby is constantly swaddled, wrapped up, and not allowed to breathe at least a little in lightweight clothes, then the mechanisms of his heat exchange will not start. He, as they used to say, does not harden, becomes unstable even to the slightest colds. A baby needs the most ordinary care: do not dress him too warmly or very lightly. The golden mean is important here too.

Don't part with your thermometer

Until the baby is six months old, the temperature must be measured every day. This is certainly ideal. But it’s unlikely that anyone will follow our advice - to run to the crib with a thermometer every morning. But you shouldn’t pay attention to anything either.

Young parents must understand one thing: your new family member’s immunity has not yet strengthened. The thermal mechanism has not yet been fully formed. This is why a baby (up to six months old) overheats so easily and quickly. And always - with active play or strong crying. And the slightest breeze blows, a draft blows through - he is already hypothermic.

But if you notice that in a baby, for example, it has dropped to 35, then the reason for this may be the antipyretic drugs that you gave the baby the day before during illness. And their effect simply lasts for some time after recovery. After all, the body of children is not the same as that of adults.

Rare case

This symptom is not common. And although the baby does not necessarily indicate that he is very ill, parents are still obliged to pay attention to this.

You also need to know that this can be seen in premature babies. Or in children in the first two months of life, who can quickly become hypothermic when the air gets colder.

Also, temperature tends to change over a 24-hour cycle. There is a slight decline at night, around 2-4 hours, when everyone is sound asleep.

In a situation where a child has been ill for a long time and seriously, the general weakness of his body also causes a drop in temperature. Let's add here anemia with vitamin deficiency. They also affect the thermoregulation of babies.

It's different for everyone

There is no clear answer to the question of what is the normal body temperature for an infant. It cannot be the same for all children, because each is individual. The indicators “float” from 36 to 38 degrees.

They also depend on where the temperature is measured. These data are also influenced by other factors characteristic of both the development and physiology of a particular child.

If you want to know what your child’s usual temperature is, you will have to measure it for several days in a row - in the morning, at lunch, and in the evening.

What does it depend on?

As we have already found out, normal body temperature in infants is usually from 36 to 37 degrees. But scientists, meanwhile, have established: even each organ has its own! So, the liver has the highest. In other organs it is slightly lower. But the skin in the armpits is usually the hottest: (36-36.8 degrees).

On the neck - always lower than the normal body temperature of a baby. Only 34 degrees. This must also be remembered, since parents sometimes take into account what was measured here, in the fold of the skin.

Very few degrees are shown by the feet and hands of babies (24-28). In the mouth - a little higher compared to the rectum.

The temperature also fluctuates throughout the day. In children, the lowest occurs in the early morning (4-5 hours). And the highest is at 16-17. She also jumps after eating, especially if there were meat dishes on the plate.

A well-fed, very excitable toddler, always on the move, is always a few tenths of a degree hotter than an apathetic child who does not like noisy games.

In healthy children (the first years of life), energy is in full swing. If they are not sleeping, they do not sit still for a minute: they crawl, spin, and run. And they accumulate a lot of heat. And they have a problem with heat transfer. So they sweat a lot.

When to measure

Knowing what the infant’s personal body temperature is, parents can not overuse its measurement so often. This is despite the fact that the baby does not have any hints of illness. But if you see that the baby has calmed down, is not eating well, is pale, has cold hands, and is shivering, then this is a signal that the temperature needs to be measured urgently.

Some mothers use the old, folk method to apply their lips to the baby’s forehead. Of course, the method is proven, but very subjective. And when the baby has chills, it doesn’t mean anything at all. What we need here is an effective tool.

Most often, a situation where the normal body temperature of a baby is disturbed is the first sign of a cold or some kind of inflammatory disease. This means that a pediatrician needs to be called to your home immediately.

All kinds of thermometers are needed

To find out whether infants have normal body temperature or not, parents most often use a traditional thermometer (mercury). Its main advantage is accuracy. But the error is small - only 0.1 degrees.

There are also disadvantages. First of all, time. You need to hold it in your armpit for 7 minutes and 5 minutes. - in a child's butt, which is a lot for a little fidget. He won't be able to stand still for such a long time.

This thermometer is also unsafe. It is filled with mercury and requires very careful handling. So it’s a little difficult to use for a little person.

The electronic device is very convenient. In this case, you can measure the temperature in the mouth, armpit (but here the most inaccurate data) and rectally. Everything will take three minutes. In addition, there is a signal indicating the end of the measurement.

Such thermometers also come in the form of a dummy. Suitable only for babies who are still keen on the pacifier.

The downside is that it is slightly more erroneous compared to mercury. Up to one degree. And the battery in it needs to be changed.

The newest infrared is a good invention. It can be either contactless or ear-based. The first one instantly shows how many degrees the sick person has, you just need to bring it to the baby. But it cannot boast of high accuracy. However, it is convenient if the child moves.

And with the help of the ear, you can quickly and easily see what the body temperature of infants is. It only takes five seconds while the baby is sleeping. There is only one drawback - the thermometer is expensive.

There is also a disposable thermometer. It is presented in the form of stripes. They need to be applied to the child’s skin or taken under the tongue. Time is only a minute. However, their accuracy is low. But they are extremely necessary on a trip.

How to do it

If the baby has already learned to sit a little, then take him on your lap. Place the thermometer under your arm. Hold the baby's hand. Knowing what the baby’s body temperature should be, compare it with the one on the thermometer.

If you have a baby, then you can only put a thermometer on him when he is lying on his back. Lift its handle and then press the thermometer firmly against your body. You can watch in seven minutes.

Many people also measure the baby’s temperature rectally. Just remember to lubricate the tip of the thermometer with Vaseline or baby cream. Insert it extremely carefully, and no further than two centimeters. Remove slowly. Be sure to disinfect afterwards.

It’s also a good idea to measure in a child’s ear. Carefully insert the thermometer (ear), while slightly pulling the earlobe back and the drop upward. Place the probe into the channel. Then remove it quietly.

Only peace!

Remember that you can measure the temperature of a tiny baby when he is calm. If before this the baby was actively moving, you swaddled him or he cried, then wait a little. Let him calm down. And then - please carry out all the manipulations.

Do not forget that in the evening the temperature always rises a little for any person. Therefore, if you know what the baby’s normal body temperature is, and in the morning it was exactly that, but you still suspect that the baby is sick, then be sure to measure it both during the day and just before bed.

There is no need to show your child that you are very worried. Children, including the smallest ones, always sense their mother’s mood and adopt it. They will begin to be more capricious and feel even more discomfort.

Rest assured that everything will work out. The baby will recover if he is sick, and everything will be fine with you.