Fitness gel for weight loss and correction. Indications for use

To mom

Cellulite is a common problem among women, and many products have been developed to combat it. various means and methods. One of them is “Cream Active” from the Floresan series. The manufacturer guarantees the effectiveness of the drug and safety during use.

In addition to anti-cellulite cosmetics, the Russian company Floresan produces scrubs, lotions and other products.

Dosage form, composition, dosage

The anti-cellulite remedy “Fitness Body” is available in the form of a cream packaged in a tube orange color. The amount of medicine in the container is 125 ml. Its composition is natural, which ensures safety of use for women’s health. The components of the drug are as follows:

  • Seaweed White Sea. Brown sea kelp is used, which is widely used in the production of cosmetics. Anti-cellulite creams are no exception. The sea product produces a drainage effect, normalizes metabolism in the tissues of the legs, and removes stagnation from the subcutaneous layer. Algae also take part in improving skin tone.
  • Camphor oil. Intensively warms the epidermis, increases its tone, removes excess fat accumulation, and stabilizes metabolic processes in tissues. This component is also often used in cosmetology, as it can improve the condition of the skin, promote its renewal and restoration.
  • Centella extract. The substance for making cream is obtained from a plant growing in the tropics. It suppresses inflammatory process, promotes regeneration of the integument, strengthens the weakened epidermis, activates it defense mechanism. The component also produces a strong tonic effect, increases blood flow, eliminates blood stagnation, and promotes weight loss.
  • Fir extract. Destroys pathogenic microflora, has a calming and anti-cellulite effect, takes part in cell regeneration, provides the skin with moisture, saturates cells with beneficial nutrients, normalizes metabolism.
  • Essential oils. Produces a cooling effect. A decrease in local temperature occurs due to the influence of menthol oil. Also available in the product in question citrus oils, capable of breaking down fat accumulations.

Thanks to natural composition the cream has a pleasant smell. The color of the drug is white, the consistency is thick. It is easy to apply to the skin and absorbs well.

Indications for use

“Cream-Active” is used when a woman develops cellulite. The greatest effectiveness of the product is observed on early stages illness. In advanced cases, cosmetologists recommend resorting to more radical methods, but this drug is allowed to be used as an additional therapy.

Mechanism of action

Fitness Body cream for cellulite affects the deep layers of tissue, which ensures its beneficial effect in the fight against orange peel. The product is famous for the following beneficial actions:

  • Eliminates skin irregularities.
  • Increases the tone of the epidermis.
  • Prevents the development of cellulite.
  • Provides skin with nutrition and sufficient quantity moisture.
  • Removes excess water from tissues.
  • Destroys fat accumulations.
  • Tightens the skin.

The components of the cream actively penetrate deep into the tissues, break down body fat, normalize water-salt balance. Thanks to the elimination of fat, the skin gradually smoothes out.

It is important to use the product every day, without missing a single procedure, and then positive result will not keep you waiting.

To successfully get rid of " orange peel» experts advise combining “Cream-Active” with physical exercise, massage procedures, and other tightening cosmetics. Also important balanced diet, which will not allow fat to accumulate in the body in large quantities.

Instructions for use

Fitness Body cream is applied to problem areas twice a day in a thin layer. Cosmetologists advise doing this after a shower so that the epidermis is steamed. The ointment must be rubbed in with intense massaging movements. You need to start processing from the lower leg and end on the thighs.

Contraindications for use

The cream is created from natural ingredients, so it has virtually no restrictions on its use. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to any substance present in the ointment.

To check availability allergic reaction you need to do a test first. To do this, apply a small amount of ointment to the elbow bend and wait a few minutes. If no changes occur, you can use the cream. If rashes, itching, or burning occur, you should stop using the drug.

Advantages over other anti-cellulite products

The advantages of “Active Cream” compared to other anti-cellulite products are that it is low in cost, but is not inferior in its effectiveness to expensive ointments. Women also note its safety, in contrast to medications containing various chemicals.


The cost of “Cream-Active” for cellulite is only 150 rubles. It's pretty budgetary means. One tube is enough for at least 1-2 months.

Prevention of cellulite

“Orange peel” is an unpleasant disease that spoils the appearance of the lower extremities, so women are desperately trying to get rid of cellulite. It is not always possible to fix the problem quickly. It is better to focus your energy on preventing fat deposits on your legs.

Prevention is as follows:

  1. Eat right: eliminate all unhealthy and fatty foods from your diet and include more plant foods.
  2. Drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.
  3. Exercise. If you don’t have time for full training, then do daily gymnastics.
  4. Do massage. The procedure will help break down the fats that have entered the tissue, which will prevent their deposits.
  5. Control your weight. Cellulite is more common in overweight women Therefore, weight control is an important preventive measure.
  6. Accept cold and hot shower: it normalizes blood circulation, helps get rid of excess fat.
  7. Visit baths and saunas if there are no contraindications.
  8. Choose clothes that do not put pressure on the skin.

“Cream-Active” helps fight cellulite and has positive reviews among the fair sex. But to eliminate pathology, one remedy, even the most effective, is not enough - an integrated approach is required along with physical exercise, massage, and other cosmetic ointments.

The Floresan company has developed a line of Fitness body cosmetics to help women who care about their figure. The creams in this series have become very popular among the fair sex. This is evidenced by numerous laudatory reviews on specialized forums.

Read in this article

Gel-cream Elastic from the Fitness body series

One of the most popular products for weight loss and skin care is Elastic gel-cream. It's great and effective remedy has a jelly-like consistency, used to reduce stretch marks in problem areas (abdomen, thighs, forearms, chest, knees) and improve appearance skin.

Composition and action

Gel cream includes:

  • silt (sapropel) from the bottom of a freshwater lake, saturated with oligoelements and minerals;
  • kelp;
  • fucus;
  • natural elastin, which contributes to the formation of the skin framework;
  • auxiliary components for moisturizing and nutrition.

Lake silt saturates the skin with moisture, which has a beneficial effect on its appearance. Algae and elastin help increase turgor, making the skin elastic, young and healthy.

How to use

Before using cosmetics with active ingredients, you should read the instructions for use.

Cream-gel Elastic is recommended to be applied in a thin layer to problem areas of the body and active massage movements rub until completely absorbed. The more massage manipulations, the better result. If there are pronounced stretch marks on the skin, you need to apply the product in the form of a mask and leave it on for 15 - 20 minutes. After the specified time, the remaining cream can be blotted with a napkin.

The first sensations after rubbing are a slight chill and unusually smooth skin.


Not all cosmetic anti-cellulite products are equally suitable for every woman. For people predisposed to allergies, you need to be careful when choosing and using active creams. Before fully using Elastic, you should conduct a test on a small area of ​​skin. If after 15 minutes nothing happens, you can safely rub it in.

Contraindications to the use of Elastic cream are: skin diseases, open wounds, pregnancy, period breastfeeding, diseases thyroid gland, diabetes and oncology.

What effect to expect

If you apply cream to your body once and wait for the result, then a miracle will not happen. Only regular use of the gel will help restore the skin, make stretch marks less pronounced, and the silhouette clearer.

How to use

Floresan gel cream should be applied with active massage movements to the thighs and buttocks. It is these areas that most often suffer from the appearance of the hated “orange peel”. It is advisable to massage until the skin turns red and begins to “burn”.

In advanced cases, you can reapply a layer of cream and wrap the problem area with film. For better results, it is recommended to wear shorts or pants and actively play sports. After a couple of hours, remove the film and any remaining product.

The cream applied to the skin is well absorbed, does not leave marks on clothes, does not cause irritation or other unpleasant sensations.


Creams containing active substances can cause allergies if the skin is too sensitive. Therefore, before use, you need to test the product on a small area of ​​skin. If there is no reaction, you can safely use it.

Contraindications to the use of Active Fat Burner gel cream are pregnancy, lactation, skin diseases and malignant formations.

What effect to expect

Thanks to regular use of the product together with good massage the body will acquire more slender and chiseled outlines, cellulite will be significantly reduced, and the skin will be tightened.

Most women who used the Fitness body series noted an improvement in the external condition of the skin and a reduction in volume.

Fitness body cream-gel Night

The manufacturer set itself the task of releasing a product that promotes weight loss while sleeping. As a result, the Fitness body line was replenished with a light creamy gel orange-white who is actively fighting overweight for 8 night hours.

Composition and action

Active components of the product:

  • caffeine;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • papaya and pineapple extract;
  • valerian, lemon balm, motherwort (fragrance);
  • additional substances to moisturize and nourish the skin.

When applied with massage movements, the cream-gel helps to warm up the skin and improve blood circulation in the affected areas. Thanks to papaya and pineapple extracts, the skin becomes smooth and elastic. Subtle aroma valerian, lemon balm and motherwort helps you relax and fall into a deep, healthy sleep.

Night gel stimulates passive muscle work while the woman sleeps. At this time, they do not receive enough energy, so they begin to burn excess subcutaneous fat.

How to use

The product must be applied before bed, after taking a shower or bath. You need to squeeze out a small amount of gel based on the area that needs to be treated. Then spread evenly over the skin and rub in with intense massage movements. problem areas(abdomen, buttocks, thighs, knee area). Recommended for daily use.

The cream does not leave stains on beds and clothes.


When using the product for the first time, it is strongly recommended to read the instructions and composition. If in doubt, test the cream on the wrist or elbow cavity. If there is no allergic reaction, it can be used as directed.

Contraindications include skin diseases, wounds, abrasions, tumors, pregnancy and lactation.

What effect to expect

With daily use of night cream, the skin smoothes out after just 1.5 weeks, the appearance of cellulite decreases, and turgor improves.

Cosmetic products from the Floresan Fitness body series are a complex of natural active substances and auxiliary components that specifically act on problem areas. But to lose weight, creams and gels alone are not enough. An integrated approach is important here: sports, balanced diet and care products. And the main thing in all this is regularity and a great desire to transform.

Useful video

Watch this video about weight loss products from Floresan:

After reading reviews about the products in this series, I rushed to the store and took the first jar I liked, which suited me in terms of characteristics and promises. The price was 136 rubles, not bad, the volume was sufficient. The color is pale orange, the smell is citrus, not offensive.

After application, wash your hands well with soap. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes, do not use on irritated areas of the skin. I applied it to my tummy and sides, it was absorbed gradually, I didn’t notice any particular burning or cooling sensation (maybe I’m thick-skinned). I twisted the hoop, but there was no good effect. Suddenly I decided to actively lose weight and bought cling film. I apply the cream, wrap it in film and cover it with a warm blanket. It warms much better, I would even tolerate it a little longer. Before use, I don’t use additional scrubs or anything like that, as I didn’t notice any difference in application. I sit with him for about an hour, once a day, and then I take a shower. I wouldn’t say that my belly has shrunk, the sides have gone a little, and the belt began to fasten to the next hole. But I think the effect is not from the cream, but from the fact that I began to eat less, drink more and eat less sweets. As an additional assistant for weight loss, it’s not bad, I give it three stars for its low effectiveness and very chemical composition.

Video review

Floresan Fitness - body Cream-gel "Active fat burner" Review of body lotions (fitness body, le petit marseillais)

In anticipation beach season Most women are faced with the question of how to get their body in order. Any woman dreams of a beautiful, toned figure, thanks to which she will not only like herself, but also delight others. However perfect body implies not only slimness, but also the absence of cellulite, which today worries women of any body type. Today cellulite - current problem for many women, both young and mature, especially after childbirth and sudden weight changes. To combat it, many creams, scrubs and wraps have already been created, the shelves of stores and pharmacies are filled with all kinds of products, among which the Floresan fitness body cream for cellulite deserves special attention. In this article we will look at how fitness body cream works, what its features are and what are the reviews about the drug on the Internet.

Product description “fitness body”

Fitness body anti-cellulite cream from the Russian company Floresan is a product from the “Fitness-body” anti-cellulite series. Fitness body gel is positioned as a means to effectively and prevent its occurrence, so it is recommended for use by anyone who wants to get in shape and constantly keep their body in good shape. This ensures enhanced collagen synthesis and rapid skin tightening.

“Fitness body” not only gradually combats visible signs of cellulite, eliminates minor skin imperfections, but also moisturizes, tones, and nourishes it. With systematic application of the product, the appearance of the skin improves, it becomes elastic and moisturized, the silhouette becomes slim and toned, and the body looks more well-groomed and healthy.

The composition of the Fitness Body cream includes both natural ingredients and chemical compounds:

  • centella extract, camphor, kelp, White Sea minerals and polysaccharides activate cell metabolism and normalize metabolic processes in the body;
  • complex essential oils mint and juniper promote active breakdown of adipose tissue and improve skin condition;
  • menthol and caffeine have a cooling effect.

The drug has a pleasant minty-citrus scent and a uniform dense texture, is quickly absorbed and does not form a film on the skin. Cools the skin upon application.

Fitness body anti-cellulite gel is recommended to be used in combination with other products in the series, including scrubs, cooling and warming creams for weight loss and against stretch marks, massage oils, masks for problem areas, sprays and gels.

The product is available in bright orange 125 ml bottles. You can buy the product in pharmacies, stores selling cosmetics and household chemicals and on the official website of the Floresan company, the average price is 136 rubles. Although the product is not completely organic, it is one of the best-selling anti-cellulite products due to its low cost and visible effect. Suitable for all skin types.

How to use the anti-cellulite product “Fitness Body”

To achieve a visible effect, it is necessary to use the drug in stages after taking a bath or shower every day. The instructions say that the fitness body gel for cellulite should be applied in a circular massage motion to the legs, moving from the ankles to the hips, Special attention It is worth paying attention to problem areas where cellulite is concentrated.

Contraindications for use

Individual intolerance to the components of the cream.

Reviews from the Internet about fitness body gel

Veronica: “I decided to try the cream after reading the reviews. The gel has a pleasant smell of pine needles, after application you can feel slight tingling, quickly absorbed. The skin has indeed become softer and smoother and cellulite has become less noticeable, but I regularly exercise and go for massages. I think that fighting cellulite requires a comprehensive approach; one cream probably won’t have any effect. Also, the tube has a small volume, so it lasts for a couple of weeks.”

Julia: “I started buying Fitness body cream several years ago, applied it both after a shower and did body wraps with it. I’m absolutely satisfied with the result - the product is quickly absorbed, the smell is pleasant, the skin becomes smoother and the effect lasts a long time.”

Maria: “An amazing effect: in 1 month of using the cream in combination with diet and exercise, I lost several kg and acquired soft, elastic skin.”

Irina: “The cream-active has a fresh citrus-menthol aroma and is refreshing in the summer. This cream will not remove any cellulite, but the product is indispensable as a preventive measure. The appearance of the skin has improved, it has become more even and elastic as a result of weekly use.”

Alla: “I use the cream at home a little more than a week, however, the effect shocked me. I used it every day: hot shower, then cream. I also twisted the hula hoop and used a scrub from the same series; there were no restrictions on food, but the volumes decreased, although only a week had passed. I recommend!”

Olga: “I have two children and childbirth did not affect my body in the best possible way, the hated cellulite appeared. There are many remedies against it in stores, but not all of them are affordable for me. IN social network I read a review from a girl who lost 15 kg, who recommended a fitness body cream, with which she got rid of orange peel on her thighs. After trying the product, within a month I noticed that cellulite was reduced, the skin became smooth, and the volume decreased.”

Let's summarize about the fitness body cream

The fitness body anti-cellulite cream has received both positive and critical reviews.

  • In general, the product justifies its cost, there is a noticeable effect of improving the appearance of the skin, it smoothes out and becomes more elastic; The product is most suitable for small “watery” cellulite.
  • However, one anti-cellulite cream is not always enough; you need to use the entire fitness body complex in combination with physical activity and proper nutrition.
  • In addition, the gel must be applied step by step, using massage movements, which requires a lot of time and effort, that is, the product is not for the lazy: from easy application The effect on the skin will also be minimal.
  • Fitness body cream is not economical, it does not last long, so you need to buy it constantly: a long-term effect will appear only with regular use of the product.
  • The product is not completely natural; it contains chemical compounds in combination with natural ingredients, which is a minus for some users. However negative consequences after using the gel, the fitness body was not noticed, so it can be safely used as aid to reduce signs of cellulite.

If you have tried the fitness body gel for cellulite, you can express your opinion about the product in the comments under this article.

Video: Anti-cellulite program with Fitness body cream

Fitness Body is a series of anti-cellulite products from the Floresan company. She is the most the best cosmetics domestically produced, which can help get rid of any stage of the formation of the orange peel effect in short term. Thanks to his unique composition and low cost, its products have a mass positive feedback and is in great demand not only in Russia, but also far beyond its territory. Today, Floresan brand stores are located in countries such as Belarus, Lithuania, Moldova, Estonia, Kazakhstan and Latvia.

The Floresan company became known not so long ago, but after a short period of time its products were able to conquer the main segment of the anti-cellulite cosmetics market in most CIS countries. She was able to achieve popularity thanks to modern technologies manufacturing of cosmetics and a carefully selected set of components included in their composition.

Floresan has its own laboratory where product development, preliminary testing and careful production control take place. In view of this, we can speak with great confidence about its safety and effectiveness. But still, the best proof of the quality of Floresan is the fact that for several years it has been occupying the first position in the ranking of the most popular cosmetics against sagging skin.

In addition to products to get rid of the orange peel effect, the manufacturer offers a large assortment other body and hair care products. Among them you can find nourishing masks for the face, shampoos, skin whitening complex, sunscreens, as well as a ruler men's cosmetics shaving for men.

Fitness Body series of anti-cellulite products

Cosmetics from the Fitness Body series from Floresan have become a real breakthrough in the fight against all stages of cellulite development. It includes several types of effective products containing only natural ingredients that will not cause harm to human health. All of them are designed to expressly combat fat accumulation, remove stretch marks and tighten sagging skin in problem areas. You can distinguish them from other cosmetics lines by their bright orange packaging.


The advantages of products from the Fitness Body series are the following:

  • quick figure correction;
  • getting rid of any form of cellulite;
  • ease of carrying out procedures to eliminate the orange peel effect at home;
  • minimal list of contraindications;
  • an ideal alternative to visiting cosmetology centers;
  • safety;
  • naturalness of the composition;
  • giving the body elasticity and silkiness;
  • acceptable price;
  • saturating the structure of the epidermis with useful substances.

In addition, the components included in its composition very quickly penetrate fatty tissue, accelerate metabolic processes at the cellular level and promote the active removal of toxins and other harmful compounds from the body. All this leads to normalization of skin condition and gradual weight loss.

Review of anti-cellulite cosmetics from Floresan

All cosmetics from the Fitness Body series are divided into two categories - “hot” and “cold”. The former are intended to restore blood microcirculation in fatty tissues, and the latter have a strengthening effect on vascular system, and also carry out prevention varicose veins veins Experts insist that women who want to get rid of the orange peel effect use several types of Fitness Body cosmetics during the anti-cellulite course. Only complex impact on loose skin will help you acquire a smooth, elastic and toned body.

"Cold" means

The composition of “cold” anti-cellulite cosmetics from the Floresan company includes plant components that have a gentle effect on the skin and accelerate the regeneration of epidermal cells. They saturate the body with microelements and vitamins, make it soft, velvety and give it healthy color.

Anti-orange peel effect cream on legs

Intensive anti-cellulite cream Floresan for legs is a great alternative running or squats. It contains the main active component - coffee bean extract, which breaks down lumps of fat and accelerates the cleansing of cells from harmful substances. Secondary components of a cosmetic product include:

  • soybean and castor oil;
  • menthol;
  • mint extract;
  • cotton hood;
  • glycerol;
  • collagen;
  • calendula extract.

They restore the skin, improve the structure of the epidermis, and also a short time get rid of stretch marks on the thighs.

You can use the cream-gel against cellulite on your legs at any time of the day. A small amount of Cosmetics are applied to problem areas and slowly rubbed into their surface. Next, you need to wait until the cream-gel dries. There is no need to wash it off. It is advisable to do this procedure 2-3 times a day.

Night active gel for fat absorption

It is impossible to get rid of the orange peel effect without losing weight, so the Floresan company has developed special remedy, which starts blood circulation in the subcutaneous layer and activates muscle tissue. Thus, the body gets rid of excess energy and gets rid of excess fat deposits, which are the main cause of cellulite.

The night gel contains the following ingredients;

  • coffee bean extract;
  • motherwort;
  • Melissa;
  • mint;
  • coconut and soybean oil;
  • pineapple extract;
  • papaya.

Some of these components ensure passive functioning of muscle tissue, and some of them have a calming effect on the body, thanks to which a woman can relax after a hard day and quickly fall asleep.

Floresan Fitness Body night active gel should be applied after a shower half an hour before bedtime. Before using cosmetics, dry thoroughly with a towel. The product is intensively rubbed into all problem areas, after which you can go to bed peacefully. A good feature of this night gel is that it does not contain dyes and cannot stain bed sheets or clothes.

An analogue of this product is Floresan Fitness Body Cream-Active “Bitter Chocolate” from another line of anti-cellulite cosmetics. For getting quick results the manufacturer recommends using them alternately.

Elastic gel for stretch marks and sagging skin

The basis of the elastic gel against the effect of orange peel and stretch marks includes kelp ( seaweed) and sapropel - silt from the bottom of a freshwater reservoir. In addition, it contains:

  • glycerol;
  • menthol leaf oil;
  • fucus extract;
  • collagen;
  • elastin.

The substances included in the elastic gel eliminate skin unevenness, destroy fat cells, increase vascular tone, and also accelerate the production of protein necessary for the regeneration of the epidermal layers.

Elastic gel from Floresan is suitable not only for those who suffer from cellulite and stretch marks that appear as a result of rapid weight gain. It will also be an excellent solution for women who have stretch marks after pregnancy.

This type of cosmetics from the Fitness Body series should be used at least twice daily. A small amount of gel is applied to the problem area and rubbed in with gentle movements. After 10-15 minutes, wipe off the remaining product paper towel or wet wipes water based.

Gel mask “Ice wrap”

Anti-cellulite gel mask “Ice wrap” is an effective remedy for body shaping, burning fat and improving the condition of the skin. It is suitable for use in both beauty salon, and for home use. The results of using the gel mask become noticeable after the first two wraps.

The cosmetics include the following components:

  • menthol oil;
  • mint extract;
  • seaweed mineral concentrate;
  • glycerol;
  • Castor oil.

Thanks to an ideally selected set of ingredients, the Ice Wrap gel mask tightens sagging skin in a short time, accelerates tissue regeneration, and also saturates the body with minerals.

You need to use the anti-cellulite product half an hour before taking a shower. It is evenly distributed over the problem area, after which the body is wrapped in several layers of cling film, and thermal leggings or woolen pants are put on top. After 30 minutes, the polyethylene must be removed and washed thoroughly with warm (not hot) water.

“Hot” cosmetics against cellulite

The main difference between “hot” cosmetics and “cold” cosmetics is that they contain an extract hot pepper. It enhances the effectiveness of other components in the fight against sagging skin, accelerates blood circulation in the subcutaneous fat layer, and also promotes rapid weight loss. All “hot” products from the Fitness Body series are intended for intensive care behind the body and are contraindicated for use by those who suffer from hypersensitivity to cayenne pepper.

Hot massage oil against fat deposits

In addition to cayenne pepper extract, the hot oil for anti-cellulite massage includes several more active ingredients– coffee bean extract and cinnamon. The combination of these ingredients has a drainage effect, triggers epidermal regeneration, increases blood circulation at the site of cellulite, destroys lumps of fat and cleanses subcutaneous fat from poisons and toxic waste of the body.

As auxiliary components of hot massage oil the manufacturer uses:

  • collagen;
  • Karite butter;
  • camelina seed extract;
  • mineral oils;
  • vitamins A and E.

Before carrying out massage procedures using Fitness Body oil, you must thoroughly wash your body and clean it of dead cells using a hard washcloth. After completing the massage, you should not wash off the cosmetic product.

Thermoactive massage oil

Floresan thermoactive massage oil contains more than 70% natural ingredients, namely:

  • orange essential oil;
  • fucus extract;
  • soybean oil;
  • hot pepper;
  • grape seed extract;
  • pineapple extract;
  • fir essential oil;
  • flax oil

The unique formula of thermoactive Fitness Body oil helps in a short time to get rid of the initial and middle stages of cellulite formation, tighten sagging skin, and lose a couple of kilograms excess weight and gain healthy skin color. Today there is no complete analogue of this product and the only substitute with a similar principle of action is the TimeWise Body Smooth-Action cream gel from Mary Kay– the most famous American cosmetics manufacturer in the world.

Thermoactive oil from Floresan must be applied to the body during an anti-cellulite massage after taking water procedures. It is preheated in your hands, after which it is rubbed into problem areas with massage movements.

The components that make up the oil tend to settle at the bottom of the bottle. Therefore, it must be shaken vigorously before each use.

Hot body scrub against cellulite

The main feature of the hot scrub from the Fitness Body series is that its composition quickly penetrates skin covering and almost immediately begins to destroy swollen lumps of fat. Along with melting fat accumulations, it warms up the body and also accelerates peripheral blood circulation.

The anti-cellulite hot scrub is based on the following components:

  • coffee bean extract;
  • Cayenne pepper;
  • Castor oil;
  • cinnamon;
  • seaweed;
  • collagen;
  • glycerol;
  • Coconut oil;
  • emulsifying wax.

The scrub is applied to problem areas once a day after visiting the shower or taking a bath. hot bath. Cosmetics rubbed intensively into the skin and then washed off warm water. To get quick results, doctors recommend combining it with anti-cellulite creams or white clay wraps.

Duration of the course to get rid of sagging skin

The duration of one anti-cellulite course using Floresan products depends on what result the woman wants to achieve. In order to get rid of initial signs The formation of sagging skin will require 2-3 weeks of regular use of products from the Fitness Body series. In advanced cases, this process can take up to 45 days.

You can speed up the process of getting rid of cellulite through sports and dietary nutrition. Under the influence of constant physical activity and subject to balanced diet The time required for a course of using special cosmetics is reduced by almost 30%.

Video on topic