How do you know if a man is right for you? How to understand that a man is right for you. How to determine whether a person is right for you or not


The Pythagorean square is one of the achievements of the famous scientist, which he left to modern man. Slightly modified, it helps to determine the compatibility of two people by date of birth. These combinations are based on such a science as numerology.

According to the theory of Pythagoras, many data can be found out using numerology. And the person who knows how to use this science will be powerful. At one time, Pythagoras endowed this science with divinity and some mysticism, and we can use what has come down to us, in particular the square of compatibility, at our discretion.

The magic of numbers

For any person who not only wants to find the right person, who would make him a mate, and for those who want their loved one to make him happy and harmony and happiness to reign in the relationship, there is a special horoscope. A horoscope that allows you to find out compatibility by date of birth. This system uses numerology and horoscope.

To find out compatibility, you need to write down two complete dates of birth: yours and your loved one's. Let's look at an example: 10/15/1990 and 05/02/1987.

It’s easy to create a Pythagorean square; you just need to add up the numbers for each date of birth:

  1. 15.10.1990
  2. 1+5+1+0+1+9+9+0=26=2+6=8

So the first result is 8.

  1. 02.05.1987
  2. 0+2+0+5+1+9+8+7=32=3+2=5

The second result is 5.

Now, in order to get the Pythagorean square, you need to add these two results:

  • 5+8=13=1+3=4.

It turns out that the square of Pythagoras is equal to four. Now you can look at compatibility:

  • 1 – great couple.
    You understand each other perfectly, support and stimulate new achievements. You will find it interesting and fun together throughout long period time, if you can learn to accept your partner for who he is, with all the pros and cons.
  • 2 – good compatibility.
    In numerology, such a couple can count on a happy future. Quarrels will be replaced by reconciliations, disagreements will be shared decisions taken. It is important to devote enough time to romance so that everyday life does not spoil the harmony.
  • 3 – average compatibility.
    There will be a lot in such a couple: problems, happiness, separations, and meetings. However, it seems that you will be connected by an invisible thread that will help you overcome all troubles.
  • 4 – according to the Pythagorean horoscope you are not suitable.
    Such two people are completely opposite people and it will be very difficult for them to be together, since they are not easy different tempers, and different views on life and beliefs.
  • 5 – contrasting relationships.
    Such a couple can have very non-standard relationships, since the two are so different that this difference unites them. One partner stimulates the other, supports and helps in everything.
  • 6 – everything depends on understanding.
    In such a relationship, two lovers can be both the happiest and the most unhappy. It all depends on themselves and on what kind of relationships they build.
  • 7 – happy union.
    Such a union is characterized by understanding, support and love. They have every opportunity to become the happiest.
  • 8 is an ambiguous combination.
    Numerology classifies such a union as one of those options where everything depends on the partners. If they want and show enough understanding towards each other and do not try to change each other, then they can be together.
  • 9 is a difficult pair.
    The future of such a relationship may depend on many factors, not least of which is the desire of both to be together. It just won’t happen in such a couple, but a future together is quite possible.

As you can see, using numerology to find out whether two lovers are suitable for each other is not at all difficult. In a few minutes you will know whether it makes sense to continue communication and what problems may arise.

Magic according to personal data

Find out how well a guy and a girl are suitable for joint relations, maybe by name. To do this, it is enough to know the names of the two lovers. The name horoscope is a ritual for which you will need a piece of paper and a pen.

On a piece of paper you need to write down two names: a guy and a girl, in full version. We will look at an example: Dmitry and Elena.

  1. Dmitry – 7 letters;
  2. Elena – 5 letters.

Now add these two numbers: 5+7=12=1+2=3. So, the horoscope is equal to three. Now you can see the value:

  • 1, 3, 7 - an excellent couple for whom everything will work out the best in the best possible way, if two people can put in enough effort;
  • 2, 6, 8 - an average combination, where much depends on whether the couple learns to give in to each other and treat the problems of their loved one with understanding.
  • 4, 9, 5 – not the best best combination. In relationships, people have difficulty understanding each other due to too different characters.

Using this horoscope, finding out the combination and prospects of lovers will not be difficult; within a few minutes you will know the result.

How often people make mistakes when choosing their soulmate. And someone for a long time dedicates himself to finding the ideal life partner. Solve the heart issue and find the right person to create Serious relationships It's very easy these days.

Astrology, numerology, palmistry and other esoteric sciences have taken up the fight against the injustice of fate, making it possible to find out in advance love compatibility men and women. We invite you to determine whether you and your significant other are compatible by name. With the help of name compatibility, you can easily reveal the future of any couple.

To check the compatibility of names in love, you will need to take a pen and a piece of paper in a box. Write your full last name, first name and patronymic. Each letter must be in a separate cell. Under your name, write the full name of your loved one so that the first letter of his last name begins under the first letter of your last name, the first letter of his first name begins under the first letter of your name, and so on. Here's an example with two names:


Compatible names are in the following cases:

  • If most of the letters in a vertical row match according to the vowel-consonant principle. In the names above, these are, for example, the first letters of the surname (I and P).
  • If there are matches of letters in vertical rows (for example, O and O).
  • If the number of letters in the first name, last name and patronymic of a man and a woman is approximately the same (a difference of no more than one letter is allowed). In the example given, the woman’s surname is one letter longer than the man’s surname - this indicates good compatibility in love.
  • If surnames, first names and patronymics begin with vowels or consonants. IN in this example Only the letters of the name match.
  • If a man’s full name contains at least one letter that is large quantities found in the woman's full name. In the above case, the letter I appears most often in the woman’s full name. It is present in the man’s patronymic - this is a good sign.

Based on these criteria, you can determine love compatibility in a couple. If in all the given parameters for calculating compatibility the full names of the couple are the same, then this union can be considered happy and strong. But even one match indicates good compatibility.

If the names do not match in any respect, this indicates disharmony in the couple. Such a union may well be long and strong, but the partners will not understand each other, which will ultimately lead either to separation or, quite possibly, to an unbearable marriage.

Using this method of calculating compatibility by name, you can determine the nature of the relationship. In a couple, the one who has the upper hand will dominate. more letters in full name. Equality reigns in those pairs where there is approximately an equal number of vowels. The fewer vowels in a full name, the less weight a person will have in the union.

Compatibility by name will allow you to determine the future of your relationship and draw appropriate conclusions. Of course, you should not completely trust this calculation. Remember that even people with very different personalities can live happily with each other for decades. But fate will constantly test their strength and strength of feelings. Partners in such unions have to adapt to each other and search for a long time mutual language. If the couple has good compatibility, then it is much easier for lovers to create happy marriage. Nothing can interfere with their family well-being. Which path you choose is up to you.

Russia's first matchmaker, host of the TV program “Let's Get Married!”, radio host, columnist, leader charitable foundation, professional psychologist and master of sports Roza Syabitova told about all the tricks, techniques and traps of a real woman.

Recommendations. To obtain necessary information about a man, you need to not talk, but listen. Moreover, to hear what they are saying to you, and it is equally important to be able to ask smart questions. This recommendation will allow you to move from an ordinary listener to a “professional women’s league.”

Use the five basic rules that guide journalists in their work:

1. Direct the conversation in the direction you want. Your task is to find out what he really is like as a person. Ask about his views, values ​​and life experience. To avoid appearing too nosy, find out this information in a roundabout way. For example, say that you read an article in the newspaper, or heard the topic come up in a discussion. Your questions should most often begin with the word “why.” You will lose control of the relationship if you open up too early.

2. Let him talk more. Listen to his stories instead of telling them yourself. Be interested in the smallest details and do not interrupt your interlocutor. You need to listen openly and actively. Openness means that you should allow the man to develop his thoughts as long as he wants to talk. But while listening to his story, you should not remain silent all the time. Insert phrases such as “very interesting”, “please tell us more about this”, “I really like listening to you”.

3. Show interest and remember what he tells you. The man you are communicating with should be the center of your attention. During the conversation, look him in the eye, look interested, and encourage him to continue the conversation. If there are pauses, invite discussion new topic. AND REMEMBER, REMEMBER, REMEMBER what he says about himself. Learn to analyze the answers. This is a difficult task, but you can master this art. Because this will help you make your choice and determine the line of your behavior.

4. Don't limit what he can say. When listening to him, be impartial, but not indifferent. You need to show him that you understand his feelings. Be as objective as possible, but don't be boring.

Do not interrupt the conversation if you understand that you have learned enough, or the topic of conversation is too personal to discuss with the other person. Learn to smoothly transition the conversation to another topic. Although below we will look at a few examples that are exceptions to this rule.

5. Don't criticize or make fun of him during the conversation. Avoid criticism and ridicule. NEVER criticize him during a conversation. This will entail an immediate reaction from the man: he will either withdraw or change his statements so as not to offend you.

During the first acquaintance and the first date, you should not express your opinion, express ideas and attitudes towards anything in order to get to know a man faster. This needs to be done a little later.

The main mistake to avoid

And that's why. You can scare a man away. Save some conversations, including your hopes and dreams, until he gets to know you better and has thoughts about you. serious intentions. He's more likely to fall in love with you.

Otherwise, the information received will not be true, since you may inadvertently limit his statements, or he will deliberately change the story about himself, his values ​​and aspirations. Premature honesty can interrupt the ongoing conversation and weaken his affection for you.

If a man is right for you, then your first priority is to convince him that YOU are the best suitable woman for him, but don't talk about it too early.

Until you receive an offer to become a COUPLE, I recommend dating three men at the same time. Since if you meet with one, then there is a high risk of NOT RECEIVING a marriage proposal from him (waste of time), if you meet with two, you will always choose which one is better, and if with three, then there is a chance to receive from one of them desired result- marriage.

We thank the AST Publishing Group for providing an excerpt from the book by Rosa Syabitova: “All the tricks, techniques and traps of a real woman.”

The next stage that I want to talk to you about in this article is the beginning of a relationship!

By meeting and getting to know men, you gradually choose the one with whom you will seriously continue your relationship. At this final stage, you also have to take three important steps.

The first step is to determine your type of man...
and look at its opposite

If you start to remember what type of man you like, attracts your attention, arouses sympathy, attracts you - often this type repeats the images of a previous relationship or the image of a father.

Moreover, it happens that we have developed, say, a childish stereotype that a man is cold, distant, and we look for the same men, we like it when they are so cold and mysterious. But in fact, one is not drawn to him, but to an image that was emotionally ingrained in childhood, and it is completely unrelated to building family relationships, but is simply associated with a child’s image of a father or another man.

You've probably noticed that you like about the same type of men. Think about what attracts you to this type? It often happens that this type does not have suitable qualities for long-term relationships.

Or he could be a very active and sexually attractive, energetic, lively man, and you like that he is so sociable and active. But this may also remind you of some image from school, when you liked such a boy leader, but he did not pay attention to you, and you are still trying to complete this subconsciously.

Therefore, specifically start to recognize and pay attention to the type of men who have not attracted you before. Don’t rush to say “no”, go a little further, get to know this man a little better.

Let me give you an illustrative example. One of my clients said: “One guy invited me to a restaurant, I sat and talked with him, and I became so bored, I didn’t even know what to tell him, but he asked me, was interested, looked.

And suddenly it dawned on me that at that moment I was thinking about a man who was not paying attention to me, but I wanted to turn him towards me and conquer him. But right now there is a man sitting opposite me who gives me attention, care, is interested in me, and treats me with great respect.

And this is exactly what I need.”

We sometimes unconsciously choose the type of men who repeat our old story, and we don’t see that there is a man in our environment who can give everything that is important to us. He just doesn't fit into the type that we've been trying to conquer until now. Therefore, at the beginning of a relationship, it is important to begin to be interested in men of a different type. ?

Step two: listen to the man

Indeed, at the stage of dating and the beginning of a relationship, it is important to learn to be sincerely interested in men and listen to them in order to see a man, and not your own cliché. Because often we immediately form some templates, draw conclusions, but we cannot discern the living, real man behind these templates.

It is at this stage that you will need sincere respect and vision of the merits in every man. Learn to recognize a man, ask questions, listen carefully. Be as interested and curious as possible.

Really be surprised that this is in front of you unique person, and let this interest be joyful and not like an exam, let it be learning something new. Behind every person there is a whole Universe; you can get to know a person endlessly.

He, too, changes every day, and the men you begin to meet can reveal a completely different side in three days. The most important thing is to avoid templates and do not make sudden conclusions. Give yourself time to get to know a man, but don't get involved sexual relations until you get to know him more.

Communicate more, avoid virtual communication. It happens that communication via the Internet or SMS takes a very long time - if this continues for too long, close this relationship or encourage the man to meet, and in a personal meeting on neutral territory, always in public place(in a cafe, on the street, but not at home).

Get to know a man, question him, ask any questions, be sincerely interested, realizing that he is the whole Universe. He's had a whole life path, he has some understanding of life, some goal, he also wants something in a relationship.

Be very careful with it inner world and at the same time curious. Show respect and interest, be attentive to him, but remember and accept that he has strengths and weaknesses.

Sometimes you can take the initiative and invite him somewhere. This is great because you want to understand him more. If he asks: “Why do you need this?” – you can talk about it directly: “I’m interested in understanding you. I'm really interested in you as a man. I really want to understand what is important and interesting for you.”

It’s really interesting to understand both a man and any other person.

To be continued...

Irina Petrova(

Lead trainer of GRC-Relationship Centers. For more than 15 years she has been conducting trainings on creating personal relationships and leadership.

How do you know if a man is right for you?

    Break the tap and invite this man to your home and watch his actions. If he doesn’t care that your faucet is broken, then this is definitely not your man...just kidding! Although there is some truth in this joke. If a man wants to do something for you, cares about you, is economical, purposeful and in love. I think this one will do.

    It’s easy for a woman to understand whether a man is right for her. If a woman previously just dated men, even with sincere feelings, but when she meets a man with whom she wants children, then this is the man who suits her.

    Listen to your heart. It should give you a hint. And then use your brains. If everyone is in favor, then this is your man. Well, the most accurate answer is time. It will put everything in its place.

    Good luck to you.

    When a woman tries to understand whether she is suitable or not, then oh deep love we're talking about unlikely here. After all, when you love, the answer is clear - mine and only mine, and when you don’t, then the market approach begins: to take or not to take? It’s like buying a fur coat, when you want it and the price is high. And here the calculations of the benefits and benefits of the purchase begin.

    Anything can happen in life, including in choosing a partner according to fate, and what’s interesting is that similar marriages, according to psychologists, much stronger. So, what to do if you have to understand whether it’s mine or not:

    • if not negative emotions in relation to opinions, life positions, jokes, most of which are understandable and close to you, then rather this is a person according to your level of perception of life, he is your way of thinking;
    • if you are interested in each other and there is no empty awkward pause every five minutes - yours;
    • if when you are going to meet him, you experience joy, and when you leave, sadness is yours;
    • if you want to introduce him to his parents and friends - yours;
    • if you hint that you will have children from this person - yours;
    • if you are bored and miss his smile and words - your

    Yes, it’s not far from love, but there they took it in their arms, and it will no longer be important to understand something, because you will definitely know Mine.

    I am the kind of person who always immediately determines this, so it is quite difficult for me to advise anything. But I think you can try to get to know the person as best as possible, i.e. communicate with him more, be interested in his opinion and views on life, get to know his friends and family, carefully observe his behavior, ask questions. And listen to yourself, how certain of his actions and words resonate in your heart, what you like about him and what you don’t. Something like this)))))