How and with what can I help my ancestors. How to ask for help from spirits? Love compatibility according to the Slavic horoscope

For a wedding

No one is immune from negative magic. Anyone can become the object of a hex, damage, or dark spell. A person who is poorly oriented in magic continues to live with corruption, not even knowing that he is in danger, not knowing what the cause of his troubles is. The supernatural is among us and requires attention.

People must be able to protect themselves from those enemies who are ready to resort to magic if only to bring evil. And you shouldn’t brush it off with the words “I don’t even have enemies!” It happens that you don’t suspect a loved one, a friend, a colleague, but in the depths of your soul he harbors hatred. Being able to return damage to an enemy is important for your safety.

Magic helps against magic

If the damage is determined before the situation worsens and is removed professionally, the person lives happily ever after. To neglect the situation, not to take any measures, not to return the damage means to expose yourself to great danger. Conspiracies and rituals developed specifically for this purpose will help even a non-specialist to ward off trouble and save himself.

It will be possible to effectively remove and return damage by contacting a real magician in one session. The reason is that the sorcerer knows how to work with the energetic fabric of the universe. An ordinary person trying to remove damage and ward it off can achieve success, but no one can guarantee 100% success. However, if it didn’t work once, try again.

Signs of damage

It is determined that a person has been damaged by the following signs:

  • deterioration of health;
  • prostration;
  • minor troubles;
  • insomnia;
  • relapses of treated diseases.

The condition worsens suddenly, without any prerequisites. It is necessary to think about how to return the damage if depression suddenly falls on a healthy, happy person, because of adversity he becomes nervous and worries more than is typical for him. Damage is determined by confusion of thoughts, exacerbations of diseases that have become a thing of the past many years ago. Often tormented by mental and physical ailments.

With the damage imposed, a person seems to wither, there is not enough energy, lack of sleep and depression, depression greatly affects all areas of life. The reason is the programmed magical negativity. Knowing how to return damage to the one who caused it, you can solve the problem. There are two outcomes:

  • return damage;
  • clear the energy field.

When choosing, you need to be aware of responsibility. As sorcerers say, the best option is to cleanse your energy, leaving “to Caesar what is Caesar’s,” and not wish harm to the one who caused the damage. Counterattack is a negative program, no less weak than the original spell. Eliminate negativity from your life, and lure dark forces to yourself by appealing to negative energy programs - taking unnecessary risks.

Returns: what are we talking about?

Magic allows you to protect, harm, create, destroy. Energy is a flexible material in the hands of a skilled sorcerer, capable of doing whatever the client wishes. But the magician does not take responsibility for the consequences; the client will have to live with them himself. Returning damage is a difficult negative ritual; it will affect the enemy who desires revenge.

Whether to use the services of a magician or send the damage back yourself is up to the person to decide. If the ritual is successful, the evil will return to its source, having increased threefold. The figure is not accidental: representatives of different schools of magic agree that it is the evil and good created with the help of energy matters that grows three times.

The enemy will get what he wished for the target of the spell. Such a rollback works on the original source of the spell, but the one who removes the damage from himself need not be afraid. There is no guilt on him, the person was forced to defend himself, doing it by available means and methods. World energy is indifferent to such a situation.

Consequences of return

It is impossible to list all possible consequences; each situation is individual. The most obvious is the return of threefold increased evil.

Returning to its source, damage brings illness and causes conflicts with family, colleagues and friends. In any undertaking, a person is tripped up and troubles befall him. Rarely, a return can result in death. Returning damage to the one who sent it means allowing the enemy to receive what he sent to another person in an enhanced form. This is fair, but cruel. An attempt to strengthen the damage when returning it to its source will result in a rollback to the defender.

Return methods

Rituals help direct negative energy to the address where it came from, without even knowing the owner. If the ritual was carried out with the assistance of an experienced magician, the source of energy will be the customer, since the sorcerer will redirect from himself to the client.

Protection against damage is provided by:

  • prayers;
  • rituals;
  • magical techniques.

Some remedies can be used by believers who believe that magic is a sin.

It is not difficult to return the damage back, but try to avoid committing evil. Negativity reduces the defender to the level of the attacker and makes him vulnerable.

Rollback, the return of negativity to the source, is a basic feature of magic. It has been known since ancient times.

What does this look like in reality?

We can talk a lot about rollback and return, but real life examples best demonstrate the situation. There are really a lot of them in books, magazines, and the Internet. Below are a couple of interesting and instructive stories about how to return damage to the one who did it.

Anna's story

The woman says that troubles befell her when she got married and began living with her husband’s family. This was the man’s second marriage; children from the first lived with them.

The seemingly happy and friendly family had a serious wormhole inside. Although her husband fell in love with Anna, and the children called her mother, her mother-in-law refused to recognize the new woman. She sought to reconfigure the children, influence her son, just to get her out of the house. Literally every visit by a woman to Anna’s house ended in a major conflict.

The birth of a child with my husband led to an aggravation of the situation. The mother-in-law began making threats before the birth, and soon after the child was born, the baby fell ill. At the age of one and a half he was diagnosed with asthma. The husband changed, he took a woman on the side. Fortunately, Anna had good friends who managed to introduce her to me, and I know how to return damage to a person without risk.

I told the client what her troubles were, explained where they came from, gave advice on how to behave, and also recommended checking the feather beds and pillows in the house. And it’s true: in the pillow Anna’s mother sewed there was an incomprehensible root. I advised them to look further, and they found a piece of dog skin, a frog skin, and a rope with knots. The evil mother-in-law tied Anna's happiness, her love, her luck, and her well-being into knots with black magic. However, it is not difficult to send the damage back on your own. But in case of serious problems you need to turn to magic.

The treatment was difficult for my husband: day by day his health worsened, in his sleep the man sweated and moaned, and doctors diagnosed a pre-infarction condition. The mother-in-law's neighbors reported that the woman was taken away in an ambulance. But upon completion of the course of sprinkling with enchanted water, the husband’s condition immediately improved, and the mother-in-law recovered. Of course, she turned pale, lost weight, and became haggard.

Knowing how to return the damage back, I helped Anna maintain peace in the family. After that incident, the husband didn’t even look to the left, and the children were convinced that the grandmother’s instigations could not be trusted. The woman saved the newborn child, his ill health soon went away completely. But Anna did not wish her mother-in-law harm, she was only saving her life and her family. Therefore, the rollback did not overtake her. If things had turned out differently, if she had wished evil on her mother-in-law, if she had behaved differently, the result would have been unpredictable.

Alena's story

Alena is another good example of how to organize the return of damage to someone who performed a dangerous ritual. The woman worked at the post office and was not to the liking of one of the pensioners. She didn’t want to let Alena into the howling house, forcing her to count money in the entrance. Then a new rule came into effect: pensioners are required to fill out their passport information themselves. The woman gave Alena a big scandal.

Three days later, the postwoman felt an unbearable itching in her chest on the left side. It felt like a hungry, greedy child was sucking out the juices. A strip stretched across the skin from the nipple to the armpit, and oval wounds without blood appeared below. Alena turned to her colleagues for help, and they sent her to me.

I know how to send damage to the one who did it and of course I helped her! The work was complex and was done over the course of four days.

A week later, a woman at work visited an unfriendly pensioner. The elderly woman who opened the door looked completely different: in ten days she had sharply lost weight, was haggard, and had sunken eyes. They had a chance to meet one more time, and at the sight of Alena, the previously calm old woman got scared and ran away.

How to avoid return?

Others say that they do not believe in the reverse effect of magic, as if nothing threatens them. Misconception not only does not reflect the truth, but is also life-threatening. Some people, even when faced with the reverse effect of the ritual, still do not believe how natural magic is. You can return damage by performing a protective ritual, craftsmen say.

This should completely protect the one who calls upon dark matter to help himself. The secret is that the dark magician transfers the reverse effect to another person, to an animal and by other methods, and he does not receive a rollback from the spell.

There is a stereotype that you can return damage to a person if you wish to increase it, with the help of a dark magician, and the spell will be rolled back only if the sorcerer is afraid of such an outcome. But cynics and daredevils are protected from any feedback.

This opinion is widespread only among non-professionals and is fundamentally wrong. A coward simply cannot perform the ritual. If a magician torments himself with thoughts about the consequences, he will not do anything that could provoke them. In practice, it is necessary to understand that the reverse rollback can overtake anyone; this does not depend on personal qualities, but is determined by the approach to the spell.

Return Features

If you send damage to the one who did it, the energy blow initiated by the ill-wisher is returned to him. It will become a source of suffering for a certain period of time, determined by the strength of the spells and the professionalism of the participants in the witchcraft chain.

Having received the okat, the witch, who understands what is going on, does not wait for misfortune and illness to eat her up. She makes another return, trying to redirect the curse back to where it was first initiated. This option is the safest for the aggressor. But it is not so easy to make it a reality. The victim of damage knows that for the first three days nothing should come to her from the hands of strangers, and is wary of contacts and does not give anything to strangers. This limits the witch's field of action. And after this period, it is too late to redirect the curse.

How to send damage back to the person who did it? Carry out an invented rite, a ritual for this. The redirected can be redirected using the same method, and the witch who has felt the rollback organizes rituals, casts spells, trying to transfer the dark energy away from herself. An experienced, skillful sorceress will cope with this task.

In the process, negativity accumulates. Sooner or later he will catch up with the spellcaster. Perhaps this will happen on her deathbed, where she will suffer for more than one month, or even more than one year, suffering from illnesses of the mind and body. The soul will also suffer; after death, the witch will face serious trials.

Returning damage using folk remedies

When protecting a house, it will be possible to return damage to a person if there is a lining under the threshold. This is something that in a normal situation there is nothing to do near the threshold:

  • nail;
  • salt;
  • needle;
  • candle;
  • pepper.

Lining is a sign of damage. It may not yet affect those living in the house, but over time it will manifest itself. You can prevent this by knowing how to return the damage back to the one who caused it. It's better to do this sooner rather than later.

When you see someone else's questionable object, you must:

  • cross yourself 12 times;
  • cast a spell;
  • remove the lining without touching it with your hands;
  • burn along with what was used to take the item.

You cannot bring a questionable item into the house, otherwise the removal will become powerless.

Using magical energy to achieve their goals, few people think about the possibility of getting a kickback. The victim can detect the interference and neutralize it. What happens to the customer after the damage is removed, what the health consequences are, you should find out about this in advance.

The essence of rollback

During a magical ritual, operations with energy occur, feelings and problems are forcibly imposed. Due to an error or damage, there are consequences for the victim, but the customer himself experiences a stronger blow.

Rollback is a manifestation of “dissatisfaction” of magic on the bewitched person or the one who casts the evil eye, resulting from inattention and insincerity. Negative energy directed at the victim does not disappear, it is like a boomerang

You can restore your influence by meeting the person being bewitched and exchanging some objects with him. A simple action will provoke an exchange of energy and trigger a magical influence.

Experienced sorcerers, when performing rituals, install protection that protects them from rollback. Such protection sometimes removes the opportunity to remove the evil eye. But the strongest ones made by a professional are not always able to withstand the indignation of magic.

Impact on the customer

Conducting ritual in the process of removing it at the level of sensations. A real rollback may not strike immediately, but after several years. Its strength depends on the customer’s thoughts, his real feelings and desires.

Responsibility for the damage caused sometimes affects not only the magician himself, but also his blood relatives. In such cases, children, as people who are most closely energetically connected with the one conducting the ceremony, are responsible for the parents’ mistakes.

Life problems

Having felt the break of the induced evil eye, the one who caused the damage begins to unconsciously seek a connection with the victim in any way. This occurs due to an intuitive desire to influence a person again. Consequences of damage for the customer:

  • anxiety;
  • loss of everything that was obtained as a result of the ritual;
  • disruption of family harmony;
  • deterioration of material condition.

Ancestral curse

Removed damage can cause more serious troubles. The worst thing that can happen is the formation of a family curse on the one who cast the evil eye. Examples of such impacts:

  • serious illnesses plaguing relatives;
  • hereditary mental disorders.

Awareness of the vile act and begging will help you get rid of the sin of your ancestors. If there is an opportunity to meet those who are connected with those being bewitched and receive forgiveness from a representative of the victim’s family, this will solve all the problems, because this is how the curse on the family is lifted.

Third party problems

Often they turn to a practicing magician for help in causing damage. The removed damage may also appear on it. But a professional quickly senses when they are trying to remove the evil eye, and takes measures to renew the curse. Experienced specialists always protect themselves, family and home with amulets and amulets that delay the effect of the rollback and warn about it.

Rollback protection

Sometimes the need to cast the evil eye outweighs the fear of consequences. In order to carry out the ritual and not think about how the customer feels after the damage is removed, you should prepare and acquire protective amulets.

The first thing you need to know: not all magical rituals threaten kickbacks. An easy ritual to pay attention, a spell for health, creating a lining to protect the baby - such rituals will help cope with troubles on the path of life and will not subject the one who causes them to consequences.

But dark rituals, binary love spells, and other magic aimed at suppressing the will or worsening health always affect the customer and cause serious problems. It is possible to perform complex love spells or send illness only when the reason is sincere love or the need for revenge for the terrible act of the victim.

To put up easy protection, which even people who do not practice magic are capable of, just select your favorite piece of jewelry and cast a spell on it. A spontaneous ritual takes place here:

  1. A man clutches a ring or bracelet in his hands.
  2. Holds it in your palms for a few minutes to warm it up.
  3. Closing his eyes, he asks for protection and leniency.
  4. He does not let go of the object until he feels the warmth and pleasant touch of magic.

Once a person has made an amulet and endowed it with protective properties, the jewelry is never removed. Such a talisman will not only help to save yourself from a rollback, but will also protect the conductor from unclean forces and problems in life.


Magic rituals not only help people improve their quality of life, but also threaten kickbacks to those who try to abuse power. Such people should beware of serious problems.

The worst acts cause generational curses that can plague a family for centuries. Before performing a ritual, they always think about the consequences, avoid mistakes and carefully follow all the points from the instructions.

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you how rune staves work to remove damage, what damage is in runic magic. And, in addition, we’ll talk about such phenomena as rollback and return when independently casting damage on your enemy, as well as when removing them. As part of the practice of rune magic, you can diagnose the presence of damage to yourself and another person by making an independent alignment with runes for the negative. And, of course, in addition to rune magic, there are ways:
  • getting rid of damage by the power of magical runes from envy and the evil eye,
  • from closing paths in fate,
  • from thieves,
  • suggestion of thoughts,
  • energy weakening,
  • love spells
  • and extraneous negative influences.

What are runic damage and curses?

Magical damage inflicted on a person works in different ways, and negative programs take root in different subtle bodies. Eg, atmic body concentrates information about individual purpose, about the main task of a person in a given incarnation, about the obligations that the soul took upon itself when heading to earth.

It is on the atmic body that such destructive programs as closing paths, substitutions, and other fateful influences are imprinted. To remove damage yourself with runes, it is necessary to correctly recognize it and select the right position that will cope with the task. Runic stave can influence a person at different levels. In complex work, magical rituals and runic staves are well combined.
Let's say, a cemetery ritual for taking away fate with a crucifix when diagnosing negativity with runes will be visible on the atmic body. Curses for closing roads and changing fate are difficult to fight. Then how to remove such a frightening curse on death is much easier. Deadly damage inflicted on the offender is reflected in the atmic and physical body. They are, so to speak, earthly, and therefore easier to destroy. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will not say that removing damage to death with runes is commonplace. Here, too, you have to work hard, but the path to healing is usually shorter.

Karmic problems will be visible in the causal body. In the mental body there is damage to insanity, but not negativity aimed at taking away physical health. Entities cling to the astral body because they are fueled by emotions. If the entity sits on the physical body, this is possession. Before you start removing the evil eye by performing runic cleansing from damage, you need to find out what you are dealing with, what exactly you will be removing. Find out what curse was made and choose its treatment. And this can be done by diagnosing existing problems.

Runic layouts for induced damage

There are many alternative ways to diagnose negativity in rune magic. Any damage has a specific name, as well as a specific task. If they simply tell you that you have the evil eye or severe damage, this information means nothing. Rune magic is often called “sofa magic.” This is of course not true, however remove damage using runes at home really. But, no matter what you do, you need to work competently, fully aware of your actions, and bearing responsibility for them.

In working with Runes, as in magic, there is the concept of rollback. However, there are also ways to avoid magical kickbacks. A magician who has decent experience in witchcraft always tries to achieve the maximum result with the least amount of effort, say, if necessary, remove damage with the help of runes, and, in which case, get the least amount of kickback. Why can't you do magic with emotions? This is the question I, magician Sergei Artgrom, will raise in the next section of the article.

Why emotions should not be interfered with in the ritual of removing a curse with runes

Emotions create the conditions for incorrect, erroneous actions that entail consequences. Allowing strong emotions in your work means you are almost guaranteed to get a kickback after performing a magical ritual. Some magicians (newbies, mostly, who think that they know everything and have comprehended everything), motivate their lack of restraint and emotionality by the fact that witchcraft rituals turn out better. This is nonsense and dangerous self-deception.
Doing a witchcraft ritual on your own, in this case, we are talking about practice runic staves for cleaning from damage, you need to think, but think with a calm, cool head. Many rituals are performed using personal witchcraft power. If there is little strength, they call on the elements, their patrons - spirits, entities. But to do anything without extinguishing emotions is recklessness, imprudence, and generally the worst thing to do.

Suppose a rollback came after a magical ritual was performed.

What can be done urgently in this case? You can put a stave that removes binary, or you can mentally draw 3 Isa on the communication channel between you and your enemy. Arm yourself firmly with defenses.

In the arsenal of runic magic there should be several activated diverse protections. If there are no defenses or they are weak, it may one day turn out that you yourself have damaged your enemy, who is protected and armed much better than you. The same applies to the guidance of runic staves against damage. Removing a professionally done damage to a specific person is not as easy as it might seem.

There may be locks on the impact that you need to be able to break. Fasteners may also be found - mines that are used by beginners who use strong rune staves to remove damage. So, in rune magic, as in the tradition of black witchcraft, there is such a phenomenon as rollback.

To give the simplest definition of rollback, it is enough to say that this is an incorrect application of the vector of one’s own force. Do you work with runes using runes of protection from the evil eye or as a tool of attack, or you use black rituals in practice, always, confidence, and a working spirit. There must be clearly defined and set intentions, and concentration on them. Vague formulations and abstractions are unacceptable. Only absolute concentration on intention. Then the witchcraft will not fail, then the energy will go clearly to the target.

Free rituals of cleansing from damage in rune magic

So, before doing anything serious (and even small, non-radical rituals), you need to protect yourself from rollback. This also applies to the use of runes and rune staves to remove damage. It’s not just one magical defense, but several diverse shields, and besides, we shouldn’t forget about the need to recuperate. It is necessary to restore and strengthen energy.

After inducing negativity, and also after you have done runic cleansing of damage to another person, you need to cleanse yourself. This condition, of course, is not mandatory, but recommended. And if you are doing a large-scale complex and are waiting, then before you start working, you need to restore yourself, your energy. Your physical and energetic condition must be impeccable.

By and large, on the eve of strong rituals using runic staves for removing damage, you need to keep a fast, feed on the energy of the surrounding space, you can also use runic energy sources.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Let's return to kickbacks and reverse effects from independent rituals of magic. In general, return flow is a terribly unpleasant thing. If you have powerful defenses against magic that can withstand the returned energy, the blood flow can go to those who have weak defenses. It is difficult to protect the entire family, and therefore it makes sense to use alternative ways to protect yourself from magic and witchcraft - taps. There are such rituals in black magic, and, of course, in the tradition of using runes. In certain cases, when it is necessary to remove runic damage, magicians use these rituals in their practices.

Backfire when destroying damage with runes

Many beginners, and even those who already have some experience in independent witchcraft, use the term rollback to mean a reverse strike. However, these concepts should be distinguished. The reverse action is similar to a rollback. But, if a rollback implies a spontaneous return of the magician’s efforts in the form in which they were able to manifest themselves on the physical plane, then the reverse action is a targeted process, initiated by the primary influence.

Reversal occurs in cases where the magical program introduced by the sorcerer, be it damage, love spell, suggestion of thoughts, etc., was removed by using rituals to remove the damage, and sent back. If the impact was directed at an object that was heavily armed and had powerful protection from the effects of witchcraft and magic, which could be broken through, then the energy of the ritual can also return to the magician himself. In this form it is also a return. In rune magic, there are many ways to avoid both kickbacks and reverses by directing the power of energy and its action to a selected inanimate object, an animal, or another person.

All this needs to be known and applied in practice. It is necessary to be able not only to attack, but also to defend yourself, practicing both actual defense and rituals for removing damage with runic staves. In addition to yourself, you need to protect your family, especially your blood relatives. In any tradition of witchcraft, the principle is most fully revealed - if you don’t know how, don’t try it.

In magic, be it working with runes or another tradition, any intervention without the consent and request of a person is bad, because the magician influences his consciousness according to his personal will and personal discretion. Probably, for the magician himself such interventions are for the benefit, but for the experimental subject - hardly. You can interfere in the course of events and influence the energy of another person at your personal request, for example, by using becoming the removal of damage. But even in these cases, kickbacks and reverses are possible. They are everywhere, in any magical tradition, but magicians know how to, if not avoid them, then reduce them to a minimum, or transfer them to others.

In the Vedic tradition, Saturday is considered the day of remembrance of ancestors, in addition to some specific days of the calendar. Today is Saturday (while I was researching, it was Sunday). Not the point, for some reason I wanted to remember this today.

Before turning to this topic, I would like to say that our family, even those who have left this world, at least up to the 7th generation, stand behind us and provide us with support. Well, at least that's how it should be...

It is not for nothing that in the old days our ancestors kept the memory of their family. After all, not only aristocrats and royal families had the concept of a family tree. If you remember, in old Russia, even among simple peasants, the surname of the clan was often passed down from the ancestor by his name. That’s why we have so many Ivanovs (Ivan), Sidorovs (Sidor), Prokhorovs, Matveevs, Ilyins... Or it was a surname associated with the occupation of their ancestors - Kuznetsovs, Kuptsovs, Sapozhnikovs, Portnovs. And people remembered their family, stories about their ancestors were passed on from father to son, from son to his son... It is unlikely that this was just a whim. People had this knowledge that the clan is its protection.

Of course, everything has changed now. No wonder there is a proverb: "Ivan, who does not remember his kinship". When the foundations of our state were collapsing, it was beneficial for the Bolsheviks for a person to forget his clan, his family, and fight only for an idea. And in principle, they succeeded in many ways. How many people now even remember the names of his great-grandfathers? But we need to remember, if only because without them we wouldn’t exist.

There is such a thing as ancestral karma. And for us now it is rather negative karma, but not because the family is cursed or someone in the family has sinned. How can our ancestors help us if we don’t remember them? If we don't pray for their souls if they made mistakes? Are we not grateful for our lives? Many people now simply don’t even have time - we are constantly participating in the race for survival - how to become more successful, how not to be late, how to earn even more, how not to lose. But in principle, we have already lost a lot. And, perhaps, the help of our kind will be more effective in solving any of our problems than relying only on the “mighty” ourselves...

Of course, for many it is now almost impossible to restore lost ancestral ties. But it is believed that if you turn to an ancestor, even without knowing his name, his soul still understands that it is about her. And it doesn’t matter that perhaps this soul already lives in another incarnation. We are all connected by thin invisible threads. Like God, he is both one and multiple at the same time.

Sometimes the question is asked: how can the contradiction between the doctrine of reincarnation and the doctrine of the need to honor ancestors be resolved? Indeed, at first glance, it seems that if a person’s soul has incarnated into a new body, then venerating him as an ancestor makes no sense (how can he accept veneration if he is already in another body?). Different spiritual people give different answers to this question.

Firstly, the soul does not necessarily reincarnate immediately after death. It may take quite a long time before the soul accepts a new body.

They also point to the existence of the concepts of “collective memory”, “celestial twin”, “parallel self”, which remains in the energy field when the soul is reincarnated. Sometimes it is interpreted to mean that it is not a literal entity. These are our actions in our past lives, which live on like shadows of the past or like our memories and the memories of others.

Remember and honor your family and over time you will feel inexplicable support, strength, confidence, wisdom that came from nowhere, answers to questions that pop up from nowhere, as if you just knew about it before. Try it, don't skimp on love!!!

Words are words, but how can we do this if we are untrained? I tried to find information from different sources. Everyone will subconsciously choose for themselves what suits their soul. Any tradition has the right to exist. In any case, this article will be read only by those who need this information. I myself, quite recently, just out of the blue, had a question about my gender. Grew up literally out of the blue.

When I started getting interested in this, I thought, what can I find? Who thinks especially about their ancestors these days? There were and there were. It turns out I was wrong, this has always been an important component in all cultures. These are just a few examples, but there are also China, Japan, Egypt, etc.

  • Slavic Vedas.

On the Days of Remembrance of Ancestors and Parents' Days, which you can find in the Calendar (Old Russian), you can remember the Ancestors.

To do this, place bloodless (not animal) food on the home Altar - demands and gifts - pancakes, pancakes, cookies, fruits, nuts, candies, honey, jam, etc. It’s very good if you prepared the recipes yourself.

For example, when baking pancakes - the first pancake is for God on the altar, and the second is for the Ancestors. The rest are for the elderly and children, then for themselves. Because by preparing food personally, you invest “your Soul”, your energy, therefore, by remembering the Ancestors with such food, you exchange energies with them and give them your strength so that the communication channel does not dry out, and so that they have energy so that you help.

The demands are placed on the Altar with the following words: "Heavenly Family, Progenitor! You, the Patron of all Clans! Remember all my Ancestors! Who are in Your Light Svarga! Now and ever and from Circle to Circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!"

The altar is placed in the far left corner of the room from the entrance. (In one of the articles I read that an altar for commemorating ancestors (or just a place for remembrance) is installed in the southern part of the room, which is very similar to the Indian Vedas, since in their tradition the South is ruled by Yamarazh - the God of Death.)

  • Orthodox Church.(note that this is where I started - in Orthodoxy, parent's day is also Saturday!!!)

The Church established days of solemn, general, ecumenical commemoration. The memorial services performed at this time are called ecumenical, and the days on which the commemoration is performed are called ecumenical parental Saturdays. In the circle of the liturgical year, such days of general commemoration are: Meat Saturday; Trinity Saturday; Parental Saturdays of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th weeks of the Holy Pentecost; Radunitsa; Dmitrievskaya Saturday; The day of the beheading of John the Baptist; Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. On these days, people were supposed to visit deceased relatives in the cemetery and invite them to a festive feast. They believed that the dead, having received an invitation, came to houses, sat down at tables, ate and drank with the living, and stood in church for the festive liturgy.

  • Indian Vedas.

There is a huge amount of information about veneration of ancestors. Pinda, Shraddha... You can find it yourself on the Internet. For me, the most concise, simple and realistic information at home at one time was the information sent to me by one wonderful girl Lena Gufranova, which I am now sharing with you.

Practice at home.

To carry out the practice you will need: a church candle, a pack of rice, spices, two new plates. It will not be possible to eat from these plates. Mark them - one will be for offering food to God, the second - for the Ancestors. In the future, store them separately.

  • Get up in the morning, perform ablution and put on clean clothes. The kitchen should also be clean.
  • Set the rice to cook and while it is cooking, read prayers over it. You can't taste the rice. When it is cooked, add ghee, black sesame (poppy, cumin or other black spice), a little salt and sugar. Let the rice cool.
  • Then form the rice into balls the size of a walnut and place them on a clean plate, which must be placed in front of the image of God for 15-20 minutes.
  • Offer food to God.

Here are the prayer options:

  • Prayer for offering food in the Christian tradition:

"Lord Jesus Christ, our God, bless us with prayers for food and drink. Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy Saints, for blessed art thou forever. Amen". (And cross the food 3 times).

  • Vedic mantra for food offering:

"Namo Om Vishnu padaya

Krishna prestaya bhutale

Srimate bhaktivedanta

Swamin iti namine

Namaste Saraswati Deve

Gaura Vani pracharine


Pashchatya desha tarine

Nama maha vadanyaya

Krishna prema pradaya te

Krishnaya Krishna Chaitanya

Namne gaura-tvishe namah

Namo brahmanya-devaya

Go-brahmanya-hitaya cha

Jagad-dhitaya krsnaya

Govindaya namo namah."

Wait 15-20 minutes until the Lord sanctifies your food.

  • Then place the rice balls on another new plate to offer to the Ancestors. Place it in another place, light a candle and say: “I invite members of my clan to come and partake of this food.”. In this case, it is advisable for you to stay in the room and for 20-30 minutes just sit and pray in your spiritual tradition.
  • Then thank your family: "I thank you for taking this food. I want to thank you for my life! I am a part of you! I want to show you respect and honor by asking for your blessings and asking for help (say what you are asking for). Let these prayers express our gratitude and respect!" Then bow. Let your appeal to your ancestors express your gratitude and respect!
  • Attention! Then, before sunset, you need to feed the fish or black crows with these rice balls. Cooked food should not be eaten by living people and should not be thrown away.

This will complete the practice.

Important Notes:

  • Practice with maximum concentration!
  • You cannot do the practice on critical days.
  • The practice has great power if several women of the Rod do it, for example, you and your mother, or your sister, or your daughter.
  • You can cook a little rice, or you can cook the whole pack. The more animals you feed, the better.
  • Pregnant women can do this practice.
  • Please remember you are a woman - a mystical creation of God! In your hands is the opportunity to create a strong strong family that will be a reliable support for you, your children and grandchildren!

This is a deep practice, it is advisable to do it several times. Many of our families have inspired us to become who we are today. By positive or negative deeds, our families created our lives, just as we create it now for ourselves and for those who come after us!

  • Catholic traditions.

All Souls' Day in the Roman Catholic Church is traditionally celebrated on November 2, following All Saints' Day (November 1). On this day, in many countries of the world it is customary to go to the cemetery, light candles, decorate the graves with greenery and flowers, and have a common family meal (at home, since eating in cemeteries is strictly prohibited).

  • African traditions (the text is given with abbreviations and has not been tested by me in practice).

The souls of the dead in African traditions are called differently. There are different types. Usually, Eguns are considered the Spirit of the Ancestor (regardless of a relative or not, because we may not know who our relatives were in past lives or who we were and where we lived). Eguns are blood and religious relatives.

In this tradition, there is such a thing as the Shrine of the Ancestors (Spiritual Altar, Corner of the Eguns).

The procedure for honoring Ancestors can be presented in the form of four main stages:

  • Preparation of the Shrine of the Ancestors.
  • Preparation for veneration.
  • Veneration procedure.
  • End of the ritual.

Preparing the Ancestor Shrine

First of all, you need to install a table (or other “foundation” of the altar - a shelf, cabinet, etc.). Cover it with a white cloth. He recommends washing it with a little vinegar, then drying it in the sun and lining the altar, sprinkling the fabric with your favorite perfume. Tradition advises finding four stones near the house, cleaning them with salt, washing them thoroughly and placing them in the corners of the altar.

Next, you should place photographs or portraits of the Ancestors on or near your altar (for example, on the wall behind the altar). You can drape the wall behind the altar to make it easier to attach images. It is generally accepted that your altar should not contain any photographs of living people.

You can place on the altar objects of worship of those religions that your Ancestors followed (Holy Scriptures, images of Deities, etc.). Place a white candle on the altar. It is recommended to put a little earth taken from near the house and a few grains of salt into a glass candlestick, wipe the white candle with pure vegetable oil from the middle to the top, and then, from the middle to the base and, having strengthened the candle in the candlestick, place it in front of a glass of clean water. You can add fresh flower petals to the glass.

Honoring Ancestors requires regularity. You don't have to do this every day. You can commit to honoring your Ancestors once a week, for example. Once you have established the frequency of your rituals, you must strictly adhere to your commitment.

It is necessary to keep your Shrine perfectly clean. Do not let the water you offer to the Ancestors evaporate. Do not allow spoiled food to be on the altar. Regularly wipe dust from images of Ancestors and other items on the altar.


Even if you don't have an Ancestral Shrine, you still have the opportunity to honor the Eguns. By placing a food offering on a plate and dedicating it to the Ancestors, you can be sure that the Ancestors will receive this offering. You can spill some water directly on the ground and this will also be accepted by the Eguns.

Preparation for veneration

Cleansing yourself and Sacred Space.

Purification is a necessary stage of preparation for the veneration of Ancestors. The importance of this stage is due to the fact that uncleanness, firstly, offends the Spirits, and secondly, it can facilitate the penetration of malevolent Forces.

Identify yourself and pay tribute to the Spirit of the Ancestors: (your name) and (your Ancestors are mentioned, starting from your parents, etc.).

Bless the leaves as you prepare them for smudging, honoring their Spirit.

Ask for peace, stability and wisdom.

Give thanks.

Your emotional state should not include negative emotions (anger, hatred, etc.). At any stage of the contact establishment procedure, starting from fumigation, etc., you should be concentrated on the activity being carried out and the ultimate goal of your actions.

Fumigate the entire room thoroughly. Make sure that the smoking smoke penetrates into every part of the room where the Ancestral Shrine is located. Smoke yourself, first from the front (from head to toe), and then from the back (from head to toe).

Take a glass of clean water. Add some of the perfume you use, as well as some of your saliva. Say:

"I pay homage to the Ancestor Spirit."

((your name) and (your Ancestors are mentioned, starting from your parents, etc.))

I am (your name) a child of (origin).

Bless the water.

Using your left hand, sprinkle the entire room with this water, concentrating on this consecration of the space. Before sprinkling, name the names of those Ancestors with whom contact is undesirable, and the reasons for their exclusion from this ritual. If you do not know the names of all your Ancestors, simply mention that you are removing from your sacred space the Spirits of all Ancestors who died violent deaths, suicides, criminals, alcoholics, drug addicts, etc., and do not allow them to invade this space.

Before the start of the ritual and after its completion, it is recommended to take a bath, or at least sprinkle yourself with water from a large bowl, which should be placed near the altar.

Veneration procedure

  • Summoning the Ancestors.

IN At the beginning of the ceremony, you can ring a bell or shake a maracas. She also recommends lighting a candle and, if possible, vanilla or coconut incense.

Various texts can be used to invoke the Spirits of Ancestors. Perhaps some of your Ancestors will want to hear appeals from the Holy Scriptures of the religion they professed (Bible, Koran, Torah, Vedas).

It is appropriate to make a libation of water here. The liquid can be sprayed directly from the mouth onto the Ancestral Shrine, or one can dip a finger into the liquid and allow the moisture to drip from it onto the ground. After calling, you should name the names of all your Ancestors known to you (starting from the recently deceased, etc.): (name of the Ancestor), after the name you can add the life achievements of your Ancestor.

By calling on the Ancestors, you not only invite them to your Shrine, but also honor their memory in this way. After invocation, you can sing songs in honor of the Ancestors (you can use the texts of the Psalms, verses of the Koran, mantras, etc.). You can dance (without crossing your legs).

Now you can make the offerings.

  • Offerings to the Ancestors.

Offerings to the Ancestors can include any food that you eat yourself. Each time you start eating, before eating yourself, you can offer part of the food to the Ancestors, placing it in a plate (cracked plates are often used) on the floor in front of the altar, or directly on the altar (all food offered to the Ancestors must be without salt!) . He advises placing food in the form of a circle, and placing a candle and liquid food in the center. She recommends touching the plate to your forehead, heart and crotch and breathing on the food.

Offerings also include drinks. When offering drinks, place a few drops on the ground.

Fresh flowers can be used as offerings. When you learn to make contact with Souls, your Ancestors themselves will tell you about their desires, which, of course, should not be ignored.

Water, candles, and other non-perishable offerings are usually changed once a week (often on Friday or Monday evenings).

The traditional Egun offering includes nine small pieces of coconut with palm oil and Guinea pepper on each piece placed on a small plate around roasted corn, dried fish and jutia. Honey is poured on top.

  • Dialogue with Ancestors.

After making the offering, thank the Ancestors for the blessings you have received. Here, as at any other stage of communication with Souls, you can use either your native language or the language spoken by your Ancestors.

Having called the Ancestors, ask if any of them have come and if they have the desire to speak. If the answer is yes, find out the name of the Ancestor, listing them one by one. If the Spirit refuses to respond (and in all other cases where you lose control of the ceremony), you must end the session, extinguish the candle and take a bath.

Having found out the name, you can begin the dialogue. First, ask for blessings in your native language.

Ask about the Ancestor's wishes. He may want you to make some kind of offering (not necessarily food). If it is within your power, satisfy the desires of the Spirit immediately. If this is impossible at the moment, but realistic in the future, promise the Spirit to fulfill the request within a specific time frame.

After this, you can present your pressing problems to the Spirit and ask for his help in resolving them. Try to ask questions in such a way that Spirit can answer yes or no. Keep in mind that not all Ancestors are advanced enough to offer good advice. If the Spirit cannot help you, or his advice is objectively impossible to implement, thank him for his help and try to find advice from another Spirit.

Caution must be exercised when communicating with Spirits. If your sessions are constantly infiltrated by malevolent Spirits, or if cases of possession occur to you, it is better to stop the sessions of invoking Spirits, and begin to use your altar simply as a place of reflection, meditation.

  • Completion of the ritual.

When you finish sprinkling at the end of the ritual, pay homage to the wisdom of the Ancestors three times.

Finishing the ceremony of veneration, you need to indulge in reflection for a while about the power and wisdom of your Ancestors, their life and meaning (you can touch your rosary at this time), and then thank them for their wisdom.

After this, extinguish the candle with your fingers or a special device for extinguishing candles. Pour the water from the bowl used for sprinkling away from the house.

Leftover food the next morning can be left at the foot of a large tree. Leftover offerings should not be mixed with your household waste. Plates, cups, etc. need to be cleaned with salt and put away until next time. They cannot be used, like any other items of the altar, for any purpose other than to honor the Ancestors. Over the next few days, observe your intuition yourself. The ancestors can give you their guidance through them.

  • Muslim traditions.

I searched for information for a long time. All references are only to the worship of Allah. Then I found an article... Excerpt from it: “There is no doubt that our ancestors were from among the righteous people. It was they who, having accepted Islam, took upon themselves the difficult burden of calling for this religion in our lands and spreading its light. Many historical facts testify to their fear of God, courage and greatness. That is why they have numerous rights over us. We are obliged to follow their example in what is consistent with the pure religion of monotheism and ask Allah for forgiveness for them. They achieved greatness and power only because they strictly followed the canons of this religion, adhering to monotheism and the Sunnah. They were far from polytheism and innovation, as well as everything that, at least in the distant future, could lead to it."

One of the most important and major reasons leading to polytheism is excessive veneration of ancestors. Moreover, this phenomenon was the main reason for the appearance of the very first polytheism on earth.

One of the imams of the Hanafi madhhab, Shukri al-Alusi (1342 AD) said: " Excessive worship and exaltation of any of the creatures is the greatest reason leading to the worship of idols and the righteous. It was the excessive exaltation of the righteous that became the reason for the people’s worship of Nasr, Sua’u, Yagus and others among the people of the prophet Nuh (Noah). Christians also began to worship “Isa (Jesus) precisely for this reason". See "Masail Jahiliya" pp. 71-72."

But I didn’t stop there. Don't they really respect it??? I have friends in the Muslim faith, and they gave me the answer: " In the Muslim faith, they give sadaqa (alms) and pray for the souls of the departed."

Therefore, no matter where you look, in any tradition, apparently in the subconscious of a person this ancestral memory still lies... It’s time for us, Ivans, who do not remember our kinship, to learn to pay this tribute of veneration, and someday in our hour they will remember us too, and we We will also help our family at a completely different level of consciousness...

I wish peace, prosperity and goodness to your family!!! With love!!!