Ganesha elephant tattoo on shoulder. Meaning of Ganesha tattoo

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Indian culture is one of the most popular motifs for body painting. It captivates with its original visual design of patterns and depth of images. India is a charming and amazing country, original and very interesting. Fans of this culture, of course, are well aware of the god Ganesha, who is considered the patron saint of merchants, traders, representatives of creative professions and crafts, for example, artists and writers, travelers, photographers and researchers. A tattoo with this deity deservedly ranks first in popularity, and this statement applies not only to lovers of Indian culture, but also to ordinary people who are in search of some unusual solution and are fond of the East.

Syndicate Tattoo regularly has to deal with such an ornament, so let's look at it in more detail.

Legend of Ganesh

The meaning of this tattoo can be easily deduced from the history of the birth of this god. Ganesh is the child of Parvati and Shiva, but the god Shavi, known for his anger and envy, incinerated the child’s head with his gaze. Brahma addressed the saddened parents. He gave them advice to replace the baby's head with the head of the creature that would be the first to come across on the road and would sleep with its face towards the east. A small elephant calf was destined to become such a creature, which is what explains Ganesh’s unusual appearance. His name itself can be translated as “lord of the gans,” and “ganas” in India are the name given to the servants of Shiva.

The god of wisdom has a rather large physique, but this also has its own explanation. For example, inside his full belly there is an energy clot, thanks to which he constantly fulfills the wishes of those in need. The head of an elephant denotes devotion, but not blind, but reasonable devotion, based not only on feelings, but also on the power of reason. Big ears show that God is always ready to hear all those who turn to him asking for help. The eyes of the deity resemble precious stones with the brightness of their light. Each of the four hands also has its own unique meaning:

  • Willingness to adhere to a righteous lifestyle;
  • The desire for prosperity;
  • Enjoying life;
  • Liberation from pain, physical and spiritual.

In Indian mythology, you can find many legends that detail the good deeds performed by Ganesha. For example, his broken tusk is a sign of great devotion to the Almighty. The myth says that Vyasha (the earthly incarnation of Krishna) addressed all earthly entities that he wanted to write down all his knowledge. No one, however, responded; the work seemed too difficult. Only the little elephant Ganesha dared to help Vyasha, setting the condition that the work must be carried out without rest, otherwise it would take many centuries to complete. When Ganesha's writing stick broke off, he, without hesitation, broke off one of his own tusks in order to continue writing.

Some tattoos depict God sitting on a rat. The rat also has its own meaning; such a sketch personifies complete victory over negative character traits, shows the ability of the owner of the character to overcome his own greed, selfishness, and pride. The image can also be supplemented with rosary symbolizing wisdom, lotus (infinite power) and sweets (cheerful life).

Ganesh is a deity who always remains in the body of the baby. This is what explains his passion for games, love for sweets and exciting pastimes. His character has not yet been spoiled by numerous temptations characteristic of adults and sins. Such a body, however, does not exclude the infinite wisdom of Ganesha, which not every adult can boast of.

Common Sketches

Typically, a deity tattoo is performed in one of the following ways:

  • Portrait, when the face is depicted without the body;
  • Full-length portrait depicting the entire figure;
  • Ganesha in dance;
  • Ganesha traveling on a rat;
  • Dancing Ganesha with more than four arms. 4 is a classic sketch, the meaning of which we discussed above, but the number of hands can reach up to 32.

Meanings for boys and girls

This ornament has no gender restrictions; it can be used by both men and women. For example, if we talk about girls, the pattern can emphasize the cheerfulness of their character, love of entertainment, and willingness to learn something new and interesting. Sometimes the choice of Ganesh is determined solely by the fact that its owner is a fan of Eastern culture. It is also believed that the deity favors ladies engaged in creative work, actresses, poetesses, artists, helping them achieve success in their profession, providing decent material remuneration for their work, and many fans.

Ganesh is also attractive to men. It helps in the chosen field of activity, contributes to the achievement of worldly wisdom, and expands the horizons of knowledge and skills. Ganesha on the body indicates that its owner does not concentrate exclusively on professional activities, does not forget about self-development, and strives for fruitful communication, establishing new connections and relationships.

The deity is capable of bringing success in any professional activity, since nothing material is alien to him. Ganesha helps in career growth and increases the chances of a salary increase. The ornament on the body also shows that its owner is a wise person who not only strives to earn as much money as possible, but also knows how to spend it wisely and correctly, strives to learn something new in life, help others, and improve his own personality.

Features of graphic design

From the photo you can understand that a tattoo in this style is characterized by all the features inherent in traditional Indian painting. We recommend making it colored, since this is the solution that is considered classic; the final pattern looks attractive and unusual. Color, at the same time, suits both boys and girls. An additional point is the abundance of details. In the design process, it is better not to be limited by anything; the more details used in the process of forming the final pattern, the more impressive its final appearance will be. Indian painting is generally characterized by an abundance of various decorations, since it is this that symbolizes wealth and makes the final picture unusual and original, so you should not give up this style.

The masters of the Syndicate Tattoo studio will cope with it without any problems, regardless of the complexity, and professional equipment will make it possible to accurately work out the smallest elements of the original image, eliminating their further deformations and defects that may appear after healing. Additionally, the main pattern can be diversified with classical Indian ornaments, inscriptions and mandalas.

Location options

Features of graphic design impose certain requirements on the choice of location for the pattern. A small area of ​​the body is not suitable for this, since in a limited space the master simply will not be able to fully pay attention to details; small elements will merge with each other and will look unattractive and incomprehensible. A good option is a tattoo on the back; in this case, there is enough space to create a large-scale image, which has detailed shadows and volume. Common options are placing the picture on the shoulder, forearm, thigh or shoulder blade. It is not recommended to tattoo on the genitals or lower abdomen; we are talking here not only about the lack of free space, but also about the fact that such a choice of placement looks like disrespect for the deity.

Regardless of the complexity of the chosen design and the location of application, the salon’s specialists will cope with the task. We will ensure not only the ideal graphic execution of the sketch, but also the absolute safety of the process; if the minimum care requirements are met, it will take several days and will not cause any inconvenience, since we treat the issues of sterility and antiseptic treatment with full responsibility!

Today we will talk about a symbol that is especially revered by Indians. A country with the deepest traditions and a special history, full of mysticism in the hidden corners of its culture influences people around the world.

Hindus themselves have always treated tattoos with reverence, and for them the meaning of a Ganesh tattoo is, first of all, a prosperous destiny. Clan techniques for performing body designs were kept secret and passed on to new generations, like a family business card. If you decide to get a Ganesh tattoo, the meaning of this symbol should be studied thoroughly. The image of the elephant god is not often reproduced in tattoos, which gives this symbol the status of “not for everyone.”

If you see such an image, it means that its owner wants to show his passion for Indian culture. The general meaning is:

  • Prosperity and abundance, well-being in life
  • Open paths, true paths
  • Pure thoughts and a bright mind
  • The attraction of success

In India, Ganesh is one of the favorite idols. He is described as the wise god of abundance, patron of business and guide to wealth. There is an opinion that the larger the figure of the deity, the more money he will bring.

Before discussing the meaning of Ganesh tattoo, it is worth saying that it is a god with a head borrowed from an elephant. He has the power to remove all obstacles from the path of the person asking. He can be the patron of writers, poets and leaders of creative projects. Therefore, it is worth turning to him before you start writing in order to succeed in any business.

By nature, he is very kind, even gentle, sweet, but at the same time strong. The elephant in India was used as a pioneer to clear all the logs and obstacles, even a bush that stands in the middle of the road will be pulled out by its powerful trunk and thrown away so that its owner will step on a smooth path without obstacles.

Ganesha tattoo is an eternal helper, whose spirit will be somewhere nearby to clear your path from fears, anxieties, confusion and ghostly mirages.

History of the symbol. Ganesha in other sources

Ganesh's appearance may not seem very attractive at first glance. But this is just the first impression. According to myths, the image of Ganesh carries the stamp of mystery.

The history of the deity is as follows: he was born by Shiva and Parvati. As a result of the intervention of unkind gods, the baby lost his head. Then from heaven the voice of Brahma advised his mother to go and take the head of the first creature she came across that was sleeping facing north. This was done, and the first one caught was the baby elephant.

The name Ganesha means “lord of the ganas” (ganas are the servants of Shiva). In his images we see one broken tusk. Legends say that he was lost in a battle with a giant. Another version of the legend tells that when Ganesha was writing the Mahabharata under divine dictation, his pen broke. In order not to interrupt the recording, not to lose a single word, he broke off his sharp tusk and continued writing with it.

Any image of a god is considered sacred and we will certainly leave here with respect a copy of Vrindavan Das’s painting “Ganesha Medium”. You can choose options by looking at photos of Ganesh tattoos on the Internet, as well as from Indian religious books. The abundance of reproductions of paintings and modern illustrations of the elephant god will give you many ideas for creating a unique sketch for your tattoo.

The meaning of Ganesha tattoo for women

This symbol is considered suitable for both genders and the meaning remains the same for all. With a Ganesh tattoo on your back, you will learn to follow through on your tasks and keep your promises.

By placing a Ganesh tattoo on your chest, your life will become much more open. Complex matters will be solved easily; it will seem to you that there is a powerful assistant in front of you, who will solve the most difficult and difficult moments of the case for you. It’s like a magical Puss in Boots runs in front of your carriage, organizing your image, opening new circles of acquaintances, making them accessible.

The meaning of Ganesha tattoo for men

Ganesha is part, part human. Therefore, it is characterized by the qualities of this animal. In India, the elephant is sacred and is a symbol of friendship and peace. Ganesha, like the elephant, means wisdom and long life, devotion, fidelity, and inner strength of the individual. The meaning for men and women does not change; it is always a kind, but at the same time, serious symbol.

Many famous people wear the image of the elephant god. This image is associated with the following human qualities: calm, stable, stable, strong.

A Ganesha tattoo on the hand will help in hard physical labor. The elephant loves to work very much, which will affect your physical strength. Likewise, your legs will lose fatigue and gain the ability to walk long and persistently, literally and figuratively.

A special place for a tattoo is a shaved head. Ganesh placed on the crown will open up incredible pathways for your thoughts. Many hitherto closed secrets will be revealed to you. Much will be clear and seem easy, no longer creating problems.

Where to stuff and in what style

Since the image of Ganesh should be rather large, it is better to apply the tattoo on the back, forearm or thigh. Depicting the deity on the ankle or lower back is impolite to him and the culture of the ancient country of India. Men can also get a Ganesh tattoo on their chest. It is not at all recommended to apply images of gods to intimate parts.

Ganesha, who brings success, wealth, prosperity and success, is revered by many. People wear amulets, talismans in the form of figurines of God with the head of an elephant, wanting to change their lives, and the most determined ones get tattoos of this beautiful deity on their bodies.

We’ll tell you why tattoos in the form of Ganesha are remarkable, who they’ll definitely suit, and determine how best to depict them.

Ganesha in the history of the ancient people of India - how was God represented, what did he mean?

Ganesha is the God of wealth, wisdom, abundance, prosperity. He is one of the most revered Gods in India. He is considered the son of Shiva, the patron saint of businessmen, who removes problems and obstacles.

He gives material gifts to those who really need them or deserve them for their faith and righteous life.

And Hindus also think that it helps to gain knowledge and wisdom.

In ancient times, the people of India imagined him as half-animal, half-man, with a large round belly and the head of an elephant. The fat man attracted attention with his appearance.

He was depicted with a tusk, a trunk, and many arms, the number of which varied from 4 to 30.

And this is no coincidence, because each part of the deity’s body carried a certain hidden meaning:

  • The head meant devotion, holiness, rationality.
  • The tusk showed power, strength, wisdom.
  • The trunk said that God has high intellectual abilities.
  • The belly spoke of generosity, incredible, immeasurable energy that can save the entire Universe.
  • The ears personified sensitive hearing and attentiveness to all people who turned to him.

There are several legends telling about the appearance of the deity:

  1. According to ancient legends, the Almighty God Vishna gave a son to the wife of Shiva (the same God in Hinduism), whose name was Parvati.
  2. She really wanted to give birth to a baby, and such a miracle happened. But the parents were not happy for long. An accident occurred at a celebration in honor of the birth of a child. God Shani, who turns everything around into ashes at one glance, looked at the boy and incinerated his head. Instead, God Shiva gave life to the baby, replacing the human head with the head of an elephant.

According to another legend, God Shiva became angry and tore off his son’s head with his own hands because the boy accidentally broke a figurine that his mother had made.

Shiva was angry, but could not watch his wife grieve. He had to attach an animal's head to the boy's body. It turned out to be an elephant.

Despite his unique and unusual appearance, God with the head of an elephant was loved in ancient times. They believed that he had a kind heart, fair and capable of fulfilling all desires.

Basic meanings of the Ganesha symbol in the art of tattooing

  • Wanting to change their lives for the better, many clients, coming to tattoo parlors (St. Petersburg), ask to create an unusual tattoo in the form of Ganesha.
  • Tattoo in the form of the Ganesha symbol means:
  • Success.
  • Hassle-free.
  • Help.
  • Protection.
  • Career growth.
  • Professionalism.
  • Financial well-being.
  • Wealth.
  • Wisdom, reasonableness.
  • Force.

It is an indisputable fact that a tattoo in the form of Lord Ganesha carries positive energy.

Of course, you can bring your own special meaning to such a tattoo. To do this, it is enough to depict the deity with some other symbol.

It is important that the tattoo design is unique. It is this unique picture that will attract you into your life. positivity and financial well-being. You will show respect to this God if you treat the sketch with care and accuracy.

Who is suitable for the image of Ganesha as a tattoo?

Artistic tattoo "Ganesha"

A tattoo in the form of a Hindu God with an elephant's head is suitable for both sexes - both girls and boys can get it. It can contribute to the development of professional qualities and help in career growth.

A tattoo is suitable for you if you:

  • A strong-willed person who cannot leave a task without finishing it.
  • Strive for financial independence.
  • Confident in yourself and your abilities.
  • Look for inner strength, power to accomplish any important task.
  • Do you love to travel? Ganesha helps travelers!
  • A leader by nature.
  • You can show wisdom and really weigh decisions before making them.
  • You have high intelligence.
  • A patient person.
  • You dream of achieving success and getting rid of problems.
  • Generous, cheerful and positive person.
  • Student. Yes, Ganesha can help in passing exams or admissions.

Such a tattoo definitely not suitable for greedy, vain and envious people. Of course, a tattoo can attract various benefits to life, but only if a person acts towards others positively, respectfully, with a bright mind and pure thoughts.

Features of Ganesha tattoo - types of tattoos of God with the head of an elephant

Before contacting tattoo parlors in St. Petersburg, you must understand how best to depict Ganesha.

If you are not a creative person, then tattoo artists will help you, you just need to outline in detail all your preferences and desires.

Artistic tattoo "Ganesha" on the back

So, here are some implementation features to consider:

1. Size of God Ganesh Tattoo

Since the tattoo of God with the head of an elephant has many small details, it is better to depict it in medium or large size.

It is not advisable to use a small scale for such a tattoo (St. Petersburg). The artist will not draw Ganesha in all his glory - but the difference between this tattoo lies precisely in the detail.

2. Location of Ganesha tattoo

The most common places to get a God tattoo are:

  • . There is enough space here to convey the drawing in the beauty in which the sketch was created. Tattoos (St. Petersburg) here are distinguished by high clarity, brightness, expressiveness, and detailed work. The tattoo is placed in the middle of the back, or at the top, near the neck.
  • Side. Girls get these tattoos.
  • Hand. Most often used.
  • Tattoos are made on the thigh or lower leg.

The location directly depends on the size of the tattoo (St. Petersburg).

Large images look better on the back, medium ones - on the side, on the arm, on the hip.

Apply small tattoos in the form of Ganesha to the lower leg.

3. Hindu God Tattoo Styles

Artistic Ganesha tattoo on hand. Working time: 2.5 hours.

Tattooing can be done in a variety of styles.

There is no clear limitation in choice, but the most common styles are:

  • Dotwork.
  • Linework.
  • Graphic arts.
  • Polynesian style.

If you know even a little about tattoo styles, you will have noticed that tattoos in the above styles will be all done in black. But they impress with their originality, clarity, and brutality.

Of course, you can also choose color styles that use bright shades of paint.

In general, a tattoo can be done in any color.

Feel free to use bright shades, for example, yellow, orange, red. They are associated with wealth and prosperity.

4. Types of Ganesha tattoos

If you have figured out the design part, then you should think about how to complement the tattoo.

We'll tell you what symbols can be depicted together with God and what the meaning of the tattoo will be then (St. Petersburg):

  • Trident. Represents power.
  • Lotus. Associated with creativity, talent, development.
  • Axe. Helps remove obstacles.
  • Various gifts- Lad, the so-called sweet ball made of pea flour, will represent abundance.
  • Staff. Such a tattoo will show that its owner should only move forward.
  • Beads. The symbol helps to learn, gain new knowledge, and develop the spiritual side of your life.
  • Loop, lasso. A tattoo will help eliminate problems.
  • Candy. Sweetness drawn in the trunk of an elephant means liberation, freedom.
  • . The tattoo will mean energy.
  • Nimbus. Once again it will emphasize the holiness of Ganesha.

Ganesha can be depicted in various poses: sitting, standing or dancing.

5. Ganesha tattoo execution time

You can get a tattoo in 1-2 hours. It all depends on the detail, size, location - and, of course, the client’s pain threshold.

The masters of the Marukha studio treat each client carefully and individually. With them you can discuss the nuances of choosing and creating a sketch, and also resolve all design issues.

Ganesha tattoo is a special symbol endowed with sacred meaning. The culture of India is very diverse and mysterious, and this is what attracts people from different countries. Body art will bring good luck and success only to those who respect the Indian religion. Frivolity in this case can only do harm. Before choosing a tattoo of a revered deity, carefully study its meaning and symbolism.

Who is Ganesha

Ganesha is an Indian deity who is depicted with the head of an elephant and a human body. According to legend, he was the son of the god Shiva and the goddess Parvati, and his name translates as “lords of the ganas,” that is, servants. Due to the intervention of evil forces, Ganesha lost his head. Then Brahma ordered his mother to take the head of any creature who first met on her path and would sleep facing north. It turned out to be a little elephant.

The most famous painting is “Ganesha Medium” by Vrindavan Das, where the deity is depicted with a broken tusk. The Indian epic tells that Ganesha lost it in a battle with a giant. According to another version, he tore off his tusk because his pen broke while he was writing the Mahabharata. The ax in the picture means the removal of obstacles, sweets - sweet life, rosary - knowledge and wisdom. The number of hands, depending on the image, can vary from 2 to 32.

In India, Ganesha is treated with special respect and reverence. He symbolizes well-being, prosperity, abundance and is considered the patron of creative people - writers, poets, artists. Indians believe that the deity has the power to relieve worries and doubts and help in endeavors, but only on condition that the person is sincere and kind.

Another meaning is wealth and material wealth. The larger the image of Ganesha in the house, the more money.

Who is it suitable for?

Ganesh tattoo is a serious symbol that is equally suitable for both men and women. On the human body, it is a powerful amulet that protects even in the most difficult moments of life, giving strength and inspiration. The deity patronizes businessmen and entrepreneurs and protects them from making wrong decisions. Ganesha helps in any endeavor, attracts new people into life, influential connections and is a kind of lifesaver. If the owner of such a tattoo is a greedy and vain person, then the drawing will only harm him.

An elephant is a strong and resilient animal, so a tattoo with an Indian deity gives its owner good health and heals from ailments. It is believed that the person who made such a body drawing takes on all the positive qualities of the animal: stability, confidence, resilience, strength and wisdom. A tattoo may also indicate a passion for Indian culture or involvement in Hinduism.

Execution technique

The image of Ganesha includes many small details and elements that would be impossible to display in a small tattoo. Only large-scale sketches can convey all the symbolism and sacred meaning of the image. Please note that the ankle and lower back are not suitable places to apply the composition, as this is disrespectful to the deity. The same goes for intimate places.

A Ganesha tattoo on the arm is an ideal option for both men and women. A large drawing will look very impressive and will certainly bring good luck and prosperity. In the classical interpretation, the image must be in color, but in the modern art of body painting a monochrome sketch is allowed.

The choice of style for performing a tattoo is unlimited, it all depends on your desire and qualifications of the artist. New school, realism, blackwork - these techniques are suitable for depicting Ganesha. In the work, it is important that the ornaments and details are clearly drawn. A tattoo on the back, chest or forearm will undoubtedly attract the attention of others and become a real work of art.

Ganesha, or as he is sometimes called Ganesh, is a multi-armed humanoid creature with the head of an elephant.

Is a Hindu deity. Patronizes merchants, writers and travelers. Ganesh, a symbol of goodness and wisdom, is revered by millions of followers of Hinduism.

According to one legend, he emerged from the divine radiance of his great father Shiva, and once upset his parent so much that he tore off his head in anger. Parvati, Ganesha's mother, cried heavily with grief, so Rudra-Shiva had mercy and placed the head of an elephant calf on the lifeless body of her son.

Who is it suitable for?
Typically, such tattoos are made by people interested in the customs and traditions of India.
Of course, the meaning of a particular tattoo depends on its owner, but the Ganesh symbol is still religious.
Ganesh tattoos are done by both men and women.
The Indian deity is suitable for a patient and wise person. Or a person who wants to acquire these qualities.

Places and style of tattoo.
Ganesha is hardly an extremely popular symbol for tattoos. Perhaps because he is religious.
Although, many people find this image very exotic and get such a tattoo simply “for beauty.”
If you decide to apply the image of this Hindu deity to your own body, it is better to do it on a large area of ​​the body: chest, back or stomach.
The original image of the deity contains many small details that cannot be conveyed on a small tattoo.

Symbol meaning

Such a tattoo may indicate a person’s involvement in Hinduism.

By the way, it is no coincidence that Ganesha is portrayed as so “well-fed”. According to Indian beliefs, in the stomach Ganesh holds an energy clot with the past, present and future.

Ganesh symbolizes:

  • fortitude
  • patience
  • prosperity
  • well-being

Hindus believe that such a symbol, especially if depicted on the body, will help get rid of obstacles on the path. It is also believed that Ganesh will help you find the true path.
The second name of this deity is Vignesh, which translates as “lord of obstacles.” The wisdom of Ganesha lies in the fact that, possessing colossal energy, he spends it only if the most optimal moment for this has come. It turns out that his wisdom lies in the ability to wait in the wings, in patience. If Ganesh is depicted with snake that wraps around the neck, waist or ankles - the symbol receives meaning energy conversion.
Ganesh is a many-armed creature. The number of hands he has in different images ranges from 4 to 32 hands. In them, he can hold a variety of objects:

  • rosary - a symbol of the desire for knowledge,
  • ax - to remove obstacles,
  • loop - to catch difficulties along the way,
  • sweets are a delight for the soul.

In general, such a tattoo is done by people striving to achieve success. It is believed that Ganesh helps remove obstacles, both spiritual and material. But Ganesh is willful and will not help greedy and evil people.


Video about how to get a tattoo with the image of Ganesh: