Parsley for the face: a panacea for wrinkles, crow's feet and swelling. Mask for sensitive skin


Women who take care of their own appearance and health, they understand that cosmetics should be effective and useful. Therefore, many representatives of the fair sex use masks and decoctions of fresh herbs for their facial skin, including parsley, which contains a huge amount of beneficial substances and vitamins. With its help you can moisturize, tone the skin and even out its color.

Benefits of parsley for facial skin

Parsley contains a huge amount of useful microelements and vitamins that will help a woman stay not only healthy, but also beautiful. Parsley can be used in food and as a cosmetic product for facial skin care.

Table: composition and effect on the body


Pectic substancesHelp quickly heal wounds and small cracks on the surface of the skin.
CaroteneAdditional protection from the harmful effects of sunlight.
AneurinCopes well with various inflammations. Including long-term ones.
Vitamins B3 and PPParticipate in active saturation of the skin with oxygen and improve blood circulation.
Vitamin B2Provides quick update skin cells on the face.
Vitamin PActively participates in the production of collagen.
Ascorbic acidMakes skin more toned and smooth. Prevents skin pigmentation processes.
Phytoncidal substanceSmoothes out small scars and cracks.
Vitamin KProvides blood clotting. This is why parsley is so important when caring for eyelids or rosacea.
Vitamin AHelps skin remain smooth and firm for a long period of time. Thanks to it, the skin does not peel off and retains its natural water balance.

This is interesting! Parsley contains 4 times more vitamin C than lemon.

In addition to the above microelements and minerals, parsley contains sulfur, chlorine, iodine, fluorine, and zinc.

Parsley is a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients

Indications for the use of parsley for cosmetic purposes

Parsley is successfully used by women to combat various problems. It helps to cope with many shortcomings.

  • Masks and decoctions of parsley can prevent the appearance of pimples and blackheads, especially in the case of active work sebaceous glands and copious discharge sebum.
  • Regular use of parsley will help your skin look fresh and healthy.
  • Parsley will help restore water reserves to the skin of the face, get rid of the feeling of dryness and constant flaking.
  • If your complexion is gray or there are age spots, then the use of decoctions and masks can “whiten” the skin.
  • With natural aging of the skin, it is recommended to regularly wash your face with decoctions and make masks for the skin of the eyes and eyelids. Parsley is especially useful for older ladies.
  • For swelling, refreshing masks and careful use ice from herbal decoctions.
  • Parsley can be used as a cosmetic for rosacea, as it promotes vasoconstriction and blood clotting.

Are there any contraindications?

There are a number of contraindications for using greens on the face:

  • Individual intolerance (it is important to test the mask on your wrist before applying it to your face).
  • Allergy to the plant.

It is important! Masks and parsley products should be used immediately. Ice cubes keep for a week. Juice, decoction or infusion for no more than 2-3 days in the refrigerator. Masks made from fresh herbs cannot be stored and used after 1–2 days.

  • It is better to cut the greens with a knife or chop them using a blender. A grater is suitable for the root.
  • It is better to wash off parsley masks with cool or warm running water.
  • After the mask, you need to apply a cream to your skin that matches your skin type.
  • Cosmetics made from greenery should be used according to individual characteristics. Ice cubes from the decoction can be used every morning. Masks 1-2 times a week. Compresses for the delicate skin of the eyelids and around the eyes - 1 time every 2 days. You can wash your face with parsley decoction every morning and evening.
  • For ice from the decoction you can use plain water from the tap. But if possible, find “living” water (for example, in a source).
  • To prepare masks and decoctions, it is better to use a simple variety of greens (not curly).
  • Dried parsley is also suitable for facial skin. But it contains tens of times less vitamins. From such greens it is better to make decoctions for washing or freeze ice.
  • Parsley root is an excellent whitening agent. It can be used both dried and fresh.

Results from using parsley can be seen within a few days. But it is better to carry out a whole range of procedures, which should last at least a month.

Popular uses of parsley

You can make many cosmetics at home from fresh and dried herbs.

The decoction is great for daily use, helps with oily skin

To prepare the decoction you will need 50 grams of leaves and 0.5 liters of water. Boil for about 5 minutes. The broth should cool for another 30 minutes and infuse under closed lid. After half an hour, strain the broth using gauze and pour into a glass container. You can use the product several times a day. Should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 1–2 days. But it’s better to prepare a new portion every day. You can make eyelid compresses from this decoction using cotton pads or gauze swabs. For the infusion you need to take 100 grams of parsley and half a liter of boiling water. It is better to brew greens in glassware. The infusion can be used after 1–2 hours.


Using ice in the morning - great way skin toning

For freezing, you can use a decoction (the recipe is described above). Just pour it into a mold and leave it in freezer. The second way to make ice: chop the leaves and branches of parsley with a blender and squeeze the juice from the resulting mass. Pour the juice into a special mold and freeze. For the second method of making ice, you will need a lot of greens (at least 200–300 grams). Ice should be used in the morning. It is necessary to drive a piece of ice only massage lines face and do not stay in one place for more than 1-2 seconds. Otherwise, you can harm your skin.

This treatment perfectly tones and makes the skin color more “live” and richer.

Advice! Ice should only be used if the skin is completely healthy. There are no cracks or wounds on it. Such care is also contraindicated for rosacea. Parsley ice whitens the skin and is not suitable for those with a dark complexion.

Cream made from sour cream and parsley has a whole range of beneficial effects: moisturizing, antibacterial, whitening, etc.

How to make parsley cream? If you combine fresh herbs with sour cream, you can make an excellent cream that will have a moisturizing effect and whiten the skin well. Lactic acid, which is contained in sour cream, will saturate the skin with moisture, help maintain natural water balance (which will prevent premature appearance facial wrinkles). After applying sour cream, the skin becomes very soft and tender for a few minutes. Sour cream exfoliates dead cells. In addition, this mask has an antibacterial effect and does not remain in the pores after rinsing. Lactic acid stimulates additional collagen production. For the cream you will need 30 grams of herbs and 60–90 grams of sour cream. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the face for 15–20 minutes. If necessary, you can add a little to the composition oatmeal

. The cream should be washed off with cool running water without soap or other cosmetics. If the skin is oily, then sour cream should be replaced with yogurt, keep the cream on the face for no more than 15 minutes.

Recipes Thanks to your amazing properties parsley will help cope with various cosmetic problems

or even diseases.

Skin care around the eyes - mask The thinnest and most susceptible age-related changes skin - around the eyes. She needs special and constant care. The reasons for rapid aging may be: poor nutrition , excessive sun exposure,, genetic diseases, bad dream. bad habits The easiest way to save the skin around the eyes is to constantly moisturize and saturate this area with vitamins.

Advice! The skin may feel a little tight after the procedures. Therefore it is necessary to apply special cream. If it’s cold outside, you can go out only 40 minutes after the procedures. Therefore, it is better to use the mask in the evening, before going to bed.

Eye mask

The skin of the eyelids is also very delicate and fragile. It constantly needs to be moisturized and nourished. Two ways to care for eyelid skin using parsley:

    Remedy with sour cream. Ingredients: 20 grams of finely chopped parsley and 50–60 grams of sour cream. The mixture is applied to the surface of the eyelids for 15–20 minutes. Wash off the cream warm water.

    For lower eyelids You can use an ice compress. You will need finely chopped ice (parsley can be used), a little crushed fresh cucumber and green parsley. The mixture is wrapped in gauze and applied to the lower eyelids for 3–5 minutes. But this remedy is contraindicated for ladies who have problems with blood vessels.

Whitening and elimination of age spots

Parsley lotion will help to cope with uneven complexion. You need to prepare a rich decoction of parsley and add to it lemon juice in equal quantities. You should wipe your face with this product morning and evening. After the procedure, you need to apply cream to the skin. You can fight age spots with a decoction, infusion or fresh juice. Cotton swab should be moistened in the composition and anointed with the pigment spot.

Soothing green parsley mask (video)

Parsley juice against acne

To get rid of rashes you need parsley juice. It can be obtained from finely chopped greens, which should simply be squeezed out. You need to wipe your face with juice every morning and evening.

Parsley juice can be used both externally and internally

Getting rid of crow's feet in the corners of the eyes

You need 1 teaspoon of parsley juice and a quarter glass of strong green tea. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed. In the resulting solution it is wetted cotton pad or a tampon and apply it to closed eyes. With the help of such a mask you can cope with wrinkles in the corners of the eyes and remove circles under the lower eyelids.

Parsley for oily skin

Take 1 yolk quail egg, a spoonful of sea buckthorn oil and a tablespoon of finely chopped parsley. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin for no more than 10 minutes (you can’t hold it longer, as it can dry out the skin). Rinse off the mask with cool or warm running water.

Product with lifting effect

You will need a tablespoon of finely chopped parsley, a quarter glass of cognac, a spoonful of cranberry juice and a spoonful of grapefruit juice. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and placed in the refrigerator for 40 minutes. The mask is applied to the face along massage lines. Keep for 10–15 minutes. Rinse off with cool running water.

Parsley against edema (video)

Your skin is tired, pigment spots have appeared on it, fine wrinkles and other flaws? Do not rush to buy expensive care products. Homemade parsley face masks will help you cope with these problems without breaking the bank.

Benefits of parsley for the face

Parsley has long been famous for its unique properties. Using time-tested folk recipes you can achieve amazing results.

A properly selected parsley mask will help:

  1. Whiten facial skin, get rid of freckles and pigmentation;
  2. Restore the epidermis, rejuvenate and relieve irritation;
  3. Eliminate swelling;
  4. Moisturize and tone excessively dry skin;
  5. Normalize work sebaceous glands and dry out oily skin.

The list of beneficial effects that ordinary parsley has on the skin of the face can be continued endlessly. It is only important to correctly select additional components depending on the problem and skin type so that facial care is complete and effective.

Useful composition of parsley:

But before we get to the practical part, it’s worth understanding whether parsley is good for the face? The whole secret lies in the unique composition of garden greens. It includes:

  • Vitamin A, which tightens the epidermis, prevents peeling and moisturizes it;
  • Vitamin C, which helps smooth out wrinkles and nourish the skin;
  • Riboflavin, which triggers regeneration at the cellular level;
  • Pectin, which heals inflammation, microcracks and other defects;
  • Nicotinic acid, which improves blood circulation;
  • Phytoncides that increase tone and elasticity.

The multi-component composition of ordinary parsley allows you to use masks for dry, aging, oily, problematic and even normal skin. Moreover, you can use the compositions prepared by yourself without any fear of harming the skin.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention It’s worth paying attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemical substances destroy the structure of curls, hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, our editorial experts conducted an analysis sulfate-free shampoos, where first place was taken by products from Mulsan Cosmetic. Sole manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

  1. In any case, the mask will provide extra food, smoothes the epidermis and makes it smoother and lighter. To obtain maximum effect depending on the procedure, you must take into account the purpose of the mask and the indications for its use.
  2. Universal and safe masks from parsley have some contraindications. They are completely unsuitable for people who have an individual intolerance to this type of greenery.
  3. Therefore, before initial use, it is worth conducting a short-term test by lubricating your wrist with a drop of the prepared composition. If after 10–15 minutes the skin does not appear redness, itching or other signs of allergy, then the mask can be applied to the face.
  4. By the way, absolutely all parts of the plant are used in cosmetology. IN best recipes includes fresh or dried herbs, parsley stems and roots. At home, you can prepare masks, decoctions, ice, infusions and even oil.
  5. Moreover, each remedy has its own individual purpose, so it is very important to know exactly how to properly prepare parsley. For the face, for example, it is very useful to simply wipe it with the juice of fresh herbs, and the decoction has a calming effect on the skin, smoothes it, ice relieves irritation, tones and brightens.

How to prepare a decoction of parsley for the face?

Of course, parsley extract can be purchased at the nearest pharmacy, but a self-prepared decoction or infusion of parsley will be much more useful. To do this, you need to take 50 g of greens, chop it into small pieces and pour 0.5 liters of cold water. Place over high heat, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for another 5 minutes. Then remove and leave for about half an hour.

Cooled down to room temperature The broth should be filtered through cheesecloth and used for wiping. You can wipe your face with parsley 1-4 times a day. By the way, both fresh and dry parsley are suitable for preparing a decoction. In the latter case, it should be filled not with cold water, but with boiling water, so that the greens release all their beneficial properties.

Ice from parsley decoction and juice

The resulting decoction can be poured into ice cube trays, frozen, and then used with parsley ice cubes in the morning and evening. Ice with parsley for the face can be a real salvation. It invigorates and tones the skin, rejuvenates it and whitens it.

It’s even better to use frozen parsley juice for the face rather than a decoction. To do this, about 100 g of greens need to be sorted, washed and chopped using a blender. Then transfer the pulp into a gauze bag and squeeze well. Then, if desired, it can be frozen or used fresh for mashing.

DIY parsley oil

If desired, you can make parsley oil at home. To do this, you need to take a large bunch of greens, remove the roots and bad areas, rinse in water, dry and cut into large pieces.

  1. Pour some olive oil into a small frying pan.
  2. Heat it up and add chopped greens.
  3. Stirring constantly, simmer until the parsley softens.
  4. Remove from the stove and let cool well.
  5. Parsley together with olive oil grind with a blender.
  6. Let the resulting mass sit for about an hour.
  7. Drain through cheesecloth, squeezing the pulp well.

The finished oil should have a characteristic green color and a pronounced parsley aroma. You can store it in the refrigerator for several days. Oil (1 drop) can be added to any cream (10 g) and used for problem skin faces.

Recipes for homemade parsley face masks

It is believed that parsley is best for whitening the face, but in practice its use is not limited to just getting rid of freckles and age spots. Numerous recipes using parsley for the face will tell you what other miracles natural cosmetics can work.

Parsley mask for wrinkles

Result: smoothes, tones aging skin, eliminates facial wrinkles.


  • 30 g fresh herbs;
  • 1 tbsp. boiled water.

Chop the parsley, add cooled water, leave for at least 3 hours. Use the resulting infusion to wipe the skin of the neck and face twice a day. If you soak a piece of gauze in the infusion and apply it to your face, you will get a rejuvenating and firming mask, which should be kept on for 15 minutes.

Whitening mask with parsley

Result: Parsley is most often used to whiten the face.


  • 1 yolk;
  • 1 tbsp. l. finely chopped parsley;
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oils.

Preparation and method of application:

Mix these components, spread on the skin of the face, and leave for about 10–15 minutes.

Parsley mask for dry skin

Result: the skin becomes elastic, receives sufficient nutrition and hydration, and peeling disappears.


  • parsley leaves;
  • 1 tbsp. l. fat sour cream.

Preparation and method of application:

Chop parsley, mix with sour cream, apply to face. After about 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. If desired, you can add grated cucumber and dill to the mask, and replace the sour cream with unsweetened natural yogurt.

Mask with parsley for age spots

Result: after regular use (2-3 days), dark spots disappear within a couple of weeks.


  • 1 tbsp. l. parsley;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey.

Preparation and method of application:

Mix finely chopped greens with honey and leave on your face for about 40 minutes, rinse with water at room temperature.

Video recipe: Summer refreshing face mask with parsley

Parsley mask for acne

Result: the mask helps get rid of blackheads, relieve inflammation, and prevent the occurrence of new acne.


  • 1 tbsp. l. parsley root, crushed into porridge;
  • 1 protein;
  • 1 clove of garlic.

Preparation and method of application:

Grind a few parsley roots and garlic in a meat grinder and mix with the protein. Gently apply to problem areas, rinse after 15 minutes with cold water.

Mask with parsley and sour cream

Result: replaces any store nutritious cream, softens dry skin, eliminates irritation.


  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp. l. greenery

Preparation and method of application:

Mix the indicated components and apply a thin layer to previously cleansed skin. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Mask with parsley and lemon

Result: perfectly whitens the face, reduces skin pigmentation.


  • 30 g of greens;
  • 1 tbsp. water;
  • 1/3 lemon.

Preparation and method of application:

Prepare a decoction of parsley and water, cool and add juice squeezed from half a lemon. Wipe skin after waking up and at night.

Mask with parsley and honey

Result: heals, invigorates and rejuvenates aging skin.


  • 1 tsp. liquid honey;
  • 1 tbsp. l. parsley leaves.

Preparation and method of application:

Finely chop the parsley, mix with honey, apply to the skin of the face. Rinse off with warm water after 15–20 minutes.

Video recipe: Nourishing mask for the skin around the eyes based on parsley

Parsley for the face: reviews of use

Gulnaz, 25 years old

Every year in the spring I simply wipe my face with ice cubes made from parsley juice. Freckles disappear after 2 weeks.

Rosalia, 30 years old

Thanks to parsley masks, my skin became smooth, clear and radiant. Great alternative any store-bought creams.

Alena, 39 years old

ABOUT miracle cures I’ve known about parsley for a long time, but I decided to make masks for the first time. The result exceeded all expectations.

Parsley is rich in vitamins and is used as a cosmetic. It is no coincidence that it is called a female plant. Spicy herb can whiten the skin, enrich it nutrients and make it more elastic.

The healing composition of parsley

Parsley contains healing substances such as:

  • Vitamin C. To get rid of wrinkles.
  • Carotene. Protects the face from ultraviolet rays.
  • Retinol and phytoncides. Even out the skin, smooth out scars.
  • Flavonoids responsible for the production of collagen. Visibly rejuvenates the skin.
  • Thiamine and pectins. Relieves inflammation and heals small cracks on the face.
  • Lactoflavin. Affects epidermal cells and promotes their renewal.
  • Nicotinic acid increases blood flow.

Thanks to these components, parsley can be used to prepare a variety of healing masks for the face and delicate skin of the eyelids.

Preparing a parsley face mask

Depending on the needs of your skin, use one of the suggested recipes.

Bleaching mixture

Procedure for preparation and application:

  1. Take a small bunch of fresh parsley, chop it, and then grind it into a paste.
  2. Add one tablespoon of honey and stir the mixture.
  3. Using a cosmetic brush, spread the mask evenly over your face.
  4. After 40 minutes, wash your face with warm water.

Use the whitening mask twice a week and notice the effect within 15 days. Do not use the composition on dark skin.

For pimples and acne

Pimples and inflammation on the face can appear at any age. A mask made from eggs and parsley will help in the fight against them. Prepare it as follows:

  1. Mash the parsley root until mushy.
  2. Add one white, separated from the yolk, and stir until smooth.
  3. Squeeze the garlic juice and add 10 drops to the mixture.
  4. Apply for 15 minutes to problem spots on the face.
  5. Wash your face with ice water.

Rejuvenating mask

Use the mask to smooth out wrinkles and prevent early aging skin. Cooking method:

  1. Chop some parsley.
  2. Place it in a saucepan, fill it with two glasses of water.
  3. Boil over medium heat for 20 minutes, then cool.
  4. Dip a cotton swab into the cooled broth and wipe your face with it. Don't wash your face.

Classic mask

Can be used for any skin type. Recipe:

  1. Chop the parsley into small pieces.
  2. Pour in a glass of water and boil the broth over high heat.
  3. Cool and then strain the broth using a strainer or gauze.
  4. Pour out the water and apply the paste on your face for 15 minutes.

Ice for wiping

Ice is made from parsley juice. Prepare the juice using a blender or juicer and then freeze it. Another option is after preparing the classic mask, do not pour out the broth, but freeze it in ice cube trays. Wipe your face gently from bottom to top. Do not use ice cubes if your skin has severe inflammation or abrasions.

Masks around the eyes: recipes

Parsley masks are also used for the skin around the eyes to get rid of dark circles, “bags” or swelling of the eyelids. The simplest recipe is to prepare parsley juice, soak two sponges in it and apply them to your closed eyes for 5-10 minutes. Another way to prepare a mask is as follows:

  1. Take parsley and grind it in a blender.
  2. Add sour cream in a 1:1 ratio. Stir.
  3. Apply a thick layer to the skin around the eyes and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Rinse your eyes with cool water.

The preparation of any of the compositions does not require exotic ingredients or special skills, and the positive effect on the skin appears quickly. Use in recipes natural products– guarantee that your skin will not be subjected to negative impact chemical substances.

The benefits of rubbing the skin using ice cubes have been known since ancient times. Ice refreshes, makes the skin more elastic and firm, effectively cleanses, improves blood microcirculation, narrows enlarged pores, removes bags under the eyes, smooths out fine wrinkles and reduces the appearance of deep ones.

You can significantly improve the positive effect on the skin of the face, neck and décolleté if ice cubes are prepared not just from clean water, but from a decoction of plants, juice or with the addition of pieces of fruits and vegetables. A large number of reviews have proven the benefits of parsley for the skin.

Parsley ice for face is suitable for people with different types skin. It effectively rejuvenates and improves the condition of the skin.

Based on parsley, using various ingredients in combination, you can prepare highly effective skin masks at home. It is easy to make lotion from this plant, as well as juice and decoction, which is used to make ice cubes intended for wiping the skin.

The benefits of parsley

Parsley is the leader among all medicinal plants, vegetables, fruits in terms of the content of vitamin C, beta-carotene, provitamin A. Contains vitamins from group B (B1, B2), as well as PP, K, E, potassium, zinc, magnesium, fluorine, folic acid, a nicotinic acid, iron, pectin, flavonoids, inulin and phytoncides. Due to its rich composition, it is very often used in cosmetology. She is very cheap and accessible means, suitable for use at home. The widest use for people at home is lotion and ice cubes.

The benefits of the cosmetic product are as follows:

  • promotes regeneration of epidermal tissue at the cellular level and their renewal;
  • eliminates and prevents the appearance inflammatory process on the skin;
  • allows you to effectively get rid of fine wrinkles and significantly reduce the appearance of very deep ones;
  • the prepared decoction and lotion eliminates acne and small pimples;
  • protects the skin from aggressive environmental influences;

  • moisturizes the skin, saturates even the deep layers of the skin with moisture;
  • relieves flaking in people with dry skin;
  • relieves irritation;
  • improves blood circulation in small areas blood vessels(capillaries);
  • nourishes, tones, makes the skin smoother and softer;
  • normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • eliminates pigmentation and freckles, whitens;
  • cleanses;
  • enhances the production of your own collagen;
  • significantly improves complexion.

Parsley lotion and ice cubes allow you to unique composition get rid of a large number of skin problems.

Indications for use

Use cooked natural cosmetics It is possible both to get rid of imperfections on the skin and for preventive purposes. It is recommended for use by people with an unhealthy complexion, when facial expressions and deep wrinkles, in the presence of acne and acne, inflammation, irritation, signs of premature aging, to get rid of unwanted pigmentation and freckles. Should be used by people with dry skin. Used to eliminate swelling, dark circles and bruises under the eyes, effectively relieves signs of fatigue. Allowed for use regardless of age category.

Contraindications for use

Procedures using ice cubes (including those made from parsley) are not allowed for people with signs of rosacea (pathological expansion of capillaries on the face).

It is also not recommended to carry out this procedure if there are unhealed wounds, infectious inflammations, or ulcers on the skin. People with an individual intolerance to this component should not use cosmetics with parsley. Before using a lotion or decoction, it is recommended to first test on the wrist for allergies.

Proper preparation

To prepare a healing cosmetic product (decoction or tincture) use fresh leaves homemade parsley, previously selected, thoroughly washed and dried.

Parsley ice cubes are prepared from juice, tincture and decoction.

In order to prepare a decoction, you need 50 g of green leaves, which are poured with 500 ml of water. The mixture is put on fire and boiled for 15-20 minutes. After this, the prepared broth is cooled and filtered.

The tincture is prepared as follows: a pre-washed small bunch of greens is finely chopped and poured with cold water (preferably purified or pre-boiled). Place in a cool place protected from light. After twelve hours, the prepared tincture is filtered, after which it is ready for further use.

Preparing juice, unlike tincture and decoction, is a little more difficult. The greens should be chopped very finely. To do this, you can use a mixer or blender. Squeeze the juice out of the resulting mass through a medical bandage or gauze. Pour it into special freezing molds and place it in the freezer.

The resulting ice cubes should be used for the procedure on the skin of the face, neck and décolleté every day, morning and evening.


For getting desired result facilities traditional medicine have the following recipes based on parsley in combination with other ingredients:

  • Recipe No. 1. To make a cosmetic product you will need flowers pharmaceutical chamomile(2 tbsp), freshly brewed small-leaf black tea (1 tbsp), a bunch of parsley (medium size). Combine all ingredients, add 0.5 liters of water and boil over low heat for 15 minutes. The resulting broth is cooled, filtered and poured into molds for freezing. Use ice twice a day after preliminary cleansing of the skin. Rub the skin with soft, circular, smooth movements.

  • Recipe No. 2. This is a whitening lotion. Chopped parsley (1 tbsp.), pour in (purified) water (200 ml) and place on water bath for 30-35 minutes. Then the mixture is infused and filtered, dry white wine (50 g) is added to it. Pour into a clean glass container. The prepared lotion can be used every day in the morning and evening time days. Keep cosmetic product must be in a cool and dark place.

It is important to remember that all products have a limited shelf life. Infusions, decoctions and lotions are suitable for use within 2-3 days, frozen ice - 7 days.

At any age, it is common for a woman to take care of her appearance. I want to be attractive, radiate light energy and joy. To achieve this, the skin color must remain uniform and healthy. And it will help achieve the desired effect unique mask from parsley.

Natural wealth

In fact, nature has created everything necessary for a person so that he can feel good for as long as possible. Grows in every territory a large number of plants. They are able to saturate the body with vitamins. It is believed that it is those herbs and fruits that grow where a person was born that will be most beneficial for him. The digestibility of such products by the body is much higher than that of imported analogues.

Everyone knows recipes that involve putting cucumbers on the eyes, applying a thin film of strawberry juice on the face, but not everyone is familiar with such a wonderful remedy as a parsley mask. This wonderful method helps a woman remain charming and attractive, as her face literally shines with health. In this case, only natural ingredients are used that are absolutely safe for the skin.

A parsley face mask is a remedy that should be in the arsenal of every woman caring for herself. It not only cleanses the skin, but also evens out its tone. By the way, many men claim: no matter how elegant and beautiful a lady’s form may be, they are still primarily interested in her face. So getting rid of wrinkles and pimples, providing elasticity, eliminating roughness and unpleasant spots- these are the pleasant results that a parsley mask gives.


This product is much more gentle than all kinds of creams, gels and lotions. And, most importantly, it doesn’t hurt your pocket. Store-bought products may contain substances that produce a negative effect. Sometimes someone’s body simply cannot tolerate “chemistry,” which immediately affects the skin in the form of dermatitis varying degrees gravity. There is no doubt about the naturalness that the parsley face mask can boast of. Natural sources of beauty are the most faithful and reliable. Moreover, getting this plant is easier than ever. It is sold in every market and every supermarket. In addition, parsley is very easy to care for, so it is easy to grow at home. The main condition for normal height- regular watering and direct sunlight.

Valuable properties

Homemade parsley mask is an excellent fortified mixture that produces cosmetic and healing effect. This spice has simply amazing properties. With its help you can whiten and tone the skin, which will begin to age. Swelling will disappear greasy shine. Those who suffer from dryness will also be able to successfully solve their problem. The fact is that the funds for natural basis, such as a parsley mask, help to cope with problems comprehensively, eliminating precisely those shortcomings that go beyond healthy norm. If we compare with creams, tonics and scrubs, we can say that their focus is more narrow character. They are not able to simultaneously fight such big amount problems. And now it's time to talk about the most popular recipes.

Helper for 100 ailments

A parsley mask, prepared at home, really helps to cope with a large list of skin ailments, allowing a woman to look healthy. Everyone's goals are different. Some people need to make their face lighter and get rid of age spots. Even freckles confuse some people, although others will find them beautiful. Everything is relative. But in any case, the lady herself decides how to look. It’s rare that anyone would turn down the chance to make their skin even, well-groomed and smooth.

Parsley face mask whitening can be in this a good helper. The effect is simply amazing. To verify this from your own experience, take mashed and chopped greens and add a tablespoon of honey. This mixture is applied for 40 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. Everything is extremely simple. If you do this operation every day for two weeks, at the end of the complex you will see results. For the same purpose, you can make a tincture. Dandelion is added to parsley. The mixture is poured with cold water and left for twelve hours, then the skin is wiped with it.

For young and old

Parsley mask against wrinkles is a real one. With it you can avoid premature aging processes. The tonic is made in the form of a decoction. The basic ingredient is a tablespoon of finely chopped greens. It needs to be boiled in two glasses of water for 20 minutes. The resulting product is used to wipe the hands, neck, and face.

Parsley anti-wrinkle mask can also be used in the form of frozen ice cubes. During adolescence Many girls face the problem of rashes. A parsley mask can effectively rid the skin of acne, blackheads, blackheads and other consequences of clogged pores. Take 1 tbsp. l. the root of this plant, which is pre-ground to a paste consistency, as well as one egg white plus ten drops of such an effective ingredient as garlic juice. Mix carefully. On problem areas apply the substance for 15 minutes, rinse with cool water.

The mirror of one's heart

Parsley masks around the eyes are also widely popular. After all, it often happens that a woman has an excellent figure, refined facial features, wonderful hair, but has a kind of exhausted, tired look. This drawback is also quite easy to deal with. Bruises and bags under the eyes will remain a bad memory, because nature has provided a wonderful natural remedy that the fair sex can use.

Edema is eliminated by grinding the plant into a pulp and filling gauze bags with it. They are held for one minute in warm water and then allow to cool. Unnecessary liquid drains. Then you need to apply them to your eyes for 4 minutes, change them with tampons, having first dipped them in cold water. In this way you can overcome fatigue, redness, and irritation resulting from excessive work at the computer. With this balm your eyelids are refreshed.

No tiredness or tiredness

In our age, many people work for a long time at the computer and find very little time for walks. fresh air, get very tired, sleep little, and experience stress. Of course, the body reacts to this quite quickly. Darkening appears under the eyes. However, you can also get rid of this by using parsley leaves. They are crushed until the juice is obtained. Cotton swabs are soaked in it and placed on the eyelids, leaving for 15 minutes. Thanks to this, fatigue and swelling disappear. Wrinkles can also be overcome. They appear with age in the corners of the eyes. The skin there is extremely delicate and vulnerable, so taking care of it is of great importance. This issue should be addressed for preventive purposes in youth. Take 10 grams of pulp from the leaves of the plant, add 20 grams of butter. Apply the mixture for 15 minutes. It can be removed with a napkin and washing.

Opinion of those who tried it

Many women claim that they are truly more satisfied with these products than expensive creams. A rejuvenating effect is visible, hydration and nutrition are felt, the skin becomes whiter. The ingredients that are added to the main substance are also quite affordable and can be purchased at your local grocery store. For example, note good properties sour cream. It is described as an effective substance in the fight against dryness. Two tablespoons of gruel are added to one tbsp. l. sour cream. This mixture is applied for 15 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

Also, many praise the remedy with cucumber, thanks to which skin covering gains elasticity and freshness. Take 1 tbsp. l. grate this vegetable and add the same amount of chopped herbs and yogurt. The resulting mixture is evenly distributed over the face and the mask is allowed to absorb. In 20 minutes. you need to wash your face with warm water.

Many people have solved their problems, try it too!

A parsley mask for age spots has helped many people clear their skin of unwanted dark spots and freckles. Women use lemon to prepare it. A special decoction is made from it. Place 30 g of chopped parsley leaves and juice squeezed from half a lemon into one glass of water. The mixture is used for wiping in the morning and in the evening.

You can hear a lot about the amazing effect of dill in treating skin. With the help of this product, it is toned and rejuvenated. This is especially true during the aging period. Take 30 g of greens, which should be finely chopped and pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 3 hours. Then you can wipe your neck and face in the morning, apply lotions for 15 minutes.

As you can see, all the recipes are quite simple, but incredibly effective due to their naturalness and naturalness. However, experts do not advise overdoing it. Three times a week is optimal quantity procedures that will ensure achievement of the desired result, unless otherwise indicated in the recipe.