Rings on which finger and meaning. What does a ring on the index finger mean?


Everyone's favorite rings add tenderness and grace to a woman's hand. In addition, each such decoration can hide a certain symbolic meaning. The meaning of rings on women's fingers is able to change the fate of its owner or demonstrate her certain status. Therefore, you should think in advance about how to properly decorate your hand so as not to accidentally harm yourself.

The meaning of rings on different fingers

In fact, many sciences pay an important role to the meaning of the rings on a woman’s fingers. For example, psychologists believe that people who wear rings on their right hands like to control the lives of their loved ones. Individuals who prefer to decorate their left hand perceive the world around them creatively.

In palmistry, it is believed that the designation of rings on women’s fingers influences the development of personal qualities. Therefore, in order to achieve success in certain areas, you need to constantly wear jewelry on a suitable finger.

According to palmists, each finger is responsible for certain character traits:

  • large - determination, willpower;
  • index - leadership;
  • average - analytical mind;
  • unnamed - creative perception of the world;
  • The little finger is the art of persuasion.

There are other interpretations of the location of the rings on the fingers. The value for girls may depend on various factors: for example, many girls wear a wedding ring on their index finger because it is too big for them.

Thumb ring

The thumb is under the influence of Mars. The individuals who wear rings here have a strong and tough character. They are stubborn, straightforward, resilient, and know how to achieve high goals. Usually successful, strong men like to wear large rings with precious stones here, thereby indicating their high status.

Women should be careful with jewelry on this finger., because many girls with non-traditional orientation are accustomed to expressing themselves in this way. Moreover, if the ring is worn on the thumb of the right hand, then this means that the lady already has a girlfriend, and on the left there is a girl in active search. Therefore, in order to avoid misunderstandings, it is worth thinking about the appropriateness of such decoration.

Index finger ring

This human finger is named after Jupiter. The ring on it gives a person power and leadership, it is not without reason that such decoration has long been worn by great rulers and other important officials. Such people are ambitious, determined, and self-confident. Often, women who constantly decorate the second finger with rings love to command others and tell them what to do. Such people are not stupid, but have very high self-esteem.

If a girl wants to outshine others at a party, then she should place her most luxurious ring on the index finger of her right hand. Such a psychological technique will attract the attention of others, and the dazzling beauty will be at the center of all the events of a fun evening.

Jewelry on the middle finger

This finger is under the influence of Saturn. When exposed to the ring, a person gains self-confidence and harmony with his inner world. If a girl wears a ring on this finger, it means that she is quite complacent, the opinions of others do not bother her at all. Such women have common sense, devote their free time to self-development, and have a sense of self-esteem.

Outwardly very reserved and modest, but with a rich inner world, at heart these girls are romantic intellectuals. All these personality traits are very noticeable to others, who respect this type of female representative. Communication with them is a pleasure, and their inner charm has no limits.

On the ring finger

It just so happens that the ring finger is decorated with a wedding or engagement ring. This finger carries the energy of the Sun, and is also considered to be most connected with the soul and heart of a person. Therefore, in the traditions of many nations, it is customary to wear matrimonial rings on the ring fingers of the right or left hand.

Generally speaking, the ring on the finger of the Sun influences a person’s creative thinking. People who tend to wear rings on this finger even outside of marriage have an extraordinary perception of the world, are self-confident, and have creative professions. Girls who love to wear large, bright jewelry on their ring names are very impulsive, romantic and sensual, prone to sudden mood swings.

Jewelry on the little finger

A ring on the Mercury finger gives its owner the ability to establish new contacts, find a common language and achieve mutual understanding with the right people. Jewelry on this finger should be worn by people who need to constantly show mental flexibility and achieve their goals through communication and persuasion.

Girls who wear rings on their little fingers love to flirt and flirt with members of the opposite sex. These are real intriguers who are able to conquer any man they like. True, they very quickly lose interest in their lover, so they can safely commit treason. With women who constantly wear a ring on their little finger, you should be careful and not trust them completely.

Features of choosing a ring

A woman's ring is capable of miracles: the same ring can give grace to one woman's hand, but can disfigure another. To make the right choice, there are several general principles for wearing it:

Wearing rings on your fingers will never go out of style. The meaning of women's jewelry is also important for the fairer sex. But do not forget that one ring cannot completely change your destiny. Achieving the goal will require more perseverance and work.

From ancient times to this day, the ring has been a symbol of eternal love, power and might.

The meaning of fingers in Chinese philosophy

According to the norms of Chinese philosophy, the entire Universe, including people, consists of five primary elements: earth, fire, metal, wood and water. Their balance is responsible for the harmony of a person’s physical, psychological and spiritual state. The fingers on the hand symbolically represent these elements.

In psychospiritual and palmistry practices, the significance of the right and left parts of the body is distinguished. One hand in a person is dominant (right for a right-handed person, left for a left-handed person), and the other is passive. Even in battle, a warrior fights with one hand and carries a shield with the other. Therefore, the rings on the active hand will stimulate certain life processes, and on the inactive hand they will protect from external negative influences and weaken their own energy flows.

Little finger

The first element is water. Identified with the flow of beneficial energy and prosperity. She is represented by her little finger.

He is responsible for the gift of communication: the ability to listen carefully and speak convincingly. Negotiation talent and intuition in making deals bring wealth, which depends on his energy. And even such important aspects in a person’s life as relationships with the opposite sex, sensuality, feelings of love and happiness are associated with the energy of the smallest of the “five brothers.”

A ring of pure gold on the little finger of your right hand will allow you to strengthen the beneficial flow. Silver with gilding and a small green stone will make this flow intermittent, and will make it possible to alternate periods of business activity and relaxation. And on the left hand, it is better to leave the little finger without decorations, otherwise there is a real possibility of narrowing the circle of friends, limiting sources of income and problems on the personal front.


Symbolizes the primary element - wood. Represents vitality, vigorous activity, growth and self-development.

The thumb serves as a source of energy replenishment for the remaining fingers of the hand and absorbs its excess, thus maintaining energy balance.

Associated with logic and decision making. To enhance pragmatism and the ability to reason sensibly, it is recommended to wear a gold ring with a yellow, orange or red stone on this finger. If you need to loosen the control of your mind, trust your intuition and use your spiritual potential, you should wear a silver ring with stones of cold shades.


Corresponds to the fire element. It is a carrier of powerful energy. In esotericism, it is believed that it is better to communicate with the Universe by raising this particular finger up without any decorations.

The pointing finger symbolizes pride and thirst for power. Rings and signets made of gold on the dominant hand are a positive sign of a strong-willed person who strives to keep everything under control and knows how to lead people. The “Ring of Power” on the passive hand may indicate pride, arrogance and delusions of grandeur of its owner.

According to the spiritual teachings of the East, by putting jewelry made of strong metal on her index finger, a woman can activate qualities that are contrary to her natural beginning. A woman’s strength lies in her weakness, therefore, in order to achieve happiness and harmony in her personal life, it is better to leave a proud disposition and leadership functions to men.


Represents the element of earth. The middle finger is considered karmic. You should choose decoration for it very carefully. Gold can strengthen, and silver can not only weaken, but also delay the action of karma.

Elegant rings with stones of yellow, terracotta, and cream colors on a person’s right (active) hand indicate his decency and reliability. On the left (inactive) - about excessive suspicion and suspiciousness. Fancy, extravagant jewelry on the middle finger reveals a narcissistic personality who considers himself “irresistible.”


It symbolizes the fifth element in Chinese philosophy - metal, and the sixth chakra - ajne (third eye) - in Indian philosophy. The energy of metal brings prosperity, abundance and strength of the Universe into human life. And the third eye gives wisdom to abandon categorical assessments, and allows you to see a world in which the existence of “yes” and “no” at the same time is possible. In Ancient Egypt, it was believed that in both men and women, the “artery of love” began in the ring finger, going straight to the heart.

A gold wedding ring enhances mutual understanding and love between spouses and stimulates the energy of self-realization and success.

Recently, almost forgotten traditions of matchmaking and engagement have been revived. The young man presents his beloved with a ring on her ring finger. And if she accepts it, then the engagement is considered completed. Only after this do the young people become the bride and groom.

It is not advisable to give jewelry made of silver or with a blue or green stone. Such a gift will become an energetic obstacle to the fulfillment of the cherished desire to get married. It is possible to postpone the wedding celebration or cancel it.

The engagement ring is worn on the right hand before marriage (regardless of which hand the girl has dominant). After the wedding, you can continue to wear it on the same finger as your wedding finger, put it on the ring finger of your left hand, or put it in a box.

How to wear rings for widows and widowers?

There is a certain unspoken tradition of wearing a wedding ring after the death of a spouse on the ring finger of the left hand. But this rule is not a canon requiring mandatory execution. The ring can be left on the right hand or removed completely.

In esotericism, it is believed that gold jewelry tends to accumulate the negative energy of its owner. In this regard, it is not advisable to give the ring of the deceased to children or pass it on by inheritance without prior energy cleansing. Preserving the memory of their deceased husbands, widows can wear their rings on the same hand as theirs, or on the other, or hang them on their chests, like a pendant on a chain.

As life shows, widower men are rarely prone to fetishism. In addition, women's jewelry is unlikely to suit a man in style and size. A possible option to preserve the memory of a deceased spouse is to melt down wedding rings into a stylish signet with the initials of the once beloved woman.

If life together did not work out and separation ensued, then it is better to return the ring to your ex-spouse or put it on your left hand. Even forgotten and abandoned in an old box, it retains the energy of an already broken marriage, and divorced people will experience difficulties in building new relationships.

Gold is a very strong metal; in order for its power to be used to suppress the energy of a broken union, the ring must be on the left hand.

Phalanges of fingers

It would seem that, in addition to classic rings, jewelers can offer for decorating fingers. Of course, you can experiment with shape, combination of metals, color and size of stones. But it’s almost impossible to come up with something new, different and at the same time comfortable and beautiful. Fashion designers often turn to the past when creating their masterpieces. This is how long-forgotten rings on the phalanges of the fingers came into fashion.

Even in the pre-Christian era, rings that covered almost the entire finger were popular in Egypt. Hidden under the guise of decoration was a deadly surprise - a miniature container filled with poison.

In medieval Europe, gold wedding rings and the tradition of wearing them on the wedding day appeared. But the brides were very young back then (12-15 years old). Over the years, thin teenage girls turned into chic, curvaceous women, but the size of wedding rings did not change. Gold was an expensive pleasure.

Married matrons were forced to wear evidence of their fidelity on the phalanx of their finger where they could squeeze it. And, as often happens in history, a forced measure first became a common occurrence, and then in the Renaissance, thanks to jewelers, it turned into a fashion trend - thin, elegant gold jewelry on the middle phalanx of the finger.

In the 20th century, phalanx rings became widespread among punks and rockers. Like all the stylistic paraphernalia of these informal subcultures, they were “heavy”, made of shiny steel and silver in the shape of a human skull, spider or animal head.

In the 21st century, unusual accessories first entered high fashion, receiving the name “midi rings.” This happened thanks to the extraordinary Jean-Paul Gaultier, a French fashion designer and “fashion hooligan.” He presented jewelry that was worn on the upper phalanges of the fingers and imitated the nail plate.

Currently, midi rings have become a real hit. Their range is large: gold, silver, made from various alloys, decorated with a relief stamped pattern, decorated with precious, semi-precious stones or rhinestones.

Most midi jewelry rings can be called very conditionally. Most often they do not have a closed shape.


Flat strips of metal, narrow or wide, tightly clasping one of the phalanges of the finger. They have an undoubted advantage - they do not need to be selected according to size. The open form allows you to put this decoration on almost any finger, which makes it possible to combine several rims on different phalanges of all five fingers.

Spring rings

Outwardly they resemble a spring; they wrap around the phalanges of the fingers in several turns (two or more). The favorite form of many designers is decoration in the form of a golden or silver snake.

Ring nails

They are worn only on the upper phalanges and are decorated with overlays in the form of nail plates. Silver-colored zirconium metal rings with a white or golden tint look great. The overlays can be trimmed with zircon, a semi-precious artificial stone that, because of its beauty and brilliance, is called “the little brother of diamond.” This accessory costs less than jewelry made of gold and diamonds, but looks just as impeccable and magnificent.

Rings for two phalanges

They consist of two links (for example, two rims or a rim and a spring) connected by a chain. The links can be of the same type (for example, made of the same metal and without stones), or they can be dissimilar (made of different metals, or one link is made of metal, and the second is decorated with stones).

The length of the connecting chain determines how you wear this accessory. If the chain is short, then both links are put on one finger: the wide one on the phalanx from below, and the narrow one from above. If the length of the chain allows, then the links can be put on different fingers (usually these are middle-ring or ring-little pairs).

Long ring

Covers the entire finger like a little armor. It consists of several links that make up a single ensemble and create the illusion of integrity. In reality, they are connected by invisible hinges to give the finger mobility.


The tradition of decorating feet came from hot India, where feet have been an object of cult since ancient times: they are washed as a sign of respect, they are glorified as a symbol of sexuality and eroticism, and many rituals are associated with them. Even Indian women wear their wedding ring on the second toe of their left foot.

In countries with cold climates, there is not much time to wear open shoes. Summer is the best time to show off the beauty of your feet.

The types of foot rings are not so diverse, but no less beautiful and original.

  • Classic thin rings. Difficulties may arise when putting on such jewelry, because the top of the finger is usually wider than the base.
  • Unclosed rings and snake rings (in one incomplete revolution). The best and most convenient option for foot accessories, especially if they are made of non-oxidizing metal: gold, silver or zirconium.
  • Silicone rings. The polymer rim can have a striking top with an overlay in the form of a pattern of small stones to hide the not so elegant silicone base. In addition to being decorative, they perform a hygienic function, protecting the interdigital space from chafing.
  • Rings with chain. The most unusual and elegant jewelry that makes a woman’s leg more graceful. The chain connects the ring on the middle finger and the bracelet on the ankle. It is important that both accessories are made in the same style

How to wear a talisman ring?

A circle is a figure to which magical properties have been attributed since ancient times. A closed line without beginning or end is a sign of eternity. It provides protection on the physical and astral level. The space inside this line is closed to the penetration of foreign negative energy. This may be why magical objects were often made in the form of a ring.

The functions of the amulet are clear from the name; it stores and protects its owner from evil forces and negative external influences. Each amulet is created to perform a specific task: against the evil eye, against poverty, against illness. For the protective item to be effective, it must be in contact with the human body.

A ring is the optimal shape for maintaining prosperity and harmony in life. Wearing a talisman ring on the finger is recommended for those who may be threatened by the evil envy of ill-wishers, which can destroy not only material well-being and psychological comfort, but also physical health.


The appeal to the Almighty “Save and preserve”, applied to the rim, is a powerful protection for a true believer Christian. In terms of the strength of its energy impact, the consecrated ring is comparable to an icon or a pectoral cross. It is recommended to wear such a talisman on one of the three fingers of the right hand.


Worn on the ring finger of the right hand and only after the wedding ceremony. Other jewelry on this finger should be removed. A wedding ring is a more powerful amulet of family happiness than an engagement ring.

Orthodox ring

With relief images of Christian shrines, guardian angels or saints. A prayer is engraved on the wide rim. Despite the jewelry beauty, you should not wear a security ring as a simple decoration.

With runes and esoteric signs

By wearing any accessory with an unknown pattern, you can not only ward off good luck, but also attract all sorts of misfortunes into your life. It is better to purchase such amulets in specialized esoteric shops, where you can get specialist advice. And before putting it on, you should carry out energetic cleansing with four elements: hold candles over the fire (fire), clean with salt (earth), rinse in running water (water) and smoke with incense (air).

I greet all my readers and invite you to find out what the rings on your fingers mean. It turns out that not everything is so simple! Today everyone: men, women, teenagers love to wear accessories on their fingers. To decorate hands, people buy both inexpensive jewelry and precious metals.

Which finger to wear the ring on and what does it mean?

Moreover, rings can be seen not only on the ring finger, signifying marital relations, but also on all the others.

Most owners of this jewelry treat it as a delightful item. It is chosen to match the color of clothing and is often changed.

For other people, a ring or marquise is a symbol. However, experts say that rings can tell a lot about their owner, or rather, not the jewelry itself, but rather the finger on which it flaunts.

The tradition of wearing awnings was adopted in ancient times. In ancient times, this accessory was endowed with magical powers; its wearing was associated with various rituals.

One of them has survived to this day: during a wedding, spouses exchange wedding rings as a sign of love and devotion.

Thumb decoration

The thumb is the finger of Mars. Men like to wear rings on it, and not simple ones, but active and emotional ones. Their owner must have the following character traits:

  • straightness,
  • stubbornness,
  • militancy,
  • often hot temper and aggressiveness.

You should not argue with such people or convince them of anything. They will firmly defend their opinion, even if they later regret it greatly.

But they know their flaws, as well as their best features, therefore, putting the marquise on the finger of Mars, it is as if they subconsciously want to tame their irrepressible nature.

It is also an extraordinary intuitive desire to find an approach to the environment, to establish relationships not only with other people, but also with oneself.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin preferred to wear the ring on his thumb and index finger. He was a confident, impulsive man who was very popular with women.

But psychologists say that a ring on the thumb indicates that at present this person, by all means, wants to assert himself having chosen such an unusual technique, and the first position in this is taken by self-affirmation specifically in the sexual area.

This observation has a strong basis. You may have noticed how the ancient Greeks and Romans decorated the thumb, as it was considered a phallic symbol. It was this that they decorated with iron rings to protect their masculine power.

For women, the accessory on this finger is considered a sign of lesbianism. If the ring adorns her right hand, then this lesbian has a girlfriend, if she has a girlfriend on her left, then she is single and looking for a new relationship.

Here's the schedule! Therefore, be careful with jewelry, you may not be understood, especially if you are not attracted to such relationships.

What does the ring on the index finger mean?

The ring on the index finger is often found in portraits of rulers and emperors. The ring on the right hand speaks of an independent and proud character, the ability to manage people. The left hand indicates a tendency to hysteria and sudden mood swings.

The index finger is considered the finger of Jupiter, and the accessory on it is called the ring of “power”. It was on the finger of Jupiter that marquises adorned such famous personalities as Ivan the Terrible, Julius Caesar, Cardinal Richelieu or Henry VIII.

Wearing jewelry on this finger manifested itself as a sign of pride, a sign of a desire for power, indicating that in front of you was a strong, strong-willed person.

If there was a ring on the right hand, then he was a reasonable person, and with a positive orientation of the above traits.

Wearing it on the left spoke of the person’s arrogance, arrogance, pride and even a tendency to hysterics.

Jupiter will give such people insight and bring good luck and success into their lives. Rings made of gold or tin can have the fastest impact on the energy level.

Ring on the middle finger

The middle finger is called the Saturn finger. Those people who openly admire their personality try to decorate this finger; they are confident in their superiority and charm.

They try to put on the largest ring and stone, and this further indicates that these qualities are manifested quite strongly. Hereditary jewelry is usually placed on this finger, emphasizing the belief in karma and connection with one’s ancestors.

They believe in fate, in their destiny sent down to them from above. Wearing ancestral jewelry will help neutralize the negative influence of fate and cope with great difficulties.

The owner of the marquis on the finger of Saturn receives help from his family and strength to withstand the blows of fate.

Jewelry on the ring finger

The ring finger is considered the finger of the Sun. A ring on the ring finger of the right hand (Catholics wear it on the left hand) indicates that in front of you is a man with a family.

This tradition was started by the ancient Egyptians. They believed that the “artery of love” leading to the heart originates from the ring finger. In ancient times, wedding symbols were made of ceramics, glass, and not just precious metal.

The wives of the ancient Romans, as a sign of the strength of the marriage bond, gave their husbands rings made of bronze and iron. Gold wedding rings began to be worn only in the 3rd-4th centuries.

Holders of secret spiritual teachings believed that gold is the metal of the Sun, therefore it is best suited for strengthening love in marriage.

If a person who is not a family person wears jewelry on this finger, then he is trying to emphasize his love of luxury and art. As a rule, these are people from professions associated with creativity: artists, actors, singers.

The owner of the accessory on the ring finger is a loving nature, striving for sensual pleasures, ready to have a good time. It may also indicate that you have a dreamy and romantic nature.

A small accessory is worn by a person who is balanced, calm, and self-confident, while a large one indicates a person who is unbalanced, subject to passions, and prone to hysterics.

Esotericists recommend wearing rings on the finger of the Sun to everyone who wants to achieve fame and increase wealth, since the Sun gives a person a lot of energy for creativity and self-expression, which contributes to progress towards wealth and success.

Pinky ring

This planet is considered the protector of diplomats, businessmen, doctors, speakers, and politicians, so a ring on the little finger will bring good luck to those who urgently need such qualities as mental flexibility, dexterity of hands, and the ability to speak beautifully.

The owner of a ring on the Mercury finger is able to get along with any person and establish any business contacts.

A ringed little finger “tells” that in front of you is a dexterous, cunning nature, ready for betrayal, intrigue, and adventurous adventures.

If a woman’s hand is ringed, then this is a direct indication that she is a flirtatious, narcissistic and changeable person, always ready to flirt.

If a person is prone to gambling, then the ring can not only calm the owner himself, but also curb this attraction.

Toe ring

Most experts say that decorated toes indicate that this person wants to be singled out from the masses and to be paid attention to.

Sometimes this indicates that the owner of the jewelry loves himself too much, has too much self-esteem, and strives to dominate those around him.

I found such interesting material for you, dear readers! Show the article to your friends, perhaps it will also help them better understand the purpose of jewelry.

There is not much information about the meaning of rings on women's fingers. But such characteristics can really help to get to know a person better: his personality, character, habits.

There is not much information about the meaning of rings on women's fingers.

Girls have always loved rings. Such decorations are considered an indicator of status: social, family. But there is something intimate and secret in a woman’s desire to wear rings. What are the meanings of the rings on different fingers, for example, on the right hand?

The thumb ring is most often worn by big adventurers. Such women like to look for adventures and, by the way, they find them. Wearing a ring on the thumb is typical for individuals who are characterized by certain masculine character traits: assertiveness, fearlessness and determination. And yet it is worth noting that having a ring on the thumb is the prerogative of young people, since at a more mature age it looks somewhat infantile. A ring on your thumb will definitely not go with a business look. As for the ring itself, a decoration with a stone would hardly be appropriate on this finger.

Much more often you can find rings on the index finger of the fair sex. And this phenomenon has its own meaning. What do rings on a finger mean? Thus, the decoration on the index finger is worn by powerful and freedom-loving women. They have their own opinion on everything, they are often involved in some large-scale undertaking, if it concerns work.

Psychologists say that women who are used to commanding and pointing are most likely to wear a ring on their index finger. And if they did not turn out to be a great boss in life, then, most likely, such a lady will use her passion for leadership in the family circle. Such ladies often have a henpecked husband and a son from the “mama’s” category.

Rings are worn on the middle finger of the right hand by dreamy, romantic and somewhat vulnerable people. Such ladies sometimes deliberately exploit the image of the “weak” in order to attract as much attention as possible, win them over and arouse sympathy. And, I must say, they succeed! But don’t think that this is a hypocritical personality type. In most situations, these women are kind, sympathetic and accommodating. They are not characterized by conflicts with others.

Rings on the ring finger of the right hand indicate that the girl is married. A pure and bright symbol that carries the energy of love, heartfelt affection and well-being. This is the apogee of the unity of two hearts, which are now ringed. It is generally accepted that the “wedding band” is placed on the ring finger for the reason that the vein extending from this finger leads directly to the heart.

How to wear rings on your fingers (video)

If a lady is not officially married, but she still has an ornament on her love finger, then this only means that she would like to get married and find happiness as soon as possible. Usually very young girls do this, who not only dream of a big and bright feeling, but also strive to “ring” some man. They put on jewelry, trying to make the fact of marriage seem to have taken place.

A ring on the little finger speaks of the great creative potential of its owner. Among such representatives of the fair sex there are often talented artists, photographers, stylists, and designers. By the way, jewelry on the little finger should also be worn by those who would like to further develop their talents. It's good if the ring on your finger has a small stone. On small fingers it will look very cute and youthful.

Gallery: the meaning of rings on women’s fingers (50 photos)

Much more often you can find rings on the index finger of the fair sex

Rings on the left hand: meanings

The meaning of the rings on the fingers of the left hand may differ from the previous characteristics. This is due to the difference in energy.

What does the ring on the left thumb mean? Rings on the thumb are a sign of independence and freedom, a gesture that is aimed at demonstrating one’s uniqueness and chosenness. Personalities of this type are very proud; they are often leaders. They get along well in large companies and teams, but they can only feel true comfort when left alone with themselves. These women shun all dissidents; it is important for them to surround themselves with like-minded people. They especially do not tolerate people telling them what and how to do in life. By the way, it is difficult for men to ring such ladies, because they will defend their internal and external freedom to the last.

The index finger of the left hand with a ring will tell a lot about its owner. This finger is often worn by a person with an unconventional outlook on life. They tend to escape reality. Among them you can find many adherents of a healthy lifestyle, some unique nutritional system, and those who like to meditate at every convenient moment and place. They like to stand out from the majority from a spiritual point of view. This also appears on the hands.

Wearing rings on the middle finger of the left hand is an indicator of incredible femininity. Such a person needs to develop his natural characteristics. Part of this development is family. There are great chances of having several children at once in a very happy marriage if you wear a ring on your middle finger. Of course, everything won't change overnight if you wear the ring. But with sincere intentions and pure desires, his location can help. This is what the power of thought, supported by action, means.

Which fingers should you not wear rings on? There is a kind of symbol or even a superstition that, if not all, then many representatives of the fair sex listen to. It is not recommended to have a ring on the ring finger of the left palm, because it can play a cruel joke on anyone. You should always avoid wearing rings on your fingers, which carry the energy of misfortune. In this case, it is believed that this arrangement of the ring is endowed with “widow energy.” After all, in this way, widowed ladies indicate that they honor the memory of their departed husband. Therefore, there is no need to bring trouble upon yourself in vain.

Rings on the little finger of the left palm not only decorate women’s palms, making them sophisticated, but also characterize their owner as a light and cheerful person. She is easy-going, looks at the world positively and rarely gets discouraged.

Other meanings of wearing rings

Many women prefer to wear several rings on their fingers at once. How to interpret this phenomenon? There are many interesting characteristics and symbols of several rings on the hand that are not known to everyone.

For example, many rings on the fingers of the right hand indicate an ambitious and obstinate personality. Passion for something is in her blood, which is very often difficult to somehow stop.

2 rings on one finger are worn by integral individuals, prone to deep introspection. Their attitude towards themselves may be based on very strict criteria, which completely excludes any leniency towards their misdeeds and mistakes.

If two rings on one finger are put on the little finger, then this is a sign that a person lacks close and warm relationships in life. Most often we are talking about female friendship.

How to choose the right stone (video)

Two or more rings on the index finger of the left hand only enhance the previously described characteristics, however, it is precisely this enhancement that can take a lot of strength from the woman herself. It is better to move the second ring to the next finger or remove it altogether.

On which finger should you wear a ring to attract good luck? Let it be a ring on the little finger, namely on its phalanx. If you wear a ring on the index finger of your left hand (also on the phalanx), this will bring material profit in the very near future. You can wear it to special meetings.

On which finger do you wear an engagement ring? This should be the ring on your right hand on your ring finger. After the wedding, it changes to an engagement ring, which is more solid and expensive. That's why you shouldn't let your engagement ring be too fussy.

This is the meaning of wearing rings on the fingers of women. Thanks to this, you can learn more not only about yourself, but also about your new acquaintance, girlfriend, boss and more.

Attention, TODAY only!

The custom of wearing rings goes back centuries, dating back to Ancient Egypt, where the ring acted as a seal for the pharaohs, then rings had great ritual significance among medieval mystics, secret societies and even magicians, but nowadays not many people think about which finger. wear a ring, and what significance each finger plays individually when wearing rings.

The first mention of the ring can be found in ancient Greek mythology, which tells about the order of Zeus, as a reminder to Prometheus of the days spent chained to a rock. But today we will not talk about the myths and legends associated with the ring, but will talk about the more scientific and long-proven psychological effect of a ring worn on one or another finger.

Psychological influence and meaning of the ring on the finger

It is no secret that in modern society a ring is more of an attribute of beauty and social status in society; the more expensive the jewelry, the wealthier its owner, and the stronger the influence of the ring on the finger.

If we turn to history, then in ancient times a piece of jewelry on a finger could not only tell about the character of its owner, but also dramatically change his life, either significantly improving his fate, or, on the contrary, turning his life into hell.

This definition has not lost its relevance for the current generation, since by putting on any jewelry, and even more so this or that ring on his finger, a person unconsciously triggers the mechanism of powerful programs that can significantly influence his destiny.

How does a ring affect the life of its owner?

The fact is that our body interacts quite strongly with various types of Energy, which are also located in the fingers. Thus, by putting on a ring, a person concentrates energy on the area of ​​his life for which one or another finger is responsible.

Any person knows that the right hand is different from the left hand, that is, one can be more efficient than the other.

For example, the right hand is considered masculine, jewelry on it activates certain areas of our life, while the left hand is feminine, more passive, protects from negative energy and accidents.

Don't forget about metals, a gold ring activates a person’s energy and makes him more active, silver, on the contrary, extinguishes the desire to act actively, thereby protecting a very active person from rash actions.

The benefits of wearing rings in treating diseases

It is known that there are more than 400 active points on the hand, responsible for the liver, heart, kidneys, nervous system, and so on.

In medical practice, doctors often encountered such moments when wearing it was beneficial in the treatment of diseases, more than from medicines, for example, a person simply took off a piece of jewelry from his finger and got rid of headaches and sleepless nights, or, on the contrary, put on a ring, which relieved him of some diseases and symptoms.

There are cases when a woman could not get pregnant due to wearing a ring on a certain finger, the reason for this was the different effects of minerals and metals on the human body.

Healing properties of some metals

Saying that if you are bothered by frequent irritation and headaches, then you should wear silver jewelry. Silver tends to darken when it comes into contact with the skin of a sick person.

If you feel a loss of strength, doctors advise wearing a gold ring. Gold is also great for women who are often worried about their heart or for ladies of Balzac age.

Gold will be of great benefit to hypertensive patients; it has the ability to lower blood pressure. For those with stomach or duodenal ulcers, gold jewelry will be extremely beneficial.

The importance of fingers when wearing rings

As we said above, each finger contains a certain Energy, so in order not to harm your health and your destiny, you need to know the meaning of the fingers when wearing rings.

What does a thumb ring mean?

Thumb – planet Mars , responsible for the head, neck, willpower, logic, male mind. If these character traits are absent or insufficiently developed in a person, the ring should be placed on the thumb.

According to astrologers and palmists, wearing a ring on the thumb helps curb a person’s hot temperament. Thus, a person with strong energy can wear a ring on his thumb without fear, especially since jewelry on this finger will reduce a person’s aggression and promote harmonious relationships with others.

Fans of wearing a ring on their thumb are considered stubborn individuals who want to assert themselves in society by any available means.

What does a ring on the index finger mean?

Index finger - planet Jupiter, responds to our Ego, for our strength, shows us the direction of our feelings. The ring on the index finger has a great influence on our talent, on the abilities of the individual, on his determination and ability to achieve his goals, including self-esteem.

All the power of Jupiter is concentrated in the index finger, so any person pointed at with this finger becomes uneasy. Therefore, it is not customary to do this in society.

It is believed that the energy of the index finger directed at someone can penetrate the person's aura, especially if the other person has launched an angry tirade against you.

If you have powerful energy, then to soften it, put a silver ring with a cold stone on your index finger. Silver on the index finger of your right hand will protect you from unknowingly causing harm to others, on your left hand it will protect you from the negative energy of another person.

For a person who often experiences indecision and shyness, it is best to wear a ring on the index finger, which will not only raise self-esteem and give determination, but also attract good luck.

By giving preference to gold or tin when wearing a ring on your index finger, you will gain faith in yourself and expand your knowledge.

What does a ring on the middle finger mean?

The middle finger, the planet Saturn, is responsible for how much a person fulfills his karmic duty.

Most palmists and astrologers do not recommend wearing jewelry on this finger, since wearing rings on the middle finger activates karmic programs, in other words, it can completely break the weak in spirit, but on the contrary, it will give the strong ones even greater willpower.

The need for karma lies in working out its tasks for a certain person and moving him to a new level of development. Thus, if you feel that you are not ready to go through all the ordeals now, then it is better to avoid putting a ring on your middle finger.

For people who are chronically unlucky, always getting into various troubles, on the contrary, it is advisable to wear jewelry on the middle finger, especially if it is a family ring. In this case, the ring can be made of any metal, with the exception of gold.

What does a ring on the ring finger mean?

The ring finger is the planet Sun, responsible for love, success, family, self-realization in society.

Usually a wedding ring is worn on the ring finger. a ring that is associated with the heart, devotion, fidelity, sincere love.

It is desirable that the ring on this finger be made of gold, since silver gives a person passivity and even to some extent selfishness in relationships. A person will constantly expect and demand love and care for himself, while he himself will not give anything in return. Therefore, it is better to make wedding rings gold.

If we talk about an ordinary ring, we mean not an engagement ring, then Those who like to wear a ring on their ring finger demonstrate their craving for money. A gold ring worn on the ring finger helps its owner to better express his thoughts and attracts wealth to him.

Signs for wearing rings on the ring finger

There is a sign that you should never try on a diamond ring from someone else’s hand or let someone try on your jewelry from your ring finger, otherwise your family will be destroyed by betrayal.

If you are not related by marriage, then your relationship with the person with whom you are currently in a relationship will cease, provided that you have one.

For those who are not married, it is also better not to wear a silver ring on the ring finger, since family happiness will bypass you. Many people wear a silver ring with the inscription “save and preserve” on their ring finger and do not understand why they are so unlucky in their personal lives. Take it off, and you will most likely be greeted with mutual love in the near future!

What does a pinky ring mean?

The little finger is the planet Mercury, and is responsible for the practical mind, communication skills, intuition, the ability to establish contacts and the connections we need.

Mercury is the patron of businessmen, politicians, doctors, analysts, and speakers. If you do not have these qualities, then a ring on your little finger will help you find a common language with any person and establish the necessary connections.

Inveterate gamblers and lovers of excessive flirtation are also recommended to wear jewelry and rings on the little finger, this will balance out these character traits.


This is how, by observing the laws of Energy and having minimal knowledge of the biologically active zones of a person and the impact of various metals and stones on him, you can strengthen or weaken certain character qualities, achieving your goals in life.

Just don’t forget that in this world everything goes in circles and sooner or later a person is always responsible for both his good deeds and his bad actions. Therefore, even using this knowledge, bring only goodness to the world around you and be happy, which is what I wish for you.