The very first, the earliest - all about the signs of pregnancy before and after the delay. Methods for recognizing “interesting position”


First of all, we need to find out exactly how it is calculated. Usually, a distinction is made between the first obstetric week, the first immediately after conception and the first after the suspension of the critical days.

Obstetrics is the period of time starting from the initial day of the last menstrual period during which the child is born. Experts count the period before childbirth from this week.

The first week after conception is usually the third obstetric week.

The first week after a missed period is the fifth obstetric week.

Feelings in the first week after conception

The first two obstetric weeks usually go unnoticed. The body is just preparing for a future pregnancy. On the third, or rather the first after conception, there are no pronounced signs. You may feel weakness, fatigue, drowsiness, heaviness in the lower abdomen, mood swings - symptoms characteristic of PMS.

It is very important how the first week of your interesting situation proceeds. A woman should treat herself very carefully. Because the risk of miscarriage at this time is quite high. As a rule, such consequences occur in the event of any anomalies in the embryo or due to illnesses of the expectant mother - in this case there are no conditions for the normal development of the fetus.

Symptoms in the first week after conception

During this week after the delay (at the fifth obstetric) the signs appear quite clearly. Let's look at them in detail.
  • Delayed menstruation. The most indicative symptom at this time.
  • Fatigue, weakness, drowsiness. This is explained by a decrease in blood pressure. In order to normalize blood pressure, you do not need to resort to medications. Prefer a walk in the fresh air, drink tea or coffee, but not very strong.
  • Feeling nauseous in the morning. At this stage, nausea is a harbinger of beginning toxicosis. However, at this time it happens rarely and does not appear in every woman. Others do not experience nausea at all during the entire pregnancy.
  • Sensitive perception of all kinds of smells.
  • A sudden craving for foods that you couldn’t stand in the past, or vice versa. Let’s say you used to love cutlets, but now they make you sick. Sometimes you want to eat something completely unimaginable - clay, chalk and something else like that.
  • Heaviness in the lower abdomen.
  • Sore nipples, swelling of the breasts - these sensations in this case are more painful than during or before menstruation.
  • Increased basal temperature. It is certainly measured in the morning, in bed, rectally, that is, in the anus. If conception has occurred, the thermometer may show 37 degrees or higher. However, we must remember that basal temperature may not be an exact, but a relative symptom. For this reason, obstetricians-gynecologists pay little attention to it.
  • The uterus enlarges slightly at this time, but this can only be determined by a specialist during a gynecological examination.
  • Positive pregnancy test. As a rule, at such an early stage the result is not entirely clear. Usually at this time the second line on the test is barely noticeable.
To make the result more reliable, try to purchase tests with high sensitivity.

Only by such symptoms is it possible to recognize an interesting position in the first week after conception. To verify this or that result, you can take a blood test for hCG or undergo an ultrasound examination. The last procedure must be completed at the end of this week, on the fifth to seventh day of the delay. Do not confuse the fifth obstetric week after the delay with the third, because at this period an ultrasound will not determine anything.

How to terminate a pregnancy in the first week?

It often happens that conception has taken place, but it is not entirely desirable. Using artificial termination of pregnancy, which is usually done in the first week. This procedure must be supervised by a doctor. But you should think carefully when making such a decision. Any abortion has many contraindications and is very harmful to a woman’s health.

The conception and birth of a baby is full of amazing secrets and unique moments. The confusion begins immediately, since the first week of pregnancy is either obstetric or fetal.

In the first case, conception has not yet occurred and there are no signs of this. But in the second, the expectant mother may already have new sensations, symptoms and signs.

Dates of onset

That's right, not knowing the day of ovulation is very difficult.

Experts have a clear rule: the count starts from the first day of the last menstruation.

That is, in fact, in the first obstetric week you get your period and conception is still far away.

During the period of waiting for the baby, the gynecologist will adjust the age several times, based on the data of the examination and ultrasound examination.

If the child is desired and you have carefully prepared and planned for its arrival, you need to adjust in advance:

  • Lifestyle,
  • taking appropriate medications.

Conception occurs most often in the middle of the cycle, i.e. From this moment the calculation of the embryonic period will begin.

As a result of such a different approach to calculations related to the moment of conception and the age of the fetus, the period set by the gynecologist may differ by several days from the one calculated by the woman herself. You shouldn't attach too much importance to this.

Allows you to adjust the expected due date and monitor the development of the baby.

In order to avoid confusion, let's define the concepts: we will talk about the first week after conception, which corresponds to approximately the third obstetric and 1 embryonic.

First signs

Signs of pregnancy can be divided into several categories:

  • physiological,
  • gastronomic,
  • others.

Let's look at each one separately.

There are a number of symptoms that indicate the arrival of the long-awaited moment. However, the first week is still too short a period to draw conclusions.

Don't forget - every body is individual.

One woman does not feel anything for 16 - 17 weeks, until... Irregular menstruation and mild malaise are simply regarded as signs of overwork.

And the other from the first days. Moreover, for the same woman, 1 and can differ radically from each other, and it is not worth talking about the coming joy only on the basis of your feelings.

Physiological changes

  • . Often this becomes a signal for both joy and anxiety. In rare cases, it is possible to continue the normal cycle.

Statement about . But at 1 week it’s too early to talk about a delay in any case. Most likely, this symptom will manifest itself at 4–5 obstetrics (3–4 embryonic).

  • Increase in basal body temperature. The measurement is taken in the morning, always before the woman gets out of bed. The tip of the thermometer is inserted into the anus. When fertilization occurs, a value of 37–37.2 is noted.

Typically, the first seven days are characterized by this temperature. But even with infectious and chronic diseases, a similar temperature is observed.

The reliability of the method is taken into account in the case when the patient has taken measurements for at least 14 days, and no symptoms of disease are noted.

  • Violation of thermoregulation. Often a woman begins to feel chills or fever.

Violation of the body's thermoregulation becomes an indicator of the birth of a new life if it is not associated with an infectious, chronic inflammatory process.

  • Arterial pressure. A decrease in blood pressure in the early stages occurs due to the increasing volume of circulating blood, and leads to.
  • Drowsiness. There is a constant feeling that there is a catastrophic lack of time for sleep and a desire to fall asleep at every opportunity.

The body itself takes care of protecting the unborn child. The more the mother sleeps at this stage, the less harmful influences the child will be exposed to. Plus, the body does not spend a huge amount of strength and energy on restructuring.

  • Mood swings. After conception, hormonal changes in the body begin and sudden changes from joy to tears will become normal. What previously seemed like a small thing can now lead to tears and hysterics.

Doctors say: there are obvious physiological signs indicating that conception has occurred. They cannot be considered as the main ones, but they complement the picture and will allow the woman to strengthen her awareness of the new position.

  • . Determined by the gynecologist when examining the patient. But it is possible to confidently say you are pregnant after several studies.
  • . The restructuring of the body is associated with changes in the female reproductive system.
  • Breast augmentation. The mammary glands swell and increase in size. They become harder and sometimes painful.

But quite often there are no symptoms 1 week after fertilization, and the expectant mother is not even aware of the impending changes.

After some time, most show all or some of the symptoms. But some expectant mothers speak with confidence about the onset of such an event already a couple of times after conception.

Gastronomic signals

What sensations relate to the “taste” manifestations of the new position?

First of all, deviations from the usual diet appear and some dietary features appear.

  • Increased appetite can easily be considered a sign of an interesting situation.

For a complete one. A young mother's need for fruits, vegetables, and dairy products increases significantly.

  • Non-standard flavor combinations

Restructuring the body requires different amounts of vitamins and microelements. However, even in the early stages there is a desire to eat unloved dishes, to combine completely different tastes.

Sometimes it appears from the first days, but sometimes it is absent throughout the entire period. Experts associate toxicosis with severe slagging in the body and impaired liver function. This condition may occur in the 1st week or after 2–3 weeks.

The period at which you can finally understand whether pregnancy is occurring or not is approximately three to four weeks. However, this does not mean that an approximate answer to such an interesting question cannot be obtained earlier. Already 7-10 days after sexual intercourse, you can indirectly find out the answer to the question. What are the symptoms of pregnancy 1 week after conception? It's worth taking a closer look.

There are a fairly large number of symptoms that may indicate the onset of pregnancy within a week after conception. The main symptom is the so-called “implantation” bleeding. Many women confuse this process with menstruation.

Such bleeding is easy to distinguish. Menstruation in girls usually occurs with heavy bleeding in the first days and lasts longer. Implantation will take place sparingly and will not last more than one day; moreover, conception is not always accompanied by it.


The second sign is increased leucorrhoea. This is due to the restructuring of the body on a physiological level. The immune system is activated to get rid of bacteria that may threaten the unborn fetus.

Also, one of the possible signs of pregnancy a week after conception may be an exacerbation of thrush. It is expressed in the following symptoms:

  • an unnaturally large amount of white and transparent discharge;
  • feeling of discomfort when going to the toilet;
  • presence of sour unpleasant odor;
  • itching in the genital area.


A week after conception, the temperature often rises for no reason. If a woman does not suffer from any colds or viral diseases, and her body temperature ranges from 37 to 37.5, then this may indicate pregnancy. It is also worth noting that the high temperature will concentrate specifically in the area of ​​the woman’s genital organs.

Breast swelling

One of the signs of pregnancy in the first week after conception is swollen mammary glands. This occurs due to an increase in the hormone prolactin. The areolas around the nipples may expand and change color.

The main purpose of prolactin is to prepare the woman’s body for the development of an embryo. Its increased concentration can result in headaches that resemble migraines in nature.

Decreased immunity

7-10 days after fertilization of the egg, a woman may experience cold symptoms:

  1. sore throat;
  2. severe runny nose;
  3. frequent sneezing.


A week after fertilization, a woman may feel tired. Constant drowsiness, lethargy and fatigue, persisting even after a long rest. All this may also indicate pregnancy.

Changes in taste

The common belief that pregnant women's tastes change is not entirely true. If she suddenly wants a salty tomato or sweet berries, this in no way indicates pregnancy. But if a woman feels sick from the smell of a familiar dish, then this may be a sign of pregnancy. Early toxicosis, which manifests itself a week after conception, is not observed in everyone, but it still occurs.


1 week after conception, the following symptoms may be indirectly associated with pregnancy:

  • frequent trips to the toilet;
  • presence of a metallic taste in the mouth;
  • increased salivation;
  • constant cramps;
  • diarrhea.

Important: there are no signs that can one hundred percent confirm pregnancy in the first week of its course. All of the above processes can be associated not only with pregnancy, but also with diseases, and even with banal stress.

Passing the test

As already mentioned, in the first seven days it is quite difficult to determine the presence of pregnancy. Even modern tests that respond to an increase in hCG do not always cope with this task. If a woman urgently needs to find out about the presence of an “interesting” position, then she will need the most sensitive tests. They can be purchased at a pharmacy without any problems; you just need to consult with a pharmacist on this issue.

Important: a pregnancy test can give a reliable answer if it is taken seven days after the next menstruation is missed. In other cases, he is not able to give precise guarantees.

Testing a woman's blood for elevated hCG will not show pregnancy in the first week. This analysis provides an answer to this question only after the egg is attached to the uterus.

  1. It is recommended to check the amount of hCG in order to determine pregnancy 12-14 days after sexual intercourse.
  2. An increased amount of gonadotropin in a woman’s body in the first week after conception may indicate both the progress of pregnancy and serious illnesses. In this case, you should not delay a full medical examination.
  3. Taking a variety of hormonal medications can also affect the level of hCG in the blood.

Today, there are three main methods of determining pregnancy:

  • Using a special test sold at any pharmacy. It allows you to determine pregnancy one or two after conception. The research algorithm is as follows: a strip of test must be dipped into a container with “morning” urine to the indicated mark and wait a couple of minutes. If the result is positive, another one will be faintly visible next to the strip.
  • Blood test for hCG. The service is provided in any clinic. This test allows you to determine the presence of pregnancy after two weeks.
  • Using an ultrasound examination of the uterus, you can see a photo of a developing human embryo. However, this can only be done 3-4 weeks after conception. In the first seven days the procedure will not give any results.

Thus, a pregnancy test, carried out on the principle of determining the amount of gonadotropin in a woman’s blood and urine, cannot give an unambiguous result about the presence of pregnancy for the first seven days.

If the study shows a positive result within this period, then you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Since this may not be associated with pregnancy, but with serious illnesses.

Changes in the body

Despite the fact that in the first week of pregnancy it is quite difficult to determine the fact of its presence, already during this period processes begin in the woman’s body. What happens not 1 week after conception:

  1. The fertilized cell moves towards the uterus for subsequent attachment. This process is very important for a successful pregnancy, since if there are any pathologies of the fallopian tubes, it may not reach its destination, which, in turn, will lead to the development of an ectopic pregnancy. This can lead to serious health consequences for a woman, including death.
  2. After the cell has reached the uterus and established itself in it, a new layer of epithelial tissue is formed.
  3. In the first week, a woman may feel quite severe pain in the genital area, which may be accompanied by discharge very similar to menstruation. Under no circumstances should they be suppressed with medical painkillers, as this can lead to pregnancy pathologies and, consequently, to diseases of the unborn child.
  4. After the embryonic cell attaches to the walls of the uterus, its active division occurs. This promotes fetal growth. This process leads to the release of hormones in large quantities.

Woman's feelings

In the first week after conception, a woman may not feel any sensations, but, as medical practice shows, in most situations they manifest themselves in the form of:

  • heaviness in the lower abdomen in the area of ​​the genital organs;
  • bleeding and white discharge;
  • an increase in the size of the mammary glands, nipples and areas around them;
  • unusual reactions to the taste of foods and the smell of substances;
  • increased irritability;
  • toxicosis, expressed by constant nausea;
  • pain similar to those that occur during menstruation.


Despite such an early stage of pregnancy - 7 days, already during it the woman’s body begins to rebuild, preparing for the development of the fetus. Most tests are not able to give a 100% answer to the question:

  • “whether the woman is pregnant or not.” The study is recommended to be carried out after 10-14 days.

Signs of pregnancy in the first week after conception are not yet significant, but despite this, this search query is very popular on the Internet. And this is confirmed when reading thematic discussions on forums for those planning pregnancy and expectant mothers. There you can learn a lot of interesting things, hear about such signs of pregnancy in the first week after conception, which probably not even doctors are aware of. But first things first.

It is necessary to immediately understand that pregnancy after fertilization of a female egg by a sperm occurs only after 7-10 days. Or it may not occur at all, if for some reason (for example, hormonal), the egg dies on the way to the uterus, or the endometrium in this organ is not ready, too thin to accept the future fertilized egg. The egg completes its journey within about a week. And during this period of time, no changes occur in the woman’s body that could provoke signs of pregnancy in the first week after conception. So, nausea, vomiting, headache, fatigue, insomnia and depression are most likely due to the tedious wait for the situation to be resolved and fear of the onset of the next menstruation.

But after successful implantation, you can already begin to carefully monitor your health. About a week before the expected start date of menstruation, hormonal changes begin to occur in the body, which affect the well-being and some external characteristics of the expectant mother.

Hormonal changes

Let's start with hormones. After implantation of the egg into the uterus, the mother’s body begins to produce a special hormone, without which bearing a child would be impossible. And this hormone is called human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG for short. Its main purpose in the first trimester is to maintain the viability of the corpus luteum, which secretes progesterone, the lack of which poses a threat of termination of pregnancy. In addition, in the English-language medical literature you can find this version - hCG protects the fetus in the early stages of development from the immune cells of its mother. This applies to those situations when the maternal immune system rejects the fetus - in fact, an organism half foreign to it. If hCG is normal, then this should not happen.

Detected human chorionic gonadotropin is a sign of pregnancy in the first week after conception, more precisely after the first 7-10 days. This hormone can be determined by taking blood or urine tests - this is usually paid for, if without a doctor’s referral, or you can simply buy a test to perform at home. The latter option may not work if the test has low sensitivity. One line before the delay is not at all an indicator of another “sterile” cycle, so it’s too early to get upset. And sometimes it happens that a very pale paired line appears on the test, but when you see it, you can say that signs of pregnancy have already appeared in the first week after implantation. The growth of human chorionic gonadotropin occurs in geometric progression, look at these minimum and maximum possible values:

  • 1 week - 5-50 (IU/l)
  • 2 week - 40-1000 2 weeks 40-1000
  • 3 week - 100-4000 3 weeks 100-4000

It is very important to monitor the dynamics of growth for those ladies who have had unsuccessful pregnancies in the past, and especially those with localization outside the uterus. Often, signs of pregnancy in the first week, consisting of too low levels of the described hormone, may indicate a recurrence of the pathology. Gynecologists closely monitor such pregnancies.

On examination by a gynecologist

The literature is replete with calls for women to visit gynecologists as often as possible and, at the slightest suspicion of pregnancy, to immediately go for a consultation. There are ladies who take these calls literally - they make an appointment when they notice signs of pregnancy in the first week. But what can a doctor advise and diagnose in this case, if even with an ultrasound examination the fetus is not yet visible? The uterus can indeed be quite slightly enlarged, but this is also observed before the onset of menstruation...

The maximum you will receive is a stack of referrals for tests, which are standard for everyone planning a pregnancy.

We would advise women who do not have gynecological problems to spend this period with pleasant expectations. You can read interesting, positive literature for mothers, find out where the nearest good courses for expectant mothers are, and not constantly look for signs of pregnancy in the first week after conception. In the end, if not in this cycle, everything will definitely work out in the next one. Do not forget that a woman’s body does not work like a clock. You may not have intercourse on the day of ovulation and conception will not occur. In addition, ovulation in the fair sex does not occur every month.

You need to go to the doctor after the test shows a positive result, if you have any ailments, or if there is a delay of more than 2 weeks.

Personal feelings

The most expected sign of pregnancy in the first week after conception is toxicosis. But as we wrote at the beginning of this article, toxicosis cannot exist in principle at such an early stage. You need to wait at least a couple of weeks after ovulation. Although, it must be borne in mind that these standard reactions do not happen to all expectant mothers. Nausea, let alone vomiting, may not occur at all. Some girls experience signs of pregnancy in the first week after conception - fatigue for no particular reason, slight dizziness (due to changes in blood pressure and the beginning of hormonal changes in the body).

The apogee of unpleasant sensations usually occurs at 4-10 weeks, and then gradually fades away. By the second trimester, the woman feels great.

Where does this phenomenon come from and what can be said about those women who have it and who do not? There is an assumption that in this way the body is trying to protect the fetus from any negative influences. It is no secret that not all the food we eat is healthy and safe, and not all of it contains substances beneficial to the body. The mother's body may react with nausea to potentially dangerous and unnecessary foods. On the other hand, frequent vomiting is much more dangerous than food that does not enter the stomach, thanks to this cunning self-defense system.

Improving your physical condition is most often not a problem. It is enough just to exclude from your diet foods that cause nausea, and the signs of pregnancy in the first week and subsequent weeks will quietly disappear...

Another interesting fact is that everyone knows that during pregnancy the breasts begin to prepare for the upcoming lactation, but not everyone knows that this happens from the very first weeks. This is why unpleasant sensations arise in the chest, and sometimes yellowish and whitish discharge from the nipples appears - first with gentle pressure, and then involuntarily. This is secreted as colostrum - “pre-milk”.

As for insomnia, it usually occurs due to nervous tension. You can restore your nerves with the help of traditional medicine. The best, safest and most effective is valerian tincture or tablets.

Be healthy and do not look too carefully for signs of pregnancy in the first week after conception, so that there are no disappointments later...

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Whatever they say, it is a rare woman who feels from the first days of pregnancy that another life is already developing in her. Most often, the expectant mother does not even suspect her condition for several days, except in cases where conception has been planned long and diligently. Then already 1 week of pregnancy marks the beginning of a new stage, full of excitement and anticipation of the most important event in life.

How do we count pregnancy?

When it comes to early pregnancy, misunderstandings often arise between the doctor and the expectant mother. This happens because In gynecology, the first day of pregnancy is considered to be the day the previous menstruation began. That is, from a medical point of view, the first week is the one when menstruation begins, and the body is just beginning to prepare for a possible conception. It turns out that theoretically this is a phantom week that comes every month. This approach is due to the impossibility, in many cases, of determining the exact moment of conception, while the date of the last menstruation is always known.

But the woman, guided by logic, counts first the week when, according to her calculations, fertilization occurred. Often she can even confidently name this date. This real period will be discussed later in the article.

Calendar method for calculating gestational age

This method is also called embryonic or true. It is more understandable and logical for a woman. With this method, the beginning of pregnancy is considered to be the date of conception. For lucky women with a regular cycle, determining this day is quite simple: the duration of the cycle is 28 days, ovulation occurs in the middle, and conception occurs after another 1-3 days. From this point on, according to the rules of the calendar method, a healthy birth occurs after 38 weeks.

Obstetric method

This method has passed through centuries and was used by our great-grandmothers. The beginning of pregnancy is considered to be the first day of the previous menstruation, and the duration of the entire period is 40 weeks. Therefore, there is always a difference of 14 days between the obstetric and actual dates. When registering, the obstetric date is indicated in the medical record.

Symptoms and signs of pregnancy in the first week

The first obvious and well-known sign of pregnancy is the absence of menstruation at the expected time. But only by this moment the expectant mother has actually been in an interesting position for one or two weeks. Not every woman is able to suspect the onset of fertilization at an earlier stage, especially if conception was not planned.

The main signs of pregnancy at 1 week are no different from premenstrual syndrome. It is important to understand that we are talking about the actual first week following fertilization, and not about obstetrics.

  1. Weakness and malaise. A woman may feel like she has caught a cold and is about to get sick. A feeling of weakness and rapid fatigue are characteristic of this period.
  2. Sudden change of mood. Imbalance is a typical condition of women during the premenstrual period. It is also typical for pregnant women throughout their entire pregnancy. It is hormonal changes in the body that cause most pregnancy symptoms in the early stages after conception.
  3. Drowsiness. Many women celebrate it. If it is accompanied by fatigue and stress, it is often not perceived as a separate symptom.
  4. Libido. It is unpredictable whether it will intensify or fade, but against the background of a hormonal surge, attraction to the opposite sex may change.
  5. Heaviness. From the first days of pregnancy, pregnancy is accompanied by increased blood circulation in the pelvis. This sometimes causes a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, which is also characteristic of the premenstrual period.

In addition to these symptoms, the onset of pregnancy can cause the following conditions:

  • heaviness in the chest or, on the contrary, a decrease in tension in the mammary glands;
  • perverted sense of smell and its intensification;
  • morning sickness and vomiting often appear in the first trimester, but usually starting from 3-4 weeks;
  • increased appetite and the desire to eat something that was not at all attractive to you before;
  • headaches, migraine;
  • Either fever or chills are characteristic of the menopausal period and sometimes of the initial stage of an interesting situation.

In addition, from the first days a woman may feel excessive gas formation, notice the appearance of acne or a pleasant blush on her cheeks.

But none of the symptoms described above are mandatory. A woman may not notice anything at all and this does not signal any pathologies.

As for the obstetric period, any unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy at 1 week are caused by anything, but not the pregnancy itself, because there are still at least two weeks left before its onset.

What happens to the fetus at 1 week

After actual fertilization, the fetus as such does not exist for several more days. For now, this is only a rapidly dividing zygote, the outer cells of which will eventually become the basis for the placenta, and the inner cells for the fetus. During this period, the embryo has not yet established itself in the uterus, but is only sent to where it will develop over the next 9 months.

As for the obstetric first week, there is no talk of any fetus during this period, because even the sexual act itself, which became the reason for the birth of a new life, has not yet been completed.

A healthy lifestyle should be habitual, regardless of whether a woman is pregnant or not. Unfortunately, in practice this is often not the case. Remember that the baby’s health begins immediately after fertilization, and the foundation for it should be built even earlier.

Changes in diet

Throughout your pregnancy, you will not need extra carbohydrates, so give up baked goods and large amounts of sweets. Lean on vitamins (better vegetables and fruits than synthetic products), lean meats, definitely fish, and herbs. In any case, you will then have to adjust your diet depending on weight gain, general indicators, the condition of the child and the placenta.

Lifestyle changes

If you are healthy, then remember the motto for the coming months: pregnancy is not a disease. This is a natural state for a healthy female body, requiring a common sense approach. Walk a lot, do moderate sports, swim, get quality rest and give up the practice of getting nervous over trifles. If you have not yet made the habit of following a daily routine, be sure to start one. This will also be needed after childbirth, because the child gets used to the regime in the mother’s womb and will obey it after birth.

Sex in the first weeks

It is possible and necessary if there are no contraindications. Sex is a healthy, natural process, which is the key to women's emotional balance and overall well-being. The only condition for any period is a trusted partner and careful hygiene.

Medical observation

There is usually no medical supervision during the first week. The exception is a planned pregnancy, when during the specified period screening may be prescribed to determine the condition of the uterine endometrium and other indicators.

If you learned about your new situation in the first actual week (and modern tests can reveal it already on the 2-3rd day), then you can go to a consultation for registration. If pregnancy is confirmed, you will be given an obstetric term of approximately 3-4 weeks. You will receive directions for blood tests, determination of the amount of hCG and other examinations. But an ultrasound scan can determine the actual period that coincides with your calculations.

Unfortunately, in antenatal clinics there are often cases when doctors recommend going out for a few more weeks before registration, explaining this by the high risk of miscarriage before a certain period.

Changes in the mother's body in the first week of pregnancy

Whatever the period, embryonic or obstetric, we are talking about, changes in the maternal body at this stage are caused by hormonal changes. The first week of obstetrics is characterized by menstrual flow and the body’s preparation for fertilization of eggs. The hCG level at this stage is minimal, the basal temperature is fixed within 36.3-36.8ºС.

In the first actual week (3-4 obstetric weeks), the maternal body has already begun a global restructuring. The uterine epithelium fills with blood to accept the embryo, the hCG level jumps sharply upward and will now increase until birth.


Is it possible to determine pregnancy at 1 week by the nature of the discharge? At the first obstetric visit, the expectant mother observes normal menstrual flow, no different from the previous ones, except for the fact that in the next 10 months they will be the last.

The embryonic first week may be characterized by slightly thicker discharge than usual. Often during this period, “spotting” appears, especially if a woman has polyps or erosions in the cervix.

Problems in the first week

Any problems in the first days of the obstetric period are in no way connected with the pregnancy itself, therefore the cause of the ailments should be looked for in something else. If a woman is planning to conceive, unfavorable circumstances and illness can interfere with fertilization.

In the first embryonic week, disruptions in general well-being are common, which are almost never associated with unplanned conception.


In the early stages, a general body temperature of up to 37.5ºC is considered normal. This is the result of a decrease in immunity, an increase in progesterone levels and simply an intensive restructuring of the body. However, a rise in temperature may also indicate pathological processes in the body, so it should not be ignored. Tell your doctor about this worrying symptom.

acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections

The intelligent mother's body begins to actively suppress its own immunity from the first hours of pregnancy. This occurs to prevent rejection of the embryo, which, according to the immune system, is foreign and must be destroyed.

The result of a decrease in the body’s protective barriers is colds, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections and exacerbation of chronic diseases. This period, perhaps, just needs to be survived, helping the body fight viruses with improvised folk remedies. Cranberry juice, raspberry and sea buckthorn jam, drinking plenty of fluids and rest - these are, perhaps, the main helpers in the fight against colds at this stage.

Dizziness and nausea

During the first few days after conception, toxicosis does not bother women as often as in later stages. However, this condition is considered normal and is usually observed in the morning.

But dizziness in itself is not a symptom of pregnancy. This phenomenon may occur once due to a surge in pressure, but if it happens constantly, then it is better to consult a doctor about the possible causes.

What medications are available?

Any usual medications during the period under discussion are, in principle, not prohibited for the simple reason that the fertilized egg has not yet implanted and does not have access to the mother’s blood. Therefore, if you took an antipyretic drug, and after some time you found out that you are expecting a child, do not worry - this is unlikely to have any effect on its development.

But if you are planning to conceive and are under the supervision of a doctor, then it is better to coordinate the use of any medications with him at this stage.

All systems and organs of the future baby are formed in the first weeks after fertilization, therefore during this period it is very important not to harm the process through your actions or, on the contrary, inaction. But remember, pregnancy is an evolutionary process, honed over thousands of years, and your body, if it is healthy and full of strength, knows what to do and how to do it correctly.

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