A Hollywood style party is a great idea for an original holiday. New Year's party in Hollywood style

For children

Invitations have been sent out, outfits have been selected, the house sparkles with decorations and the famous path shimmers purple, awaiting the first guest... The Hollywood-style party is about to gain momentum. All that remains is to take care of adequately entertaining the guests who have received star status for the evening.

And how to organize a treat, choose music, provide a fun pastime and memorable photo and video chronicles, and all this in Hollywood style, read in this article.

The party starts with the red carpet

Guests should get into a special atmosphere even before the holiday itself begins: this is why we decorated the house and laid out a red carpet in front of the entrance. The action will come as soon as the first step is taken.

Make sure there are photographers capturing this stellar moment!

The presenter or “extras” portraying correspondents can address the guests walking along the path with a mini-interview, which will lift their spirits and help them feel like a “star.”

Questions could be:

  • Which designer created your incredible outfit?
  • To which stylist do we owe the happiness of seeing your amazing hairstyle?
  • Can you share your emotions before the upcoming event?
  • What role would you like to play?
  • If it's not a secret, what fee did you receive for your last film?

The meeting of guests will be even more fun and larger-scale if the hosts-fans create a cheerful stir, expressing admiration by shouting and applauding, asking for an autograph, trying to take a photo with the “star”.

Professional actors can be hired online or students can be offered to earn money; teenagers (for example, the children of the party hosts) can also play this role.

If the meeting scene is filmed, the guests will then be very pleased and interested in receiving a “film” about themselves as a gift. wonderful holiday. And many more shots will be added to this film during the celebration!

Refreshment at the ceremony. Tables, buffet or...?

Noisy and rich feasts are not accepted in the world of cinema. Movie stars who are constantly concerned about their figure will not sit at a table with plates filled with roasts and side dishes. At holiday parties in the “land of dreams” it is generally not customary to focus on food, because people gather for communication, fun, and general inspiration.

Most often, refreshments at such celebrations are organized in a format where people take light snacks from the waiters’ trays, complementing them with ice-cold champagne, also picked up on the go, or punch poured from a common bowl. For such an organization, one or two waiters or waitresses are needed who will monitor the fullness of the glasses and the availability of snacks. Catering companies that supply snacks to parties usually offer staffing services.

If this format does not quite appeal to you, you can organize a more familiar buffet. Set up a table with dishes that you can eat neatly and quickly, using a minimum of cutlery.

A candy bar designed in appropriate colors (red, white, gold, black) would be appropriate. If used disposable tableware, you can choose the appropriate one in online stores or decorate, for example, paper cups with an appliqué in the form of a film film.

On the other hand, we do not strive to completely imitate Hollywood, but only want to immerse ourselves in this atmosphere for a while, embodying our ideas of chic and glamor. Therefore, no one will accuse you of being “untrustworthy” if you want to seat guests at small tables or one large one. Let the tablecloth be plain, in one of the main colors of the holiday.

Use crisp white napkins in rings, glasses with tall stems, and ice buckets to cool drinks. Decorate tables with vases scarlet roses, decorated with pearls and lush feathers. You can sprinkle some pink petals and shiny tinsel on the tablecloth between the cutlery.

At each utensil, place a clipboard (a mini rack with a clip) with the guest's name on it, or place a beautifully designed index card on the plate.

Planning the menu

  • Hollywood menu should be light, delicious and varied: cupcakes, canapés, mini-burgers, various cuts.
  • Seafood will always come in handy - lobsters, king prawns, oysters.
  • If you want to treat your guests to something more substantial, you can cook a grilled steak.
  • An interesting dish, easy to prepare, but quite worthy of a star table - a potato baked whole in foil, to which a spoonful of caviar is added before serving: this is how the experienced chef Wolfgang Puck treated the audience at the banquet dedicated to the recent Oscars.
  • Dessert They should also be sophisticated, for example, strawberries with whipped cream are often associated with chic; tiny meringues or macaroons can be beautifully decorated for serving.
  • The “stars” are also not averse to treating themselves to donuts soaked in brandy, pistachio pancakes with strawberry mousse, and coffee sorbet (these are dishes from the latest Hollywood menu).

What to fill glasses with?

Drinks should have sonorous and “status” names: in Hollywood they drink mostly cocktails.

They don’t have to be alcoholic, but the most traditional ones should be placed on the table, demonstrating knowledge of the realities of the International Bartenders Association (yes, yes, there is such a thing!):

  • “Bloody Mary” – tomato juice and vodka;
  • “Mojito” – white rum, mint, sugar, soda water, and in the non-alcoholic version, lime juice mixed with water is used instead of rum;
  • “Blue Lagoon” – Bacardi rum, blue liqueur, pineapple and lemon juice, sugar syrup;
  • “Cosmopolitan” – vodka, Cointreau liqueur, cranberry and lemon juice;
  • “Margarita” – tequila, lime, Cointreau.

The latest hit from the star bartenders is the “Hissing of the Golden Goose” cocktail, invented especially for the Oscar ceremony: it contains passion fruit juice, whiskey, cream and sugar, and is served in gilded eggshells.

It will be more interesting if the treat is themed: for example, fruits and vegetables are cut into the shape of stars, cookies are baked in the shape of an Oscar figurine, and His Majesty’s cake has no limits to your imagination at all!

music and dancing

The music for an Oscar-themed party should provide guests with a clear connection to the world of dream merchants. The most best choice There will be old jazz - compositions by Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, Emma Fitzgerald, Ray Charles, Frank Sinatra.

soft melody and evening dresses provoke guests to perform classic waltz, foxtrot, quickstep... The competition for the best dancing couple can become another pearl of the evening.

An unmistakable option for musical accompaniment of competitions and feasts will also be soundtracks to your favorite Hollywood films.

In many films, dance plays a significant role in the plot or is even the plot itself - remember “Saturday Night Fever,” after which Travolta woke up famous, or “Dirty Dancing,” which brought Pat Swayze not only an Oscar, but also a Grammy, and Golden Globe. By playing music from these films on the dance floor, you will ensure your guests are in a fiery mood.

Celebrity entertainment: contests and games for an Oscar-themed party

Of course, the culmination of the holiday will be the ceremony of presenting an Oscar or another “award” invented by the owner of the holiday. But, of course, you shouldn’t limit yourself to this. Keep guests busy interesting competitions, dedicated to the theme of cinema, is most appropriate in the period after the treat, when the first hunger, including emotional, has already been satisfied.

If you decide to have fun non-stop, look at the ones that can be adapted for a party.

Of course, any traditional competition can be adapted to the world of cinema, for example, the game of darts can be tied to the film about Robin Hood, and the bursting of balloons can be associated with “Ghostbusters”. But sometimes you want more originality and uniqueness.

We offer you several types of competitions for different groups of guests - an intellectual audience who is eager to show off their erudition, or reckless youth, for whom the main thing is to have fun.

Competitions for smart people and smart girls

Such competitions are good not only for a special audience, but also for some moments of the holiday, when you want to dilute the fun time with calmer moments.

  • Anagrams. Invite guests to unravel the encrypted title of the film, in which the letters are mixed up. You can choose a set of letters placed in an envelope, from which you need to put together a name according to the principle of the Scrabble game, or present “abracadabra” on a card. Examples of tasks: “Tseto eyntryk” (“ Godfather"), "Kishler padisnos" ("Schindler's List"), "Mtsyr you like her" ("The Dark Knight"). And smile, and rack your brains, and show yourself as savvy in films!
  • Sound memory. Play theme songs from various Hollywood movies and have guests correctly name which movie the music is from.
  • Guess by the picture. The drawing hints at the title of a Hollywood film, and guests will have to voice it. For example, a broken nutcracker is a “Die Hard”, a nest over which it hovers kite or an airplane - “One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest”, sheep with their mouths gagged - “Silence of the Lambs”. This game can be played the other way around - invite guests to draw the title of the film, so that other guests can decipher their masterpieces. In this case, take care of paper, felt-tip pens, and convenient drawing tablets.
  • "Douvillog". This is Hollywood in reverse! Guests will have to guess the name of the film, in which all words are replaced by antonyms. It can be very fun, for example: “Slender Pit” - “Brokeback Mountain”, “Toddler with a Penny” - “Million Dollar Baby”, “Darkness of a Small Village” - “City Lights”, etc.
  • Whole image. This is what they say about completely transformed actors. For this competition, guests need to split into two teams, and several portraits will serve as props Hollywood stars, printed and cut into fragments. For each team, mix clips of the faces of two different actors. The task is to put the images together without confusing anything. Who can do it faster?
  • Hollywood quiz. For real experts, you can ask interesting questions related to the Oscar ceremony and the world of Hollywood. For each correct answer, a mini-prize is awarded, and the person who gets maximum amount correct answers can qualify for an Oscar in the “Smartest!” category.

Examples of questions:

  • At what film awards ceremony was the word "Oscar" first used? (at 6).
  • How long is the actual ceremony red carpet? (150 m).
  • What is the name of the cinema where the Oscars are traditionally presented? (“Dolby”)
  • The head of which American film studio established this prestigious film award? (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studio, it was its director Louis Barth Mayer).
  • For what role did an African-American woman win an Oscar for the first time? (Hattie McDaniel for her role as Mammy in Gone with the Wind).
  • How many years passed between the release of the first and second Terminators? (7).
  • How many parts of "Terminator" were there? (5)
  • For which film did Gwyneth Paltrow, who burst into tears during the ceremony, win an Oscar? ("Shakespeare in Love")
  • Name a film that won an Oscar in 5 main categories at once (there were 2: “It Happened One Night” with Clark Gable and “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”).
  • Star Nicolas Cage is the nephew of which famous director? (Francis Ford Coppola, Cage is a pseudonym).
  • Why was boxer Muhammad Ali the only one of all the actors on the Walk of Fame who left his autographed star not on the sidewalk, but on the wall of the cinema? (He did not want the prophet's name to be trampled underfoot.)
  • How many sequels did the film “Rambo, First Blood” have (3. There are 4 films in the series).

If the party is dedicated to one film, then you can select questions that relate to this film or the actors involved in it.

Fun and exciting games

And these competitions and entertainment will be useful for creating cheerful mood, they don’t need to shine with erudition, but it won’t hurt to loosen up and show creativity!

1.Attention, filming!

Prepare simple props: hats, scarves, mustaches and beards, glasses, horns, ears, clown nose, wigs, etc. Place everything in a large box: from it, each participant will take one or more elements at random.

Give participants cards with the “role text” - a famous line from a Hollywood movie, for example:

  • “Bond. James Bond" (Bond);
  • "Hasta la vista, baby" (Terminator 2);
  • "Let the force be with you!" ("Star Wars");
  • “Everyone has their own shortcomings” (“Only girls in jazz”);
  • “I’m not bad, I’m just painted that way” (“Who Framed Roger Rabbit?”)

And then announce the start of filming of various scenes of the film, choosing actors at random. Since the phrases and props are distributed randomly, it will turn out very funny, just don’t forget to film!

For example: “A scene is being filmed: lovers walk through the courtyard, talking.” He: “Houston, we have a problem.” She: “I love the smell of napalm in the morning”... The scenes can be different: “The robbers are talking in a whisper”, “The victim is begging for mercy”, “A conversation is heard outside the window”...

In this competition, it is important to select a creative presenter-director.

2. Funny voice acting

Place on the table various devices for producing sound: rustling paper, a comb (sweep with your fingernail), a balloon (creaks), a glass of water and a stick (rings), a straw (you can gurgle in a glass of water), etc. A competition is announced for the best one, but a budget sound engineer!

Each applicant approaches the “remote panel” and, having pulled out a task on a card, tries to voice out:

  • wolf howl in the night forest;
  • the steps of a wounded man on snow crust;
  • barnyard;
  • cat playing with balloon, which suddenly bursts;
  • the climax of the battle;
  • morning Paris.

3. “I don’t recognize you in makeup!”

It's unlikely that the girls did before the party beautiful make-up, will want to participate in a competition where they will have to put on makeup. But you can suggest “making up” portraits of famous actors and actresses using colored felt-tip pens.

Print on a printer more photos famous actors (several copies of each photo).

You can ask the “make-up artists” to create an image for each movie character for a comedy, horror film, science fiction film, etc. There will be something to see!

4. Talent casting

If the invitation indicated that the participant could prepare any act for the competition, then it’s time to organize this competition. Support the talent with loud applause.

5. Best outfit

It’s not for nothing that the guests tried to comply with the dress code! Organize a fashion show with a demonstration of the stars' outfits; you can ask the audience to write on pieces of paper the name of the image they liked and present the “audience award.”

Oscar in various categories

The highlight of the evening will be the awards ceremony. The presenter with the treasured envelope will appear on an impromptu stage to present figurines, ribbons over the shoulder or special diplomas to the winners in various categories.

It’s better that no one is left without recognition, so think over the list of nominations and applicants for them in advance. Except " Best outfit” and “The Most Spectacular Dance”, as well as those mentioned in the competitions “Winner of Talent Casting”, “Best Make-up Artist”, “Great Sound Engineer” and “Most Clever”, these can be the following nominations:

  • the funniest toast;
  • the most charming smile;
  • the most loving couple;
  • best partner, etc.

Cover photo and more

A theme party must be captured in a photo, and a Hollywood party even more so, because all our guests are, by definition, stars!

Of course, it is worth inviting a professional photographer to such a celebration, or better yet several, to capture the most unexpected and unique moments: the first step on the red carpet, winning a competition, presenting a treasured statuette, etc. Such photos should be taken for each guest.

And a photo shoot can become another component of the festive action, especially when the evening is already coming to an end: a calm and pleasant activity will help the participants, without leaving the festive mood, little by little “move” back to reality. If the room is decorated in accordance with the recommendations given in the previous article, then almost any corner of it will serve as an excellent backdrop for photography.

But you can go the extra mile and focus the guests’ attention on several specially selected photo zones.

Grand finale

After the apotheosis of the evening - the Oscar (or author's award) ceremony - you cannot immediately “lead” the guests away from bright world Hollywood. A photo session would be just right, the element of which could be an invitation to participate in the creation of the Walk of Fame.

It all depends on the plan of the holiday organizer. The easiest way is to hand out pre-made templates of Hollywood stars to your guests, ask them to trace their palm and sign it, then attach it to the chosen surface - rolled out fabric, paper, carpet, etc.

It’s more difficult, but more interesting, to make a special container for each guest (square or in the shape of a star), into which plaster will be poured before the ceremony, and each VIP will put his or her palm print (don’t forget to offer the guests latex gloves!). Additionally, you can provide sets of stamps to decorate the surface: stars, letters, decorative elements.

If the idea of ​​liquid plaster seems too complicated for you, you can purchase ready-made kits for impressions, such as for children’s hands.

And you can end the holiday with bright fireworks - why not the Hollywood fireworks?

A party that immerses us in the world of dream makers will be invariably popular and interesting for people of all ages. different ages and hobbies. After all, much of what we sometimes miss in life - incredible adventures, passionate confessions, mysteries and travel - we find in films!

Video of Oscar-style celebrations for a snack

The style of the world of cinema is suitable for a variety of holidays.

Can you imagine what a graduation party looks like if it's Oscar-style? Watch and be inspired.

Here's a wonderful children's holiday. Although the action takes place abroad and only English is spoken in the video, the video is catchy and some ideas may be useful to you. Pay attention to the karaoke rooms and the work of the animator!

And finally, a birthday in Hollywood style.

Hollywood... Each of us dreams of going there, walking along the red carpet and looking behind the scenes. Well, if not everyone dreams, then many girls want to find out for themselves what it is - a wedding in the Hollywood style?

Bride's image

The image is based on luxurious dress. It is worth focusing on such options as:

  • dress with corset, complemented full skirt(suitable for the Hollywood look fashionable girl the beginning of the last century),
  • a mermaid dress, which is generously embroidered with beads, stones and pearls,
  • fitted dress with a straight cut, decorated hand embroidery, however, if he has a deep neckline, then unnecessary decor should be avoided

Addition to the image

  • elegant shoes,
  • gloves, maybe long, above the elbow,
  • jewelry,
  • clutch,
  • boa or fur shawl (in winter time of the year)
  • without a veil! instead, you can decorate your head with an expensive hairpin or a vintage veil

The bride's bouquet

The bouquet should be classic round shape And small size. A composition with red and white roses, callas, and orchids will look great in this style. The petals are decorated with rhinestones, the stems are decorated with shiny beads, and the bouquet itself is decorated with light airy feathers. The leg of this accessory should be wrapped in ribbon or draped in beautiful fabric.

Groom image

The groom's attire should not be at all inferior in elegance to the bride. Perfect outfit for a wedding like this:

  • three piece suit,
  • tailcoat,
  • the tuxedo

Most suitable color for a suit there will be black or white, but dark gray and blue shades are quite acceptable.

Addition to the image

  • the bow tie,
  • suspender,
  • patent leather shoes,
  • expensive watches,
  • top hat (subject to a vintage touch during the celebration)

What should a Hollywood wedding look like? The registry office hall is not very suitable for registering such a wedding. It is better to choose a chic restaurant or a beautiful large park for painting. And the entire celebration in the future can be held at this place, it will be very convenient.

The most important thing in decor is luxury. They will look great flower arrangements, decorated with feathers, chairs should be beautifully draped, rich dishes and crystal, massive candelabra with candles should appear on the table. The entrance to the hall is invariably decorated with a red carpet; the place of painting can be sprinkled with red rose petals.

Posters with your favorite actors on the walls of the hall will look very interesting. Further more. Install a projector and screen for viewing in the hall, on which the newlyweds will show their “lovestory” made from joint photos(again, a Hollywood-style wedding with a vintage touch will mean black and white photos). To make the atmosphere of cinema feel better, tables can be decorated with reels of film, firecrackers, and shiny confetti. In this case, both the newlyweds and guests will simply drown in splendor!

To make it unusual, the location of the photo shoot can be made in the form of a stand with the legendary “Hollywood” inscription. Then you will definitely visit this legendary place! You can also make a kind of “Walk of Fame”. where the star of a new family will be laid.

A wedding cake

A Hollywood wedding involves a three-tiered cake with figures of the newlyweds. The cake is usually decorated in black and white. The range of treats can be expanded: cookies in the shape of Oscar figurines, a cocktail bar with martinis would be appropriate here, let’s not forget about the champagne pyramid, snacks and good cigars.

Wedding procession

It would be great if you could rent a limousine in a classic style or a good old Rolls Royce. Well, when else will it be possible to ride them?! If the wedding option involves a more budget-friendly approach, then you can find a way out here too. You can rent a retro car from any transport company. However, the style should still be preserved - in this case, Chrysler or Cadillac should appear at your wedding.


What would Hollywood be without the Oscars? Be sure to include this ceremony in your wedding program. The nominations will be accompanied by music from the most popular Hollywood films: comedies, melodramas and blockbusters. You can arrange parodies of famous actors with your guests or invite special parody actors for this purpose.

First dance

Here are three classic options:

  • waltz,
  • rumba,
  • foxtrot

The dance is performed as if classical music, and to your favorite movie soundtracks.

A luxurious holiday also requires a luxurious ending: a grandiose fireworks display will amaze both family and guests with its effectiveness! And all of you will remember for a very long time the shine of the spotlights, the red carpet, movie camera flashes, glamorous images, in a word, this mind-blowing “trip to Hollywood”!

The idea of ​​cinema, and everything connected with it, can easily be translated into invitation cards. We offer several options that are easy to make at home.

Invitation Starlight

like this postcard You can make it to order, or you can, if you have the time and desire, make it yourself. For one invitation you will need: a sheet of black cardstock, two sheets of white photocopier paper, a pack of star stickers (ala Hollywood), a couple of glitter markers (to draw on the spotlights and decorate the edges of the stars and the corners of the envelope).

You can make a postcard like this:

1. Cut out an even square from a sheet of black cardboard. Fold the corners into the middle to create an envelope shape.

2. Decorate the folded corners along the edges with gold lines using a marker.

3. Glue a square of white paper inside the envelope and decorate it with Hollywood-style drawings and star stickers. Enter the text.

4. Fold the card back into an envelope and send it to the recipient.

Similar postcard It is interesting not only for the saturation and brightness of “Hollywood” colors (after all, red is also added to the traditional black and white tones), but also for the material from which it is made.

Postcard base - thick cardboard(or even gluing white and red sheets together to give more rigidity). The top is thick polyethylene (backing), with a transparent tape perforated at the edges, very similar in appearance to real film. This is all the chic of such a postcard. The decor and inscriptions were made on a regular computer color printer.

If you want to focus the attention of your guests on a narrower theme, for example, the Oscars, you can also show this in the decor of your holiday invitations.

The red carpet is the first element of chic and honor with which the main American film event is associated in our subconscious. The red carpet is always laid out at the feet of guests and nominees arriving at the ceremony. And this means that they have already earned the main thing - the attention of critics and the recognition of fans.

Samu invitation card can be decorated with an image of a walkway and rope parapets. And the envelope for the postcard should be made red, plain and decorated with rhinestones and sparkles.

Do you remember that the results of the selection of members of the Film Academy commission are sealed in envelopes, which are opened by honorable people and celebrities of America? Can be issued invitation cards for your Hollywood party just like this deciding fate many actors, directors, and films, envelope.

For the invitation itself, printed on thick red paper, you can put shiny foil confetti and a piece of symbolic red ribbon in the envelope. All this is needed in order to give volume to the impression of the upcoming holiday on the recipient of your postcard, to “turn on” his imagination, to make him ignite with excitement and sweet anticipation of the upcoming celebration in Hollywood style!

By the way, similar invitation cards(with the watermark of the famous figurine in the background) can be searched in holiday specialized online stores.

And one more interesting option, associated with the Ceremony - ticket for a VIP guest.

If you have a lot of free time, or a huge passion for everything related to the theme of the upcoming party, you can really surprise your guests complex postcards self made.

This postcard consists of clippings from printed publications, newsreels, and news. The base is dark cardboard. Decor - film strip (made from aged thin paper and still images from popular films), newspaper headlines and gold weaving from silk threads. It’s quite difficult to do something like this, but for a change you can try.

An absolutely unique piece of papier-mâché. Your guest receives a box from you. He opens it, and there is an incredible cake, decorated with a red carpet, paper reels of film, ratchet stickers and other Hollywood paraphernalia, topped with real ostrich feathers and the number of your upcoming anniversary. And on the front wall of the cake box is the birthday girl herself in a chic glamorous dress (photo), as if inviting her to the upcoming event. Unique, unique, original, and... expensive. Both in material terms and in terms of effort, labor and time. Although, if you are fluent in the papier-mâché technique, you can try it!

Well, we've sorted out the invitations. Guests are thrilled with anticipation of the holiday, eagerly selecting outfits and accessories to best match the Hollywood impeccable dress code. Well, you are already starting to prepare the site for the star reception!


The only nuance that I would like to clarify before starting a conversation about decor: do you, by any chance, have the opportunity to rent some old theater hall or castle with a ballroom and stage for a Hollywood party? So, silver balustrades, gold leaf, velvet curtains... No? It's a pity! Such a room would practically not need to be decorated! Although, in principle, if you search and think, you can find an old cinema hall or even a Soviet-era club as a room for a party. The main thing is that it is in good condition (after all, the safety of the guests comes first!). Well, decorate, of course, with many bouquets of fresh flowers and other Hollywood accessories. If it is not possible to rent any of the above premises for a holiday, let’s try to fill our own home with the atmosphere of Hollywood!

Hollywood sign

To prevent guests from looking at each other questioningly when approaching the holiday location: “Are we here?”, hang a banner over the entrance to your house with the inscription: “Hollywood,” or install three-dimensional capital letters“HOLLYWOOD” (imitation of a sign visible from afar in the Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles). Let guests, watching such a picture from the window of their car, tune in to the fact that they will soon find themselves in another country, and what is there - a completely different dimension!

Red carpet and paparazzi

Just as theater begins with a coat rack, so Hollywood begins with the red carpet and the constant keen interest in everyone who receives an invitation to step on it from the omnipresent paparazzi. Lay out a path for your dear guests, installing on the sides the traditional Oscar ceremonies and the dark figures of paparazzi with cameras. Let your guests feel like the center of everyone's attention from the very first moment of the party once again smile!

Portraits of famous actors

Use black and white photos of your favorite actors in character. Let their presence at your holiday make your guests believe in the reality of what is happening. Audrey Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart, Clark Gable and many others are regular invisible guests of Hollywood VIP ceremonies. Why don’t you “invite” them too?

Walk of Fame with guests' names

For popular Hollywood actors, a sign of recognition and highest honor, a clear confirmation that they are working in the cinematic field for a reason, is an invitation to leave an autograph and a symbolic handprint on one of the stars of the Walk of Fame. Invite your guests at your party to have their own star! It will also be no less honorable and even a lot of fun!

Palm trees for a Hollywood party

There are a lot of palm trees everywhere in Hollywood. The palm tree is considered a symbol of prosperity and good luck because in the film town this tree is especially revered. Well, when organizing a Hollywood-style party, you can use a palm tree (live, potted, artificial, or even made from balloons) to your advantage. For example, in order to fill the empty space of the hall, cover unsightly places or separate one play area from another.

Stage lighting

For a Hollywood themed party you definitely need a stage. After all, this is where the main events of the festive evening will take place. If you don’t have the opportunity to rent a real theater hall, at least try to separate part of the room with curtains and direct spotlights to this place.

Film reels, lining, posters

It often happens that the viewer is more interested in the process of filming a film than in the film itself. The phrase has already become popular: “Light! Camera! Motor!”, with which the director calls on the film crew to get ready and shoot the next shot. Use the paraphernalia of the film set - reels of film, megaphone and director's chair, posters, cameras - in order to recreate the realities of Hollywood.

Feathers, boas, glitter and glamor

If you're going for an old Hollywood vibe at your party (using retro as the central theme of the event), decorate the interior with ostrich feathers, red boas, large sunglasses, serpentine and twinkling golden stars. This is how Hollywood was in the 60s, let it appear before the eyes of your guests!

Candlesticks, roses and rhinestone

Continuing the theme of emphasized Hollywood glamor and chic, we suggest using crystal candlesticks, intricate vases with gilding (for red roses), and garlands made of pieces as holiday decor. rock crystal. Such compositions can be used both to decorate the gaming room and to decorate the festive table.

Confetti for the holiday

“Hollywood loves tinsel. Hollywood is drowning in shocking chaos." This stereotype exists among ordinary people. We won’t determine whether this is true or a myth now; simply, echoing this sentiment, we’ll create a little creative chaos in our gala hall, scattering “Hollywood” bright confetti around.

Black, gold balloons

Balloons in the typical glamorous Hollywood color scheme can be used to fill existing empty spaces. It will be good to release helium-filled balloons in the shape of golden stars to the ceiling. Thanks to the balloons, the picture of creating a home Hollywood will become more rich and complete.

The festive table, at which you are going to treat your VIP guests with exclusive dishes and expensive cocktails during the holiday, should also be decorated to match the festive hall. Here are some ideas.

For individual tables, you can use tall crystal vases with ostrich feathers as a central decoration, or you can do without the bulky main composition of the table altogether, replacing it with small vases-cups for red roses on short stems, decorated with strings of pearls. Fresh rose petals, feathers and “precious” stones placed all over the table will also help to complement the chic abundance of such decor.

Well, a very original “trick” of the Hollywood feast will be the seating of guests in the hall. On the plate of each invitee there will be a holder - a mini-clipboard indicating the name of the person for whom this place is “reserved”.

Well, that's probably all. We tried to tell you about all the nuances, noticeable details and characteristic things of Hollywood. We hope that with our tips, your home party will be... star style it won't turn out any worse! Good luck with your preparations and... come to us for costumes and advice on what to give to the host of a Hollywood party! This is exactly what the next article is about!

The nature of the costumes of the party participants directly depends on the main theme of the Hollywood party. For example, you can main theme holiday to proclaim your favorite film (say, “Moulin Rouge”). Accordingly, in the line “dress code” invitation card indicate: a burlesque outfit, a dress for a cancan, etc. You can expand the search for a costume for a party, for example, by indicating in the invitation only the genre of your favorite film (melodrama, drama, thriller, action, horror film). Or - the cinematic era in which it was created (silent films, black and white, color, digital, etc.). Or you can completely move away from making movies as such, and hold an Oscar-themed party. The ceremony also requires specific outfits. I will try to offer you as many as possible stylish options suits and dresses, relating them to the theme of a Hollywood socialite.




The Hollywood sci-fi legend about the love of incredible humanoid creatures, the Na'vi of the planet Pandora, shocked the world of consumers of quality cinema in 2009. A lot of people (both children and adults) strive to imitate the blue-skinned Jake-avatar and his beloved Neytiri then (and now too). You, too, can come to the party in a state of complete unity with nature and the wish-granting tree in your heart. True, to translate a cinematic image into matter you need, at a minimum, to have perfect figure(since Neytiri's costume is made of blue and black striped lycra, following every curve of the body). Everything else - the tail, the mask for Jake, etc. - small parts suits that will not require you to spend a significant amount of time and money.

Star Wars

Another cult epic-fantastic Hollywood space saga, first filmed in the 70s and not losing its former popularity in our time. For a Hollywood-style party, the costumes of many beloved Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader, and Leia Organa are quite suitable. IN finished form you can buy them at any themed store.


Superhuman strength and talents of people also received different time enough attention from Hollywood movie makers. Superman, Spiderman, X-Men, America-Man, The Incredible Hulk and many other images will be actively welcomed at the celebration organized in honor of Hollywood cinema.

Naturally, even a few months of real time will not be enough to try on all the roles and plots existing in Hollywood. Each of you, my dear readers, has your own taste and opinion about “what is good and what is bad” in America and its cinema. And, for sure, he will choose the most suitable costume that matches his own character for a Hollywood themed party. And we move on.


For those who admire the origins of Hollywood cinema, and therefore choose the theme of old Hollywood, images of famous actors and actresses - Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich, Cary Grant and Gene Kelly - are suitable. Major Hollywood fashion trends those times were

Hollywood costume for women

Long black, white and red dresses to the floor, tightly fitting the silhouette, or “mermaid” dresses, and with them - a large angular hat, elbow-length gloves, large jewelry and mouthpieces. If you really like the image of a Hollywood retro actress, also take care to do the hairstyle, manicure and makeup characteristic of that time. In the mid-30s, screen divas preferred hair middle length, and most often styled them in light wavy hairstyles. At parties, they preferred to wear open-toed sandals, showing off their flawless scarlet pedicure to everyone. As for makeup, scarlet plump lips, winged lips, and black eyebrows curved in a sharp arc (using a cosmetic pencil) were in fashion back then.

Hollywood suit for men

Retro Hollywood was also characterized by a black and white secular dress code. Most often they appeared at parties in black tuxedos, paired with white shirts and bow ties and fine leather boots. Sometimes male actors allowed themselves a few liberties - they added stylish accessory- a red scarf with thin black stripes, and a hat decorated in the same tone.

Speaking about images of retro Hollywood, one cannot ignore the notorious, flamboyant actress, sex symbol of America in the 50s, Marilyn Monroe.

Image of Marilyn Monroe

The famous blonde, even in our time, many years after her theatrical death, continues to conquer the hearts of men, mysteriously coming to life through many who are in love with her thoughts, dresses, and actions of modern women. What is characteristic of Marilyn's appearance? White, curled hair of medium length. Bright, scarlet lipstick on sensual lips, fluffy, long eyelashes. And, of course, the mole on his left cheek that drove many men crazy (even the President!). Marilyn Monroe preferred metro-style outfits and dresses with an American collar, which were just becoming fashionable at that time. Puffy hemlines (like the famous white dress from the film “Seven Years of Desire”), V-necklines, light pink chiffon and white boa feathers - all this will certainly come in handy if you plan to transform into Marilyn when going to a party in Hollywood style.


What does the most important Hollywood Red Carpet hate? First of all - ignorance in fashion! The dress (and only the dress!) for the Ceremony should look perfect, fit and be in harmony with all the accessories - shoes, handbag, jewelry and even hairstyle. How often do we hear tabloid criticism of actors and movie stars who allow themselves to step on the red carpet in less than proper fashion? And how many times such criticism has become the cause of a scandal, and even the loss of a star’s ratings. And if you are not going to real American Hollywood, but just to a party in the style of a cinema town, this is not a reason to neglect fashionable dogmas for Oscar winners and nominees!

So, a few immutable rules of the dress code (and this, invariably, has been Black tie for several years in a row) of the Ceremony:

For women 1: Evening Dress, length from the knee and below, in classic, strict tones - black, white, red, pastel, cream.

For men 2: A tuxedo with a black bowtie or tie is a must.

Sometimes in the “dress code” column of the invitation to the Ceremony, “creative black tie” is indicated. This tag allows stars to exercise some creative freedom in their approach to their outfits. For example, male actors can wear a tie with a pattern, actresses can choose bright shoes or accessories to match their dresses.

In principle, a house party in Oscar style (and its paparazzi in the first place) will, of course, forgive you for a dress “not from Valentino” and your favorite tie in yellow butterflies(if there really is one). But for the credibility of the Academic Ceremony, women must come to the party - in dresses and shoes high heels, for men - in suits and ties.


Gloss, brilliance, shocking, supernatural and creative - these are the 5 main words that characterize Hollywood glamor. If this is the side of Hollywood that interests you, tell your guests about it in your invitations! Also, invite them to dream up a costume theme. And, of course, announce a reward for the most creative outfit!

Some absolutely exclusive Hollywood glamor outfit tips from me personally!

1. You can make a romantic and absolutely exclusive outfit with... scrap materials. For example, leaves plastic bottles, meat, after all (it’s not like Lady Gaga will hold the first position in this matter forever!).

2. If you are going to a party accompanied by a gentleman (to whom you just announced your engagement yesterday), you can rehearse the wedding using a purely American approach to wedding dresses.

3. The costumes will also look purely Hollywood. fairy-tale heroes and incredible creatures (for example, the card joker, who suddenly decided to rise from cardboard and cloth).

4. You can also shock society (without going beyond the traditions of glamor) by wearing gift wrapping instead of a dress, an incredible hat, and an out-of-the-ordinary army suit with a fox tail (probably for luck).

Naturally, the gift that he will present to the hero of the “Hollywood” occasion will depend on the theme (and the originality of the costume), as well as on the personal sense of humor of each guest. As usual, I’ll give you a few ideas.

New Year in style Hollywood – 2016

Presenter 1:

Do you know how the Hollywood elite have fun when they get together? What do they eat, drink, talk about and play? Of course, find out about entertainment program social events can be found from many gossip columns. But! It’s much more interesting to try on this life for yourself - to try all the entertainment that you love in Hollywood, to find out the taste of the star’s food, and the degree of the equally stellar drinks. That's why today we announce "Hollywood Night". We promise it will be fun!

Presenter 2:

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the opening ceremony of awarding the nominees for the prestigious award in the field of education "____________________"(fanfare sounds) And right now we are next to the red carpet, along which our beloved teachers continue to walk, clicking their starry heels. The paparazzi are in a hurry to record everything that is happening around, down to the smallest detail - the teachers’ outfits, their gait, their mood... By the way, dear guests, I ask you to pay attention to our photo zone - here you can take a stellar selfie, and then collect many likes on social networks.

Presenter 1:

(Question to one of the guests: “How do you like the start of our party today? How are you in the mood?” To another guest: “Who is the designer of your amazing dress?”)

Presenter 2:

Well, the guests are here and we are ready to begin the “_________________________” award ceremony. But before we begin, tell me what no one can do without. festive event? That's right, no applause! And today you will have to applaud a lot, therefore, we just need to conduct an applause rehearsal. After all, they, like everything in this world, are completely different. For example, solemn ones. Show me some solemn applause. Well done! And if I ask you to imitate limp applause... Not bad. Now show me what inadequate applause sounds like. Just great! And finally, what will star applause look like? It is with them, with stellar applause, that we begin our ceremony! Fabulous! So here we go!

Presenter 1:

Let me remind you that the awards will be held in five categories:

1. Documentary

2. Horror movie

3. TV series

4. Fairy tale

5. Musical

In each category we will award the best of the best! Let's start our solemn ceremony from a song performed by Alexandra Vladimirovna Savelyeva.

Well, our guests have seriously prepared. And in the first nomination calledDOCUMENTARY the administration of our school speaks. It is with great pleasure that I invite them to the stage!

Speech by the school administration, presentation of the prize.

A start! And let's face it, it was simply wonderful. But now we won’t all be laughing, because the next nomination is ahead -HORROR . And this nomination is presented by the film studio “Philologist Film”.

Speech by the methodological association of philologists, presentation of the prize.

What's a party without songs? And since it’s New Year’s Eve, there will also be a New Year’s song. I invite all guests to take the text, microphones and sing a wonderful New Year's song together.

Presenter 1:

The third category we present is the most female. Why? Yes, because it's calledSERIES . It is represented by the film studio “Humanities Production”. Greet them with loud applause!

Speech by the methodological association of humanists, presentation of the prize.

Presenter 2:

Now it's time for the fourth nomination. This nomination, in my opinion, is the most magical, because it’s calledFAIRY TALE . And it is represented by the film studio “NachFilm”. We are happy to invite them to the stage!

Teachers' speech primary classes, awarding the prize.

Dear guests, I invite you to move a little and invite you to a fiery Hollywood dance! (Game "Dance Battle")

Well, my dears, I’ll tell you - you know how to rock the Hollywood way! But today there are special guests at our holiday - this is a teacher visual arts– Irina Alekseevna Fedoseeva and teacher physical culture- Alexey Ivanovich Podoley. Especially for this evening they prepared a small but very a pleasant surprise- this is a great dance! Let's invite them to our stage with loud applause!(dance)

Presenter 1:

Well, it's time for our last nomination. And she is our most musical, this is a nominationMUSICAL . She is represented by the film studio “Iskus Studio”.

Speech by art teachers, presentation of the prize.

Presenter 2:

(Game “Fashion Models”)

Presenter 1:

Well, all the movies have been watched, the popcorn has been eaten, and the prizes have been awarded. We can only thank each film studio individually and, of course, all of you, dear teachers! It was very stellar and fiery! But our evening does not end there.

(music sounds, Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall)

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather, what kind of holiday is this here?

Father Frost:

And this, my dear granddaughter, the teachers of school No. 37 are celebrating the New Year...

Snow Maiden:

How can they celebrate it without us, grandfather? How can the new year begin if you and I haven’t come to visit?!

Father Frost:

And really, how does it happen that you forgot about me and the Snow Maiden? Really, none of you believe in Santa Claus?

Snow Maiden:

Hello, hello, dear teachers! Happy New Year! Thank you for your hard work, for teaching the kids to be smart! Grandpa and I came to congratulate you! And wish you all the best, kindest and wonderful things in the coming year!

Santa Claus:

And we didn't come with empty handed, and with gifts! Musical! Come on, Snow Maiden, sing our New Year's song! And you, dear guests, help us! Don’t be shy, get up in a friendly round dance!

(song “For the New Year”)


Happy New Year! With new happiness!

(end of the ceremonial part)

Dance part.

Competitions for New Year's Eve teachers:

1. Game “Where I go.” Questions for the game: A) How and when did you get to this place for the first time?

B) Why do you go there? What do you usually do there?

Q) Do your relatives and friends know that you go there? How do they feel about this?

D) What do you need to take with you to this place?

D) When are you going to go there again?