Using a vacuum massager. Types of vacuum massager for cellulite, how to use, reviews


Vitamin E in capsules is one of the few organic substances that preserves beauty and youth, helps with hypovitaminosis, exhaustion and loss of strength. The lack of this vitamin in the human body leads to a decrease in the body’s defenses, infertility, and impaired work internal systems and organs. An overdose of tocopherol (the second name for vitamin E) can cause irreparable harm to the body, so you need to know about its properties and rules of administration.

Tocopherol is a transparent light yellow oily liquid. It is a fat-soluble vitamin and oxidizes when exposed to light. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant: it neutralizes the effects of free radicals, preventing them Negative influence on the body.

  • The following processes also occur under the influence of tocopherol:
  • the elasticity of capillaries increases, their walls are strengthened;
  • blood circulation improves, the development of blood clots is prevented due to the anticoagulant effect;
  • oxygen enters tissues faster, which improves cell nutrition;
  • skin aging slows down;
  • the vitamin inhibits unwanted oxidation processes, participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin, protects red blood cells from destruction;

The body's defenses increase, as well as endurance and stress resistance.

Although vitamin E is found in many foods, deficiency is quite common. Before you start taking additional vitamin E, you need to study the instructions for use of the drug and consult with your doctor about the dosage and duration of the course. Most often, the doctor recommends taking vitamin E in capsule form if the patient has:

  • lethargy, fatigue;
  • significant reduction in muscle and fat tissue;
  • deterioration of liver function;
  • decreased immunity;
  • threat of miscarriage during pregnancy;
  • cycle disturbance (menstrual) in women;
  • Problems reproductive system(for example, infertility);
  • lack of thyroid hormones;
  • joint pain;
  • failure in work nervous system, decreased conduction of nerve impulses;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • skin diseases: psoriasis, dermatitis, burns;
  • menopause period;
  • prostatitis.

Features of use and dosage of the drug

Vitamin E capsules are usually taken after meals, not chewed and washed down with water. You should not take the drug together with multivitamins, vitamin K and anticoagulants, as an unsuccessful combination of drugs can lead to an overdose and side effects. But tocopherol combines well with vitamin C and selenium, so the effect of the drugs will be stronger when used together.

The duration of treatment and dosage for each person should be determined individually. Since the quantity daily requirement tocopherol is influenced by a person’s body weight, age, physiological needs, and the presence of diseases. Therefore, only a doctor can tell you how vitamin E should be taken and in what doses.

For prevention, adults are prescribed 100-200 mg (200-400 IU) per day. The duration of treatment is also individual, but on average the course of treatment or prevention is 1-2 months.

For example, in order to normalize menstrual cycle In women, it is useful to take 200-300 mg of vitamin E per day. Men are recommended 300 mg (600 IU) per day to restore potency. During pregnancy, if there is a threat of miscarriage or possible risks pathological development fetal tocopherol is taken 200 mg per day for four weeks.

Children must be given vitamin E correctly, accurately calculating the dosage that corresponds to the child’s age:

  • For babies under one year old, 5-10 IU of the drug per day is recommended;
  • preschoolers - 20-40 IU/day;
  • Schoolchildren are recommended to take up to 100 IU/day.

Vitamin E for skin care

Due to its antioxidant and regenerating properties, vitamin E is widely used in cosmetology. It nourishes and moisturizes the skin, preserves its youth and beauty, saturates cells with oxygen. Based on vitamin E they create nourishing masks for face and hair. Tocopherol can get rid of unwanted defects on the skin: acne, scars. To do this, you need to pierce a capsule with vitamin oil once every 5 days and apply it to problem areas of the skin (preferably before bed).

Review of vitamin E preparations in capsules

Today, pharmacological companies produce a great variety of drugs with the active ingredient tocopherol. Vitamin E is available in pure form, in a soft gelatin shell or in combination with other vitamins. Let's consider the most popular:

Zentiva(Slovakia) Contains vitamin E, which is in a soft dark shell. The drug is available in different dosages: 100 mg, 200 mg and 400 mg. Take during meals, do not chew, wash down big amount water. Zentiva can be purchased at the pharmacy for 150 rubles, 30 capsules/100 mg.
AEvit 1 capsule of the drug contains 100 mg of vitamins E and A. Take 1 capsule per day after meals. In case of an overdose, a sharp increase in blood pressure, lethargy, double vision, and abdominal pain are observed.
KVZ(Ukraine) Available in two forms: 100 and 200 mg. The optimal dosage per day is 1-2 capsules. The drug can be purchased at the pharmacy for 110 rubles per blister (200 mg).
Biovital(Germany) One capsule contains 100 mg of vitamin E. Depending on the doctor’s recommendation, Biovital is taken 1-3 capsules per day. Cost: 20 capsules - 600 rubles.
Vitamiel(Poland) Poly vitamin complex, which contains vitamin A and E. It is recommended to use 1 time/day after meals. It is an analogue of AEvit.

Contraindications for use

Vitamin E capsules are usually well tolerated. However, individual intolerance to the drug and possible manifestations of allergic reactions should not be ruled out.

Uncontrolled consumption of vitamin E or exceeding permissible doses can lead to undesirable consequences: headache, diarrhea, blurred vision. Therefore, the use of vitamin E in capsules must be discussed with your doctor. permissible doses and course of treatment.

Thank you

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

General characteristics, forms and name of vitamin E

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble compound with pronounced antioxidant properties. The traditional name for vitamin E is also used - tocopherol. In addition, due to its ability to maintain youth for a long time and its beneficial effect on conception and gestation, tocopherol is also called the “vitamin of youth and beauty” and “fertility vitamin.”

Vitamin E is a mixture of eight bioorganic structures that have the same properties and are its varieties. These types of vitamin E are called vitamers and are divided into two large class– tocopherols and tocotrienols. Tocopherols and tocotrienols each include four vitamers E. In principle, all eight vitamers have almost the same activity, therefore, in the instructions for use and different descriptions they are not separated. Therefore, when talking about vitamin E, they use the name common to all vitamers - tocopherol.

But the first of the E vitamers was obtained and identified alpha-tocopherol, which is most often found in nature and is the most active. Currently, the activity of alpha-tocopherol is taken as a standard, and it is with it that the activities of all other vitamers E are compared. Therefore, in some very detailed descriptions Any preparation with vitamin E can be seen that its content corresponds to N units, equivalent to the activity of 1 mg of alpha-tocopherol. But nowadays the amount of vitamin E is usually expressed in international units (IU) or milligrams, with 1 IU = 1 mg.

Alpha, beta and gamma tocopherols have the most pronounced vitamin activity. And delta tocopherol has the most powerful antioxidant properties. Manufacturers of various medicines, depending on their purpose, the necessary type of vitamin E is added to the composition to ensure the most pronounced biological effect.

Since tocopherol dissolves in fats, it can accumulate in the human body in almost all organs and tissues. This happens when the body enters a large number of vitamin E, it does not have time to be excreted, penetrates into all organs and tissues, where it dissolves in membrane fats, forming a depot. Largest quantity Vitamin E can accumulate in the liver, testes, pituitary gland, adipose tissue, red blood cells and muscles.

Due to this ability to accumulate, vitamin E can be found in the body in high concentrations, much higher than normal, which leads to disruptions in the functioning of various organs and systems. An excess amount of vitamin E in the body is called hypervitaminosis and, just like hypovitaminosis, is accompanied clinical manifestations arising due to disruption of the functioning of many organs and systems.

Insufficient intake of vitamin E into the body leads to its deficiency or hypovitaminosis, which is accompanied by disruption of organ function with characteristic clinical symptoms.

That is, in relation to vitamin E, both an excess and a deficiency can be created in the human body, and both conditions cause disturbances in the normal functioning of various organs. This means that vitamin E should be consumed only in the required amount, without allowing too much or too little of it into the body.

Absorption and excretion of vitamin E

Vitamin E enters the human body with food and is absorbed from the intestines in the presence of fats and bile. This means that for normal absorption of the vitamin from the digestive tract, it must be combined with a small amount vegetable or animal fat.

Approximately 50% of the total amount of vitamin E contained in the food bolus is absorbed from the intestines, provided that there is a normal amount of fat and bile. If there is little fat or bile in the intestines, then less than 50% of the incoming vitamin E is absorbed.

During absorption from the intestine, vitamin E forms a complex with fatty acids(chylomicrons), in which it penetrates first into the lymph and then into the blood. In the blood, vitamin E is released from the complex with chylomicrons and binds to proteins. It is in this complex of protein + vitamin E that it is transported by the bloodstream to all organs and tissues.

In tissues, vitamin E is released from its binding to protein, and in combination with vitamin A, it participates in the synthesis of ubiquinone Q, a substance that transfers oxygen from red blood cells directly into the cell.

Vitamin E is excreted from the body both unchanged and in the form of metabolites. Moreover, most of vitamin E - 90% is excreted in feces through the intestines, and only 10% - in urine through the kidneys.

Biological role of vitamin E

Vitamin E is a unique substance that has the ability to rejuvenate the body, slowing down the aging process. That is why it is called the vitamin of youth and beauty. The effect of slowing down aging is achieved due to the powerful activation of tissue respiration processes, during which cells are well supplied with oxygen and decay products are removed from them.

Vitamin E also reduces blood clotting, preventing excessive thrombus formation, and therefore improving microcirculation and preventing blood stagnation in various organs and tissues. A decrease in blood clotting activity leads to the fact that it flows better through the vessels without clogging them. In addition, vitamin E makes the walls blood vessels smooth, as a result of which cholesterol plaques are not deposited on them, thereby preventing atherosclerosis. Improving blood properties and the condition of blood vessels, as well as preventing atherosclerosis, together ensure the prevention of cardiovascular failure with regular use of vitamin E.

Vitamin E improves functioning immune system, due to which infectious and inflammatory diseases of any organs are prevented. In combination with vitamin A, it protects the lungs from negative impact polluted air. Vitamin E also improves muscle tone and performance, relieves cramps and accelerates the healing of various wounds and burns. When vitamin E is used, wounds heal with less or no scarring.

Separately, it is necessary to say that vitamin E improves sexual function in men and women, having a beneficial effect on the production of hormones and the condition reproductive organs. For example, in women, tocopherol improves blood supply to the uterus and ovaries, and also promotes the production required quantity progesterone and placenta formation during pregnancy. In women, vitamin E alleviates the course of premenstrual and menopausal syndrome, and also contributes to the complete cure of fibrous formations of the mammary gland. In men, vitamin E improves sperm quality by normalizing the functioning of the gonads. In addition, tocopherol significantly improves potency.

In all people, regardless of gender, vitamin E reduces blood pressure, dilates and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents cataracts and anemia, and also maintains the normal functioning of the nervous system.

As an antioxidant, vitamin E has the following biological effects on the human body:

  • Actively binds to free radicals, deactivating them;
  • Protects cells from damage by free radicals;
  • Slows down already running processes of free radical oxidation of lipids and DNA of cells;
  • Reduces the rate of formation of new free radicals;
  • Protects other vitamins from the negative effects of free radicals;
  • Improves the absorption of vitamin A;
  • Prevents the appearance of senile pigmentation on the skin in the form of brown spots;
  • Destroys and prevents the appearance of cancer cells, thereby reducing the risk of malignant neoplasms of various organs;
  • By protecting cells from damage by free radicals, it reduces the rate of aging;
  • Improves the formation of collagen and elastin, necessary to maintain the properties of connective tissue;
  • Facilitates the course of diabetes and Alzheimer's disease.

Vitamin E intake standards

Typically, the amount of vitamin E is reported in international units (IU) or milligrams (mg). However, sometimes manufacturers provide outdated units for measuring the amount of vitamin E, called tocopherol equivalents (TOEs). Moreover, 1 mg = 1 IU, and 1 ET is approximately equal to 1 IU, so all three units of measuring the amount of vitamin E can be considered equivalent.

The daily requirement of an adult and a child over two years old for vitamin E is 8–12 IU, and in men, other things being equal, it is higher than in women. In children of the first year of life, the need for vitamin E is 3–5 mg.

The need for tocopherol increases in the following situations:
1. Active muscular work, for example, during sports, physical labor, etc.
2. Eating large amounts of vegetable oil.
3. Pregnancy and breastfeeding increase the need for vitamin E by at least 2 to 5 IU.
4. The recovery period after infectious and inflammatory diseases.
5. The healing period of various wounds.

According to dietary standards, the optimal intake is 15 mg of vitamin E per day for adults and children over three years of age. Safe from the point of view of the development of hypervitaminosis is the consumption of a maximum of 100 mg of vitamin E per day. This means that you can consume up to 100 IU of tocopherol per day without fear of developing hypervitaminosis.

However clinical researches held in last years, indicate that more correct and, at the same time, safe dosages vitamin E are 100 – 400 IU for adults and 50 – 100 IU for children. It is these dosages of vitamin E that provide not only the physiological needs of the body, but also effectively resist the aging process. For some diseases, as part of complex therapy, vitamin E can be taken in dosages of 1200 - 3000 IU.

In blood serum, the normal concentration of vitamin E is 21 – 22 µmol/ml.

Symptoms of deficiency and lack of vitamin E in the body

When there is insufficient intake of vitamin E into the human body, a deficiency develops, called hypovitaminosis. Hypovitaminosis leads to disruption of the functioning of various organs and systems, which is manifested by the following symptoms:
  • Impaired tissue respiration;
  • Muscle weakness;
  • Deterioration of potency in men;
  • High risk of miscarriage, miscarriage or spontaneous abortion in women;
  • Early toxicosis of pregnancy;
  • Anemia due to hemolysis (destruction) of red blood cells;
  • Decreased reflex levels (hyporeflexia);
  • Ataxia (impaired coordination of movements);
  • Dysarthria (impaired speech intelligibility with the impossibility of normal pronunciation of words and sounds);
  • Reduced sensitivity;
  • Retinal dystrophy;
  • Hepatonecrosis (death of liver cells);
  • Nephrotic syndrome;
  • Increased activity of creatine phosphokinase and alanine aminotransferase in the blood.
Severe hypovitaminosis E is observed quite rarely due to the ability of the vitamin to accumulate and gradually be consumed in conditions of deficiency of its supply from the outside. However, even a slight deficiency of vitamin E can provoke infertility in adults and hemolytic anemia in children.

Hypervitaminosis can develop in two cases - firstly, with long-term use of high doses of vitamin A, and secondly, with a single dose of a very large amount of tocopherol. However, in practice, hypervitaminosis E is very rare, since this vitamin is not toxic, and its excess is used by the body as an antioxidant. Thus, almost the entire volume of vitamin E entering the body can be effectively used without remaining free and without damaging various organs and tissues.

Clinical studies have shown that even daily consumption of vitamin E at 200–3000 IU per day for 10 years did not lead to the development of hypervitaminosis. A single dose of vitamin E in a high dosage can cause nausea, flatulence, diarrhea or increased blood pressure, which go away on their own and do not require any special treatment or discontinuation of the drug.

In principle, hypervitaminosis E can provoke the development of the following symptoms:

  • A decrease in the total number of platelets in the blood (thrombocytopenia), leading to bleeding;
  • Reduced blood clotting ability (hypocoagulation), causing bleeding;
  • Night blindness;
  • Dyspeptic symptoms (heartburn, belching, nausea, flatulence, heaviness in the stomach after eating, etc.);
  • Decreased glucose concentration (hypoglycemia);
  • General weakness;
  • Muscle cramps;
  • Deterioration of potency in men;
  • Promotion blood pressure;
  • Enlarged liver (hepatomegaly);
  • Increased concentration of bilirubin in the blood (hyperbilirubinemia);
  • Hemorrhage in the retina or brain;
  • Increased concentration of triglycerides (TG) in the blood.
Taking vitamin E in very high dosages (more than 10,000 IU per day) during pregnancy can provoke birth defects development in a child.

When vitamin E is administered intravenously, swelling, redness, and calcification of soft tissue may occur at the injection site.

Vitamin E – content in products

The maximum amount of vitamin E is found in following products power supply:
  • Soybean, cottonseed, corn, sunflower and olive oils;
  • Sprouted grains of corn and wheat;
  • Corn beans;
  • Pearl barley, oatmeal and corn;
  • Shrimps;
  • Squid;
  • Egg;
  • Zander;
  • Mackerel.
The above foods contain the most vitamin E. However, in addition to these foods, there are others that are less rich in vitamin E, but also contain it in relatively large quantities.

Products that contain a fairly large amount of vitamin E, but not the maximum, are the following:

  • Citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, clementines, mignolas, pomelo, grapefruits, lemons, limes, etc.);
  • Liver of animals and fish;
  • Acne;
  • Sunflower seeds ;
  • Hazelnut;
  • Dried apricots;
To provide the body sufficient quantity vitamin E, you must consume any of the listed foods daily.

Preparations with vitamin E

Currently, there are two main types of drugs containing vitamin E on the domestic pharmaceutical market. The first type is pharmaceutical drugs containing a synthetic analogue of the vitamin, which has exactly the same structure as the natural tocopherol molecule. The second type is biological active additives(dietary supplements) containing natural vitamin E obtained from extracts, extracts or tinctures of plant or animal raw materials. That is, there are pharmaceutical synthetic vitamin preparations and natural dietary supplements.

In addition, there are monocomponent and multicomponent preparations containing vitamin E. Monocomponent ones contain only vitamin E in various dosages, while multicomponent ones contain several vitamins, minerals, trace elements or other useful substances.

The dosage of vitamin E can be different, however, both in dietary supplements and in pharmacological preparations it is standardized and indicated in IU or mg. Due to the relatively low dosage, dietary supplements can only be used for preventive use as an additional source of vitamin E. And pharmacological drugs are used for both prevention and treatment.

Synthetic vitamins E

Currently, the following vitamin preparations containing tocopherol are available on the domestic pharmaceutical market:
  • Aevit;
  • Alphabet "Our Baby";
  • Alphabet "Kindergarten";
  • Alpha tocopherol acetate solution in oil;
  • Biovital Vitamin E;
  • Biovital-gel;
  • Vitamin E 100;
  • Vitamin E 200;
  • Vitamin E 400;
  • Vitamin E 50% type SD powder;
  • Vitamin E-acetate;
  • Vitamin E Zentiva;
  • Vita bears;

For normal functioning, our body needs a regular supply of vitamins and microelements, especially those that will smooth out harmful effects environment. These include vitamin E, which is called a natural antioxidant.

Benefits of Vitamin E

This vitamin is also called tocopherol, its benefits are enormous. This is one of the most important substances, without which our body would not be able to function normally. Low content Vitamin E leads to problems in all vital organs and their systems. A deficiency of this vitamin leads to muscle breakdown and decreased immunity.

For example, tocopherol has the following effects on the female body:

  • Together with folic acid tocopherol has a positive effect on the mechanism of conception and helps to safely bear a child.
  • Under the influence of this vitamin, a woman’s libido is normalized and activated.
  • A sufficient concentration of tocopherol improves the health of a woman’s body as a whole.

For men, vitamin E is just as important. It has a beneficial effect on the quantity and quality of sperm. If the vitamin E content in a man’s body is low, he begins to have problems with libido, and the number of viable sperm decreases.

A lack of tocopherol in the female body manifests itself with all the signs of menopause. Her mood deteriorates, the woman becomes emotionally unstable. Physical discomfort is also felt - sweating, dryness in the vagina, and the menstrual cycle becomes irregular.

Vitamin E dosage

The required amount of tocopherol is individual for each person. It should be determined by the general state of health, age, body weight and individual characteristics of the body. Therefore, before taking vitamin E, you should definitely consult a specialist.

Typically, for preventive purposes, adults are prescribed from 100 mg to 200 mg per day. The duration of taking the drug is also determined individually. In general, it is enough to take tocopherol for about 2 months. For medicinal purposes, the dosage of the drug can be increased. But the maximum dosage should not exceed 1000 mg per day.

Vitamin E contraindications

Not all people are allowed to take additional tocopherol. For example, if the body is highly sensitive to the drug, its use should be discontinued. The same applies to people suffering from cardiosclerosis or having had a myocardial infarction.

If you constantly take vitamin E in large doses, then after taking it your liver may become enlarged and a sensation may develop. constant fatigue and weaknesses. A person begins to suffer from headaches, and signs of food poisoning, for example, nausea or vomiting.

If you are additionally taking any other drug, you should carefully study their interactions. For example, tocopherol cannot be used with iron, silver, anticoagulants or drugs with an alkaline reaction.

To prevent miscarriage, vitamin E is taken at a dose of 100 mg for two or three weeks. Men are prescribed up to 300 mg due to an increase in potency. For the treatment of skin diseases, a dosage of up to 400 mg is required. For skin diseases and to improve joint health, take 200 mg of tocopherol. In all cases, the duration of taking the drug is about a month.

How to take vitamin E

The absorption of tocopherol in the human body is quite good. But it should be borne in mind that you should not take E and D together. It is best to combine this with vitamins C and A.

As a rule, the drug must be taken after meals with a break of half an hour. Taking tocopherol on an empty stomach or before meals is unacceptable. In order for the beneficial substance to be absorbed into the body faster, it must be washed down only with water. Other drinks slow down the absorption of vitamin E. A fatty environment is required for high-quality absorption of tocopherol. In this regard, it is best to eat a mixture of fruits and nuts or before taking vitamin E. Pumpkin seeds are also rich in fats.

If you are taking an additional vitamin complex, you should definitely familiarize yourself with its composition and adjust the dosage of tocopherol depending on it, so as not to get an overdose of the drug.

Vitamin E (the “reproduction” vitamin) belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins (oils and fats are needed for its absorption). Vitamin also called tocopherol(tokos-offspring, phero-carry). This name was given based on the results of experiments on infertile animals. The study consisted of adding lettuce leaves, which contain a lot of vitamin E, to their food. After some time, they still had offspring.

In the human body, vitamin E accumulates in fatty tissues, muscles and muscular organs (heart, uterus), pituitary gland, liver, adrenal glands. Tocopherol is resistant to high and low temperatures, But quickly destroyed by ultraviolet rays Therefore, products containing vitamin E should not be stored in the sun.

Daily requirement

Depending on age and gender, the dosage of vitamin E varies as follows: children need about 5-7 mg per day, for women - 8 mg, men - 10 mg. The need for this vitamin increases sharply during illness and heavy exercise.

Important! According to the results of recent studies, scientists have concluded that It is strongly not recommended to take vitamin E supplements during pregnancy. This is due to the ability of tocopherol to cause disturbances in the development of the fetus, which leads to the formation of deformities.

For athletes, tocopherol is dosed taking into account the type and period of exercise. If the goal sports activities– development of speed, then during the training period it is necessary to use 14-20 mg/day tocopherol, the dose increases at competitions up to 24-30 mg per day. If the main goal of physical activity is maximum endurance, then at the training stage you need 20-30 mg/day vitamin E, and during competitions it is required 30-50 mg/day.

Sources in products

Vitamin E is not produced in the body, so for the normal functioning of all organs, it must come from outside. Most tocopherol is found in fresh vegetable oils(from wheat germ, olive, sunflower, cotton, corn, soybean), prepared by cold pressing. Often vegetable oil obtained in another way, less expensive, i.e. method of extracting oil from seeds at high temperature, followed by cleaning, deodorizing, and refining. All these processes lead to a significant decrease in the amount of vitamin E.

Additional sources of tocopherol are the products presented in the table:

Functions of vitamin E in the body

Tocopherol enters gastrointestinal tract in the composition of oils. Under the influence of bile and active substances of the pancreas, this vitamin is released and absorbed into the blood. Tocopherol is carried through the bloodstream to all organs. In the blood, it joins a special protein, so the vitamin is absorbed as much as this protein is in the body. The undigested tocopherol residue is excreted in the feces.

Vitamin E has the following properties:
has an antioxidant effect - protects organ cells from oxidative damage;
exhibits an antihypoxic function (anti-against, hypo-low, low, ox-oxygen) - promotes economical oxygen consumption by cells, which ensures their normal functioning in conditions of oxygen deficiency (in severe physical activity, diseases of the lungs, liver, blood, infectious diseases, diabetes mellitus);
participates in the formation of collagen and elastic fibers. Due to this, the wall of blood vessels is strengthened; the skin begins to retain moisture better, healing processes accelerate and skin aging processes slow down, the severity of senile pigmentation decreases;
is one of the participants in the formation of hemoglobin, prevents the development of anemia, prevents the formation of blood clots;
improves muscle function;
normalizes blood pressure due to its pronounced diuretic effect;
protects other vitamins from oxidation (destruction), promotes the absorption of vitamin A;
is an immunomodulator (a substance that helps strengthen the body’s immune defenses);
together with vitamin C, has an anti-cancer effect;
improves the nutrition of nervous tissues (brain, nerves), which alleviates the course of Alzheimer's disease.

Vitamin E deficiency

Tocopherol deficiency is a common phenomenon, especially in people who live for a long time in areas contaminated by radiation and have contact with chemical toxins. Severe vitamin E deficiency occurs only in premature babies.

The body's supply of this vitamin is quite large, but as soon as it begins to deplete, following symptoms(the reasons for their occurrence are indicated in brackets):
dry skin ( skin cells are unable to retain moisture and quickly lose it);
brittle nails ( cell nutritional disorder);
muscle weakness ( insufficient nutrition of muscle cells);
decline sexual desire (decrease in the level of gonadotropins, hormones responsible for the function of the ovaries and testicles);
violation of the accuracy of movements, the appearance of “clumsiness” ( accumulation of oxidation products and damage to brain tissue, in particular the cerebellum);
anemia ( reduction in the lifespan of red blood cells, accelerated destruction of red blood cells, decreased formation of hemoglobin);
reproductive ability suffers toxic effects of metabolic products on germ cells - eggs and sperm, decrease in the amount of hormones responsible for the function of the ovaries and testicles - gonadotropins);
body fat on the muscles ( lack of oxygen in muscle cells leads to their degeneration into adipose tissue);
changes in the heart and other muscles ( cell damage from toxic oxidized products).

Excess and overdose

When consuming a significant amount of vitamin E, no toxic effects are observed. This is due to the limited amount of a special protein that transports the vitamin from the intestines to other tissues. However, in in rare cases its overdose occurs, which is characterized the following signs:
increased bowel movements (more than 3 times a day);
pain in the stomach;
nausea, bloating;
decreased performance;
pain in the right hypochondrium ( usually due to liver enlargement);
decrease in the number of platelets in the blood ( noticeably prolonged bleeding even with minor damage to the skin, nosebleeds, prolonged menstruation, bleeding gums);
symptoms of kidney dysfunction ( lower back pain, decreased amount of urine, changes in the qualitative composition of urine, biochemical indicators of kidney function - creatinine, urea);
a sharp increase in blood pressure;
possible retinal hemorrhage ( manifested by loss of vision on the side of the injury);
an increase in the size of the abdomen due to the accumulation of fluid in abdominal cavity (development of ascites).

Important! If any of the listed symptoms of overdose appear, you should stop taking the drug and immediately consult a doctor.

Interaction with other substances

Vitamin E interacts well with almost all substances, but there are still some peculiarities.

Inorganic salts (sulfate and chloride) of iron bind to tocopherol and interfere with its absorption. If taking iron supplements cannot be stopped, then iron fumarate or gluconate is used instead of inorganic salts.

Upon admission contraceptive drugs the absorption of vitamin E is also reduced. This point must be taken into account when selecting the dosage of tocopherol.

A lack of vitamin E can lead to a decrease in the amount of magnesium in the body.

Symptoms of vitamin E deficiency are exacerbated by zinc deficiency.

Lack of tocopherol leads to impaired activation of vitamin D in the liver, which leads to impaired calcium and phosphorus metabolism.

Important! There are contraindications for taking vitamin E preparations: thyrotoxicosis, chronic glomerulonephritis, increased sensitivity to this vitamin.

Staying in interesting position, girls need to saturate their diet with useful substances: minerals, amino acids. Vitamin E during pregnancy is prescribed, if not during planning, then in the early stages. It is one of the most important connections for both mother and child.

What is it prescribed for?

It is believed that girls need to take certain vitamins regularly, regardless of various factors. Vitamin E is one of these. It is called the elixir of beauty, because it promotes skin elasticity, nail strength and good hair condition.

How is vitamin E useful during planning and pregnancy?:

  1. Tocopherol helps improve reproductive functions. Before conceiving, many women experience various problems; to eliminate them, doctors often prescribe vitamin E;
  2. It helps protect the skin from stretch marks and acne. Known fact that the state of the epidermis depends on a number of external and internal factors. This is care proper nutrition, walks on fresh air. Tocopherol promotes the production of elastin, resulting in protection against the appearance of wrinkles and stretch marks. It can be taken orally and applied to problem areas;
  3. Its deficiency may be the main cause of hair loss and brittle nails;
  4. Like magnesium, it is an antioxidant. Its use will help normalize the functioning of the nervous system and protect against stress;
  5. Folic acid, calcium and substance E contribute normal development fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy. They are responsible for the functioning of the child’s future nervous system. In addition, they protect it from aggressive external factors.

But, tocopherol may also be harmful For female body. Firstly, you may be allergic to it. It manifests itself in rashes and stomach upset. Secondly, according to some doctors, this substance dissolves in adipose tissue, which actively grows during pregnancy. Ultimately, its quantity may exceed the permissible limit.

Thirdly, it is not advisable to drink it in the third trimester. At this time, it can be extremely dangerous due to its ability to increase the elasticity of the uterus - this can contribute to premature birth.

Video: important vitamins during pregnancy

How to take vitamin E

Vitamin E is sold in capsules and solution; any type can be taken both during pregnancy and during planning and after childbirth. The doctor prescribes the dose based on individual characteristics body. Considering that its excess in the body is very dangerous, you need to be careful when choosing the right dose.

The optimal daily dosage of vitamin E for the average adult is 20 mg, but during pregnancy this figure can vary greatly. In some cases (if there is a possibility of miscarriage at first), the dose is up to 400 mg. In this case, it is better to buy yourself tablets or multivitamins.

Photo - Vitamin E in products

When preparing for pregnancy, the optimal solution would be products containing this compound.

Table of products containing tocopherol and its dosage in it:

ProductAmount of tocopherol in 100 gramsRequired amount per day (calculated at 300 mg/day)
Almond27 1000
Wheat germ oil300 100
Sunflower oil75 400
Olive oil7 4250
red fish30 1000
Walnut23 1100
Dried fruits5 6000

Instructions on how and how much to drink vitamin E during pregnancy:

  1. You should drink it throughout the first trimester - twice a day before meals. Depending on the chosen regimen, the doctor may prescribe one in the morning and one before bed. The dose of vitamin E is the smallest 200 mg, the maximum – 400 mg (only if there is a threat of pregnancy failure);
  2. In the second trimester, this pattern changes slightly. During active development The fetal vitamin is prescribed in a complex of various minerals (calcium, zinc, magnesium). In most cases (if the pregnancy proceeds without pathologies), it should be taken once a day on an empty stomach. It's best in the morning;
  3. This course lasts a month, after which you need to take a break. You should start taking tocopherol again only after taking tests from your doctor. By general condition organism he draws a conclusion. Many girls are prohibited from taking it until the end of pregnancy;
  4. In this case, nutrition comes to the fore. Containing products should be present in the daily diet: nuts, dried fruits, fats.

Photo - Vitamin E in capsules

After childbirth, an overdose of vitamin E is no longer as dangerous as during pregnancy, and the dosage rate is completely different. It is not recommended to take it for the first month - the body has accumulated enough nutrients, but you can already start with the second one. Doctors recommend returning to the usual dose - from 20 to 60 mg (taking into account lactation).

Sometimes specialists in antenatal clinic Tocopherol injections are also prescribed. The injection solution is practically no different from the drinking solution, except that it is absorbed faster. Used for critical deviations.