What to give a friend on March 8th. General criteria for a presentation

For teenagers

This joyful day involves much more trouble than, for example, the celebration of the Twenty-third of February. IN Everyday life Every woman is surrounded by numerous representatives of her sex and it is very important not to make a mistake when choosing gifts. Of course, buying a surprise for a friend is easier than for your boss, mother-in-law or business partner. And everything here also requires considerable attention to detail and the main idea. What to give to a friend on March 8?

If we are talking about your closest friend, then surprising her with something can be quite difficult, since you know in advance about everything that she already has. Therefore, you need to think carefully about choosing a gift, and also unobtrusively find out what your friend would like to receive for the holiday. Perhaps it makes sense to invite her on a shopping trip together to understand what she dreams of.

General criteria for a presentation

It’s better to plan your gift purchase in advance so as not to end up with empty shelves or get into trouble. Some ladies will be happy with a business set, others - an album of engravings and prints, and still others - warm blanket. You cannot give the same thing to all representatives of the fair sex.

When choosing a gift, many components must be taken into account. A number of circumstances must be taken into account.

When clarifying an idea, the following should be given first place:

  • duration of friendship;
  • duration of acquaintance;
  • the nature of her profession;
  • the friend has a sense of humor;
  • her material wealth;
  • age;
  • Family status;
  • hobbies and interests;
  • girlfriend's dreams;
  • the presence of small children;
  • degree of closeness to her family;
  • accommodation in a separate apartment, etc.

Therefore, given her general wishes, the ability to successfully place the received gift in her home, the appropriateness of this or that chosen souvenir, you need to think in advance about what exactly is best to give on a festive spring day. Knowing in advance what will best please your friend, you can already pick up the desired item in the summer or fall, without rushing anywhere.

If the friendship lasts for early childhood If your friend takes a big part in everyday life or evokes very warm feelings, then you don’t need to limit yourself to just one gift.

If there are doubts that she may not like the chosen item, then it makes sense to stock up on a couple of inexpensive backup options.

It happens that a friend is not at all strapped for money. Then it’s better not to spend money on a very expensive gift, but to buy her a bunch of little things that will give her real pleasure.

If a woman is unmarried and is celebrating the Eighth of March with one or two friends, then it would be best to invite her to a restaurant or buy various delicacies for her home table.

For those who live completely alone, you should stock up on a luxury set or large quantity small, but required on the farm important little things. Even if such a gift does not bring much delight at first, the friend will be grateful many times when she uses it later.

It is worth remembering that the souvenir is intended for a woman who is usually very sensitive to details. Therefore, the packaging must be high level. There is no need to think that this is wasted money. Every representative of the fair sex will be touched at the sight of the wonderful wrapper and charming postcard. In this case, it is impossible to overdo it.

Separately, you should indicate what it is better to refrain from when choosing a gift for a friend. Such things include:

  • cheap kitchen and bathroom care products;
  • an apron or set of rags;
  • figurines or dolls made using modern technology;
  • toys if there are no small children in the house;
  • items that have already been used;
  • tacky decorations;
  • difficult to use Appliances;
  • inexpensive forks and spoons, etc.

These gifts can make few people happy. Such a gift will cause nothing but boredom, irritation or the feeling of trying to get rid of unnecessary items. Therefore, it is better to immediately cross such things off the list.

A special gift for March 8th for your best friend

The surprise chosen for the lady must be very different from what her husband, groom or admirer will give her. Therefore, jewelry is excluded immediately. It is better to give a ring or earrings in a silver frame with ornamental stone, a trinket made of semi-precious materials or designer jewelry.

Thus, you can very easily choose what to give to your closest friend. Here the greatest joy can be brought to her by her dear cosmetical tools. There is diversity these days different sets for day and night care, for oily or dry skin, as well as with any scent.

If a woman works a lot, gets tired and has little time to carefully take care of herself, then it is better to give her powerful means of lasting influence.

If she has everything she needs or she is temporarily not working, then as a pleasant souvenir for the Eighth of March they choose:

  • rare essential oils;
  • beautiful candles with rare odors;
  • foam or bath gels with the addition of exotic substances;
  • aroma lamp;
  • body, hand and foot care products;
  • large beach towel;
  • luxurious robe;
  • special slippers.

In order for the gift to be truly pleasant, you need to take into account the tastes and stylistic preferences of your friend.

Her hobbies and availability of free time should also be taken into account.

Gifts must be chosen from natural materials so that they do not cause allergies, ruining the whole holiday.

Spending too much money to especially please your friend is not recommended. Such effects are the prerogative of the male gender.

The best gift for a woman with a family

Married girlfriends will bring the greatest joy to household items. You can give them several exotic cookbooks, CDs with step by step tips on cooking, table and kitchen decorations, a set of baking dishes for complex dishes, cooking equipment.

Every woman constantly needs new, beautiful and exquisite sets bed linen. Of course, a man will more accurately select a set for a night of love, but you need to rest every day, and, unfortunately, modern fabrics very short-lived.

A win-win option in this case, natural kits become, which include embroidered tablecloths, knitted napkins, painted kitchen towels, beautiful and reliable oven mitts.

They will also help to please married woman special devices that create genuine comfort:

  • a set of essential oils;
  • means for home massage;
  • aroma sticks;
  • Beautiful sports suit for yoga;
  • trinkets;
  • feng shui elements;
  • Slavic amulets;
  • runes;
  • sachet;
  • aroma lamps;
  • advice on housekeeping in audio-video or printed form.

Their daughters also need to be given a present, since guests come to the house, where there are other women besides the hostess. For them you can prepare a special expensive diary, an interesting and exciting book, a gift doll, a set of exotic fruits, flowers, a box of chocolate, rare candies, video discs for learning a language or watching comedies.

Thus, despite the incredible variety of different gift options for women on the Eighth of March, they should still be given exactly for their intended purpose.

Gift for March 8th for a work colleague

The closest employee may be very young or in mature age, married or single, but in any case she spends a lot of time at her workplace.

Some of them do not even have time to bring themselves to full order before the beginning working day, since they have to travel quite far.

Therefore, women will find it very useful to have a coffee set, expensive types of morning drinks, nutritious fruits, decorative cosmetics for quick application makeup, folding bags for getting ready for work, in which you can fit a lot of necessary things.

Certificates for a fitness center, swimming pool or spa are also suitable for a colleague. It is permissible to order and pay for a set of procedures at a cosmetology or medical center. It’s also good to take tickets to the Aqua Park for families. A woman will need all this on the weekend.

Any representative of the fair sex can be pleased with everyday makeup products.

Most often they become:

Of course, they should be products from well-known companies and not at all cheap. Therefore, it is better to save money for them in advance.

Gifts for March 8th for friends

Many women have not very close friends who still want to do something nice on March 8th. Many of them have everything they would like to wish for themselves. Some of them found high paying job, some have husbands who make excellent money, while others still live with wealthy parents.

It is very difficult for such women to choose a gift. It is better for them to give little things that can please any representative of the fair sex, without exception.

For those who can boast of long and thick hair, presented for the holiday:

  • hairpins;
  • inlaid hoop;
  • hair dye;
  • decorative comb;
  • hair care products;
  • hairdressing set;
  • conditioner;
  • lotion;
  • set of tapes;
  • curling iron, etc.

For an unfamiliar woman a great gift will be a set of sweets or a box for jewelry.

In cases where the lady is very little known and is a casual acquaintance or the hostess of a house where she was invited along with everyone else to a celebration, then it is allowed to give her a simple but pleasant thing. These include scarves, decorative pocket mirrors, cosmetic bags, toiletries.

Guardian hearth and home will be happy to receive as a gift a scion of a rare plant, a set of beautiful pots for seedlings or a bulb of an amazing flower.

A business woman who spends most of the day at work and often goes on business trips will not be at all happy about this offering. Rather, she will need a beautiful expensive pen, a notebook made of expensive leather, or a special stand for stationery that will decorate her desk. Will make her happy Wall calendar with amazing views or adorable pets. If funds allow, they usually give her accessories for a phone or computer.

Therefore, such a responsible matter as a gift for the Eighth of March intended for a friend should be treated with all the attention.

What to give a friend on March 8

Most women like to give gifts to each other, and if it is a gift to March 8, then the fairer sex does this with special pleasure and inspiration. After all, the first autumn holiday is the ideal occasion to bring joy to your beloved girlfriend with a pleasant surprise.

Choosing gifts is always a difficult and troublesome task, especially if you don’t know the person very well. With a gift to a friend, things are completely different, this is a loved one about whom almost everything is known, so it will not be difficult to bring joy, taking into account the fact that real friends know each other’s hobbies and preferences very well. Of course, the founder should prepare for the choice of a gift and it is better to buy it in advance, so that in the pre-holiday bustle you do not jostle among the men who are literally attacking store shelves.

Before you tell us what to give your friend on March 8, it’s worth listening to some tips on choosing a spring present. To surprise your friend and bring her real joy, you need to put a piece of your own soul into the gift, gratitude for everything she does. So the girlfriend will be happy, and the donor will give herself pleasure.

The second tip is that it is never too early to purchase a gift; this can be done long before the holiday. After all, even in December you can see something that your friend will definitely like, which means you definitely need to buy it.

All women love surprises, and therefore you can present your friend not just one gift, but several. This advice will certainly help those who are limited in the amount they can afford for a gift. So, as a surprise, you can present a basket of fruits, complemented by a bottle good wine or a basket of sweets. In this case, it is important to take into account the tastes and preferences of your friend. Many will say that such a gift is far from a real and serious present, let me disagree. It's better to give a modest gift, but to be absolutely sure that it is he who will please her friend, will cause her a sea of ​​​​delight, than to give expensive thing, doubting that the gift will be to your liking.

Another tip is to be original and beautiful packaging, yes, the gift must be beautifully packaged. Some will think that this is an extra expense, but it is precisely such little things that will allow you to feel the festive atmosphere that the March 8 holiday gives. The festive “clothing” of a gift will arouse interest, especially when there is no idea what is hidden under the bright wrapper.

The last piece of advice to listen to before you go shopping for a gift for your friend is to buy what you like. It is likely that you and your friend are not alike, have different hobbies, and work in different fields. However, when choosing a girlfriend, you should always be guided by one simple rule: “like it - don’t like it.” When choosing a present for your beloved friend, it is better to rely on your taste and inner feelings, so you can choose something really worthwhile.

Now you can talk about what gifts are best to give to a friend on March 8th. Cosmetics and perfumes are an integral part of everyone's life. modern woman. Since your friend’s tastes in this area are well known, you can safely go into the store and choose mascara, lipstick, perfume, eye shadow and other beauty paraphernalia. On Women's Day, it would be appropriate to give personal care products, body lotions, scrubs, facial toners and much more. You can purchase several different means one brand and beautifully arrange it all in a basket.

Any woman will be delighted to receive her close friend means for evening care and relaxation. Such a gift will be especially relevant for women who spend a lot of time at work, get tired and need basic rest at home. From this series of gifts: candles with a pleasant relaxing aroma, bubble bath with essential oils, an aroma lamp, face masks, pleasant and soft pajamas, a robe.

Next on the list of beauty gifts are the procedures themselves that make women beautiful and happy. A trip to a beauty salon or spa will become the perfect gift on March 8th. The important thing to remember here is that this should not be gift Certificate, where any specific service is indicated. The girls know what their friends want, what they have long wanted to try to do, but never got around to it. For example, this could be a chocolate wrap, an exotic massage session, a spa pedicure, a fish pedicure, hair care treatments, etc. It is better to give preference in choosing to non-standard procedures, even if it is a manicure, then let it be unusual.

Another good gift idea for March 8 would be bath set, such gifts will delight fans of the bathhouse. If you and your friend love visiting bathhouses, then the choice of themed gifts can make your head spin. You can give anything that is in one way or another connected with the bath, from original bath caps to healthy herbal teas after all procedures. Also as a gift you can consider: towels, masks, scrubs, sets of essential oils, capacious containers, cosmetic bags, a set of special jars, a thermos. The choice of option will depend only on the imagination and what imagination and money are enough for.

This may seem surprising to some, but on March 8 you can please your friend with... stationery, especially since modern manufacturers offer a huge number of the most different options. Women who spend most of their time working in the office will love the original pen stands, which will not only become a pleasant desktop decor, but will also arouse the envy and admiration of their colleagues. You can also present your friend with a stylish diary, beautiful desk calendar with interesting drawings on every page, funny pencil sharpeners, phone stands, original business card holders. Another practical thing is a cup warmer, thanks to which the coffee will remain hot and tasty for a long time.

A wonderful gift will become an elegant box for storing jewelry. There is plenty to choose from; the most popular boxes are on sale. different sizes, designs, made from a variety of materials, spectacularly decorated or classic, strict. In this variety there is sure to be an option for even the most sophisticated.

To decorate the interior of an apartment, you should take a closer look at original candlesticks, flower vases, incense stands.

Nowadays, many women have their own cars. On March 8, you can give your friend gifts related to the car. These could be some minor items for the salon, or you can fork out the cash and purchase a certificate for a car wash complex. From a series of gifts for a car: a portable vacuum cleaner, a kettle powered by a cigarette lighter, a phone stand, curtains with suction cups, seat belt covers, clothes hangers.

If a friend travels often, then on March 8th you should please her with the appropriate paraphernalia, present for the holiday a comfortable thought pillow, a sleep mask, a croft for transporting clothes, a travel bag, a spacious cosmetic bag or several containers for cosmetics of different sizes from the same series.

For lovers of breeding houseplants a good gift would be another “pot” with a rare copy that is missing in the collection, a book on plant growing. Speaking of books, it is worth noting that this gift option continues to remain in the ranking of the best gifts. You can give your friend several books by your favorite authors, or books of the genre that she prefers.

If your friend belongs to the category of people who “have everything”, you won’t be able to surprise her with anything, then a bouquet of multi-colored balloons, huge postcard with congratulations and refrigerator magnets with photos together will be able to provide the most positive and joyful mood on the holiday.

The main one is approaching spring holiday- International Women's Day! If on the eve of spring you have not yet decided what to give your friend on March 8, pay attention to the site’s selection of twenty delightful gifts, among which you will definitely find a suitable option.

True music lovers are not ready to put up with the sound quality of music even on the most advanced smartphone. If your friend is one of them and music occupies an important place in her life, then the FIIO M3K audio player will be a wonderful gift. It is equipped with a powerful Ingenic X1000E processor and a lithium polymer battery that delivers powerful performance up to 24 hours on a single charge and up to 38 days of standby time.

The high-quality digital-to-analog converter (DAC) AKM AK4376A decodes the digital signal in such a way that the output clarity and purity of sound creates the effect of “presence” in a studio recording. And, of course, stylish appearance, a perfect seamless minimalist aluminum body with a tempered glass screen with touch control.

2. Teddy bear made of roses

Finding gifts for friends on March 8 can be very difficult. How and what to give so as not to offend someone and stay within the budget? Make the gift symbolic, friendly and fun? A bear made of roses is an excellent solution. You can take several bears at once different colors and organize a party with cute toys.

Each of the girlfriends will know that the other has the same one and no one will be offended. A wonderful reminder to each other about friendship. And what incredible photographs will appear on the pages? social networks? Enemies will only be jealous true friendship and a rainbow carnival of touching bears.

Please note that delivery within Russia is free!


An absolutely silent, compact and very easy-to-use ultrasonic humidifier in the shape of the cutest plump cat Murrzio - the site recommends useful gift, which will maintain an optimal microclimate in your beloved friend’s room, easily coping with dry air, unpleasant odors and stuffiness. The humidifier is equipped with a built-in aroma capsule, and three replaceable sponges with fragrances are included.


A bear can be an unusual and very cute gift. self made. No girl will remain indifferent when she sees this soft, handsome guy. Misha is incredibly soft to the touch, you don’t want to let go of him.

The size of the toy is 25 cm. A heart with the name of your loved one or the date you met can add individuality to your gift. The little bear is immediately packaged in a beautiful box with ribbon and comes with a watercolor card. If you haven’t yet decided what to give your friend on March 8th, this is a win-win option.


A compact alarm clock with LED backlight is an unusual and very useful gadget that combines the functions of a bedside alarm clock and a universal fluorescent glowing board for writing reminders, notes, necessary phone numbers, ideas that suddenly come to mind, or just for drawing funny pictures. You can select one of sixteen pre-programmed melodies for the alarm or record your own version.


A glass of cool, freshly squeezed juice will give you energy for the whole day and give you great mood in the morning. If your friend carefully monitors her diet and health, give her a practical juicer for vegetables and fruits on March 8th.

Modern models are equipped with a wide loading opening and a special filtration system, which allows you to load whole fruits or vegetables without cutting them into pieces or peeling them and seeds.

Memorable gifts


A cozy knitted robe with a hood is a great gift for a friend on March 8th, which will remind her of your love and care, warming her up on still cool spring evenings.

The cardigan robe is made of soft, pleasant acrylic with the addition of natural wool and mohair; it goes perfectly with regular clothes. skinny jeans and shoes on flat sole, making it a versatile wardrobe item for leisurely everyday walks.


Semi-professional set decorative cosmetics for face, eye and lip makeup from the famous French brand Sephora - a wonderful gift for every girl, regardless of age, style and lifestyle.

The palette contains more than a hundred shades of eye shadow, blush, correctors, lip glosses, bronzers and highlighters, which will allow its owner to create any desired look. If you are still puzzling over what to give your friend on March 8th, the “Into the Stars” makeup palette from Sephora is a great option!

Prices: 3,000 Where to buy

9. Frameless lightweight chair

Incredibly comfortable and lightweight frameless chair, made of waterproof, breathable fabric, suitable for use both in an ordinary city apartment, and in the country, outdoors or in any other recreation area.

Laconic, stylish design, simple design and soft, wear-resistant material from which the chair is made allows you to enjoy a comfortable rest, regardless of the weather and the location of its owner. An excellent gift for a person who values ​​comfort, convenience and beauty.


Choosing a gift for loved one, first of all, start from his favorite interests and hobbies. If your friend is great at cooking and baking delicious pies, cupcakes and pastries, a set of funny silicone baking molds in the shape of blue mini jeans would be a great gift for her. Now, when creating another culinary masterpiece, your friend will definitely remember you kind words thanks to such an original and very useful gift.

Giving a gift to a friend on March 8 is not so difficult, because you, like no one else, know her preferences and wishes.

This could be high-quality cosmetics, a blanket, a set of pillows, gift diplomas, massagers, collages, stylish clothes or expensive perfume.

However, you can’t guess the smell of perfume, so the best option for her would be a gift certificate for the purchase of her favorite perfume.

Gift ideas for a friend on March 8th:

creative portrait. Give your friend an artistic photo portrait made in oil or drawing pencil. If your friend has a great sense of humor, then instead of a portrait, ask her to draw a funny cartoon based on her photograph. This service can be ordered in specialized framing stores.

Photo session. If you don't have enough time for portrait order, find a professional photographer through your friends. On March 8th, the photographer will not only be able to arrange a picturesque photo shoot for your friend, but also capture her youth in numerous interesting photographs.

Fine jewelry. Today, stores are quite rich in their wide range of jewelry, as well as jewelry. It will not be difficult for you to choose an excellent and exquisite decoration, especially since you know her tastes and wishes well.

fashionable accessories, such as a phone case, a belt for trousers, a wallet, a bag, tights, stockings, an umbrella, glasses and various hair accessories will become an indispensable gift on this special day, since a large number of necessary and useful female attributes will perfectly diversify her wardrobe.

Beautiful underwear . Such intimate gift You can present it only if you are quite close to your friend and know her size and color preferences well. You can never have too much beautiful lingerie, so any woman can appreciate this gift.

For joyful leisure. You can give your friend something to spend a pleasant time: a series of books by your favorite author, a DVD with new interesting films, a subscription to a magazine, or a music MP3 downloaded with your favorite hits. Buy a ticket to the theater or nightclub where her favorite actor or singer is performing.

For the soul and relaxation. A good gift option for March 8th is a session at a SPA salon, a couple of massage courses, a subscription to a fitness club or swimming pool. If a friend cannot imagine life without dancing, give her a certificate for professional attendance at lessons in her favorite types of dance.

Gift Baskets. On this spring day, it is customary to give sets of useful cosmetics, aromatic oils or hair jewelry. But perhaps the most a nice gift considered a set of fragrant handmade soaps.

For example, a watch that matches the design of a friend’s room, a lamp, a painting, a figurine, a vase, a set for mobile phone, jewelry box, electronic notepad or original flash drive. Such gifts will help her properly organize her time and space.

Kitchen souvenirs. This could be a personalized mug, a set kitchen towels, tea and coffee service, beautiful tablecloth, molds for cakes and muffins, pots, pancakes and many other useful household appliances. If a friend just moved to new apartment, one hundred percent there is a lot missing, and such gifts can make a big contribution to her new kitchen.

Bedding in your favorite color. Give your friend such pleasure on the occasion of March 8th. Lingerie will not only decorate her bedroom, but will also make her feel like an unrivaled queen every night.

March 8th can be called special simply because on this day all women feel like real “princesses” and “goddesses”, and men feel like “gentlemen” and “knights”, capable of any feats for the sake of their beautiful lady. And, it would seem, representatives of the fair sex don’t have to worry about this day and completely relax: after all, all the gifts and congratulations on International Women’s Day are addressed to them, and only to them. But no, they only dream of peace!.. Indeed, who then will take care of choosing good gift to a friend on March 8th? And, you still need to “not deprive” close relatives and work colleagues!

Troubles: pleasant and exciting

Yes, although this holiday is considered a women’s holiday, charming ladies have to “sweat a lot” in order to spend it “properly.” This includes preparation festive table, and sending the children to a holiday party, and searching for “cute souvenirs” for friends and acquaintances. But in addition to all of the above, I also want to get myself in order so that I can look fresh and attractive this holiday!

Yes, the problems, as they say, are “through the roof”... And, in order for the assigned tasks not to seem so “difficult to accomplish,” it is better to begin solving them in advance. At least this applies to choosing and buying gifts.

When planning to buy something “cute and cute” for a dear friend on March 8, it is better to ask her in advance what she really needs, so that, by comparing her desires and your material capabilities, you can make the right choice.

For your convenience possible options gifts can be divided into categories.

Face and body care

Tell me, do you know at least one woman who would not dream of becoming even more attractive and attractive to the opposite sex? Indeed, almost everything charming ladies By their nature, creatures are very self-critical and strict with themselves. Therefore, they always want to improve and correct something in themselves. This means that various perfumes and cosmetics products can be a very good option for congratulating a friend on March 8th. Including:

  • Cosmetic sets. The easiest and most trouble-free way to congratulate your friend on March 8 is to present her with a set consisting of body lotion, shower gel and other hygiene items that will certainly be useful to her in everyday life. IN in this case can buy ready set in the nearest store or supermarket or put it together yourself, choosing for your friend what she really likes.
  • Mascara, lipstick or other decorative cosmetic products. You most likely know enough about your friend’s tastes, so choosing the right brand or shade of “decorative” should not be a problem for you.
  • Makeup removers. They are never superfluous, so if you buy a cleansing tonic or milk for your friend on March 8 to cleanse the skin of decorative cosmetics, you definitely won’t go wrong. When purchasing, again, you need to take into account the tastes and preferences of the recipient of your gift and pay attention to the hypoallergenicity and composition of the purchased product.
  • Face masks and creams. A cute present that will certainly cause positive emotions. By the way, the statement that gifts of this kind are perceived as a hint of age or not very fresh appearance is a big misconception. Especially if you give a product that you have tried yourself, and it really helped achieve positive results in caring for your appearance.

If you think that gifts of this type are very boring and predictable (they say, this stuff will be given at work anyway), pay attention to the next category. Perhaps what you are looking for will be there.

Haberdashery and costume jewelry

Any woman knows that the “correct” image consists of subtle details, little things that give a special charm and make her more interesting and stylish. Therefore, any self-respecting lady treats the selection of various accessories with seriousness and care. And, of course, he will never refuse an extra elegant and original thing in her wardrobe, especially if it suits her.

That is, if you want to give your friend pleasure and joy, you can safely give her one of the following on March 8th, she will only say “thank you” to you:

For the thrifty and practical

If your friend or acquaintance has a practical character and treats all this perfumery and haberdashery “rubbish” with some disdain, then on March 8 it is better to give her gifts of a completely different type. Well, for example:

  • Small household appliances. Such gifts are not very expensive, but, due to their usefulness and functionality, they always make the “right” impression on their recipient. We are talking about mixers and immersion blenders, electric kettles, hair dryers and hair straighteners, as well as epilators, massagers and other modern devices designed for personal care and cooking. In order to please your friend, it is better to clarify with her in advance what her specific needs are. Then her joy from the gift she received will be simply immeasurable.
  • Tablecloths, towels, napkins. A wonderful gift for a zealous housewife who loves her home and devotes a lot of time to creating an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in it. There are also never too many of them, since products of this type can be called a kind of “consumable material”. They constantly get dirty, wear out and lose their attractiveness, so they can be given to women for a variety of occasions. They certainly won’t mind such a useful and necessary gift.
  • Jars for storing bulk products. They will especially come in handy if your friend is the happy owner of a large and friendly family. This means that in her kitchen there are quite a lot of cereals, as well as bags of flour, beans, dried fruits and other “edibles” that require proper storage. The best option– containers made of glass and ceramics in which products will retain their taste and nutritional properties for maximum time.
  • Dinnerware and serving utensils. Did your friend recently complain to you that she doesn't have a good cake dish? Then March 8 is an excellent occasion to correct this situation. In addition, you can also give her a menagerie or beautiful basket for bread, a set of salad bowls and other useful things that will be very useful in her favorite kitchen.

Sporty and active

If your friend doesn’t even want to listen about cooking, she intensively counts calories and that’s it free evenings spends time in the fitness room, then, of course, the baking dish or pizza stand you gave her is unlikely to give her pleasure. For athletic and energetic ladies, it is better to give something that matches their lifestyle. For example:

  • Yoga mats and meditation cushions. The names of these gifts speak for themselves. So, if your close friend or girlfriend is seriously involved in yoga, such a gift will suit her best. Same as incense sets and aromatic oils for relaxation, which will help her get in the right frame of mind and make her activities more harmonious and effective.
  • Dumbbells or expanders, weighting sets and other devices that make strength and aerobic training more fruitful and effective.
  • Hoops with massage balls. Thanks to these wonderful devices, your friend's waist will always be graceful and thin. Believe me, she will be incredibly happy about this.

In general, gifts for March 8 for a dear and close friend can be very diverse: practical and not very practical, serious and silly, functional and practically useless in everyday life. The main thing when purchasing them is to take into account the interests and tastes of their potential recipient and give them with all your heart and with all your heart.