What type of woman am I? Entertainment Quiz: What Type of Woman Are You? Type - charming lady

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There is no more mysterious creature in this world than a woman who can be affectionate and tender at one moment, and passionate and filled with indomitable energy at another. Every representative of the fairer sex is a precious stone, but which one exactly will be - our test “What kind of woman am I” will help you figure it out. With the help of simple but wisely selected questions, testing will determine the prevailing character traits and temperament traits.

Why does a woman need such a check? Firstly, you will be able to understand what you really are, because in life we ​​hide a lot, not only from others, but also from ourselves. Secondly, by revealing your true feelings and emotions, it will be much easier for you to achieve success in your career and establish personal relationships. The ideal partner will be someone with whom you can afford not to hide your identity. Take your first step towards yourself without delay!

What does the “What kind of woman am I” test show?

The purpose of an online test is to identify your main traits, including those that you don’t even know about. After passing the “What kind of woman am I” test, you will be able to understand how much you:
  • passionate nature;
  • jealous;
  • caring;
  • sociable;
  • attentive;
  • gentle;
  • inventive;
  • wise;
  • know men well.

All the questions are extremely simple, but very informative, so just try to give honest answers and you will immediately get results and find out what kind of woman you are in the eyes of men. How to use the information received about yourself is up to you, the main thing is to remember that you should not hide your real feelings. Frankness is especially important in relationships with your husband or boyfriend!


Are you a crazy adventurer, ready to go off on adventures at any moment? Or, on the contrary, are you a loving, subtle and dreamy person?

Or maybe you are a real femme fatale, who makes men lose their heads? A simple test will help you determine who you are deep down and who you are in life.

Take this interesting test by answering 10 simple questions and find out what type of woman you are.

Question #1:

Are you in love with someone (infatuated with someone)?

A- No, but I have a boyfriend;

B- Probably not;

C-Not at the moment;

D- Yes, definitely.


Question #2:

How would you describe yourself?

A- Definitely naughty and a little spoiled;

B- A little harsh and extravagant, loving adventure;

C- Absolutely normal;

D- Elegant and feminine.


Question #3:

Have you ever been arrested or detained?

A- A couple of times, rarely;

B- Constantly;

C- No or for a minor violation;

D- Never! I'm a good girl!


Question #4:

Do you have many friends?

A- Yes, I have many friends;

B- I have several girlfriends;

C- I hardly have a couple of friends;

D- I have no friends at all.


Question #5:

What kind of music do you like?

A- Pop/jazz;

B- Classical/country style;

C- Rock/metal;

D- Hip-hop/rap.


Question #6:

How much makeup do you usually wear?

A- Exactly enough to easily highlight your advantages;

B- I hardly use cosmetics;

C- My face is clean without makeup;

D- I apply a lot of makeup in a thick layer.


Question No. 7:

If you really upset someone, what would you do?

A- I will try to disappear from the sight of the offended person;

B- I will apologize again and again;

C- I’ll try to laugh it off and cheer up the person I offended;

D- I will try to put myself in the shoes of the offended person and look at the situation through his eyes.


Question No. 8:

What do you prefer?

A- School, university, courses;

B- Shops, shopping;

C- Sports, training;

D- Soft toys.


Question #9:

What do you buy with great pleasure?

C- Toys;

D- Cosmetics.


Question No. 10:

What feeling do you experience most often?

A- Happiness, satisfaction;

B- Loneliness, depression;

C- Anxiety, fear, anger;

D- Confidence, excitement, excitement.


Now add up your scores and read what matches your result.

From 100 to 170 points:


More than anything else, you worry about how you look. You always like to do things your way. It takes you forever to get ready, because you never leave the house without makeup, combing your hair and dressing hastily.

Your shoes should strictly match the chosen outfit, and there should be at least 10 handbags.

You hate sports and any kind of physical activity, so you always find excuses not to go to the gym.

From 180 to 250 points:


You are an average girl who likes what most normal girls, women your age, like.

Sometimes you don’t mind being naughty, playing pranks and even getting dirty, but when necessary, you put on your most beautiful dress, put on luxurious stilettos, tint your eyelashes and turn into a beautiful lady.

From 260 to 320 points:

Type - REBEL

You always act in your own way, only the way you want, even if your actions threaten you with serious problems.

You definitely stand out among your friends and girlfriends. People around you know you as a naughty and mischievous rebel. However, you are who you are and you like your chosen lifestyle. Nothing can stop you from being yourself. After all, you are so comfortable in your image.

From 330 to 400 points:


You are a completely crazy person. Madness is in your blood. You often like to do crazy things. You're probably the type of woman who just hates the color pink.

Cute dresses with frills and lace are completely not your thing. You prefer to spend your free time actively, you love sports.

Instead of shopping, you will always choose an extreme walk somewhere in the mountains or go on an adventure somewhere with equally crazy friends. You're more likely to be found rock climbing than shopping for heels or frilly dresses.

Do you want to know your personality better? Answer the following questions in the “What kind of woman am I” test and we can tell you what kind of woman is hidden deep inside you.

Women are known to be undervalued in our patriarchal society. But women shine: in politics, in society, at work and at home. Tell women they can't do something and they will show you how well they can do it.

Whether you are that woman who likes to stand out and show boys how it's done, or that woman who likes to stay home with her kids and be a housewife, all versions of women are the right version. There is no wrong way to be a woman, and anyone who tells you otherwise is probably just intimidated by your skills.

Women come in all shapes, sizes and personalities; they are all beautiful! But what kind of woman are you? Take our test and find out!

It's hard to be a woman, no matter how old you are, where you live or what you look like. But the good news is that you have an automatic support group almost everywhere you go men will notice you. So what kind of woman are you?

Women are different - beautiful and not so, sweet and gentle, and sometimes with a heightened sense of self-esteem. Some are diplomatic, some are gentle.
There are, of course, those who are angry, tough and inconsistent. Our expert system invites you to check what kind of woman you really are. If you are a man, then you can try to answer these questions by projecting your answers onto the lady you want to evaluate.
It’s not a fact that everything will work out for you exactly, but it’s quite suitable for reflection. The results of an online test should be treated with a certain amount of humor.
A vamp woman, a coquette or innocence itself – which of these images do you think is closer to you? Find out the answer to this question right now by answering 10 simple questions in our “What kind of woman am I” test.